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[Drama 2017-2018] Love Returns / I hate to love you, 미워도 믿어도


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20 hours ago, dramaninja said:

From the preview text it sounds like Jung becomes poor? :lol:


근섭(이병준 분)은 빈털터리가 되어 인우(한혜린 분)에게 돈을 요구한다. 인우는 공 모양 액세서리를 이용해서 인정(윤지유 분)과 석표(이성열 분)를 연결해줄 생각을 하는데... 한편, 행자(송옥숙 분) 집으로 성년후견심판 결정문이 도착한다.


What happened? :lol: I'm getting curious. Didn't Jung spawn said she doesn't want to be poor again? :lol:


19 hours ago, darr said:

Hi guys.

I never knew I will end up watching this drama after swearing off daily drama cos of the last one I watched.


I will peep,grab some few scenes to know what the drama is all about and then peep again. But I started watching fully late last week.

The actors are wonderful. Execution perfect. The theme of the drama is also very good. I'm actually enjoying the amnesia Ms kim ( hope that's her name) and her fake husband. That man is sure a very good actor.  Maybe I might go through @jimb recaps to fully integrate myself into the drama. 

Please,  is this more than 100 episodes drama?

This is the first daily drama that I watched and not dropped after a few episodes. The last one I watched was Sweet Home, Sweet Honey and I ended up dropping it because it's so cringey and the acting is so bad. :unsure:


Haha! Enjoy that while it lasts. Maybe soon you'll be like us who are filled with rage. :lol:


17 hours ago, Pam_Van Fossen said:

I am so happy that HJ at least has enough of her memory back that she knows Con Prof is a swindler and threw him and Jung Spawn out of the house.  He shows up at the ex-wife's house with daughters in tow asking if he can spend the night there since HJ cancelled his credit card.  Wonder what he did with all the money from the Paju building sale, since he is evidently broke now.  He bought the cars on the credit card and bought the ex-wife the beauty salon but other than that not sure what he did with all the cash.  He gave some to ex-wife and she gave it back to him, so what did he do with that???  This guy is pure scum.  I sure hope the arbitrator isn't fooled by him.  Jung Spawn has a lot of nerve crying to BS saying she can't go back to being poor and living like that again.  Ahhh poor baby.  I feel so bad for her.  NOT!!!  I do feel bad for IJ though, she is the only one that seems to have a conscience.  I hope she does end up with MJ at the end.  HJ is a lot smarter than Con Prof gives her credit for, I think she is going to have the cars repossessed in the next episode.  Go Go HJ.

I was wrong, she actually sold the car right out from under him.  Good Job HJ.  And IW getting fired, made my day.

Didn't he splurged on some things and he's paying in cash? Though I'm not sure. All I know is that he bought Jung spawn's car with Kim ahjumma's credit card (she freaking can't drive and can't she do anything? She's so useless!). And I'm glad that they didn't prolong Kim ahjumma's amnesia. If that happens this thread might burn from all our rage. :lol: At least now devil's advocate and Jung spawn is starting to taste their own medicine. And I hope they all end up in jail. I can't even stand when writer-nim shows their "vulnerable" side. I just don't buy their crap anymore. :angry: I am hoping and praying that this will not end them redeeming themselves because they have gone lower than that.

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In the preview for ep 76, Madame Goo is on the phone saying something about a conflict between Hong's Mother and the Stepmother.


We already know that the conflict was not about money, so could it have been about love?


Could it be that Hong and Gil have the same Father?


the writer is beginning to boggle my mind.

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6 hours ago, jimb said:

In the preview for ep 76, Madame Goo is on the phone saying something about a conflict between Hong's Mother and the Stepmother.


We already know that the conflict was not about money, so could it have been about love?


Could it be that Hong and Gil have the same Father?


the writer is beginning to boggle my mind.


Are you trying to say that EJ and SP could be half siblings ?  There goes their love arc.

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14 hours ago, xiashenghan said:

What happened? :lol: I'm getting curious. Didn't Jung spawn said she doesn't want to be poor again? :lol:


This is the first daily drama that I watched and not dropped after a few episodes. The last one I watched was Sweet Home, Sweet Honey and I ended up dropping it because it's so cringey and the acting is so bad. :unsure:


Haha! Enjoy that while it lasts. Maybe soon you'll be like us who are filled with rage. :lol:


Didn't he splurged on some things and he's paying in cash? Though I'm not sure. All I know is that he bought Jung spawn's car with Kim ahjumma's credit card (she freaking can't drive and can't she do anything? She's so useless!). And I'm glad that they didn't prolong Kim ahjumma's amnesia. If that happens this thread might burn from all our rage. :lol: At least now devil's advocate and Jung spawn is starting to taste their own medicine. And I hope they all end up in jail. I can't even stand when writer-nim shows their "vulnerable" side. I just don't buy their crap anymore. :angry: I am hoping and praying that this will not end them redeeming themselves because they have gone lower than that.

I agree, I want him in jail too.  He still doesn't understand what he did wrong.  They have no vulnerable side as far as I am concerned.  They deserve no sympathy.  

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The Stepmother is working in her office.  Jung's Mother enters and they regard each other awkwardly.  Jung's Mother tells the Stepmother that she is there to ask a favor.Jung's Mother is fine with her Ex-Husband going to prison but asks for mercy for the Father of Her Children.  Since Jung's Father has yet to acknowledge that he has done anything wrong, the Step Mother is not yet inclined to  cut him any breaks.


In the Small Cafe, Big Shot's Mother apologizes to Gil for not tipping her off about her Son's machinations.  She remarks that Gil now seems "deeper " and more mature.


Jung walks into the Small Cafe carrying her belongings in the cardboard box supplied by Genius Cosmetics' Human Resource Department.  She overhears Big Shot's Mother's apology and is angered.  Gil and Jung glare at each other as Gil leaves the cafe.


Jung faces off with big Shot's Mother.  Jung complains that she never treated her the way she just treated Gil.  Big Shot's Mother is like, Perhaps that's because you're a jerk.


Gil finds Hong in the storeroom looking like he has a headache.  He tells her that he needs time alone with his thoughts.  She leaves.


Jung encounters her Father at the Beauty Shop.  He reproaches her for trying to cheat to pass the Bad Customer Test.  She's like, you're one to talk.  He is confident that he will win the Guardianship and get his car and her Beauty Center back.  Then he confesses that he is hungry and asks for something to eat.


Jung's Mother talks with Big Shot in his office.  She asks if he loves Jung.  He's kike, What's love got to do with it?  She asks him to break off his relationship with her daughter if  he is only out for money.


The Stepmother, Gil and her Brother sit down to dinner.  We learn that the Aunt is visiting the Stepmother's home town.  The Stepmother says that they should go to the hometown sometime as well to visit the graves of their grandparents.  Gil and their Brother exchange a Look.


Jung's Mother is unhappy to find her Ex eating in her home.  They argue bitterly.  He tells her that he owns the premises and that he can kick her out if he wants to.  She storms out of the room.  She threatens to move out if he ever returns to the shop.


Gigolo discusses his romance with Big Shot's Mother with Hong.  Hong tells him about Big shot's threats.  Gigolo is like, Love conquers all.  Then he tells Hong that if he really wants to be a jerk and insist, he'll reconsider.


Assistant Lee goes into his bedroom and calls someone, asking that s/he come over and quell Gigolo and Hong's argument.


Big Shot's Mother tells her Son that she thinks that Gigolo wants to propose but that persons unknown are opposing the marriage.  He promises to hep.


Madame Goo arrives at the apartment.  Assistant Lee tells her that both Gigolo and Hong have left the apartment for parts unknown.


Madame Go uses the bathroom and somehow splashes water all over herself.  He is helping her remove her wet sweater when Gigolo enters and gets the Wrong Idea and decks Assistant Lee.  Later, a sheepish Gigolo sits still for a tongue lashing from his daughter.


Hong's charm falls out of one of Jung's pockets.  Jung examines it and ponders how she can use it to advance her fortunes.

Jung wakes her Sister up and asks her if she would be interested in pursuing Hong.  Her Sister tells her to stuff it and goes back to sleep.




Jung's Mother comes downstairs and finds her Ex mopping the Beauty Shop's floor.  They bicker.  he tells her that he will return to Ill Gotten Manse "In Glory."  She thinks he is delusional.


On the phone with someone, Mad  Goo refers to a "conflict" between Hong's Mother and the Stepmother.  She tells s/he to keep looking into it.


Big Shot walks in on Madame Goo to give her some paperwork.  She tells him that if Jung is his girlfriend, he needs to Stage An Intervention before she gets into serious trouble.


Madame Goo visits the stepmother in her office.  They exchange pleasantries.  Then Madame Goo asks her if she remembers Hong's Mother and the Stepmother draws a blank.


Jung's Father struts into the pawnshop and eavesdrops on the conversation between Madame Goo and the Stepmother.  When the Stepmother says that she doesn't remember the Chairwoman, He thinks that is News He Can Use.


Madame Goo expresses her opposition to Hong's relationship with Gil, saying that she wants him to marry someone from a "decent" family.  The Stepmother Goes Off.


The Aunt walks in, catches Jung's Father eavesdropping, and physically attacks him.  The ruckus draws Madame Goo and the Stepmother out of the office.  He asks the Stepmother whether she has received any word from the court about the Guardianship. Madame Goo takes note of the Guardianship issue.


Jung trails Hong to the store where his Father died.  She watches him stare at the store withoout entering.


As the Stepmother's erstwhile attorney, Big Shot has received a copy of the Court's Guardianship determination.  He hand the envelope containing the determination to Gil, unopened, claiming that he no longer wants to have any involvement in the affairs of the Stepmother or Jung's Father.


The Aunt hands the Stepmother the registered letter from the Court.


The Stepmother reads the letter.  


The Stepmother's  eyes widen and her facial muscles tense.

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Sorry i have been so busy with work i couldn't post.

Episode 66


Credit: KBs World TV


Epsiode 67


Credit: KBS World TV


Epsiode 68


Credit: KBS World TV


Episode 69


Credit: KBS World TV


Episode 70


Credit: KBS World TV


Epsiode 71


Credit: KBS World TV



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On 28/02/2018 at 9:33 AM, xiashenghan said:


This is the first daily drama that I watched and not dropped after a few episodes. The last one I watched was Sweet Home, Sweet Honey and I ended up dropping it because it's so cringey and the acting is so bad. :unsure:


Haha! Enjoy that while it lasts. Maybe soon you'll be like us who are filled with rage. :lol:



Rage?:lol:  I have made up my mind k dramas will not raise my BP again:lol:


I'm enjoying reading all the thoughts in this drama from everybody.  Maybe one day I will be filled with rage and start blasting some characters like u said:lol:

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@Loretto  There is a scene in episode 76 where the Stepmother tells Gil and her Brother that at some point they will return to their home village and visit THEIR grandparent's graves.  She adds that the grandparents "loved them very much."


Gil and her Brother exchange a Look because they are concerned that the Stepmother has "forgotten" that she is an orphan.


`I think what ha happened is that she remembers the truth but has forgotten the cover story she invented to hide the truth.


We the viewers, bur not Gil's Brother, know that he is the child of Mr. Gil and the Stepmother.  We therefore know that the reference to Grandparents must be to Mr. Gil's parents, since the Stepmother was an orphan and thus died years before Gil and her Brother were born (and therefore couldn't have "loved them very much.")


The Stepmother seems to be saying that  G'ls Brother's grandparents are Gil's Grandparents.  If so, Gil's Brother's Father, Mr. Gil, would seem to be Gil's Father as well.



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I'm watching E76 right now and wow! Jung spawn's omma sure is shameless to ask that from Kim ahjumma. This family sure is twisted and shameless.


Now I'm starting to like Gil gomo. Hahaha!!! She goes berserk every time she sees devil's advocate. Oh how I hate hearing his soundtrack. Sends me in a bad mood.


Sukpyo is looking more and more dashing every single episode. If only Sukpyo could wash off his hands off his uncle and cousin. His life would be more peaceful. Secretary Lee is there to help him. He's more loyal to him than his relatives.


The episode ends in a cliffhanger so did devil's advocate got the guardianship?


18 hours ago, Pam_Van Fossen said:

I agree, I want him in jail too.  He still doesn't understand what he did wrong.  They have no vulnerable side as far as I am concerned.  They deserve no sympathy.  

No sympathy indeed. And to think Jung spawn's omma shamelessly talked to Kim ahjumma to go easy on devil's advocate. 



Also con-law B*%@ may have washed off his hands off devil's advocate but he still needs to pay for whatever he did to the Gil's, Kim ahjumma and Sukpyo. Him and Jung spawn are meant together. They're so insecure of themselves that they're ready to ruin someone's life to get what they want. They can burn in hell together.


2 hours ago, darr said:

Rage?:lol:  I have made up my mind k dramas will not raise my BP again:lol:


I'm enjoying reading all the thoughts in this drama from everybody.  Maybe one day I will be filled with rage and start blasting some characters like u said:lol:

Hahaha!!! :lol: This drama sure plays with my emotions well especially my anger (you'd think I have anger issues. XD) but when it becomes too much I stop watching for a while.


Welcome to our roller coaster ride. Let's enjoy this together until the end. :D

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Looks like Con Law is going to go for EJ again.  This is getting crazy.  I think he feels bad for Jung Spawn but not enough to marry her.  I think he really did love EJ but got greedy and wanted the money more.  He really doesn't stand a chance with EJ.  She loves SP.  I think something will happen to break them up though since the title is Love Returns.  Con Prof gets caught in HJ trap in the next episode.  I can't wait to see him running from the police.  

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The Aunt reads the determination of the Court to the Stepmother:  Jung's Father is now her legal guardian.


The Aunt says that Jung's Father will now sell all of her buildings.  The Stepmother says that he won't because she has a plan.


Jung watches Hong as he stands on a sidewalk staring at the cosmetics store.  Then Hong receives a phone call and departs.


Jung's Father struts into Big Shot's office and makes himself at home, asking Big Shot whether he regrets being kicked off the Jung family gravy train.  Big Shot warns him that now that the Stepmother has regained consciousness, he needs to watch his step.  Jung's Father is like, Ain't half-steppin' for nobody.


Gil storms into Big Shot's office and finds Jung's Father there as well.   Jung's Father tells Gil that she and other family members will have to move out of Ill Gotten Manse immediately.  As he storms out, Gil follows him into the hallway.  Big Shot looks troubled.


On the sidewalk, Jung's Father and Gil argue bitterly.  a crowd gathers as he pushes gil to the ground and stalks away.  Big Shot arrives and helps Gil to her feet.  Hong and Jung arrive and Big Shot is beset from both sides.


Hong walks off with Gil.  Big Shot looks at Jung with disgust and stalks off.


Jung follows Big Shot into his office.  She demands to know why he was helping Gil.  He asks whether she objects to his helping Gil regain her footing after her father pushed her to the ground. Jung is like, I sure do.  She tells him that not only does her Father now have the guardianship, but Big Shot himself is in so deep he can never turn back.  Those who spurred you on will sit in judgment of your wrong.  He realizes that he is stuck in the Black Widow's web.


Hong gives Gil first aid for her hand.  Hong tells her that she should not despair since he believes that the Stepmother is simply waiting for the right time to strike back.  Hong thinks that Jung's Father's claim that the Stepmother gave him the building he sold is his Achilles heel.


Assistant Lee interrupts Hong and Gil to tell Hong he has received a registered letter.  The letter, from the Korean Patent Commission, claims that a cosmetic Hong attempted to patent has already been patented.  By his Mother.  Hong runs off.


In her office, Jung's Father is waving the Stepmother's seal  around and telling her that she no longer has any use for it.  He tells her that he will give her pocket money from time to time.  She smiles and is like, Is that so?  He orates at length on his master plan for consolidating and looting her assets.  


Bre'r Fox, She lay low.  


Then the Stepmother hands Jung's Father  divorce papers and he begins to sputter.


Jung's Father recovers and, arrogant as ever, struts out of the Pawn Shop whistling.  The Aunt is hysterical but the Stepmother is calm.  The Stepmother is like, I gave him a chance and he blew it.


Big Shot's Mother walks past a jewelry store.  Through its picture window,she sees Gigolo buying a ring.


On the phone, Madame Goo learns that the Stepmother was once an investor in Genius Cosmetics.


Gigolo walks into Madame Goo's office and gives her the baby ring she asked him to buy for her.


Hong opens a locker with a key.  He walks down the sidewalk with its contents in a box in his hand.


Jung walks in on her Father, relates her conversation with Big Shot, and asks whether  she should be worried.  He's like, No way.

Jung starts to leave the Beauty Shop with her Father but her Mother physically restrains her from doing so.  They argue violently.  Jung breaks free and follows her Father out the door./  Big Shot approaches and observes Jung and her Mother struggling on the sidewalk.


Jung's Mother drags her back into the house and gives her several pieces of her mind.  They revisit Jung's discharge for bribery and Jung still maintains she did nothing wrong.  They argue bitterly.  Jung storms into her bedroom and locks the door while her Mother weeps and wails.  Jung's Sister attempts to comfort her but soon she is weeping and wailing as well.


In the Small Cafe, Gigolo prepares a birthday cake for his Daughter.   Big Shot's Mother enters the Cafe and is pleasantly surprised, thinking the cake is for her.  Then Madame Goo enters and awkwardness ensues.


When he gives her a piece of cake, Big Shot's Mother assumes, incorrectly, that there is a ring hidden somewhere in the cake.

In the apartment, Hong is staring at the box.  Assistant Lee walks in and he opens it.  The box contains some things left to him by his Mother.  He begins to read a note his Mother left him.


Big Shot sits and remembers thetongue lashing that he received from Jung


Back in the Small Cafe, Madame Goo is explaining that Gigolo bought a baby ring for her to give to a friend.  Big Shot's Mother lashes out at him for his extremely slow approach to the Altar.  


Then Madame Goo explains that she is Gigolo's Daughter.


Big Shot's Mother is like, What fresh Hell is this?

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9 hours ago, Pam_Van Fossen said:

 She loves SP.  I think something will happen to break them up though since the title is Love Returns.  Con Prof gets caught in HJ trap in the next episode.  I can't wait to see him running from the police.  

isn't that what happened in the earlier episode when SP rejected EJ and EJ almost got married to BS?

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