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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun Couple (JiBong/JiJi Couple)


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10 minutes ago, pauliza said:
Shippers won't leave any single hint alone .Credit to whoever found this ,true or not ,thats the another story.But you have such an eagle eyes to find such an identical items like this from such a low quality video.Good job for that :lol:

Ikr? Lol.

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1 minute ago, Hello_JIS said:

Yes, Yes!!

On Jul 26,

Wookie wore a black T-shirt, black cap and black sneak, fed dog in the pet cafe. On the same day, Hyunie went shopping. 

On Jul 27, 

Wookie wore a white T-shirt, red cap, and brown sandal. Question: What did Hyunie do yesterday(Jul 27):ph34r::wink:

Ninja outfit!

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9 minutes ago, Hello_JIS said:

Yes, Yes!!

On Jul 26,

Wookie wore a black T-shirt, black cap and black sneak, fed dog in the pet cafe. On the same day, Hyunie went shopping. 

On Jul 27, 

Wookie wore a white T-shirt, red cap, and brown sandals. Question: What did Hyunie do yesterday(Jul 27):ph34r::wink:


such ninjas! how did you know what he wore on the 27th? i looked through the IG posts here and couldn't see it? so did he really go to the dog cafe two days in a row or was it just one day?

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17 minutes ago, gglex6275 said:

Roflmao! Of course they would be! I mean look at their daughter as cool as a cucumber! NOT! When it comes to JCW she was smoking! But kidding aside who could raise a beautiful lovable child into a totally seductive woman with a very impressive personality but very very good and cool parents! Ah but wait omonie and abujie, let's also thank uri JCW for his contribution on her growth, yes? *winks* 

Btw., I got a q, just out of curiosity who do you think initiated the tongue action in kiss #1. *smirks* kanyang I just wondered *runs away*

It was his initiative.. But i think that in the veery first kiss (first kiss of the uncut vers) he was using his tongue at some point.. his head was completely tilted his head for better access.... or am i wrong? Forgive my 23 yo brain if so:D


14 minutes ago, Huntergal said:

I like to say it's Wookie. That slight brush of tongue is to open her up and not make her feel alarm. And after a few teasing flicks, she responds and he brave forward. She's an adventurous gal for sure. 

Also I'm thinking how many gals out there can proudly say their FIRST REAL kiss is with Ji Chang Wook! (I won't look at her past kiss scenes as kiss. More like pecks). B)

Open her up..... i am sorry but i can't stop my brain for thinking dirty:ph34r::joy:

Maybe i should go to sleep :sweat_smile:


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Omg this is long.. I end up quoting too many ppl

6 hours ago, meiil said:

Ikr! . Let's be honest these two are both showing all the signs of being in love, it's just that unlike Wookie whose  totally lost his chill Hyunnie tries her best to behave even tho she keeps failing as well *giggles* 

She puts on her best schoolgal behavior. But her giggles totally betrayed that cool


5 hours ago, Huntergal said:

Ouhhhhh, yall been out in ByeontaeLand! :lol: This is me back reading and saw the words pelvic, thrust, impregnate, feeling hot and bothered, sleepless, thin material, bathroom, hands, more pelvic, kiss, deep kisses, bulging arms....:phew:

And thats a very good summary.

It was vy educational. Provocational kind of education. Lol

5 hours ago, aladidah said:

Awwww Wookie is in wove!!! how cute...And what's so ironic, funny even, is that he's the very one that went on and on and onnnnnnnnn about how he'll tell no one, not a single soul about his gf. I remember reading those articles way back and thinking to myself "ha! this dude has never been in love b4" cos when you are you CANNOT hide it no matter how much you tried hahahaha!!! It'll make you do crazy stuff which is Wookie's current state. Poor boy, NJH came in like a wrecking ball and messed up his whole dating philosophy 

Ikr. Totally comes back to bite him.

180change yo. Only true love can do this to a man reduced to a crazed n bumbling idiot. He did trip over his words during his SP commentary in Jiscovery. N he did smile and laugh like a silly boy on live tv talking abt her.

4 hours ago, lovethatlook said:

OOOh. I love that idea, has PBG been to the military already???

Nope he hasnt. Hes only 24. Theres alot of actors 26-27 who hasnt gone too. I thk most tries to go at 28. Wookie is really late pushing to past his 30s to go. But im glad, cause to thk we might not have him for SP. Then JiJi wouldnt happen and we wouldnt happen.

4 hours ago, lovethatlook said:

True. I looked again some bed and kissing scenes from healer and K2, but its only in SP that he was shirtless. I could be wrong though. I watched healer but he was not shirtless in the bed scenes. I didnt watch K2, so not sure there. NJH is really special, coz he would take off his shirt for her.

He has plenty of shirtless scenes in k2 but not in the same frame with Y. I thk k2 kisses were more chaste. I could be wrong but i thk only 2 kissing scene the entire drama.

3 hours ago, daloula said:

One thing I loved about NJH's words when describing what touched her in JCW and SIG while acting is that she referred to the way he acted in some scenes for SIG but for JCW it was his eyes and his eye contact. Which means she finds JCW heart fluttering just the way he is naturally and not only when he acts. It is much more personal than I ever expected.

Also they are trying to make it sound like their kissing was all technical and trying to make it beautiful, but what's with the ear folding? NJH also said they gave it their all for 30 seconds, maybe she means for intervals of 30 seconds because they had to breath in between? Plus what does giving it their all mean in this case? Does it mean making out like there is no tomorrow or what? Who uses tongue in a first kiss for a kdrama? I'm pretty sure the pd wouldn't request that and it was not included in the final scene, I also don't think Jiji would have discussed that before the kiss. 

I thk @stucked wrote a brilliant post on sig/jcw diff based on what they meant to her. But i have no idea its buried in page what. I only rem shes attracted to jcw but not sig.

Haha i kind of thk this 'technical' talk is good for interview material. N u can term tongue sword fighting as technical i guess. Plus if its just for the camera, then theres no need to vacuum kiss her til his philtrum folded (and that looks dirty instead of pretty) and fold her ears or thrust his pelvic forwards. I can go on. Suffice to say when they kiss they look like making out for real.. So mucn pd-nim thks they look dirty too. And hey i thk thats a compliment -_-


3 hours ago, lovethatlook said:

I think no bra, just the camisole..... she doesnt need a bra, strictly speaking.   Heee :ph34r:

Here, its a cami....  JCW vacuum cleaner kisser at work *wink* *wink*

Brilliant gif. Who needs telescope when we have u. Def cami.


9 minutes ago, love4life said:

I am gonna break the rules this one time and say this.. No matter how out of control cw is here..  jh is the one pulling him close and closing the gab between them.. she did that when they were in the room as well.. 

On a second thought.. they are both pulling each other closer.. He grabbedd her waist  and she hugged him, not leaving an inch between them... 


I thk she takes care of gap in the upper body

And he takes care of gap in the lower body

They always complete each other. 

9 minutes ago, gglex6275 said:


Btw., I got a q, just out of curiosity who do you think initiated the tongue action in kiss #1. *smirks* kanyang I just wondered *runs away*


Haha il say jcw ? In the recent kiss gifs our squad shared. Look at his starting the vacuum action when poor gal is still trying to throw the basket away. He couldn't wait...

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7 hours ago, sharreb said:

And talking about a slip. She wore a silky slip in their bed scene ryt. Judging on how much hes fanning himself n later on enjoys nuzzling her. Me thks he likes holding her with just a slip between them 


He can always pull himself away if he feels too warm underneath the blanket while on standby but instead he keeps on hugging NJH so tight n so close n use the fans instead to cool himself down n look at his face at that moment? Trying to look cool to make hyunie feels comfortable but at the same time he cant help from feeling sooo 'hot' having her in his arm. Ahhhh who r u trying to fool wookie?

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14 minutes ago, Hello_JIS said:

Yes, Yes!!

On Jul 26,

Wookie wore a black T-shirt, black cap and black sneak, fed dog in the pet cafe. On the same day, Hyunie went shopping. 

On Jul 27, 

Wookie wore a white T-shirt, red cap, and brown sandals. Question: What did Hyunie do yesterday(Jul 27):ph34r::wink:

The day he went to the pet cafe and she went shopping was July 25. 

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3 minutes ago, m i s z CHEN said:


such ninjas! how did you know what he wore on the 27th? i looked through the IG posts here and couldn't see it? so did he really go to the dog cafe two days in a row or was it just one day?


rewatched the vid several times and finally captured himB)

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3 hours ago, ehead said:

Yup.!!! Def a cami! And have you noticed how her Hooters  so squished up on his chest while they're hugging???


How come i missed this.. hahahahaha now that u mentioned it.. i just cant help but to keep repeating the squished up GIF.. to be honest the squished up part plays important role while kissing (based on personal experience) of course.. esp when u have no serious dating experience.. this is the main switch to make ur heart feels like popping out from ur chest.

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He went to the cafe 2 days ago,  (when Hyunnie was out shopping) and today (there's a video), not two days in a row we have no idea where he was yesterday, both times he was at the cafe with a friend. 

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5 minutes ago, JiWookJiHyun said:


He can always pull himself away if he feels too warm underneath the blanket while on standby but instead he keeps on hugging NJH so tight n so close n use the fans instead to cool himself down n look at his face at that moment? Trying to look cool to make hyunie feels comfortable but at the same time he cant help from feeling sooo 'hot' having her in his arm. Ahhhh who r u trying to fool wookie?

I think someone also mentioned the fan scenario he could have made it easier for him to hold the fan with his totally free hand that was just resting on NJH's body but noooo, he preferred using the hand that was attached to the arm where she was resting on. I found totally hilarious but cute!

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19 minutes ago, Hello_JIS said:

Yes, Yes!!

On Jul 26,

Wookie wore a black T-shirt, black cap and black sneak, fed dog in the pet cafe. On the same day, Hyunie went shopping. 

On Jul 27, 

Wookie wore a white T-shirt, red cap, and brown sandals. Question: What did Hyunie do yesterday(Jul 27):ph34r::wink:


Haha hyunnie was MIA and no reporterd sighting of her. Her name hastag in ig didnt return any finds yday.

We only know she was briefly on ig. Haha

6 minutes ago, JiWookJiHyun said:


He can always pull himself away if he feels too warm underneath the blanket while on standby but instead he keeps on hugging NJH so tight n so close n use the fans instead to cool himself down n look at his face at that moment? Trying to look cool to make hyunie feels comfortable but at the same time he cant help from feeling sooo 'hot' having her in his arm. Ahhhh who r u trying to fool wookie?


Yup hes PROLONGING, RELISHING, SAVOURING holding her in bed. Haha i love bis facial expression in this part of thr bts.

4 minutes ago, Hello_JIS said:

rewatched the vid several times and finally captured himB)

Haha gd job chingu :thumbsup:

Now that he spend alot of tym with his dog.

Maybe aft vlive today, it would be vacation with the mummy

Meanwhile ninja dating hyunnie i hope..

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42 minutes ago, riririru said:

her parents reaction toward her kiss scenes "our daughter has grown up alot"

Thank you @riririru

Wow... her parents are so cool..

This means i, uno, one thing to me...... they have NJH's parents blessings... wwooooow

IMO, mother's tend to be protective to their daughters even if they are of age. Im sure they talked about men, worldly passions and what not. I am not sure if she means grown up in terms of acting-wise/career or as a person. For me, I'll take both. She has leveled up in her acting skills and at the same time grown up coz she is in a relationship. If I was her mom, I will not let my daughter be kissed so wantonly like that even if she is an actress and they (NJH & JCW) talked about it, and she responded in kind. I would step my foot down and say something not nice. Good then that I am not her mom. Heeee

wow just wow...

Image result for mom gif

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38 minutes ago, pauliza said:
Shippers won't leave any single hint alone .Credit to whoever found this ,true or not ,thats the another story.But you have such an eagle eyes to find such an identical items like this from such a low quality video.Good job for that :lol:


I'M ALIVE PEOPLE!!!! GOOD MORNING PEEPS! *crawling out of the cave* Been a silent lurker for days. You guys crack me up. And we seem to be figuring out more and more about their body language as each day past even though we have already raped the replay button on all the BTS! hahahahaha 

btw, I've been rewatching SP again after just rewatching it. OMO. hahahahaha I have a problem lol. and it still brings out different emotions! I still easily cry or laugh with some of the scenes. My reactions are still somewhat the same when I first watched it, the slight difference is that it intensifies with every replay. I'm a mush for this two. 

anyways about this observation. you can see that the slanted lines on the flag design are longer (on the video vs the pic) and that the triangular shapes on the corners are bigger. The overall shape on the video is rectangular while on the picture it's more of a box shape. and the red lines are thicker on the picture vs the video.


HOW ARE YOU ALL, CHINGUS? Woke up to the news that our classes are suspended because of a typhoon. Keep safe everyone! (especially to those from the PH) :D

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13 minutes ago, gglex6275 said:

I think someone also mentioned the fan scenario he could have made it easier for him to hold the fan with his totally free hand that was just resting on NJH's body but noooo, he preferred using the hand that was attached to the arm where she was resting on. I found totally hilarious but cute!

YUp. He sure does know ninja moves. heeee


6 minutes ago, leeeeeecx said:

HOW ARE YOU ALL, CHINGUS? Woke up to the news that our classes are suspended because of a typhoon. Keep safe everyone! (especially to those from the PH) :D

OOOh. take care chingu. Be safe


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2 minutes ago, sharreb said:

Ahh i forgot we also have this to look forward to

He did sing 101 reasons at the show i thk?

Oh he did? He really really love singing NJH's song. Gah, I guess he must counting the days. I wonder if the get together with so will be an out of town.

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