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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun Couple (JiBong/JiJi Couple)


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6 minutes ago, MoonlightSerenade said:


What happened? And ladies, don't trip. We will not be running around like a chicken without it's head on here deleting our comments because pirates are being ninjas on here. Stay delulu and spazz freely. Aigooo... *hugs* .... 

Lol.. nothing serious.. 

Never gonna delete a spazz worthy comment.. it's a sin.. *probably will get kicked out for that* :tongue:

EDIT: And I am feeling sinful enough already. The spoiler just doesn't work with all that build up to it.. :tongue:  

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I was just gone for a day and so many lovely bombs were dropped! I've only covered 20 pages and and I have 20 more to go... but I have to go to bed now, and I can't imagine how many more pages will stack up by the time I open my eyes and check in here again. I think my nightmare will be never being able to ketchup! :bawling: I feel sadistic saying this but keep them coming, chingus! 


@attriste Hi and welcome back to spazz again after your travels! Yes, I like parkpark couple too but I don't ship them as hard as our JiJi couple here. I mean, I've never shipped anyone before, not even SongSong... so this addictive need to ketchup with their news and this thread is really unfamiliar and strange to me. 

I need to check out Section TV's interview tomorrow!!!!!! *removes toothpicks from eyelids and prepares to go to bed* Goodnight, Chingus!

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9 minutes ago, kyrajijin said:

Thanks & Credit to owner. 

I really LOVE the sequence of the clips. I think JCW is kind of telling fans and NJH his feeling thru JW. Sly man... 

1. Dirty but pretty - we know how both of them love this scene. 

2. You not troubling me. Become my person again. - awwwww.. I feel JCW is telling JH not to worry, i'll protect you from all this madness. Just come to me. Its going to be alright. 

3. The confession - huwaaaaa.. in the scene, he said he love her and he will wait her right. Just come to him slowly.... JCW is telling NJH he will stay rooted with his decision, till the day come, they have to be patient...

4. This girl is mine! - KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Like JW is confessing to Nara. *and intentionally in her face kind of way* JCW is confessing to the world JH is his! Eat that! 

Arhhhh.. That's my delulu interpretations of the clips. I just can't... *somebody slap me and tell me im wrong*


*snap*snap*clap*clap*snap*snap*clap*clap* popping bottles like no tomorrow... 

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3 hours ago, riririru said:

@babyval22 he called her jihyun-yang-ie XD

@leeeeeecx omo i feel honored xD i hope your 2nd child will be glad with her/his name xD

And yeah im wondering why he's addressing as "oppa" whe she said she want to visit him together with SP team

Want her to visit alone that much eh?:wink:

He better reply jihyun with "응 면회와도돼" "sure you can visit me" when jihyun ask seriously about it to him

Or more better, him being a straightforward and asking her to visit him xD



Hahahas. Thanks dearie! *muakies* it hilarious cos it sounds formal yet close. Heheh. 


3 hours ago, daloula said:

The Arabia channel interview ( it was filmed when he was still filming SP)


JCW debut 2006/shot to fame 2010 Smile again/Empress Ki 2013 changed his career/5 million followers on Instagram/2013 excellence award/2014 popularity award

Disclaimer: I will be translating what the MC is saying and for JCW I will translate the Arabic subtitles

  Reveal hidden contents

MC: hello

JCW: hello

MC: happy to meet you

jcw: me too

mc: we are really happy we got to meet the actor JCW and we are thanking you for your time. We have some questions from your Arab fans who would like to communicate with you by using this interview 

(they show the teaser of SP)

mc: JCW, you started your acting career 10 years ago. You did a lot of works, successful dramas and movies and also musicals. Can you tell us who is JCW the star and the actor?

jcw: I'll introduce myself. I'm an actor, I'm 31 years old. I like acting and I always want to be happy when acting, I'm this type of actor.

mc: this year you had a comeback to the movie world with an action movie Fabricated city (showing movie). The movie had a great success in its opening week in SK and sold more than a million tickets. How do you feel about this success and did you expect it would be this kind of success?

jcw: I didn't expect the movie to have this success. Truthfully, we can't expect anything and if a movie would be successful or not. When I was working on that movie, I wanted it to be a movie with a meaning and a message. I was thankful and happy after the movie was released and I was lucky it was appreciated by people.

mc: congratulations 

jcw: thank you

(showing SP)

mc: currently, you are filming a new drama, can you tell us about this work and what attracted you to it and to your role and if there are hardships or fear concerning them?

jcw: the main and most important reason I chose this drama is the script. It was really interesting and entertaining when I read it. Truthfully, I think this drama will be kind of different from my other dramas. I think it will be really entertaining. That's why I chose SP.

the biggest hurdle I faced while filming it is the nature of the acting in it. In fact, it's really different from my other dramas.

(showing healer and K2)

mc: your dramas were really popular in Arab countries. Especially healer that was aired here and your role was really loved by many. People also loved K2, the action scenes and your character. Is it true that you aren't thinking about doing action dramas anymore?

jcw: first, the dramas I chose before like healer and the k2 weren't chosen just because they were action dramas. In reality, unexpectedly, the action scenes were popular with the viewers, of course, I'm thankful these scenes were loved, I was happy but at the same time it was a big burden on me as my image as an actor would only be limited to thriller and action works. Also, I think I exhausted my body by working continuously in action dramas. So I said half joking half seriously, at the k2 press conference, that it would be my last action drama. I think in the near future, I will stay away for some time from action dramas.

mc: I think a lot of Arab fans are really expecting your answer to this question. In your drama the K2, you had a scene with an Arab girl you fell in love with and wanted to marry. How did you feel about it when you first read the script after receiving it?

jcw: I believed the romantic scene with the girl was a really important scene, it was really short and only one scene. I wanted to show a deep and detailed scene. I really wanted to show a lot of love, an innocent love. That's how I felt when I read the script.

scene with the Arab girl:

jeha?(not sure about his character name):I mean, if we want to be together, you can get a passport too Nania

girl: be together?

jeha: what I mean... I mean to get married 

end of scene

mc: JCW, it's known that you do a lot of action dramas but we want to know how brave you are to take on different roles that are more complex like a character that would demand a complete change in your appearance or that could be mentally demanding?

(shows fabricated city)

jcw: i would do my best to show clearly the characteristics of my role whatever the type and identity of the role is, believing that the job I'm doing is an artistic and attractive job.

mc: in acting, who are your role models, Korean or international?

jcw: I'm asked this question a lot. I don't really have a role model since I was a kid. Each actor has different characteristics and I think I also have my own. Of course, there are a lot of great actors but when I'm acting I don't think of a certain actor.

mc: as an action actor, there is a lot of work and there is a difficulty to go back to your normal life after ending your work. Is it true?

jcw: it's not easy of course, my lifestyle changes when I finish filming a work. However, now, I've done some dramas and movies and I'm starting to get used to it even though it's not easy.

mc: you have a nice and unique voice and you sang a lot of the osts of your works. Is there a special song for you and you would like to let us hear?

jcw: I worked in musicals and sang osts. There is a song I sang a lot and that a lot of my fans love from Healer. The song is I will protect you. I will sing a short part: just by looking, the person that makes my heart ache, I'm afraid you would disappear just when I close my eyes. It goes like this.

mc: (clapping) wow. Speaking about music and after listening to your beautiful voice, is there a certain type of music you like to listen to?

jcw: I like listening to music and I listen to it a lot. You probably don't know this singer, lately I like to listen to Jung Joon Il and Paul Kim too.


I think SP is a really important work for both JCW and NJH careers. For him to not stay limited in his roles and move on from the action actor image and for her to shed her image as a child actress. All the action label must have been hard on him physically but also mentally.



Thank you @daloula for helping us with the translation! Really really really appreciate it much for your time and effort! *huggles*


53 minutes ago, leeeeeecx said:



what I mean by uncommon is those not so big moments that they have. for example, one of my favorites was when Hyunnie suddenly look (and hold) Wookie's pinky when she noticed that her pinky didn't fully fit on the dishwashing gloves. hihihihi


Was that what was happening with that scene? Hahahhas. I didn't even know what was going in except she saw sth on her gloves and went to see Wookie's one immediately. But.. This really shows alot about their closeness isn't it. Hahahhas. They're truly comfortable with each other! 

I still can't get over how Wookie looked today. Dayum!

My favourite BTS clip is the one where hyunni was sitting in the sofa waiting for Wookie to arrive and when he did, he went straight to her and clamp down on her shoulders. The tone of their convo and greeting at that time was love. It was my most memorable bts cos it was the one that made me sit up and wonder is there was anything going on. Hahs! 

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15 minutes ago, aladidah said:

For me it was the Ramen fist bump scene. When they were on standby waiting to shoot that scene, Wookie asked Hyunnie if she liked eggs in her Ramen, she was like "I don't like eggs with mine" and he was like "I like eggs in mine". I thought that little convo was so sweet. He was getting to know her, what she likes, her taste in food etc. and you could see one of the crew members intently listening before screaming to whomever was preparing the Ramen that JCW says he likes eggs with his Ramen

chingu, which BTS was this?? can you share the link of this bts please... i don't think i've watched this one before :(:(:( can't believe i missed it.. :( 

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19 minutes ago, sharreb said:

My good nyt post

Im owez sucker for all their "hands" scene.

About the war i thk not suprising. JCW gave alot of fodder for both shippers and haters. Unfortunate they do it on jihyunnie's ig. But i thk our champ noes to brush it off like its nothing. Shes bright enuf to know what matters. I have faith in her maturity and her personality.

But i thk tonight i might dream of sharks.. I keep seeing it ahhh @stucked u r feeling toothy today. 

Til tomoro hopefully i can sleep without another bomb going off.

I swear the top right pic with their hands clasped together like that without showing their faces, If i didn't know better i would have thought two people were in the heat of the moment. 


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lovely chingus out there just tag me if a bomb explodes in the middle of the night chaebal!!!

Assuming that the last bomb that exploded was from wookie inviting hyunnie to visit him at the military no more bombs exploded right?? espeacilly from section  TV yeah?

Good night chingus! :heart:

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5 minutes ago, masthu said:

lovely chingus out there just tag me if a bomb explodes in the middle of the night chaebal!!!

Assuming that the last bomb that exploded was from wookie inviting hyunnie to visit him at the military no more bombs exploded right?? espeacilly from section  TV yeah?

Good night chingus! :heart:

Good night to you

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44 minutes ago, solaire said:

I was just casually scrolling through NJH's instagram, and saw that shippers and haters are having a war in the comment section...now, I won't be surprised if they avoid talking about each other in interviews seeing that things have gotten way out of hand.


I feel like that is for the birds to fight over and for us to stay in our ship lane in here. These things will naturally occur as it comes with their platforms. One of the perks of being on Soompi is that it is regulated towards avoiding ship wars. LOL! This is why we can spazz freely and avoid any negativity on here. If the pirates come in as ninjas on here with negativity we can easily report them without breaking a sweat or waste our precious sailing time paying attention to them ( pirate ninjas please note my affections and considerations, ONE time). *:D

We must always keep in mind when sailing a ship in the deep ocean there will always be sharks with ugly teeth, pirates with one malfunctioned hand, and birds that drop poop flying by, but as shipmates, we will not need to worry about all that, because we have our ship to tend to. So let's just steer clear of all that, and if need be they sneek aboard then we just ninja them to Soompi admin somehow. Hmmm... cheer up chingus and let us fighting delulu minds keep on keeping on with our Jiji Ship Haven spazz freely unto infinity times infinity! (8years of waiting × 8years apart) :D 

#FIGHTINGdeluluminded2theMAX :wub:#JijiShipSailing☆●

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I'm actually afraid to sleep 'cause another bomb might explode overnight. omo. but with all the spazzing I did today I'm all tired. But keep em coming chingus! I will silently lurk here I swear everytime I wake up. My ninja moves are Hyunnie Level. hihihi :D

GOOD NIGHT from this side of the world! :*


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1 hour ago, leeeeeecx said:



what I mean by uncommon is those not so big moments that they have. for example, one of my favorites was when Hyunnie suddenly look (and hold) Wookie's pinky when she noticed that her pinky didn't fully fit on the dishwashing gloves. hihihihi

Mine i think from the recent bts. when they shooting at the park and NJH pointing the camera so JCW can be aware. But nope. The boy wont give a fuc8. Ahahahahhaha

And then when woookie look up, JH also look up. When wookie look down, JH also follow look down. So In Sync! And its kind of telling that JH admire her oppa and follow her oppa. :wub:

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11 minutes ago, gracebkk said:

chingu, which BTS was this?? can you share the link of this bts please... i don't think i've watched this one before :(:(:( can't believe i missed it.. :( 

This scene darling



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1 hour ago, leeeeeecx said:



what I mean by uncommon is those not so big moments that they have. for example, one of my favorites was when Hyunnie suddenly look (and hold) Wookie's pinky when she noticed that her pinky didn't fully fit on the dishwashing gloves. hihihihi

Mine is actually an expression.. the way JCW looks at NJH when he is playing with the pink scarf.. (he keeps swinging it at her face) NJHs reaction.. I really like it somehow.. 

(this is the BTS of the scene after DA Jang chokes EBH and she comes home with a scarf wrapped around her neck.)

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Now I am watching "This is my girlfriend " part .Then ,I just remember something regarding Weightlifting fairy bok joo couple .Nam joo hyuk had shouted so loud in bts (if I m not mistaken) "This is my girlfriend!!" (i am paraphising ) .By that time,everybody thought he was joking & nobody take it seriously (I am not sure about their shippers).Actually they already start dating by that time & nobody know about their relationship.

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23 minutes ago, kyrajijin said:

Thank god it just snap and clap. I thought it will be *slap*slap*  kekekeke

:lol: no *slap*slap* kekekeke unless I am slapping myself from being so delulu!!! LOL!!!

4 minutes ago, pauliza said:

Now I am watching "This is my girlfriend " part .Then ,I just remember something regarding Weightlifting fairy bok joo couple .Nam joo hyuk had shouted so loud in bts (if I m not mistaken) "This is my girlfriend!!" (i am paraphising ) .By that time,everybody thought he was joking & nobody take it seriously (I am not sure about their shippers).Actually they already start dating by that time & nobody know about their relationship.

Awwww ship ship moments like these lol!!! *:wub:

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