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[Official] Gao Wei Guang / Vengo Gao / 高伟光 ❤ Dilraba Dilmurat / Di Li Re Ba / 迪丽热巴 - Next project "The Pillow Book"


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I am still new to using this forum. I hope you guys can see the link. It is the weibo account of the leading actress in V's new drama (Candle in the tomb). 

It seems that she also support our CP :)

According to Google translatation - She said: I think I can see how affectionate you are. '


V's response was 'Thank you, Red Girl, just look at it' 

Hahaha... I guess friends do know their little secret. Hehe :)


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1 hour ago, Shedmhundy29 said:

I just realized after watching this close up vids from ELOD, the intensity of their acting when they act together. :)




The love....

I don't know if I'm being delulu but am I the only one who notices the softness in Reba's gaze when Vengo kissed back when they entered alanrou dream...?there's also a hint of admiration in her eyes, like she's admiring the guy she loves.

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11 minutes ago, Milli said:

The love....

I don't know if I'm being delulu but am I the only one who notices the softness in Reba's gaze when Vengo kissed back when they entered alanrou dream...?there's also a hint of admiration in her eyes, like she's admiring the guy she loves.

To me, it isnt just in the drama. She has a different vibe and expression when she talks about V in interviews. Lol... Mayb its me being delulu too. 

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Andddddddd I found another one. I don't know which guesting did MM appear in this but was asked to draw an expression that for her is handsome/attractive and she draw.... The crooked smile of GG. 


Cnetz Guangre are really something when it comes to finding clues and information. Detective skills higher level. XD




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wow a lot has happened since the last time i logged in. i still see a bit of confusion about the yz fans vs. rb fans thing, as well as a recent conversation ab rb being(?) muslim and whether that would conflict with being with a buddhist. 


yz vs. rb: 

      so i've read that some of y'all remember the rb vs. yz thing from a couple years ago, but some don't know. in my analysis and previous info posts, i did mention that rb was taylor swift  level bullied twice ( i have now realised that some of the members of this forum might not understand what that means-- taylor swift was "cancelled" by the entire internet 3 years ago and caused her to go into hiding for 1 year) , once for the luhan situation, and once for winning the golden eagle goddess award. since it has been quite a while since luhan announced his public relationship, most luhan fans have stopped attacking rb for that whole thing. (if you don't know what that is, that is when rb stepped in running man for angelababy (bc she was pregnant) and consequently, shipped on purpose by the producers to encourage views, which caused a lot of hate for rb bc luhan is a full on idol that comes with crazy k-pop like fans)

      then, in 2018, rb won the golden eagle goddess award against yang zi, and yang zi fans didn't like that. they called her 淼后/水后 (water queen) because li huizhen (the drama) recieved very low ratings but still won her the award, while yang zi & sun li (her competitors for the award) had higher rated dramas. from then on, yang zi fans have had a good old hatred for rb & her fans, which would cause rb fans to also have a lot of hatred for yang zi fans (which, despite my dislike of a large amount of rb fans, i agree with.) they have good reason to too; yang zi fans will purposefully go on the douban (think rotten tomatoes / IMBD for china) and rate her dramas 1 star just to bring the overall rating down, even though they didn't watch the drama. (this got so bad that the gr weibo community posted it; we have pictures of accounts that wrote nice informative high rated reviews for yang zi dramas, while writing some troll messages and rating it 1 star for rb dramas (this happened while pillowbook was airing, yangzi fans are a pretty big reason why pillowbook was rated low) (i don't know if rb fans do this to yang zi's dramas) 

   i don't know why, but recently the yz fan hate got really bad, going all the way to rb's ethnicity (which is a big no-no) so rb (with a lot convincing from her fans) ended up telling the court. 

   let's delve into what they use to criticize rb about: looks: yz fans (and other rb haters) describe rb as looking like a donkey. recently, there was a weibo trending search that had something to do w/ donkeys. yz fans decided to jump under that hot search post and post about rb and her "looking like a donkey". 

  then, ethnicity: dilireba (uyghur spelling: dilraba dilmurat) is of uyghur ethnicity. i don't want to talk about politics here, but explaining this entire situation is necessary to understand everything behind this. 

   before COVID, the western media liked to focus on "what's happening in xinjiang". for the past 20 years, there has been dangerous separatism movements that had evolved into terrorist attacks in xinjiang. many people were killed in these riots, so the government had to up the security and do something. they created camps where extremists are housed to learn about government policies, mandarin chinese, and other vocational skills, with the whole intention that once they are out, they will become a functional person of society. ( is this a human rights violation? yes. is this necessary for the safety of the population? yes. ) (the western media has taken this and twisted this_ don't believe their documentaries) (okay i'm done with the politics)  because of these separatist movements & terrorist attacks, uyghurs had gotten a little bit of a "bad rep" (but this is gone now and tourism has increased greatly) people started understanding that only the extremists are funding separatism & attacks, but this still remains as a "flaw" to discriminate against rb. some particularly nasty comments say "we have chinese celebrities, why is she here?" "she's from the middle east!!" (xinjiang has been a part of china ?? who's the separatist now? ) thankfully, rb fans hit back with logical (and sometimes mean) comments back. 

  (fyi: yang zi fans are very fight-happy. a little while ago, they started a thing w/ deng lun, so now deng lun fans and yang zi fans are also enemies) 


** very sorry for bringing politics into this, but if i didn't explain that entire situation, then the "separatist" insult hurled at rb wouldn't make sense to some people)  


gwg's "part": 

   bc we're guangre and we find everything, we were able to connect gwg to this somehow. (surprised?) gwg has been MIA on weibo (he hasn't posted anything, hasn't liked anything, hasn't even gone online) for around 4 days, and coincidentally on the day rb's studio sends the legal announcement, he is suddenly online? he is online for around 6 minutes (which a fan said is just the right amount of time to read the entire two legal documents)  and later, 12 minutes.  ( could be a coincidence, but these two have had too many coincidences for them all to be coincidences...) 


about the religion clashing: 

  gwg is a confirmed buddhist. we can confirm that. however, we cannot confirm nor deny whether rb is muslim or not. she comes from urumqi, xinjiang, which has a large uyghur population (and therefore, cultural influence) i have not investigated her enough to figure out if she eats pork, but the people above this post has said she doesn't. (that could be from cultural influence) (from other people, it's said that she has drank alcohol before, so this entire question is blurry) not all uyghur people are muslims. i believe she is very culturally influenced by her home, though. 


that was a lot. none of that was particularly cheerful. 


  here's gwg pushing off male costar's hand off of rb during the press conference. 


i was going to post that gif alone, but then i found this mess of a thing once i came back, both on weibo & here. 


here's to happier, lighter posts! 

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9 minutes ago, Shedmhundy29 said:



Andddddddd I found another one. I don't know which guesting did MM appear in this but was asked to draw an expression that for her is handsome/attractive and she draw.... The crooked smile of GG. 


Cnetz Guangre are really something when it comes to finding clues and information. Detective skills higher level. XD




Wow.. They are good at it! 


So happy that R will 'express' her feelings for time to time. She is following her heart! I really hope her crazy fans will stop hating and say that V isnt good enough. 

I mean look at her. She is always so happy when she with V or talking about him.


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3 minutes ago, 水蜜桃 said:



  here's gwg pushing off male costar's hand off of rb during the press conference. 


i was going to post that gif alone, but then i found this mess of a thing once i came back, both on weibo & here. 


here's to happier, lighter posts! 

@水蜜桃,thank you for sharing the details. My heart goes all out for R. She doesnt deserve any of the nonsense from luhan or award incidents.

On top of that, i also read elsewhere about her co not giving her opportunity to act due to a possible contract issue. 

She is such a talented person. I hope she rise like a phoenix soon and we get to see her new projects in movies or dramas. 

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47 minutes ago, Shedmhundy29 said:



Andddddddd I found another one. I don't know which guesting did MM appear in this but was asked to draw an expression that for her is handsome/attractive and she draw.... The crooked smile of GG. 


Cnetz Guangre are really something when it comes to finding clues and information. Detective skills higher level. XD




@Shedmhundy29 Thanks for sharing the links about our Guangre couple...the last picture in this link...vengo is so gorgeous <3

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Didn't Yang zi fans also attack Chen Yuqi after Ashes of Love, suppossedly because Yuqi's role got more screentimes. At this rate they will make lot enemies with other fandom. They can forced other people to chose their idol over someone else just because they think their idol is the most beautiful, more deserving, etc

I mean the producer and writer probably like Yuqi that's why they make her role more prominent. As for the golden goddess award i mean, no offence to yang zi but when you look at reba then you look at yz then you look at reba again the word goddess was more suitable for reba<_<

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34 minutes ago, 水蜜桃 said:

(from other people, it's said that she has drank alcohol before, so this entire question is blurry) not all uyghur people are muslims. i believe she is very culturally influenced by her home, though. 


that was a lot. none of that was particularly cheerful. 


  here's gwg pushing off male costar's hand off of rb during the press conference. 


i was going to post that gif alone, but then i found this mess of a thing once i came back, both on weibo & here. 


here's to happier, lighter posts! 

I saw her drank wine when the wrapping up of ELOD. Albeit she only took a sip of the wine and so did Vengo, the director however drank the whole wine :sweat_smile:

Can you send the gif again? The link is broken. 

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43 minutes ago, 水蜜桃 said:

wow a lot has happened since the last time i logged in. i still see a bit of confusion about the yz fans vs. rb fans thing, as well as a recent conversation ab rb being(?) muslim and whether that would conflict with being with a buddhist. 


yz vs. rb: 

      so i've read that some of y'all remember the rb vs. yz thing from a couple years ago, but some don't know. in my analysis and previous info posts, i did mention that rb was taylor swift  level bullied twice ( i have now realised that some of the members of this forum might not understand what that means-- taylor swift was "cancelled" by the entire internet 3 years ago and caused her to go into hiding for 1 year) , once for the luhan situation, and once for winning the golden eagle goddess award. since it has been quite a while since luhan announced his public relationship, most luhan fans have stopped attacking rb for that whole thing. (if you don't know what that is, that is when rb stepped in running man for angelababy (bc she was pregnant) and consequently, shipped on purpose by the producers to encourage views, which caused a lot of hate for rb bc luhan is a full on idol that comes with crazy k-pop like fans)

      then, in 2018, rb won the golden eagle goddess award against yang zi, and yang zi fans didn't like that. they called her 淼后/水后 (water queen) because li huizhen (the drama) recieved very low ratings but still won her the award, while yang zi & sun li (her competitors for the award) had higher rated dramas. from then on, yang zi fans have had a good old hatred for rb & her fans, which would cause rb fans to also have a lot of hatred for yang zi fans (which, despite my dislike of a large amount of rb fans, i agree with.) they have good reason to too; yang zi fans will purposefully go on the douban (think rotten tomatoes / IMBD for china) and rate her dramas 1 star just to bring the overall rating down, even though they didn't watch the drama. (this got so bad that the gr weibo community posted it; we have pictures of accounts that wrote nice informative high rated reviews for yang zi dramas, while writing some troll messages and rating it 1 star for rb dramas (this happened while pillowbook was airing, yangzi fans are a pretty big reason why pillowbook was rated low) (i don't know if rb fans do this to yang zi's dramas) 

   i don't know why, but recently the yz fan hate got really bad, going all the way to rb's ethnicity (which is a big no-no) so rb (with a lot convincing from her fans) ended up telling the court. 

   let's delve into what they use to criticize rb about: looks: yz fans (and other rb haters) describe rb as looking like a donkey. recently, there was a weibo trending search that had something to do w/ donkeys. yz fans decided to jump under that hot search post and post about rb and her "looking like a donkey". 

  then, ethnicity: dilireba (uyghur spelling: dilraba dilmurat) is of uyghur ethnicity. i don't want to talk about politics here, but explaining this entire situation is necessary to understand everything behind this. 

   before COVID, the western media liked to focus on "what's happening in xinjiang". for the past 20 years, there has been dangerous separatism movements that had evolved into terrorist attacks in xinjiang. many people were killed in these riots, so the government had to up the security and do something. they created camps where extremists are housed to learn about government policies, mandarin chinese, and other vocational skills, with the whole intention that once they are out, they will become a functional person of society. ( is this a human rights violation? yes. is this necessary for the safety of the population? yes. ) (the western media has taken this and twisted this_ don't believe their documentaries) (okay i'm done with the politics)  because of these separatist movements & terrorist attacks, uyghurs had gotten a little bit of a "bad rep" (but this is gone now and tourism has increased greatly) people started understanding that only the extremists are funding separatism & attacks, but this still remains as a "flaw" to discriminate against rb. some particularly nasty comments say "we have chinese celebrities, why is she here?" "she's from the middle east!!" (xinjiang has been a part of china ?? who's the separatist now? ) thankfully, rb fans hit back with logical (and sometimes mean) comments back. 

  (fyi: yang zi fans are very fight-happy. a little while ago, they started a thing w/ deng lun, so now deng lun fans and yang zi fans are also enemies) 


** very sorry for bringing politics into this, but if i didn't explain that entire situation, then the "separatist" insult hurled at rb wouldn't make sense to some people)  


gwg's "part": 

   bc we're guangre and we find everything, we were able to connect gwg to this somehow. (surprised?) gwg has been MIA on weibo (he hasn't posted anything, hasn't liked anything, hasn't even gone online) for around 4 days, and coincidentally on the day rb's studio sends the legal announcement, he is suddenly online? he is online for around 6 minutes (which a fan said is just the right amount of time to read the entire two legal documents)  and later, 12 minutes.  ( could be a coincidence, but these two have had too many coincidences for them all to be coincidences...) 


about the religion clashing: 

  gwg is a confirmed buddhist. we can confirm that. however, we cannot confirm nor deny whether rb is muslim or not. she comes from urumqi, xinjiang, which has a large uyghur population (and therefore, cultural influence) i have not investigated her enough to figure out if she eats pork, but the people above this post has said she doesn't. (that could be from cultural influence) (from other people, it's said that she has drank alcohol before, so this entire question is blurry) not all uyghur people are muslims. i believe she is very culturally influenced by her home, though. 


that was a lot. none of that was particularly cheerful. 


  here's gwg pushing off male costar's hand off of rb during the press conference. 


i was going to post that gif alone, but then i found this mess of a thing once i came back, both on weibo & here. 


here's to happier, lighter posts! 

Thanks @水蜜桃 for those insights. 

Hopefully something can be done about this cyberbullying thingy.

Stay Strong Reba, we are all behind u 


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Attacking someone and basing everything on appearances and ethnicity surely are kids. If only YZ fans know how big Reba is right now outside of china. Reba is slowly becoming popular all over the world especially after watching ELOD. I hope R will stay strong amid the controversy...  And Gg will be there for her to cheer her up and support her. :)



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1 hour ago, 水蜜桃 said:


  here's gwg pushing off male costar's hand off of rb during the press conference. 


i was going to post that gif alone, but then i found this mess of a thing once i came back, both on weibo & here. 


here's to happier, lighter posts! 

I couldn't see the image. can you send it one more time? :bawling:

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47 minutes ago, eery said:

Didn't Yang zi fans also attack Chen Yuqi after Ashes of Love, suppossedly because Yuqi's role got more screentimes. At this rate they will make lot enemies with other fandom. They can forced other people to chose their idol over someone else just because they think their idol is the most beautiful, more deserving, etc

I mean the producer and writer probably like Yuqi that's why they make her role more prominent. As for the golden goddess award i mean, no offence to yang zi but when you look at reba then you look at yz then you look at reba again the word goddess was more suitable for reba<_<

Agreed.. I'm in love with the first sight with Reba's beauty ( don't get me wrong I'm old woman in my late forties and happily married for almost 24yrs with 4 childrens)

What's I mean is R have the alluring looks ..at some point I  thought she was Turkish descendant because she's fluent in Turks language. 


With one look or many time after... I still feel Reba is far more beautiful than YZ . Without a doubt YZ is also a pretty in her own way..well just like the rest of any other Chinese celebrity . First time I watched her in Noble Aspiration I love her character but I didn't had an "awe" feels like how I felt when the first time I seen Reba in TMOPB.

And even when Reba was supposedly ugly in Pretty Li Huizhen ..still I feel she is beautiful.


But the end of the day .. the definition of beauty is about our own feelings towards someone or something.


"Beauty is in the eyes of the be holder"

Meaning. different people have different ideas and views about what is beautiful. 


* Peace out* No offence to YZ and her fans though..


And for me YZ is pretty but guite ordinary

while Reba is alluring ravishingly beautiful .



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15 minutes ago, jimmylyne said:

Agreed.. I'm in love with the first sight with Reba's beauty ( don't get me wrong I'm old woman in my late forties and happily married for almost 24yrs with 4 childrens)

What's I mean is R have the alluring looks ..at some point I  thought she was Turkish descendant because she's fluent in Turks language. 


With one look or many time after... I still feel Reba is far more beautiful than YZ . Without a doubt YZ is also a pretty in her own way..well just like the rest of any other Chinese celebrity . First time I watched her in Noble Aspiration I love her character but I didn't had an "awe" feels like how I felt when the first time I seen Reba in TMOPB.

And even when Reba was supposedly ugly in Pretty Li Huizhen ..still I feel she is beautiful.


But the end of the day .. the definition of beauty is about our own feelings towards someone or something.


"Beauty is in the eyes of the be holder"

Meaning. different people have different ideas and views about what is beautiful. 


* Peace out* No offence to YZ and her fans though..


And for me YZ is pretty but guite ordinary

while Reba is alluring ravishingly beautiful .




Yes ,,mixed blood beauty.

No offended to others chinese actresses,,,Raba beauty are rare and natural not easy to match if compares with others.

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