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[Drama 2017-2018] Love Returns / I hate to love you, 미워도 믿어도


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@mjmartinez @Pam_Van Fossen  It looks like Jung's Father's chances of "returning" are now Nil Big Shot is all soulful intensity and knocking on Gil's door again.


Maybe Jung will use the bracelet charm's secret powers to mess with Hong's head,, or persuade her Sister to give romance with him a try.  Or Madame Goo will discover some terrible secret re the Stepmother's business relationship with Hong's Mother.  Or some other person or thing will temporarily drive or tempt Hong from Love's True Path.


We are dealing with a clever writer and he still has more than 40 episodes to fill.

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1 hour ago, mjmartinez said:

isn't that what happened in the earlier episode when SP rejected EJ and EJ almost got married to BS?

Yes, I think he wanted to get himself together, so he let her go.  Of course BS was around then too and was understanding and comforted EJ so she felt at ease with being with him.  What she didn't know was most of it was an act or so he thought.  He didn't realize he loved her until they broke up.  At the same time, Con Prof was making inroads with HJ's money so he decided he would go for Jung Spawn instead.  Now that it looks like Con Prof is out the money and will possibly spend time in jail, he is putting his sights on EJ again.  I do think Jung Spawn will try to go after SP herself since she is greedy and hateful too and wants to hurt EJ any way she can.  She will use that charm some how to fool SP.  That along with dirt SP's aunt will dig up (true or not) about the relationship between SP's mother and HJ will just be icing on the cake and they will end up splitting up.  We have too many episodes left for SP and EJ to be together without any problems.  

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3 hours ago, Pam_Van Fossen said:

Yes, I think he wanted to get himself together, so he let her go.  Of course BS was around then too and was understanding and comforted EJ so she felt at ease with being with him.  What she didn't know was most of it was an act or so he thought.  He didn't realize he loved her until they broke up.  At the same time, Con Prof was making inroads with HJ's money so he decided he would go for Jung Spawn instead.  Now that it looks like Con Prof is out the money and will possibly spend time in jail, he is putting his sights on EJ again.  I do think Jung Spawn will try to go after SP herself since she is greedy and hateful too and wants to hurt EJ any way she can.  She will use that charm some how to fool SP.  That along with dirt SP's aunt will dig up (true or not) about the relationship between SP's mother and HJ will just be icing on the cake and they will end up splitting up.  We have too many episodes left for SP and EJ to be together without any problems.  

my assumption is this maybe she will use that (charm) but not to herself because she still into BS, I think she will use her sister or something and I think she will steal the bracelet in EJ room for her to fool SP  


I think the title "Love Returns" means in general is


when HJ falls in love with GS after a long time that she cant get over with MJ and EJ father

SP uncle met BS mother his childhood crush

SP and EJ relationship because at first they had a really rough start before becoming a couple

MJ and IJ relationship eventually they will end up together i'm sure hehe


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11 hours ago, jimb said:

Back in the Small Cafe, Madame Goo is explaining that Gigolo bought a baby ring for her to give to a friend.  Big Shot's Mother lashes out at him for his extremely slow approach to the Altar.  


Then Madame Goo explains that she is Gigolo's Daughter.


Big Shot's Mother is like, What fresh Hell is this?

I loved that whole scene! :)

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There is a massive thunderstorm.  Jung's Father had a key to the Pawn Shop made and he uses it to enter.  He tells himself that he just needs to sign one contract tomorrow and he will be rich.


The Stepmother recalls a conversation with Big Shot.  He tells her how to secure court monitoring of Jung's Father's actions while serving as her guardian.  She listens and then explodes.  He confesses to being a sorry, greedy SOB.  He tells her that his mother shamed him into abandoning his plotting with Jung's Father.


The Stepmother receives a call informing her that Jun;s Father is even now at the real estate office unloading some of her real estate. The Aunt is like, Woe is us.  Then the Stepmother hands her a paper from the Court and she is overjoyed.  The Aunt heads for the real estate office.


In the real estate office Jung's Father affixes the stepmother's seal to a big contract.   Jung's Father laughs.  But the laughing man has not yet heard the bad news.


The Aunt bursts into the real estate office and brandishes a  document from the court appointing her as Jung's Father's supervisor in the guardianship.


The shady realtors haul richardsimmons out the door of the office.  Then Jung's Father follows suit.  A couple of passing Korean Police are alerted and give chase.  Unfortunately for him the Stepmother reaches him first and begins choking him.  He breaks free and the Officers continue chasing him down the street.


At the Beauty Center, Gil invites Hong to her house for dinner. Then, Madame Gong informs  them that something has happened to the Stepmother in the Marketplace and they Get Going,


Gigolo and the Manager of the Small Cafe discuss the scene at the Marketplace.


The Rice Cake Lady tells Big Shot's Mother about the incident at the Marketplace.  She  learns that the womeon of the Marketplace are aware that her Son was in cahoots with Jung's Father.


In her office, the Stepmother and Gil talk.  Gil attempts to comfort her.


Big Shot and Hong face off.  Big Shot claims that he is not such a bad guy.  Hong begs to differ.  Big Shot claims that he is just a poor boy attempting to make his way in the world.  He claims that the only difference between them is money.  Then Big Shot suggests that he only wanted the Stepmother's money to win Gil's heart.  Hong promises to make him pay for his deeds.


Jung's Father makes his way down a sidewalk, hiding now and then to evade the Police.


The Police show up at the Beauty Shop in search of Jung's Father.  Jung and her Mother learn that he is wanted for embezzlement and that he is now a fugitive.


Big Shot's Mother rushes into his office, reieved to see that he hasn't been arrested.  She begs him to represent her friend's Ex.  He tells her that he was going to help Jung's Father anyway.


Big Shot's Mother talks with Gigolo.  She is still frosty, so their conversation is brief.


Gigolo storms into his Daughter's office and berates her for breaking up his romance.  Madame Goo gets a speck of dust in her eye and is wiping it away when she sees Assistant Lee enter.  Then she begins to pretend to weep copious tears.  Lee thinks that she is weping for real because of Gigolo's harsh words and an argument between the two roommates breaks out.


Hong arrives at Gil's house for dinner.  The Stepmother, Gil, her Brother, the Aunt and Hong get along well.  Or more accurately, the Aunt gets along with Hong as well as she gets along with anyone.


Jung's Sister stalks her as she walks down a sidewalk after dark.  She watches as her Father pops out of the shadows and begins to talk with Jung.


Jung's Sister approaches and attempts to persuade her Father to turn himself in.


Jung's Mother is aigooing in her house when she hears an intruder in the Beauty Salon.


Armed with a backscratcher, she enters the Salon and grabs the intruder by the scruff of the neck.


Jung's Father is like, C'est Moi.

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18 hours ago, jimb said:

@mjmartinez @Pam_Van Fossen  It looks like Jung's Father's chances of "returning" are now Nil Big Shot is all soulful intensity and knocking on Gil's door again.


Maybe Jung will use the bracelet charm's secret powers to mess with Hong's head,, or persuade her Sister to give romance with him a try.  Or Madame Goo will discover some terrible secret re the Stepmother's business relationship with Hong's Mother.  Or some other person or thing will temporarily drive or tempt Hong from Love's True Path.


We are dealing with a clever writer and he still has more than 40 episodes to fill.

He can go knocking on Eunjo's door and she'll just keep on slamming it on his face. :lol:


Didn't devil's spawn already tried to asked her sister if she's interested in Hong Sukpyo and Injung just shut her down?


From what I understood from E77 or was it the preview? Kim ahjumma invested in late Goo's business but the business name is diffrent. It was not Genius before.

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@xiashenghan  In Woo did propose that In Jung pursue Hong and she declined because her heart is set on Gil's Brother.


However, Gil's Brother is continuing to shut her out of his life.


This might cause In Jung to resume her pursuit of Hong.  Remember, in the early episodes it was In Jung who was the Material Girl, who wanted to find and marry the CEO and In Jung who was holding out for True Love.  At the time, In Jung's efforts were hindered by the fact that she didn't know who the CEO was (for a time she thought Assistant Lee was the CEO.)  Now she knows that it is Hong.


I'm just saying that it Could Happen.  If it does, it benefits the writer because it creates obstacles for two romances (Gil's Brother/In Jung as well as Gil/Hong) that will provide grist for a few of the remaining 40 episodes or so.

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  • Guest changed the title to [Current Drama 2017-2018] Love Returns / I hate to love you, 미워도 믿어도 - Mon-Fri 20:25 PM KST
3 minutes ago, xiashenghan said:

Ahahaha!!! Look at that Jung's spawn kneeling before Kim ahjumma. So shameless!


And seeing devil's advocate behind bars is so satisfying but why do I feel like there's still something up his sleeve. Hmmmm...

Hahah yeah that fool always have something up his sleeve though.

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in the darkness Jung's Mother hears a Prowler downstairs in her Beauty Shop.  She chastises the prowler with a back scratcher.  the Prowler turns out to be her Ex.  They bicker and he scurries out the door.


Jung, followed by her Sister,  enters Big Shot's office and lets loose.  She accuses Big Shot of setting her Father up for arrest.  He agrees to represent her Father if he turns himself in.


Hong talks with the Stepmother in her office.  She tells him to come by later to discuss the "Investment."


The Stepmother talks with the Aunt.  The Aunt thinks that Hong is poor husband material, and orphan out for Gil's money.  Then she complains about being left out of the Stepmother's will.  She and the Stepmother bicker.  The Stepmother storms out of the room.


The Aunt runs into Gil's Brother in the living room and orders him not to date anyone without her approval.  He's like, What brought that on?


Gigolo and Assistant Lee discuss Lee's apparent interest in Madame Goo.  Gigolo tells him the name of Madame Goo's favorite flower, Baby's Breath


Jung's Mother tells her daughters that her Beauty Salon is about to be seized as part of the recovery of the Stepmother's stolen assets.

Gil talks with the Stepmother.  She learns that Jung's Father is still at large.  The Stepmother says that she is still considering what to do with the Beauty Salon.  Gil recommends that she be merciful to Jung's Mother and Sister.


Gil asks the Stepmother if she remembers that she is an orphan and the Stepmother suddenly has a headache.


Hong finishes reading one of his dead Mother's notebooks.  It turns out that the Notebook contains information on several patents and ideas for inventions.


The Sun rises.


The Stepmother and her household eat breakfast.  Everyone is bikcering with everyone else.  The Stepmother observes that things are "back to normal."


Back at the Beauty Salon, Jung's Mother wonders what her husband was looking for the night before.  Ther Rice Cake Lady enters and lays down a barrage of busybody questions.


Assistant Lee gives Madame Goo a big bouquet of Baby's Breath.  It turns out that she is allergic to Baby's Breath.


Gigolo enters his Daughter's office and is stunned to see the bouquet of Baby's Breath in a vase on her desk.  He asks about her allergies.  She says that when she receives them from someone she likes, she isn't allergic.


In the darkness, Big Shot confers with Jung's Father.  He tries to persuade him to turn himself in but he says that there is something he needs to do first.  He hits Big Shot up for enough money for a night at the Sauna.


Big .Shot reflects on his conversation with Jung's Father.  He suspects that the older money has money stashed somewhere.


Jung's Father sleeps in a toilet stall in a Men's Room.  He remembers the Stepmother telling him that she sometimes slept in restrooms when she was poor.  He vows to keep the Beauty Salon at all costs.




Jung's Father walks into the Stepmother's office.  He fakes an apology and she tells him to turn himself in.  She turns her head to his pleas, Korean Hardwoman Style.


In her office, Madame Goo tells Hong that his Mother and the Stepmother knew each other, "But I will tell you nothing more."  She tells him that the fact that the Stepmother cannot remember their relationship indicates that her relationship with his Mother was a bad one.  She tells him not to delve further because he will not like what he finds.  She tells him to give up his "ill fated" relationship with Gil.  

The Police seize Jung's Father on the street in front of Jung and take him away in a squad car.  


Gil happens by and Jung tells her that she will make Gil "pay."

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When is that ridiculous In Woo going to realize that no one cares about her inferiority-driven need for revenge?

Usually if you see that your actions are not yielding the results you want then you stop.

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After today's episode, I am not sure I can watch anymore.  Even behind bars, Con Prof and Jung Spawn are getting on my nerves. IW acting all apologetic for the way she has acted to HJ and begging for her mom not to lose the hair salon and for her to get her job back at the beauty center.  I am sure HJ has a plan for what she is doing but I really hate seeing IW back at the beauty center when I know she is only pretending to be sorry.  She now plans to go after SP using the charm.  She questioned Sec. Lee about why it was important to SP and of course he told her the whole story.  Now she plans to use the charm and say she was the one that saved him that night at the club.  Please, Please don't let SP fall for this scam.  Even if it had been her back then, that is no reason to leave EJ and go to IW when he knows EJ has and still continues to help and support him.  He also knows the kind of person IW is.  If he hurts EJ it will also affect the investment he is trying to get from HJ.  Even though HJ still has some memory loss, she is smart so I hope she can deal with the new challenges coming her way.  


The only Jung I felt bad for was IJ.  It was hard to see her having difficulty walking in the market while everyone talked about her dad. 


Con Law, not sure what to make of him right now.  His mother made him feel ashamed of what he has done and he feels bad.  He broke up with IW but says he will wait for her.  Does that mean he is giving up on his greed?  He wants to defend Con Prof, since he feels bad for what he has done and this is his way of paying his debt to him.  Is he truly being honest with himself and others?  He knows there is money that was not accounted for and is wanting Con Prof to give up the (slush fund) and pay for his crimes.  Does he have an ulterior motive?  Con Prof says to himself that the money he has stashed is for his families future and he is not giving it up.  He will pay for the crime.  

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4 hours ago, Pam_Van Fossen said:

Con Law, not sure what to make of him right now.  His mother made him feel ashamed of what he has done and he feels bad.  He broke up with IW but says he will wait for her.  Does that mean he is giving up on his greed?  He wants to defend Con Prof, since he feels bad for what he has done and this is his way of paying his debt to him.  Is he truly being honest with himself and others?  He knows there is money that was not accounted for and is wanting Con Prof to give up the (slush fund) and pay for his crimes.  Does he have an ulterior motive?  Con Prof says to himself that the money he has stashed is for his families future and he is not giving it up.  He will pay for the crime.  


Hasn't the lawyer stowed away a slush fund from the orphanage foundation.  He was wondering if the Jung has another slush fund stored away which he claimed that he lost to someone else.  How does either of the slush fund become theirs.  Their greed has no bounds.  So does IW.  She needs a whopping on her behind for being a sleaze.  Hated how she talked HJ into getting her a job in the center.  

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After her Father is driven away in a police car, jung confronts Gil and warns her that "This ain't over.  Now how, no way."  


Jung claims that Gil's family is to blame for not stopping her Father from selling the properties he intended to steal from the Stepmother.  In the real world Jung is Bat-Guano, but she obviously missed her calling as a law professor.


Gil wonders whether she exists in the same space and time as Jung.  Even Big Shot rolls his eyes Heaven-ward before he leads Jung away.


Gigolo and Big Shot's Mother meet up for the first time in several days.  They go into the Small Cafe to talk.


Returning to the Beauty Center, Gil encounters Hong.  They retire to a conference room to discuss Jung's Father's arrest.  But Hong wants to discuss his disapproval of Gigolo's relationship with Big Shot's Mother.  Can't anyone in his family mind his or her own business?


We learn that Gil is a week away from completing her training and earning her Beaity Manager;s Certificate.  She asks him for help with her final sales promotion assignment.


Big Shot and Jung sit tensely at a cafe table.He urges her to Repent and Seek Forgiveness.  She's like, not iin a million years.

We learn that when Big Shot first encountered Jung in middle school, she was whining about something.  Now, she's also whining about something.  Big Shot is clearly on notice as to what a life with Jung would be like.


Jung asks, Are you not also a sinner?  Big Shot admits he is but also claims to regret his error.   As Jung claws her coffee mug, he tells her that he wants to end their relationship.


Jung gets up from the table.  She tells Big Shot that although she is peniless now, but I'll be righ again.  "And when I'm rich again, you'll want me again."  then she strides away, Korean Hardwoman Style.


The Aunt rushes into the Stepmother's office and informs her of Jung's Father's arrest.  We learn that the Stepmother has recovered most of her assets but is still undecided about what to do with the Beauty Shop.


As Jung's Sister walks through the Marketplace, the Women of the Agora harshly note that she is her Father's daughter.  Attempting to escape, she falls and tears her hose.  By chance, Gil's Brother is in the Marketplace, observes this, and is saddened.  Also, he wants her to war more sensible shoes.


Jung's Mother is alone and aigooing in her house.  When her disheveled daughter walks in, her aigooing intensifies.


Jung's Mother and Sister discuss moving out of the neighborhood to escape Professor Jung's ill repute.  Jung's Sister observes that as much as she hates her Father, it broke her heart to witness his arrest.


Jung walks alone by a river.  Her woe is interrupted by a call from her Father.


After working hours, Big Shot visits Jung's Father in jail.  Big Shot notes that a good deal of the money he stole remains unaccounted for.  Jung's father claims that he was "swindled" out of it.  Big Shot calls BS on this and demands to know more about Jung's Father's "slush fund."  Jung's Father is like,  It doesn't exist and I'm keeping it.  Big Shot looks on in exasperation.


Alone in his cell, Jung's Father contemplates the slush fund and is reassured.


Gil discusses the impending completion of her internship with the Stepmother and her aunt.  The Aunt launches into another lecture about how Hong is a No Account who is just after Gil's money.  The Stepmother, who knows that the "No Account" could buy and sell them several times over, tells the Aunt to mind her own knitting.


Big Shot's Mother is pounding the soju, solo, when her Son returns home.  big Shot  is irritated to learn that Gigolo now wants Hong's approval before he marries his Mother.   When his Mother describes how happy she is in her relationship with Gigolo, Big Shot hears a foreign language.  He's like, What's love got to do with it?  Or anything else.


Big Shot realizes that whichever direction he turns, Hong poses an obstacle.


In their apartment, Hong and Assistant Lee discuss their projected business venture. They decide to start a new company.


Gigolo enters and offers to give Assistant Lee more tips on courting his daughter.  After Gigolo's "tip" on the flowers, to which Madame Goo was allergic, Lee is like, No thanks.  Butt he eavesdrops on Gigolo as he tells Hong that wine is Madame Goo's "crucial weakness."


Jung arrives at the jail to visit her Father.  He tells her that after sleeping in a toilet stall, jail is like a palace.   He refers to the expensive coat that Jung was wearing when he was arrested and hints that there is something special in one of its pockets.  She catches his drift.


Jung returns home and retrieves a note from the pocket of a camel's hair coat.  She reads the note and smirks.


Hong shares his business proposal re pharmaceutical cosmetics with the Stepmother.  She is impressed.  When she suggests that he use herbal ingredients to lower manufacturing costs, he wonders how she came up with that idea, which was in his Mother's notebooks but not in his proposal.  She tells him that she heard that idea somewhere but can't remember where.


Hong asks the Stepmother whether she knew his Mother.  Her head begins to ache.  Just like the last time he asked.  Then she tells him that his Mother's name does seem vaguely familiar.


Alone in her bedroom, the Stepmother struggles to remember how she knows Hong's Mother's name.


The Stepmother is interrupted by the arrival of Jung in her living room.  Jung calls the Stepmother "Mother" and fakes contriteness, buy grudgingly and just barely.  The Stepmother disappears into her bedroom with Jung for a Talk.


In her Beauty Shop, Jung's Mother suspects that her Ex has secreted cash in her shop and begins searching for it.


In the Stepmother's bedroom, Jung lays it on like a manure spreader.  She claims that seeing her Father in jail has led her to recognize the Error Of Her Ways.  


The Stepmother is like, "Stop calling me Mother.  You're here to talk about the Beauty Salon."   Jung summons tears.  Also, she would like to have  her job at the Beauty Center back.  The Stepmother is like, I'll consider the Beauty Shop ut as for your job, You must be kidding.  Bit Jung pleads on her hands and knees:  Clasp me to your bosom again.  I won't bite.  This time.


In Madame Goo's office, Gil is told that she is about to be given her final assignment as an intern:  On whichshe is to work with a "partner."


Gil is surprised.  A partner?


The door opens and Jung struts in with a cheese curdling smirk.


"I'm B-A-A-A-C-K!!!!"

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13 hours ago, Pam_Van Fossen said:

After today's episode, I am not sure I can watch anymore.  Even behind bars, Con Prof and Jung Spawn are getting on my nerves. IW acting all apologetic for the way she has acted to HJ and begging for her mom not to lose the hair salon and for her to get her job back at the beauty center.  I am sure HJ has a plan for what she is doing but I really hate seeing IW back at the beauty center when I know she is only pretending to be sorry.  She now plans to go after SP using the charm.  She questioned Sec. Lee about why it was important to SP and of course he told her the whole story.  Now she plans to use the charm and say she was the one that saved him that night at the club.  Please, Please don't let SP fall for this scam.  Even if it had been her back then, that is no reason to leave EJ and go to IW when he knows EJ has and still continues to help and support him.  He also knows the kind of person IW is.  If he hurts EJ it will also affect the investment he is trying to get from HJ.  Even though HJ still has some memory loss, she is smart so I hope she can deal with the new challenges coming her way.  


The only Jung I felt bad for was IJ.  It was hard to see her having difficulty walking in the market while everyone talked about her dad. 


Con Law, not sure what to make of him right now.  His mother made him feel ashamed of what he has done and he feels bad.  He broke up with IW but says he will wait for her.  Does that mean he is giving up on his greed?  He wants to defend Con Prof, since he feels bad for what he has done and this is his way of paying his debt to him.  Is he truly being honest with himself and others?  He knows there is money that was not accounted for and is wanting Con Prof to give up the (slush fund) and pay for his crimes.  Does he have an ulterior motive?  Con Prof says to himself that the money he has stashed is for his families future and he is not giving it up.  He will pay for the crime.  


I don't know how far this series will test my patience. Like you I don't know how long I can stand these criminals do their acts even behind bars. The last straw was the ending of E50. Kim ahjumma letting Jung spawn back in the beauty center even though I know she has plan on the back of her mind. I know she's smarter than her looks and she's one step ahead of devil's advocate.


I just don't want this to end where everyone will be forgiven. I'm worried that Kim ahjumma will turn soft at the end.


I want to know what's in that slip on paper devil's advocate has given to his spawn. Looks like it's something that made that filthy girl go to Kim ahjumma and kneel. What are they planning?

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