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[Drama 2017-2018] A Korean Odyssey/Hwayugi 화유기


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Yeah just enjjoy the drama

but i feel like pulling my hair out with the text preview. General Frost how dare you betray OG and hurt Sunmi???!!!!!:angry:


The cliffhanger will be Sunmi getting sealed or whatever grrr

that's why someone have to tell her about the death bell from the start.... then she won't hve to hear it from some other evil demons.

Sunmi yaaa i know you love OG so much but please remember that the world needs you. Your role Samjang!!!! 



I'm enjoying Misty so much too. What a terrific drama but both Misty and Hwayugi are making me crazy every week uurgh....

Misty airing time is at late night right? So diff from hwayugi


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7 minutes ago, Zelda said:

@stargazer187 Na Chal's fate of reincarnating into suffering was exchanged for Ma Wang feeling 10,000 years worth of pain, which is what all those stars were doing to him, I think. This way she is free to reincarnate into other kinds of fates from now on. However, it seems from the preview that the toll of all that pain caused him to lose his sight. Soo Bo Ri was teaching Sam Jang that she is a shin nyeo more powerful than Asa Nyeo and capable of doing the ceremony to cut Na Chal's fate herself without Asa Nyeo's (treacherous) help needed. It looks like Soo Bo Ri having collapsed to the floor in the preview like maybe the heavens got angry with him for assisting Sam Jang and Ma Wang in this.

That is surely not what samjang power is used for. Mawang aaah.. you should have been more patient till you become a deity


the ring is so sweet though. She puts on the GGG on OG for him to protect her and she said since OG put the ring on her finger, she will protect him...



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7 hours ago, sadpluto said:


Thank you! That's what I'm saying. I didn't really care about his love story from the beginning but after finding out their backstory I'm just so speechless. You want me to feel sorry for her right now? How is what Nachal did any different from what the Bookseller was doing? So Bo Ri was right when he compared them. Though I think Nachal is worst and is getting the just punishment she deserves. 


My hate for Ma Wang is really increasing as the episodes progress for being so damn selfish and shamelessly using Sam Jang. He knows what it feels like to lose your love, so why is he doing that to Oh Gong? Does he really think OG was going to let him live if anything happens to SM because of him?


I'm going to need to see some serious character growth from Ma Wang if you want me to accept him becoming a deity. 

Unfortunately for me, I did care about Mawang's lovestory but stopped caring now after knowing what they did. I agree that Nachal is worse. At least the bookseller was delusional and thought she was saving and protecting children. She loved children and was born from the children's wishes to be saved and disappear.


Nachal on the other hand is a true monster who killed God knows how many children for selfish reason. Just because you love someone and want to save him/her does not give you an excuse to kill others. And these are CHILDREN. Not even adults who can fight back. Children. How are we supposed to feel sympathy and pity for their fate? In a way, I am glad Mawang lost his eye sight as a punishment. He won't be able to see Nachal ever again.


Also the punishment is kind of a blessing for humankind IF he becomes a deity. Mawang is very selfish and tends to judge people quickly on what he SEES. By taking his eyesight the Gods have forced him to hear them out, weigh the statements and judge them on that.


I think this is why he doesn't see SOG and JSM's love as anything but a passing fancy. Because he saw and judged their love as inferior to his and Nachal's. Something that was forced and not natural. Since he saw that, he is not exactly paying attention to SOG's words or he would have realized the love is not just a compulsion.

6 hours ago, sadpluto said:



I was thinking that too. The points business is just a front for them to learn the necessary virtues (i.e. selflessness, giving, etc) to ascent to godhood. Otherwise, it would be ridiculous to think Ma Wang has been collecting points for a 1000 years and is still nowhere near done. 



That scene above made me think that both OG and MW probably reached their points quota several times, but were told they weren't done yet by So Bo Ri since they haven't learned the necessary virtues to ascend yet.


I always felt like MW using SJ and OG to gather points for him sort of felt like a kid bullying the smart kids to do his homework for him. It can work once or twice but in the long run, it would come back to bite you in the richard simmons. I think he was just wasting his time and didn't receive any point while he was using SJ and OG.:tongue:



Didn't Mawang lose all his points because he unintentionally freed SOG? But I truly feel like you that this point business is just a front to teach the demons about the qualities needed to become a deity. Unfortunately Mawang and SOG failed at it for all these centuries.


Interestingly, SOG has started learning these qualities due to JSM. So even though he was imprisoned for centuries, SOG has made progress in deity-hood by leaps and bounds. All because he has a good person besides him. Unfortunately Nachal did not make Mawang a better "person", she herself became a terrible one due to his influence.


Yeah, I think so too. Would it really be fair and would the points really count when SOG and JSM are the ones risking their lives tackling the demons while Mawang sits in his office in comfort and saying "You PASSSS" on TV? If the Gods recognize these points then there's something wrong with the fairness in the heavens.

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Sunmi said that in the preview "since you put this on me, i will protect you"

hope their contract is binding FOREVER. They already promised to marry each other anyway...

For the sake of the otp safety, they need to make lots of contract that bind them together. They also need to activate daily


I don't really feel bad for MW. He left samjang  alone in the film just because he saw Nachal. He lacks responsibility... and he always thinks so lowly of OG and Samjang love. 

I agree, i don't get how he can be a deity by manipulating SJ and OG to risk their life  killing those evil demons. He once again manipulated (?) Samjang into giving her blood.. he didn't even think what danger he is putting samjang in?

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There's been something bothering me about this show for a while now but I think it's become more evident (or at least to me anyway) with these recent episodes regarding the Asanyeo. Despite the threat that this ancient malevolent female spirit who awakens dragons apparently poses, despite the fact that OG thinks that SM might end up being the death of him, everyone seems... for want of a better word... rather... blase? Relaxed? I'm willing to concede that Zombie Girl isn't the brightest light bulb in the room (her noggin is no doubt rotting away) which is why she's the poster girl for indiscretion and falling into obvious traps but when there's an earth-shattering spirit that can control minds and make kings, sauntering around  at her leisure causing some kind of mischief, why is someone like Mr Subodi, a bodhisattva presumably, still shuffling papers in his office like some overpaid bureaucrat and shouting invectives at the heavenly realm when some monster splits his desk symmetrically into two? Why do people sit around having cordial chats with Asanyeo who seems only too willing to tell them what she's really up to? Even OG has time to offer prolonged smooches to reassure SM that he really, really wants to tie the knot with her.


The lack of urgency in the reactions of our resident rogue gallery impacts my ability to take any of it seriously. We are told that the stakes are high but I seldom feel that they are. Except maybe for Ma Wang perhaps and he's probably the person who should be the least in need of a quick resolution.


I should be angry with Ma Wang for this foolhardy scheme to save his lady love which will in all likelihood drag SM into greater jeopardy. But then it is nice to know that there is something/someone that the Bull Demon King actually cares about other than himself. It would be hilariously ironic (if it weren't so dangerous) that the head of Lucifer Entertainment, the broker of many contracts, the king of prevarication, gets played at his own game. Talk about the devil doing a deal with another devil. I desperately want to laugh at his expense except that ultimately he isn't really doing it for himself and that someone is using his best quality as a weakness to work against him.


Since we are talking about the devil and temptation here... and since @bebebisous33 has opened the door to this when she brought up Jesus Christ :wink:  I am keen to talk more about temptation which is a hugely important aspect to the narrative here. 

In the first temptation, the devil tells a hungry Jesus to turn stones into bread which he is quite capable of doing but chooses not to. He uses a legitimate need as a sticking point to get Jesus to act outside of God's purposes. In the second, the devil tells Jesus to take a swan dive off the highest place and God will undoubtedly save him. In the third temptation, the devil tells Jesus that he will give him all the power in the world if Jesus were to bow down and worship him. I suppose many see the Garden of Gethsemane as Jesus' final temptation where he wrestles with the knowledge that death on the cross is before him.


Clearly Ma Wang's anguish is legitimate. He's waited a thousand years and hates the thought of his lady love caught in the reincarnation cycle of torment and suffering. He sees her living miserably in modern times and wants to end her pain... well... a thousand years ago. He is told that he has to accrue enough merit points so that he becomes a deity in order that he can intervene in human affairs and end his beloved's suffering.

Along comes Asanyeo who offers him an alternative and he's eager to take her up on it.  From his perspective, it sounds like a good deal because he feels that his beloved's suffered enough. And poor thing, according to the narrative, she's got to suffer 108 lifetimes and she's only achieved 9 so far in a thousand years. It's risky but in Ma Wang's mind, the benefits outweigh the risks... he has to do it. But the thing is, she tells him that she needs SJ's blood as well so he tugs at SM's heartstrings to help. Unknown to him of course, she will attempt to use the incense burner and the blood to swap or transfer spirits with SJ. Except that SOG once again saves the day and it's the power of SJ to the rescue. Why does Asanyeo give up without a fight... I'm not sure... is it because she's afraid of the Great Sage?


There's something deeply moving and quite biblical about MW's wanting to take on his beloved's punishment on himself. All the pain and a suffering of a 99/100 lifetimes falling on him in that single moment. He doesn't wish it away but wishes that it all falls on him. There is a Christ-like quality to that.


(Okay... I think my brain just died there)



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I've been back reading and chuckling at all the kissing-related posts. Ah well... tvN has to make their marketing department earn their living of course. Bring on the sugar and pour it on!

It's just as well SOG is the Great Sage, otherwise I'd be concerned about him having lower back pain for all his efforts.



Well, to some degree JttW is supposed to be nonsensical but in a satirical way. And it was pretty much the case with Hwayugi in the first nine, ten episodes. But now, the show wants to be serious too so I'm trying to work which bits are supposed to be really serious, and which bits are supposed to be satirical. To be on the safe side, I laugh at almost everything except when MW looks serious. He's usually such a ham so if he's upset, then yeah... it's the real deal. :wink:


I'm not expecting Lord of the Rings by any stretch of the imagination. Dear me, no. :D It's more like Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy which is fine because I love the radio plays and the books. I can't wait till MW starts reading Vogon poetry to send OG stark raving mad. :tongue:


I suppose I've been utterly spoilt by superhero films etc... when people say that someone has the power to do this or that or the other... they take it seriously and try to eliminate the threat ASAP or keep the enemy at bay for as long as possible... not sit around drinking whiskey or tea having polite little chats with the adversary. Unless there's poison involved of course. 


On 2/10/2018 at 1:18 AM, carolinedl said:


Agree with you. But I also think it actually has the power to make OG and MW bond stronger because they seem to have a pretty strong connection: loving someone so much as to risk many things for that person. I could see MW feel some sort of benevolent feeling toward OG because of his love for SJ: he could understand him. MW will see how committed OG is to SJ and I think that will play a pretty big role at the end.

[    ]


Just a side note: What I found particularly interesting is that OG uses JSM more often than SJ, unlike all the other (demon) characters. Ah loooovvveee :wink: he he


Undoubtedly. :wink: It's clear the boys are very fond of each other. They're like brothers constantly pranking and baiting each other but when push comes to shove (and you'll see it in Episode 13), OG's got MW's back. Not assure about vice versa though. :tongue: But I think MW notices that OG is changing now that he's tethered to SJ.


As for OG using JSM more often, to me it's proof positive that he genuinely cares about her... the woman, not the reincarnated being. :D

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I’m actually really curious if Nachal managed to save her child with MW.. the patriarch ignored SM’s qns on whether the child is still alive in ep 13. Also, who are the 2 profiles (1 man and 1 woman) that the patriarch was looking at :blink:


and wow the stark difference in the portrayal of grim reapers in hwayugi vs goblin HAHA. They are worlds apart. 

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2 hours ago, immortal_piglet said:

I’m actually really curious if Nachal managed to save her child with MW.. the patriarch ignored SM’s qns on whether the child is still alive in ep 13. Also, who are the 2 profiles (1 man and 1 woman) that the patriarch was looking at :blink:


and wow the stark difference in the portrayal of grim reapers in hwayugi vs goblin HAHA. They are worlds apart. 


Yes, and last night i thought someone in this forum said that JSM could be MW and Nachal’s reincarnated child..


If JSM is the child then the thread is more complicated on both sides. 


I mean, until now we havent got any backstory of JsM’s deceased parents ( correct me if im wrong)...as her ability to see evil spirit and supernaturals has already been there before her fate changed into Samjang (when she released OG from that mountain prison)



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2 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

There's been something bothering me about this show for a while now but I think it's become more evident (or at least to me anyway) with these recent episodes regarding the Asanyeo. Despite the threat that this ancient malevolent female spirit who awakens dragons apparently poses, despite the fact that OG thinks that SM might end up being the death of him, everyone seems... for want of a better word... rather... blase? Relaxed? I'm willing to concede that Zombie Girl isn't the brightest light bulb in the room (her noggin is no doubt rotting away) which is why she's the poster girl for indiscretion and falling into obvious traps but when there's an earth-shattering spirit that can control minds and make kings, sauntering around  at her leisure causing some kind of mischief, why is someone like Mr Subodi, a bodhisattva presumably, still shuffling papers in his office like some overpaid bureaucrat and shouting invectives at the heavenly realm when some monster splits his desk symmetrically into two? Why do people sit around having cordial chats with Asanyeo who seems only too willing to tell them what she's really up to? Even OG has time to offer prolonged smooches to reassure SM that he really, really wants to tie the knot with her.


The lack of urgency in the reactions of our resident rogue gallery impacts my ability to take any of it seriously. We are told that the stakes are high but I seldom feel that they are. Except maybe for Ma Wang perhaps and he's probably the person who should be the least in need of a quick resolution.


I should be angry with Ma Wang for this foolhardy scheme to save his lady love which will in all likelihood drag SM into greater jeopardy. But then it is nice to know that there is something/someone that the Bull Demon King actually cares about other than himself. It would be hilariously ironic (if it weren't so dangerous) that the head of Lucifer Entertainment, the broker of many contracts, the king of prevarication, gets played at his own game. Talk about the devil doing a deal with another devil. I desperately want to laugh at his expense except that ultimately he isn't really doing it for himself and that someone is using his best quality as a weakness to work against him.


Since we are talking about the devil and temptation here... and since @bebebisous33 has opened the door to this when she brought up Jesus Christ :wink:  I am keen to talk more about temptation which is a hugely important aspect to the narrative here. 

In the first temptation, the devil tells a hungry Jesus to turn stones into bread which he is quite capable of doing but chooses not to. He uses a legitimate need as a sticking point to get Jesus to act outside of God's purposes. In the second, the devil tells Jesus to take a swan dive off the highest place and God will undoubtedly save him. In the third temptation, the devil tells Jesus that he will give him all the power in the world if Jesus were to bow down and worship him. I suppose many see the Garden of Gethsemane as Jesus' final temptation where he wrestles with the knowledge that death on the cross is before him.


Clearly Ma Wang's anguish is legitimate. He's waited a thousand years and hates the thought of his lady love caught in the reincarnation cycle of torment and suffering. He sees her living miserably in modern times and wants to end her pain... well... a thousand years ago. He is told that he has to accrue enough merit points so that he becomes a deity in order that he can intervene in human affairs and end his beloved's suffering.

Along comes Asanyeo who offers him an alternative and he's eager to take her up on it.  From his perspective, it sounds like a good deal because he feels that his beloved's suffered enough. And poor thing, according to the narrative, she's got to suffer 108 lifetimes and she's only achieved 9 so far in a thousand years. It's risky but in Ma Wang's mind, the benefits outweigh the risks... he has to do it. But the thing is, she tells him that she needs SJ's blood as well so he tugs at SM's heartstrings to help. Unknown to him of course, she will attempt to use the incense burner and the blood to swap or transfer spirits with SJ. Except that SOG once again saves the day and it's the power of SJ to the rescue. Why does Asanyeo give up without a fight... I'm not sure... is it because she's afraid of the Great Sage?


There's something deeply moving and quite biblical about MW's wanting to take on his beloved's punishment on himself. All the pain and a suffering of a 99/100 lifetimes falling on him in that single moment. He doesn't wish it away but wishes that it all falls on him. There is a Christ-like quality to that.


(Okay... I think my brain just died there)



@40somethingahjumma i was wondering if the relaxed attitude towards ASN is because they assumed that she just wanted to get married to someone; her grievance is being betrayed by humans and buried before she could get married. They don't have enough knowledge to say she is an evil spirit... So they let her be...  She is like one of them...  They don't harm humans.


Next point, remember ASN said to MW before that because she is not demon, not diety...  The heavens cannot see what she is what to...though she has murdered some humans, nobody knows.. It seems like no bones or body is left am i right? 


The only demon who knows her evilness is WG but he is not spilling the beans yet..


That's my analysis for now.  Have not watched episode 13 fully..   

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26 minutes ago, chunkyung_8690 said:


Yes, and last night i thought someone in this forum said that JSM could be MW and Nachal’s reincarnated child..


If JSM is the child then the thread is more complicated on both sides. 


That would be a hella good plot twist and I'd be all for it! :D


EDIT : Maybe it would also explain why she has the fate of Samjang and had been tormented by her ability to see spirits as a child. 

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23 minutes ago, Anna Tan said:

@40somethingahjumma i was wondering if the relaxed attitude towards ASN is because they assumed that she just wanted to get married to someone; her grievance is being betrayed by humans and buried before she could get married. They don't have enough knowledge to say she is an evil spirit... So they let her be...  She is like one of them...  They don't harm humans.


Next point, remember ASN said to MW before that because she is not demon, not diety...  The heavens cannot see what she is what to...though she has murdered some humans, nobody knows.. It seems like no bones or body is left am i right? 


The only demon who knows her evilness is WG but he is not spilling the beans yet..


That's my analysis for now.  Have not watched episode 13 fully..   


It's possible and I imagine that's another way of looking at it. :wink: I am surprised though that they should believe her this readily especially when she's been sealed in a coffin for a thousand years and apparently known to be quite dangerous. I suppose they don't know that she's killed 4 people already.

I can see why MW would be off his game because he really wants to make the deal but Subodi... I dunno... he should really know better right as he has a direct connection to on high? It's not as if this woman isn't capable of deception.


It's fine for you to cut my post to just the relevant paragraph. I really don't mind.:wink:

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After reading ep 13 recaps at dramabeans makes this ep even better.


The boys seem to be at ease as they thought she is just someone who wanted a man to marry to and will go poof just like other demons.

This demon is cruel, manipulative and smart. She thinks she is way above the demons.. what she wants  right now is Samjang.

Did the boys fail to see that? 



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Hwayugi: Episode 13

by girlfriday


Everyone is pretty fed up with fate today, and I can’t blame them when they’re bombarded with prophecies and punishments and priestesses at every turn. The good news is that our heroes begin to push back against heaven and look for ways to write their own fates, death bells be damned, and in the process they discover something that could be a game-changer.




more http://www.dramabeans.com/2018/02/hwayugi-episode-13/

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Seems there's no one do streaming tonight... There's no links working for me... :bawling:


So let me hear OST Part 7, and wish for miracle... I need happy ending for SOG and JSM please... I need happy ending like The Legend of Blue Sea, eventhough the main lead are different creature, human and mermaid but miracle includes....



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2 hours ago, dubuqueen said:

That would be a hella good plot twist and I'd be all for it! :D


EDIT : Maybe it would also explain why she has the fate of Samjang and had been tormented by her ability to see spirits as a child. 

Hmmm you know that would be a great twist. Her Yellow umbrella would totally make sense then. I always thought it was strange that both had the umbrella as signature object.

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