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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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1 hour ago, etherealk408 said:


Source: http://tv.naver.com/v/2100456


[NAVER TV] Kim NamGil♥ Kim AhJoong, The happiest Date in the world♥ #InAWorldOfTheirOwn


(BEST Comment #1)
1. You two dating for real? [+3560,-37]
- That was beyond acting  [+1034,-7]
---  at 3:15 the look in Kim NamGil's eyes..seriously this is more than acting [+898,-8]
---- can't the two of them just date for real [+516,-8]
------People won't say anything against Drama lovers who turned into a real couple..if only they would date [+518,-8]
-------- Noㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ if they're dating I hope they won't be dating while stil acting ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ [+7,-143]
----------Son YeJin can't be. Kim AhJoong! [+203,-22]
----------- If this was acting then Kim AhJoong & Kim NamGil are simply the most epic Actors at acting..if they're dating for real then those feelings being revealed (through the scenes) aren't bad either. Drama-lovers turned real-life lovers won't get criticism so it'd be great if they could date for real [+428,-6]
------------- They are both so good at acting so it is convincing for it to be just acting..but still they're too sweet and matches perfectly so it D-1( of dating) from today.. [+207,-4]
------------------It'd be great if it's a happy ending but in case of a sad ending please work out in real life  [+141,-3]
----------------------I think it will be great if they date (T/N: In Joseon speech) [+129,-6]
------------------------- Can you please just date.... you're both in present era [+113,-4]
------------------------------- It'd be wonderful if they date for real...honestly sincerely [+117,-4]
---------------------------------Reality. Their age gap is just right..ㅎ [+73,-1]
------------------------------------The two of them are seriously the perfect match. It will be great if they become real lovers [+62,-2]
--------------------------------------Just date seriously  [+57,-1]
----------------------------------------- Their ages are just right..I hope everything works out well for you!!! You two are too sweet~~~ it looks good^^ [+43,-0]


@etherealk408 thanks babe for another wonderful translation!


Majority of the comments are like 'JUST DATE' for real since perfect match and same age. LOL


and it is true. at 3:15, KNG's eyes gave it away! That is the look of a lover being teased after that adlib beach kiss, not acting. He was pleasantly surprised by the extra smooches and wanted more. HAHA Even his chemistry with other female co-stars cannot be matched to LUTYN. That is why whole world is shipping them. :heart:


And the comment that says 'i hope they are not dating' has got the most UNLIKE votes. LOL



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@boingboingracquet @dyanadivara wonderful works guys...

@etherealk408 @siena @iamemilykay thank you for your translation ...really thanks.


Chingu...don't worry too much about the unfair-title-article. I think KAJ's fans (or her team) are wise enough to ask the DC's administrator to delete it. Though I don't defend the journalist, since it wasn't based on the real condition or had some proofs, but...usually ... USUALLY ... what the entertainment journalist's words, 85 until 90 percent, is true. I can tell you this because I was an entertainment journalists and many of my journalist friend wrote about celebrities' news in our capital city. I often asked to them...'was that right, she did that and he did this?' ...kind so and they will answer 'yes. we have spied or observed them. Many their close persons had told it'.. Aaahh. The truth will be revealed or not depend on the celebs... they can ignore of what the media or fans say and just do whatever they wanna do OR (if their heart and intention aren't strong enough) the truth will be a mystery after all. Have a big heart, chingu :wub::wub::)


Oh yeah, for you who miss Oh Hara...the actress performs on WC...also the taxi driver on WC and GBC.

Yup, I try to watch the newest kdramas... sort the episodes out to find 'another one'...still can't move on totally. Miss them so much. :cold_sweat: 

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Just now, mantleprey said:


@etherealk408 thanks babe for another wonderful translation!


Majority of the comments are like 'JUST DATE' for real since perfect match and same age. LOL


and it is true. at 3:15, KNG's eyes gave it away! That is the look of a lover being teased after that adlib beach kiss, not acting. He was pleasantly surprised by the extra smooches and wanted more. HAHA Even his chemistry with other female co-stars cannot be matched to LUTYN. That is why whole world is shipping them. :heart:


And the comment that says 'i hope they are not dating' has got the most UNLIKE votes. LOL

When I watched the kiss scene for the first time...I thought 'oh, it was an adlib' right away...and am pretty sure it is.

So...if KAJ is rarely or never doing the beach date,  then ...this is her first date with her 'boyfriend' on the beach while running around and walking together??? Yeaahh, riiigghttt!!! :thumbsup: 


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27 minutes ago, martanur said:

When I watched the kiss scene for the first time...I thought 'oh, it was an adlib' right away...and am pretty sure it is.

So...if KAJ is rarely or never doing the beach date,  then ...this is her first date with her 'boyfriend' on the beach while running around and walking together??? Yeaahh, riiigghttt!!! :thumbsup: 


If the kisses are ad libs then I am confident that the ship has sailed (whether we will get to know it is another story). In WLFKBJ, LSK and NJH also did an ad lib kiss which was caught on bts. I mean, ad lib goes beyond what is required in the script and requires agreement on both sides. For one party to even suggest it without being confirmed about the other’s feelings is almost harassment.

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41 minutes ago, martanur said:

@boingboingracquet @dyanadivara wonderful works guys...

@etherealk408 @siena @iamemilykay thank you for your translation ...really thanks.


Chingu...don't worry too much about the unfair-title-article. I think KAJ's fans (or her team) are wise enough to ask the DC's administrator to delete it. Though I don't defend the journalist, since it wasn't based on the real condition or had some proofs, but...usually ... USUALLY ... what the entertainment journalist's words, 85 until 90 percent, is true. I can tell you this because I was an entertainment journalists and many of my journalist friend wrote about celebrities' news in our capital city. I often asked to them...'was that right, she did that and he did this?' ...kind so and they will answer 'yes. we have spied or observed them. Many their close persons had told it'.. Aaahh. The truth will be revealed or not depend on the celebs... they can ignore of what the media or fans say and just do whatever they wanna do OR (if their heart and intention aren't strong enough) the truth will be a mystery after all. Have a big heart, chingu :wub::wub::)


Oh yeah, for you who miss Oh Hara...the actress performs on WC...also the taxi driver on WC and GBC.

Yup, I try to watch the newest kdramas... sort the episodes out to find 'another one'...still can't move on totally. Miss them so much. :cold_sweat: 


Thanks @martanur for giving this ship extra extra fuel by adding your professional view as an entertainment journalist! Hehe. I guess if more of such twisted titles or daring headlines appear about Gum couple, it may really mean something. And if KAJ still appear in love when she’s in Japan during her fan meeting, then we can be quite sure our ship is sailing quite ok. Haha. 

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15 minutes ago, Ohsh said:

If the kisses are ad libs then I am confident that the ship has sailed (whether we will get to know it is another story). In WLFKBJ, LSK and NJH also did an ad lib kiss which was caught on bts. I mean, ad lib goes beyond what is required in the script and requires agreement on both sides. For one party to even suggest it without being confirmed about the other’s feelings is almost harassment.


Its harassment indeed, so if both party agree and do it sincerely, what we call it? love? lol you know what i mean right kekeke :) 

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Hi! Hope you're all good!!


@etherealk408 again, thank you so much!!!!


I've been meaning to tell you this....if you wanna see how NG going to look in his new movie, zoom in this pic and see the man in red. He's growing his bang for the movie.



It's like finding waldo, right lol!!! Focus on red color.

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6 minutes ago, siena said:


I've been meaning to tell you this....if you wanna see how NG going to look in his new movie, zoom in this pic and see the man in red. He's growing his bang for the movie.


It's like finding waldo, right lol!!! Focus on red color.


Lol! Looks good to me. His new bang I mean. :D 

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7 minutes ago, gogumajet said:


Lol! Looks good to me. His new bang I mean. :D 

I don’t recognize him! Is it the man in red in front and not the one in the distance? The nose looks different?

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The man has tried every kind of hairstyle, even dreadlocks (I have seen a picture somewhere, I believe). And he is always HOT ! We just need to see him go bald....and from what some chingus here have said,  that might just happen if during his wife's labour, he reacts like HI... :lol:

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7 hours ago, leba said:

AND, after watching for the nth time, do u find yourself behaving a bit like them? Haha. Sometimes I find myself smiling widely like HI’s goofy smile. And YK’s hair flipping makes me want to change my shampoo and hair care regimen! Hahaha. And every time I walk past a Korean food stall, I feel tempted to buy the golgi dish with rice. Haha. Oh my! What’s the series doing to me?  :o


My gosh, same here! HAHAHAHAH! I caught myself lip-biting at times! :lol: And when that happens, I'm reminded of our Gum Couple and start grinning to myself like a fool~ Aigooo~~ I guess its a good thing after all that people around me haven't watch LUTYN. If not, they'll realise where my weird behaviour is coming from. KEKEKE! 



15 hours ago, sight_stv said:

@dyanadivara Agree, its happen for several couple that only dating for a while and break up shortly after. Luckily our queen is always drop a hint that we can spazz together lol. I wait 15 months before SSC announce their wedding, and in that 15 months my poor hearts feels ups and downs lol, but its gonna be worth it *holding hands together* :D 


@sight_stv those were the days of shipping SSC! Seriously, I was SOOO INCREDIBLY HAPPY when they announced their marriage that I made sure to search out my shipper friend for a dinner celebration! On top of smiling to myself LIKE CRAZY for a whole 2 - 3 days and speaking at high-pitched tone. Even my colleagues commented "Aiyoh~ something is not right with her...she's SOOO 'HIGH'". Nothing could turn my mood down, not even bad traffic jams or heavy workload. Now, we just need to be patient to wait for our Gum Couple to make an announcement. I'm SURE my colleagues will have to "suffer" another round of happiness outburst from me, right in the middle of the office. HEEEEE :tongue::tongue::tongue:



11 hours ago, 3z3zm3lp said:

Posting some photos of the rare pokemon :D kinda miss him.


Missing him too! And seeing KNG in this collage caused my brain to start doing checks on which rare pokemon is looks most similar to him~ Because his big eyes kinda resembled some of them...hahahah!

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22 hours ago, ImKyung said:


@iamemilykay that is exactly why we need your subs ! Thank you for taking your precious time to sub the vlive. I had no idea KNG said that to KAJ.... omg !


Hahahaha..... and look a her reaction ! SO TELLING :heart:


Hahahaha~ I WAS SMILING TO MYSELF soooo widely as well when I was translating that part! HEHEHEHEH! Rewind countless times as well to rewatch~ :heart::heart::heart: and refrained hard from adding in my own comments into the translation text~ :lol::lol:

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12 hours ago, etherealk408 said:

[NAVER TV] Kim NamGil♥ Kim AhJoong, The happiest Date in the world♥ #InAWorldOfTheirOwn


1. You two dating for real? [+3560,-37]
2. Oh well.. please shoot Newlyweds Diary (The Lovebirds)   [+2339,-21]


@etherealk408 NOMU KUMAWOYO again for translating and doing it in two different versions to give us the best presentations. And so sorry to cut your post! 


OMO! Even Knetz wants them on Newlyweds Diary! On to #wishfulthinking list being FULFILLED! *full-on delulu mind mode*


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