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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun Couple (JiBong/JiJi Couple)


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Hello everyone, first post here :)

2 hours ago, riririru said:


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“에필로그 중에 동전으로 점을 치는 장면이 있어요. 앞(학)으로 나면 만난다, 뒤(숫자)가 나오면 안 만난다로 정해놓고, 동전을 돌리는데 은봉희가 할 때마다 뒤가 나왔는데, 지욱이가 한 번 돌리자마자 바로 앞이 나오는 장면이었죠. 그런데 실제로도 제가 돌릴 때마다 뒤가 나오는 거예요. 4번을 돌렸는데 4번 다 동일한 면이었어요. 그리고 더 신기한 건 오빠가 던졌는데 앞이 나온 거죠. 카메라가 돌아가고 있으니 소리를 내면 안 되는데 그 상황이 너무 신기하고 웃기고, 진짜 진심으로 놀랐어요. 후에 우리들끼리 ‘지금 이 상황이 에필로그로 나가야한다’고 말했었죠.(웃음) 다시 생각해도 참 신기해요. 일부로 그렇게 하려고 하기 힘든데.”

Among the epilogues there was a scene where im playing with a coin.
If it shows the front(crane) i will meet him, if it show the back(number) i won't meet him. It was a scene where whenever EBH throw the coin it would keep showing the back side but when NJW throw it will show the front side.
Even in real life it keep showed the back side no matter how much i throwed it. I throwed it for 4 times and the result was all same. But what's more interesting was that when Oppa throwed the coin it show the back side at once. Because the camera was still rolling we can't scream but we were laughing because it was interesting, i was really surprised. After that we were saying 'This scene must come out as an epilogue'. It really hard to do that intentionally.


Isn't it supposed to be front side? I just want to know if it's a typo or not :D.

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3 minutes ago, Huntergal said:

I think if it's not for his enlistment, he would announce it. Their agencies are pretty cool and supportive. SOOP is known for not interfering in their artist's personal life. 

Now this would have been entirely possible. If not for enlistment, they would have outed themselves, no need for extra nudging LOL!

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good dear that took forever to read. 

thanks RIRIRIRU for translating. 

@stucked- just what i thought. its strange that they are avoiding each other. but who knows. they might just want to be careful because of the crazy fans. the Fans are worse than the agencies i think. they can go crazy and do some scary things. 

just have to wait and see what happens. 


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1 minute ago, Huntergal said:


They both read, watch and listen to each other's interviews. 

They both talk about it openly.

Their answers are always honest and similar with each other.

They are not afraid to hide the truth (heart fluttering, saying each other's name and etc)

----- These two are really so transparent. The only thing they haven't announced publicly is they ARE dating. But at this stage, I don't really need that confirmation. Their words and actions alone gave away their relationship status. ----- :wub:

and to this I would have to agree in full! :D

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1 hour ago, riririru said:


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“설레는 장면을 찍는데, 나도 모르게 가슴이 설레더라고요. 다만 오빠도 나처럼 설레었을까 궁금하네요.(웃음) ‘수상한 파트너’를 연기하면서 만약에 훗날 내가 좋아하는 남자친구가 노지욱와 같은 행동을 해주면 정말 사랑받는 느낌겠다 싶었죠.”

When filming heart-fluttering scenes with changwook oppa, i found my heart flutters without any reason. Im curious if his heart flutters like me as well.(smile) While acting on 'Suspicious Partner' im thinking that I'd really feel loved if in the future my boyfriend will do things like No Jiwook do.

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“에필로그 중에 동전으로 점을 치는 장면이 있어요. 앞(학)으로 나면 만난다, 뒤(숫자)가 나오면 안 만난다로 정해놓고, 동전을 돌리는데 은봉희가 할 때마다 뒤가 나왔는데, 지욱이가 한 번 돌리자마자 바로 앞이 나오는 장면이었죠. 그런데 실제로도 제가 돌릴 때마다 뒤가 나오는 거예요. 4번을 돌렸는데 4번 다 동일한 면이었어요. 그리고 더 신기한 건 오빠가 던졌는데 앞이 나온 거죠. 카메라가 돌아가고 있으니 소리를 내면 안 되는데 그 상황이 너무 신기하고 웃기고, 진짜 진심으로 놀랐어요. 후에 우리들끼리 ‘지금 이 상황이 에필로그로 나가야한다’고 말했었죠.(웃음) 다시 생각해도 참 신기해요. 일부로 그렇게 하려고 하기 힘든데.”

Among the epilogues there was a scene where im playing with a coin.
If it shows the front(crane) i will meet him, if it show the back(number) i won't meet him. It was a scene where whenever EBH throw the coin it would keep showing the back side but when NJW throw it will show the front side.
Even in real life it keep showed the back side no matter how much i throwed it. I throwed it for 4 times and the result was all same. But what's more interesting was that when Oppa throwed the coin it show the back side at once. Because the camera was still rolling we can't scream but we were laughing because it was interesting, i was really surprised. After that we were saying 'This scene must come out as an epilogue'. It really hard to do that intentionally.



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“키스 장면에 대한 부담감은 없었다. 현장 분위기 자체가 편안했다. 창욱 오빠도 어색하지 않게 대해주셨다. 호흡도 잘 맞았다. 평소 친해지기 위해서 장난을 많이 걸어주셨다. 동생 된 입장으로서는 그런 점들이 굉장히 고마웠다. 윗사람임에도 편하게 대해주니까 아랫사람도 편하게 대할 수 있었다. 창욱 오빠가 앞서 인터뷰에서 저에게 장난을 많이 치셨다고 했지만, 저 역시 만만치 않았기 때문에 더 빨리 친해질 수 있었다. (웃음) 로맨틱 코미디가 가미된 장르에는 남녀 배우의 케미스트리가 플러스 요인이 된다. 그래서 더욱더 서로서로 빨리 친해지기 위해서 노력한 부분인 것 같다.”

There was no pressure when doing the kiss scene. The atmosphere at filming location was comfortable. And Changwook oppa made it not to feel awkward. Our chemistry matched well. We keep joking around to get close. As the dongsaeng (younger-person) i really thankful about that. Since the Upper(older)-person was giving his all I as the Lower(younger)-person can feel comfortable as well. In other interviews Changwook oppa said he joked a lot to me, we can get close more quickly because im also not easy either (with the jokes)(smile). It became a plus point for the couple on a Rocom drama. I think this is one of the reason we keep making effort to get close with each other.

Reposting and tagging @MoonlightSerenade @attriste @aladidah @lovethatlook @4nnlov3pink This is the bomb for today. 

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@gglex6275 Hahaha I luv your sentence to life long imprisonment in hyunnies arms awww. Wait lemme tap the gavel thrice!!! Once! twice! Thrice! Now there's no going back wookie!! U better remain in her arms forever!

@sharrebVideo editing sounds cool!  Seems like u do so many cool stuff using the apps alone!!! Waaaahh!

@babyval22 thank you I appreciate your kind words and it does mean a lot chingu!

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9 hours ago, ymmezari said:

i've never been a fan of any k-actors and i admit i watched sp solely because of jihyunie...i've literally seen jihyunie growing up on screen and i really really love this girl...i wasn't into shipping anyone for her because like i've said she's just a kid for me...it's just acting and i know how professional this girl is...till i saw a bts on yt...and got me curious on what was happening?...then saw previous bits on awards event...and i got really curious....i turned on the main SP forum...then started lurking this ship forum...it got me! 

i don't know anything about wookie, i'm not interested....i asked my 21 yr old daughter whom i discussed almost anything about this, she loves jihyunie too and she said she didn't like wookie for jihyunie...he's way older and looked like a ladies' man...i showed her the award events on yt and she laughted...saying this is a real deal he's got hots for jihyunie, hope she'll not fall for it...that's what she said

so i continued to lurk here while watching bts...in fact i don't really give serious consideration on the drama itself for they were on character in the drama but bts gave me another drama..i don't think much about wookie or his feelings, for he's at his peak, but i clearly see nervousness in front of jihyunie and he's ready for whatever....i'm skeptical about jihyunie...will she...

then the bts about tongue war arises then that's it...acting is acting but waging tongue is another issue in fact you can seriously act on kissing someone without tongue but having to use it is another matter...it's a connection of passion...you do it with someone you trust...and trust comes with affection as always whatever it is....for the kind of girl jihyunie is, it's precious

you were all saying jihyunie is smart...then trust what you see on jihyunie...for this smart girl will never bet on something she'll regret...she trusted wookie and that's all that is....regrets are for losers only


So, this post was ages ago, but, can I say I love your analysis? I only just got to know JiHyun through this show, and it feels like it's so hard to find old news and interviews about her. So, to see a long-time fan is amazing.

I think, I was like you too with Ji Chang Wook. I'm not really a fan of pretty boys. I feel I've been burned in the past where an actor caught my attention but the more I learned about them, they sometimes seemed so.... shallow? Ah, I'm sorry. So judgemental of me. So I just continue to like their work but never fan them personally.

The more I learned about JCW though, the more depths I see. He's actually pretty shy and he himself has said, he's just an ordinary person and he really lives his life like that. It's really amazing to see JiHyun bring out the loud, kid side of him.  I shouldn't pick favorites; but JiHyun is slightly more #1 in my heart because of her refreshing personality and kind heart. But I am comfortable to let JCW have my baby girl. I trust that he is a good man. I mean, we really don't know them; but from what they say and do, from their friends and from what other people around them say about them, you can tell they are good hearted people, smart, and in this business for the right reasons.

So when myOppa fans say JiHyun please take my oppa -  I say, Chang Wook please take care of my JiHyun *sniff*. Else, this Ahjumma (though I'm his age, lol) will come there and you won't know what hit you.

@ymmezari if you have any good stories or articles about JiHyun from her earlier days would you mind sharing them? Maybe it would be good reading for when the draught of JiJi moments happens 




@riririru-chan those translations are so squee-worthy I feel like throwing up glitter and rainbows everywhere. Thank you so much for translating. See, even fate is telling them something with that coin toss. JiHyun is so precious in revealing everything.



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40 minutes ago, slpie said:

Hello everyone, first post here :)

Isn't it suppose to be front side? I just want to know if it's a typo or not :D.




Edited it! Thank you for the correction! :D

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Well they know each other personally for about 4 months of shooting for Suspicious partner??? NJY is still young in terms of age not yet finish with her college degree. JCW is going to military. 

There a lot of reason why they are not confirming their relationship for sure they will bombarded by reporters if they do admit.

Lets understand those 2. Pray  for JCW to finish healthy with his military duties and NJY to finish college. 

Lets be patient and wait for them after 21 months. I pray that our ship will not sink after that. 

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