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[Drama 2018-2019] Memories of the Alhambra | Recuerdos de la Alhambra, 알함브라 궁전의 추억


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After 6 eps, I'm still hooked on this drama. 


I have to say though, I need to be well-rested and alert when I watch a new ep. 


The AR game scenes are surprisingly tense and I get scared when I hear the guitar song softly playing in the background. I'm also not really a horror genre fan, so I had to be determined to watch every scene (to support Hyun Bin...). 


PSH is a good actress but I think she is very "under-the-radar" in her acting. She allows the male lead to shine more, and doesn't steal the scene so much, as compared to Song Hye Kyo, for example. PSH is consistent, beautiful and strong, but more mellow in her presence. It's relatively new for me, as I don't actively watch her drama, and my preference is for dramas with dominant actresses.


I agree with the comments that HB has grown since his last drama, he is indeed worldly and charismatic for MOA, after his many lead roles in movies. 


I'm also surprised by his action scenes. I gave him a lot of attention in his early career but dropped his drama (particularly because I didn't like Secret Garden...)


The show was advertised as overseas love romance in Spain, hostel owner and hardworking girl falling in love with CEO of IT. When it turned into AR sci-fi drama, I was intrigued. I was also interested in the missing youth programmer. When it started to go into horror, I continued watching because of the good acting. 


My only gripe with the plot so far is... give me more romance scenes. Right now, they are like a wounded Sherlock Holmes and Watson team, companions on a computer quest (even though PSH doesn't really consciously know about it). It will be great if there was a strong romance thread to sustain the plot through the episodes.


Also, personal secretary role seems suspicious. Personal Secretary should know all about CEO, but most of the time he disappears and also doesn't communicate with HB at all. It's almost like the plot just has a hole there, so that PSH can conveniently "nurse" HB from the lack of information between personal secretary and HB. 


Teenage angsty girl has the best chemistry with HB. What a surprise. HB's character also isn't so guarded towards little girl, so their scenes are surprisingly lovely to watch.


Overall, I'm still committed to watch it, but a little uncomfortably due to the scary aspect of the game scenes. 

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I m seeing many people are asking "why PSH cried so much". Won't you all be sad if someone whom you liked is going away, and the thing is you don't even know whether you will meet him again? Knowing all this will you expect her to have party and enjoy her Birthday?


Remember JW was the first person who told HJ to start playing guitar again, playing guitar was her love and passion. Her whole family moved to granada just to make HJ dream come true. Sadly due to her family issues she had to leave her dream of playing guitar. It's a BIG thing to her. 


1. JW saved her from her family problem by buying the hostel. Remember HJ was talking to her friend in spanish about selling the hostel, and her friend suggested her to reduce the cost a little. So obviously JW was like SAVIOUR to HJ. 

2. JW was the one who suggested her not to give up on guitar and to keep playing. I think this is when she fell for him. I mean she kind of LIKED HIM.

3. Remember in the guitar shop, she remembers what JW told her in airport. It was a reminder to her, and she started searching for JW in google. I think she already fell for him there and missed him. 

4. haha andJW is handsome. Even though his character was rude, he gradually changed his behavior and was nice to HJ , we all know he's just using her, but poor HJ doesn't.


Lastly, have you guys never fell in love at first sight? and over her she liked someone whom she met 2 days before, so there is a HIGH chance.  In love you just do things emotionally , it doesn't mean HJ is weak. Just put yourself in her spot , the only lacking thing is we still didn't hear from HJ point of view. Till now we are hearing the story from JW point of view and clearly we know he still hasn't fallen for her. Who knows?


I was just confused by all the questions people were asking about PSH crying to much. I seriously don't understand. I am fully enjoying this slow burning romance between them !! 


In most of the dramas, i have never seen PSH playing a role where she likes the guy first and showing this much emotion. It was always the other way round. So i'm totally enjoying and loving.  I hope there will be more romance scenes between them <3


Sorry for ranting you all, i just wanted to talk seeing so many questions.

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i'm a psh fan but i think the same thing now i had imagined it with a very different array of psh but unlucky yet it also frustrated me to arrive with the crying series. I wish I had read a series of reads before he read so he began to receive many reactions because I'm still watching the series but only because the series is different.

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On 12/17/2018 at 2:04 AM, lovehbhjw2013 said:


I agree, HJ is just a simply and caring person.  Her only complexity in life is being the sole bread winner of her family which also develops her as a responsible and caring person for her family.   She has a kind heart and feel grateful to JW for her windfall that solved her financial issues.  However, when she saw JW suffering and going crazy, she wanted to return him the money and hoped that everything would resume back to normal...she linked his spates of bad luck to that transaction of buying her bonita hostel(?) which seemed unrelated.   So HJ is just simply cute and sweet in nature.....a breath of fresh air for JW who has been meeting the wrong type of women not suited for him and unfortunately married them wrongly too....   But I am really glad he met HJ.   


SJ behaved too much like a victim, as if JW has always been giving her the shorter end of the stick but I believed he loved her before......perhaps he really neglected her emotionally but still it did not give her the right to betray the trust in a marriage.  Even her father-in-law was still fuming mad with her messing around with both good friends, their business and in the end his son's life went into it as well from his POV. 


The second wife was like someone he married in a fit of spitefulness to spite his friend and his ex-wife but in the end, he was on the losing end himself.  


I actually enjoyed the tempo of Ep 5 and 6 for me to slowly think through things.  I think this repeated attack from the zombie Cha was worthwhile for us to understand how JW slowly learned how to deal with him.  The attacks were relevant because each time we heard his inner thoughts when the attack happened.   I felt his horror of living like that....constantly being pursuit by an enemy.  I cannot help but think this is a good way of sharing what game addiction is all about.  Obviously, his opponent was "addicted" to the game and bent on killing him whenever he could even if there was a real motive to kill him...it was done through the "fun" of a game.   And to drive one to think that he was crazy was another horror to me.


I don't know all the answers to explain this strange phenomenon that JW is going through but the story really sets one thinking about many things.  So I must say I am still enjoying the drama a lot.  And of course the possible start of a romance between the two is starting to flutter my heart too.   It's not just a regular romance but a romance of hardships and difficulties that they would go through together to solve this MOA mystery seems exciting to me...


HJ's sis is really an important character, she gives out so many tips of info so relevant for us to know...so I like her for her precociousness. 


Prof Cha is such a serious character but I like his presence to add more mystery to the story....Is he really a caring uncle and father only or more? The way he tried to cover everything up for JW now appeared that he wanted to clear JW of any possible murder but it's quite odd considering the person who died was his son.  So he is definitely enigmatic.


SJ touched her pregnant tummy with some amount of angst in her when her father-in-law hinted at her for a no-autopsy option.   So would she grow to hate JW even more in days to come, never knowing what was JW's involvement in her husband's death?   I feel even more resentment growing in her for JW, not just a baby growing in her.    So is she going to be a time bomb which would explode in time to come?   *shivers* for JW.


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My sentiments exactly. Thank you for putting it into words. I’m more on the romance side of the story and I love how their romance is progressing so far. It is not rushed. JW has to survive first before he goes into sorting out his feelings with HJ. That’s the last thing on his agenda considering the difficult situation he’s in at the moment. I’m more inspired with the 7 ep preview. JW, in Korea, now that his life is back to normal (I want to think so) haven’t totally forgotten HJ. They met again.  

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20 minutes ago, nefartum_29 said:

i'm a psh fan but i think the same thing now i had imagined it with a very different array of psh but unlucky yet it also frustrated me to arrive with the crying series. I wish I had read a series of reads before he read so he began to receive many reactions because I'm still watching the series but only because the series is different.

Why should you frustrated with psh crying scene. That just an acting scene from writer told her to do. I don't understand people. Why should ask about crying scene. That just acting from script. Not PSH real self.  Why should bother from that. 

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Oh my gosh, I’m so with you. Shin Hye’s character is of a gentle spirit as reiterated by her male friend, a far cry from her last character in Doctors and her previous ones. She’d been through a messy mixed roller coaster kind of emotions for the first 6 eps. She went from self pity when JW lashed at her to wonder when she learned he’s a very famous and powerful one that deserves to be respected to awe, gratefulness and growing admiration when he saved her financially to guilt and too much sense of responsibility when she realized his predicament happened after he acquired her dilapidated hostel to pity for his plight and pains and to top it all, to her growing love  on him. I think I understand why HJ cried a lot and why her character is kind of low keyed compared to Hyun Bin’s cynical, ruthless CEO kind of character. That makes  her more special compared to all the other girls in JW’s life. 

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@ash011 I have no complaints about her crying, either. From HJ's point of view, all of her reactions are logical. As you said, this guy saved them financially, plus he keeps sending signals that most people would interpret as romantic. She also feels responsible for him because he fell in her hostel, AND he keeps asking for her. Plus, weird, freaky things are going on inside his head, which are frightening. And she also got trashed by wife #2, who he doesn't like, either. So I think that all of her reactions are completely rational and logical from  her point of view. 


Thus far I don't think he is even thinking of romance (I don't even feel that he is slowly falling in love without recognizing it--he is too busy trying to evade Zombie Ex-Friend.) But I do think that at some point, he will have that headspace free, and then he will realize all that she has been doing for him (and how that is so different than the other women he's known). And then I think the romance angle will kick in.


I like PSH's character so far, and I like her acting. I just wish her character was more active. This writer did Nine and also W. In W, Oh Yeon Joo fully knew what was going on and was an equal participant with the male lead in all of the weirdness and action. I LOVED that, it was one of the more evenly matched OTPs in that regard that I can think of in dramaland. In Nine, though, the female lead, Joo Min Young, only figured out the story towards the end. She was more of a prop? It drove me nuts because everything in the time travel affected her enormously, but no one bothered to fill her in. So I really, REALLY hope this one leans more towards the W approach. My greatest hope for the coming set of episodes is that she figures out what is going on and gets actively involved.

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45 minutes ago, DOCDOC said:

Why should you frustrated with psh crying scene. That just an acting scene from writer told her to do. I don't understand people. Why should ask about crying scene. That just acting from script. Not PSH real self.  Why should bother from that. 

I'm not uncomfortable with it, just a lot of people bothered. I wanted to see it as a strong woman. but he chose to return as a weakly dominant woman. He didn't write the script,i wish i had read the script, it would be better but I think it would have been great if he hadn't read it. Most people were questioning his acting. A little better had to be in other TV series. so it just repeats itself.

Edited by nefartum_29
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Since everybody is trying to figure out whether PSH's character has any depth or will she be reduced to being a doormat, here are my two cents..:)

The only show that I watched of PSH is Heirs(and of HB's Secret Garden), so they are like on equal footing to me. And that's why I was excited to see their pairing. Character wise, its obvious that HB's JinWoo does have a tad bit more weightage and I suppose its natural since the show is all about technology and games. PSH is doing a fine job, I mean she is doing what is being directed to her. And neither do I find HJ's actions out of place. People were saying about the last crying scene, well, it was JW who sent her flowers and she herself questioned as why did he sent flowers when he is not interested in talking? Also, she was guilty that instead of helping a 'deranged' person, she went out to party; and then suddenly he left without even a proper goodbye. I guess guilt, sadness plus the sudden loss of so-called 'magic' made her cry(the magic in HJ's case is love..its already established)..yes the intensity of crying could have been reduced, but who cares its dramaland!

Now, does her character have any depth? As of now, she is any other K-drama heroine who fell for 'the wolf'.. Her real challenge will begin once 'the big truth' is revealed that both her brother and her potential love interest have actually gone bonkers due to some random game which went haywire. I want to see PSH's acting at that moment, because that will determine her acting capabilities..I hope she will not disappoint.

Also, I do believe that the writer does have more for PSH in store otherwise she would have not introduced 'Emma's' character in the game/drama. What I don't want to believe is that HJ would remain in dark till the very end, that would be unfair to her. 

Lastly, when I think again, I suppose its actually better for our viewers sanity that at least HJ is still in the 'real world',..I could actually differentiate between the two worlds because of her. Plus, its also too early for her character to jump in the NPC brigade that we have..at least someone should remain 'real' and sane till the end!(because people were saying that she should start playing the game)


PS. Is it only me or CHS was actually affected by JW's words in the bathroom? He seemed to be moved..:crazy:

Edited by siddy09
added a point
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Sometimes I want a situation to be different than it is, because I detect a misdirection.
But I almost never want a character to be otherwise than he is. Even a hateful character. Besides, I don't hate hateful characters, in fact, I like to hate them.
Indeed, the character of Park Shin Hye can be a sensitive, weak woman, I find it beautiful as long as it fits her character well, and she is well incarnated. And I have to say, she cries really well. I love it! I don't need a strong woman at any price, and if it turns out that she is not a strong woman in the rest of the drama, and she keeps crying like a poor girl, that will suit me very well.

After "W", my second favorite drama is "Liar game". (the original Japanese version, of course). I have always read negative comments about Kanzaki Nao, the main female character. Accused of being useless (she rarely solves riddles), whiny and fearful (she suffers all the dirt), excessively stupid (she is superhumanly naive), and irritating (her motivations often make the hero's plans fail.). Next to that, Park Shin hye's little tears are really a mouse's pee in the ocean.
Everything the heroine is accused of is indeed true. And yet, his character is so touching, and totally essential to the drama. It is through her that the emotion of this really very cerebral story comes from. The emotion, the morality, the thrill, the meaning. She is the necessary complementarity of the story. It is because of its existence that we end up crying, during one of the final scenes of season 1.


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6 hours ago, ash011 said:



I m seeing many people are asking "why PSH cried so much". Won't you all be sad if someone whom you liked is going away, and the thing is you don't even know whether you will meet him again? Knowing all this will you expect her to have party and enjoy her Birthday?


Remember JW was the first person who told HJ to start playing guitar again, playing guitar was her love and passion. Her whole family moved to granada just to make HJ dream come true. Sadly due to her family issues she had to leave her dream of playing guitar. It's a BIG thing to her. 


1. JW saved her from her family problem by buying the hostel. Remember HJ was talking to her friend in spanish about selling the hostel, and her friend suggested her to reduce the cost a little. So obviously JW was like SAVIOUR to HJ. 

2. JW was the one who suggested her not to give up on guitar and to keep playing. I think this is when she fell for him. I mean she kind of LIKED HIM.

3. Remember in the guitar shop, she remembers what JW told her in airport. It was a reminder to her, and she started searching for JW in google. I think she already fell for him there and missed him. 

4. haha andJW is handsome. Even though his character was rude, he gradually changed his behavior and was nice to HJ , we all know he's just using her, but poor HJ doesn't.


Lastly, have you guys never fell in love at first sight? and over her she liked someone whom she met 2 days before, so there is a HIGH chance.  In love you just do things emotionally , it doesn't mean HJ is weak. Just put yourself in her spot , the only lacking thing is we still didn't hear from HJ point of view. Till now we are hearing the story from JW point of view and clearly we know he still hasn't fallen for her. Who knows?


I was just confused by all the questions people were asking about PSH crying to much. I seriously don't understand. I am fully enjoying this slow burning romance between them !! 


In most of the dramas, i have never seen PSH playing a role where she likes the guy first and showing this much emotion. It was always the other way round. So i'm totally enjoying and loving.  I hope there will be more romance scenes between them <3


Sorry for ranting you all, i just wanted to talk seeing so many questions.


A different opinion : JW might rub of as creepy if he was not goodlooking, charismatic HB. Hahaha


JW suddenly told HJ to keep on playing the guitar. How did he know HJ played the guitar? Ans: From a game character. Wasnt it weird to her that JW suddenly knew? 


He became instantly nice to her and then suddenly requested to buy her house after being such a jerk. Remember this happened in a day. This should have raised flags for HJ. But maybe she was in dire need of money, so i'll accept and just roll with it. The toilet scene was funny at first, then the toilet door scene happened which i find unnecessary but i'll just roll with it too.


When she ran up instead of down when she saw something fell from the top floor was quite a facepalm moment. Priorities. 


I dont mind PSH, i only watch a select few of her dramas. i liked her in Flower Boy Next Door. I'm just not much a fan of HJ as of yet. In FBND, her character was a total wallflower but had more presence than HJ. 


HJ crying when she saw JW's distraught condition was kinda understandable to some extent. Some people do cry easily, some even cry when watching dramas hahaha. 

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5 hours ago, nefartum_29 said:

I'm not uncomfortable with it, just a lot of people bothered. I wanted to see it as a strong woman. but he chose to return as a weakly dominant woman. He didn't write the script,i wish i had read the script, it would be better but I think it would have been great if he hadn't read it. Most people were questioning his acting. A little better had to be in other TV series. so it just repeats itself.

Maybe next time, she can be offer a female centric drama. No male lead. Like her movie "The Call". But for now, let's enjoy her hard work for now. I just hope the writer don't make HJ keep dark. I hope EP 7, She already know about game and SeJu condition. Like he a genius game programmer. HJ for now just know her brother like playing game so much. I Hope JW tell her everything when they meet again. 

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