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[OFFICIAL] ♡ Yoo Seung Ho ❤️ Chae Soo Bin | ChaeYoo | EyeSmile Couple ♡


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11 hours ago, laineyy88 said:

It is definitely worth the price renting through AirBnb! Like I have this chat all the time with my mom who doesn't really like the idea of renting out someone's property but I always tell her that we're paying an arm and a leg for a hotel room we'll only spend 4 hours in max everyday just from sleeping vs spending maybe half the price through AirBnb! That's my logic at least :lol: It's funny you mention not wanting to get out of the car when it's cold because when I had 8am classes, I would have to leave my house around 6:30am just to make it in time since I drove about an hour to school and during that semester, it was always in the low 50's so I always had the heater on 80 degrees+  and the seat warmer. When it was time to walk to class, I sat in my car until I had only 5 minutes to run to class to make it on time hahaha. I know I sound very dramatic but I'm from LA (my only excuse):tongue:


Yes! I think you'll be quite shocked your first time around but then you assimilate to their cultural norms :tongue: The trains actually come very frequently and the trains always arrive and depart on time! It only takes about 5 mins each time for the next one to come?? Like if the clock said the next train is scheduled for 10:30am, the train will literally arrive at 10:30am on the dot! I think people would rather cram into the train instead of waiting for the next one purely because they don't want to wait, especially if they know how crowded the next one might be during rush hour, especially if you depart at a popular location like Shinjuku!! That station is never empty. I definitely gained some muscle carrying those luggages around hahah -_- It was definitely worth the workout although next time, I think I'm going to pack a little lighter now that I know it's pretty hard to find an elevator in Japan, especially in Osaka and Kyoto. Yes!! I woke up at 6:30am, then 11am, then 4 pm hahah. I am definitely jet lagged but I slept at 10pm last night so who knows what's up with me :rolleyes: I return to work on Monday so hopefully I'll be readjusted by then or else I'l be so tired while working. Yes! Spending time with friends and family members you rarely see is such an amazing feeling. It's like all you want to do is catch up and have fun -_-  I kept myself updated about ChaeYoo through Instagram while I was in Japan hahah It was very up to date. ^_^


Yes! I think as long as they go out in a group in public, their agencies will be okay with it since it is a group activity and not just the two of them.  Oh man! I know that feeling of rejecting invites to go out. After Japan, I feel like I need to spend some time at home to replenish my bank account :tongue: I spent less than the average person on an international trip but I also swiped my card here and there for major purchases and unfortunately, my bank charges a 3% foreign transaction fee so I'm waiting for those charges to appear soon hahah. It sucks when you have so much fun only to look at your bank statement and question everything that happened and where those big charges came from :lol: I think UKJ helped them out too! He's been in the industry so long, he knows how to help them avoid any scandals hahaha. 

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Omg I'm so glad we had the same though today hahah. Yes!! I was wondering about the backpack when I woke up and after reading everyone's post about CSB's hair and nail polish, I wonder if they went to Japan after the show because her hair is permed and she has red nails in her recent post as also seen in UKJ's photo!! If the play ended late at night, I wonder if they took a night flight to Japan since it's only about a 2 hour flight :) The only thing I will note though is that the flights to Japan tend to always be in the morning or early evening around 5pm or 7pm and never anything later than that so either they returned from Japan that day and attended UKJ's play right after or they took a photo before they left early for their flight and is currently in Japan now hahaha. They clearly know how to go under disguise if they did leave for Japan together. CSB has always been caught at the airport by paparazzi but not YSH so maybe he helped her out.


 A bullet train ride from Tokyo to Osaka is only about 3 hours so they could easily travel from one prefecture to another in one day if they wanted to :rolleyes: 


Yes!! She looked so happy playing with the deers. Her eyes lit up :) Yes! I'm sure YSH knows where to take her since no one captured a photo of him while he was in Japan!!  I completely forgot SD is currently airing in Japan too  ^_^  As well as Ruler. I'm surprised no one captured them at the airport or either one of them individually. I think they went early in the day since tourist areas like those get super crowded around 10am and on!


If I actually went to Nara during my trip and so happened to spot the both of them at the deer park, I wouldn't know what to do haha. Like I would want to respect their privacy but also take a photo?? The dilemma :lol: Hahaha I'm surprised YSH has gone into hiding again after their photo with UKJ was publicized :tongue: Did you watch his interview yet?? I actually finished it earlier when I FINALLY woke up :) 

I’m trying to convince my mom that we should just use airbnb on trips because they are cheaper but she doesn’t feel comfortable staying in someone’s home, but I tell her all the airbnbs I’ve stayed at so far are nice :) Like in Vegas we got a 2 bedroom condo that cost us an equivalent to one room that we wouldn’t fit in on the strip :sweatingbullets: Ew 8am classes like I consider myself a morning person but I hated waking up for my 8am class. Oh my gosh low 50s is cold for all you LA people that’s hoodie weather for me :rolleyes: But I get that and I’ve done that in my car too but not for school since I lived walking distance from campus (but that sucked too when it was extremely cold and I had to walk 10 minutes in the cold/snow, I was always very cranky upon arriving to class <_<)


Oh that makes sense then as to why people would rather cram in than wait, but it’s really cool to know that trains arrive and depart on the dot ^_^ Well with the amount of people there they really have to be on time. Yes at least now you know what to expect next time, so pack light and try not to buy too many things that’ll make your luggage heavy :lol: You’re for sure jetlagged but I think you’ll be fine by the time you have to go back to work, sometimes it helps going back to the sleep schedule you had when you were in LA and then waking up at your normal time. It gets you back in routine ^_^ I can already feel that I won’t sleep at all in that trip because I will be talking and catching up with everyone and then at night my friends and I will hit bars/clubs. I’ll be dead tired by the time I come back to LA :sweatingbullets: Haha I was the same when in Vegas, Instagram is a great place to stay updated on our couple other than being here ^_^ 


Oh no once the bank confirms all those purchases, it’s like your heart drops. Mine confirmed all my purchases last night and just looking at the amount I spent made me for sure decide to just stay home the next few weeks. Like vacation is great till you come home and look at your card statement :mellow: 


Same! I was wondering about it after work since CSB’s hairstyle and nail polish were brought up, then I realized what if YSH had things from their trip or they’re heading to Japan after the show. So it can really make sense that they were or are there together in Japan haha :lol: They could’ve been there before UKJ’s play but CSB had an update with her friends a day before the play, unless that photo is a late post. And the fact that there’s no update on YSH yet makes me think he decided to vacation after doing the promotions/interview for IANAR and Ruler because his answer from a Ruler interview question said he didn’t have time to do things he wanted while he was there because of work (If you’re there now YSH you have time! :lol:)
Yes! So maybe that’s why their outfits at UKJ’s play were so casual too because they either just came back or are flying out, and that’s why they had the face masks. I really just have this feeling that either they were together while YSH promoted Ruler, were there a few days ago, or are there now :wub:

Lol she bowed to the deer but it was cute seeing her run around with the deer ^_^ I bet since they know their shows are airing in Japan they’d have to go when there’s not much people around otherwise people could recognize them.


Oh I know! Like I’d want to take a photo if I ever saw them but knowing YSH and how much he wants to protect his private life, I don’t want to disrespect him so I’ll just look at them from afar and cry that they're there :lol: If you ever did see them and not take a photo though I’ll believe you :) Yeah YSH is in Japan right now that’s why we haven’t heard from him (just kidding or am I? :rolleyes: haha) Ah yes I did rewatch it last night after I logged off and had the eng subs side by side with the video ^_^ Did you enjoy seeing how happy he looked throughout the entire interview talking? :wub: I think my favorite moment from his interview was the little pause he took before commenting on KMK and JJA’s relationship . I just found it cute, like to me he was thinking of all those happy moments before he says something ^_^ 


11 hours ago, annannh18k said:

Thank you so much dongsaeng! Please take care of your heart... *please choose to let it jump out of your chest (because you can always find it back) than letting it explode. HAHAHAHAH. Just kidding. Lotsa love. :heart:

Umm... also, you can keep the sweetness for this chapter, we'll see less of that in the next chapter. :mellow:

Wait why will be there less sweetness next chapter?! I thought there's no drama as everyone is on board for them, why less sweetness then? :mellow: I eagerly await the next chapter now! :lol: 


33 minutes ago, OMiHO said:

you still can fold it inside you know what if she pulled the sleeves through inside. look at her arm.. vs yoo's pulling the sleeves outside. it's a bit messy., but when you pull the sleeves and fold in before the end to the inside. do you get what I mean? hahahaha I always do that to my jackets


hahahaah! you know what it means if they are sharing shirt? hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gosh that KS BTS extended elsewhere.. :lol:

Yeah I understood what you meant! :) I don't know why that shirt bugged me so much that I had the urge to find it online and the fact that I did and found out it was unisex makes my delulu mind think it's YSH shirt and CSB borrowed it or it's their couple shirt, but if you look at the site, the shirt's sold out now.  I mean we could still be wrong as the time YSH was spotted wearing it at the car shop and when CSB was with her friends could still be different shirts than the one YSH wore to UKJ's play, it's just fishy that they wear similar styled clothing recently :rolleyes: Which is why I agree with you that they may be dating in private now but are giving signs to the world that they're each other's by wearing similar clothing items :tongue::lol: 

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Just now, justlove said:

The leather jacket's style looks like a guy's jacket, doesn't look unisex to me :rolleyes: But this does, so help me out if this is pure delulu or nah Lol
As we all know, this checkered shirt has both been spotted on both of them (they may not be exactly the same we don't know but they do look super similar)

So when YSH watched UKJ's play and he posted the photo, we got a better angle I guess of YSH's shirt, and on the bottom part of the shirt, you could see it says de la vie I couldn't read the first word but it started with acm (I couldn't read the last letter right away) but I eventually found out it was an e. So the entire thing reads "acme de la vie" (I don't know what acme means but de la vie is french for of life) anyway I looked up the phrase and stumbled upon a clothing store site in Korea and while looking around the items, I found the shirt:

At first I was really impressed that I actually found the shirt but when I was scrolling through looking at the description of it, this is what it translates to: It is a unisex product with an oversize fit. I was shook and now my delulu mind is latching onto the thought that these two shared the shirt. 


great sleuthing, chingu!


here is the meaning for ACME

(courtesy of google coz i only recognize it from the Bugs Bunny-Road Runner cartoon haha)

and seems like Santa Maria Team is still speaking for ChaeYoo :lol: 


  1. the point at which someone or something is best, perfect, or most successful.
    "physics is the acme of scientific knowledge"

    peak, pinnacle, zenith, height, high point, crown, crest, summit, top, apex, apogee


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YSH’s Yankees Cap:










CSB’s Yankees Cap (brand: 47)




YSH’s 47 brand cap but different team, could be the same cap he wore during IANAR script reading













Is 47 a popular brand in SK? :D

I didn’t even know about that brand, I only know Mitchell & Ness and the more popular brand New Era.

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5 hours ago, joyorokobi said:

YSH’s Yankees Cap:


CSB’s Yankees Cap (brand: 47)


YSH’s 47 brand cap but different team, could be the same cap he wore during IANAR script reading


Is 47 a popular brand in SK? :D

I didn’t even know about that brand, I only know Mitchell & Ness and the more popular brand New Era.

YSH's '47 brand cap is the same hat he wore during the IANAR script reading. He's actually been spotted wearing that hat a couple times throughout the years :) I actually even think he was wearing that same hat during UKJ's play because I think I notice the U.S. flag on the side. 


Tbh, every time I see YSH wear that hat though I get annoyed because Milwaukee is the rival of my favorite team. Like of all the baseball teams out there, he just has to wear one of the teams that I dislike :rolleyes: But I get over it quickly since YSH has such a cute face :lol: And I don't think him wearing the team's hat specifically means he likes the team, he's mentioned in an interview before wearing a baseball cap is just part of his style :lol: I should send him a hat of my favorite team, I wonder if he'll wear it since it has a C on it and the C could stand for Chae Soo Bin pwahahaha :lol: 


Speaking for the U.S., '47 is a good brand along with Mitchell & Ness and New Era. They're all good brands for hats, but as for Korea, I'm not sure if '47 is the most popular one out of the three over there :sweatingbullets:

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7 hours ago, justlove said:

I’m trying to convince my mom that we should just use airbnb on trips because they are cheaper but she doesn’t feel comfortable staying in someone’s home, but I tell her all the airbnbs I’ve stayed at so far are nice :) Like in Vegas we got a 2 bedroom condo that cost us an equivalent to one room that we wouldn’t fit in on the strip :sweatingbullets: Ew 8am classes like I consider myself a morning person but I hated waking up for my 8am class. Oh my gosh low 50s is cold for all you LA people that’s hoodie weather for me :rolleyes: But I get that and I’ve done that in my car too but not for school since I lived walking distance from campus (but that sucked too when it was extremely cold and I had to walk 10 minutes in the cold/snow, I was always very cranky upon arriving to class <_<)


Oh that makes sense then as to why people would rather cram in than wait, but it’s really cool to know that trains arrive and depart on the dot ^_^ Well with the amount of people there they really have to be on time. Yes at least now you know what to expect next time, so pack light and try not to buy too many things that’ll make your luggage heavy :lol: You’re for sure jetlagged but I think you’ll be fine by the time you have to go back to work, sometimes it helps going back to the sleep schedule you had when you were in LA and then waking up at your normal time. It gets you back in routine ^_^ I can already feel that I won’t sleep at all in that trip because I will be talking and catching up with everyone and then at night my friends and I will hit bars/clubs. I’ll be dead tired by the time I come back to LA :sweatingbullets: Haha I was the same when in Vegas, Instagram is a great place to stay updated on our couple other than being here ^_^ 


Oh no once the bank confirms all those purchases, it’s like your heart drops. Mine confirmed all my purchases last night and just looking at the amount I spent made me for sure decide to just stay home the next few weeks. Like vacation is great till you come home and look at your card statement :mellow: 

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Same! I was wondering about it after work since CSB’s hairstyle and nail polish were brought up, then I realized what if YSH had things from their trip or they’re heading to Japan after the show. So it can really make sense that they were or are there together in Japan haha :lol: They could’ve been there before UKJ’s play but CSB had an update with her friends a day before the play, unless that photo is a late post. And the fact that there’s no update on YSH yet makes me think he decided to vacation after doing the promotions/interview for IANAR and Ruler because his answer from a Ruler interview question said he didn’t have time to do things he wanted while he was there because of work (If you’re there now YSH you have time! :lol:)
Yes! So maybe that’s why their outfits at UKJ’s play were so casual too because they either just came back or are flying out, and that’s why they had the face masks. I really just have this feeling that either they were together while YSH promoted Ruler, were there a few days ago, or are there now :wub:

Lol she bowed to the deer but it was cute seeing her run around with the deer ^_^ I bet since they know their shows are airing in Japan they’d have to go when there’s not much people around otherwise people could recognize them.


Oh I know! Like I’d want to take a photo if I ever saw them but knowing YSH and how much he wants to protect his private life, I don’t want to disrespect him so I’ll just look at them from afar and cry that they're there :lol: If you ever did see them and not take a photo though I’ll believe you :) Yeah YSH is in Japan right now that’s why we haven’t heard from him (just kidding or am I? :rolleyes: haha) Ah yes I did rewatch it last night after I logged off and had the eng subs side by side with the video ^_^ Did you enjoy seeing how happy he looked throughout the entire interview talking? :wub: I think my favorite moment from his interview was the little pause he took before commenting on KMK and JJA’s relationship . I just found it cute, like to me he was thinking of all those happy moments before he says something ^_^ 



My mom feels the same way!! Haha she think it's a little strange to sleep in a stranger's home but in my opinion, it's the same as a hotel. I think she wants to feel the safety seeing a security guard when she walks into the hotel:rolleyes: But it's definitely cheaper! I actually booked a room for vegas since it originally started off as a small group but now we're at 10 people so I wish we rented an AirBnb instead :unsure: I actually loved 8am classes because it forced me to get out of bed and there would be extra parking for me since students tend to prefer afternoon classes and that is when parking is a pain in the butt. But I also hated waking up so early because it was cold and I was tired from sleeping only 4 hours a night :lol: My best friend and sister consider low 50's cardigan weather hahaha I think they can relate to you :lol: I, on the other heat up and freeze very easily. Ah I can see why you would be cranky going to class when you have to walk 10 mins in the snow or cold weather :unsure: I'd be just as irritated hahaha


Yes, I love how punctual the Japanese are!! They even time it on their watches and count down to the second before signaling for the train to depart. It's even more interesting standing in the train surrounded by people in the same colored suits :rolleyes: Like you are literally surrounded by them hahaha even on the streets, it's like everyone is in a suit.  Oh I definitely will pack light when I go to Korea in 2 years but more so to make room for snacks hahaha I had to pack a lot of my snacks into my backpack the other day and boy was it a fat backpack ^_^ I actually woke up at 7am today but only because I had a doctor's appointment and when I came home, I knocked out again haha. My mom is lecturing me about it because when she came back from her month long trip in China last year, it took her a week to fix her sleeping schedule and I'm doing the same thing she is which is constantly napping  :D I slept a little earlier than usual last night but only because I forced myself hahah. You'll readjust to LA quickly after your trip because you'll be so tired from staying up every night!! ^_^ No napping on the plane :lol:  I love looking under their hashtags on Instagram and seeing all the new posts fellow shippers post :) it's amazing how talented so many of our shippers are.


Yes!! One of my charges finally went through yesterday and I felt a part of me break inside but I was the one who chose to charge my card overseas :crazy: I take full responsibility :lol: Isn't it sad how you spend almost 40 hours a week working to make money and it only takes establishments 5 seconds to take it all from you :( 



I'd like to think he had souvenirs for CSB in his backpack from his first trip and is finally giving it to her but I'd also like to think he's carrying a bunch of stuff from their trip to Japan together if they land back in Korea prior to UKJ's play :lol: It's probably full of Moomin items and snacks hahaha. It's hard to gauge when her photos were taken because you can honestly post whatever you want on Instagram! For all we know, she could be posting her Japan photos late like many have mentioned so it wouldn't look like she was with YSH during his interviews or her friends could've posted their photos late :rolleyes: Everyone who knows something about them are doing their best to protect their relationship from the public :lol:


I think he went back to Japan to have fun and actually spend time sightseeing and enjoying the country itself since his first one was purely business related. They both went MIA for a while too and it's suspicious. He had to bring a friend along to eat and enjoy the scenery so he probably brought our CSB with him, especially since there's so many animal parks there :lol: It's fun to think they flew back the same as UKJ's play and arrived together still in their face masks and casual clothing (hiding from cameras) and thinking fans wouldn't notice or link them to each other. For all we know, they probably flew back separately to throw off any suspicions when landing back in Korea and met up later on before UKJ's play :rolleyes:


Oh yes!! And their posters are all over the stations in Japan I think so it would be impossible to hide from the crowd and go unnoticed unless they spent most of their time with their face masks on ^_^ I'm actually surprised how empty the area CSB took her photo was! It almost looks deserted!! She really got lucky with avoiding cameras not only flying to Japan but in Japan as well :rolleyes:


I agree! I would love to take a photo of  both of them but then I'd feel like I'm betraying both their privacy rights if I ever saw them in public :mellow: Just fangirl from far away ^_^ I think we both would believe each other if we saw either one of them or both of them together in public without a photo :tongue: We would never make that up hahah.  Yes!! I did see his facial reactions whenever they brought up both CSB and JJA and KMK's relationship!! It's like he thinks about it and it reminds him of how happy he was filming those couple scenes like you mentioned:wub: He probably remembers more than what we saw in the BTS clips too (special clips and moments only they know about) and all the happy moments he had with CSB :wub: He's so easy to read and you can tell how much he loves IANAR ^_^ plus the yellow sweater he's wearing!! 


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35 minutes ago, joyorokobi said:

Chingus! OMG! CSB’s perm, maybe she got that for their Japan trip, yes I said their—ChaeYoo. :lol: Since @laineyy88 mentioned there’s posters are all over the train stations in Japan, a chanevof hairstyle would make her less JJA looking. :lol:

Yes I’ve noticed quite a few of them when I was traveling from Tokyo to Osaka at the bigger stations and trains :D  Especially when it was closer to the IANAR premiere date 

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2 hours ago, laineyy88 said:

My mom feels the same way!! Haha she think it's a little strange to sleep in a stranger's home but in my opinion, it's the same as a hotel. I think she wants to feel the safety seeing a security guard when she walks into the hotel:rolleyes: But it's definitely cheaper! I actually booked a room for vegas since it originally started off as a small group but now we're at 10 people so I wish we rented an AirBnb instead :unsure: I actually loved 8am classes because it forced me to get out of bed and there would be extra parking for me since students tend to prefer afternoon classes and that is when parking is a pain in the butt. But I also hated waking up so early because it was cold and I was tired from sleeping only 4 hours a night :lol: My best friend and sister consider low 50's cardigan weather hahaha I think they can relate to you :lol: I, on the other heat up and freeze very easily. Ah I can see why you would be cranky going to class when you have to walk 10 mins in the snow or cold weather :unsure: I'd be just as irritated hahaha


Yes, I love how punctual the Japanese are!! They even time it on their watches and count down to the second before signaling for the train to depart. It's even more interesting standing in the train surrounded by people in the same colored suits :rolleyes: Like you are literally surrounded by them hahaha even on the streets, it's like everyone is in a suit.  Oh I definitely will pack light when I go to Korea in 2 years but more so to make room for snacks hahaha I had to pack a lot of my snacks into my backpack the other day and boy was it a fat backpack ^_^ I actually woke up at 7am today but only because I had a doctor's appointment and when I came home, I knocked out again haha. My mom is lecturing me about it because when she came back from her month long trip in China last year, it took her a week to fix her sleeping schedule and I'm doing the same thing she is which is constantly napping  :D I slept a little earlier than usual last night but only because I forced myself hahah. You'll readjust to LA quickly after your trip because you'll be so tired from staying up every night!! ^_^ No napping on the plane :lol:  I love looking under their hashtags on Instagram and seeing all the new posts fellow shippers post :) it's amazing how talented so many of our shippers are.


Yes!! One of my charges finally went through yesterday and I felt a part of me break inside but I was the one who chose to charge my card overseas :crazy: I take full responsibility :lol: Isn't it sad how you spend almost 40 hours a week working to make money and it only takes establishments 5 seconds to take it all from you :( 


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I'd like to think he had souvenirs for CSB in his backpack from his first trip and is finally giving it to her but I'd also like to think he's carrying a bunch of stuff from their trip to Japan together if they land back in Korea prior to UKJ's play :lol: It's probably full of Moomin items and snacks hahaha. It's hard to gauge when her photos were taken because you can honestly post whatever you want on Instagram! For all we know, she could be posting her Japan photos late like many have mentioned so it wouldn't look like she was with YSH during his interviews or her friends could've posted their photos late :rolleyes: Everyone who knows something about them are doing their best to protect their relationship from the public :lol:


I think he went back to Japan to have fun and actually spend time sightseeing and enjoying the country itself since his first one was purely business related. They both went MIA for a while too and it's suspicious. He had to bring a friend along to eat and enjoy the scenery so he probably brought our CSB with him, especially since there's so many animal parks there :lol: It's fun to think they flew back the same as UKJ's play and arrived together still in their face masks and casual clothing (hiding from cameras) and thinking fans wouldn't notice or link them to each other. For all we know, they probably flew back separately to throw off any suspicions when landing back in Korea and met up later on before UKJ's play :rolleyes:


Oh yes!! And their posters are all over the stations in Japan I think so it would be impossible to hide from the crowd and go unnoticed unless they spent most of their time with their face masks on ^_^ I'm actually surprised how empty the area CSB took her photo was! It almost looks deserted!! She really got lucky with avoiding cameras not only flying to Japan but in Japan as well :rolleyes:


I agree! I would love to take a photo of  both of them but then I'd feel like I'm betraying both their privacy rights if I ever saw them in public :mellow: Just fangirl from far away ^_^ I think we both would believe each other if we saw either one of them or both of them together in public without a photo :tongue: We would never make that up hahah.  Yes!! I did see his facial reactions whenever they brought up both CSB and JJA and KMK's relationship!! It's like he thinks about it and it reminds him of how happy he was filming those couple scenes like you mentioned:wub: He probably remembers more than what we saw in the BTS clips too (special clips and moments only they know about) and all the happy moments he had with CSB :wub: He's so easy to read and you can tell how much he loves IANAR ^_^ plus the yellow sweater he's wearing!! 

Omg are we online at the same time?! :lol: It's been too long :lol: Yes I think that’s why my mom is against airbnbs and would rather stay in a hotel, but I’ll get her to like airbnbs someday because everytime I travel now I just look at airbnbs due to the price ^_^ Aw if you got an airbnb you’d probably have more space, but knowing when people are in Vegas they don’t care where they sleep or if they’ll even sleep :sweatingbullets: That’s true 8am classes means you have first dibs on parking spots which is always nice :) I studied in the city so there wasn’t much parking space available that’s why lots of students just walked if near enough or commuted by bus/train. Yes low 50s is cardigan/sweater/hoodie weather ^_^ Meanwhile for you, you’ll have a thick jacket on -_- My mood when I walked into class was as cold as the weather outside haha. Nobody could put me in a good mood in my 8am class during the winter :mellow:


Oh wow they are super punctual! And if everyone around you was wearing a suit that really means train is the best form of transportation. Ah I can imagine, I notice when people travel to Asia, they come home and a lot that they bring back is mostly snacks. Gotta make room for the food ^_^ Ah you’ll get back on track eventually, just keep napping since it’s better to nap now than when you’re at work :lol: Same, I love looking through the hashtags and seeing the talent of our fellow shippers :) It’s a good place to stay updated and sometimes notice things that haven’t been noticed before :lol: 


Yes super sad! And I break a little inside when I realize how quick money can be taken from your account :( All my hard work put in a work week is taken away from me so fast. 


There’s seriously so many possibilities of when they went. The thing we’re for sure on is YSH was there for a few days at the end of March. CSB could be there now or she’s just posting late (and was there while YSH had to promote Ruler :lol:). That’s the thing like it’s hard to timeline when she was there because Instagram doesn’t say when the photo was taken :sweatingbullets: So we're all just making assumptions through her nail color and hair style. Got to work with what we're given -_-


I’d like to think too he went back (with CSB :lol:) to sightsee and enjoy himself. He did work hard with 2 dramas last year and wrapped up post drama interviews/appearances. He deserves a nice vacation :) CSB too especially with the 3 dramas she did, but at least we see she’s enjoying her time off when she updates us as she’s been hanging out or taking trips with her friends ^_^ So if they’re there now or were there, I hope they went to more of the animal parks since that’s what they both love and overall just really enjoyed the trip :wub: I really think they’d be that cautious and take separate flights to and from Korea to ensure they wouldn’t get caught if in case a fan on the plane spotted one of them and asked for an autograph. Well when they announce their relationship they wouldn’t have to worry about doing that anymore :lol: 

Yes plus if YSH was there it’d be impossible for him not to be noticed since he also had interviews aired on tv other than his shows. If they went to high crowded areas they probably had face masks and hats on so they could go unnoticed ^_^ It’s good for CSB that Nara wasn’t too crowded when she went. It means she could really focus on what she came there for, which is to play with the deer :lol: And yeah CSB got lucky at the airport or I think YSH taught her how to avoid the paparazzi there because we usually see CSB pose for the cameras when she’s going out of the country.


Yes just fangirl and admire them from far away :lol: That would be a cruel joke if one of us made up something like that, but we love them so much I doubt we’d lie about it. Yes like when there was no subs translated yet I just looked at his facial expressions and you could just tell how enthusiastic he was talking about IANAR ^_^ The yellow sweater really reflected the happy aura he was giving off :wub: I also like that he picked the bathroom scene as his answer to the question of any bts you want to share. The way he looked re-telling the scene showed he enjoyed shooting it :lol:  

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1 hour ago, justlove said:

Omg are we online at the same time?! :lol: It's been too long :lol: Yes I think that’s why my mom is against airbnbs and would rather stay in a hotel, but I’ll get her to like airbnbs someday because everytime I travel now I just look at airbnbs due to the price ^_^ Aw if you got an airbnb you’d probably have more space, but knowing when people are in Vegas they don’t care where they sleep or if they’ll even sleep :sweatingbullets: That’s true 8am classes means you have first dibs on parking spots which is always nice :) I studied in the city so there wasn’t much parking space available that’s why lots of students just walked if near enough or commuted by bus/train. Yes low 50s is cardigan/sweater/hoodie weather ^_^ Meanwhile for you, you’ll have a thick jacket on -_- My mood when I walked into class was as cold as the weather outside haha. Nobody could put me in a good mood in my 8am class during the winter :mellow:


Oh wow they are super punctual! And if everyone around you was wearing a suit that really means train is the best form of transportation. Ah I can imagine, I notice when people travel to Asia, they come home and a lot that they bring back is mostly snacks. Gotta make room for the food ^_^ Ah you’ll get back on track eventually, just keep napping since it’s better to nap now than when you’re at work :lol: Same, I love looking through the hashtags and seeing the talent of our fellow shippers :) It’s a good place to stay updated and sometimes notice things that haven’t been noticed before :lol: 


Yes super sad! And I break a little inside when I realize how quick money can be taken from your account :( All my hard work put in a work week is taken away from me so fast. 

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There’s seriously so many possibilities of when they went. The thing we’re for sure on is YSH was there for a few days at the end of March. CSB could be there now or she’s just posting late (and was there while YSH had to promote Ruler :lol:). That’s the thing like it’s hard to timeline when she was there because Instagram doesn’t say when the photo was taken :sweatingbullets: So we're all just making assumptions through her nail color and hair style. Got to work with what we're given -_-


I’d like to think too he went back (with CSB :lol:) to sightsee and enjoy himself. He did work hard with 2 dramas last year and wrapped up post drama interviews/appearances. He deserves a nice vacation :) CSB too especially with the 3 dramas she did, but at least we see she’s enjoying her time off when she updates us as she’s been hanging out or taking trips with her friends ^_^ So if they’re there now or were there, I hope they went to more of the animal parks since that’s what they both love and overall just really enjoyed the trip :wub: I really think they’d be that cautious and take separate flights to and from Korea to ensure they wouldn’t get caught if in case a fan on the plane spotted one of them and asked for an autograph. Well when they announce their relationship they wouldn’t have to worry about doing that anymore :lol: 

Yes plus if YSH was there it’d be impossible for him not to be noticed since he also had interviews aired on tv other than his shows. If they went to high crowded areas they probably had face masks and hats on so they could go unnoticed ^_^ It’s good for CSB that Nara wasn’t too crowded when she went. It means she could really focus on what she came there for, which is to play with the deer :lol: And yeah CSB got lucky at the airport or I think YSH taught her how to avoid the paparazzi there because we usually see CSB pose for the cameras when she’s going out of the country.


Yes just fangirl and admire them from far away :lol: That would be a cruel joke if one of us made up something like that, but we love them so much I doubt we’d lie about it. Yes like when there was no subs translated yet I just looked at his facial expressions and you could just tell how enthusiastic he was talking about IANAR ^_^ The yellow sweater really reflected the happy aura he was giving off :wub: I also like that he picked the bathroom scene as his answer to the question of any bts you want to share. The way he looked re-telling the scene showed he enjoyed shooting it :lol:  

Oh yay!! Finally online at the same time ^_^ It's been a long 2 weeks trying to figure out how to be online at the same time again :tongue: Yes!! I'm trying to convert my mom to Airbnbs!! It's so convenient plus the hosts are always so nice. It's not like a hotel is any cleaner to be completely honest and for the price, you really can't complain :lol: I know, I wish we got an AirBnb but we're pretty close to the club of our choice so it shouldn't be too bad :)  we're only there for one night anyways so I can't really complain. Ah yes! Parking was definitely a breeze when it came to 8am classes! My last semester, I enrolled into mostly 11am classes because that was the only time slot available for me and boy was it a pain to find parking :crazy: I had to be at school by 8:30 just to secure a good spot and I would spend 2 hours on campus studying or sleeping in my car until class started hahah. I used to live near school and was able to walk to class within 10 minutes but it just got so expensive so I decided to commute from home instead to save money ^_^ Like a studio was averaged..$1000 not including utilities or amenities.  To be fair, I'm always in a jacket hahaha. If you saw my photos from Japan, I had on the same black North Face jacket for every photo I took :lol: It looked like I only brought one jacket but it was the warmest jacket I had plus I was too lazy to unpack my other jackets who were so nicely compressed in their bags :) I always looked mad walking into my 8am class too! I always got annoyed of the students around me who tried to make small talk with me hahah


Oh yes! Train is the easiest way to get to work without getting stuck in traffic and avoid any type of accidents. Not that there was much traffic to begin with in Japan but I guess if there was ever an accident and you had to get to work, it would suck to be stuck in that jam. I brought home a suitcase full of Japan exclusive Kit Kats and cookies :)  that's literally what my extra suitcase was bought for hahah. When I opened it, my sister was so shocked I brought so much home ^_^ If you go to the famous stores, all the tourist fill their baskets with kit kats, crackers and all sorts of snacks and medicinal stuff because it's tax free if you spend a certain amount!! :lol: I actually took a nap again at 5 so I don't know if I'm making any progress but it sure helps me feel better :)  Yes! I didn't get to check the forum as often as I liked to while in Japan but when I looked under the hashtag on instagram, that's how I saw their group photo and I was like okay I HAVE TO CHECK THE FORUM :D


Yes :( and returns take so long to process too. All the hard work gets drained in less than 24 hours -_-



They both definitely deserve a vacation after all the projects they put out for us ^_^ I can see why YSH would want to go back and spend some time in Japan sightseeing and just relaxing in a calmer city. Osaka and Kyoto are definitely a slower paced part of Japan so I can definitely imagine him there with CSB^_^! Yes, it's true it's hard to pinpoint when her photos were taken plus updates from fellow friends and costars but I think we're pretty good at finding clues and linking them with each other. Her nail color throws many of us off hahah


I hope she starts updating more photos from her Japan trip! Maybe they went together during his interviews and she left early for her SDM reunion and she felt unsatisfied with her trip since it probably ended early and decided to go back again to visit her animal parks and maybe YSH went back with her to have fun :rolleyes: We will never know until we find more clues but I'm so happy to see her so happy in Japan and carefree. Her love for animals is so evident in her photos and I hope YSH saw those updates too (unless he took those photos then he got the first view of everything) :wub:   I totally forgot a fan spotted him on the plane! It could be totally possible they took different flights back to Korea and vice versa to avoid getting caught by fans. It must be tiring to do that if they are dating :unsure:


It's funny you mention the face mask part because EVERYONE in Japan wears face mask just like those in Korea! He would totally blend in with them. Plus, almost everyone is on their phone when they are on the train/subway so they could easily blend in since no one really looks up until it's their stop hahah.  I think she went early enough or she got lucky that day because the parks tend to be emptier throughout the weekday :)  Yes, I'm surprised no one caught her arriving at the airport like when she left for her photoshoot in Hong Kong so YSH definitely taught her his tricks to avoid being caught seeing he's hardly captured arriving and leaving the airport. I really wonder how he does it because CSB seems to have learned quickly :rolleyes:  Like wouldn't the airline attendants notice him or airport seeing they need to look at his passport and ticket?? or is he that covered up hahah 


Oh I don't think I would ever be able to make such a cruel joke like that about spotting them in person hahah. That would be so mean of me :mellow: omg yes!! He looks so happy and passionate talking about IANAR!! Like you can try to wipe the smile off his face but it would be impossible since he loves IANAR so so much ^_^ IANAR is definitely his favorite project he's worked on and it really shows because of his answers and facial expressions. I think he knows the bathroom scene is the one scene where there isn't a BTS clip for fans to see and I bet he wants to share that experience with the fans :lol: It was probably his favorite scene to film because of how funny it looked on screen plus filming included a lot of technical positions for the both of them ^_^ It was clearly a very intimate scene for them seeing how close they were on top of each other hahaha :wub: Now i wonder if that was his favorite scene or if the kitchen kiss was his favorite?

17 minutes ago, yokyo said:

Does anyone know if this a new video of YSH? Is he in Japan?


Is that the same backpack he carried when he was at the Play last week? LOL


it looks like a recent video since he's talking about his fanclub that is launching soon?? :) And it definitely looks like the same backpack! It looks like the same logo tag on the strap 

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22 hours ago, yokyo said:

Does anyone know if this a new video of YSH? Is he in Japan?


Is that the same backpack he carried when he was at the Play last week? LOL



This is a new video, it's for his official fan club opening in Japan this April 25.



Actor Yu Seung Ho playing a leading role in "Masked Wang Li Soon", continuing to win high popularity in Japan as well as in Asia! A Finally the long-awaited fan Yoo Seung Ho JAPAN OFFICIAL FANCLUB "Yoo & You" will come from Wednesday, April 25, 2018 (Wednesday 12: 00 ~) ♡ The comment has arrived from Yoo Seung-ho for everyone of the fans!

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2 minutes ago, joyorokobi said:



This is a new video, it's for his official fan club opening in Japan this April 25.



Actor Yu Seung Ho playing a leading role in "Masked Wang Li Soon", continuing to win high popularity in Japan as well as in Asia! A Finally the long-awaited fan Yoo Seung Ho JAPAN OFFICIAL FANCLUB "Yoo & You" will come from Wednesday, April 25, 2018 (Wednesday 12: 00 ~) ♡ The comment has arrived from Yoo Seung-ho for everyone of the fans!


Thanks, I guess it was recorded during the promote for Ruler.

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12 hours ago, justlove said:


Wait why will be there less sweetness next chapter?! I thought there's no drama as everyone is on board for them, why less sweetness then? :mellow: I eagerly await the next chapter now! :lol: 


I  mean there are still sweetness but just not too much in this upcoming chapter :lol:

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34 minutes ago, yokyo said:

Does anyone know if this a new video of YSH? Is he in Japan?



I only notice the backpack and also the smile on his face (which means he is very happy).


Haha. Sorry I am not much of a help. :lol: Not that eagle-eyed too despite I am a lefty <_<

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5 minutes ago, annannh18k said:

I only notice the backpack and also the smile on his face (which means he is very happy).


Haha. Sorry I am not much of a help. :lol: Not that eagle-eyed too despite I am a lefty <_<


 Nevermind, I think it's different, the logo seem darker on the strap

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10 minutes ago, annannh18k said:

I only notice the backpack and also the smile on his face (which means he is very happy).


Haha. Sorry I am not much of a help. :lol: Not that eagle-eyed too despite I am a lefty <_<


Haha, that's okay. I'm a lefty too but I don't think I'm eagle eye as well, I'm actually very careless. :D

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