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ACGHK 2017


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first of all there will be a press release tomorrow where the following guest will talk about the event booth and the games that would be sold at the Expo, along the competition that held at ACGHK 2017 this year.
first the design of the ticket. please note there is also a toy fair for children's under the age 5 and 12 years old, so feel welcome to bring your brothers or sisters to the event.

warm reminder currently the information i am sharing are half public and half press release, as some of the event guide has no name on the Japan team beside knowing its Team Japan 2017


Yes I can promise you there is 3 well-known cosplay team from Hong Kong appearing too, Balance, Fruit Punch and 9 Rush

Cosplay Competition 2017


Press Release Event Holders for 20/7/2017

香港動漫電玩節 行政總裁
香港動漫畫聯會 會長
兒童玩具節 項目顧問
3D自拍館 創作顧問
Sony Interactive Entertainment HK Limited
市場傳訊部 助理總經理
LEGO Hong Kong Ltd. 高級市場經理
羚邦動畫(國際)有限公司 高級節目發行經理
CSL Mobile Limited 助理市務副總裁
同航藝術+創意玩具聯展 協辦、猿創作 創辦人
青年動漫電玩創【意 / 業】大賽主辦機構「樂言社」 總幹事

第一屆「兒童玩具節」強勢登陸動漫電玩節 為家長小童炮製難忘暑假 今年大會首次舉辦專為小朋友而設、超大型的兒童室內嘉年華 - 「第一屆兒童玩具節」(1 st Kids' Toy Fair),與 ACGHK 2017 同場舉行。會場內設有三個分別高達 6.5 至 8 米的巨型吹氣彈彈,加上一連串 趣味活動如兒童才藝大賽、卡通人物見面會、人氣遊戲卡機及立體場景自拍館等,相信定能令一眾 家長和小朋友樂而忘返。為鼓勵家長帶同小童入場感受歡樂氣氛,家長憑門票可帶最多兩名 12 歲或 以下小童經 1B 親子通道免費入場,隨門票更附送吹氣彈彈$10 優惠劵,而每日首 500 位經 1B 親子通 道入場的小朋友更可獲贈「第一屆兒童玩具節」汽球一個,希望帶給所有家長和小朋友一個繽紛難 忘的暑假。 首屆

will be back with translate

Back, please forgive me I'm kind of moving around the place and I'm now going to translate and show the event hall map. 

This is the first generation Kids Toy Fair, which is held within ACGHK 2017 and we hope all the family members who loves going to anime and games expo and would like to bring their kids with them now they have a change as the event is for people at the age of 5 to 12 years old, like I have mention before and that this year everyone little kids would be given a chance to see pre-released toys that is going to be released in the anime and game expo, now to share the map.


  • 2 weeks later...

alright after some rest and some time to know what to include into this wonderful, pictures will come out soon so please wait for a bit while i explain what happen and what should have been fixed.

first of all d1 my photographers themselves arrived at the event hall to take some pictures for me, please understand there are reasons why there is just 3 people currently and why i handle the writing and they handle  the pictures, first of all if i work on my own there are way too much for myself to cover and work, along to get  uploaded and understand due to the fact the staff has to translate chinese into english for me and it would take some time, but because some idiot in the project who "knows me personally in real life and some reason used my name" i was somehow registered as arrived on d1..... but i arrived on d2 due to the fact i had someone  i trusted at the event hall....so why was i already marked as arrived on d1? when yes, i mentioned i per-registered online, but some reason due to some issues some media's didn't get their pass along the bloggers so relax....it wasn't a big deal.

but other than this small issue, it wasn't much of a matter cause i got to say the newly released PSP VR Racing game was totally awesome, somehow i couldn't really manage the game cause i was on high speed and while turning i managed to hit a wall where the staff started screaming [don't turn your head, don't look right... look left look left oh god...she can drive, but she's racing time?] that is all we had to worry, and boy the staff at the XBOX booth was so nice, it was wonderful to talk to them, during the chat the staff allowed us to test the new game and we loved how smooth and enjoyable the game was....but due to some reason we had kids mom and dad there some complains happen and it was less than 10 minutes we had to quickly leave. i will post the pictures later as for now... we hope to see some improvement on the kids fair as there was misunderstanding and some cosplayers got beaten up.....by a bunch of kids... other than that...nothing more... oh well. i'll share some of the pictures soon. for now i'm out.


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