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[Drama 2017] Because This Is My First Life 이번 생은 처음이라

Go Seung Ji

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@Fiona0754The 38 year old woman next to Se Hee was removed from the relationship chart? Does that mean the writers have decided to remove her character and changed the story (this drama is still in the process of filming right, it's not a preproduction)?


I'm disappointed because we know so much about Ji Ho by now but Se Hee is still very much a mysterious figure. I was excited by that relationship chart because it showed he experienced some hardships/relationship problems in the past that influences his behaviours and attitudes today. I really want to know more about him and his motivations, feel like his character needs to be fleshed out a lot before they jump the gun with the romance. 

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Welp episode 6 was very....interesting. Be the end of this episode I wasn’t a big fan of Ji Ho, she forgot the criteria of her marriage. I don’t think Se Hee told her he was uncomfortable to be mean, all he did was remain very open and told her how he felt. The fact that she got mad and reacted that way shows that she’s in over her head to me. She’s not like him, he’s not looking for love or a partner, he just wants someone to keep is life exactly how it is. Now all of a sudden she wants to be mean, she wants to hurt him. The near fact that she said she had no boyfriend but forgot to mention she had a husband... sigh, it’s a train wreck waiting to happen.


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25 minutes ago, penelop3 said:

OMG.. are you 90s generation? :tongue:
It's been so long since I last watched that, I should watch it again. 


:lol: Yes I am!! I think 90s had the last decent movies. 


20 minutes ago, cloudydreams said:

I would think the writer can do more stuff like that. Also, Ji-ho is in her 30s and has friends who date but never dated? I mean I can live with that but to bring in a guy to make her realize what it looks like to have somebody being interested in you - just ON TIME when the contract marriage happened? Cliché drama I personally don't need. Also Ji-ho isn't 16, she is 30.


Couldn't agree more on this. As cute n dreamy as BN's dimples are the cliché pulls the drama a notch down. I am hoping his role is a short cameo. Between the three couples they have enough to write and resolve the conflicts to fit the remaining 10 episodes.

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14 minutes ago, LoveBunny said:

Welp episode 6 was very....interesting. Be the end of this episode I wasn’t a big fan of Ji Ho, she forgot the criteria of her marriage. I don’t think Se Hee told her he was uncomfortable to be mean, all he did was remain very open and told her how he felt. The fact that she got mad and reacted that way shows that she’s in over her head to me. She’s not like him, he’s not looking for love or a partner, he just wants someone to keep is life exactly how it is. Now all of a sudden she wants to be mean, she wants to hurt him. The near fact that she said she had no boyfriend but forgot to mention she had a husband... sigh, it’s a train wreck waiting to happen.



Why is her not feeding him and her saying she doesn't have a boyfriend being mean? It's true - they're separate entities, none with any obligations to the other or rights to the other - they are NOT husband and wife - so why must she share food with him and think about him when it comes to her own love life or any other consideration if he's not willing to share with her anything except for the house (that she pats rent for)?


They're just tenant and landlord. JiHo might want to hurt him, but the way she does it, it won't hurt him unless he cares. And he's not supposed to because they're nothing - they're fake.

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When the relationship chart came out a while ago with blank spots, I was thinking nooooo they're going to put in seconds leads. I was really hoping in the beginning that they weren't going to that route, but yeah...I hope it's a cameo as well or like an extended cameo, because we also have two other couples who need their air time. Otherwise he could be like the second lead in Japanese Drama "Married as a Job", where he accepted the main characters feelings and moved on rather quickly lol. I hope he ends up with SH's co-worker, she's so emotionless it's funny. On the bright side we'll see SH at JH's workplace and doing things outside of his comfort zone. 


As for JH's friend who is crazy for marriage, I found her hilarious - just the way she screamed out marriage. She reminds me of one of those annoying yet funny anime characters especially with those huge eyes haha. All the characters are so quirky and/or relatable... I need to start remembering their names pronto. 

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7 hours ago, xxPeepsxx said:


Why is her not feeding him and her saying she doesn't have a boyfriend being mean? It's true - they're separate entities, none with any obligations to the other or rights to the other - they are NOT husband and wife - so why must she share food with him and think about him when it comes to her own love life or any other consideration if he's not willing to share with her anything except for the house (that she pats rent for)?


They're just tenant and landlord. JiHo might want to hurt him, but the way she does it, it won't hurt him unless he cares. And he's not supposed to because they're nothing - they're fake.


She doesn't have to feed him, however her saying she doesn't have a boyfriend without mentioning the fact that she's married is wrong. It's not like they decided to go into an arrange marriage where everyone knows they are not together because of love. She already as to lie to the people closest to her everytime she slips up about what they really are. They even said it themselves because of the whole wedding ceremony and their friends and family being there they are going to have to get a divorce at the end of the two years, its a real marriage in every legal sense of the words the only place where its not a real marriage is emotionally. I think she's being mean, if you want to do things to hurt someone thats being mean. However the proper word for her action would be 'immature'.


She is saying she's single not because she truly is but out of spit thats why she was looking at him straight in the eyes when she said she as no boyfriend. She did everything that morning because her ego got bruised, because he acted somewhat like a human and not a robot during the wedding that because of that it was easy for her to misunderstand his behaviour. for example; talking to her mom, that was big, to her there was a lot of signification in that. Or when he's co workers told her that they have never heard him talk about women yet he said "she's very, very pretty". Why get mad at him for telling her the truth ? She decided to change the critirias of their arrangement on her own without taking him into account.

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2 hours ago, auntyem said:

So anyway, I can’t stand HR!  Her crying is so irritating, her thoughts on married life is so immature!  She seems to live in a fantasy world....girl, wake up!!!! She does not seem to be in tune with the reality of today’s world, and her current situation with WS.  Hearing his thoughts on relationships and marriage, I think was really a wake up call for her.  They both are obviously in different places in their life right now.  Not the right timing!!!


@auntyem, I enjoyed reading your post.  HR really got on my nerves this episode. Also, I thought this episode really showed how they both wanted something different out of the relationship. She has always seen him as a means to marriage. He's in love with her and receiving the benefit of marriage with no responsibility.  She just wants to get married and in her mind that automatically means she won't have to work. Instead she'll become a housewife....that's her goal. WS is looking at marriage as meaning he then has the responsibility of taking care of another person while at the same time trying to get his business up and going. For him, that's fearful.  To me, he seemed to suffer after they "broke up", she didn't seem that disturbed. I need her to step out of her marriage bubble for while.


2 hours ago, auntyem said:

Regarding JH/SH.  I agree, his words to her were quite harsh regarding their relationship.  I would have been just as confused as her, especially because his behavior at the wedding was so touching.  He seemed to be very caring and did seem to insinuate there was something more.  I realize there needs to be something to add to the drama, but it seems like it might be a bit much with the Boknam guy? We shall see.....cuz it does make things interesting!


As I mentioned in a previous post, I only welcome this other guy so he can shake SH out of his  "my life is private" and "I only hang out with the cat" syndrome.  In their contract, I bet he listed nowhere that they couldn't date other people. He tries to plan out everything and even create formulas to help guide his life. Emotions of the heart is not something you can make work on a piece of paper. I truly hope this other guy doesn't hang around for more than 2 episodes. If he has to be there more than 2 episodes, then I hope JH will have laid a clear understanding between her and the other guy that she's not interested; I don't want there to be 1) the appearance from the outside looking in that she's cheating on him and 2) some other guy hanging around until the end of the drama.


2 hours ago, auntyem said:

i am enjoying watching the SG/SJ relationship developing, I really like how SJ handles him.  He really is full of himself, and it’s  fun watching her knock him down and bring him back to earth!  I love SJ’s character and Esom is knocking this role out of the park! Love her character so much!


I have to say that I like how SJ handles him, however, she gives the appearance of being strong, but she's really weak in a lot of ways. I'm still not clear what is going on with her. I don't know if she goes to hotel rooms to have sex with guys "make memories" or she just goes to hangout and drink and be "silly" with them--"making memories".  She told SG she doesn't say anythings to the guys who were clearly harassing her this time because she doesn't want to be "talked about". I didn't understand her statement because you have one of your coworkers telling you to friend him on "Facebook" and don't remove the picture of her in a hotel room wearing a bikini.


How far will she go just to be the 'boss'. It's pretty clear to me that she will never be seen more than a sex object by the guys she work with in the current company . She's so busy catering to them, that they see her more as the "entertainment" the CEO call late at night to entertain a client instead of the person they need to negotiate the deal--I'm sure that's how the bikini pictures were taken and the condom left by SG---or could have been her condom. I like when SG told her to stand up for herself.  To me in a lot of ways, she's just as broken as her friend who only has tunnel vision where marriage is concerned.

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28 minutes ago, xxPeepsxx said:


Why is her not feeding him and her saying she doesn't have a boyfriend being mean? It's true - they're separate entities, none with any obligations to the other or rights to the other - they are NOT husband and wife - so why must she share food with him and think about him when it comes to her own love life or any other consideration if he's not willing to share with her anything except for the house (that she pats rent for)?


They're just tenant and landlord. JiHo might want to hurt him, but the way she does it, it won't hurt him unless he cares. And he's not supposed to because they're nothing - they're fake.

I very much agree with you... it is about take and give... After watch with subs, i can feel JH's sadness, she got excited by herself..it is about time for SH to open up himself. And I think we will get hint why he become like robot in upcoming episodes.

Just give boknam ONLY 2 episodes.

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1 hour ago, cloudydreams said:

Woah, how did you read my mind?? XD

Seriously, I have the exact same thoughts as you. I'm only 19, but I can still recognize writing pitfalls and cliches. I feel like there were a dozen different ways they could have developed their relationship without bringing in Generic Pretty Boy to cause feelings of jealousy, especially when they've spent 0 scenes showing how Se Hee has any romantic interest in Ji Ho. Like, I'm pretty sure he needs to be interested in her first in order to be jealous, so it feels out of place they're introducing a romantic rival now.  


From what I've seen, SH already cares about her. Notice he doesn't really care what the people he works with thinks about him. He doesn't go out of his way to make them feel comfortable. However, he's been going out of his way a lot to amen JH feel comfortable or help her when she's feeling down. He just calculates his actions as helping out a tenant to help him pay rent; although he's letting her pay a lesser rent. I hope we get some history into why he's so emotionless. As a matter of fact, it doesn't seem like he wants anything in his life to stimulate his emotions--hence he had to make sure that JH wasn't in love with him before he allowed her to move in with him.


I need him to be shaken out of his self-imposed emotional barricade prison. I hope this other guy is just the person to get things moving. 

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I must say I liked episode 6.. Coz it gave out the full history of JH n the feelings around the three couples.. :D

I loved the way they had the monologue of JH before starting the marriage procession.. Her life n her dreams n what she had become Now.. SH n JH's mom conversation was the simplest n happiest promise to JH:wub:.. As JH's mother said who wants empty words this kinda thing is best not to interfere.. JH was more attracted to SH.. Than the word "our"..made her feel they both belonged together.. Marriage is a commitment of belonging together n she truly felt belonged to this marriage n SH n his home:wub:.. That was her big downfall.. When her sister in law said SH was handsome.. She started checking him out as she was already attracted to him.. The after marriage breakfast was cute.. Loved the way both ate together like a couple.. The office meeting too.. But bam!!! Everything fell apart.. When he drew the line her beliefs n her new feeling was hurt.. But I guess it isn't SH's fault too as he didn't want to ruin the schedule of his life.. The way he n his cat lived in peacefully alone atmosphere.. JH was hurt n she wanted to hurt him shows she has feelings for SH.-_-. The way she told him not to say "us" again n the way she asked the spoon n finally the way she said no boyfriend.. Her monologue was perfect"i want to hurt you.  Coz our gravity is gone":(.. JH isn't attracted towards BN.. We can see that clearly in the interactions they had.. But in the preview the way SH talked to BN might be to shooo him away from his wife or to cover up his jealousy.:tongue:. Either way it's improvement for their relationship.. I m waiting to discover SH's past too like JH's.. What will these both relationship turn up-to.. B)


WS n HR.. Finally they talked.. But still there is soo much dissapointments between them.. WS is clear that he loves HR so much that he can't live without her but now he isn't in the position to take responsibility n have child which is considered as true marriage.. But HR still doesn't seem to understand what she truly wants.. WS too seems not to understand HR's complex feelings.. They both have love but no understanding of each others needs:huh:

SJ n SG.. Finally they have some progress.. The company dinner together made him soo angry for her n SJ not reacting to those men made him more angry.. SJ knows getting over this will ruin her everything which she worked hard for.. The way she tries not to have relationships with any men shows that she is hesitant but still her heart flutters.. I loved the way SG gave her a doll:wub:.. She smiled at it but still is resistant.. Till the end she was resistant.. I want to see how SG breaks her resistance n gets into a relationship with her.. :wub:

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40 minutes ago, LoveBunny said:


She doesn't have to feed him, however her saying she doesn't have a boyfriend without mentioning the fact that she's married is wrong. It's not like they decided to go into an arrange marriage where everyone knows they are not together because of love. She already as to lie to the people closest to her overtime she slips up about what they really are. They even said it themselves because of the whole wedding ceremony and their friends and family being there they are going to have to get a divorce at the end of the two years, its a real marriage in every legal sense of the words the only place where its not a real marriage is emotionally. I think she's being mean, if you want to do things to hurt someone thats being mean. However the proper word for her action would be 'immature'.


She is saying she's single not because she truly is but out of spit thats why she was looking at him straight in the eyes when she said she as no boyfriend. She did everything that morning because her ego got bruised, because he acted somewhat like a human and not a robot during the wedding that it was it was easy for her to misunderstand his behaviour. for example; talking to her mom, that was big, to her there was a lot of signification in that. Or when he's co workers told her that they have never heard him talk about women yet he said "she's very, very pretty". Why get mad at him for telling her the truth ? She decided to change the critirias of their arrangement on her own without taking him into account.


This marriage is only in words--they are not even registering the marriage. They are not "in" love, they plan on divorcing in 2 years, and SH made it pretty clear that her coming to his job and naming his cat (who had no name) was invading his space, his life. She did no more than what friends would do. So when he said that to her, he was basically saying, "I don't really want us to be friends" just landlord and tenant. 


She had thought the two of them could be an "us"/"we"--a team for the next two years, she may have even begin to think she could play the role of "wife", until SH put her firmly back in the tenant zone--not even friend zone.  


Also, from JH's perspective, Yes, she wants him to feel a little jealousy.  Along the lines of ...."you may not like me, but there is someone who does." I'm not sure my wounded pride wouldn't make me react the same way; especially knowing I'm not in a real marriage.  


All that being said, I don't want her dating another guy while she's "married" to SH.

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I know some of you didn't like the last part of EP 6, but I actually felt it showed how SH was starting to be aware of and care about how he is hurting JH. So far, we've only seen Mr Stonefaced telling people off without caring about how they feel. But when JH told him not to use the word 'uri' because it will cause her misunderstanding, I thought he finally became aware that his words and action can hurt JH, and he felt bad about it. This is an important baby step. SH appreciates JH as a good person and housemate, but to care about how she feels and not want to hurt her, that's a new thing. It shows he is starting to learn to love.


Slowly but surely, he is making space for JH in his heart, but will he open up his heart to her? 


In particular, I was bothered by what SH said to JH's mom: "...JH will always choose the path that leads to her own happiness by herself. During the time that we are married, I will not stand in the way of these choices. This is the only promise I can make."


With the new guy in the picture, will SH be spurred to show JH that he cares? Or will he pull back and act nonchalant, believing that JH will be happier with the other guy? 


One reason why I'm so hooked on JH/SH's story is I want so much for SH to end his lonely existence. JH will have no problems finding another guy, but SH? JH is probably the only one who has seen his kinder side, who has never judged him as 'weird'. But how will JH get him to open up? The writer has avoided most kdrama tropes in telling this couple's story, so i'm really curious how she will show the meeting of these two lonely hearts.


Sigh....and it's only wednesday!

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another good week for BTIMFL. thereso many goo scene for this week episode.

i cant blame JH ma for wanting a weeding for her daughter. the wedding only come once for her. even though she did not know the marrie was fake.

that scene of JH reading her ma letter to her was touching. also the scene of SH comfort JH was nice.

they both look so good in that wedding scene. if only there was a kiss too. it would make the weding even more great.even though it a fake wedding.

that scene of SH saying he can only protact JH to her ma was nice of him to make her ma less worry.

that scene of HR being drunk/telling WS that she want to married him was great.

that scene of WS telling HR he only want to date her/not want to married her was sad. they been dating this long. i think it better for HR to move on to a guy that want to married her.

that scene of the owner telling JH to find BK was funny. she thought it a dog while it turn out to be a guy.

that last scene of JH telling SH not to use us/we again/so she wont be confuse again/taking the call/telling BK she dont have a bf/SH look a little disappiont.

i hope this is the start of SH falling for JH.

we already know JH is falling for him. only thing left is for SH to fall for her to. so we will have a fake married to become real.

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1 hour ago, cloudydreams said:

@Fiona0754The 38 year old woman next to Se Hee was removed from the relationship chart? Does that mean the writers have decided to remove her character and changed the story (this drama is still in the process of filming right, it's not a preproduction)?


I'm disappointed because we know so much about Ji Ho by now but Se Hee is still very much a mysterious figure. I was excited by that relationship chart because it showed he experienced some hardships/relationship problems in the past that influences his behaviours and attitudes today. I really want to know more about him and his motivations, feel like his character needs to be fleshed out a lot before they jump the gun with the romance. 


I agree with you about SH still being a mystery. The writer seems to lean towards writing from the female perspective for this drama. Apart from his interactions with JH, we know little about how he thinks and what made him this way. He is this enigmatic figure that no one understands, and he believes no one will....until he let's JH into his life, that is. 

I'm actually glad that they took the 38 yo woman out of the relationship chart. If not, it would be another added cliche on top of the new guy Bok Nam. 

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1 hour ago, cloudydreams said:

Woah, how did you read my mind?? XD

Seriously, I have the exact same thoughts as you. I'm only 19, but I can still recognize writing pitfalls and cliches. I feel like there were a dozen different ways they could have developed their relationship without bringing in Generic Pretty Boy to cause feelings of jealousy, especially when they've spent 0 scenes showing how Se Hee has any romantic interest in Ji Ho. Like, I'm pretty sure he needs to be interested in her first in order to be jealous, so it feels out of place they're introducing a romantic rival now.  

I agree with you! There are many ways to show the development of their relationship and liking each other, and not go to the route of jealousy.  For example, the writer can create subtle moments like habitually eating together in the morning, packing lunch, waiting each other at the bus stop, or go to this place and that. It's like they are collecting memories without knowing it and when one is gone, they'll think of those moments.


I really hope that BN is only a cameo and there's some plot twist like he knows that the marriage of two is only a front and he'll just act like a cupid for SH to realize his feelings. But I'm quite disappointed that they're using the jealousy troupe. 

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@120daysafter     If Se Hee is allowed to proceed at his tortoise pace in the game of love, this drama could go on forever.  However, introducing the powerful emotion of jealousy will give Se Hee a kickstart on the road to love.  Se Hee is stoic; the normal routines and exchanges of love between couples are not part of their relationship criteria.  Jealousy as a catalyst will give us the love story that we crave for this unique couple, as long as Bok Nam and any other guy aren't overused as tools for too long.

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On 10/25/2017 at 10:39 AM, cheremaman said:

@120daysafter     If Se Hee is allowed to proceed at his tortoise pace in the game of love, this drama could go on forever.  However, introducing the powerful emotion of jealousy will give Se Hee a kickstart on the road to love.  Se Hee is stoic; the normal routines and exchanges of love between couples are not part of their relationship criteria.  Jealousy as a catalyst will give us the love story that we crave for this unique couple, as long as Bok Nam and any other guy aren't overused as tools for too long.


Precisely my point.  We have only 16 episodes and SH being emotionless, not an ordinary type of human being, without the third wheel, this drama will need 50 episodes. :lol:

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When JiHo didnt give breakfast, I was like, you kinda deserve it, but at the same time ,I was really sad, his facial expressions really got me. he is so clueless in how to behave with others. It is gonna be fun seeing him jealous and  the last few scenes really hurt my heart. When she threw the name tag in the bin! OMG i nearly cried thencrying1-onion-head-emoticon.gif?12928624. Especially when she said don't use the words 'us' and 'our' any more.


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2 minutes ago, tianaa said:

When JiHo didnt give breakfast, I was like, you kinda deserve it, but at the same time ,I was really sad, his facial expressions really got me. he is so clueless in how to behave with others. It is gonna be fun seeing him jealous and  the last few scenes really hurt my heart. When she threw the name tag in the bin! OMG i nearly cried then. Especially when she said don't use the words 'us' and 'our' any more.



Yeah me too. With SH sad face, and JH coldness it's totally wrecked my heart when they behave like that. That scene really emotional and when SH wants to elaborate what he said last night it's totally being cut down by JH. I could see that SH is the type who say first what on his mind and on the next day he becomes rational again. E.g. When SH protest the list that JH asks him to say to her dad, on the next day he agreed with JH by saying maybe it's the best for the situation. I could sense now SH becomes rational again and he might be thinking his words might be hurting JH but it's too late now bcs JH is seeking revenge. I hope there will be a situation that can help them to reconcile with each other and JH being the one who help SH to open up and warm up to other people aside his cat.

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1 hour ago, lclarakl said:


All that being said, I don't want her dating another guy while she's "married" to SH.



I agree!  Fake marriage or not, they had a wedding ceremony, with guests who witnessed their matrimonial union.  So they both need to keep appearances, at least PRETEND that it’s real, and shouldn’t be having any outside dates with other people! 


However, I do see the points brought up by other people......how JH, who never had a boyfriend or dated, should be able to have the experience. But not now!!!! Too late, she already got married!  In this way, it shows JH’s naïveté and immaturity!  There are things that you just, DOn’T do!!!!! Sigh......I am really curious how it’s going to play out...the preview shows her accepting rides with BN on his motorcycle....RED FLAG! RED FLAG! Both JH and SH, in my opinion, are so “out of it” in regards to relationships with members of the opposite sex.  Both of them are doing inappropriate things because of their inexperience/naïveté.

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