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[Drama 2017-2018] Just Between Lovers 그냥 사랑하는 사이

Go Seung Ji

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GD-SM go for shopping everything from suits to shoes, they also go to eat tasty food, later GD goes to the loan-sharks and to their surprise GD pays off his whole debt, loan-shark says to GD to meet again later in a friendly way but GD rejects saying that he doesn't want any kind of relation with them. MS is at GD's place waiting for him, meanwhile she grabs a couple of GD's pills as his sister asked her to. She is pleasantly surprised with GD's new look and then they have about-to-kiss moment, SM interrupts. 

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The highlight of episode 12:

MS's mother knew about Biotown. She visited the site and found MS met with GD in front of the Biotown. She was surprised, the fact made her feel faint.


Omoo...why do MS & GD always face problems?   


In episode 13 preview: many sweet scenes but then it showed GD in a dangerous situation. It seemed a truck loaded with barrels stopped and GD tried to push it...but then a barrel almost fell/would fall on him when he stood near of a truck.  :( 

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I will try my best - don´t care about mistakes today it will be a lot I fear... My head hurts and I feel like I have a feaver... but who cares...


My Heart is overflowing right now... I am soooo happy...


Okay ..



If you don´t go now I will never let go of this hand... we know that ..



MS freed her hand and I wanted to jump in the screen. I will show you - no more word needed...

poor GD




He looked like he gave up on hope in that moment - so sad... But MS just freed her hand because she needed them ... she hugged him!


GD first shocked than finaly - finaly he can allow himself to cry - and she is just standing and holding him - i soo needed to see that.





I guess there where holding on to each other for a longer time.


Intro! Episode 12


Our capable Girl repairs the lights in the shop. And GD - what a relieve - slept peacefully. When he wakes up he is very surprised to see MS sitting beside his bedside.






Perfect timing for him to see that she is about to fall to the side and he holds her head. Looking at her - as I saw it - with a mixture of love, caring, and disbelief that she really stayed by his side all this time.








She wakes up too - asking if he could sleep and saying she will go than. But GD can´t let her go that easily. As he said - he will hold on to her hand now - oh yeh he proved it a lot today.









MS took the Bus to drive home and she smiles so beautifully - but don´t ask me how long her trip was because - she fall asleep. Guess she was sitting by GDs Side for long just fall asleep in the end.


And GD - its like she set a few of his demons already free - he start to clean the room like Halmony told him to do. He found a Book - the Book Halmony was reading to him when he had the hangover - and I need to check out what it was about - because he readed it again - but this time when he remembers Granny - he is okay.

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Okay - MS was not driving back home - she went straight to work. And we can see her vision of the memorial park.







JW likes it ant they talk. Warning - wild guess will follow - my guess for the scene she asked him to put more names on the stone and JW was saying something about a victim more before too - but JW recalls the scene in his mind when MS Dad came and screamed at his Dad. So he did not liked the idea and MS looks surprised.


TADAAAAAA - Drumms please!!!


GD signed the contract - so he got what he asked for. And YT is so not amused.












After GD left the room he showed his frustration so clearly and I liked it . YJ follows GD and they had the talk we know from the preview. GD telling her that he goes after MS now - and YJ should go forward too.


Someone was very happy today - not only our love couple - but one more person.

Gang Doo is back!












I really like it that Team Leader from Constructionside (CS) knows what kind of person GD is. They chat and TL CS said something what woke up a new nightmare from GD. We see him inside the ruins with Sung Jae - when he tried to reach him I guess - we can clearly see how GD moved with the bar sticked in his leg and it must have been so painful. GD runs out of the office - needs some Air and TL first find out that there is something going on. (or not first there was the story with the shoe.)





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WJ visits MS's bath-house, she gets hair treatment and later in the pool MS-WJ have a chat about the respective boys in their lives, they end up playing by splashing water on each water, MS's mom is happy at 1st but she suddenly visualises her two daughters as kids in that place which makes her break into tears. GD's deal for the land to YT is accepted. 


GD-MS togther go to another bereaved member and have a long convo there, while returning its bus-stop scene MS suddenly feels too cold, GD immediately tries to offer his jacket only to get rejected by MS and then he gets the brilliant idea of backhug. MS's cold gets severe and she starts coughing at work, JW gives her a leave, GD gets to know about it, GD calls MS to know about her condition and asks whether she wants to eat anything, request for ice-cream. GD is reluctant to bang the door, meanwhile MS goes to have her dinner leaving the mobile behind and GD's calls go unattended, he starts climbing pipes and just then MS sees the missed call, she calls back and the ring is heard just outside her window, she opens the window and its a fall situation for GD but he gets grabbed by MS, she pulls him in and locks her room's door. He brought a big tub of ice-cream, suddenly MS's mom knocks the door, MS covers him with the blanket. MS's mom has brought some medicinal tea and she doesn't leave until she sees for herself that MS laid down on the bed. MS reluctantly lays beside GD on the bed, mom offs the light and then leaves. 


MS gets up but GD doesn't move an inch, she pulls over the blanket off of him making her lean onto him a bit, He without hesitaton goes in for a kiss but MS pulls back after five seconds, cutely crosses her mouth with her palms saying she fears GD might get sick too. GD just smiles and pulls down her hands, she nods not to but he goes for a 2nd kiss, after few seconds she again pulls back pushing him a bit but GD says something like its good as she'll be fine (I doubt it as there is usage of unfamiliar words for me) and goes for a 3rd kiss, this time MS gives in and its a bit long kiss. Later MS's mom is still watching TV so he had to leave by crawling pipes once again. MS eats a fingerful of ice-cream and gets shy as she touches her lips. The next morning MS is fit and fine arranging things in the fridge and also leaves for work while GD is stuck to the bed on being sick, LOL.


There is some pamplet delivered to MS's house which is grabbed by MS's mom, its about the construction on the site, she gets dizzy but still goes to the site, there again she gets dizzy as she's heartbroken and gets teary eyed, Right at this time MS is on the other side of the road near to the entrance (gate) of the construction where she happily meets GD. END...

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Its Night already - or at least it is dark outside. GD walk on the Streets...

So is MS doing - the talk to each other on the Phone. GD admit to MS that he miss her and MS ask - where are you...

But just in that moment ...

they see each other...






I guess both where on the way to the place from the other and met kinda in the middle. So sweet... Like that the first Date followed we saw in the Preview.

How did I needed to see him smile like that..






They both liked the food - oh same taste at least - and MS asked for some more to bring it to her Mother (?). When she reached for it she nearly burned her hand - and even nothing happen for a second we could see how GD cares about her. For sure nothing can happen to MS now without him beeing worried. But as I said - nothing happen and they both can smile.








Attention - what follows is together with the Kiss later my most fav. Scene from today Episode!!!

GD walks MS home - I wonder how he could stand it to let her walk around when it was dark all by her own for a while - And they are just walking side by side - than it is MS who shy but brave (in lost of words to descripe it correct)







GD is surprised - very pleased and change it to holding hands - and than he is doingt something I soooo love.... Sorry -- I missed the timing for the perfect picture.








Can you see what he did?

With such a smile...

He hold her hands and than get both handy holding each other up - to show halmoni - they are together - he is happy. And he scream to the heaven - can you see it Granny. Oh my poor Heart!!!!






I needed to see them like that.



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grrr... i deleted a very long post with a lots of pictures in spoiler... thats unfair... .




Did I say before how much I like Aunti? She sees our happy Couple in front of the Bathhouse not able to seperate that easily. But all what is importend for her is - MS smiles so wonderful.

I wish she can tell that MS supid parents.


YT is at Ma Ris Bar. He don´t like even one of the girls sended to him (there are a lot) So Ma Ri has to come. But she don´t like it. I need subs - can it be that he really told her that she is right - there are 1000 of peple outside but only one is like her. I am a bit in trouble because i wish Ma Ri to become happy in the end too. But with him... only if he left his life like it is now - learns a lot and lives a simple life with her. And of course get a divorce.


Sang Man is the best. GD on the roof - he hanged a punshing bag up and start to train - but SM came and he gracefull and powerful hits the bag - GD was shocked.


Assistent came to work but the place is a total mess. Wan Jin is in her bed. Sure he cares if she is alright but than he find out that she is like that because of mean comments and he need to see what he had done to her before. He apologize

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sorry.. my Girl came and asked if she can buy me something and all that. So nice when someone cares for you ... back to JbL


GD meets JW in his Office and when I am right - he told JW that he knows how he feels about MS.






GD of course did not leave again without seeing MS and he gave her an old Book from his Father with a lot of Pictures and Notes about the Constructionside from Mall S.


And he left telling her she need to see him later he will lool great. Preview.






SM has taste. He was not pleased with the first suit GD tried. They have fun shopping. First it looked like SM has a problem to take the suit but after GD told him its okay he will pay he has the money - SM wanted to buy a lot. :D







Why do I feel like GD needed SM as a Bodyguard to go to that place. Why do I believe that even he acts strong in real he was scared about those people. We know they hit him - and I fear not only one time. So was that the reason to train and to bring SM and to wear a suit to not let those guys treat him badly again? Finaly GD has not debt left.


We can see clearly how twisted he is after paying that money

he was torn between beeing happy to not have a debt to pay left...

and beeing sad because it was the money he only got because Granny died.


I understood that he said SM that he is happy to have money but he don´t really looks happy...







Yes - there is something.. and MS started to dig deeper.








What Area is that.. she goes and ask Team Leader as I guess about the Plans from S Mall.

If I got it right TL told her to ask JW but JW didn´t. She seems to ask TM again and found the right words to let him move.


GD and SM are outside - eating some snacks.





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MS who promised to see GD later comes to the Motel. But SMs Mother just told her that GD and SM are not back yet. She give them a call to say that MS is waiting.


MS is alont in GDs Room. She started to clean a bit (no its not a mess like it was before - just a few empy cans) and suddenly remembers that JY has ask her to bring her the pills GD takes. So she is searching the room and finds it. The Pills are just hidden in her bag when she hears the Boys coming back.







Like a Model :D


We know that Scene from the Preview.

Just after the close to kiss scene MS Handy rings - unnie she said - so its Wan Jin.


And Wan Jin is at the BAthhouse - getting the complete program. First Hair - than Bath - with MS.

Talking about Assistent and GD. Of course WJ wants to know about GD but MS is not talking so easily.

They have a lot fun in the bath...

Even Mother likes to see it first...

but than...

its like Mother can´t enjoy one happy moment. She sees the Girls... and the picture in her head change to MS with Yeon Soo playing in the water... 













She cries hard and collapsed outside. Like that she will never get over it. Not forget her - but live on.


MS brings WJ home and they talk briefly about the pills.


Next Scene MS gave the pills to JY. If I am right MS asked her about what whe was talking last time but JY keeps silent.


MS meets GD (yeah) and they are back on there working mission. They found the adress - its a noble place. Inside they meet a mother and her Son is around too. But she sended him out of the room to talk. He was a kid when he lost his father.

First it looks like this woman too will not sign but when  MS and GD already wanted  to leave she saw the paper with the details and the picture of his Husband and she started to talk and cry - so maybe she signed later. They did not showed it.


I can´t get enought of these...




Bus Stop Scene - MS is cold but when GD wanted to give her his Jacket she stoped him - so he tried to give her warm with a backhug and still putting the jacket over her.

I love that Scene. So cute and warm.


YT and Ma Ri are at MS Fathers Restaurant and have a meal.

And after YT said something Father recognize him. Oh Dear - he just went as crazy as back than -  trow the food on the floor and kicked them out. Wahh - that man can act scary.


MS at work - and she cought a lot. Yes - it was too cold the day before she got sick. KDrama Timing :wink:

JW send her home.


GD at the Side. His Leg gives him pain again and his hand was already on the pills - than he stoped himself - and just took a chewingum instead.


The Door gots open and GDs Face is telling so clearly that he is happy to see MS soon - but...








Did you wait for Ms - she will not come - she is ill and needs to rest at home... my guess.

And again - ILL??? He so don´t like to hear that. How is she ill? What happen?


MS at the Bathhouse still try to help out - but she really is sick now. She was sended to bed.




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Highlights for me


1.  Finally our Lovers are showing how they really feel towards each other.  GD was hanging on by his nails in his effort to turn his heart away from MS - he was mean, sarcastic, cold, harsh and angry.  Every time he looked at her tho - you could see his heart in his eyes....literally before he tried to cover it up.  I love that he can't keep his eyes off her either.  There's this "look" when she is in his vicinity.  However much he fought it, he hurt himself as much as he hurt her.  Angst and so much hidden passion.  Today's episode was so sweet - he was starving for MS - he held her hand, so enamored by her that he took every opportunity to touch her.....the feels OMG!!  It's been so long since I felt like this about a drama couple, enough to delurk and join the soompi thread again to gush over them.  That bedroom scene - gah!!!! I squeed!!  So Romeo-like!  He climbed the pipes to get to her window.....  Now that he's let go of the noble idiocy, he's all kinds of loving, sappy and so sweet to her.  He even declares it to JW outright that he likes MS.  Eyes straight on, his voice is so assured and steady while meeting his rival's gaze - a rival who has all the specs that he lacks.   As for MS, I really love that she is blooming now that GD has given into their love.  She's smiling, happy and near giddy with her feelings for GD.  Their shy, uncertain kissing - good grief, I almost turned away cause I felt like a voyeur.


2.  JT and MR - I have a love-hate thing for JT.  I hate him when he acts like an richard simmons but when he's around MR - jeez, she just humanizes him into an acceptable being.  What can I say?  I think they are both individuals who've had to make hard choices in life and are kindred spirits.  I must say that I really do love MR more than JT.  Today's episode - MR finds him so funny when he has one of his hands-in-the-air fits like he usually does - her laugh made me smile too.


3. GD hands over his father's notes and photos taken during the construction phase of the shopping mall - he cant understand the scribblings and thought MS would make sense of it more than he ever could.  I love that he trusts her enough to hand her his Dad's belonging.  Also she finds something odd, asks for the original building plans only to be told that JW has it. 


4.  JW is showing some cracks in his wall now - I think its a good thing that he and MS didn't get together.  Not with the fact that he clearly feels her father had a hand in pushing his Dad into suicide since they keep bringing up the scene of their confrontation at the presscon.  I think he's going to explode pretty soon.


5.  Both of MS's parents are now getting clued in to their daughter's life - Dad found out the customer MR had brought to his shop was the owner of the new development and had a meltdown.  Clearly, he has only suppressed the emotional pain of losing his daughter.  He reminds me of a volcano about to erupt, causing devastation and death to those around him.  I really am anxious about this silent brooding parent of MS.  Her mother found out about the development AND that her daughter is seeing GD.  Jeez, poor MS is going to be in so much trouble from both ends of her parents.


6. The issue about GD's painkillers - man, this is just going to be a whole mess I can feel it.  The fact that they've dedicated some of this episode to start solving it - I hope it is something that will not become the end of GD's miserable life just when he's seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.


I keep getting the vibe that GD is too good for this world.  He's sweet, loving, compassionate and no matter what life chucks at him, he doesn't change who he is inside.  He's a diamond in the rough.


I really hope that the writer doesn't decide to end GD's life as a tragedy just when he has so much to live for now - he's debt free and he has MS. 


The preview for next episode is so full of sweetness - ahhhhhhh!!!


On a final note, I love that Junho has come into his own.  I saw him for the first time in Chief Kim and fell in love with his brilliantly acted character - the tsundere ex-district prosecutor who had a love-hate relationship with the main lead (Nam Goong Min who is another of my faves) and I was crushed that they didn't develop his loveline.  And here we have Junho in a full-fledged romantic line in this drama and I couldn't be happier.


Won Jin Ah is now on my actresses to watch list - love this rookie actress.

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MS in her Bad - GD calling.

Is there something you wish to get... And I loved her to say icecream. The person who once did not even liked it - just because it is related to GD will love icecream not for the rest of her life I guess. GD was surprised to hear it too. And I knew he will bring it to her.


Mother prepared dinner and MS had to come - left her phone behind.


So after work GD got the icecream and came to the Bathhouse - but he could not knock on the door because he remember how he met MS Mother for the first time. (thats why I wish MS to tell her mother honestly... and it would be better like finding out by herself)


But for the scenes - its perfect that he needed to fing another way. I knew he never wanted to go in - but gosh - she nearly killed him. I don´t need to tell much - just watch the clips @stroppyse already shared here. (by the way - to see the laughing kermit besides the kiss picture was hilarious for me)


They found again the perfect way for that scene.  Watchign it on Air i was just a bit concern why MS acts so shy now - but the reason is the cold.- great for me.

So MS told GD that she will be more in pain when he has the cold - so she did not want him to give her his parka

and GD kiss her four times to get the cold from her because for him he wish to be ill - not her.


(for the Preview -  i guess thats why he brought her outside to buy her a warm and nice coat she can wear the next times when they visit some victims. And one for him too - i love to see him in white. Feels like the shadows around him gets smaller and smaller... but we know something will come.. and the nightmares are still there.)


Oh I forgot - nice way GD - visiting the room from for GF for the first time and laying in her bed is the first act. LOL. I loved the Kisses - I so loved them - perfect move from GD.

But I really hope he did not hurt too much so he needs medication again.


Next Day - MS is fit again - GD is ill... tsts.. better she don´t know that ...


Aunt is surprised to see MS already cured again. She left for work and her Mother got the Letter with the flyer from the new bio... what was is... building...


She took the Bus to the S Mall station - and is shocked to see the construction side - but even more shocked to see MS going exactly to that place - meating GD in front of the Gate and they look happy and sweet together.


As I said - to tell her honestly would have been better.






Wan Jin - MS likes Mans who eats carrots... and I was like - hahah-- he knows that.. his eyeside at least will be great. :D




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Also before I forget and/or real life intrudes.....and I tend to forget stuff if I don't blurt it all out first these days -- ahhhh, aging is for the birds I tell ya.


I love the camera guy on this drama - the way certain shots were framed.  It's amazing.  So much love and attention given to this show.  I really wish they'd give whoever it is an award.


In the first few seconds when GD raises his head to look up into MS's face this episode....the transition from darkness to light, GD's face is the only thing that is captured in the shot.  His face is in the light - it's like a hidden message there - GD is lost in the darkness and MS is the sun, shining a light for him to find his way out.


Also she fixes the light in Halmoni's room - another message that she is the lightbringer to GD's darkness.


I love the subtle hints given in each episode. 

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Why do I fear that the last scene from the preview will only be shown in Ep. 14... maybe even as the cliffhanger...


Give us candy - than you can hit again...

But whatever happen - i hope they will never seperate again- even her familiy is so against it.

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8 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

Translation for episode 13 preview. Not sure if I feel happy or sad...


MS: Just a little while ago.
Female colleague: Aigoo, the two of can meet and eat fishcakes (on sticks), then after walking for a bit, childishly ride some swings, and then like a gentleman, he escorts you home. That’s not everything, is it? (noticing their expressions) There are suite rooms in motels, you can watch a movie there, and if you feel sexy, then you can even go that far.  (me: GD’s face- LOL)
MS: There are places like that? That’s fascinating. (me: GD’s face - ROFLOL)


LOLOL....OMG - that was what it was about.  I was looking at GD's face and wondering what made him look so dumbstruck.  That female colleague has only annoyed me so far but after this, I think I could love her!

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MS  is just like an average girl who is in love for the first time. See how she giggled. Suffering made her became an adult overnight but some scenes here just reminded me she is still a young woman. 

See GD, now he is climbing window. Oh my!  A new GD has emerged! Grandma told him to be happy and that's the best gift she left for him. Find happiness in this strange and unfair world cos that's the only thing that actually makes sense and he  is doing that:D  I'm grinning and very happy.

There was a post where I didn't hesitate to say I don't like the sister but want her step it up with the brother and MS. So happy she stepped it up. Together with MS they can help her brother cos i feel he is sick. What more does GD want again with the two beautiful women he loved being by his side trying to outdo each other in taking care of him.  Grandma has given him his financial freedom. Although he lost her but he is sorrounded by love.  

Back to my post that love will heal him very fast and it will be a story one day. He will still remember  but the story will have a happy ending. After the storm comes the sun. 

I am also of the opinion that grandma's financial support also motivated him in opening up to MS. The truth is that a man with much pride as GD won't want to go after a woman empty handed where he knows lots of odds are against him even though he loves that woman. He even told grandma he has nothing to offer her so I have been praying that miracle will happen. Also the parents will do a U turn once they know he is not that poor labourer anymore. That's the world we live in realistically. Grandma was just an angel in disguise.

There is actually lots to discuss about in this drama. Too many lessons learnt in every episode.



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1 minute ago, stroppyse said:


Now that you mention it, during the kiss scenes, I was probably imitating my baby Kermit jumping up and down in joy. (Well figuratively since I won't be doing any jumping for a long time.) But heck, bouncing in my seat and squealing in happiness counts as joy for now. :)




reading you want be jumping for a longer time - i nearly hit the sad butten. But okay., It will heal. I still hope you are not in so much pain and if - don´t take the blue pills!!!


But yes - for kermit - me too. Actually in a few scenes her I found it a bit strange - so see him in such a good mood. I can be a bit sensitive about details - but I am so happy that he can finaly jump and dance for me.


The Preview gave me what I feared for the Episode. I am happy that the happiness will stay longer... but omg... actually... 4 Episodes are left now. And there is still so many to solve.

I hate loose endings... but I don´t think there will be any.


Seeing GD now - when he can finaly dares to show his feelings - let me even more know how hard it has to be for him to push her away. So deep in love.


But she is the same - and thats the perfect picture. I loved that she stayed buy his side because she didn´t wanted him to be alone when he wake up - I love that she told him that as long as he don´t act mean again its easy for her to stay by his side. I love that she was the one who first layed her hands aroung his arm.


After you watched I am curious to know what your fav. Scene today was. Okay - the Kiss... so the next fav. Scene.


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7 minutes ago, darr said:

MS  is just like an average girl who is in love for the first time. See how she giggled. Suffering made her became an adult overnight but some scenes here just reminded me she is still a young woman. 





Sorry to cut your post...

For me - she is the first time in real love. We know she always picked the wrong guys before or run away when it got to close. Falling so hard for someone so she even tried so hard to stay by his side when he pushed her away - all that is new.

And for him too.. he never allowed that much. But they both are just ment for each other. No escape.


And they will live happily ever after... I NEED THAT!!!

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