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[Drama 2017] Black 블랙


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2 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

HMG received a call and went to the hotel in order to meet Leo. Leo was the one who asked HMG not to reveal the tape and told him that if he used the tape, then he would get hurt as well. With these words, Leo implied that HMG's family was involved. Notice that in an earlier episode, we were shown that HMG had a envelop in his hand that he threw away after refusing to save Leo. 


It makes sense. Leo is rich. He knows important information. I am convinced that Moo Gang`s mother is involved in Joon`s death and with her boyfriend, the doctor, cover everything. I will not be susprised that she will have a past with Nam Joo seung either. This weekend we`ll have the last two episodes. I am ready for the resolution of this story. I don`t have any idea how everything is going to end. Will Black remain in Moo Gang`s body? Will Haram and Black have a chance to be together?


I wish to see 444 again in the last episodes. Kim Tae Woo had a cool cameo. He looks great in black too. :lol:

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@larus I am expecting that they will be together... because 007 is doing everything so that Black can keep HMG's body.


By the way, the real murderer of Kim Na Kyung has not been identified. They all think that WYC was behind it. However, he claimed his innocence, when Kim confronted him. From my point of view, WYC must have discovered who was behind it therefore Scarface received the order to kill Kang Soo Hyuk. Why was she killed in the first place? Since OSC kept the insurance contract in his safe, then this means that OSC could have known about the identity of the real murderer. 

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This one probably no need translation. Turns out loser was not in anyone’s body. 


summary - turns out that the soldier also can’t get his soul to leave the body. 416 guesses that it could be because they entered their own body and therefore cannot get out just like Black. Then he goes to Black he got scolded as Black says he is not Han Moo Gang and instructs him to find the real reason. 


Eh these are just my quick translations ah cos my hearing and korean are both not great. 



Turns out a 100 year soul on the run has been in the doctor body. Before that she was in another body and witness harams dad asking about a corpse with something on his left side. The doctor seems to be hiding something. Something about Kim Joon body changed by/with min jihyun. Who’s that? Did I hear wrongly?



This old lady really looks scary. She was trying to kill black thinking that the rule of a body cannot die twice. But black didnt die and she was shocked.



quite self explanatory but main takeaway is Kim Joon likes SY noona. 






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ep 17 videos part 1 


 so his partner was never in human body i don't get it yet since i missed the start but did he was woundering soul all this time 




 he  found about kim JOON, about his true that scene was  OMG he ciuldn't take that anymore what a shocks  he get at once no wounder he want to shot his head and force himself out of MG body , poor him that scene that pain was so much 






 and sadly i have to go out and leave the ep before it end sorry my friend i will post the rest of videos latter  sp many things happen 

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@ayronics Thanks a lot for the videos!! :heart: Honestly, this drama keeps surprising me! I have the impression that the doctor, HMG's stepfather, was the one driving the car who hurt Black. Maybe he thinks that Black wants to bring JD back to the underworld. It seems that the stepfather must have supported JD all this time.

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The lag was so bad... thank you in advance to those that do the recaps, post videos and translations. It was another intense episode. Some of your theories are really on the spot. You guys are really jjang! I started crying when Black found out that he is Kim Joon. And when he went to see his mother, my tears kept coming and I couldn't stop. :bawling: The music was not helping either. What an episode!


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I didn't get the chance to watch all the episode but it sure was Daebak!... Chingu's be prepared for some revelation and tissues by your side. I was about to cry once my feed went Blank..... :bawling::cold_sweat::bawling:    Did anyone watch the episode live yet???  I will not spoil it for the rest of my chingu's..... 

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As theorised,  Han Moo Gangs Mother harvested Joon's heart. This was after he was shot accidentally by Ha Ram ... Yeah I know... wrap your head around that one.


So this episode was all about Joon Oppa and his journey of self discovery --- Literally. 


Preview doesn't give much away in terms of a happy ending ...  :unsure:





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i am back and i saw that scene 

noooooooooooooooo don't tell me HR shoot joon , she was the one who killed him :scream: mr writer that not twist that crazy 



is BLACK telling her he will nack US so that she can't find what happen and then he go to the underworld 

what the ending here going to be ?

i still didn't wath it full but HR still don't know about her father , joon and black true right ???? are they ending it without she known 


that not twist to make her the one who shoot JOON that :rage:

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after this episode and with the preview my scenarios for the ending are these




the bad ending


Haram as seen in the preview maybe finds out what happened to Joon and she blinds herself , living a life with the pain of her "gift" never trying  to save people's lives again

444 is erased/banished from the deathsquad  

HMG's mother lives a life without her precious son - who was seen to be leaving for USA

KSY - leaves for the states trying to move on from the past, saving people

007 helps 416 to move on and continues his work as a reaper


the bittersweet ending 


444 is forced to bring his partner back to the underworld - his punishment to forget everything that happened after he got himself in HMG's body . He continues to be a reaper since his body is unlikely to be found . 

Haram dies - either as a result of her trying to save someone - or by old age. Since she is half reaper - she ends up as a new reaper - new partner for 444. Both work together but they don't recognize each other . 


the happy ending 


the death squad puts 444 on trial , he gets out of the punishment with 007s help. Brings his partner back and continues to work as a reaper

Haram never finds out about Kim Joon , lives her life with OHS . 

HMG's mother in order to atone for her sin .pays to have the car out of the sea . 

007 leads HMG soul and Kim Joon's souls to the next life. 


all 3 are not considering as a bad or good but at this point i cannot see any of the characters getting any happy ending. 444 cannot live in someone elses body knowing who he is . 


But i cannot see Haram finding out that 444 = Kim Joon . They put a huge burden in them in this episode, even if she did it without knowing who she shot and was just trying to save her father. Everyone seemed to fail Kim Joon somehow no wonder he become 444 a cold hearted reaper.




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everyone did seem to fail him. I mean I’m sorry, his first love and beloved little brother ended up being together! He was shot by the person who loved him most and then betrayed by his only guardian (stepmom)  cause his mom, who was also not so innocent for how she treated him, went to jail. I can’t believe they put a twist that hR shot him, maybe that’s the one that the little hr posted about on insta. But isn’t that kinda an unnecessary twist? We have so much tragedy and stuff already. And it was a big reveal already that a female grim reaper was posessing the stepfather doctors body haha. But seriously, did they now have to have HR be bad in some way too if it wasn’t enough that everyone else had made so many mistakes?


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