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[OFFICIAL] Park Seo Joon ❤️ Park Min Young【ParkPark ♥ BuBi Couple】


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1 hour ago, strymeek said:


I agree, its a safe answer. It's the same with PSJ. If they had said 'not possible' it might be insulting to the other party. This is no indication at all that they will be jumping into a relationship immediately.


If memory serves me right....I think MY did say "not possible" to one of her previous co-star 2018new_xiaoerbuyu_org.png....kekeke

59 minutes ago, MsMinnieFran said:

Okay excuse my ignorance, but could someone explain to me how showing a ticket and passport helps?


The ticket and passport will show that her mother was on the trip with her and not with Mr. Park?

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1 minute ago, MsMinnieFran said:

Okay excuse my ignorance, but could someone explain to me how showing a ticket and passport helps?


If I read it right, I think it was her mom who went to her with her passport and told her to show it to the press for them to see that her mom was her companion during those trips.


It was too much to do though and I'm glad they didn't go to that length because they don't need to explain themselves to anyone anyway :)

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Hello there, I’m not new to this thread, but I’ve never posted before. I’ve been a silent reader. And I was ok with that. Throughout the whole emission of the drama, and after the dating rumors started, and even after PSJ interview (I actually wanted to say something then but decided not to, in the end, because people were already saying what I was thiking), but today, with PMY’s interview I just couldn’t hold myself.

It’s a long post, so thank you in advance for daring to read, LOL:

I’m just gonna rant here because I’m so angry.

Thank goodness for that interview, beacuse I think this whole mess of “SCANDAL” was finally shot dead by the Queen Park Min Young. Seriously, she just shut down the haters *slow clapping*

But I’m angry. Because these stupid rumors might’ve caused that PSJ and PMY become awkward with each other, when I truly believed they were at least friends.

ARRGH!! These stupid haters ruined everything! Not only were they about to ruin both of their wonderful careers (PMY is an institution with more than a decade in the industry and PSJ has worked his richard simmons off to achieve everything he has now… he truly deserves all the praise and all the recognition and all the effing 15 CFs in one year!) and were minorizing their talent by saying that they weren’t professional on their job and by actually believing that PSJ would have the power to tell a director of a drama “hey, you have to hire her because if you don’t I won’t do the drama that you already have me signed up for” ugh! What is wrong with people?

I commented in the kokowa video that translated the mbc report and that was actually the first time I decided to comment on the matter, on any kind of platform… well, I said there that when the agencies denied the rumors that should have been the end of that. Period. Because never has a situation been more of an example on why social media can be harmful to others’ lives and reputation than now. People should be ashamed. I am ashamed. Because even if I didn’t comment anywhere (really anywhere) that day when the news broke out or after, I did think to myself “wow, they’re totally dating… and have been for 3 years! WOW”

And now, almost a week later I fully regret that thought and believe, that they never dated in the first place.

Like many shippers, I wanted to believe that there were signs, that the chemistry they have onscreen can totally become a real thing, off camera. I liked pictures and videos of them and I was hopeful… I was like “maybe in one year or two, they would announce they’re dating”, I was in delulu mode, but I wasn’t harming others. Because I didn’t harass them (PSJ and PMY) on social media and I didn’t make these silly posts with evidence and tagged them… I still can’t believe that some people did that. And they call themselves ‘fans’? wtf


And now I lost hope… because there is no way that they’re gonna work with each other again, and that really was my dream, a second drama with them. Maybe something more dramatic and intense, not so rom-com… but no, that’s not gonna happen now.

I don’t even think they’re gonna keep being friends, because, honestly, with all these attention and threats from the media (“We’re gonna keep an eye on them”) there is no way they can even meet up as friends. People would be too suspicious of them. If I was in their place, no matter how much I liked the other person, I would be scared.

Let me share my delulu and final theory with you: I think that maybe they were in a “some” stage, you know, some flirting here and there, while filming the drama. But with all this s**t there’s no way that’s happening anymore, maybe that ended already. The ship sank before getting too far. All because of the haters and media.


As for the mixed signals on both interviews: I believe that PSJ was being vague because one, that’s his private life and it’s his business and two, he was being a gentleman, not wanting to sound harsh towards PMY in front of the public by saying a definitive “NO”, plus he has said in the past that he was his fan. And of course, he likes/liked her, he’s a straight handsome man with 29 years old, and he had crazy chemistry with her, why wouldn’t he like a girl like PMY? In the case he was single, which I believe he is/was, because those drama filming schedules are CRAZY and you can’t have a relationship that way… plus, all the teasing in those bts. He was flirting.


But PMY was more straight forward in her statement. I don’t recall the exact words, correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think she, word for word, said “No, we’re not dating and I don’t like him”. But of course, that doesn’t matter and let’s not dig too much into that, because her agency already denied the whole issue. She didn’t need to repeat herself. But she denied the matter, using other words. Why? Because she was being richard simmons-shamed. Just because she dated a guy seven years ago and the media caught her (stalked her, actually). Because she is a woman, that simple, so of course she would get an even nastier treatment. That makes me even more mad than all the other stuff put together. Seriously, what year is this? 1918?


I honestly don’t know what to think anymore… I will say that I believe they’re aren’t dating anyone or each other… but some part of me, the shipper side, wants to believe that they at least like each other… but who knows, really? Only them…

What a week this has been… Secretary Kim made it to my list of favorite dramas of all time… so, I was hoping that, after the drama finished, I could rewatch the drama with a smile(miso lol) on my face and fangirl hardcore about our OTP (Young Joon and Miso) and our ParkPark Couple… but with all these ugly news, it’s been difficult, even when I focus on the good stuff…


I don’t want to finish this in a sad note, so I will finish it on a hopeful one… I will cheer on them, as actors and as people, because they deserved it, they deserve some actual sane fans. I was already a big fan of PSJ and a casual fan of PMY but now, I will cheer on them till the end and hope for the best for the two, whether they date or not.

I hope too, that this whole nasty issue is finally being put at rest. Fighting our ParkPark couple!

And thanks to whoever read this and made it till the end!!

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LOL Even before it was released I truly definitely honestly expected that her answer would be like this so I'm not really surprised. Plus the fact that we all know that it took them like 24 hrs to edit that out. What surprised me was PSJ's answer. Ever since I heard his answer I decided to either ship them or go down with this ship. My only options :D In PSJ we should trust! 

l'm really thankful that PSJ was the first one to be interviewed (maybe they talked abt this) his answer is like the foundation that we should not worry that much. If he outright denied it like before I don't think I'll be able to hold on but ofc I would forever be thankful that I have seen this drama bc it made my heart happy. 

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After reading everything...I just have one thought in my mind and that is if they do get involved in the future (which I absolutely want to happen), how do you think the Knetizens reactions would be? I got chills when I saw some pathetic knetz commented like if they dare to date each other now, they are going to ruin themselves...I am quite concerned of their reputation, their mental peace, because when something negative keeps bothering your love continuously, even the sweetest thing on earth gets to feel bitter. And after reading their interviews I sort of realized how much pained they might have felt for the last couple of days because of some weird IG posts. 


I do feel that PSJ has had grown some feelings for PMY or was quite charmed by her while working because his bodylanguage and gestures sort of matched my Bf's when we were on the flirting stage of our relationship. And guess what, I also pretended not to show much attention to his actions but was actually hell lot of enjoying to be pursued by him. Although I am not sure about PMY but, even if they have interests for each other, I am just not sure how they'll be able to preserve that sweetness when there are those hateful morons who don't know how to respect people's privacy and mutual affection. 


I know I am a shipper and I love to be a delulu but there should be a limit which some people have forgot. The actors or idols are not people's puppets and they can definitely do whatever they want. Last night I was watching that wedding bts of our OTP and sincerely felt like these two should be together because they are just too perfect for each other and it shines. If I remember correctly there was this line in WSK that even the universe wants LYJ and KMS to get married, well I wholeheartedly pray that dialogue would fit PSJ and PMY in real and both their reel and real love stories would be able to inspire generations to come. *Amen*

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I'm already preparing myself for her denial but why it feels sad and got me down.. :tears:

But I understand that she was so upset about the dating rumours that overshadowed all the hardwork given by the team.. I feel sorry for her, and glad that she can shut down the rumour because knetz start to doubt it.. 

However,, I'm not gonna leaving this ship, not right now, until one of them find their soulmate, I'll investing my time here.. 

I believe if they're destined each other, they will find a way to each other hearts..

For now I will respect their decision and keep support them individually.. 

Hopefully they can go to vacation reward together and can give us sneak peek of their happiness :)

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1 hour ago, dramamilftx said:

@BINGO_O I mirror the same sentiments. I predicted a strong denial was coming but why do I feel so sad about it?  My consolation is that her team had time to edit the interview to nail the point in. 


The BTS released at the same time as her interview. I wonder if that was also a reason why it was delayed? PSJ is definitely getting more of the backlash and makes me wonder if it was all a part of their PR strategy. If so, he’s definitely a gentleman. Now everyone has positive comments toward PMYs interview. Hopefully this will all die down and people will remember WWWSK for the great rom com it is. The two leads feel as bad as it is toward the director and cast. 


It's a normal reaction from a shipper after all. Been there, done that. First you have 100% faith in your ship  --> after the denial, you start to question what you saw, heard and believed in and wonder if you were delusional the whole time --> after a few days, sun will be bright, you will begin to believe again and no one can tell you otherwise :))


If anything can console our poor fragile shipping hearts, it would be that both of them leaving a vague reply for the possible dating in the future. Other than that, they did what they have to do at the moment, putting the rumors to rest, because this unfortunate event doesn't involve them solely but also the cast, the director, the producers whose works and effort are being questioned and overlooked. There's no point in admitting anyway. I read somewhere about Kang Dong Won's thought on him getting involved in dating rumor, it's false, he denies, it's true, he still denies. I think SJ has the same mindset. They're entitled to their privacy. Having them explain every little detail like this is considered excessive already.

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I love how PMY answered savagely the ridiculous “evidences” issue. Hahahahaha. brave and straight forward when she was answering those questions. She has a very real personality and beautiful heart. No wonder PSJ is really smitten when PMY is around. Hehehehe

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@sugohesso KNetz are bipolars. They were happy about SongSong admission after all denials in the past. 


ParkPark denied present relationship. If they do go for it in the future and marry, they can use the rumors as alibi that it made them bond and became closer and develop relationship from there. 

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18 minutes ago, potatohacker said:

LOL Even before it was released I truly definitely honestly expected that her answer would be like this so I'm not really surprised. Plus the fact that we all know that it took them like 24 hrs to edit that out. What surprised me was PSJ's answer. Ever since I heard his answer I decided to either ship them or go down with this ship. My only options :D In PSJ we should trust! 

l'm really thankful that PSJ was the first one to be interviewed (maybe they talked abt this) his answer is like the foundation that we should not worry that much. If he outright denied it like before I don't think I'll be able to hold on but ofc I would forever be thankful that I have seen this drama bc it made my heart happy. 

I agree with you. This drama made the last 2 months of our wednesdays and thursdays very happy. It's like falling in love again. And I like what you said reg PSJ. In PSJ we trust!!! Haha

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34 minutes ago, MsMinnieFran said:

Okay excuse my ignorance, but could someone explain to me how showing a ticket and passport helps?

I think her MOM told her to bring the passport with her to show  to the reporters that they traveled together during those speculated times where she was with PSJ.

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10 minutes ago, Cheryl295 said:

@sugohesso KNetz are bipolars. They were happy about SongSong admission after all denials in the past. 


ParkPark denied present relationship. If they do go for it in the future and marry, they can use the rumors as alibi that it made them bond and became closer and develop relationship from there. 

That's what I was thinking too, PMY now ready to disclose if she's romance and ready to get marry so for the next round they will probably announce their marriage and they will say after the drama they get to know each other more , fell in love and marriage :)

If both of them are impossible, they will deny immediately during the interview, now they set another passage for themselves , as shipper we are at ease to see that :)


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PSJ said that he is also more concerned on career now, doesn’t he? “My life is not my own” something like that.

Well I hope ig shippers will learn their lessons after those incidents.Making people uncomfortable, and making them to want show their “tickets or passport” isn’t good at all.

Time wil tell. 

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Hey after spending almost a week after drama end to read all the news, I think I will be back the the theory that PSJ has crush on PMY. I think I will not focus much on the interview in the newspaper after the delaying yesterday of MY’s one. I just want to be back the theory that everything belongs to SJ. Because I feel MY is not sure abt her feeling with SJ. Therefore I believe they are just in the beginning of their relationship. if SJ can do well he can touch the girl’s heart kaka

This time I think I will support PSJ. Fighting guy! Hope you will never be discourage

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Hello fellow shippers!


Am i the only one who didn't get it regarding PSJ interview? It was clear to me that he denied the dating rumors but left open the possibilities of becoming a couple. I'm kinda confused it when people say his interview was vague/ambiguous. :huh:


@Chelisey Hi. It also my first time to post on a forum like this. I just normally read everyone's two cents. Don't worry too much. As @potatohacker said, "in PSJ we trust". :D. He's definitely interested so we just have to wait patiently. And likely possible not to hear anything in the coming months but doesn't mean nothing's happening behind the scene.


I hope it's true - PMY's "No comment" reply. 




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I beg to disagree with the whole "the ball is in psj's hands" remark like why can't it be the other way around? or why don't they both be proactive with their approach?


i mean, for a relationship to be able to work fine and best is because of the two parties involved are equal in making efforts. i know that it's been like that, in our society, that the man should come front first and the lady is sitting comfortably at her reign waiting for the profession but it still works too if we switch the sequence. what i'm trying to get at is that it's not only one party who should be doing all his/her might to steal the other's heart, it should've been mutual. it should've been equal. both can profess each other's feeling to one another at the same time, both can make great efforts approaching one another thus they can meet in the middle. 


like miso, even though she said that it was lee young joon who was the first developing feelings for her but little did she know that deep down they were falling for each other at the same time, but the denials strongly clouded them, so they failed to realize that the attractions have always been from the get go. 

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33 minutes ago, sugohesso said:

After reading everything...I just have one thought in my mind and that is if they do get involved in the future (which I absolutely want to happen), how do you think the Knetizens reactions would be? I got chills when I saw some pathetic knetz commented like if they dare to date each other now, they are going to ruin themselves...I am quite concerned of their reputation, their mental peace, because when something negative keeps bothering your love continuously, even the sweetest thing on earth gets to feel bitter. And after reading their interviews I sort of realized how much pained they might have felt for the last couple of days because of some weird IG posts. 


I do feel that PSJ has had grown some feelings for PMY or was quite charmed by her while working because his bodylanguage and gestures sort of matched my Bf's when we were on the flirting stage of our relationship. And guess what, I also pretended not to show much attention to his actions but was actually hell lot of enjoying to be pursued by him. Although I am not sure about PMY but, even if they have interests for each other, I am just not sure how they'll be able to preserve that sweetness when there are those hateful morons who don't know how to respect people's privacy and mutual affection. 


I know I am a shipper and I love to be a delulu but there should be a limit which some people have forgot. The actors or idols are not people's puppets and they can definitely do whatever they want. Last night I was watching that wedding bts of our OTP and sincerely felt like these two should be together because they are just too perfect for each other and it shines. If I remember correctly there was this line in WSK that even the universe wants LYJ and KMS to get married, well I wholeheartedly pray that dialogue would fit PSJ and PMY in real and both their reel and real love stories would be able to inspire generations to come. *Amen*


This, and especially the highlighted one. The reason why I have a strong feeling about PSJ wanting her is exactly that he mirrors my boyfriend's vibe and nonverbal cues when he was still on the early stages of crushing on me and flirting with me. I too pretended not to care so much about him (even pushed him away lol) because I felt like testing his persistence on the relationship (and boy, he did persist). I can't say much about PMY though but I feel like she's the type of woman to guard her heart a bit and test out her suitor's patience due to her bad experience. I do believe, however, that they like each other already at this point.


Given this, I echo your sentiment about how the two will keep the flame alive if all eyes are on them, but like I said this will die down the moment the press releases news about someone else's dating. It just so happens that there was clamor for the drama and that they are two of the biggest stars of their age group who are on screen now. Also my gut tells me to have strong faith in PSJ because he exudes the aura that he can handle this and that he will be fighting for her. 


Also when I said that the ball is in PSJ's hands it only means that by the way they answered the question about possible dating passes on the ball to PSJ because he was the one who had the statement about the possibility and not PMY. I agree that for a relationship to work it needs equal effort from both man and woman but in this case I think more than anything else it will take great perseverance from PSJ for anything to flourish even further.


Don't get me wrong -- I love both of them and never think that PMY is just a damsel in distress waiting for her prince to woo her -- in fact I believe that she is a strong woman who can handle herself in relationships very, very well. But when dealing with women who suffered from bad experiences from previous relationships (me myself being one of them), it would take great lengths from a guy to win that woman's heart completely. I think it's just that some of us can clearly see how much PSJ is into this and personally I just want PMY to have someone who will fight for her as equally as she can and not like before where she was left fighting for a relationship by herself.

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