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[Drama 2017-2018] Just Between Lovers 그냥 사랑하는 사이

Go Seung Ji

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Finished watching with subs - oh I just love the Writer for those lines again.


It was good to wear a suit when he met the money lenders. Those... (can´t write it here).


One of my fav. Scene apart from Kiss and showing hands to Grandma I only found out knowing what they where talking.

There must be a God - and he sended Grandma for you.

Sang Man is again so wonderful

 - and you too -

I love to see how importend SM is for GD. To be honest. He seems to be his only friend - but GD is SMs only Friend too - even more - they became Family.


Its interesting for me how GD and JW are the opposite. Not only when it comes to rich and poor - educated and disabled.. that not what I ment. But GD wants a place to remember in the open - for everybody to see - not in the hiding...

JW don´t like that. He wish for a more private place. I guess he was not allowed in the view of the people to mourn about his dad.

I wonder who it was he ment - when he said a victim can become a culprit.

Was he talking about his Dad - or about MS Dad. Or kinda both.


Will Mum and Dad from Moon Soo change there mind about GD when they find out that there perfect choice for MS  - JW - is related to the case too. Never judge a book by its cover.


GD and MS - they really fits each other. Both tend to not tell others what is going on so easily. Even to MS GD was not telling that he was the landowner and paid of his debt now. He just said he is reborn in a social way - and wanted a congratulation Kiss. Smart Move.

MS on her side - don´t tell WJ about GD. There is nothing. Hahaha.....


Seeing it RAW i first thought when Mother open the Door to the Bath - she will hear that the girls where talking about GD. But the scene we got was so different.


From the movement in the last scene GD was just about to take MSs Hand again. He really can´t stand beside her without holding or hugging her. How I love that.

So there will be no space for Mother to misunderstand the relationship. And I hope for it.

I am pretty sure she will tell her daughter to not meet him or not go to the Side again - so seeing the Preview - MS will not obay.


Gosh - waiting again...

Two more weeks...

I am torn between - I am so ready to see it all now - and I am not ready to let go.





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Love Ep 12! It's so lovey dovey! :heart:

The saddest scene in this ep is the scene where MS-GD visited the wife of victim Moon Byeong Ho. 
I feel for her. She never gets closure. Life goes on but it's not really living for her. She's just enduring and pretending to be fine. 


On the bed scene  (I wish :wub:)..... did GD get turn on seeing MS's ahem... butt? :lol:
Love the kisses! Can I assume that it's GD's first kisses (which he initiated)? He's a grown man now! :D

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53 minutes ago, penelop3 said:

On the bed scene  (I wish :wub:)..... did GD get turn on seeing MS's ahem... butt? :lol:
Love the kisses! Can I assume that it's GD's first kisses (which he initiated)? He's a grown man now! :D


You mean these....:lol:

tumblr_p2o5b5xVpT1vay5kgo1_250.gif tumblr_p2o5b5xVpT1vay5kgo2_250.gif

cr: messijoahae


I really love the gifs from tumblr, I think the persons who makes it are very talented. I want to share some of my favourite...







cr: blueeski



tumblr_p1nrw5GCwV1rsm5xwo9_r1_400.gif tumblr_p1nrw5GCwV1rsm5xwo1_400.gif

tumblr_p1nrw5GCwV1rsm5xwo2_400.gif tumblr_p1nrw5GCwV1rsm5xwo4_r1_400.gif

tumblr_p1nrw5GCwV1rsm5xwo3_r1_400.gif tumblr_p1nrw5GCwV1rsm5xwo8_400.gif

tumblr_p1nrw5GCwV1rsm5xwo6_r1_400.gif tumblr_p1nrw5GCwV1rsm5xwo5_r1_400.gif

cr: dansphil


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On 1/16/2018 at 7:45 PM, klgirl said:

I love the camera guy on this drama - the way certain shots were framed.  It's amazing.  So much love and attention given to this show.  I really wish they'd give whoever it is an award.


In the first few seconds when GD raises his head to look up into MS's face this episode....the transition from darkness to light, GD's face is the only thing that is captured in the shot.  His face is in the light - it's like a hidden message there - GD is lost in the darkness and MS is the sun, shining a light for him to find his way out.


Also she fixes the light in Halmoni's room - another message that she is the lightbringer to GD's darkness.


I love the subtle hints given in each episode. 


@klgirl oh I love this, I did not notice the meaning of the scene at first. Thank you very much for beautiful writing of this scene, so I enjoy the scenes and the show more and more




7 hours ago, penelop3 said:

Love the kisses! Can I assume that it's GD's first kisses (which he initiated)? He's a grown man now! :D

@penelop3 I checked on youtube. JunHo kiss for other show is not so initiated at all. :lol::lol:
So I assume that it's GD's first kisses. I like initiated 3 level kisses (and the extra) There are so cute.
Are we going to see the kisses which level up?:wub:



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Money makes the world go round. It gives a man lacking confidence one and one with confidence super confidence.

Go GD! U deserve it. According to your best buddy,God actually pitied u and decided to change your story. 

Not to worry, MS parents will soon sing a different song. 

I just love that phrase he used in the boutique." I have money"

Oh my!  I have been hoping and wishing that something will happen to prop him up financially so he can look JW in the eyes and tell him to keep off his woman and he did it!. That scene is more important to his pride as a man than paying off his loan. My best. He can confidently wrap himself around her in the public with pride. At this level, I don't care about the kiss ar those lovey dovey stuffs anymore.

I was super satisfied .  And look at MS. Her giggles is the best. I envy u girl. U are one smart gal and knows exactly what u want. I know your story is not yet over but this time around, GD is by your side. 


Happy for the GD's sis growth. And his wonderful friend. Though he called GD hyung, he is actually doing his work as one. He was there for him all these yrs encouraging him. He understands GD very well so his ways actually worked for both of them.


If there are people I actually hate in this drama it's MS parents. No comments on them cos they will ruin my wonderful mood

Love the aunt. She is a lively lady despite her family problem. I love her voice and acting. So cute. Like MS friend. The two are very cute.


Writer and director I have changed my mind. Will look out for your works again. Kiss from me to u. This is addictive and a masterpiece in psychological drama. One of the best attributes of kdrama that makes me come back even though they annoy me sometimes. 

I have many deep soul searching quotes I can jot down later from this drama. 




10 hours ago, sandjh said:

I hope MS parents start to learn how to heal and not drown in their sorrows. They are still heavily stuck in the past.


I'm also super worried about when MS finds out who that 'dead body' KD was with for 3 days. Once she finds out that it was her crush...she's going to blame herself for both her first love's death and KD's pain and trauma ;_; I think that's when her defence will break and she'll remember everything.


I looveeee this drama :) OTP is so lovely. 

Wonderful and well executed drama. I'm sure the writer actually went to study about how people affected by bug tragedy like this will react differently based on their temperaments. 

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Wow okay so I won't even try to put everything I felt, noticed and loved about the two latest episodes because they're just so freakin' good!! That's all I'll say now hahaha. Everyone and everything was just so great. I feel so blessed. Everyone working on JBL should be blessed twice as much this 2018 because this is such a great show.

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watch the BTS even sweeter ....

I think the kisses here are suitable for the characters ... Don't understand why some comments (on YouTube) said that KangSoo kisses wasted JH kissing skill ...

Stupid me didn't wait until the drama completing airing to watch :((


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Hi this is my first time in this forum, this drama is really a very very good one, I loved it so much that I wrote something about it to recommend it to friends (including a bit of stuff about the background), I think if you like watching this drama, you may like to read it too.




Another one I wrote earlier about the memorial in real life



Busan looks so pretty in the drama, so I did some search on filming places too, I will update more later, so if you wish to know more, you can follow my FB


Here are some of the places I found
















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1 hour ago, stroppyse said:


Did you notice how when they were talking, GD also says "and you" meaning that God had sent him SM as well, though he just brushed it off when SM asked what he had said. I thought it was just a lovely moment which showed how much GD appreciated and valued the people in his life.


Yes I noticed - and I menitoned it - but i guess it was not clear -

-and you too -

Thats what GD told SM in his weak moment - but he will not repeat it - still it is what he means in his heart.


1 hour ago, stroppyse said:



I think it was also MS who wanted somewhere open where people could cry as much as they want without worrying about how others might take it. However, JW is scarred by the fact that people were so angry with his father, e.g. MS' father who yelled and was about to beat JW's father up.


I too feel like MS herself is more with GDs Point of view. But she whish to create a place for the victims and she looked surprised that there is that kind or seeing it too. Just - there it no way she can make it like anybody will love it.


1 hour ago, stroppyse said:


I actually think that JW has a point that the victims' families might not just be sad and want to grieve. That some are going to want to shout and be angry, and perhaps in their anger, say and do things that might hurt people. But, it was seeing his father's treatment by the victim's families that formed his opinion.


On the other hand, I actually with MS that the design should be open. Perhaps the collective grieving may also ameliorate some of the anger that some of the mourners might feel, and any destructive tendencies.


Right - I can see his point. But she don´t know yet about JWs History - so how can she. But I am confident that she will never blame him. When she fing out about him 1. she already have seen how hard he works to make the new mall save and 2. I guess she really is on there way to find out that JWs Father never was to blame. I am so happy about the Idea that GD gave those notes to MS. Not only becaue it must been one of his very rate tressures - but on the side that somehow like this his father can help.


So for me - I would like an open place too for the memorial - because what GD said - half hidden halfhearted - will soon become - half forgotten. Its not only for the people to remember the victims - but too to never forget what happen and not let it happen again.

in my eyes.


1 hour ago, stroppyse said:



I also love that GD has to touch MS whenever they're together. GD has been starved for affection, and now that he has found love with MS, he just can't get enough of the connection, both physical and emotional.


Sooo wonderful - but it is not just him. And thats what mades it perfect for me. She is the first person to reach out to him in a few situations too. And he always had those look on his face first like he still can´t believe it. You know - I feel like your kermit again - just thinking about those two. Sooo cute.



1 hour ago, stroppyse said:


I do think they tend to keep things to themselves, but not forever. I think GD just wanted time to process everything himself before he shared it with anyone else, including MS, meaning all the obligations that Grandma had left him to do, not just the inheritance. There was a lot on that list of instructions that he got from Grandma.


As for MS telling WJ, it's as if GD is just hers for now, too precious to even talk about. :)


Actually - MS don´t need to tell JW - her smile is the answer the friend needs. But she will not tell about details. O gosh - she will use it for her webtoon. :D  No - she is not that kind of girl - whe know that.

Those list - ah Granny - she gave GD a lot to do - so he had to go on.


1 hour ago, stroppyse said:


And, I agree that the mother is not going to misunderstand that her daughter is having a relationship with GD. The way GD and MS smiled at each other, and MS fixed GD's collar was very intimate. So, I expect the mother is going to go ballistic next episode. I also wonder if they would welcome JW so readily when he's the son of the man that they blame for the accident.


We just fount out that the inner anger from MS Father is just the same. He just tries hard to cover up all his emotions. Ans the same goes for Mother but in a different way.

He will explode again when he find out about JW - as I see it now.

I really wish to know how Mother will react now - what will the writers choice become. Will she go back home and wait for MS or will she freak out on the spot? Last time she left the bath to suffer by her own. So I can imagine she will not tell MS in that moment.


1 hour ago, stroppyse said:


I'm looking forward to the next episodes, just not the cliffhanger about the steel drum of doom falling off the truck onto GD. All, I'm saying about that scene in the preview is that it better be nothing! No more injuries of any kind to either GD or MS, and no contrived separations. Let them be happy and figure things out together, including MS' parents' opposition.



Actually - I always believed some kind of accident will happen later - to let her remember - or to let her find out about his state of mind. But not a kind of accident please with a steel drum of doom. I hope it will not really hit him - just damn close and give a real shock. Something like that.


I agreee to the fullest - no seperation again!!!! But before they can become happy in the end something must happen to really heal them both. And I fear it will be like the story GD told about his leg - it needed a bigger pain to finaly heal.

I wonder about one point - they found Choi Sung Jae - so why do i feel that his name is not on the victims list - and why is GD so very sensitiv about not founding bodies . Maybe they was not able to get the body out ...

will they give us the full story of the past just in the last Episode.


As long as I get my happy end - okay - I can deal with that.

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@Mau_Cherry  I can manage back read today and as much as I would like to thanks @stroppyse, I would like to thank you to you too for all recaps and your share thoughts. I imagin if someday I am allow to asking you two for group trip to amusement park, buy your guys dummpling and enjoy icecream :lol::wub:


On 1/15/2018 at 12:15 PM, martanur said:

About kiss scene, I think MS is sick and GD visits her. My question is... where is her mother, she seems not really like GD, doesn't she?

@martanur when I saw preview, MS face is mean something and I remember I read you post. and You are Right. :-)

I finish watch ep.11 ep.12 with sub last night. Great episodes!


I did not understand the following scenes;
- GD and SM at rooftop
This something like GD also try his best on other way possible to help himself remove his nightmare?



- GD did not touch food, paid and left.



scenes i think its cute, i like the caring for GD



boyish face :wub:0QdgbZQ.png

his cover her, and she almost disappers :lol:  These two just...:wub:

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So I'm caught up... much much earlier than I intended to :tongue:... Finished ep.1-12 at one go (with one sleep in between) because it was that good. I pushed back some personal plans, and had rather swollen eyes (due to ep.11) in a meeting I can't pushed back.


What a beautiful love story we have in JBL...... and I am not just talking about the love between GD and MS... The love between GD and Grandma, SM, his mom, Mari, etc.etc... I love especially the hospital room scene where everyone is gathered around Grandma's bed before her surgery. This is the first time I don't dread shouting between characters, ie. of Grandma and GD. In fact I love seeing them "scold" each other because there is just so much love transpiring between them. I like it that Grandma's passing wasn't focused too much and we moved on to GD's action/reaction, but it was still made clear to viewers that her death happened. I have so much to say for each episodes but reading back some earlier pages, I would be repeating a lot of what had been said, so I'll refrain unless later on I feel compelled to. Another scene I really love is when MS insisted on hugging her mother because that's the only thing she can do to comfort her mother for having to lose a daughter.


And no wonder I'm so absorbed by the story-telling here. It's the writer. Innocent Man was one of my favorites, although I still have lots of question for the ending. I started it late and marathoned it till ep.8, and then started watching it on small ipod screen under blanket so I wouldn't disturb sleeping hubby. I love Secret too, but it didn't leave an impression as strong as Innocent Man. I really hope that JBL will have a good ending, but am still preparing myself for GD's not making it till the end because of the nose-bleeding? What are the serious illness connected to nose-bleeding? Still holding to a hope that since this drama is promoted as story about healing, I want to see everyone healed at the end please...


I love Junho in Chief Kim. Although he played the role of a villian?-or-not-villain?, I rooted for his character all the way. He's a good actor and I'm glad he got the recent recognition. I love WJA too. She has many expressions and shot at different angles give out different vibes. I think she has what it takes to play all kinds of roles, and I certainly hope to see more of her in the future. My question is, since this show started in 2017, will it still be included in the award nominations this year? I would really really love for the both of them to get an award for their excellent performance in JBL.

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Still have about 18 pages to back read and I should be caught up with the thread discussion. But something came to my mind about how the story might go/end. Just a guess...

JW is still hurting and not preferred to have the memorial in a prominent place because I think he doesn't want people to remember the incident too well since people remembered his father as the one at fault. JW's father was asked to take the blame and eventually he committed suicide. No matter how the team pull the blueprint apart, they can't find any problem that might have caused the collapse. But the notebook of GD's father might shed some new light to the problem. JW sort of has given up and asked the newly discovered column to be treated as waste and can't be bothered to investigate into it. In the preview, MS must have thought about the column as important to finding out the reason for collapse, thus GD stopped the truck carrying it away. (I hope he is fine and not get hurt by the falling column) After that I think MS will discover the real reason for collapse and cleared JW's dad name. This will lead to downfall of the corporation, project halted (no time jump), rendering YT without power and money, wife left him but he will finally be free to live the live he preferred-- fishing, brewing and enjoying coffee, maybe with Mari. What will happen to YJ? Not sure, maybe join hands with JW and be the power couple in the architecture field? Everyone find closure with just a memorial build there, and our OTP live happily ever after.... Yay....!!? Haha...


It's nice to see that MS is the one who initiate a lot of things in their relationship. She is the one who kissed him first, the one who links her arm to his as they walked back to her home. I just love that she would take charge of their relationship. I also love that for a broken person like GD, he actually has a pretty complete "family" who loves him so -- a grandma, a noona, a brother and a mother.


Will come back to post more. Back to back-reading.

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@ktcjdrama Brovo! I’m go with your all guess lines. Thank you for watching this show and share your insight thought. I evy you a bit that you can watch a great show 1-12 at one go and not suffer waiting week by week :lol: I like your post. I aslo re-watch ep.1-2 today capture a lot of OTP scenes and would like to share here.

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Ah, took me forever to finish's this week's episodes because of work stuff.


Loved them both, even though episode 12 was, well, soooo cute! I keep feeling uneasy though, as there is still a lot of things that MS and GD need to talk about... And if GD has let MS in, there is still a big wall between them. He needs to talk about what happened after she was rescued.


I could add so much more but you guys already discussed it all.


Oh, I loved GD and SM together. How SM was there for GD but also said the right things at times. And GD saying that SM was also sent from God after SM said GrandMa was God's gift to GD.


44 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

Still have about 18 pages to back read and I should be caught up with the thread discussion. But something came to my mind about how the story might go/end. Just a guess...

JW is still hurting and not preferred to have the memorial in a prominent place because I think he doesn't want people to remember the incident too well since people remembered his father as the one at fault. JW's father was asked to take the blame and eventually he committed suicide. No matter how the team pull the blueprint apart, they can't find any problem that might have caused the collapse.



Yes, but I also think it's a bit more complicated than that. JW is also hesitant about the memorial because he believes MS's father is responsible for his father's suicide... He told MS that "victims can be perpetuators" and that was referring to her father. JW feels that by attacking his father after the press conference, he was the one responsible for his father deciding to committ suicide... MS's was a victim who cause someone's death, thus he was also a perpetuator...


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15 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

Yes, but I also think it's a bit more complicated than that. JW is also hesitant about the memorial because he believes MS's father is responsible for his father's suicide... He told MS that "victims can be perpetuators" and that was referring to her father. JW feels that by attacking his father after the press conference, he was the one responsible for his father deciding to committ suicide... MS's was a victim who cause someone's death, thus he was also a perpetuator...

I caught that part too, which explained why JW has been feeling so disturbed and down lately. The person he likes turned out to be the daughter of the man probably responsible of pushing his father beyond the limit. And then he only caught the last part of MS wondering why if there is nothing wrong with the blueprint that the architect had to commit suicide... increasing the misunderstanding that MS is also seeing his father as the one to blame.

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