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[Drama 2018] Radio Romance 라디오 로맨스

Go Seung Ji

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I dont like the idea of Jason being the evil....Jason is one of the reason i want to continue watching this:) i hope he is not..would turn out like what our chingus here are speculating *fingercross*....while everybody is swoon and fangirling over JSH-GR romantic relationship, it's weird that honestly i didnt feel that way..*sorry** its not that i am not used to immerse into the romance..but i dont have the feeling the way i immersed into other RomCom drama like WYWS, UF for examples...but still i am looking forward for more...because i like the plots and i like the character Lee Gang..He is interesting, and crazy yet dependable and genius. Its hard to read his mind but he is smart enough to pin down JSH and leave him no choice but to follow his words and rules. Especially when its regarding newbie SGR...^_^ 


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Jason is doing his work as a professional and a teacher. That is what all human scientists do. In most cases, like an outdoor patients cases are, the person's identity is hidden but of course his case will be a subject of curiosity to both teacher and students especially if it's uncommon like in this case. Moat psychiatric drs are bipolar.  My problem with him is the hidden face he was talking to but every other thing he did was in other. It might be a colleague but let's wait and see.


As of the notes, I'm suspecting the fake mum. Manager and fading child star won't dare do that as of now without the consent of the mum and she will get to know who did it and trust me that woman can quietly eliminate the person.


I don't like detective kind of drama. Drama pls, don't go deeper cos I will be forced to stop this wonderful drama

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9 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

@kaoriharang @Mau_Cherry @ruzikie @YongzuraI am not buying that Jason could be the "villain", I rather suspect the person he was talking to because he was talking to someone and we weren't shown the identity of the partner. Then don't forget the scene where JAson used JSH as his special case he presented in front of other doctors. So in my opinion, the person there could have recognized JSH, when Jason described his symptoms but also his conditions of life: has always had fake relationship aso.

One thing is sure: the person is blaming for the death of JW. IT could be a relative who thought that JSH betrayed JW and didn't show up, hence JW decided to kill himself. Since JW was a patient himself, we can conclude that he was suffering from some mental health issues. This would also explain why the relative who is now seeking revenge could have become a psychiatrist, as he felt that he had not been able to help his brother to overcome his illness. Since the person was not present and didn't see how it happened, the person thought that JW had jumped in front of the truck in order to die. Maybe the driver described the situation like that. IT is just that the driver couldn't see that JW wanted to join JSH and made a mistake by not looking carefully before crossing the street. On the other hand, we clearly see that JSH blames himself for his death, for many reasons:

- he came late

- he changed his mind at the last minute, which JSH felt that he was betraying his friend

- when he saw the accident, he ran away and had the impression that he had betrayed him again.Sending his graduation certificate reinforced the belief of this person that JSH is responsible for JW's death.

As for JTR, it is clear now why she is able to get jobs, although she is a long forgotten actress. She knows JSH's secret: he is not the biological son of NJH.

As for KJW, the manager, it seems that he is definitely in love with JTR. He tries to protect her. On the other hand, since we saw him in front of the urn of JW, I have the impression that he is somehow involved in his death too. There is more to it that he didn't answer the phone. This could be related to JSH's running. He was out of breath, when he was about to meet JW. 



I am also not so sure about Jason being the villain, personally I rather he not be, I mean SH barely has any good friends in this world it would be sad if Jason turns outs to be his enemy. Clearly there is something more to Jason's intentions of course but I do hope he is genuinely wants to help SH move on with life. 


Do you think SH was a patient in that very hospital with his friend and SGR's mother? So far with all the shots in the hospital it doesnt seem that he was a patient, rather he was there keeping his friend company. (At least at this point I think so, I can't totally tell yet)


I felt bad for JSH when they show his diploma with his friend's urn, it is clear he is carrying such a difficult burden walking around with guilt that he was the cause his friend's death. i cannot imagine what it is is, not only is he carrying such a burden; he has no one to share the burden with it.


Personally, I find the character JTR a little but irritating; mainly because of the fact that she is someone who very much like JSH's mother, craves attention and is desperately clinging onto this star life that both of them are so addicted too. I find her and JSH's mother rather similar in certain ways, they will go to really high lengths to keep what they want.


I am very effiy about KJW mainly because I still don't see him as someone who deserves to be trusted, i can totally understand the walls JSH put around himself against KJW.


1 hour ago, Kasmic said:

Hi @kaoriharang thanks for tagging me on your thoughts of eps 5 and 6. Our thoughts are very similar making it a pleasure to read. I love how you add your special touch of a cute and humorous meme. Makes me laugh and smile. :wink:

 BTW we have similar leading male names here. !st we had MOON SOO-HO and now JI SOO-HO. Talk about coincidence right? 


Back to RR -


I noticed that postcard too chingu and I at first thought SH mustve sent the postcard but I doubt it. JSH isnt familiar with the radio world and he doesnt even know the veteran radio host - DJ Moon (HA! another BK reference :tongue:). DJ Moon is so wise and I cant wait for him to teach/ help JSH in not only the benefits of radio "talkback" but to help him in his depression. So if SH didnt send this postcard to him then perhaps his friend is the veterans fan or I might even go more complicated to say that the boy might be related to him. This also explains why he was willing to let them use his radio booth  and insist that SH goes hiking everyday with him. 


@bebebisous33 Im glad Im not the only one thinking that Jason isnt the one whom is threatening JSH. Yeah he does have that creepy laugh but the early eps he seem so genuinely and humorously concerned for JSH. 


JSH is his subject for his psychosis presentation I dont think he would want to harm SH... I think. Still his laugh is questionable. I cant put my finger on him as yet. But yes he did appear to be talking to someone - it gave me the KMHM vibe, I thought he was talking to himself maybe split personality of SH friend whom died. (Sorry I cant remember his name) Which could explain his love and hate (if any) relationship with him. But then again why would he talk to himself so creepily in such an open cafeteria. HAHAHA! is he sane?:huh:


TR does know the family secret and is using this to make SH mom or step mom boost her career. Whatever she has, SH manager knows and has the evidence. Maybe the secret is that SH isnt the evil mom's son. Evil mom is so controlling she's taken out her hurt from SH father on SH. I wished she learnt to love SH rather than the spineless cheating husband. She wouldve been a great mother to SH if only. Anyway, I think SH fallout with his friend has to do with evil mom. Maybe she told him to be SH friend and report back to her on his every move. Hence why SH felt betrayed by his friend and didnt want to see him.  Sadly his death only made SH more depressed. He grew up never  trusting anyone and hiding behind his pretentious smile. 


I look forward in seeing him develop.   I esp love his friendship with PD Lee. His so quirky and put them two together is true bromance. I laughed so much whenever they appear together esp when they were throwing the paper cup in the bin -  :D


I hope we see them drunk again lol! and he better not be the one sending those murder notes or my heart would be so broken.  He seems to be like another teacher/ brother to both GR and SH. I know SH didnt like PDLee calling  GR a rookie but hey she is a rookie esp in terms of being a main writer and then now as from the preview he slightly upgraded her to Maknae :D His def out to teach them some life lessons and boy do they need it.




you're welcome chingu~ it is good to see you again.

HAHA I KNOW I NOTICED THAT WHEN THE DRAMA FIRST STARTED, wow we got two characters with the same name. :tongue: what a reminder for us.




I think one thing that JSH's mother does not have is love, and not just love towards JSH but also love towards people actually. I mean she places value and her worth all on how people see her and also in things, fame and tangible things. She has never really love JSH from the moment he came into the house,  I don't even think she tried.


Clearly PD LG is needed because he is the one that directly challenges JSH and pushes himself outside of his comfort zone.

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Finally watched ep 5 with subs! One thing I've loved so far is all the key characters are so well acted (in my view). I can literally see JSH's mum seething with anger at what she sees as losing control over her son. JSH Manager being friendly but scary at the same time when helping JTR. And of course our main leads are awesome. 


I did dislike when LG pushed SGR when he was arguing with JSH. I hope the show lets not only JSH heal, but also heal LG and his anger management issues.


I'm still intrigued what the friend story is, and who he is related to. I feel like it isn't the manager because their surnames are different. Maybe manager is feeling the same guilt as JSH - maybe friend was trying to join JH entertainment and something happened?

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@kaoriharang JSH was a patient himself in the beginning because when he saw SGR for the first time, he was definitely wearing the hospital clothes like his friend JW. In my opinion, that's how JSH met JW and they became real friends. But I suspect that JSH didn't remain that long at the hospital like his friend JW. Then JSH mentioned to his manager KJW that he betrayed him the moment he didn't answer his phone calls 12 years ago. JSH had tried to call him for help but KJW didn't answer his phone (accident). Sure, JSH feels betrayed by KJW for another reason: he is spying for his mother on his actions. Moreover, we shouldn't forget that LG told SGR that he had one reason to invite JSH as DJ but he never said which reason. In other words, LG is not related to JW but I am quite sure that he met him in the past. It would be interesting if JSH didn't remember LG, just like SGR has not connected JSH to the boy who kissed her.

As for NJH, I can't really stand the woman for many reasons. Yes, her husband is a cheater but looking at the way she is behaving, it is clear that she is definitely acting like a spoiled child who is using her money and influence to dictate life of others. She has definitely the upper hand in the marriage as she orders her husband... so she is no longer a victim. Like I mentioned it before, she had another option: divorce! No, for her image is everything.

I am really hoping that her "reality show" becomes a huge failure as JSH is no willing to participate in creating this fake family. Moreover, it would be great if she met SGR's mother because the moment she "hears" her, she will see through NJH's fake image. It would be great if the disabled person would held the mirror in front of NJH and tell her the truth: how horrible she is.  

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episode 5 and 6 are basically the love of my life and the development between our OTP. 


i don't want Jason turn to be evil because i need him as a close friend of Suho but it's already complicated since Suho already rejected him in the first place. If he is already being the sample of his experiment, i wish it would turn good as if Jason is trying to find the cure for his depression. I don't like the idea of him being a villain in this drama.


For me, his parents are the real villain especially his mother, what kind of mother is she doing all of the bad things and even reign him to do something that he doesn't like ? For heaven sake, even he is not her biological son, she should have treated him better and his father, gosh, i know father like him exists in this world, just doing some don juan and fill up another hole from woman to woman. if you know what i mean.


For me, Suho is a victim of his parents. His dysfunctional parents are the worst thing he ever had in this world. I hope he find strength in Geurim and her blind mother along with Lee Kang. I found it's funny to see him flustered while calling her mother, Omoni. He seems dislike the way of Lee Gang's talking while he mentioned him and her mother are basically interacting like mother and son. I feel Suho could shut his mouth into a brim. 


For next episode, i hope his mother are not making some chaos again by creating some rumour between Taeri and Suho.Like dating rumour so Taeri would get famous in an instant way like she wants after all.

Finger crossed guys because we don't know how this woman will act to her " son" 

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2 hours ago, kaoriharang said:

Do you think SH was a patient in that very hospital with his friend and SGR's mother? So far with all the shots in the hospital it doesnt seem that he was a patient, rather he was there keeping his friend company. (At least at this point I think so, I can't totally tell yet)

I think both SH and his friend were in the hospital. Look here at this IG update. Both boys look like they are wearing a patient gown.


Some more pics in the spoiler






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On 2/15/2018 at 2:30 PM, ruzikie said:

For me, Suho is a victim of his parents. His dysfunctional parents are the worst thing he ever had in this world. I hope he find strength in Geurim and her blind mother along with Lee Kang. I found it's funny to see him flustered while calling her mother, Omoni. He seems dislike the way of Lee Gang's talking while he mentioned him and her mother are basically interacting like mother and son. I feel Suho could shut his mouth into a brim. 


For next episode, i hope his mother are not making some chaos again by creating some rumour between Taeri and Suho.Like dating rumour so Taeri would get famous in an instant way like she wants after all.

Finger crossed guys because we don't know how this woman will act to her " son" 


Yes, majority of us agree that both mothers are opposites in the extreme - The positive and the negative end

It is really fun to see JSH gets jealous of PD Lee in regards to his relationship to SGR and her mother.  They do look like a family to outsiders.  I guess this is the first time ever of him using the word "Omoni" to address a mother of someone he knows.   


SGR's mother seemed to like teasing JSH too.  When he drove her home after her wallet got snatch, she knew particularly well the driver was JSH (from his voice) but she still asked him whether he listened to the show to get his reaction.  The same as when she asked him to accompany him to her house.  Ha ha.. i love it when she said, she lied in order to make a meal for him.  Also when PD Lee addressed the plant as SH, ha ha...as though the plant has a temper.  


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thanks for the clarification @Kasmic




Indeed, there is something deeper going on behind this story. Just who else is linked to this. SGR, JSH, KJW and the friend is all linked so far. Perhaps LG and Jason have some link, it may not be as strong as KJW's link. There is definitely a reason as to what is going on.


Exactly chingu~ @bebebisous33 that is someone that I can't stand JSH's mother, gosh, i should no longer call her his mother because she doesnt deserve to be called that. Her character name is called Nam Joo Ha (NJH) i should just call her by her name. I agree that is as acting like a spoilt child, when things don't go her way, she breaks or throws away things like an angry child.

I am curious that if indeed both of JSH's parents were in this industry for so long, same goes for JSH since he was at least a child, NJH must have been so addicted to her image and fame that when JSH came into her life, she used him to her advantage. Creating a loving mother image and no she can't let that go.


The Perfect Family, that is one thing she is obsesses with. I really want to see that with going ahead with the reality program, what would happen to JSH. It is like he is back under her thumb all over again. Yeah I hope it fails too, somehow maybe JTR can ruin it, afterall didnt JTR ruin the other rival radio program instead because of her ambition?


1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

@kaoriharang JSH was a patient himself in the beginning because when he saw SGR for the first time, he was definitely wearing the hospital clothes like his friend JW. In my opinion, that's how JSH met JW and they became real friends. But I suspect that JSH didn't remain that long at the hospital like his friend JW. Then JSH mentioned to his manager KJW that he betrayed him the moment he didn't answer his phone calls 12 years ago. JSH had tried to call him for help but KJW didn't answer his phone (accident). Sure, JSH feels betrayed by KJW for another reason: he is spying for his mother on his actions. Moreover, we shouldn't forget that LG told SGR that he had one reason to invite JSH as DJ but he never said which reason. In other words, LG is not related to JW but I am quite sure that he met him in the past. It would be interesting if JSH didn't remember LG, just like SGR has not connected JSH to the boy who kissed her.

As for NJH, I can't really stand the woman for many reasons. Yes, her husband is a cheater but looking at the way she is behaving, it is clear that she is definitely acting like a spoiled child who is using her money and influence to dictate life of others. She has definitely the upper hand in the marriage as she orders her husband... so she is no longer a victim. Like I mentioned it before, she had another option: divorce! No, for her image is everything.

I am really hoping that her "reality show" becomes a huge failure as JSH is no willing to participate in creating this fake family. Moreover, it would be great if she met SGR's mother because the moment she "hears" her, she will see through NJH's fake image. It would be great if the disabled person would held the mirror in front of NJH and tell her the truth: how horrible she is.  



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Aish there's just way too many typical K-Drama clichéd tropes here. Geurim/Suho are left alone together again. And yup he lends her his scarf...again. Well at least it's a different color LoL:tongue: Aish that Writer Ra is petty AF. Like who the heck she think she is?!:crazy: Suho-ya you're SO jealous HA:w00t: how he hates PD Lee keep addressing her as Newbie. Though in PD Lee's defense he ONLY calls Geurim Newbie heh^_^ oh he sure knows how to get under Suho's skin too:wink:

Poor Taeri having to face such sleazy old men to land a commercial. I can't help but feel it's based off real circumstance, like how there's scandals of female idols, actresses having to "entertain" VIPs for extra "favors". Is there something going on between Suho's manager & Taeri?:phew: I can see why some of you suspect Jason to have sent those death threats LoL but we'll never know until further ep. right? Ha there's something so sexy about the way Suho walks. He has a lil bounce in his step, he struts that hottie:tongue: Damn that kiss:wub:

I love the parting words in ep. 06:-

Just because you're crying doesn't mean you're sad, 

Just because you're laughing doesn't mean you're happy

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Credit to the owner.



1. I've been looking at this scene again and again.  The picture of JSH and his friend was  shown as though it was pinned on the board on top of a poster.  However, when they were talking in the beginning i can't seem to find it on the board.  Shouldn't JSH be looking at it intensely if he saw his photo there?  Is it really there or were they trying to give a hint to us....?


Watching the second episode again, I'm confirmed their picture was not on the board.


2. The translation said "I was "in love" during the conversation... Is it in love with the radio or in love with someone....?  :ph34r:

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@Kasmic honestly when the first time I watch this drama,  when I see SH eyes made me realize, "Why I can't see JH depression?", he hide it so well...  Maybe from different factor, but they both use radio to communicate about their heart..  Hope this drama going well and can accompany everyone who have wound in their heart and can be healing for everyone.. Talk about depression, we all have.. But everyone have a different way to fight with it...  


Many hug for you #let we pray for JH and everyone to... 

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Now done with Ep 6! I was close to tearing with the little boy crying about his friend... awwww, he really is like a little JSH.


That said, is it just me, but is JSH softening up in these 2 episodes quite sudden? I remember him leaving the island/the team behind after he had the dream of his friend's accident, but then I couldn't understand why he suddenly softened up to SGR in ep 5.  Was it after seeing her and her mum together, that something affected him? Maybe I missed a scene. It also speaks volumes that he actually brought lunch to SGR (before she chased him off his own car :tongue:), when his manager used to say he wouldn't even eat with the staff on his drama sets. 


It was interesting that in ep 6, it was suddenly JSH trying to instill confidence in SGR - I guess that will be her path to development through the show. Healing for everyone!


Jason was creepy, but he's back in JSH's house next week so hopefully we can start getting a read on what his goal is. I want both Jason and Manager Kim to be on JSH's side after all, because it's too sad if they were not. 


Oh and DB recap!



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On 2/16/2018 at 12:22 AM, herina_90 said:

Now done with Ep 6! I was close to tearing with the little boy crying about his friend... awwww, he really is like a little JSH.


That said, is it just me, but is JSH softening up in these 2 episodes quite sudden? I remember him leaving the island/the team behind after he had the dream of his friend's accident, but then I couldn't understand why he suddenly softened up to SGR in ep 5.  Was it after seeing her and her mum together, that something affected him? Maybe I missed a scene. It also speaks volumes that he actually brought lunch to SGR (before she chased him off his own car :tongue:), when his manager used to say he wouldn't even eat with the staff on his drama sets. 



Yes, he has changed :) for the better. (Jason will be in shock to see how he has changed so much ...)   I don't think the change is quite sudden since the radio show has been going on for some time that the two teams' rating are already being compared to.  However, our SGR just finally got her first break in Ep. 6 when JSH read her manuscript instead of reading from his own writing team. 


 Can't wait to watch what is going to happen  next ..


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Hi all, I am enjoying reading your theories and insights.  Anyone has the name of the song when they kiss?  I really love the music there.  

For ep 6, I really adore the part where JSH asked Mom for the permission to borrow her daughter.  Almost like asking for the hand in marriage.  Hee hee!  

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