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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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10 hours ago, etherealk408 said:

She especially expresses satisfaction on her teamwork with Kim NamGil. "It's all thanks to Kim NamGil. He led the shooting location cheerfully, so I was able to be cheerful too. She emphasized, "I had fun and enjoyed myself while acting with Kim NamGil."


(T/N: Their Romance. Waited for it. Supported It. Thankful for It. Enjoyed while doing It.SHE.)


In LUTYN, Kim NamGil & Kim AhJoong's kiss received attention, and among them the Acupuncture Kiss became a topic. "Rather than anyone leading it was done naturally. We talked about it beforehand, and if anyone leads it would have been awkward.


(T/N: Nope it wasn't just HI-CYK that received love. A lot of well-wishes for KNG-KAJ exists too. Please check the comments for BTS clips on Navercast as well. Thank you. BTW, why "smile" after talking abt how KNG is earnest in front of you but jokes around with everyone else??)


"I loved HeoIm to the point that I don't have any regrets. Kim NamGil-ssi  loved YeonKyung a lot too and I was happy."


We did share conversations before the drama began but during shooting ultimately we depended on each other's acting sense."If I go this much, then you come up this much", those feelings piled up and the senses of "even if you don't say it out loud you knew" were exhibited.

Billion thanks to you @etherealk408 for the translations ! And sorry to cut your post.



*Exhales deeply like HI after Accupuncture kiss*


Finally done back reading and I feel so excited by everything that's been posted here. Huge respect for KAJ who is clearly not only an extremely talented actress but also a very smart and honnest woman. What a role model ! We are certainly not the only ones having severe withdrawal syndrome as KAJ obviously hasn't said goodbye to YK yet. As fans, it's very pleasant to see that she's very attached to this character and the drama, even stating she'd be ready for a season 2:D


Now... I wasn't expecting her to 1)mention KNG that much ; 2)basically, send him secret messages left and right :wub: I mean... it's not like everyone's been losing their mind over them for the past 3 months, even neglecting family/lover/friends...


So it's official, KAJ admired KNG as an actor before they started filming. Something we had noticed already. In the process of filming, she realises they share the same passion for their craft as actors and she "opens her heart" *coug, cough* and they can match their acting without uttering a word... She said she enjoyed herself while acting with him. We were all blessed with a casting made in heaven (hopefully a match soon) !


More importantly....


Like the rest of the universe, she was not only waiting for the romance to begin but also enjoyed it and was thankful for it ?!

Oh and she loved HI to the point of no regrets and was happy KNG loved YK a lot too ?

Did I mention the Natural Accupuncture kiss ?



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34 minutes ago, shiqin3381 said:

Actually Na PD want KNG to be guest in 3MAD.  He want to work with KNG.

Hope next time KNG and KAJ can be working together Na PD variety show. Right Na PDmin?:D

OMG! Please! Please Na PD-nim. Get him into 3MAD. I love that show! 

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29 minutes ago, shiqin3381 said:

Actually Na PD want KNG to be guest in 3MAD.  He want to work with KNG.

Hope next time KNG and KAJ can be working together Na PD variety show. Right Na PDmin?:D

Too bad he can't come on 3MAD, it would be the death of me. I think KNG is also rarely appears on variety show right? I really wanted to see him and KAJ on variety show. Some works of Na PD would be great because I love Na PD so much.


Or maybe Law of The Jungle can invite KNG and KAJ together? Hahahahaaa. This will be epic to see them taking care of each other.



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9 hours ago, gogumajet said:

I suddenly remember one WGM acting couple (Oh Min Suk & Kang Ye Won) that really looks like a husband and wife in that show and the staff also feels that both of them do have feeling towards each other (staff even give a ticket to hawaii for both of them to go after the end of their shooting). Both of them agreed (on camera) to determine their feelings after the shooting ends cause they need to know either they love each other because of filming or it is their true feelings (I assume that is how most romantic drama couple do if they actually fall in love while filming). They still followed each other ig and like each other post. And both of them followed most of their WGM fandom till now and even like their fandom posts. But still their true feelings were left mystery. Well, OMS seems too busy with his schedule and KYW once said that she needs someone that can always be there for her. I still ship them till now and hope the best for them.




I was following that couple too and I actually didn't even need any confirmation whether they're dating or not. I'm not that interested in other people's lives. Their lives, they decide. But then about 6 months after the end of their "marriage", Oh MinSeok went on a radio show and stated that they're just friends (which is totally cool) and they're not dating because too many people want them to date and I'm like... ಠ.ಠ... boy... why you letting people's attention rule your love life... If you like her, you ask her to go steady. If you don't like her that way, then fine. But why bother with people's expectations?!??!?!? They can handle their own feelings! YOU'RE 37 BOY! Even if you  date and breakup so what?! You think we'll throw you in a vat of boiling oil????? I was so angry that I wished YeWon would find another man, lol. (I don't think YeWon needs someone who's always, 24/7, 365 days a year always there by her side... she seems very independent and adventurous...)


Anyway, *cough cough*. I hope the best for NamGil and AhJoong. 


Couple crush, ppoomm ppoom!



Edit: Oh no! First post of a new page and not even about Nam-Joong! Aaaak! *hides*

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6 minutes ago, xxPeepsxx said:





Title: [MD Interview] Kim AhJoong: "Unable-to-date style, when will I, I'm extremely curious too."



[168, -8] But you are Kim NamGil match very well though.

[107,-4] But you and Kim NamGil match fantastically though.

[110, -8] From watching Kim NamGil on Life's Bar, he seems to be someone who's earnest, cute to people older than him and thinks a lot about acting. Even in reality, you two seem to match. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Knife-needle couple, can't you become a reality? ㅠㅠㅠㅠ




@xxPeepsxx thank you!! they even received k-netz blessing right :D 

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This thread moving faster day by day. Love reading all of your analysis and post

@sight_stvyour strip is great as always. And those wedding picture. Aigooo:wub:.  

In my country, i ship a couple also in a forum. There's a member there who really love making strips just like you. And somehow, our couple married this years, and their story is somehow quite similar with her strip. So i hope our Gum couple stories will be as beautiful as your strip. 

And i forget to personally mention how happy I am see your fanmade video. That's so lovely. And thank you for putting my requested song on that. I'm beyond happy. :wub::)

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3 hours ago, Ohsh said:

Thanks for all the translations! Enjoyed reading KAJ’s thoughts. As expected she is full of praise for her co star and very upfront with her feelings. I find her comment on her loving HI to the point of no regrets rather unusual for an interview reply, almost too revealing, to mention “love” in her personal capacity even if it was for a fictional character. She would have expected knets shippers to go nuts analyzing her reply, and yet she chose to answer in such a way rather than a typical safe manner. It is obvious that she really had strong feelings for KNG’s character during the shoot, and it was the most accurate way she could explain her feelings and she does not bother to hide it. Maybe she is even sending a message. Now I am most curious about what is KNG’s reaction when he sees her interview. Imagining him having his famous perverted grin on his face.

Always appreciate your insights.


I remember I watched a guerilla date interview of KAJ and she said that she hates guys "playing hard to get". She said girls are attractive playing hard to get but definitely not guys. So, if she is sending message (which I strongly feel she is) to a certain someone, I hope that someone won't take too much time to contemplate on what to do. 


To have KAJ being so bold to drop hints of her interest in such a way and indirectly having her comments easily fanning the shippers, I came to think that probably she is CONFIDENT WITH NOT ONLY HER FEELINGS BUT ALSO HER CHANCE WITH HIM (and his feelings for her). I mean based on her interviews, almost everyone can read the meaning between the line. Sure she  is aware of that and choosing her words carefully meant she knew what she was trying to convey and hint.


In the mean time, I am still anxiously waiting for that someone to give his interview and perspective. It seems now so many things coming from KAJ's side ( her stylist IG photo, agency releasing BTS which featured a lot of OTP spazzy moments and her interview). So, I still could not accept why the other side of the camp being all so quiet (though i know he is busy filming new movie).


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14 minutes ago, uphie_ajah said:

This thread moving faster day by day. Love reading all of your analysis and post

@sight_stvyour strip is great as always. And those wedding picture. Aigooo:wub:.  

In my country, i ship a couple also in a forum. There's a member there who really love making strips just like you. And somehow, our couple married this years, and their story is somehow quite similar with her strip. So i hope our Gum couple stories will be as beautiful as your strip. 

And i forget to personally mention how happy I am see your fanmade video. That's so lovely. And thank you for putting my requested song on that. I'm beyond happy. :wub::)


aww thank youu.. amen!! *fingercrossed* lets hope so! ahhh so its from you back then, thank you for suggesting that song for me too, its beautiful indeed :D 

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9 minutes ago, lyserose said:

Always appreciate your insights.


I remember I watched a guerilla date interview of KAJ and she said that she hates guys "playing hard to get". She said girls are attractive playing hard to get but definitely not guys. So, if she is sending message (which I strongly feel she is) to a certain someone, I hope that someone won't take too much time to contemplate on what to do. 


To have KAJ being so bold to drop hints of her interest in such a way and indirectly having her comments easily fanning the shippers, I came to think that probably she is CONFIDENT WITH NOT ONLY HER FEELINGS BUT ALSO HER CHANCE WITH HIM (and his feelings for her). I mean based on her interviews, almost everyone can read the meaning between the line. Sure she  is aware of that and choosing her words carefully meant she knew what she was trying to convey and hint.


In the mean time, I am still anxiously waiting for that someone to give his interview and perspective. It seems now so many things coming from KAJ's side ( her stylist IG photo, agency releasing BTS which featured a lot of OTP spazzy moments and her interview). So, I still could not accept why the other side of the camp being all so quiet (though i know he is busy filming new movie).



Brilliant sentence there! its quite interesting hint isnt it. Thats why i think the key is on KNG now but he is still busy filming to do interview or etc it makes me frustated.. but i think his filming will not take much time or is it? because its a movie and he is not the main lead from the sinopsis that i read so i hope he will be filming faster that the usual one

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34 minutes ago, sight_stv said:

finally i found it, here you go, same pose, different co-actor, convince yourself to tell the different :) 






 @sight_stv  LOL JooWon is being such a kid here laughing happily doing the heart sign while KAJ is so calm. He was obviously crushing on KAJ like a little boy. So cute! OK I love JooWon and KNG but KNG matches KAJ better and they are almost the same age. :heart:

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@lyserose apart from being busy, he is easily flustered right? :D maybe he is still avoiding interview and is still trying to compose himself lol.  I also found it intriguing that her agency released those intimate spazz worthy pics! As someone said, they could just release her pics, but still included NG. Maybe her agency is also a shipper. :D

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1 hour ago, gogumajet said:

OMG! Please! Please Na PD-nim. Get him into 3MAD. I love that show! 


YES YES YES! 3 meals a day is nice! Then we can see how goofy, cute and sweet KNG is. :D


KNG oppa, please take a break from those dark, gritty melo films and film happy ones like Strange Family and LUTYN which makes you laugh so much within a year, with wonderful cast and HOT co-star. It is time to rest for awhile, do abit of variety since you are SO POPULAR now.All of us LOVE you, not just KAJ. :heart:


And while you are cooking in 3MAD and talking so much the whole time till Lee Seo Jin cannot take it, then suddenly KAJ can appear to surprise you and let us watch you fluster, bite your lips and shake your legs like those LUTYN BTS. :tongue:


Na PD, please invite him asap before he takes on another movie! The current high ratings will soar even higher like mad! It is almost 7.9% for a cable tv variety show. Na PD is really so awesome!


11 minutes ago, 3z3zm3lp said:

@lyserose apart from being busy, he is easily flustered right? :D maybe he is still avoiding interview and is still trying to compose himself lol.  I also found it intriguing that her agency released those intimate spazz worthy pics! As someone said, they could just release her pics, but still included NG. Maybe her agency is also a shipper. :D


EVERYONE is a shipper. But for her close people around her like her stylist, PD and writer to ship her with KNG, there must be something serious that happened in the filming. :heart: is in the air! HAHAHA

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17 minutes ago, mantleprey said:


LOL JooWon is being such a kid here laughing happily doing the heart sign while KAJ is so calm. He was obviously crushing on KAJ like a little boy. So cute! OK I love JooWon and KNG but KNG matches KAJ better and they are almost the same age. :heart:


Yes, when KAJ do the pose with KNG, she is the one that feeling shy but when KAJ do the pose with JW, JW is the one that feeling shy.. and JW is even told the media that he has feeling for KAJ but KAJ is taken aback by that. And in this point we can say its true KAJ has feeling for KNG too and she is not taken aback by that instead she drop more hint on the interview.. so KNG, what are you waiting for now lol you've everything that you need to tell her right now, you just need a simple push dont you? :D 

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14 minutes ago, 3z3zm3lp said:

:D for research purpose lol



Hahahahha.. this is so what makes me love n love her more... she is so honest n straightforward.. LOL. Maybr bcoz of this, she rarely made a scandal news.. bcoz she already told everything like an open book.. hahaha

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7 minutes ago, sight_stv said:


Yes, when KAJ do the pose with KNG, she is the one that feeling shy but when KAJ do the pose with JW, JW is the one that feeling shy.. and JW is even told the media that he has feeling for KAJ but KAJ is taken aback by that. And in this point we can say its true KAJ has feeling for KNG too and she is not taken aback by that instead she drop more hint on the interview.. so KNG, what are you waiting for now lol you've everything that you need to tell her right now, you just need a simple push dont you? :D 

Hahaha NG please do a public proposal during her fanmeet lol (hyper delulu mode) 

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3 minutes ago, 3z3zm3lp said:

Hahaha NG please do a public proposal during her fanmeet lol (hyper delulu mode) 


even is there only "Kim Nam Gil that on break for filming strange family make a sudden visit in Kim Ah Joong fan meet and her birthday" it will make me pass out lol !!

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