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[Drama 2018] Radio Romance 라디오 로맨스

Go Seung Ji

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32 minutes ago, Yongzura said:


The part that I don't understand here is....  if WJW wanted JSH to give his letter to SGR, shouldn't he (WJW) expect it to be replied?  Did  WJW receive any reply?  Did SGR reply his letter?  or maybe he was the only one sending without expecting any reply?  If he expected to get a reply, WJW will be wondering why he didn't receive any...Hmmm...  back to my rambling thought... ha ha.

For this good question, we have different reasons:

  1. On the envelop, it was written that WJW was shy hence this makes it clear that he wants to keep a certain distance from her. Moreover, she didn't know who WJW was and how to find him.
  2. Maybe he asked her not reply to his letters. 
  3. Because WJW wanted JSH to be in contact with SGR as he had noticed how JSH fell in love with her. Maybe that was his way to push JSH to come closer to SGR.

In my opinion, JSH has never read WJW's letters hence he doesn't know what WJW really felt about SGR. He assumed that he had a crush on her.

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I don't why....i really want jisuho to share his own story about woo ji woo in his radio segment and truly tell what he fell.i think by this ways he would be less suffer and be less burdened....that the true HEALING for ji suho...

he need to let go all things about the past in order to be happy...

Geurim maybe the person he need, but i think if he never let go all about the past(woo ji woo), he can't get the true happiness in his life eventhough he had geurim by him side....

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Even if I throw everything
Into this big ocean
It’ll come back with the blue waves
Back to my side



All of the painful memories of the past
I’m sending them off with the wind
Even if I get lost for a moment
My feet remember the place I dreamed of

Our story, even if it’s happy
Our story, even if it’s sad


It’s hiding in our hearts, growing every day
Our unchanging dreams and love story


All of the painful memories of the past
Disappear in the waves
Even if I get lost for a moment
My feet remember the place I dreamed of


Our story, even if it’s happy
Our story, even if it’s sad
It’s hiding in our hearts, growing every day
Our unchanging dreams and love


With you, this story
Even in this moment
With you, this story
I’ll always be by your side
Even if we cry and laugh every day
When I’m with you
Our unchanging dreams and love story




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Finally got time to watched both episode. I like how the story is progressing fast in episode 12. We got to know that JSH was a postman for WJW, but he ended up keeping all the letters?? And Jason say something about JSH tried to commit suicide 12 years ago. And my biggest question is what's LG relationship to JSH? I'm sure he did know more about him, not just as top star JSH. And what is he going to say at the end? I don't think there will be love triangle at this time, way too late and there's no room for him already. 


 I must say how I really love SGR character here!! She can stand up for her own, and didn't need protection from her man. And she's actually the one who comfort and give strength to him.


Oh, I supposed it should be JSH birthday soon according to his broadcast earlier?? Can they take this chance for more skinship between our leads :D . The hotel scene was so awkward, in a cute way lol. I saw real YDJ and KSH there :tongue: . This week bts will be interesting, i need it longer than 5 minutes!


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11 hours ago, nitttss said:


 I must say how I really love SGR character here!! She can stand up for her own, and didn't need protection from her man. And she's actually the one who comfort and give strength to him.


Me too! Her optimism in everything can inspire and comfort others. 


Love the way, how she  asked JSH to go for a date at the exact hour when their new program is going to be broadcasted.  Indirectly, she's showing him who their  future listeners are and to tell him that she's also feel afraid like him of what's  going to happen if it is broadcasted at the early hours. 


(I would have woken up to hear his voice ...) :blush:

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5 hours ago, darr said:

Manager has a recorded audio of fake mum .......,  why is that in his possession?  Does he have an ulterior motive too or want to revenge on her at the right time?.



Manager and SH would read lines together and they recorded the sessions. He happened to catch that moment when SH confessed about his family situation. He then shares that TR happened to hear it. Why he didn't delete it right away? Not sure. But I don't see any ulterior motives from manager. He seems to be on SH side. 

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7 hours ago, yoyo_icecube said:

Can anyone explain to me what manager ajussi meant by "im testing myself" and he talk to JTR at the parking lot?

This is just my understànding.  A part of him wanted to believe that JTR can be trusted and will not betray him. However, at the same time, he doesn"t trust her 100%.  When she betrayed him, it confirmed that she can't be trusted thus it proves that he failed in the test of trusting her.


Does it make sense...or am I confusing you more, sorry about that. :rolleyes:


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I just finished watching ep 12 with subs...:D 


46 minutes ago, yoyo_icecube said:

Can anyone explain to me what manager ajussi meant by "im testing myself" and he talk to JTR at the parking lot?

Manager Kim and JSH usually practise his drama/ movie scripts together and they would record it. It just so happen that JSH opened up to Kim and told him the truth of his birth. The recording took place while they were practising his lines. TR just so accidentally heard it as well. Kim intentionally kept the recording and even left it in the same exact spot of where TR would know where it is kept. After she rudely replied, "What is this? did you test me?" He angrily screamed, "I tested myself. ME!" 


He was testing himself on weather or not he should trust TR or continue loving and protecting her. When TR took the recording it proved she would betray/ use him for her own gains. It was his final straw because it made himself see that she was only using him. I guess he needed that just so he can let her go and not see her anymore. 



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Now its my turn to throw in some questions, we've got a week to ponder on this. So why not continue our analysis until we get any new spoilers :wink:


I love this, for every episode we get, new hints/ twists are thrown at us and therefore new theories keep popping up. My mind keep changing esp inregards to PD Lee and Jason - whom is the sender of those threatening postcards? and how much they know of WJW?


Im beginning to think that PD Lee is perhaps WJW or WJW brother as we dont know PD lee's age right?

When JSH first saw the postcard he instantly went to see WJW letters. Now are the writings similar? Why are they intentionally zooming in on the writings?






But we saw WJW ashes in the crematorium so WJW must be dead and PD Lee cant be WJW. This is why I think he might be his brother. Look at the style of writing, all 3 letters tend to address people by how the sender perceives them - Murderer Ji Soo Ho, Muse GeuRim, Ever Shy WJW. If we look at PD Lee, notice he too does this. He always calls GR - newbie,  writer and now JSH his DJ.  Maybe PD Lee wrote these letters on behalf of WJW because he was that ill that he couldnt write them. 


Next, if Jason is not the sender of those threatening letters I think Jason deliberately placed one of the letters in JSH room. Notice its a handwritten one with a postage stamp. Jason did this purposefully so JSH can investigate and look into the date and locations of where/ when it was sent. Jason also mentioned this to PD Lee and by now Im guessing Jason has a good hunch feeling that the sender might be PD Lee. I guess if Pd Lee is the one sending those postcards he must be thinking geez Im stupid for using the stamps:tongue: But PD Lee doesnt seem that careless right? 




Another point I want to raise is why JSH felt so adamant about working at 4am and it cant be because he likes to sleep in. I think it's more about his nightmares. He has these nightmares just around this time and it keeps him awake. We know he tried to kill himself about 12 years ago. Could it be this time that he dreads the most? he emotionally cannot work at that hour. Is PD Lee deliberately trying to test or torment JSH and chose this live airing time so JSH will feel more haunted by the death of WJW?


Now analysis aside - lets talk OTP :D


JSH and GR is so cute together. One can only cook egg and the other toast. I guess they can only eat eggs and toast and burnt ones too. 

YDJ expressions is so funny








Good question Jason



But according to GR its the toasters fault it keeps burning the bread. JSH needs a new toaster laugh-leaf-emoticon.gif?1292794624

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He hugged me, I hugged him back...  He kissed me, I kissed him back...  He confessed his love, I confessed it back...  He believed in me, I believed and trusted him back... 

It doesn't get much better than that...:wub:


This episode was a vision of how JSH isn't the only one who is changing because of love but also a look at how GR is changing as well.  She not only sees him she understands him and not just whats on the outside but the scars that lie within him as well.  She may not have all the answers but then either do we.  But what she does know and feel gives her the courage to step out with her heart in hand.  She is willing to kiss first, hug first and wait over three hours in the cold just so he can see he isn't alone.  That she isn't going anywhere and somehow I believe she knew before he told her that his greatest fear was her leaving him and being left alone...


Even more I was so touched when she called him for an Early Bird Date and even though his mind was somewhere else still in such a loving way without saying it out loud or making it a big deal.  She in her sweet silence on that bus guides him by giving him a tour of all those people who were up and moving in every direction either waking up getting an early start or heading home or to bed after a long night.   Proving that there was an audience for their show and for him and that no matter what time it is people need the support of a kind voice, words and music keeping them company and allowing them to listen and know they are not alone.  GR knew just what to do in giving him the courage to do the job she knew he could do...


She is changing him but I think it's true that he is changing her in ways too!!!

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@USAFarmgirl I found it amazing that GR understood JSH so well. She waited for exactly 3hrs and 28 minutes in the cold for him to return knowing he felt alone and miserable. She knew he wanted to see her yet feared to approach her. To him no matter how much he tried to protect her in the end she was hurt because of him. How comforting was her assurance that she wasnt hurt by him and more so the hug they shared.


JSH: "Song Geu Rim, would you lend me your hand?"

SGR: "I guess you needed comforting, JSH"



SGR: "It's funny. I'm riding the bus at 4am with a top star, and talking with him, and holding hands with him."


QaMY9Pl.jpgcr. https://twitter.com/SoHyun_GeuRim


When the new passengers came, I loved how she still had her firm grip on his hands  despite him trying to shake it out. It's like she's telling him it doesnt matter, people wont care. They have their own busy lives - or as the new ost title says "story" to full fill.  He too tightened his hand grip and then smiled as he came to realise this. 


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This is the description for Ep 13. There isn't a preview yet.... 
Can anyone translate it this correctly... 

이강(윤박)은 그 동안 그림(송그림)에게 숨겨왔던 마음을 꺼내 고백을 하는 한편, 그림과 수호(윤두준)의 분교 설원 키스 사진이 공개돼 스캔들이 터지는데...

I believe it is saying something about Kang confessing his hidden feelings and that the photos from the snowy school yard kiss are released and a scandal breaks out. 

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Sadly ratings for RR has gone down.






3 hours ago, Kasmic said:


I just finished watching ep 12 with subs...:D 


Manager Kim and JSH usually practise his drama/ movie scripts together and they would record it. It just so happen that JSH opened up to Kim and told him the truth of his birth. The recording took place while they were practising his lines. TR just so accidentally heard it as well. Kim intentionally kept the recording and even left it in the same exact spot of where TR would know where it is kept. After she rudely replied, "What is this? did you test me?" He angrily screamed, "I tested myself. ME!" 


He was testing himself on weather or not he should trust TR or continue loving and protecting her. When TR took the recording it proved she would betray/ use him for her own gains. It was his final straw because it made himself see that she was only using him. I guess he needed that just so he can let her go and not see her anymore. 




@yoyo_icecube If what JSH said to KJW was correct that he does like JTR and has for a long time. Then as seen before KJW has a weak side when it comes to JTR. It is clear throughout the episode so far.


What both @Yongzura and @Kasmic said I believe is correct that he was testing himself whether not only should he continue trusting and protecting her BUT also that will JTR wake up and try to stop this madness that she has started.


it was clear with the betrayal of the recording, (now JSH knows where that recording came from and who it came from) JTR has lost the final straw in the pity pool. She has shown that as long as she gets what she wants, she will use whatever means necessary to get it.


2 hours ago, Kasmic said:

Now its my turn to throw in some questions, we've got a week to ponder on this. So why not continue our analysis until we get any new spoilers :wink:


I love this, for every episode we get, new hints/ twists are thrown at us and therefore new theories keep popping up. My mind keep changing esp inregards to PD Lee and Jason - whom is the sender of those threatening postcards? and how much they know of WJW?


Im beginning to think that PD Lee is perhaps WJW or WJW brother as we dont know PD lee's age right?

When JSH first saw the postcard he instantly went to see WJW letters. Now are the writings similar? Why are they intentionally zooming in on the writings?


But we saw WJW ashes in the crematorium so WJW must be dead and PD Lee cant be WJW. This is why I think he might be his brother. Look at the style of writing, all 3 letters tend to address people by how the sender perceives them - Murderer Ji Soo Ho, Muse GeuRim, Ever Shy WJW. If we look at PD Lee, notice he too does this. He always calls GR - newbie,  writer and now JSH his DJ.  Maybe PD Lee wrote these letters on behalf of WJW because he was that ill that he couldnt write them. 


Next, if Jason is not the sender of those threatening letters I think Jason deliberately placed one of the letters in JSH room. Notice its a handwritten one with a postage stamp. Jason did this purposefully so JSH can investigate and look into the date and locations of where/ when it was sent. Jason also mentioned this to PD Lee and by now Im guessing Jason has a good hunch feeling that the sender might be PD Lee. I guess if Pd Lee is the one sending those postcards he must be thinking geez Im stupid for using the stamps:tongue: But PD Lee doesnt seem that careless right? 


Another point I want to raise is why JSH felt so adamant about working at 4am and it cant be because he likes to sleep in. I think it's more about his nightmares. He has these nightmares just around this time and it keeps him awake. We know he tried to kill himself about 12 years ago. Could it be this time that he dreads the most? he emotionally cannot work at that hour. Is PD Lee deliberately trying to test or torment JSH and chose this live airing time so JSH will feel more haunted by the death of WJW?


Now analysis aside - lets talk OTP :D


JSH and GR is so cute together. One can only cook egg and the other toast. I guess they can only eat eggs and toast and burnt ones too. 



As for the analysis, I really believe that either Jason or PD Lee is DIRECTLY link to the case of WJW. Maybe not so much as a brother but a relative perhaps or even just a friend. Clearly there is a link, but what kind of link.

It makes more sense that the letter that JSH found was from Jason because who else could get into the house but him. But why did he place it there? That is something that I am trying to figure out. Is he doing it as revenge or as a form of therapy?


If jason does know everything then how did he know, was it JSH who told him? or did he do his on investigation or is he directly linked.


PD Lee as well, is also a mystery because his interactions with Jason also so a different side to him that he has not shown SGR or even JSH. I like to think that PD Lee is more a protector but I too am also confuse at this.


One point about the burnt toast scene, more about Jason but I really cannot find it in myself to think that Jason is bad. At times I feel his interactions and reactions towards JSH especially are just so genuine. I truly need to know what is the end game because I think I am giving myself a headache just thinking about it :tongue:





1 hour ago, Kasmic said:

@USAFarmgirl I found it amazing that GR understood JSH so well. She waited for exactly 3hrs and 28 minutes in the cold for him to return knowing he felt alone and miserable. She knew he wanted to see her yet feared to approach her. To him no matter how much he tried to protect her in the end she was hurt because of him. How comforting was her assurance that she wasnt hurt by him and more so the hug they shared.


When the new passengers came, I loved how she still had her firm grip on his hands  despite him trying to shake it out. It's like she's telling him it doesnt matter, people wont care. They have their own busy lives - or as the new ost title says "story" to full fill.  He too tightened his hand grip and then smiled as he came to realise this. 



I totally agree with you @Kasmic and @USAFarmgirl

indeed, it is lovely to see that yes JSH who has been active in his approach to SGR. But it is nice to see that she too is changing and is also approaching him as well.


You are right about SGR being more proactive in her approach towards JSH. for once rather than getting the male lead do everything, she is the one that returns it as much.

That first hug which was a hug to comfort JSH was both sad and beautiful at the same time.

And you are right about the holding hand, it is interesting how she was the one that was gripping firmly on him and being the one that doesnt let go.


1 hour ago, ShannonK said:

This is the description for Ep 13. There isn't a preview yet.... 
Can anyone translate it this correctly... 

이강(윤박)은 그 동안 그림(송그림)에게 숨겨왔던 마음을 꺼내 고백을 하는 한편, 그림과 수호(윤두준)의 분교 설원 키스 사진이 공개돼 스캔들이 터지는데...

I believe it is saying something about Kang confessing his hidden feelings and that the photos from the snowy school yard kiss are released and a scandal breaks out. 


hmmm, maybe @stroppyse or @MinLyn can help with the translation.

If that is the case that means it becomes out in the open the relationship between SGR and JSH.

And if Kang confessing some feelings either we are going to be getting a love triangle :cry: or that PD Lee finally tells us what has been going on with WJW and the whole letter thing. I think it needs to be resolve in order to facilitate healing for JSH, writers please dont drag it out anymore!

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Since my first post was so long, I am going to break up the post here.


"Radio Romance" Yoon Doo-joon Takes on Radio Show at 4 AM




On the latest episode of the KBS 2TV drama "Radio Romance", Ji Soo-ho (Yoon Doo-joon), Song Geu-rim (Kim So-hyun) and Lee Kang (Yoon Park) were on bad terms over the breakup of the radio team.


After a struggle, the radio was back on show, but Lee kang insisted the show air at 4 am.

Ji Soo-ho said, "I'm Ji Soo-ho. I can't do it. I can't be on the radio when no one is listening". Lee Kang replied, "I'll do it even without you".


Song Geu-rim tried to convince Ji Soo-ho to do it. He held her hand in the bus. Song Geu-rim said, "I am scared of broadcasting at 4 AM too so let's do it together". Ji Soo-ho weakened.


In the end, Ji Soo-ho appeared at the radio booth. Lee Kang sarcastically congratulated him for turning up 10 minutes before the radio broadcast and Song Geu-rim agreed to be his 'morning call'.


Meanwhile, Lee Kang stopped Ji Soo-ho and Song Geu-rim from travelling somewhere in a car.


Source : news1.kr/articles/?32...



@Kasmic i think the bold part in the article answers why JSH didnt want a 4AM slot. It is that there is no guarantee that ANYONE would be listening..






more under the spoiler







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@kaoriharang, here is the translation you asked for. @ShannonK's translation was actually pretty spot on.


2 hours ago, ShannonK said:

This is the description for Ep 13. There isn't a preview yet.... 
Can anyone translate it this correctly... 

이강(윤박)은 그 동안 그림(송그림)에게 숨겨왔던 마음을 꺼내 고백을 하는 한편, 그림과 수호(윤두준)의 분교 설원 키스 사진이 공개돼 스캔들이 터지는데...

I believe it is saying something about Kang confessing his hidden feelings and that the photos from the snowy school yard kiss are released and a scandal breaks out. 



Lee Gang reveals the feelings that he had been hiding for Geu Rim during all this time and confesses to her, meanwhile a photo of Geu Rim and Soo Ho’s kiss in the schoolyard causes a scandal…



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2 hours ago, stroppyse said:

@kaoriharang, here is the translation you asked for. @ShannonK's translation was actually pretty spot on.




Lee Gang reveals the feelings that he had been hiding for Geu Rim during all this time and confesses to her, meanwhile a photo of Geu Rim and Soo Ho’s kiss in the schoolyard causes a scandal…




thank you for the translation!


WAIT SO THERE IS A LOVE TRIANGLE???!!! @bebebisous33 @Kasmic @Yongzura this can't be?!



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