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[Drama 2018] Tomorrow Is Sunny as Well / Sunny Again Tomorrow, 내일도 맑음


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18 minutes ago, darr said:

She actually looked innocently adorable while happily asking those questions.

My poor boy just couldn't take his eyes off her.

He was only seeing her mouth. It's daily drama else the camera would have projected her lips out very well. 

The guy was lost actually:lol:. I love  good kiss scenes especially with actors that have undeniable chemistry


@darr  They do have great chemistry, she has totally won the jackpot. HG is so in love with her that , he will always want to give her the world. When she ask for a hug he gives it to her, when she needs cheering up they do the hand signal. 

I loved HN's reaction to when Han Kyul did the signal to her in today's episode. Her eyes actually landed on his lips.  I can't wait for them to fall even more in love with each other. :wub::wub::wub::heart:

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Hello chingus! Just passing by.


Oh my gosh! What a great way to end the week! I am clapping like a seal, screaming my head off and my brother looking at me like I was crazy (well I am). I better catch up to the episodes. I want to replay that scene over and over again. :wub:

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45 minutes ago, mqiuwen said:

@darr, @UnniSarah :wub: The fact that they look alike and have such a great chemistry, makes me wonder if they're dating in real life. If they are, their kisses and sweet scenes will come out even better. :w00t:

@mqiuwen  Since everyone loves the kiss scene ,  I will GIF the scene on my day off. Will be way to busy to do it on Saturday... :bawling::bawling:  

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45 minutes ago, xiashenghan said:

Hello chingus! Just passing by.


Oh my gosh! What a great way to end the week! I am clapping like a seal, screaming my head off and my brother looking at me like I was crazy (well I am). I better catch up to the episodes. I want to replay that scene over and over again. :wub:

We all are crazy we have to be to think these plots are normal. :joy:

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6 hours ago, mocmoc272 said:


@darr Haha, you are right!


I follow both Justin (HG) and Rina (HN) on Instagram and I noticed that they had stopped commenting and liking each other’s post for the past few weeks. However, Rina liked two of Justin’s most recent posts and left a comment yesterday :wub: It makes sense now that they’d be feeling more close especially after doing a kiss scene! I’ve noticed that a lot of actors/actresses who are a couple in dramas tend to signal upcoming romance scenes (unintentionally) by their behaviour on instagram :lol:

I think Seol In A is aware of Ji Hyung's fans. She knows he has a lot international fans. Do you ever noticed she did upload a video of her having meal together with PD-nim, Ji Hyung and Seung Lee(JiEun) around May I think, but then she deleted it. Then, she upload a pic of her with JiHyung(around June) with a bear sticker covered on their faces, but also deleted it last month. I really wonder why.

Of course we do not know how much they close in real life or do they interact a lot behind the scene? From what I know JiHyung becoming a close friend to Robin(Leo). And he is also sometimes like and commenting on Seung Lee's pic. Ooo yes! I suddenly remember JiHyung's stylist has took a pic together with Seung Lee and they look quite close.

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7 minutes ago, meoooooowwww said:

I think Seol In A is aware of Ji Hyung's fans. She knows he has a lot international fans. Do you ever noticed she did upload a video of her having meal together with PD-nim, Ji Hyung and Seung Lee(JiEun) around May I think, but then she deleted it. Then, she upload a pic of her with JiHyung(around June) with a bear sticker covered on their faces, but also deleted it last month. I really wonder why.

Of course we do not know how much they close in real life or do they interact a lot behind the scene? From what I know JiHyung becoming a close friend to Robin(Leo). And he is also sometimes like and commenting on Seung Lee's pic. Ooo yes! I suddenly remember JiHyung's stylist has took a pic together with Seung Lee and they look quite close.

I think both Seol In Ah and Jin Ju Hyung are close. During the drama's press conference, I think she was asked about how she felt working with him. She mentioned that she discovered they both attended the same high school and that she was glad they had such a connection. This made it easier for them to work well together. 

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7 hours ago, angelwingssf said:

I liked his outfit but it would have looked better with a different shirt.  Red to match her blouse would bring out the beauty on his face.  I agree, that dark colors suit him better.  :heart:


I think coz the jacket/ suit looks too big for him, like the wardrobe p.i.c gave HG a size too big for HG...

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I cant help but noticing the DG's dad - JH's progress. 


I know that Koreans place seniority above all.. which is why JH's mom is placed high in the family's status. She's the most senior, the elderly in the family, so automatically she is the head of the household. Even if the main breadwinner in the family is the son (2nd generation), the head of the family is still whoever the most senior. 


I guess this is what makes Korean culture slightly different than other Asian cultures when it comes to their elderly. In other countries, such as China or Japan, respect and honor for their elderly is valued so practice care and kindness towards seniors is normal in life.

The same goes to Korea, with a slight twist. Even if you're older by one year, you still have to respect the 'elderly'.. it's very literal. I agree that we have to treat our elderly or whoever senior than us with respect and kindness. However, being more senior does not mean being the one who is always right. 


JH's mother as the most senior the most respected in the family should have done as what we expected her to be, as the sound of reason and wisdom. But.. she's more childish than her own daughter. She wouldn't acknowledge her wrongs and dislike someone based on his appearance (face looking like a bandit? Why, her own daughter and granddaughter's look just fine, yet they are more bandit than a bandit). JH's mom rejects JH's request for her blessing to let her marry DG's dad because of her ridiculous reasons.


Wouldn't someone older with a more experience in life think that there is more to it than a physical appearance or job titles? Or as someone who lost a husband, wouldn't she feel the need to be happy to have someone to spend the rest of their lives together? As long as JH is happy and loved by this man, who is she to deny her own daughter's happiness. Tsk tsk tsk.... this is why I don't agree with this side of Korean culture. Being senior does not mean their words have to be taken as a holy grail. We should respect, honor, and be kind to our senior/elderly, but not making them automatically as the 'authority'. 


And the way her family attacks her on DG's dad.. OMG... this is what always happens, not only in Kdrama .. but in life too. 


Btw, for HN Apparel blouses, I like the white one.. the pink one should be nicer if the ribbon is with different color, black for example. 


Wait.. did I forget anything ;) ... The KISS! Of course, what a great surprise... totally unexpected! She's a bit drunk but I guess still fully conscious. The moment HG's head swopped in, there's this look on HN's face, as if she's surprised a bit scared but curious at the same time. The fact that she didn't reject even 'participate' in the kiss is a positive answer even if she's drunk. :rolleyes:


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Hwang mopes in her bedroom.  Then she stumbles across a drawing Park made and has an epiphany.


Hwang runs to Park’s office and confesses her heart.  They embrace.  Hwang weeps.  Park is like, have I crossed a rRubicon?


Park Sr. wears a “refrigerator shirt” identical to one my wife bought for me.


Park Sr. importunes Yoon to live in sin with him.  She’s like, Yes, Let’s!   They embrace.  The Father looks somewhat more confident than his Son.


Park sits in gis courtyard and giggles to himself as his Father returns home.  They exchange news of their romantic achievements.


The Parks celebrate by drinking beer.  Park Sr. explains Yoon’s tragic backstory to his Son.  His Son is ok with he and Yoon shacking up.


Yoon happily lies in bed and remembers Park Sr.’s invitation.  Tomorrow morning she will realize that she has to explain all of this to Halmoni.


Park and Hwang lie in their respective beds and talk on their phones.  She tells him she is Sleepless in Sepul.




Yoon talks with Halmoni in her bedroom.  Halmoni notices that  Yoon is happy and asks her if she needs medicine.


Yoon leaves for work without imparting any news to Halmoni.


Hwang happily charges into her office to begin another day of work and her Boss wonders why she is acting weird.  Lee is like, What’s the meaning of this?


Hwang arrives to take Park to lunch.  Kang and her team take notice.


Ha!!  Hwang has brought lunch boxes for everyone.  Kang’s team eats up while Kang wonders why Hwang is acting weird.


Hwang glances at Kang and looks like the cat who ate three canaries.


When Kang notices that no one has died, she takes her first bite.


Kang mentions that she needs to go to the Shopping Network today for a meeting.  Hwang is like, Great!  I’ll drive you.  Kang, she lay low.


Hwang receives a call from Park as she drives back to the Shopping Network.  In the passenger seat, Kang takes notice.   To Hwang’s delight and Kang’s consternation, Park does not realize that he is on speaker phone and speaks frankly.


When they reach the Shopping Network, Hwang returns to form and spits bile.  Kang feels like the frog who helped the scorpion cross the river.


Ha!  Hwang tells Kang that she really loves Lee and Kang had better stay away from him.  Park has been menaged a troised despite himself.


Kang tries and fails to keep her mind on her business meeting with Lee.


Lee ridicules Kang’s Love Voodoo  Bracelet:  Everyone knows they don’t work and if it does work, I’ll be angry.


Park Sr. and Yoon play hooky from their jobs in a sauna.


Elsewhere in the Sauna, Halmoni and a friend are soaking in the steam.


As Yoon and Park Sr. approach Halmoni Yoon notices in the nick of time and Yoon and Park Sr. cower in a corner.  Park Sr. is like, WTF?


Park  gambols in a field with Hwang, like a lamb before the slaughter.


Halmmoni, Hwang’s Mother and Yoon eat fruit in their livingroom at the end of the day.  Halmoni wants Yoon to go on a blind date with her sauna friend’s son.


Yoon tells Halmoni that actually she has met a man she plans to move in with.  Halmoni is as delighted as you would expect.


As Dawg lounges in his Clark Gable pajamas, his wife enters their bedroom and gives him the news about Yoon.  He immediately flashes on his memories of Yoon and Park Sr. together.  As his wife rattles on, Dawg looks like someone has knocked the wind out of him.


Kang’s Mother tells her daughters about her new student.  Kang’s Sister is down with the House Husband concept.


Lee’s Father watches a sports event on tv but his wife turns it off and gives him his list of chores for tomorrow.


Park stis in his bedroom and reviews recent events.  He is literally in the dark.




Hwang and her Mother plot before they leave for work.  Hwang’s Mother is worried that since Yoon;s new boyfriend has a Son, Yoon might list him as her offspring on her family register.  She is frustrated that her daughter doesn’t realize that Yoon’s fortune is slipping through her fingers.


Park Sr. tells Yoon that his Son and his girlfriend will meet them in the shop after work.  What could go wrong?


Park Sr. is surprised when Yoon tells him she screwed up her courage and told Halmoni.


Lee arrives at Kang’s office and pitches in to help she and her team overcome their latest crisis.


Dawg stands in Park Sr.’s shop for a long time and regards Park Sr. severely.  Park Sr. asks Dawg why he is acting weird.  Dawg tells him.  Park Sr. tells Dawg to remove his nose from his tent.


As Park Sr. and Dawg move their discussion to the hallway, Park and Hwang arrive.  Dawg sputters while Hwang wishes she could be elsewhere.


The Parks and Hwangs eat dinner in a restaurant.  Dawg is cheerful but not really.


In their bedroom, Dawg tries to break the news to his wife by telling her a parable.  When she tries to wrap her head around Dawg’s hypothetical, her head begins to hurt.  Anyway, she’s sure it’s illegal.


Lee and Kang have a drink after work and discuss unrequited love.  Hypothetically, of course.


When Lee walks Kang home he confesses his heart.


Then Lee tears off Kang’s Love Voodoo Bracelet, Korean Cave Man Style.


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What exactly does the white band that grandma put on her forehead means? Does it has anything to do with her opposing JG and JH's relationship? I think I've seen it every now and then on K-dramas, but haven't figured out the meaning behind it.... :sweatingbullets:

I felt bad for JG and JH. Not only because of JH's mom disapproving, but because I didn't expect JG to find out about the complicated relationship between DG, JE, JH and himself. JG is probably going to sacrifice his relationship with JH for his son's sake. What a bummer! :(

As for HG and HN, all I have to say is :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

I want to thank the writer-nim and pd-nim for giving us such an amazing gift at the end of this week! :kiss_wink:. To be honest, I never expected a kiss this early, especially when they haven't "officially" started dating. I just hope that the kisses don't stop like in some other dramas, where they only kissed twice (once in the beginning and another one at the end). I mean, even JE and DG have kissed twice (including the peck shown on Monday's episode preview), so it's only fair that our OTP do the same or more. :tounge_wink:

Anyway, I think I'm gonna rewatched this entire's week episodes and will continue to check on this thread while waiting for Monday to come. I just can't get enough of HG and HN scenes. :joy:


PS.. I think President Kim and K1 Shopping Team Leader will end up together at the end of the drama :yum:

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11 minutes ago, mqiuwen said:



PS.. I think President Kim and K1 Shopping Team Leader will end up together at the end of the drama :yum:


LOL... Co-CEO is too old for that Team leader... Maybe the Co-CEO can be with AE...? If i am not mistaken, Co-CEO was once friends with SR's dad right......?  Too bad Leo is married, i'll have paired him with SR....


I won't want to pair JE's brother with SR coz i reallyyyy don't want JE and her immediate family to be link with HN (aside from SH is JH's younger sister) when all is said and done when the evil doe evilness has been exposed. I would really love it JE & family be banish and they had no choice but to move back to SH's MIL in the country side.

On the other hand, HN will have 2 mothers, one step brother and 1 sister with the grandma doting on her. And a husband that loves her to bits and pieces and her in-laws loves her too.... 


If they wanna do a 6 years later, at HN's and  HG's son's 5th birthday party where JE just got out of prison, she'll come and apologies AFTER she did her 5 years prison time, sure, i'll be okay with this.... 

(JE was sentence to 5 years for  manslaughter for trying to harm HN when JE finds out that HN is preggers with HG's kid...)

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28 minutes ago, mqiuwen said:

What exactly does the white band that grandma put on her forehead means?

@mqiuwen   Anyone wearing the white bandanna on forehead is a sign of Stress. I think they wear it when someone upset so badly they get sick. Stress to the point of fainting. 

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