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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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You guys are killing me!!! HAHAHAHAHA. I just slept the whole day and when I checked the thread, it added 5 more pages. :lol: Brings back to the time LUTYN was still airing. Huhu. Anyway, did a dating news break out already? Another kisses/hugs analysis? Lol wait, for sure not a dating news, 5 pages aren't enough for that so I'll just go with analysis or the update from the dcut. Hahaha. Lemme back read now

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3 minutes ago, heoimajeossi said:

Bad reporter! Dont make twisted articles unless it was the truth coming from their mouth, yeah? :huh:


Lol! I laugh at the end of your gif. But then, it is a true situation. They deleted it like there is nothing happen before. It was like "opss sorry. We did not mean to post it that way. We will deleted it. We apologies for the inconvenience" 


Me: yeah rigth. :huh:

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14 minutes ago, heoimajeossi said:

Bad reporter! Dont make twisted articles unless it was the truth coming from their mouth, yeah? :huh:




Roflmao :joy: you are good chingu, I'm about to sleep and you woke me hahaha.

However that chopstick....eh toooo gentle, just grab one handful of food and chuck em in his mouth :naughty:


Ahhh feels so good :tongue:..night all((hugs)):kiss_wink:

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Woa I never know such article could really affect people's relationship. Have no clue about fans war etc.Such a rookie.Sigh.


Am praying hard right now, hoping this matter will not be drag further. And most importantly, not affect their relationship whether it's love (yeah, we all secretly hope for this one, right guys?) OR just f...r....i....e...n..d.


Maybe it's finally time for our wise man to talk. Kim nam gil, I chose you! (Pokemon line ~ sigh what i am doing with my life).


Im :heart: Kyung







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26 minutes ago, iamemilykay said:

Yeorobun, thanks so much for all your response earlier on continuing with these translations! You've laid to rest the worries I have for disrupting the thread's flow with them, mainly because I'm progressing really slow, huhu. I'll try my best to complete all of it soon. I'm getting closer to the end, please do bear with me. 


And here's the 6th installment. Happy reading!



Thank you for your hard work. :D


Lol! I smile at this translation:


KNG: Yes, yes. *looks at her with a smile* Please take more interests in me, keke.


Yeah KNG. Straightforward man is a nowadays trend. Keep up. :D

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39 minutes ago, iamemilykay said:

KAJ: Foremost, [viewers] are able to see both the Joseon era and the modern era simultaneously. Also, [viewers] can see both medical practices of Western and Oriental medicines at the same time. Additionally, *directs hand at YMK* there is the very, very handsome Yoo Min Kyu ssi taking on two roles for the drama……and there is Kim Nam Gil ssi, who’s been away [from the small screen] for 4 years …*asks KNG* it’s 4 years, am I correct?  


KNG: Yes, yes. *looks at her with a smile* Please take more interests in me, keke.


KAJ: *laughs, hand hesitates for a bit before touching KNG* It’s been 4 long years since his appearance on the small screen. Viewers will be able to see his acting performance again. I think these are the big differences [for our drama].


@iamemilykay that is exactly why we need your subs ! Thank you for taking your precious time to sub the vlive. I had no idea KNG said that to KAJ.... omg !


Hahahaha..... and look a her reaction ! SO TELLING :heart:

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Thanks @iamemilykay for continuing with the translation on the Vlive. I understand the Chinese subs. But they are too quick for me to catch everything. So I still need your detailed translation to enjoy it. Esp the part that was quoted earlier. Couldn’t really catch it while reading the Chinese subs. Too fast. Thanks so much for all the hard work! And thanks to the other translators for all ur hard work! :wub:

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@dramarella15 Welcome aboard! I'm personally ever so happy to meet a fellow ex-neutral & newbie in shipping actors irl department.. I've always thought this is a very dangerous, risky business to deal with because it's not fictional peoples' lives we talk about but the private lives of actual celebrities, actual human beings who have actual hearts & feelings.. (+ the possibility of being carried away with delulu thoughts only to have the ship sinking in the end is enormous) but alas what can I do? I can't unsee what I've seen for the first time ever, in KNG & KAJ.. I just hope together we all can survive this ^^


Providing they actually fall in love while filming LUTYN together, I totally second that sentiment about honestly being glad in a way that they have to be apart now for a while.. I think the problem with actors who act as couples then fall in love on-set and then date straight away but break up a short while later is that they somewhat confuse themselves with their characters and realize it only later. This way (being apart), KNG & KAJ are provided space and time to build their relationship with clear heads & conscience, to see and love each other not as HI & CYK but truly as KNG & KAJ. And yes, absence makes the heart grow fonder indeed.


Plus, I think 6 months from now on sounds like a great idea too.. I know it's a long, long wait for us poor Gummers but if it's what it takes for them both to get their true, long-lasting happiness in the end without any regrets, I'll wait patiently just fine ^^

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@dyanadivara Agree, its happen for several couple that only dating for a while and break up shortly after. Luckily our queen is always drop a hint that we can spazz together lol. I wait 15 months before SSC announce their wedding, and in that 15 months my poor hearts feels ups and downs lol, but its gonna be worth it *holding hands together* :D 

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44 minutes ago, sight_stv said:

@dyanadivara Agree, its happen for several couple that only dating for a while and break up shortly after. Luckily our queen is always drop a hint that we can spazz together lol. I wait 15 months before SSC announce their wedding, and in that 15 months my poor hearts feels ups and downs lol, but its gonna be worth it *holding hands together* :D 


@sight_stv Wow that is a long wait for SSC but so so glad that the ship sailed so well and onto marriage! Even Kim So Yeon and Lee Sang Woo got married quickly after the drama ended and you can tell so much chemistry in them during filming.


I hope that is the same case of our Gum couple. so many couples got married after being casted as lovers in kdramas lately and they are all in their thirties. It is about the right time with the right person! :heart::heart:

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30 minutes ago, mantleprey said:


@sight_stv Wow that is a long wait for SSC but so so glad that the ship sailed so well and onto marriage! Even Kim So Yeon and Lee Sang Woo got married quickly after the drama ended and you can tell so much chemistry in them during filming.


I hope that is the same case of our Gum couple. so many couples got married after being casted as lovers in kdramas lately and they are all in their thirties. It is about the right time with the right person! :heart::heart:


@mantleprey I totally agree with you on this. Marriage is about meeting the right person at the right time. The fact that both KAJ and KNG is active both in movies and dramas but have never once met or worked with each other throughout the years really gets to me. I am so glad that they decided to work together in LUTYN and become a kdrama OTP that feels so real that we are all here rooting for their happiness :heart:

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1 hour ago, mantleprey said:


@sight_stv Wow that is a long wait for SSC but so so glad that the ship sailed so well and onto marriage! Even Kim So Yeon and Lee Sang Woo got married quickly after the drama ended and you can tell so much chemistry in them during filming.


I hope that is the same case of our Gum couple. so many couples got married after being casted as lovers in kdramas lately and they are all in their thirties. It is about the right time with the right person! :heart::heart:


I know right, maybe they all destined to be together lol, start with amazing chemistry of course :D

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