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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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1 hour ago, etherealk408 said:



-the did the lucky draw with darts..and after all the winners received their prized AJ says there's a gift for everyone who came ,she prepared candles and polaroids. And it was so touchign because all the polaroids are differentㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 


- everybody took turn to go up and receive their gifts,and she hugged every one. OP was so nervous he/she was shaking. OP wondered what perfume AJ uses because it smells so good..there's no way to describe it ..it's just great. And when shaking hands with AJ, her hands are SO soft


- later they were all in front of the door and AJ who was leaving saw them and asked "why are you guys still not leaving?". And then there were fans who said it's their wish to take a selfie with her,and she fulfilled their wishes. And for those who came from afar she gave more candle...she was so Warmㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ







i wonder it too.

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5 minutes ago, minamax said:

Hello all!


As you can I'm new to soompi, though I've been lurking since pg1.

Came across this drama accidentally as I wasn't a big fan of k-dramas, this is probably my first proper K-drama that I've watched from ep1-till the end; and was very glad I did not miss it because of how well the production is. The chemi between the leads, not too much with unnecessary sidelines, great use of camera and music! Love the use of symmetry or echoing shots (one of the best I've ever encountered).


Thanks to all who are translating and pulling info from different sources.


I won't ship as I'm using KNG's method to lower expectation so if anything breaks out that it could be a bonus (although the inner me is yelling: come on, someone take a move and get together! :ph34r:)


Btw, I'm not sure if anyone has watched the Making of LUTYN (which was aired back in August before the 1st episode to introduce this drama, there are some extended BTS for the first 4 episode - a bit skinship I'd say.). Looks like the first scene that HI encountered YK was decided on scene how it was to be portrayed.


[back in lurk mode]


@minamax Welcome aboard!!! :blush: I hope you enjoy your stay here! :blush:

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Is it true that KAJ referred to the face on the t-shirt as Heo Im? Is it confirmed she actually said that? If yes, then I think it speaks a lot about her and them! She’s giving out HI funny face. She loves him! 


Reminds me of SHK’s 20th fan meeting that many things also dropped hints of SHK’s relationship with SJK. Like she had games. And she gave out candles as gifts. And after that SJK also gave our candles to his battleship crew members. They start doing suspiciously similar things. Haha.


OK! Our girl is definitely dropping a lot of hints, whether intentional or not. Now really must get hold of KNG to see his reaction. Is there a way to stalk him? HahaB)

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Just now, ImKyung said:

Then, like everyone here, I waited while lurking and posting some thoughts here. 10 AM, 10:30, 10:45 and the Vlive wasn't starting yet. And so I even took the liberty to go to the toilet but of course the vlive started while I was away, duh ! Then a 10-year-old girl took possession of my mind and body, spamming the Vlive chat with nonsense and futilities with the right hand on the computer AND tapping hearts with the left hand on the ipad ! There was no time for this thread lol.


But soon after, it was already lunch break and I spent it lurking here. Sigh ! I just couldn't eat with my colleagues with my mind so busy with this thread. And contrary to you, there is no way I can share anything related to k entertainement with them. First, they have never heard of any content related to Korea before except for Gangnam style. Second, they would look at me like I am completely nuts and I would lose my credibility at work. It's just that there is absolutely no exposure to k entertainment where I live and the only times k dramas were mentionned it's about those big Hallyu dramas and objectively that just can't work here. Thank god you guys are here ! :)



I feel you.

It's an old story when I worked for mass media company: Though Indonesia is one of the Asian countries which got a Hallyu Wave impact but I can't share or talk about kdrama with my office-mates. Yup, 90 % of them are men, I can't tell about this sweet romantic funny fantasy storyline to them, can I? Though there're women, I can't chat and analyze kdrama, they will look at me like...'hey, where is your mind? Get back to work!' My intention to kdrama is like a secret love :D admiring and keep silent at the same time. 


So...I lurked into Soompi Forum and found you all here. It's really fun...so fun. Ha-ha.


The latest story: It was 7 PM in Indonesia when the fan meeting started. I couldn't follow the Vlive broadcast last night since I've just finished teaching. My schedule was on last teaching time slot, so most rooms were closed when I left my classroom. It's silent and dark, and I was in a hurry to go home. Still...I was late, thankfully there are translators in this thread so I can catch up almost all the KAJ's Vlive chat. Thanks again, chingu.

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@etherealk408 Thank you for your translation about the FM yesterday.


I wonder she is glowing and feels like still YK mode on, because she still can't move on from LUTYN like us or someone keep contact. :lol: 

I hope her glowing still remain in Japan FM. At least, I have a hope. 

And from her interview, if before LUTYN, NG has grade 6, after interview he become grade 7/8 :lol::lol:

How I wish, NG has interview after LUTYN end or something. 


I want lower my expectations for them but I can't. :lol: Still I hope the best for them. Wherever this ship go, I'll support them.:) 

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So many new people here since yesterday, glad to have you here, please keep posting and spazz with us, welcome :) 


@etherealk408 thanks again! no problem if its a long post because we love it..i respect you even when you have appointment yesterday you still try to catch up half of the show and translate it for us so thank you very much! and for the other translater too.. without you all we will be blind about whats happening, my respect for you all :) 

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1 hour ago, Nguyen Nhi said:

Sorry to cut your post here, you did an excellent job in delivering information to everyone. Appreciated it!!! 


I cut the post up to hear because now I beleive the tshirt has Heo Im's face on it. I know this was discussed before but did not believe it at all. However I still thought AJ wore it in the drama on purpose, and the purpose wad just to brigh laughter in a sad scene :))) Big but here is, I wish she kept the tshirt with her instead of giving away, but all cool, she must have more HI or KNG-related items than just this tshirt :)))) 


Awwww I really hope they end up together!!!! 


I feel you.. i feel the same as you, but there is chance that she doing that on purpose to show some hint about KNG, overall she look so lovely and become more feminine day by day. Nowadays she always talk about love style , dating or something like that ( we can see that on FM yersterday too, she look blooming and fresh ) even her IG post is show her feminine side just like @lyserose said. And from her interview we know if she fall in love with someone she will become more feminine or lady like right, so all of that prove it ( at least for us ) i will hold into that statement :) now i really need some KNG post interview or his fanmeet to know what he is thinking right now because we still dont have any news yet about him after LUTYN end so i cant certain of anything from KNG side

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12 minutes ago, butterflysaga said:

@vangsweetie637 Oppsieee.. sowryyy capt. I don't quite know yet about the rules hehehe. Thanks for inform me. Duly noted.


Aww no worries ship mate! Since it is a fanfic, it is more suitable for the fanfiction thread. Let me know if you have a hard time locating it. Or you can just simply provide the direct link like you did..and we can read it from where you found the fanfic (i suggest you do this option instead since you said it is not your original work. Hence, it is best to give credit to the original writer instead unless you were given permission to use the content) :D i apologize if i sound harsh chingu.


I am also trying to put a little time aside so I can write a one shot fanfic too. I needed more of that ending of episode 16..so I will have to write my own version of it :tongue:



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2 hours ago, sight_stv said:


I feel you.. i feel the same as you, but there is chance that she doing that on purpose to show some hint about KNG, overall she look so lovely and become more feminine day by day. Nowadays she always talk about love style , dating or something like that ( we can see that on FM yersterday too, she look blooming and fresh ) even her IG post is show her feminine side just like @lyserose said. And from her interview we know if she fall in love with someone she will become more feminine or lady like right, so all of that prove it ( at least for us ) i will hold into that statement :) now i really need some KNG post interview or his fanmeet to know what he is thinking right now because we still dont have any news yet about him after LUTYN end so i cant certain of anything from KNG side

I know right!! To be honest I didn't even know who are KNG and KAJ before. I watched the drama totally by accident, of course why would I watch a dram without knowing who the leads are. But I still watched it because of one only reason: I like medical stuff, that's it. And then here I am today :))) I got immersed to the drama since ep 1 and knew I would not drop it like I did to other drama such as W which was a great one I watched with a lot of interest and curiousity but still dropped out 2 eps before the finale, because I knew the ending :)) but this one until the last ep I still didn't know how it's going to end. 


In relation to chemistry, generally speaking, I didn't feel the chemistry when I watched the earlier BTS's, but I still watched the drama because of the plot and their acting. Then, slowly slowly, there were more interactions between our OTP, it was when I saw more touching and skinships from both sides, I could feel something but didn't mean to ship them. When it was about to end, there you go, the last BTS and the wrap up party, I could not keep my words anymore, I decided to ship them but I try not to push myself too much just to prevent disappointments. 


I feel a bit sorry for the drama because of lack of promotion, interviews etc. I'm not sure if this is agreed by our OTP's agencies or whatever but I just feel a bit weird, and due to the lack of these we are very limited with sources, news, lots of things to spazz on, unlike SSC. I am a bit jealous here :) However, from what you all have talked about how different KAJ is after the drama, from her recent interviews, I am still hanging there with a hope for a happy ending for our OTP, because again I can feel something between them, I am perfectly honest to say this. 


For now, all I am waiting for is the review book, the Blu-ray, lots of hints in whatever ways, LUTYN season 2, then dating news. Hope all of these come true! Happy days :)) 

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1 minute ago, leba said:

Sorry... I think i’m one of the culprits for quoting pictures and images too. How do I delete them? I tried before and deleted the whole thing instead. 

I usually highlight a word before and after the pic, then move the scroller just to highlight the pic before I delete it. It's quite a hassle to edit using phone compared to pc.

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9 minutes ago, littlebluecat said:

I usually highlight a word before and after the pic, then move the scroller just to highlight the pic before I delete it. It's quite a hassle to edit using phone compared to pc.


Oh... no wonder I couldn’t do it that time. Ok! Thanks for the tip! Will try that the next time! :D

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Hi dear @etherealk408 thanks so much for the translation!!!


Here's a new article. The journalist boldly asked her about the possibility dating with NamGil.

My korean is very poor. She didn't give a clear answer. The title said.... she's shy... lol!!! Maybe you or someone else with good korean can help translate it.





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21 minutes ago, leba said:

Sorry... I think i’m one of the culprits for quoting pictures and images too. How do I delete them? I tried before and deleted the whole thing instead. 


dont worry, we all do that too! lol i think before soompi already change that rules but they still dont, thanks to our capt @vangsweetie637 to inform us so we cant prevent anything bad to this thread! you can edit it and just delete the image right? 

2 minutes ago, siena said:

Hi dear @etherealk408 thanks so much for the translation!!!


Here's a new article. The journalist boldly asked her about the possibility dating with NamGil.

My korean is very poor. She didn't give a clear answer. The title said.... she's shy... lol!!! Maybe you or someone else with good korean can help translate it.







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24 minutes ago, Nguyen Nhi said:

I know right!! To be honest I didn't even know who are KNG and KAJ before. I watched the drama totally by accident, of course why would I watch a dram without knowing who the leads are. But I still watched it because of one only reason: I like medical stuff, that's it. And then here I am today :))) I got immersed to the drama since ep 1 and knew I would not drop it like I did to other drama such as W which was a great one I watched with a lot of interest and curiousity but still dropped out 2 eps before the finale, because I knew the ending :)) but this one until the last ep I still didn't know how it's going to end. 


In relation to chemistry, generally speaking, I didn't feel the chemistry when I watched the earlier BTS's, but I still watched the drama because of the plot and their acting. Then, slowly slowly, there were more interactions between our OTP, it was when I saw more touching and skinships from both sides, I could feel something but didn't mean to ship them. When it was about to end, there you go, the last BTS and the wrap up party, I could not keep my words anymore, I decided to ship them but I try not to push myself too much just to prevent disappointments. 


I feel a bit sorry for the drama because of lack of promotion, interviews etc. I'm not sure if this is agreed by our OTP's agencies or whatever but I just feel a bit weird, and due to the lack of these we are very limited with sources, news, lots of things to spazz on, unlike SSC. I am a bit jealous here :) However, from what you all have talked about how different KAJ is after the drama, from her recent interviews, I am still hanging there with a hope for a happy ending for our OTP, because again I can feel something between them, I am perfectly honest to say this. 


For now, all I am waiting for is the review book, the Blu-ray, lots of hints in whatever ways, LUTYN season 2, then dating news. Hope all of these come true! Happy days :)) 

Same with you. I feel their spark chem after the kiss scene and then start watching their BTS and I can't believe with their skinship and I'm confused where is real and where is acting. And I'm still wonder why he always call her omma.:lol: Was NG looks so motherhood with the child, so he say to child to call her omma.:lol:

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