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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2018] The Rise of Phoenixes 凰权·弈天下


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5 hours ago, Hazeykun said:

Can anyone explain what the headmasters last saying meant to Ning yi? I'm guessing there friendship is done? Which is a huge downer! 


He meant that even if they are close in distance terms, they are far away from each other, as Ning Yi is emperor and he is just a royal councilor. Their friendship is over. An emperor doesnt need friends, according to what he said (and according to reality).


The only thing that was left unsaid, is what actually happened to Xin Ziyan. Did Ning Yi punished him after all? To me, seems that he didnt. Ning Yi seemed broken when Xin Ziyan cofessed his crime, although they both repeated the main principle of Ning Yi's dream: to punish everyone that commits a crime, despite his position. 

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8 hours ago, skibbies said:

That drama to my knowledge is mostly a romance drama is the thing? I hold them to a way different standard to what I hold RoTP to be. But as of now, it has much bigger audience than RoTP, because it's easier to get into.


I never watched it because the original web novel plagiarised and the author was unapologetic about it. I'm actually actively annoyed that it, along with several other dramas that had plagiarising source are amongst the more popular cdramas that international audience Princess Weiyoung was the worst offender, I think Princess Agent was pretty bad too and it super sucks because they both feature badass female protag. There's other plagiarism claims thrown around, some were due to tropes within subgenre, some I never actually looked too closely into. 


For fantasy epic (?), be on the lookout for Novoland which has finished filming and due to broadcasted this year. But the government seem pulling an even tighter reign on historical/costume dramas this year, even if they are web dramas so WHO KNOWS. Tribes & Empire (2017) is set in the same world but about different people (and different period of time I think), but the reviews say it suffered from pacing problems, char development and other writing issue, one of those everything is pretty great EXCEPT for the writing. *facepalm*


Ever Night which is fantasy adventure was pretty well received iirc, from both adaptation and storytelling wise. I'm still at the beginning though. Ashes of Love which more similar Eternal Love since it's a romance and a xianxia was pretty good, somewhat cliche story, but incredibly well executed, its issue is there's some padding out with supporting characters during latter half of the drama.


As for Croton Media, it'll be nice if they invest in another drama like this, how well a drama end up being seem like luck of draw at times. I haven't watched enough of their dramas to say what would be a good focus, though I don't think RoTP is the best choice. It doesn't cast a wide enough net, long historical dramas isn't that accessible, and it's a deeply flawed drama.


To the emperor, Ning Yi is first a subject then his son. As a prince, he has responsibilities, just like the emperor have responsibilities (such as sacrificing your son when it comes to it). It's pretty tragic but also something that's standard fare for royalties. Their relationship is one of the best parts of the drama.


As for Xin Ziyan, he never came across as altruistic to me. To me he was extremely goal oriented and focused, to the point of willing to sacrifice other people, or himself for it. Anyways, he would be honoured as councillor to the emperor, and he would have proven that he could do something, to leave a legacy behind so there's some benefits to him doing all this. He came to care about Ning Yi and wanted to help his friend achieve his ambition later of course.


The main reason for not making a TROP season2, is the targeted audience. Unfortunately, they are used to more cheesy and easy to follow, dramas. Trop is in another level, in terms of acting, cinematography, character development etc.


But i can see that despite of the lack of marketing, it keeps raising fans in the western audience as time goes by, so it may happen.

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On 3/23/2019 at 10:41 PM, skibbies said:

For fantasy epic (?), be on the lookout for Novoland which has finished filming and due to broadcasted this year. But the government seem pulling an even tighter reign on historical/costume dramas this year, even if they are web dramas so WHO KNOWS. Tribes & Empire (2017) is set in the same world but about different people (and different period of time I think), but the reviews say it suffered from pacing problems, char development and other writing issue, one of those everything is pretty great EXCEPT for the writing. *facepalm*


As for Croton Media, it'll be nice if they invest in another drama like this, how well a drama end up being seem like luck of draw at times. I haven't watched enough of their dramas to say what would be a good focus, though I don't think RoTP is the best choice. It doesn't cast a wide enough net, long historical dramas isn't that accessible, and it's a deeply flawed drama.



It pains me to talk about Tribes and Empires. The costumes, the sets, the acting, and the cinematography were all phenomenal, but the script and the editing (oh my god the 20 minute flashbacks whyyy) were complete trash. The female characters were so poorly written it was almost offensive. They also wasted 70+ episodes on complete filler--the plot doesn't truly start until the emperor dies and he just refused to die. I actually spent 50 episodes trying to brainwash myself into liking it because of how visually sumptuous it was, but my brain kept interrupting to remind me that the plot was beyond stupid. 


With regards to tROP, I agree that they are most likely not going to film a second season. I don't think they have the budget and investors for it, especially considering tROP set a record for the lowest ratings in the history of the channel. I still believe that the first 50 or so episodes of tROP were as close to perfect as it gets though. If only it were possible for a director's cut of the ending to be released :')

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On 2/16/2019 at 7:53 AM, skibbies said:

Sex is rarely shown on Chinese TV. I think it was implied in that scene since they seem sort of content after passage of time shot. But it's debateable. As for Helian Zheng, she volunteered to lead the army for him partially to avoid consummating their marriage, I'm pretty sure (The Queen tried to pressure her for babies before she got married and she looked pretty uncomfortable.) There wasn't enough time (or room in her heart) for their relationship to grow, and Helian Zheng didn't want to pressure her. Until she tried to leave, at which point he was just angry and frustrated and trying to get her to stay.


Unlikely, because the story looks pretty done, and the team don't seem the type to milk the story. Unless it's just a vastly different one, but it didn't do well commercially so uh. The OTP could potentially work together in a different project since they seems to get along really well. Ni ni could use the help.


There's lots of rumours about his sexuality and who knows? Does it matter? He self admitted is pretty bad at English, but I presume he knows simple stuff to get by since his kid study in NA.

I have seen him speaking in English in movie Qian Xue Shen.  The first part of the movie is mainly in English. To me, he is quite fluent in English. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This was the first Chinese drama series I have watched.  I do not speak nor understand mandarin.  This drama series was absolutely fantastic!! Loved the main characters! They did an awesome job. Their chemistry were unbelievable.  One can tell they got along very well and they may have become very good friends because of the series.  The behind the scene YouTube videos showed they had a lot of fun working together. The whole cast did a wonderful job too.  It was unfortunate they mess with the ending.  It was heart wrenching that the NingYi and Zhiwei were not able to be with each other.  The costumes and setting were beautiful! Everything was nicely done including the music and songs. If there were deleted scenes, hope they will release them and make them into a short season 2 with a good ending.  Love, love the drama series. It is in a class of its own!

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/16/2018 at 11:03 AM, yunmo19 said:


I guess based on the TV broadcast version. I just checked it out on Netflix, the DVD version was superb (although some subtleties and accuracies of the dialogues were lost in translation....)

Where did you find the DVD version? 

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23 hours ago, kavkumocitrus said:

Where did you find the DVD version? 

It's the same one as Netflix version. DVD version is only relevant if you are watching from Chinese sources, in which case, iQiyi have it labeled. If it's other streaming sites, the TV version have unfortunate huge-richard simmons subtitles and varying length instead of consistently about 45mins.

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  • 2 months later...
7 hours ago, vintage_chutzpah said:

Everyone's recommending to watching this despite the sad ending for the couple. I'm just a bit hesitant because it's 70 episodes?! Oh my. How long am I going to finish this?!

Take it easy and see if you like it. Doesn't necessarily work for everyone tbh. I was super intimidated by 70 episodes too, but after finishing it, I want stuff they cut lol. It can be separated into arcs too, the first one is 22 or 23 episodes?

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4 hours ago, skibbies said:

Take it easy and see if you like it. Doesn't necessarily work for everyone tbh. I was super intimidated by 70 episodes too, but after finishing it, I want stuff they cut lol. It can be separated into arcs too, the first one is 22 or 23 episodes?


I think I can do 4 episodes a day. I just finished the first 4 episodes last night. Ni Ni has more depth in her character here than in Love & Destiny (well, L&D is all fantasy romance anyway so really lighthearted).


With all the political scenes, this is going to be one heavy journey of 70 episodes but what seems to keep me is the acting, cinematography and costume. You know that it’s well-produced so the story’s got to be great if they invested so much on it. 

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50 minutes ago, vintage_chutzpah said:

I think I can do 4 episodes a day. I just finished the first 4 episodes last night. Ni Ni has more depth in her character here than in Love & Destiny (well, L&D is all fantasy romance anyway so really lighthearted).


With all the political scenes, this is going to be one heavy journey of 70 episodes but what seems to keep me is the acting, cinematography and costume. You know that it’s well-produced so the story’s got to be great if they invested so much on it. 

Ahhh yeah, it can get heavy and use lots of brain power, it's why I said take it easy. Ni Ni's character definitely have more depth here. I hope you have fun with it.

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I started watching this beginning of August on Netflix and couldn't stop.

Prior to this I  had watched Princess WeiYoung, my first Chinese drama of this type, and enjoyed it so was looking for more. I watched Love 020 and a couple episodes of Ashes of Love.

Then I checked out The Rise of the Phoenixes and it blew me away on so many levels; the acting, the costumes, the sets, the story [except a certain part]. I've watched most of it twice or more. I am definitely not used to so much emotion being portrayed and shown in a movie/TV show.

I had never heard of Chen Kun or any of these actors, but now I want to see more. Amazon Prime has about 4 or 5 movies with Chen Kun.  At the beginning of August, most of his movies listed on IMDB were in Chinese and now almost of the titles have English equivalents.

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  • 1 month later...

Omg. I finally found you -- my people -- if anyone is still even talking about TROP here. And yes I read every single one of your posts on this thread, because it was soothing to hear other people out there have similar opinions on TROP to me -- I'm not alone in thinking that I accidentally spoiled my ability to watch any other Wuxia or Xianxia dramas because I’m measure them up to TROP and they are always found wanting. I tried getting my bestfriend (that watches alot of Kdrama and Xianxia) into it, and after she finally finished it was like, that was long, confusing and boring with a sad ending to the romance and an unattractive male lead.




WARNING..... VERY long and rambling treatise ahead, enter at your own risk.

Enter only if you truly love TROP and accidentally found yourself being a fangirl for the first time in your life of Chen Kun, and have wasted hours of your life watching every english subtitled drama, movie, and bts interview he's ever been in just to some how get more Ning Yi. I highly recommend Lost in 1949. People, FZ and NY need closer! I NEED closer!  ...0.O ....I need help...... xD


I accidentally stumbled across the Rise of the Phoenixes, last February, after watching Red Cliff, and finding myself wanting more ancient China drama -- so on whim looked to to see if there was a Chinese live action version of Mulan, where low and behold the internet gave me Hua Mulan: Rise of the Warrior (I had no idea WHO was in Hua Mulan at the time, except for the female lead). After finishing Hua Mulan (I ugly cried so hard when Wentai "died" and I normally don't cry in movies) I was ready to find me a good Chinese tv show that didn't look like every character was swathed in about 100 yards of white chiffon (looking at you ten miles of peach blossoms... looking at you) and the ending was happier. Off to Netflix I went to find something for fill my heart-broken (yeah I cried again at the end of Mulan) Hua Mulan "hang-over." Only to find -- what is this? The first season of a political/forbidden romance ancient Chinese drama? Inwardly thinking  "political drama?! I love political dramas! and paww! forbidden romance? No romance is truly forbidden, that just means that they'll end up together in at the very end and live happily ever after." What could possibly go wrong (oh you innocent, stupid, idealist......>_<....)???


...Back to my ever growing treatise on why I just (as of today) finished re-watching TROP for the 4th time, and will probably watch it many more times, each time hoping that magically, Netflix has changed the ending.... o_o ........ oh god, I just described insanity.....


I immediately dove right in, falling in love with...everything. Everything was gorgeous and stately, the story was taking it's time to develop the world and everyone in it (it felt like the Cdrama version of many Masterpiece BBC dramas). I throughly enjoyed being lost in the world and the political intrigue because the show expects you to pay attention and pick things up as the story moves along. I know that this is actually one of the many criticisms of this drama and I'm not sure why, because all great literature starts slow, and gradually picks up pace as the story adds themes and plots. Another sign of good literature, is not giving your audience anything more than they need to know -- which I felt this show did very well (I'm not talking about those last.... however many episodes that I wish don't exist, unless they ever plan on making a second season which is extremely unlikely). The "bad guys" were actually complex characters that actually "beat" the "good guys" I'm using quotation marks here, because this is another thing that was done brilliantly -- they showed the messiness of humanity, and struggled with messy ethical questions like "does the end out weigh the means?” “Does getting revenge actually satisfy?” I really liked the theme of power doesn’t have to just be a tool for evil, but can bring peace and justice. Having power isn’t evil, it’s what you do with it can make it evil…. “with great power comes great reasonability” I know some of you have previously done a better job of describing the themes in detail, so I won’t struggle to rehash them, I just agree with you. I love literature that actually asks these sort of questions, rather than….. blah blah romance blah blah smut smut smut…. the end…. I love romance. But it has to be done well. You can’t make me believe that just by being saved out of a fire and nursing a random stranger back to health that people fall madly, nay —Eternally— in love (lookin’ at you princess weiyoung and ten miles of peach blossoms). You might have formed an infatuation…. but not eternal love. *coughexcusemyhateontenmilesofpeachblossomsforamomentcough*


Right from the start I loved the sassy yet witty, boyish Feng Zhiwei. I laughed at her hijinks of trying to get her little self out of an arranged marriage to some random prince. Later on when she goes to Qingming, liked how they made Nini (a gorgeous model) look just boyish enough to be believable that she could disguise herself as a young man with out the audience having to do the whole suspense of disbelief thing that most other Cdramas do. I have more that I want to say about FZ character and her change from a carefree innocent (she’s kinda the audience’s POV character, as she learns more about the political struggle so does the audience) At the beginning, I was totally confused about where Headmaster Ziyan’s and who he actually was working for/siding with. Though, as the story developed we learn other than FZ he's the only other one willing to call out NY. There are some many other characters that are so well developed….. that I could sit and write a whole series of essays on their motives and the themes surrounding them…. but I won’t bore you with that because this post is already way too long. I’ll just ramble about my favorite character. At the beginning, the one character that I wasn't so sure about was actually our male protagonist. He seemed... this strange mixture of frightening intensity and childlike weakness. He didn't feel safe or totally sane for that matter and I definitely didn't think he was attractive (hahahahahahahahahaha). I actually don’t know like some of you have mentioned before when you found Ning Yi, deeply attractive. I think its when you start to see the person underneath the sea of masks he wears depending on the person he’s interacting with. And that’s first thing that NY notices and attracts him to FZ — she sees right through him. I think right around the time we get our almost kiss scene (in my head I finish the scene with a kiss, because that underwater thing… was awful…. I mean they actually show a whole night passing…. so take that for whatever you want) was when I decided that I found NY attractive….. scratch that. I loved his playful banter with FZ on the walk-way in his palace… so  ¯\_()_/¯ ….. its Chen Kun… he’s beautiful…*coughhes43whyishesostilldangattractive?!?!?cough* moving on. I actually don’t even no where to start with his character…. there’s just so much, like how throughout the drama he begins to drop his masks, and starts becoming the emperor. There is no doubt why he is chosen from Minhai onward, he’s basically been running about solving international issues. He straight-up solves Jinshi’s problems and sets up Helian (ughhh….. Helian…….just why????……I don’t even have the mental bandwidth to express my thoughts on him) as king. I didn’t realize that until this last watch, FZ and NY, solve all of Helian’s problems….(how does the man repay him… by feeding a petty childish hatred toward him. You idiot. You knew what you were getting into with this marriage from the beginning) Helian, spends the whole time angry and waving his big sword about…. like he does…. Until his total character/relationship dynamic assassination that we get in that horrible bedroom scene that we shall not speck of. Something else that I noted in this re-watch was NY love towards FZ, he cares so much about her, that he’s afraid to admit his true feelings toward her incase she doesn’t reciprocate, because that would make her feel pressured to love him, which he couldn’t handle.


….. I have so much more to say about TROP that I want to say, but I’ve already written too much…..


Congrats if you read through this all and you were able to make some sense of it… o_0

I need some serious help. Or a second season… and I have yet to find a fanfic that didn’t mess up the relationship dynamic between NY and FZ, and lets be honest — that’s the main reason TROP was so good.



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  • 1 month later...

Hello friends! Does anyone know what is the name of this song? Ive been trying to find out for months and would love to have it. Thank you in advance! Ohhhh and also, the scene from 1:09 was never aired on Netflix :( I wish they had, they look so happy



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On 11/12/2018 at 11:04 PM, stella77 said:

@sonosong  CK is an amazing actor and I have been a fan since 2008 after watching Painted Skin. Also, I grew up with the C-entertainment industry and have seen various shows all these years. TROP has its own unique place in terms of leveling up the production and quality of C dramas. However, it still has weakness. There is no malicious intent to attack this show or CK. It is just my honest thoughts that his acting pulled me out of the drama at times...I became thinking about his acting more than following the story. I also find some supporting actors and actresses weak. It is a just a difference of thoughts and likes. 

Stella, is CK Straight or gay?? Sometimes in his acting I found some mannerisms?? It is just curiosity...

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On 10/30/2019 at 2:36 AM, Maria marcela said:

Stella, is CK Straight or gay?? Sometimes in his acting I found some mannerisms?? It is just curiosity...

What kind of manerisms make you wonder about his sexual life?? 
:)) I have the same question, i've seen some of his interview, and quite surprise that He seem like not prefer female. But that just mu opinion only. What if he hide too good for us to know him

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On 9/25/2019 at 5:59 AM, Naomi said:

Omg. I finally found you -- my people -- if anyone is still even talking about TROP here. And yes I read every single one of your posts on this thread, because it was soothing to hear other people out there have similar opinions on TROP to me -- I'm not alone in thinking that I accidentally spoiled my ability to watch any other Wuxia or Xianxia dramas because I’m measure them up to TROP and they are always found wanting. I tried getting my bestfriend (that watches alot of Kdrama and Xianxia) into it, and after she finally finished it was like, that was long, confusing and boring with a sad ending to the romance and an unattractive male lead.




WARNING..... VERY long and rambling treatise ahead, enter at your own risk.

Enter only if you truly love TROP and accidentally found yourself being a fangirl for the first time in your life of Chen Kun, and have wasted hours of your life watching every english subtitled drama, movie, and bts interview he's ever been in just to some how get more Ning Yi. I highly recommend Lost in 1949. People, FZ and NY need closer! I NEED closer!  ...0.O ....I need help...... xD


I accidentally stumbled across the Rise of the Phoenixes, last February, after watching Red Cliff, and finding myself wanting more ancient China drama -- so on whim looked to to see if there was a Chinese live action version of Mulan, where low and behold the internet gave me Hua Mulan: Rise of the Warrior (I had no idea WHO was in Hua Mulan at the time, except for the female lead). After finishing Hua Mulan (I ugly cried so hard when Wentai "died" and I normally don't cry in movies) I was ready to find me a good Chinese tv show that didn't look like every character was swathed in about 100 yards of white chiffon (looking at you ten miles of peach blossoms... looking at you) and the ending was happier. Off to Netflix I went to find something for fill my heart-broken (yeah I cried again at the end of Mulan) Hua Mulan "hang-over." Only to find -- what is this? The first season of a political/forbidden romance ancient Chinese drama? Inwardly thinking  "political drama?! I love political dramas! and paww! forbidden romance? No romance is truly forbidden, that just means that they'll end up together in at the very end and live happily ever after." What could possibly go wrong (oh you innocent, stupid, idealist......>_<....)???


...Back to my ever growing treatise on why I just (as of today) finished re-watching TROP for the 4th time, and will probably watch it many more times, each time hoping that magically, Netflix has changed the ending.... o_o ........ oh god, I just described insanity.....


I immediately dove right in, falling in love with...everything. Everything was gorgeous and stately, the story was taking it's time to develop the world and everyone in it (it felt like the Cdrama version of many Masterpiece BBC dramas). I throughly enjoyed being lost in the world and the political intrigue because the show expects you to pay attention and pick things up as the story moves along. I know that this is actually one of the many criticisms of this drama and I'm not sure why, because all great literature starts slow, and gradually picks up pace as the story adds themes and plots. Another sign of good literature, is not giving your audience anything more than they need to know -- which I felt this show did very well (I'm not talking about those last.... however many episodes that I wish don't exist, unless they ever plan on making a second season which is extremely unlikely). The "bad guys" were actually complex characters that actually "beat" the "good guys" I'm using quotation marks here, because this is another thing that was done brilliantly -- they showed the messiness of humanity, and struggled with messy ethical questions like "does the end out weigh the means?” “Does getting revenge actually satisfy?” I really liked the theme of power doesn’t have to just be a tool for evil, but can bring peace and justice. Having power isn’t evil, it’s what you do with it can make it evil…. “with great power comes great reasonability” I know some of you have previously done a better job of describing the themes in detail, so I won’t struggle to rehash them, I just agree with you. I love literature that actually asks these sort of questions, rather than….. blah blah romance blah blah smut smut smut…. the end…. I love romance. But it has to be done well. You can’t make me believe that just by being saved out of a fire and nursing a random stranger back to health that people fall madly, nay —Eternally— in love (lookin’ at you princess weiyoung and ten miles of peach blossoms). You might have formed an infatuation…. but not eternal love. *coughexcusemyhateontenmilesofpeachblossomsforamomentcough*


Right from the start I loved the sassy yet witty, boyish Feng Zhiwei. I laughed at her hijinks of trying to get her little self out of an arranged marriage to some random prince. Later on when she goes to Qingming, liked how they made Nini (a gorgeous model) look just boyish enough to be believable that she could disguise herself as a young man with out the audience having to do the whole suspense of disbelief thing that most other Cdramas do. I have more that I want to say about FZ character and her change from a carefree innocent (she’s kinda the audience’s POV character, as she learns more about the political struggle so does the audience) At the beginning, I was totally confused about where Headmaster Ziyan’s and who he actually was working for/siding with. Though, as the story developed we learn other than FZ he's the only other one willing to call out NY. There are some many other characters that are so well developed….. that I could sit and write a whole series of essays on their motives and the themes surrounding them…. but I won’t bore you with that because this post is already way too long. I’ll just ramble about my favorite character. At the beginning, the one character that I wasn't so sure about was actually our male protagonist. He seemed... this strange mixture of frightening intensity and childlike weakness. He didn't feel safe or totally sane for that matter and I definitely didn't think he was attractive (hahahahahahahahahaha). I actually don’t know like some of you have mentioned before when you found Ning Yi, deeply attractive. I think its when you start to see the person underneath the sea of masks he wears depending on the person he’s interacting with. And that’s first thing that NY notices and attracts him to FZ — she sees right through him. I think right around the time we get our almost kiss scene (in my head I finish the scene with a kiss, because that underwater thing… was awful…. I mean they actually show a whole night passing…. so take that for whatever you want) was when I decided that I found NY attractive….. scratch that. I loved his playful banter with FZ on the walk-way in his palace… so  ¯\_()_/¯ ….. its Chen Kun… he’s beautiful…*coughhes43whyishesostilldangattractive?!?!?cough* moving on. I actually don’t even no where to start with his character…. there’s just so much, like how throughout the drama he begins to drop his masks, and starts becoming the emperor. There is no doubt why he is chosen from Minhai onward, he’s basically been running about solving international issues. He straight-up solves Jinshi’s problems and sets up Helian (ughhh….. Helian…….just why????……I don’t even have the mental bandwidth to express my thoughts on him) as king. I didn’t realize that until this last watch, FZ and NY, solve all of Helian’s problems….(how does the man repay him… by feeding a petty childish hatred toward him. You idiot. You knew what you were getting into with this marriage from the beginning) Helian, spends the whole time angry and waving his big sword about…. like he does…. Until his total character/relationship dynamic assassination that we get in that horrible bedroom scene that we shall not speck of. Something else that I noted in this re-watch was NY love towards FZ, he cares so much about her, that he’s afraid to admit his true feelings toward her incase she doesn’t reciprocate, because that would make her feel pressured to love him, which he couldn’t handle.


….. I have so much more to say about TROP that I want to say, but I’ve already written too much…..


Congrats if you read through this all and you were able to make some sense of it… o_0

I need some serious help. Or a second season… and I have yet to find a fanfic that didn’t mess up the relationship dynamic between NY and FZ, and lets be honest — that’s the main reason TROP was so good.



oh, I wanna hug you ...

cause I have the same obsession like you.

I introduce this drama to many people, and all they reply just it's too long to see, the leads are not attractive; the content is too difficult to understanding ....

I'm always in disappointed situations cause no one feel the way I feel ....

they even don't save any time to give it a glance ... 

i feel pity for this kind of good drama ... feel pity for NiNi and Chen Kun .... with their excellent acting, but can not have a consider that they deserve to have ...

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I love that, a year later, people are still discovering and loving this drama! All I have to say is that fanfiction saved me after The Rise of Phoenixes. Also watching The Story of Minglan took some of the edge off my sorrow. Anyway, all the episodes after Jinshi really really really pissed me off with the questionable writing and the terrible editing. It wasn't just the last five minutes that were bad for me. So I tend to want fics that rewrite the entire last fifteen episode arc of the show. 


Here are some of my favorites, in case you need some balm for your soul.







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@lanjung*hugs* I completely agree the actors did not receive the accolades they should have for TROP. And again when trying to introduce TROP to one of my Chinese language (why yes, TROP did encourage me to study Chinese --I'd call that a win) classmates, and again ran into the "Its just another long c-drama filled with a bunch of old and ugly men named Ning" argument. Okay. :(

@storyofthestone I spent almost an entire night reading those fanfics. Thank you.


Also, some questions to the TROP fans that have read/write fanfic --has anyone else noticed that there are some trends among all the fanfic ending re-writes? One of them is that Feng Zhiwei is better at Go than Ning Yi, and the second is that FZ ends up becoming the Queen/Emperor/Overthrowing Ning Yi?

The first one really makes me scratch me head, because all threw out the drama its repeated stated how decidedly bad FZ is at Go. NY, often teases her about it and because of that he used it as way of telling her he's fine (when he's most definitely not) because he's still teasing her. Its also one of those little endearing things about FZ that makes her different than NY. At least to me it makes her come across as less calculating and more straightforward (she's still brilliant, but less obtuse than NY, who is king at talking in riddles). Why change that of all things?

The second divergence is often FZ ends up ruling (because NY's, newly founded empire is failing), and implementing some rather forward-forward thinking laws for the era (I'm all for feminism -- but lets try to be some what historically correct here for the Tang dynasty). But that was a tangent, often I feel like these fanfics paint him very similar to the King (I can't remember his name) in "The King's Woman." (I highly recommend that c-drama btw) Even though, yes they have similarities -- they are very different. NY, although he has blood on his hands, you know each and everyone of them he carries with him in a long growing list of people he personally has failed -- with not but least FZ. He would be a much more broken man than often portrayed in -- because deep down -- he's just that hurt and lonely child that wants his mom and wants to save other hurt and lonely people like him (He's a pathological rescuer -- that's why its so important to him to be ZW savior). He's more broken than he will ever admit to himself (this is why when he finds out his mom is still alive and ZW is being married off to HZ he's like "I'm tired of playing the game" I give up) -- ZW, not even Xin I think from my re-watch can see this. Anywho, that was longer than expected. I have alot thoughts on TROP. Im sorry.

Haha. sorry, one last thing about that irks me in fanfics is the need to give Ning Yi strong alliances. That was a HUGE part of his new idea for his justice system, and he repeatedly states that no preference will be given to those with high connections (this is why I think he starts tearing up when Xin tells him he murdered Ning Qi's mom out of anger -- Xin is reminding him that even he, NY's closest friend is not exempt from the law that they dreamed about for the land), but all will be justly tried for their crimes against the laws of the land. All of his most trusted alliances in the drama are earned throughout the drama. This is already very forward thinking for day and negates the argument that he'd have to marry into all the ruling family/take as concubines from them to form the powerful alliances necessary to rule --he even makes a joke about this in the drama.


Oof. I did it again. sorry.

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On 11/5/2019 at 11:44 AM, Naomi said:

@lanjung*hugs* I completely agree the actors did not receive the accolades they should have for TROP. And again when trying to introduce TROP to one of my Chinese language (why yes, TROP did encourage me to study Chinese --I'd call that a win) classmates, and again ran into the "Its just another long c-drama filled with a bunch of old and ugly men named Ning" argument. Okay. :(

@storyofthestone I spent almost an entire night reading those fanfics. Thank you.


Also, some questions to the TROP fans that have read/write fanfic --has anyone else noticed that there are some trends among all the fanfic ending re-writes? One of them is that Feng Zhiwei is better at Go than Ning Yi, and the second is that FZ ends up becoming the Queen/Emperor/Overthrowing Ning Yi?

The first one really makes me scratch me head, because all threw out the drama its repeated stated how decidedly bad FZ is at Go. NY, often teases her about it and because of that he used it as way of telling her he's fine (when he's most definitely not) because he's still teasing her. Its also one of those little endearing things about FZ that makes her different than NY. At least to me it makes her come across as less calculating and more straightforward (she's still brilliant, but less obtuse than NY, who is king at talking in riddles). Why change that of all things?

The second divergence is often FZ ends up ruling (because NY's, newly founded empire is failing), and implementing some rather forward-forward thinking laws for the era (I'm all for feminism -- but lets try to be some what historically correct here for the Tang dynasty). But that was a tangent, often I feel like these fanfics paint him very similar to the King (I can't remember his name) in "The King's Woman." (I highly recommend that c-drama btw) Even though, yes they have similarities -- they are very different. NY, although he has blood on his hands, you know each and everyone of them he carries with him in a long growing list of people he personally has failed -- with not but least FZ. He would be a much more broken man than often portrayed in -- because deep down -- he's just that hurt and lonely child that wants his mom and wants to save other hurt and lonely people like him (He's a pathological rescuer -- that's why its so important to him to be ZW savior). He's more broken than he will ever admit to himself (this is why when he finds out his mom is still alive and ZW is being married off to HZ he's like "I'm tired of playing the game" I give up) -- ZW, not even Xin I think from my re-watch can see this. Anywho, that was longer than expected. I have alot thoughts on TROP. Im sorry.

Haha. sorry, one last thing about that irks me in fanfics is the need to give Ning Yi strong alliances. That was a HUGE part of his new idea for his justice system, and he repeatedly states that no preference will be given to those with high connections (this is why I think he starts tearing up when Xin tells him he murdered Ning Qi's mom out of anger -- Xin is reminding him that even he, NY's closest friend is not exempt from the law that they dreamed about for the land), but all will be justly tried for their crimes against the laws of the land. All of his most trusted alliances in the drama are earned throughout the drama. This is already very forward thinking for day and negates the argument that he'd have to marry into all the ruling family/take as concubines from them to form the powerful alliances necessary to rule --he even makes a joke about this in the drama.


Oof. I did it again. sorry.

Oh, I like your comment. Don't hesitate to show your ideas.
I have the same opinion with you.

Ning Yi is a hurtful child, an uncompleted spirit inside the calculating and ambituous man. Because he spent too much things to grow, so I'm sure he will not be like his father. Even Zhi Wei said that she saw the bright light in his heart. His dream is like her dream. When she killed herself, not because she hate him, cause she love him enough to sacrifice - she wanted to kill the last hope of the old empire .... she wanted to make him free to rule the country. 
but she didn't think that without her, He just survive ....
the truth is Ning Yi really loves Zhi Wei. And Zhi Wei also really loves him, too.
Ning Yi refuse any one touch him except Zhi Wei and his best friend . So I think he will not have any concubine or Queen. He will run the country by law as they wish. So no need to raise his power by marry any girl from any big family like before ....


I hope that if there is a fanfic, that would be How Ning Yi apply the law to his country, how he train 10th Prince to deal with trouble and rule the reign, and how he will looking for and then find and get Zhi Wei back to his life ...


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