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[Drama 2018] Bad Papa, 배드파파 - 2018 Grimae Awards for Best Actor & Best Drama


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Jang Hyuk Is A Goofy, But Loving Dad In “Bad Papa”



Jang Hyuk is a doting father to his daughter in MBC’s “Bad Papa”!


“Bad Papa” is about Yoo Ji Cheol (played by Jang Hyuk), a man who decides to become an underground mixed martial arts fighter in order to support his family.


In the released photos, Yoo Ji Cheol spends a happy day with his daughter Yoo Young Sun (played by Shin Eun Soo). To celebrate her passing a dance audition, he takes her out to eat at a restaurant, and grins giddily while eating the meal with her. He then drops her off at school, so full of joy that he even sends her a gigantic heart pose.






Previously, Yoo Ji Cheol struggled to fulfill his role as the breadwinner in his household due to troubles with money, and made the decision to become a mixed martial arts fighter. Though he dreamt of having a happy and normal family, his wife Choi Sun Joo (played by Son Yeo Eun) and daughter Yoo Young Sun went on their own paths to pursue their dreams.


Yoo Ji Cheol also experienced the rough life of a mixed martial arts fighter on experimental medication. He faced Kim Yong Dae (played by Lee David), who was suspicious of his drug use, Joo Gook Sung (played by Jung Man Sik), a friend who offers warm advice but also secretly investigates him, and Jung Chan Joon (played by Park Ji Bin) who discovers that Yoo Ji Cheol is one of the people experimenting with the medication.





“Bad Papa” airs every Monday and Tuesday at 10 p.m. KST.


If you haven’t already, check out the latest episode below!



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Do you know that our store is a Bad Papa? Haha.. The photos are blur, but he came out from our store and laugh a little. (Caught a glimpse of Jang Hyuk). Have a nice day. 



Second OST - Oh Hyuk – Golden Goat English Translation

Send a rain shower
On my dry lips
So I can pour it in my eyes


Above my red hands
Lay the half-moon
To let my eyes follow


Golden goats
Running over
Have lost their master
And now they’re crying strangers


My back is crossing
I’m closing my eyes
I’m seeing myself lay down
And going down again


My back is crossing
I’m closing my eyes
I’m seeing myself lay down
And going down again


Golden goats
Running over
Have lost their master
And now they’re crying strangers


My back is crossing
I’m closing my eyes
I’m seeing myself lay down
And going down again


My back is crossing
I’m closing my eyes
I’m seeing myself lay down
And going down again



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A few comments on Eps 9-12.


JC and SJ: I liked that she finally told him some things she didn't like he told her (like talking about money), because maybe he'll see her point of view and understand that it's not just money that matters in life. Because they may have a better life, but both SJ and YS are still living like they used do because they are able to go on without being wealthy. JC thinks money will make them happier but his "gifts" need to have a purpose or he'll be just spending money. I hated that SJ still hasn't told JC about her writing gig. I think she didn't because she believes he'll get mad, but I think it'll be worse when he knows it. He remained calm when he found her with MW looking at his autobiography, but maybe because he was excited to show her the house and that erased his disappointment. Despite they had some small arguments, the last scene SJ/JC have together is hopeful and it seems that she really liked the new house because JC remembered how she dreamed it should be. But they are far from being ok, they still need to work out some issues they have.


JC and YS: their scenes are probably the most realistic because we can see how they care for each other. YS seems annoyed at her dad but she loves him, and her behavior is not abnormal. When JC is with her he looks like a small child because he's super giddy, and he likes to do things that make her happy. It was a nice thought for YS to run like a madwoman to the restaurant to her dad, because she knew he was lonely and hated the thought of him being alone and that he might have thought his wife stood him up.


SJ and MW: well, MW is showing is true colors finally. He's full of resentment towards JC because he feels cheated, but he also seems to be planning a revenge on SJ because she was captured by JC and not him. SJ is finally realizing thanks to her sister too, that MW doesn't have pure intentions with her. Yes, he's helped her out, but he wants more but not sincerely. He probably just wants SJ to fall for him because he's helping her achieve her dreams, see JC get mad and probably throw his new-career in the trash because he can't stand it, then leave her. Or maybe he wants to keep her just to tell JC that his wife left him. I wonder if SJ's book is bad and he paid the editor to publish it by making someone polishing it out so it would be a good product. Maybe he's making her think her writing is awesome when truthfully, SJ is just awerage like the people who bought her novel said? I think that when this novel will be published the pics the thug took of her and MW will also come out and stir things up.


CEO of Z-Drop and the thugs: I don't know why, but I felt that the CEO and the thugs were connected. After all, the CEO went to the gambling parlor to scout for new fighters, so maybe he and the thugs have a "collaboration" where he gets the talented guys and they do something illegal for him as his minions. Maybe if they are indeed the ones who got JC to be banned from the league, this stint was before they collaborated? Who knows. Because imo the guy we see in the flashback could also be the elder thug. One thing is sure: they will try to keep the MW/SJ misunderstanding pics hush-hush because they know that JC will lose his focus if he sees them. So far it seems the CEO looks genuine, but from the way he talks to JC he may be also deceiving him. Perhaps if he's the cause of JC's fall, he's trying to atone by helping him now since after all he's good.


President Jeong et all: by seeing how the evil president was looking at YS on tv I realized how brain-damaged he is. We understood that he has been treated badly by his dead father and it's a resul of his evilness. He thinks of himself as super powerful, but his big security guard doesn't seem to agree with his boss when it comes to harm people. I guess he just cut the hands of the man who died because he wasn't the one who had killed him in the first place. He follows his boss' orders and he wants to survive, so I think he'll question JC about why he lied to them regarding his identity. I don't believe he's gonna take him to the lab just yet because after all they took his blood and he wasn't fit for the test, so he doesn't know he could actually be valuable... unless he is aware that a bottle of blue pills is missing and he may think he was the one who took it. The big security guy seems to be a fan of MMA and he saw JC's videos, maybe he suspects something.

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6 hours ago, purplebass said:

 I wonder if SJ's book is bad and he paid the editor to publish it by making someone polishing it out so it would be a good product. Maybe he's making her think her writing is awesome when truthfully, SJ is just awerage like the people who bought her novel said? I think that when this novel will be published the pics the thug took of her and MW will also come out and stir things up.




No, MW won't get someone to polish SJ's book because she will spot the differences once she reads her own book. Most probably he will just use his own money to buy up all her books after it's published to make her think that her writing is so good, which of coz we know, is not true.


6 hours ago, purplebass said:

The big security guy seems to be a fan of MMA and he saw JC's videos, maybe he suspects something.


At the ending of ep 12, he knew JC was the guy who came to he laboratory earlier using the fake name Kim YS.


New still



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7 hours ago, Prettysup said:

At the ending of ep 12, he knew JC was the guy who came to he laboratory earlier using the fake name Kim YS.

Yes, I wrote it in my comment. My concern was if he and his boss knew that the 36th pills container was missing like the younger Doctor noticed. They may think JC lied about his identity to steal the pills or something... because it's all connected with his newfound fighter glory, and Director Park (the big security guard) follows MMA and he may suspect the pills have something to do with his strength. I don't think he is going to take JC to the lab just yet because taking him there would mean dealing with president Jeong as well, and director Park is a good minion but I don't think he's completely heartless like his boss, so he may give JC a warning or something... for now. (Maybe that's why we see JH with crutches in those bts pics?)


The pills' issue made me think if Doctor Cha and his lab only chose subjects who were diagnosed with incurable illnesses, and JC doesn't have anything life-threatening so he wasn't fit for the test since he was OK. They said that the guy who died would have died anyway because he had a brain tumor. Maybe they needed such subject to test if SF-3 could be able to cure his illness. We also see his daughter is ill and she had a bottle of blue pills with her, but probably she hasn't took one yet. The dead guy entered the clinical trial for the money that he could use to help his daughter with therapy, but when he noticed the pills, he stole them because he may have known what they were for, since the news report advertised about SF-3 and the fact that it could possibly cure degenerating diseases like the one his daughter probably has. Now I wonder why he gave a bottle to JC if those pills could help his daughter, but maybe the bottle we saw his daughter hold is the one the lab gave to him, while the one he gave to JC is the stolen one from the lab shelf that's missing from the inventory.

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3 hours ago, purplebass said:


Yes, I wrote it in my comment. My concern was if he and his boss knew that the 36th pills container was missing like the younger Doctor noticed. They may think JC lied about his identity to steal the pills or something... because it's all connected with his newfound fighter glory, and Director Park (the big security guard) follows MMA and he may suspect the pills have something to do with his strength. I don't think he is going to take JC to the lab just yet because taking him there would mean dealing with president Jeong as well, and director Park is a good minion but I don't think he's completely heartless like his boss, so he may give JC a warning or something... for now. (Maybe that's why we see JH with crutches in those bts pics?)


The pills' issue made me think if Doctor Cha and his lab only chose subjects who were diagnosed with incurable illnesses, and JC doesn't have anything life-threatening so he wasn't fit for the test since he was OK. They said that the guy who died would have died anyway because he had a brain tumor. Maybe they needed such subject to test if SF-3 could be able to cure his illness. We also see his daughter is ill and she had a bottle of blue pills with her, but probably she hasn't took one yet. The dead guy entered the clinical trial for the money that he could use to help his daughter with therapy, but when he noticed the pills, he stole them because he may have known what they were for, since the news report advertised about SF-3 and the fact that it could possibly cure degenerating diseases like the one his daughter probably has. Now I wonder why he gave a bottle to JC if those pills could help his daughter, but maybe the bottle we saw his daughter hold is the one the lab gave to him, while the one he gave to JC is the stolen one from the lab shelf that's missing from the inventory.


Aha you may be right about the daughter thingee, so he gave her one bottle because of her illness. But was there only one bottle missing? I thought there were 3 or 4 missing. Did the lab actually gave him a bottle to bring out? Coz if the effects are so bad, I would think they wont allow anyone to bring out  a single pill from the lab.


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@Prettysup The guy made it sound as if the doctors gave the pills to him to try before the next test, but it sounded weird since it's a clinical trial and the effects of the medicine need to be observed. It was coincidence he and JC needed to take the bus at the same stop, or not? But I think the guy was more desperate to save his daughter and he didn't have hidden intentions when he gave those pills to JC. Perhaps he had taken more than a bottle of pills but then was sorry that JC wasn't admitted to do the trial and he gave the pills to him? Although this sounds crazy because I wouldn't take pills I don't know what will do to my body from a stranger. lol. Maybe JC tried the pills just because he believed they were a nutritional supplement...? Those are usually considered "secure" since they are just vitamins, magnesium and other stuff that helps the person feel stronger. And unless somebody is allergic to ingredients contained in that specific nutritional supplement, they can be taken for long periods of time without creating issues - unlike other medicines.

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