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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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Thanks for the heads up @3z3zm3lp but omoo I didn't expect they're gonna open pre-order so soon.. Does anyone know how long does a PO period usually last? Or what are the chances one can buy it when it is released (say at yesasia etc) before it gets sold out? I'd love to buy the DC but at this point I might have to save a bit more money first for it..


Anyway idk if it's just me or do I indeed see quite a lot of fellow Indonesians here every now and then? Kalo iya...


Halo semuanya hehe, salam kenal! Btw ada kah yang minat preorder DCnya juga? Kalo ada boleh bareng kaah aku minim banget skill baca hangulnya ga paham gimana cara ordernya dan belum pernah juga sebelumnya order apa-apa dari Korea..


Also, I see that some of the twitter accounts that have generously shared lots of KNG & KAJ goodies regularly like he0dang, PUTitrighthere, just4tien, waahjae and many more are run by Indonesians too.. I wonder if these folks hang out here as well..?

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47 minutes ago, ImKyung said:

Dear all,


As Global PR Team representative for Iceland (i believe no one here is going to dispute this title lol), I am proud to announce that a subbing team has been on the works. And @iamemilykay´s subs have been put to good use. With her continuous dedication to provide translations and the help of our chingu @uphie_ajah, we have a few minutes ago submitted the timed english subs for approval at vlive. Yes vlive directly ! If Youtube is the obvious and necessary choice for visibility reasons, I believe we can put some pressure on King entertainement and maybe production team of LUTYN if they notice their international fanbase through vlive. Heck ! What if the cast and staff learn about this ! and what if they start thinking that the D cut might need english subs... ok i got carried away, sorry. It's also a way to show our support by subbing directly on vlive. But wait everyone, the subs are not available yet ! Haha. It needs to be reviewed by Admin from vlive.


anyway, we'll get some news soon from the admin of vlive and hopefully we will get to see iamemilykay's subs on vlive while tapping hearts :wink: As soon as it's available, we will announce it. Don't need to check yet, still about 3 days to wait.


Of course, we want to spread the love for LUTYN and we need people, A LOT of them, to learn about the show and get new content with subs. So we definitely need Youtube! Uphie_ajah has been working on it. @heoimajeossi, @minbongyi have you done some timing for the subs already ? If yes, I or uphie_ajah will dm you. I have done timing at vlive directly and don't have srt files to put to good use.


Happy shipping to all !


Ps: another project is on the works.We'll get back to you soon about that one. @minion23

im so proud and impressed by you guys!! way to go! and thank you thank you thank you all for always sharing your talents and subs...! with you guys' abilities, you could become a production team yourselves!

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thanks dear @etherealk408 for the insightful interview.... i love the intelligent way KAJ answers the questions and she really does strike me as someone well balanced and emotionally healthy who thinks through deeply what she wants out of herself and life..  i did feel deflated reading that statement where she clarified that she did not know much about KNG personally as there was no time to get to know each other... seems like she is trying to put a bit of breathing distance to calm down the over zealous assuming journalism.. 

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6 hours ago, heoimajeossi said:


I've done timing your translations with the video so I can watch it again and again with sub now. :wink:


Thank you so much for translating..

Dear, can you share your srt? Hahahaaa.


@ImKyung no, I haven't but idk with @heoimajeossi, I think she's just said done timing-ing @iamemilykay translation and put it on srt. A softsubs. I'm used to doing a timing for movie's subs, but not anymore now :(


Btw guys, thank you so much for your hard work. It's really helped all of us here to understand more. God bless you :)


Anyway, did we have a translation for LUTYN Making on tvN YT channel? I think I just saw some people write the translation down on main thread. I want to collected them here and let the srt makers to put them on soft file but I can't find it since it get buried deeply. Maybe anyone can help, the translator might still keep the translation.

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2 minutes ago, leba said:

Thanks @etherealk408 for sharing another KAJ interview. I assume the second article is more recent since she talked about her October holidays? 

Haha she wants someone healthy physically. Does that mean KNG doesn’t really fit the bill at the moment? ^_^

it's like she has been keeping tabs on our conversation gushing about how KNG fits the bill for everything she was looking for, and thought, "hmm to stop all these rumors let's see what he does not have that i can say i'm looking for???" haha. well if it can quiet down the rumours and let them date in peace (in the corner of my deluded mind), i don't mind... :tongue: 

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44 minutes ago, ImKyung said:

I am proud to announce that a subbing team has been on the works.

Wow, daebak! I'm so, so proud as well to have so many dedicated, compassionate, hard-working and prolific bros & sis in arms in this community.. Good luck chingus @ImKyung @iamemilykay @uphie_ajah @heoimajeossi @minbongyi.. who knows if your hard work will indeed get noticed by the drama's cast and staff and might persuade them to have mercy on us international fans.. Fighting!


18 minutes ago, etherealk408 said:

SO KAJ tweeted two article links from Naver today and I have roughly translated some excerpts from the articles that are related to GC/KNG in case anybody is interested.

As always thank you so much, chingu! These ones are particularly such goldmines.. Idk if it's just my delulu mind or there are tons of hints in here..


29 minutes ago, etherealk408 said:

-Choi YeonKyung received a lot of love.
I'm thankful to my co-star Kim NamGil-ssi who was very considerate and showed a lot of care. Not only to the people (working) on location but I could feel that HeoIm really cherished and gave a lot of love to Choi YeonKyung. I also cherished and loved HeoIm as Choi YeonKyung. That's why we could synergize with each other.

IMHO that was actually a very open lead/question and she could've answered it in a thousand different other ways, say, talking about her own experience and learning progress as an actress that helps her providing a great performance in LUTYN that receives the so-called love, or the script, or the director, or the work environment or anything else but of course the lady has. to. speak. of. the rare pokemon.


37 minutes ago, etherealk408 said:

So I became more friendly with the staffs and a bit more comfortable and friendlier with the real Kim NamGil-ssi.


40 minutes ago, etherealk408 said:

I want to date.

[no caption needed]


Y'know, I'm honestly also the type of girl who likes to keep my cool but involuntarily gets way girlier when I have a crush on somebody and can't help talking about the person all the time.. but this is totally something else lmao. Anyway..


23 minutes ago, etherealk408 said:

But at the beginning the Director and Camera Director were worried the Choi YeonKyung I acted wasn't feminine enough. But I didn't think it was necessary for all woman character in Melos to be "womanly woman". After working with mostly male directors, male staffs-dominated location, male actors, I realized that men's point-of-view of a woman, and women's point-of-view of a woman are different. If you personally go to a hospital in great moment of urgency those women over there are womanly enough. There are a lot more of female doctors with a cool personality. They have enough guts to fight shoulders even with men. When I showed those side through my acting, there were worries that it might not seem womanly enough. But I wasn't worried because I had the thoughts to show my more feminine sides as the melo line progresses.

..shipping business aside, wow. KAJ is the ultimate girl crush ppoom ppoom indeed.

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2 minutes ago, boingboingracquet said:

it's like she has been keeping tabs on our conversation gushing about how KNG fits the bill for everything she was looking for, and thought, "hmm to stop all these rumors let's see what he does not have that i can say i'm looking for???" haha. well if it can quiet down the rumours and let them date in peace (in the corner of my deluded mind), i don't mind... :tongue: 


Yah. She’s like still quantifying that she only got to know him a slightly better after all the love scenes. And that acting is the same as dating- to give one’s all and have no regrets. So effectively she’s trying to say she loved with no regrets and acted with no regrets and it’s all just acting! Haha.


Anyways, she can’t deny and hide her happiness and in-love vibes. Whether KNG is the man or

not, KNG’s Heo Im has made her want to date in real life. And anyway, maybe KNG is healthy now right? Alright, she’s probably trying to dissuade us from being delusional (though her efforts are quite mild). But I guess only time will tell. And all our top notch analysis of their bts love scenes just prove her wrong! Haha. 

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Why can’t we get a rare interview of the rare Pokémon? Such an occurrence of NOT having ANY interview with the main lead after a successful airing of a drama is a bit Rare for me in my little knowledge of kdramas.... 




Oh she has a fan sign today? Maybe she will say some more nice stuff for us to spazz. Haha.


She still looks happy. And well-rested. 

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Thanks @etherealk408


I have been very confused over the released of so many articles on her interviews which basically featured the same contents, with some having a little extra.


After reading your latest translations, I could breathed a sigh of relief because seriously, despite how much I heavily ship KNG and KAJ and how I believe (deep in my heart) that there is love blooming somewhere....some of the earlier articles released sounding like KAJ doing major chasing while the pokemon been hiding and on silent mode. 


The recent one sounded more fair and more like KAJ where she addressed on KNG in a more professional manner instead of being too gushy for public to consume. Previous translation on her wanting to get married soon etc really worrying me but with the recent one, she made a very smart and rational remarks.


Let's wait and see if she is going to be prod with more stuff on KNG for her recent outing/fan-signing event.

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6 hours ago, sight_stv said:


Maybe it have relation with their real life that they both get each other in real life too lol even the conversation at the ending feels real, its like KNG ask KAJ if she already has boyfriend and she said no, only "boy" and "friends" LOL and he realize he cant live without her and finally KNG pursue her, beside we already knew how our queen feeling for KNG lol.. omg what i was thinking right now, its still in the morning and i already deluluing, pardon me :D  


Actually KNG line was I came back to marry you. But it was change to live with you. Why? HI is suppose to propose YK.

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2 hours ago, ImKyung said:

we want to spread the love for LUTYN and we need people, A LOT of them, to learn about the show and get new content with subs. So we definitely need Youtube! Uphie_ajah has been working on it. @heoimajeossi, @minbongyi have you done some timing for the subs already ?

Sorry for the late reply.. Have lot a of meeting today.^_^


yes, i've done putting the subs using youtube since my srt editing progra keep on crashing. So i used youtube to time the subs and then download it back on my computer.. haha

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Thank you as always! @etherealk408 and @siena for the information!! and for subbing team, i pay respect for all of you :D and finally i've time to post since this morning, welcome to the new member  :) and im happy to read all of your post since this morning!


Because so many of you already share thoughts about KAJ recent interview, i want to share whats on my mind too :D 


"I enjoyed shooting the drama through the hot response of fans and the  surrounding people. I knew a lot about HeoIm, but there are many things I don't know about Kim NamGil. There wasn't time to build a more personal relationship. We were busy acting. It's always like that at a drama location. But still I heard of talks of how the chemistry is good from the beginning. And there were expectations that it will get even better for the romance. When I'm acting melo or romance it's the same with dating. If you love enough then there will be no regrets. And it's the same with acting. If there's a melo line, if there's a person you love you have to give enough love so you won't be left with regrets. I think enough romance was showed this time around."


i only want to explain my thoughts about that sentences. For me, she said "she knew a lot about HeoIm" that potrayed by KNG so im pretty sure she already fell in love for HI as she said on several interview that she has no regret, and she said "but there are many things i dont know about kim nam gil" the meaning of that sentences for me is she taking a lot interest in KNG, she said "many things" and even said "she didnt have time to build a more personal relationship" im pretty sure she getting more curious about KNG and taking a lot interest towards him, and the way she said she didnt have time to build personal relationship is like in fact she did want to build personal relationship with him ( because she already taking interest in KNG ) but she just has no time before because of shooting.. and maybe im right before that im pretty sure that they still at the stage of getting know each other ( more deep / more than friends ) because from the late interview that KAJ said the last she dating is when her 31 and the her last relationship is around 5/6 years long, so we can certain that KAJ is the type that really give her all for the one she love and she is not like "idol" that only date because of mere feelings, because she want to take this step seriously, so she want to know more deep about her the other half, beside KAJ is already 36 by now so she want to really have serious relationship. So the way she describe it in her recent interview is like she taking a lot interest on KNG and still getting know each other ( more than friends ) and i agree with @boingboingracquet with her clarify this, she can calming down the rumour so they can getting know each other behind the spotlight and develop a strong relationship before taking the big step towards marriage :) 


i dont know if KNG or KAJ is on dispatch radar, but if they really on dispatch radar, im pretty sure dispatch will release the news right away about them if they are caught dating, but dispatch wont release the news if they feel the couple is considering marriage ( just like when dispatch didnt release about SSC because they know SSC already considering for marriage at that moment ) 


Sorry for a long post chinguuu :D 

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26 minutes ago, sight_stv said:

Thank you as always! @etherealk408 and @siena for the information!! and for subbing team, i pay respect for all of you :D and finally i've time to post since this morning, welcome to the new member  :) and im happy to read all of your post since this morning!


Because so many of you already share thoughts about KAJ recent interview, i want to share whats on my mind too :D 


"I enjoyed shooting the drama through the hot response of fans and the  surrounding people. I knew a lot about HeoIm, but there are many things I don't know about Kim NamGil. There wasn't time to build a more personal relationship. We were busy acting. It's always like that at a drama location. But still I heard of talks of how the chemistry is good from the beginning. And there were expectations that it will get even better for the romance. When I'm acting melo or romance it's the same with dating. If you love enough then there will be no regrets. And it's the same with acting. If there's a melo line, if there's a person you love you have to give enough love so you won't be left with regrets. I think enough romance was showed this time around."


i only want to explain my thoughts about that sentences. For me, she said "she knew a lot about HeoIm" that potrayed by KNG so im pretty sure she already fell in love for HI as she said on several interview that she has no regret, and she said "but there are many things i dont know about kim nam gil" the meaning of that sentences for me is she taking a lot interest in KNG, she said "many things" and even said "she didnt have time to build a more personal relationship" im pretty sure she getting more curious about KNG and taking a lot interest towards him, and the way she said she didnt have time to build personal relationship is like in fact she did want to build personal relationship with him ( because she already taking interest in KNG ) but she just has no time before because of shooting.. and maybe im right before that im pretty sure that they still at the stage of getting know each other ( more deep / more than friends ) because from the late interview that KAJ said the last she dating is when her 31 and the her last relationship is around 5/6 years long, so we can certain that KAJ is the type that really give her all for the one she love and she is not like "idol" that only date because of mere feelings, because she want to take this step seriously, so she want to know more deep about her the other half, beside KAJ is already 36 by now so she want to really have serious relationship. So the way she describe it in her recent interview is like she taking a lot interest on KNG and still getting know each other ( more than friends ) and i agree with @boingboingracquet with her clarify this, she can calming down the rumour so they can getting know each other behind the spotlight and develop a strong relationship before taking the big step towards marriage :) 


i dont know if KNG or KAJ is on dispatch radar, but if they really on dispatch radar, im pretty sure dispatch will release the news right away about them if they are caught dating, but dispatch wont release the news if they feel the couple is considering marriage ( just like when dispatch didnt release about SSC because they know SSC already considering for marriage at that moment ) 


Sorry for a long post chinguuu :D 


Haha. No post is too long for me, or us. Hehe. Especially when there’s a long wait for something to happen.... I also hope she and KNG really gets down to keeping in touch with each other and developing a great friendship and relationship. Is it really that normal that KNG finishes off a project and disappears into thin air? Or is this one of his few projects he does such things? 


Haha. In my boredom, I tried to search out his Strange Family co-stars to see if they have IG... Apparently most of them do not have social media. And even if they do, they aren’t very active. So there goes my meagre attempts of stalking KNG... 

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