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[Drama 2018] Mr. Sunshine, 미스터 션샤인 - Winner of Critics’ Choice Award for Drama category

Go Seung Ji

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July 14, 2018.


Source:   NewShowBiz完全娛樂


"陽光先生" 收視爆衝 首爾獨家專訪李秉憲。金泰梨


“Mr. Sunshine’s”  ratings are explosive.  Exclusive interview with Lee Byung Hun and Kim Tae Ri in Seoul.   (A translation) 


 韓劇陽光先生請來韓國影帝李秉憲和最強新人金泰演出首集播出全國平均收視就達到8.8% 甚至打破鬼怪的首播最高收視紀錄 完全娛樂 NewShowBiz) 有獨家前

進首爾專訪 才一䦕埸就被演員可愛的反應給吸引住啦


Commentator  (C):   Korean drama  “Mr. Sunshine”  featured Korean Actor Lee Byung Hun and the strongest Best New Actress Kim Tae Ri in the first episode.  The national average rating reached  8.8%  and even broke the highest viewing record of Goblin’s premiere.  (NewShowBiz) has an exclusive interview in Seoul.  From the start, we are attracted by the cute reaction from the actors. 


KTR:  椅子有點沙沙的聲音

LBH:  對椅子一直有聲音 發出聲音。


KTR:   The chair has a bit of rustling noise. 

LBH:   The chair ia always making noices. 


磅礡畫面媲美電影 金泰梨、李秉憲也驚呼

The majestic cinematography is comparable to that of a movie.   Even Kim Tae Ri and Lee Byung Hun exclaimed their surprise. 


KTR:  讓我覺得驚人的是有很多戰爭畫面我被他的規模和影像的美深深感動了 看了那些編輯完的影片怎麼看都覺得導演這個人確實具有這樣的能力啊 這種感覺原來是能拍出這些唯美場面的人

KTR:   I am amazed by the war scenes.  I was deeply touched by the scale and the beauty of the images.  After watching the edited films, I thought the Director has great talent.  I am touched by his ability to shoot such beautiful scenes.


LBH: 看到預告片後會對作品感到自豪 大家會再重新打起精神並且同時會想著到最後也要盡力完成作品的決心。

LBH: After watching the trailer, I am proud of this drama.   We should all re-energize and try our best to complete this drama till the end. 


C: 媲美電影的磅礡場景不只演員驚呼更是緊抓着觀眾目光而對於睽違9年重回小螢幕的47歲李秉憲搭檔28歲的金泰梨也從原本的不看好到如今好評不斷。

C:  The majestic cinematography not only amazed the actors but attracted the audience as well,  Originally, the pairing of the 47 year old Lee Byung Hun, who retuned to the small screen after  9 years with the 28-year-old Kim Tae Ri was not favourably perceived.  Now, praises are pouring in. 


睽違9年回歸小蛍幕 李秉憲全因為 ""

Returniing to the small screen after a hiatus of 9 years,  Lee Byung Hun:   “because of her”


LBH:  我的經歷其實是從電視劇開始的雖然有一段時期只拍了電影但中間也有拍過All In 真愛賭注 特務情人 IRIS 只是電視劇間隔時間稍微長一點 這次與以前沒有不同有一陣子專注拍電影這次來了好幾回所以就拍了電視劇.  金銀淑是著名的電視編劇期待能更寫出好作品的編劇合作會引起怎麼樣的後果 而且與我之前看到的劇本地起來 他的編劇風格非常有個性所以這一點讓我選擇此作品。


LBH: My background began in television, even though I have been making movies for a while.  In between, I did make “All In” and “Iris”.  The interval is just a bit longer than it used to be.    This time, it's not any different.  There is a great opportunity so I decided to this drama.  Kim Eun Sook is a well known drama writer.   I look forward to what this cooperation can bring.  Compared to other scripts that I have seen before, her style of scriptwriting has quite a personality.  For this reason, I have chosen this work.


首次擔綱電視劇女主角 金泰梨直呼壓力大

Being the main actress for a TV drama for the first time, KIm Tae Ri feels the pressure. 


KTR: 不緊張是騙人的 但我努力讓自己面對每一刻 盡到最大最好的態度 尤其導演 作家原本在韓國電視劇界具有影響力的兩位加上李秉憲前輩和一起拍攝的前輩們都很好又完美 所以我能相信且依靠他們拍戲。

KTR: I would be lying if I tell you that I am not nervous.   I tried hard to face the situation and adopted the best attitude,  especially since the scriptwriter and the director are two very influential people in the Korean TV drama industry.  Lee Byung Hun sunbae’s  and other sunbaes’ acting are very good and perfect.   So I believe I can rely upon them while filming. 


金泰梨大爆料 李秉憲拍戲小習慣

Kim Tae Ri  exposed Lee Byung Hun’s small habits while filming


KTR: 前輩有一個摳手指的習慣 拍戲前他會一面發呆一面摳手指 我心想他在準備一下一場戲他有很多想法 給導演很多好意見 這個如何 那個如何 他會想出很多想法 我覺得這是瞬間的專注力 不是事先準備計劃好的 他不會錯過 當天瞬間的想法而把它變得具體化對於這方面覺得非常驚人是要學習的部份.

KTR:   Sunbae has a habit of picking his fingers.   Before filming, he was in a daze and picked his fingers. I thought he was preparing to shoot the next scene.  He has a lot of ideas to suggest to the director.  How about this? How about that?   I think this is instantaneous,  not planned in advance.  He would not miss any opportunity to make this concrete.  I think this is amazing and I should learn this.


LBH:  當我専注時不知不覺的手指會 有時演戲是也會這樣

LBH:  When I concentrate,  my fingers would unconsciously act like this.  This happens when I am acting too. 


C:  Lee Byung Hun and Kim Tae Ri used their acting skills to overcome their 20 years age difference.  Kim Eun Sook and Lee Eung Bok who successfully developed “The Descendants of the Sun”  and “Goblin” used a depressing era in Korean history to create a famous scene. 

李秉憲 金泰梨 用演技克服20歲的年齡差加上成功打造太陽的後裔啊我鬼怪的王牌編劇金銀淑導演李應福加持沉悶的時代歷史劇成了一部浪漫史詩更締造出名場面。


屋頂舉槍蒙面對峙 李秉憲. 金泰梨締造名場面

Wearing masks and using guns to confront  each other on the roof, Lee Byung Hun and Kim Tae Ri created a famous scene. 


LBH:  跟愛信初次在屋頂上彼此蒙着臉見面的畫面對我來說很獨特的認識 男女主角在屋頂上並且全副武裝持槍對峙的畫面覺得很有趣而且印象深刻。

LBH:  The image of first meeting Ae Shin face to face with masks is very unique to me.  The male and female protagonists fully armed with guns on the roof created a very interesting image and left a deep impression. 


KTR:  對我來說印象深刻的不是畫面而是跟宥鎮或其他演員對戲的部份跟他們對戲的時候 我在演出的這瞬間 這讓我印象深刻 並且想維持這瞬間。

KTR:  What impressed me was not the image but acting with Eugene and other actors. When I was acting against them, it left me a deep impression and I want to keep this moment.


KTR:  "正如那火花 我雖然畏懼死亡 但我還是選擇了這一條路"

KTR:   ‘“Like the spark of fire, although I fear death, but I still chose this path”   (A line from the Drama)


C: 演員精湛演技加上絕美畫面陽光先生能否延續開播的這股熱潮 成為2018年最強韓劇備受關注。

C:  With superb acting and captivating cinematography,  people are playing close attention to see if “Mr. Sunshine”  can sustain the mass fervour  and become the strongest Korean drama in 2018? 


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1 hour ago, bedifferent said:

I’m watching...the violence is :anguished: Dong  Mae character is pretty ruthless.  He’s definitely a leader of the gang.  Their childhood history is revealed.


I just finished episode 3.


First thing...the violence is  actually quite unbearable to watch. Quite surprised they show such violence on TV. No wonder they have NC 16 rating....must be due to violence. 


Dong Mae is quite scary....I don’t think I can root for him. 


I am surprised and taken aback how she admitted that she was the sniper so easily to Eugene on the boat. Eugene is surprised too.


And the scene at the tailor’s shop where she asked him about love is so funny. Haha.... She is so clueless...poor thing. She will be so embarrassed if she knows what the word means. I think this whole dialogue must be one of those that Lee Byung Hun referred to when he said he was uncomfortable with and not used to some of the lines that he had to speak.

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Based on the trailers, I have expected that GDM will be ruthless... it was described as part of his character. Hence, it is understandable given his background. Just like John Wick, being ruthless, does not mean he doesn't have a soft spot. John Wick is a ruthless assassin but he loves his wife dearly and anyone that intends to take any part of that away from him is gonna pay a heavy price. And I still root for him. ^_^


As for GDM, even though he has lived his life in such a way, from episode 2 we were given some indication of the kind of people he is being merciless to and how attentive he is to someone he cares about e.g. Hina. We already know he is devoted to AS. Therefore, it can be said that he does not own a 100% violent heart. At the moment he is GDM who works for the black dragon. He is merely being what is expected of him as a leader of the gang. I also believe Eugene can be as ruthless in the war field or when he set his eyes on his preys. It is just that his combatting or fighting scenes are yet depicted as violent as GDM. At the moment the guns fighting may seem less horrid as compared to sword fighting. That might change later on. I always find sword fighting gory e.g. kill bill movie. Then John Wick II came... and I had a nightmare. 

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1 hour ago, miracle23 said:

Based on the trailers, I have expected that GDM will be ruthless... it was described as part of his character. Hence, it is understandable given his background. Just like John Wick, being ruthless, does not mean he doesn't have a soft spot. John Wick is a ruthless assassin but he loves his wife dearly and anyone that intends to take any part of that away from him is gonna pay a heavy price. And I still root for him. ^_^


As for GDM, even though he has lived his life in such a way, from episode 2 we were given some indication of the kind of people he is being merciless to and how attentive he is to someone he cares about e.g. Hina. We already know he is devoted to AS. Therefore, it can be said that he does not own a 100% violent heart. At the moment he is GDM who works for the black dragon. He is merely being what is expected of him as a leader of the gang. I also believe Eugene can be as ruthless in the war field or when he set his eyes on his preys. It is just that his combatting or fighting scenes are yet depicted as violent as GDM. 


It's consistent for GDM to be a killing machine, he's been trained that way since indoctrined into an ultranational right wing group protecting the Japanese interest.  If he wasn't in character, I would be worry about YYS' acting. It is just too gory for my liking, like @charray, bleeding and wound from swords are too visually disturbing.  I closed my eyes during those scenes :lol:  We can really feel the cruelty and horror of why people are so afraid of the Black Dragon Society.  


I agree that he turned his loyalty toward the only people who have taken him in, be a family of sort for him.  I think the sense of belonging and abandonment are the few emotions GDM remember as a child.  He can't process his mom's sacrifice as her love when she cut her ties to save him.  On top of it is the frustration of having to endure hatred seeing how his parents cannot fight back; that didn't do much for his sombre view on humanity or love.  He's in a dark place now cuz not a lot of people has showed him any kindness  He's very childlike I think in relationship, it's a lot black and white at this point.  For the only two females who have reached out to him, he's very protective of them.  When Yoo-jin starts to meddle the picture, esp when Ae Shin starts falling for him, it's going to hurt him bad.  


It's clear that GDM has revenge on his mind first thing coming back to Joseon.  It has been a hate that he needs to give back to people to mistreat him/his family.  Afterward, is he going to assert power over the Joseon that he hates as the end game?  Or he is more like Lee Wan Ik who is loyal to whomever that benefits him the most?  GDM made it sounds like he is a swordsman for hire to Yoo-jin but I think eventually, he will learn and question who he is again.  I was hoping for a big redemption arc for him.  Now, I'm no so sure anymore.  Wonder if the drama will leave him as a man lost in his hate and revenge.  Can I dare hope he and Yoo-jin will see eye to eye someday and even fight for Joseon?


2 hours ago, charray said:

I am surprised and taken aback how she admitted that she was the sniper so easily to Eugene on the boat. Eugene is surprised too.


And the scene at the tailor’s shop where she asked him about love is so funny. Haha.... She is so clueless...poor thing. She will be so embarrassed if she knows what the word means. I think this whole dialogue must be one of those that Lee Byung Hun referred to when he said he was uncomfortable with and not used to some of the lines that he had to speak.


I like this episode a lot, solid storytelling, pace is good and we get more characters thrown into the story.  Things are moving well, makes sense and no jarring what the hell yet.


I  totally feel the chemistry between Yoo-Jin and Ae Shin, props to LBH and KTR's acting.  I love how LBH's world weary matured character opening up, falling against his own jaded nature, to the innocent Ae Shin.  Her fighting spirit is contagious, how can any man resists.  I like how we see their connections early at this point, think it's a very smart way to have two character with an age gap connect.  On more than a physical level, esp for Ae Shin who is attractive and could have liked anyone.  Why this American soldier :)?  That scene is funny cuz Ae Shin is not as smart as she thinks and it shows some of Joseon's sensibility when first get exposed to the West.



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I just watched episode one and everything was such high quality but so many characters were introduced it got a little confusing by the end.


Just finished episode 2/3 and my favorite part of the story so far is  Goo Dong-mae most because i love swords/samurai characters. I love a ruthless character especially against those who deserve it and violence does not bother me at all.  In episode 3 Eugene Choi clearly used the shooting to bring in american marines right?


I was a bit put off by the age gap but after watching it i accept it a bit more i sort of like them together. 

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4 hours ago, bedifferent said:







Why does he need a redemption arc hes not exactly killing nice people at the moment. I think its obvious he will fall for Ae-shin and follow her. 



7 hours ago, charray said:


You cant root for him yet Eugene Choi betrayed his country and killed many Korean's . GDM is ruthless but so is Eugene i think Eugene did alot worse. If he planned that shooting to bring in Americans i dont see how anyone can root for him. 

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The Courage Of A Woman's Heart...


Ae Shin gives us a view of a young woman's innocence covered up with the skin of courage.

Like a lion who isn't afraid to roar even if she isn't sure where it will lead or in whom to believe.  Her love and emotions for her country, it's people whether rich or poor.  Even more it's rich history and heritage and way of life that is a very real part of who she is.  Strong spirited and yet humbled in a way in seeing the changes taking place around her that make her aware that one cannot hold back what others consider progress even those things and people you cannot understand nor can they understand her...


I had a strong sense of sadness in the things I saw in this latest episode.  The story itself is rich with words that feel deeper than even their meaning.  It's as if every word moves further than even it's sound. Wrapped around these broken yet bold characters is a unique view of cinematography that is both dark and yet light.  Colorful and yet black and white...


I think seeing this story unfold through Ae Shin and the changes not only she but also we see through her won't be easy on a softy like me.  Still with one eye closed and one eye half covered up I find this beginning much to interesting to let go of...


I admire that she took that gun from the Japanese soldier on the train and didn't back down, was bold and fearless. No matter how foolish it may have seemed to some around her.  But to those like her hunkered down in their seat in fear watching her filled with courage it must have meant everything.   Still it only took a moment to see the sadness in her eyes while watching the American soldiers board that train too.

It's as if her country was being divided, destroyed from within and eaten up by greed, force and the power of others.

How hurtful that would be to see.

In just that view.

I felt for her and I felt for her country and it's people too...



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57 minutes ago, Wotad said:

Why does he need a redemption arc hes not exactly killing nice people at the moment. I think its obvious he will fall for Ae-shin and follow her. 


I mean the redemption arc of his character... he's part of the Black Dragon Society although he's a Joseon.  In the future, when Japan starts to annex the country, I am hoping he will turn to support the resistance.


4 hours ago, Wotad said:

In episode 3 Eugene Choi clearly used the shooting to bring in american marines right?


I didn't think  he planned to, he was forced to follow orders.  After he met GDM, confirming that Logan Taylor was playing too many pawns, Eugene wanted to stay out of it.  That seems to me like his genuine feelings.. he thought he achieved the objective that his commander wanted him to - kill and silence the leak.  However, the next scene, King Gojong told his court advisor that they didn't find an important document that Logan Taylor had on him.  I think this is the same document that GDM was searching for as well.  Minister Allan may have another idea but Eugene didn't know for sure.  King Gojong was forced to allow the Americans into Joseon to help protect the country from Japan.  


When he met Ae Shin at the tailor shop, he has already known his next order even though she has no idea why he is having a blue suit made.  Think that was his uniform.


@USAFarmgirl the scene on the train was very moving... she felt helpless and alone.  The last scene where everything greyed out with only Ae Shin left in color.  She's their last hope.


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5 hours ago, bedifferent said:

Can I dare hope he and Yoo-jin will see eye to eye someday and even fight for Joseon?

I think Yoo Jin and GDM will come to see eye to eye because of Ae Shin. They both have suffered at the hand of the uppler class of Joseon. I don't think they will fight for Joseon but will respect Ae Shin who does fight for Joseon. All three will fight for what benefits them best because that is who they are now. what do you think @bedifferent  ???

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