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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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10 hours ago, 3z3zm3lp said:

Omo wow 100 pages, truthfully i did not expect we would reach 100 pages in a short while! This thread was actually late in the making, we started it after LUTYN ended :D Thank you all for the goodies that you share, now looking forward to the award and her japan fanmeet.  I wish NG will also have a fanmeet and also hwaiting for his interviews!


KNG has many fans in japan lol i wonder if they gonna attend KAJ fanmeet, his fans from japan even send him churros trucks on the LUTYN set right

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Happy (Belated) Birthday to Kim Ah Joong. 


Sorry joining the party so late, was so caught up with office works, newly launched business and incoming vacation preparation. But still could not get my mind away from this thread and refreshing the page every half an hour. LOL


KAJ looks glowing and very feminine too. I took time to check her IG and based on her past photos, she definitely has always have that killer looks but this time around, the lights in her eyes seem different, conveying that sense of utter bliss and happiness. 


As predicted, I never expected any appearance from KNG. The fan meeting is rather of small scale and intimate and LUTYN only ended its run some 2 weeks ago which is considerably still fresh and these two actors have long been known to be super low key, I doubt that either one of them would want to attract unnecessary attention.


Either they have already started seeing each or not, it's pretty hard to tell at the moment. KAJ's side is quite telling indeed (at least she gave me the impression of being in love) whereas the other side is too quiet. At this juncture, I am hot hoping for much but only for some editor-nim to get them to do a magazine photoshoot together. Could it be that hard, really??????


When is KAJ's fan meeting in Japan BTW? I seldom read about actresses doing FM (except Park Shin Hye) and I am wondering how large is KAJ's fanbase in Japan. As far as I know, KNG still very much popular in Japan which is not surprising since his image really suits Japanese taste a lot.


Guess at this stage, we just gonna have to look forward to her IG update and Seoul Drama Awards to relish on something, at least from one half of our beloved OTP.


Anyway, I hope to see KAJ jump into another project real soon. So, she wants a melo-drama? Can this time please make it happen to have her pair up with my Lee Jun Ki? She turned him down in favour of KNG, so I hope to have them finally get to share the same screen. LJK is gorgeous too and single now (Ehem...ehem...KNG! You hear that. I will ship her with someone else if you are too quiet and slow over there :angry:).






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2 minutes ago, cadymcbronzie said:

By participating in LUTYN, both KAJ and KNG have evolved into brighter personalities as seen in their BTS. They were often seen smiling and laughing.


And to me, that made my heart soared a bit.


Because we all know that they often take on heavier, darker roles. And I do not fancy watching such shows because as it is, I am already dealing with such monsters at work. I would rather watch a light-hearted, rom-com show anytime.

KAJ was very lively during yesterday's fan meet. And her occasional banter with the fans made her even more appealing. She is a smart lady, her thought process is clear, and she is definitely challenging herself by wanting to do roles that is more befitting of her image.


I can't really say much about KNG but to think that he has somewhat left an impact on KAJ, indeed he is an admirable and charming person. Sometimes in life, we meet people who bring lots of positivity and could ignite transformational changes. Changing our outlook, the way we think and how we treat others.

In my eyes, both KNG and KAJ have met each other at the right place and right time. Where they complement each other, be it in their professional and/or personal lives. You could see from KAJ's interview, she already knows what she wants and she will work hard towards it (career success or love life).


So whatever happens in the future, I am contented enough that they have met and spent time together (yes, even as colleagues!). I sincerely wish both of them success and yes, the silly hopeless romantic me is hopeful for some good news in the future.

Well, have a good day gummers! You guys totally make me swoon with your updates and analysis :wink:


love every words! They both meet on rom-com drama with the same background ( they usually get tense drama / movie or heavy dark roles just like what you said ) so its like right place, right time even right person, sincerely hoping just like you :) 

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3 hours ago, ImKyung said:


Change of topic : I need some help and advice for translations.

How formal is KNG to KAJ in the Vlive ? I'm giving you an example. KNG asks KAJ "Ah Joong ssi are you nervous ?" (about the first broadcast). In English it's "you" whether it's formal or not but it's another story for many languages. Hopefully someone can help me here. To make my point clearer :


In German, should I use "du" or "Sie"?

In French, "tu" or "vous" ?

In Spanish, is the "tu" form implied or not ?


I guess the best option is using the du/tu/tu form and to keep the -ssi part after the name.

But it still sounds weird to mix familiar and formal forms...


KNG was formal to both KAJ and YMK because it was for broadcast. Although there might be a slip of informal speech here and there when they talk to each other but it was very minimal. So if you want to do translation, you can use formal form. 

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14 minutes ago, lyserose said:

Happy (Belated) Birthday to Kim Ah Joong. 


Sorry joining the party so late, was so caught up with office works, newly launched business and incoming vacation preparation. But still could not get my mind away from this thread and refreshing the page every half an hour. LOL


KAJ looks glowing and very feminine too. I took time to check her IG and based on her past photos, she definitely has always have that killer looks but this time around, the lights in her eyes seem different, conveying that sense of utter bliss and happiness. 


As predicted, I never expected any appearance from KNG. The fan meeting is rather of small scale and intimate and LUTYN only ended its run some 2 weeks ago which is considerably still fresh and these two actors have long been known to be super low key, I doubt that either one of them would want to attract unnecessary attention.


Either they have already started seeing each or not, it's pretty hard to tell at the moment. KAJ's side is quite telling indeed (at least she gave me the impression of being in love) whereas the other side is too quiet. At this juncture, I am hot hoping for much but only for some editor-nim to get them to do a magazine photoshoot together. Could it be that hard, really??????


When is KAJ's fan meeting in Japan BTW? I seldom read about actresses doing FM (except Park Shin Hye) and I am wondering how large is KAJ's fanbase in Japan. As far as I know, KNG still very much popular in Japan which is not surprising since his image really suits Japanese taste a lot.


Guess at this stage, we just gonna have to look forward to her IG update and Seoul Drama Awards to relish on something, at least from one half of our beloved OTP.








yes, they ( japan fans ) even send KNG churros trucks.. made me wonder will they come later to KAJ fanmeet  

agree with that! look more feminime and lady like, i think everyone is feeling it too 

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Hello everyone:),as you see,this is my first post in soompi...hehe,I have ever join soompi forum in Secret Garden era(7years ago and now I forgot my last password even the user name..hehe). After that I have never follow any kdrama thoroughly (just watching breafly and didnt pay much attention to the actors), until R88 era and now  LUTYN. In R88,I didnt want to join in soompi caused was fan war happened,and I was just belong to Deokson/Hyeri shipper so I don't mind either she end up with Taek/Bogum or JungHwan/JunYeol,both of them are great actors and great men in real life also. But now I can't hold to make a new account specially just want to press Like botton for your each great post,and some time drop by. Based on my observation,all of my fav otp have very nice interaction in bts and very nice talk in after drama interview (specially from the lady part), but in real/sinks couple,mostly the man play big factor...on real couple,like YeolRi and SSC,both RJY and SJK(as some friends in this thread said) both of them really bold to show their affection to their lady,specially in real life interaction after the drama ended (such in award ceremonies,fans meeting) also in the interviews. That such bold attention or affection not shown on the sinks couple. So now I really greedy to see KNG interview or their meeting in award ceremony (maybe in baeksang..hopefully). Since I already become KAJ and KNG fan through LUTYN, I just wish their happiness and succesfull life,together or not:)

Edited by umiuni147
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4 hours ago, etherealk408 said:


- when Ideal type came out everyone said " Sun SeokHee!" lol and AJ says "that's right" hahaha. In the past she felt the attractiveness of a good voice but now it has gradually changed. Now it's someone who understands her well and accepts her (T/N: this was why during vLive she said "As I mentioned just now" when asked to choose Ideal Type among fans)


- talking about sleeping habits..she wondered abt it for a while and says she doesn't drool ㅋㅋㅋ but she hugs a lot of pillows when she sleeps..like 2,3 pillows at the same time.One on her tummy another between her legs,and one she hugs lol. And sometimes while she's doing a project she talks in her sleep; she'll say her dialogues ㅋㅋㅋ "what's the next scene??" things like thisㅋㅋㅋ she says there should be someone sleeping next to her to fix this habit but it's just her mom lol


- the body part she's most confident about ..Legs! Wrist! Waist! Just the whole body ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- fave food..chocolate! eels..?!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- she goes to the mart often and when she has flu she likes to eat Kimchijjigae and Onion Soup


-what is Fans to Kim AhJoong? "The ones who kept giving me strength to continue working" ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


-After Vlive ended, it continued:


-the did the lucky draw with darts..and after all the winners received their prized AJ says there's a gift for everyone who came ,she prepared candles and polaroids. And it was so touchign because all the polaroids are differentㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 


- everybody took turn to go up and receive their gifts,and she hugged every one. OP was so nervous he/she was shaking. OP wondered what perfume AJ uses because it smells so good..there's no way to describe it ..it's just great. And when shaking hands with AJ, her hands are SO soft


- later they were all in front of the door and AJ who was leaving saw them and asked "why are you guys still not leaving?". And then there were fans who said it's their wish to take a selfie with her,and she fulfilled their wishes. And for those who came from afar she gave more candle...she was so Warmㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


-when she was leaving in her van,someone screamed Happy Birthday! and I Love You! and AJ says "I Love you!" back
-OP says it's so lucky that it was a small-scale fanmeeting..and OP wants to be AJ's fan forever. Her looks in real-life are amazing she's just like a Doll



OMG there were so many hints that she wants someone in her life right now. KNG, what are you waiting for? I'm dying!!


I wonder what KNG felt when he was with KAJ. She smells good, her hands are soft. No wonder KNG likes to hold KAJ's hand. And when they hugged, you can see that KNG wanted to bury his face to her body. 


Btw, thank you so much @etherealk408 for the translation. I was excited that I forgot to thank you earlier. Here's more :heart::heart::heart: x infinity for you.

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12 hours ago, etherealk408 said:

Woowww happy 104th page Gummers!! :heart: I'm glad to have lurked from the very beginning and even gladder to have came out and hangout with all my fun,awesome Gummer people!:D:D


So i'm bringing with me a LOONG translation of compiled fanaccounts from KAJ's fanmeeting..please bear with me. It's long but read it,i worked hard on it..haha just kidding :sweat_smile: but you'll love her more after reading this so i think it's worth your time.


There were parts Before and After V-Live that happened at the FM, so I'll translate those tidbits.

IF anybody wants to take it out, please credits @etherealk408 at LUTYN Soompi Thread, thank you!


- KAJ's FanMeeting Fan Accounts Translation ( by etherealK408) 

Original posts: KAJ DC gall


- although it looked like she was just fine during Vlive,at first when she came out her face was blushing red.. you can see she was making herself look relaxed and confident but she's actually nervous


- she ordered the candles gift herself (info from the candlemaker IG); the handwriting on the box of the candle was her handwriting, saying "I'm the only Actress in the world" (she's telling her fans not to "cheat" on her with other actresses (SO CUTE)


- speculations on why the event started late; maybe because the staffs arrived late to set the whole place; when one fan arrived the auditorium(?) was empty and nothing was setup at all, even the balloons arrived later than the waiting fans. Many AJ fans were complaining that her agency staff are clumsy at this kind of thind and it shows.


- fans also complained how staffs didnt even prepare water for AJ to drink when she was talking non-stop throughout the whole event T_T


- after the FM, KAJ fans realized that she's really REALLY out-of-date with current slangs/ terms or even trends LOL no wonder she was clueless about V-App before..she's also bad with technology


- about the HeoIm t-shirt, when AJ and her Stylist saw it they thought "this is completely HeoIm!" (it was even before episode 1 was aired lol) and were like this NEEDS to be worn (LOLLL)) so they waited for a suitable time and she finally wore it.:lol::lol:






FanAcc #1

- before Vlive started, she did the segment of "Rewrite your Profile: A or B"..they already did 2 panels before the one we saw on Vlive

- after Vlive ended there was a lucky draw and fans whose number got picked came up to throw Darts on the "lucky wheel" and get prizes according to what's written on the wheel; among the prizes were Personal Memorabilia, Autographed Polaroids, Selfie, Surprise Phone Call,Hug etc


- a few people got the Hug,Autographed Polaroids, and the Memorabilia were LUTYN EP9 Script and HeoIm t-shirt




- on the LUTYN EP9 Script Book that was given as a prize, she wrote " Thank you so much for being with me on a precious and happy day"


- fans from KAJ dc gall prepared slogans in the seats,and all fans in the audience had it


FanAcc #2

- when AJ appeared, OP says it's crazy..op thought it was a Mannequin walking out. There was like a light behind her..and none of the camera could even captured her actual beauty. OP says her face is small and kept being amazed at her features. And she's very,very slim and tall too.


- AJ said her greetings amd mentioned she noticed some familar faces(longtime fans) and new ones. AJ says she's not sure the right way to emcee the event;so she's just gonna do it comfortably.


- AJ looked around and interviewed someone who looked like he/she was the youngest fan there. When she heard where the fan came from she was shocked. AJ asked how the fan knew of her and that person said he/she became a fan after watching Wanted and that she/he likes "Jang HyeIn" so much. AJ says how can someone so young watch the content of a Mother who kidnapped her children LOL.

- then AJ went to another person and asked. There was a man and a woman who sat next to each other and she asked them if they were a Couple. But they were total strangers lol


- Then AJ asked the guy where he came from and how he came to be there, and the fan says he liked her since 200 Pounds Beauty. AJ" "Really? But it's the first time I ever saw you?" (LMAO) And the fan said it's his first time going to an off-line event like this. AJ asked the fan if there's anything he wants to tell her, and he says because she has such a nice voice, does she have any plans to deejay a radio show? AJ says that Radio DJ..a lot of fans have talked about it and she does want to do it, but the things about radio is you have to go to work every day,and it would be difficult when she's doing a project. But if a chance came up she wants to do it.


- and then to another fan:
AJ: is the person next to you a friend?
Fan: a stranger (Nam)
AJ: Nami ??
Fan: Stranger..someone I don't know (LOLLLL)


- AJ asked the fan since when he/she became a fan and the fan answered since Sign. The fan asked if it's true that when AJ doesn't have a project she just stays at home to rest. AJ says that when she was younger and her friends were not yet married she's the type who goes around but now that they're all married... AJ says when she first became an actor she wasn't used to people recognizing her but now she's fine with it. At home she rests, read books and watch movies..sometimes she goes out to watch movies. And she says she wants to go to Gyeongju(a city popular for historical remains) because she had memories of school field trip from when she was younger. Recently in a program that she enjoys watching on tv Gyeongju appears a lot and she has plans to go there in November.


- the "Rewrite Your Profile:A vs B" segment before Vlive began...AJ talked abt her birthday and says "many here are born in the 90s right? and asked fans to raise up their hands and when many did she told them to put down their hands immediately (LOL)


- Hobbies: Reading book, reading script( she says that's because it's work!),staring into space, watching movies,going on holidays And recently she enjoys watching MukBang (shows where people eat deliciously)..she switches on MukBang through IPTV and eat while she watches (HAHA she's just like any regular person)


- when Ideal type came out everyone said " Sun SeokHee!" lol and AJ says "that's right" hahaha. In the past she felt the attractiveness of a good voice but now it has gradually changed. Now it's someone who understands her well and accepts her (T/N: this was why during vLive she said "As I mentioned just now" when asked to choose Ideal Type among fans)


- talking about sleeping habits..she wondered abt it for a while and says she doesn't drool ㅋㅋㅋ but she hugs a lot of pillows when she sleeps..like 2,3 pillows at the same time.One on her tummy another between her legs,and one she hugs lol. And sometimes while she's doing a project she talks in her sleep; she'll say her dialogues ㅋㅋㅋ "what's the next scene??" things like thisㅋㅋㅋ she says there should be someone sleeping next to her to fix this habit but it's just her mom lol


- the body part she's most confident about ..Legs! Wrist! Waist! Just the whole body ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- fave food..chocolate! eels..?!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- she goes to the mart often and when she has flu she likes to eat Kimchijjigae and Onion Soup


-what is Fans to Kim AhJoong? "The ones who kept giving me strength to continue working" ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


- The second Panel was "the words you want to hear":
  1.  Pretty vs Cute : From the public she wants to hear "pretty" but from fans she wanna be called "cute"
  2. InYeon( Destiny) vs YeonIn (Lovers):  Destiny! Because even for Lovers, you can only meet when you have that Destiny.
  3. Queen of Ratings vs Marks of Box Office/Hit Run: AJ asks if this was for Drama or Movie and everyone chose no.1 but AJ says both are good because you can also use 2 for Dramas.


- And she says she finds "membership registration"(on websites) difficult..there are things she wants to buy and they are not on the same website but it's so difficult to register so many times ;;; (lol this lady is so IT-challenged)


- Vlive was turned on during the 3rd Panel


-After Vlive ended, it continued:


-the did the lucky draw with darts..and after all the winners received their prized AJ says there's a gift for everyone who came ,she prepared candles and polaroids. And it was so touchign because all the polaroids are differentㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 


- everybody took turn to go up and receive their gifts,and she hugged every one. OP was so nervous he/she was shaking. OP wondered what perfume AJ uses because it smells so good..there's no way to describe it ..it's just great. And when shaking hands with AJ, her hands are SO soft


- later they were all in front of the door and AJ who was leaving saw them and asked "why are you guys still not leaving?". And then there were fans who said it's their wish to take a selfie with her,and she fulfilled their wishes. And for those who came from afar she gave more candle...she was so Warmㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


-when she was leaving in her van,someone screamed Happy Birthday! and I Love You! and AJ says "I Love you!" back
-OP says it's so lucky that it was a small-scale fanmeeting..and OP wants to be AJ's fan forever. Her looks in real-life are amazing she's just like a Doll


FanAcc #3

-In person AJ's face is much softer than the one that appeared in Photoshoots. She has really long legs and a small face, her ratios made her look like a Mannequin. AJ's aura is "no joke"

- the candle gift was of Baby Powder scent..although OP is a woman but the scent fluttered her. even without lighting it up the scent is already so nice

-  after saying she likes Milk she smiled while saying "Banana Milk~^^ she was so pretty!!

- OP brought water with her and wanted to drink but she felt bad that there was no water for AJ so she didn't drink


FanAcc #4


- OP was one of those who took selfie with AJ

- AJ was really gentle...at first OP used "rabbit filter" for the selfie. then AJ says,"one more time?" and they took another with "kitty filter". Actually the one with rabbit effect came out better, but when when AJ saw the "strawberry" on kitty filter she asked if they can "eat" it and she was so cuteㅠㅠㅠㅠ She was like "Ahh!"(trying to bite)..OP thinks AJ was thinking of those filter where the puppy tongue came out and eat cookies lol 

-when OP was nervous she has a habit of saying "Eomma I miss you" so she blurted that in front of AJ because she was almost dying of nervousness+excitement when she was so near, AJ heard that and said "You miss your mom? then you need to go home quickly!"

-Op says she's really lovely..and that although fans keep saying she should do hard,tough roles but when seing her in person it feels like that's not her at all..she's pretty and lovely and gentle. She's just a good actress.


Thank you so so so sooooo much for the translations!She is sooo precious :heart:

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30 minutes ago, etherealk408 said:

Woowww happy 104th page Gummers!! :heart: I'm glad to have lurked from the very beginning and even gladder to have came out and hangout with all my fun,awesome Gummer people!:D:D


So i'm bringing with me a LOONG translation of compiled fanaccounts from KAJ's fanmeeting..please bear with me. It's long but read it,i worked hard on it..haha just kidding :sweat_smile: but you'll love her more after reading this so i think it's worth your time.


There were parts Before and After V-Live that happened at the FM, so I'll translate those tidbits.

IF anybody wants to take it out, please credits @etherealk408 at LUTYN Soompi Thread, thank you!


- KAJ's FanMeeting Fan Accounts Translation ( by etherealK408) 

Original posts: KAJ DC gall


- although it looked like she was just fine during Vlive,at first when she came out her face was blushing red.. you can see she was making herself look relaxed and confident but she's actually nervous


- she ordered the candles gift herself (info from the candlemaker IG); the handwriting on the box of the candle was her handwriting, saying "I'm the only Actress in the world" (she's telling her fans not to "cheat" on her with other actresses (SO CUTE)




- speculations on why the event started late; maybe because the staffs arrived late to set the whole place; when one fan arrived the auditorium(?) was empty and nothing was setup at all, even the balloons arrived later than the waiting fans. Many AJ fans were complaining that her agency staff are clumsy at this kind of thind and it shows.


- fans also complained how staffs didnt even prepare water for AJ to drink when she was talking non-stop throughout the whole event T_T


- after the FM, KAJ fans realized that she's really REALLY out-of-date with current slangs/ terms or even trends LOL no wonder she was clueless about V-App before..she's also bad with technology


- about the HeoIm t-shirt, when AJ and her Stylist saw it they thought "this is completely HeoIm!" (it was even before episode 1 was aired lol) and were like this NEEDS to be worn (LOLLL)) so they waited for a suitable time and she finally wore it.:lol::lol:







Sorry to cut your post here, you did an excellent job in delivering information to everyone. Appreciated it!!! 


I cut the post up to hear because now I beleive the tshirt has Heo Im's face on it. I know this was discussed before but did not believe it at all. However I still thought AJ wore it in the drama on purpose, and the purpose wad just to brigh laughter in a sad scene :))) Big but here is, I wish she kept the tshirt with her instead of giving away, but all cool, she must have more HI or KNG-related items than just this tshirt :)))) 


Awwww I really hope they end up together!!!! 

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34 minutes ago, etherealk408 said:

Woowww happy 104th page Gummers!! :heart: I'm glad to have lurked from the very beginning and even gladder to have came out and hangout with all my fun,awesome Gummer people!:D:D


So i'm bringing with me a LOONG translation of compiled fanaccounts from KAJ's fanmeeting..please bear with me. It's long but read it,i worked hard on it..haha just kidding :sweat_smile: but you'll love her more after reading this so i think it's worth your time.


There were parts Before and After V-Live that happened at the FM, so I'll translate those tidbits.

IF anybody wants to take it out, please credits @etherealk408 at LUTYN Soompi Thread, thank you!


- KAJ's FanMeeting Fan Accounts Translation ( by etherealK408) 

Original posts: KAJ DC gall


- although it looked like she was just fine during Vlive,at first when she came out her face was blushing red.. you can see she was making herself look relaxed and confident but she's actually nervous


- she ordered the candles gift herself (info from the candlemaker IG); the handwriting on the box of the candle was her handwriting, saying "I'm the only Actress in the world" (she's telling her fans not to "cheat" on her with other actresses (SO CUTE)




- speculations on why the event started late; maybe because the staffs arrived late to set the whole place; when one fan arrived the auditorium(?) was empty and nothing was setup at all, even the balloons arrived later than the waiting fans. Many AJ fans were complaining that her agency staff are clumsy at this kind of thind and it shows.


- fans also complained how staffs didnt even prepare water for AJ to drink when she was talking non-stop throughout the whole event T_T


- after the FM, KAJ fans realized that she's really REALLY out-of-date with current slangs/ terms or even trends LOL no wonder she was clueless about V-App before..she's also bad with technology


- about the HeoIm t-shirt, when AJ and her Stylist saw it they thought "this is completely HeoIm!" (it was even before episode 1 was aired lol) and were like this NEEDS to be worn (LOLLL)) so they waited for a suitable time and she finally wore it.:lol::lol:






FanAcc #1

- before Vlive started, she did the segment of "Rewrite your Profile: A or B"..they already did 2 panels before the one we saw on Vlive

- after Vlive ended there was a lucky draw and fans whose number got picked came up to throw Darts on the "lucky wheel" and get prizes according to what's written on the wheel; among the prizes were Personal Memorabilia, Autographed Polaroids, Selfie, Surprise Phone Call,Hug etc


- a few people got the Hug,Autographed Polaroids, and the Memorabilia were LUTYN EP9 Script and HeoIm t-shirt




- on the LUTYN EP9 Script Book that was given as a prize, she wrote " Thank you so much for being with me on a precious and happy day"


- fans from KAJ dc gall prepared slogans in the seats,and all fans in the audience had it


FanAcc #2

- when AJ appeared, OP says it's crazy..op thought it was a Mannequin walking out. There was like a light behind her..and none of the camera could even captured her actual beauty. OP says her face is small and kept being amazed at her features. And she's very,very slim and tall too.


- AJ said her greetings amd mentioned she noticed some familar faces(longtime fans) and new ones. AJ says she's not sure the right way to emcee the event;so she's just gonna do it comfortably.


- AJ looked around and interviewed someone who looked like he/she was the youngest fan there. When she heard where the fan came from she was shocked. AJ asked how the fan knew of her and that person said he/she became a fan after watching Wanted and that she/he likes "Jang HyeIn" so much. AJ says how can someone so young watch the content of a Mother who kidnapped her children LOL.

- then AJ went to another person and asked. There was a man and a woman who sat next to each other and she asked them if they were a Couple. But they were total strangers lol


- Then AJ asked the guy where he came from and how he came to be there, and the fan says he liked her since 200 Pounds Beauty. AJ" "Really? But it's the first time I ever saw you?" (LMAO) And the fan said it's his first time going to an off-line event like this. AJ asked the fan if there's anything he wants to tell her, and he says because she has such a nice voice, does she have any plans to deejay a radio show? AJ says that Radio DJ..a lot of fans have talked about it and she does want to do it, but the things about radio is you have to go to work every day,and it would be difficult when she's doing a project. But if a chance came up she wants to do it.


- and then to another fan:
AJ: is the person next to you a friend?
Fan: a stranger (Nam)
AJ: Nami ??
Fan: Stranger..someone I don't know (LOLLLL)


- AJ asked the fan since when he/she became a fan and the fan answered since Sign. The fan asked if it's true that when AJ doesn't have a project she just stays at home to rest. AJ says that when she was younger and her friends were not yet married she's the type who goes around but now that they're all married... AJ says when she first became an actor she wasn't used to people recognizing her but now she's fine with it. At home she rests, read books and watch movies..sometimes she goes out to watch movies. And she says she wants to go to Gyeongju(a city popular for historical remains) because she had memories of school field trip from when she was younger. Recently in a program that she enjoys watching on tv Gyeongju appears a lot and she has plans to go there in November.


- the "Rewrite Your Profile:A vs B" segment before Vlive began...AJ talked abt her birthday and says "many here are born in the 90s right? and asked fans to raise up their hands and when many did she told them to put down their hands immediately (LOL)


- Hobbies: Reading book, reading script( she says that's because it's work!),staring into space, watching movies,going on holidays And recently she enjoys watching MukBang (shows where people eat deliciously)..she switches on MukBang through IPTV and eat while she watches (HAHA she's just like any regular person)


- when Ideal type came out everyone said " Sun SeokHee!" lol and AJ says "that's right" hahaha. In the past she felt the attractiveness of a good voice but now it has gradually changed. Now it's someone who understands her well and accepts her (T/N: this was why during vLive she said "As I mentioned just now" when asked to choose Ideal Type among fans)


- talking about sleeping habits..she wondered abt it for a while and says she doesn't drool ㅋㅋㅋ but she hugs a lot of pillows when she sleeps..like 2,3 pillows at the same time.One on her tummy another between her legs,and one she hugs lol. And sometimes while she's doing a project she talks in her sleep; she'll say her dialogues ㅋㅋㅋ "what's the next scene??" things like thisㅋㅋㅋ she says there should be someone sleeping next to her to fix this habit but it's just her mom lol


- the body part she's most confident about ..Legs! Wrist! Waist! Just the whole body ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- fave food..chocolate! eels..?!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- she goes to the mart often and when she has flu she likes to eat Kimchijjigae and Onion Soup


-what is Fans to Kim AhJoong? "The ones who kept giving me strength to continue working" ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


- The second Panel was "the words you want to hear":
  1.  Pretty vs Cute : From the public she wants to hear "pretty" but from fans she wanna be called "cute"
  2. InYeon( Destiny) vs YeonIn (Lovers):  Destiny! Because even for Lovers, you can only meet when you have that Destiny.
  3. Queen of Ratings vs Marks of Box Office/Hit Run: AJ asks if this was for Drama or Movie and everyone chose no.1 but AJ says both are good because you can also use 2 for Dramas.


- And she says she finds "membership registration"(on websites) difficult..there are things she wants to buy and they are not on the same website but it's so difficult to register so many times ;;; (lol this lady is so IT-challenged)


- Vlive was turned on during the 3rd Panel


-After Vlive ended, it continued:


-the did the lucky draw with darts..and after all the winners received their prized AJ says there's a gift for everyone who came ,she prepared candles and polaroids. And it was so touchign because all the polaroids are differentㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 


- everybody took turn to go up and receive their gifts,and she hugged every one. OP was so nervous he/she was shaking. OP wondered what perfume AJ uses because it smells so good..there's no way to describe it ..it's just great. And when shaking hands with AJ, her hands are SO soft


- later they were all in front of the door and AJ who was leaving saw them and asked "why are you guys still not leaving?". And then there were fans who said it's their wish to take a selfie with her,and she fulfilled their wishes. And for those who came from afar she gave more candle...she was so Warmㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


-when she was leaving in her van,someone screamed Happy Birthday! and I Love You! and AJ says "I Love you!" back
-OP says it's so lucky that it was a small-scale fanmeeting..and OP wants to be AJ's fan forever. Her looks in real-life are amazing she's just like a Doll


FanAcc #3

-In person AJ's face is much softer than the one that appeared in Photoshoots. She has really long legs and a small face, her ratios made her look like a Mannequin. AJ's aura is "no joke"

- the candle gift was of Baby Powder scent..although OP is a woman but the scent fluttered her. even without lighting it up the scent is already so nice

-  after saying she likes Milk she smiled while saying "Banana Milk~^^ she was so pretty!!

- OP brought water with her and wanted to drink but she felt bad that there was no water for AJ so she didn't drink


FanAcc #4


- OP was one of those who took selfie with AJ

- AJ was really gentle...at first OP used "rabbit filter" for the selfie. then AJ says,"one more time?" and they took another with "kitty filter". Actually the one with rabbit effect came out better, but when when AJ saw the "strawberry" on kitty filter she asked if they can "eat" it and she was so cuteㅠㅠㅠㅠ She was like "Ahh!"(trying to bite)..OP thinks AJ was thinking of those filter where the puppy tongue came out and eat cookies lol 

-when OP was nervous she has a habit of saying "Eomma I miss you" so she blurted that in front of AJ because she was almost dying of nervousness+excitement when she was so near, AJ heard that and said "You miss your mom? then you need to go home quickly!"

-Op says she's really lovely..and that although fans keep saying she should do hard,tough roles but when seing her in person it feels like that's not her at all..she's pretty and lovely and gentle. She's just a good actress.



@etherealk408 Thank You for sharing!!!!! :blush::thumbsup: I don't mind if it's a long post as long as you enjoyed translating it and sharing it to us then all of us here will be very Happy and Thankful to you from the bottom of our simjang :heart::heart::heart: Looking forward for more of your long post chinguya~!!!! :blush::thumbsup:


-My thoughts about the fan meeting well, what can i say..That the envy that i am experiencing towards the lucky fans who came there is OVERWHELMING!!!! :bawling::bawling::bawling: But on the brighter side, I'm still HAPPY because i got the chance to watched her LIVE on vlive so it's the same like i was there but not really there :joy::joy::joy:


-Again, THANK YOU to all of you here who keeps on posting, sharing, translating everything that you have. What your doing is NOT that simple so my respect for you guys is Priceless!!! :blush: I hope i can meet you all in person and hangouts, maybe we can do that if all of us travel to korea and visit namsan tower :joy::joy::joy:

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21 minutes ago, umiuni147 said:

Hello everyone:),as you see,this is my first post in soompi...hehe,I have ever join soompi forum in Secret Garden era(7years ago and now I forgot my last password even the user name..hehe). After that I have never follow any kdrama thoroughly (just watching breafly and didnt pay much attention to the actors), until R88 era and now  LUTYN. In R88,I didnt want to join in soompi caused was fan war happened,and I was just belong to Deokson/Hyeri shipper so I don't mind either she end up with Taek/Bogum or JungHwan/JunYeol,both of them are great actors and great men in real life also. But now I can't hold to make a new account specially just want to press Like botton for your each great post,and some time drop by. Based on my observation,all of my fav otp have very nice interaction in bts and very nice talk in after drama interview (specially from the lady part), but in real/sinks couple,mostly the man play big factor...on real couple,like YeolRi and SSC,both RJY and SJK(as some friends in this thread said) both of them really bold to show their affection to their lady,specially in real life interaction after the drama ended (such in award ceremonies,fans meeting) also in the interviews. That such bold attention or affection not shown on the sinks couple. So now I really greedy to see KNG interview or their meeting in award ceremony (maybe in baeksang..hopefully). Since I already become KAJ and KNG fans through LUTYN, I just wish their happiness and succesfull life,together or not:)


@umiuni147 Welcome aboard~!!!! :blush: Please enjoy your stay here!!! :blush:

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Dropping in to just share what tides me through work, apart from having this thread constantly opened in a browser~ :lol:



Totally melting every time I hear this song~ KNG's voice is soooo gentle and soothing~~ :heart:


Also, loving the later parts of this video that featured his visits to special children...he's SO GENTLE with them :heart: -- gosh, he's a man with a Gentle Voice AND Gentle Touch *melts even more*


Through some of those clips as well, it was apparent that he did feel awkward having the camera following him when he spent time with the children....evidenced of how he previously said he wasn't comfortable with having the camera follow him around at first. But later, as the clips helped to raise funds for the needy, it sparked the idea in him that good could come out of it. He was also inspired to start Gilstory, his non-profit organisation to help preserve culture heritage and raise funds for people in need. He's definitely a man who thinks deep and is very caring. :wub::wub::wub:



Forgot some of the things I wanted to say earlier. Goodness, my thoughts are so fragmented. 


Seeing him so gentle with children makes me wanna see him with his own. Can't they just get married already? HAHAHAHA......okay, I'm being irrational here....I shall go sit in a corner to reflect. But then again, I don't think reflecting would do much good in the long run...because I can already foresee my shipper heart dominating my brain again very soon....:rolleyes::tongue:


Annd, him in comfortable sweat shirt again! I'm really liking this style of his~ :D

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Hello all!


As you can I'm new to soompi, though I've been lurking since pg1.

Came across this drama accidentally as I wasn't a big fan of k-dramas, this is probably my first proper K-drama that I've watched from ep1-till the end; and was very glad I did not miss it because of how well the production is. The chemi between the leads, not too much with unnecessary sidelines, great use of camera and music! Love the use of symmetry or echoing shots (one of the best I've ever encountered).


Thanks to all who are translating and pulling info from different sources.


I won't ship as I'm using KNG's method to lower expectation so if anything breaks out that it could be a bonus (although the inner me is yelling: come on, someone take a move and get together! :ph34r:)


Btw, I'm not sure if anyone has watched the Making of LUTYN (which was aired back in August before the 1st episode to introduce this drama, there are some extended BTS for the first 4 episode - a bit more skinship I'd say.). Looks like the first scene that HI encountered YK was decided on scene how it was to be portrayed.


[back in lurk mode]

Edited by minamax
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@etherealk408- thank you so much for sharing this and for all your effort in translating all the interviews from our OTP. I don't mind if its a long post because i always love reading all your work. Indeed, you are one of the gems of this thread. Hats off to you, Chinguya.


From all the hints that was spilled by KAJ can't help myself to connect it to Julia Roberts' famous line from the movie Notting Hill "I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy asking him to love her." 


Kim Naammm Gggiiillll!! what are you waiting for!? She now wants someone to sleep next to her just like the scene on LUTYN where she share her blanket to you or if you chose to move that slow someone might snatch her huhuhu. :cry: If that happen my KimKim heart will turn into pieces. Nyahaha. 

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