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[Drama 2017] The Best Hit / 최고의 한방 Thank You for watching !


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I've been reading the thread and as @stroppyse said I also agree that the disease HJ had is fictional, but modeled after HIV. There were already some treatments available for HIV in 1993, they started combination treatments (cocktails) at 1992 for instance. I of course don't know what was done at that time specifically in South Korea. HAART treatment came out in 1995. Also, HIV is yet to be cured, it is just managed very well if you take your drugs and also keep yourself fit in other ways (except that one guy who had a bone marrow transplant). HJ's haappy ending would be somewhat marred by having to take HIV treatment, having to have the conversation with WS etc. Worthy subject for a drama, difficult to get into at the end of a slice of life romantic comedy. Another reason why they couldn't have actual HIV is the stigma associated with it, so they wanted to distance HJ from that kind of scrutiny, and also the fact that he could've potentially infected BH and through her JH (as babies are made without a condom or a mishap with the condom). With a fictional disease these associations don't immediately spring to mind. 

But the parallels I would associate is that HJ was living a frivolous lifestyle up to 1993, maybe also continuing with BH, and has a sort of this won't happen to Yoo Hyun Jae attitude that can be detrimental to proper protective measures. Got ill, this impacted only his health, but also impacted the lives of others. I think he only found out about his disease some time after the typhoon night. It was a disease with some stigma to it, maybe talked about more in society in 1994 than in 1993 (which would explain why 1993 HJ took it easier). And unfortunately we don't really know what happened to 1994 HJ, the piggybank and note in bank were already set it motion because YJ took his notebook, so he must've already taken care of that (he left his stuff in the car, I assume the police processed it once they found the car and that's how it ended up in the attic). I don't know when he was supposed to have sent the stocks to ST, maybe he still had that left to do, maybe he bought them based on 1993 HJ's stories, but maybe he had already bought and sent them, because it's in his character to be fascinated by technology (I think he couldn't read 1993 HJ's notes in his notebook yet, 1993 HJ's notebook was magically connected (as a sender) only to the other notebook in 2017 (you see why I think some parts in this ending lack tidiness)). So kind of he didn't have that much left to do anyway in 1994. So in my mind I have a season 2, where after coolly sending off 1993 HJ, he stupidly gets attacked by a flying board and time travels to some other future, gets cured and has a fun adventure. Since he disappeared without a trace and it's still mysterious you can't take this away from me!

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On 7/22/2017 at 6:45 AM, radiocity said:


It could be tuberculosis - used to be quite prevalent among Koreans up until a few decades ago...

That's unfortunately also not cured properly (but people used to be more hopeful actually, and his kind probably would be cured to the best of our ability even then). Multiple drug resistant tuberculosis is becoming more and more prevalent, and people are wondering if the latent tuberculosis isn't also doing lots of harm and if we were able to 'cure' it in the first place or if we just sent it hiding. It's a disease that protects itself by building a protective wall around itself using cells from you body and immune system (makes your immune cells put down their weapons and just hang around doing nothing but not letting anyone else attack either). Which is why it's difficult to target, and now with the added antibiotics resistances that are a medical crisis across the board the situation is even worse. So no TB please, happy ending.

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I saw a comment (or maybe it was in the recap) in DB saying the love line isn't really needed, or more bonding between HJ-JH, HJ-GJ, or exploring Bohee's side. I don't mind love line in a drama, and if I'm not mistaken there is a TBH poster written with '20s their first love, 40s his last love' so I actually expected the love line to be one of the highlights here. Maybe it's because differing opinions so I got a bit annoyed:unsure:

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12 hours ago, joyue_1 said:


I feel like whatever happened to 1994 HJ will forever remain a mystery and it was intended that way - I feel that the HJ character has always been loosely based on Kim Sung Jae from Deux. Even YSY said in an interview that he draws his inspiration from Kim Sung Jae.

For those unfamiliar with the 90s K music scene - Deux was a duo group that debuted in 1993 and became an overnight success and was regarded as being at the forefront in terms of music, choreography and fashion. They disbanded after only 2 years in 1995 and Kim Sung Jae went on to pursue his solo career.

But that same year in 1995 (if I remember correctly it was only a day after his solo debut) - Kim Sung Jae died at a young age of 23 (same age as HJ in 1994 actually) - and to this day it remains a mystery whether it was an accident (heart attack) or a homicide (by his then girlfriend). The real cause is still unknown (the girlfriend was arrested and sentenced... then released due to "lack of evidence").



Yes! I am thinking Kim Sung Jae too. I think the name Deux was mentioned recently, I forgot if it's in this drama, 1N2D or somewhere else. He was considered as the pioneer in hip hop group and mysteriously died in 1995. And Deux's status was replaced by Turbo which consists of member Kim Jong Kook, close friend with CTH. CTH and KJK debuted around 1995, so being new in entertainment industry during that time must have shocked them.

And Hyun Jae and Kim Sung Jae - both has the word 'Jae' in their name. I am starting to think they named all the rest of the character "Jae" for the purpose of emphasize.

And the song by Kim Sung Jae - "As I Told You." The title is very close to Hyun Jae's "Tell Me"


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1 hour ago, Ainee Etp said:

Yes! I am thinking Kim Sung Jae too. I think the name Deux was mentioned recently, I forgot if it's in this drama, 1N2D or somewhere else. He was considered as the pioneer in hip hop group and mysteriously died in 1995. And Deux's status was replaced by Turbo which consists of member Kim Jong Kook, close friend with CTH. CTH and KJK debuted around 1995, so being new in entertainment industry during that time must have shocked them.

And Hyun Jae and Kim Sung Jae - both has the word 'Jae' in their name. I am starting to think they named all the rest of the character "Jae" for the purpose of emphasize.

And the song by Kim Sung Jae - "As I Told You." The title is very close to Hyun Jae's "Tell Me"



Yes! Deux is also French for two... J2 ^_^ 

Actually what I think is - YJ is obviously not modeled after Lee Hyun Do (the other half of Deux) because LHD and KSJ were best friends... but I feel like YJ's post J2 experience is loosely based on Kim Jung Nam - the original partner of KJK from Turbo. When YJ was telling HJ about him also being a victim and how he had to make a living by singing in night clubs and other village parties... that's exactly how Kim Jung Nam was living his life post Turbo :D

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Yup. I read up the story of Kim Sung Jae when YSY mentioned he draw inspiration for his character from Kim Sung Jae and Deux. I also watched one of the videos on youtube, the one that showed KSJ on his last day, just before and after his final live performance. It was sad that KSJ died so suddenly and so young. I actually wanted to see whats the similarity between KSJ and YSY's portrayal of YHJ. Haha. But i couldnt find any. :tongue: maybe YSY was trying to channel that inner feeling and motivation. I dont know. Haha. But YSY managed to make YHJ/Dabong his own character, and nothing could be lovelier. 

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I like the story line but I didn't like what had began the focus but I still complete it because I am big fan of Nurse Eun Tak (KMJ) and Cha Tae Hyun.  I don't know all the other actors but I admire their acting style.

Anyway, the first 12 (6) episodes where so much as I expected. But when it suddenly shift so much to the loveline --- I just watch it.   They left so many stories hanging.

1. JH and his dream; yes they talk about debuting but I hope they showed dancing and singing --- the performance. They can do it. 

2. WS and her dream and mom

3. Bo Hee and JH, GJ and JH

4. MJ and his honesty and his song

5. Do Hyeri and her debut or friendship with JH.

6. Connection of Past 1993-2017.

7. I was hoping to have back stories of trainee life and people taking cram school for civil servant. 

I actually like that JH's lovestory didn't prosper because too much predictable. I like the lovestory of Dabong and WS but why the did they focus so much on that when they offer a different tune in the first 12 episodes. 

Overall, even I have a lot of questions unanswered I like everyone's acting. They are all good! They brought a lot of themselves here. So I have so much high expectations in their next projects Lee Duk Hwa and CTH are an exeption --- they are really good :) 

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4 minutes ago, anjelikaeyes13 said:

I like the story line but I didn't like what had began the focus but I still complete it because I am big fan of Nurse Eun Tak (KMJ) and Cha Tae Hyun.  I don't know all the other actors but I admire their acting style.

Anyway, the first 12 (6) episodes where so much as I expected. But when it suddenly shift so much to the loveline --- I just watch it.   They left so many stories hanging.

1. JH and his dream; yes they talk about debuting but I hope they showed dancing and singing --- the performance. They can do it. 

2. WS and her dream and mom

3. Bo Hee and JH, GJ and JH

4. MJ and his honesty and his song

5. Do Hyeri and her debut or friendship with JH.

6. Connection of Past 1993-2017.

7. I was hoping to have back stories of trainee life and people taking cram school for civil servant. 

I actually like that JH's lovestory didn't prosper because too much predictable. I like the lovestory of Dabong and WS but why the did they focus so much on that when they offer a different tune in the first 12 episodes. 

Overall, even I have a lot of questions unanswered I like everyone's acting. They are all good! They brought a lot of themselves here. So I have so much high expectations in their next projects Lee Duk Hwa and CTH are an exeption --- they are really good :) 


1. JH and Drill performance. I honestly dont need to watch it and I understand why the production did not show it. Other than time constraints, there's the choreography, building the model for the performance, or maybe even apply for an appearance in Music Bank like J2 (Hong Kyung Min and YSY). Not to mention the budget. I think its perfectly understandable. For me, i personally am not interested to watch it, so i dont mind not having it. Besides, that song wasnt even sung by JH and Drill. They used the song by Changmo, one of the OSTs. The impression was given that JB debut and are being received well. That was actually sufficient imo because they are the side characters. 

2. WS have never been shown to have any great dream. She was studying to take exam to be a public worker, something like the police, like her ex-best friend/ex-roommate, EunHa. She failed the test for the 3rd time and lost her part-time jobs in the earlier episodes. Subsequently, she worked in Star Punch as an intern, studying on her own without attending full time classes, just occasional lectures. After Dabong left her, in the final ep we see WS working for GJ at World Ent, and JH mentioned WS is learning to compose songs so GJ gave her a file of songs for WS's reference. WS and MJ's conversation also tells us she is composing some music on her own. What we can guess from here is she probably felt inspired by DB's talent in song composition, plus she misses DB. So she gave up her 'dream' that wasnt so great a dream anyway, to work on composing songs. Her mother was a mystery and our own speculation from the beginning. It wasnt an important character. 

3. BH-JH, GJ-JH are a family now that GJ officially married BH. JH have always been registered as GJ's son. They even adopted Malsook. We were shown a scene in the bedroom where GJ and BH shared, and pictures of JH as a child were being displayed. There was never anything wrong with them in the beginning, nothing to wrap up from there? BH expresses that she have no intention in the near future to be a celeb. She just want to focus on being a mother and wife for the moment. GJ is the road manager for JH and Drill.

4. MJ already exposes his own plagiarism. In her conversation with WS, we understood that MJ is taking a break while learning how to compose his own songs. Given such a scandal over his plagiarism, it is understandable that it will take some time before he could make a comeback. As he hasnt given up, and still under GJ's management co, there is no doubt that GJ will help him when the time comes for MJ's comeback. Also, with HJ/DB back from the past, GJ did mention that he would get HJ/DB to coach the 'kids', referring to those artists under his company's management.

5. Do Hyeri debuted and was well received. She mentioned that her group is among the top 5 to JH when they met behind the stage. Since both HR and JH are under the spotlight now and are upcoming stars, they definitely would not be able to have any great romantic relationship in the near future. No doubt they remain friends and would likely meet each other at events or shows. 

6. What kinda connection of past 1993-2017 are you referring to? The fact that HJ got sent to 2017? It was just a chance, luck, accident. There is no specific connection. Please do not apply some other time travel stories/theories to this. It was a second chance for HJ. He was supposed to die if his time continued without that Kaola typhoon. With the Kaola typhoon, HJ was split into 2, one remains in the original timeline, another was sent to 2017. We followed the story from the HJ who was sent to 2017. With the advancement in medicine, HJ was able to be cured from his 'illness', that would have killed him had he stayed on in his original timeline. And it did for the 2nd HJ who stayed on in 1994. It was a second chance for life for HJ. Why did HJ in particular get such a special miracle? Well, he is the main character in this story, so of course he is entitled to the 'miracle' for a second chance in life. Nobody summoned him, if thats what you are expecting. 

7. Sorry, this story is not about trainee's life or cram school life. This story is about YHJ, the miracle, genius, lonely guy who was given a chance to live again, who would have died if he did not get this second chance at life. We were given a glimpse of a trainee's life through JH, Drill, and HR, and glimpse of cram school through WS. But the story is not about surviving trainee life or cram school life.

In the first 12 episodes, they were still building the story. Because HJ/DB just arrived from the past, he was still getting acquainted with the future and thinking he needed to go back to the past and living in secrecy, and he started off as someone who is selfish. We slowly see his transformation slowly into someone who becomes more involved with the lives of the people around him. In the meantime, the pressure of the lives of people around him forces HJ to also be involved in some ways, that eventually makes him come out of hiding. We see how JH and Drill failed their audition and loses the chance to debut. WS failed her test and loses her jobs. BH embarassed herself trying to make a comeback. GJ's financial troubles and the building was on the verge of being foreclosed by the bank. ST's forgetfulness. Things need to get worse before they start getting better no? Thats how stories are build. For HJ, on top of living in secrecy, he was also shooked by the news that he will be dying in a year's time. He has his own struggles. When he finally disclosed himself to GJ, even GJ told him to live in secrecy. But as time goes by, HJ become more invested in the lives of the ppl around him. Esp after learning from GJ that JH is his son, and learning from WS that JH is secretly training to be a singer. That lead HJ to caused the fiasco at the memorial dinner, exposing JH's secrets and the secret life of Drill, WS and HJ on the rooftop. As HJ gets more exposed, he becomes to do more and take over the center of the story. Because he was meant to do so, but he couldnt while living in secrecy could he? Its not because its a different tune. They were building the story for HJ character transformation. 

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I can't explain as good as @blackberrypie but I think it would be too much to ask for a detailed Bohee, Drill, MJ, or Hyeri explanation in drama which only had 16/32 episodes, and they aren't even main characters in this. The story centered around YHJ (and JH, GJ, WS to an extent) but I think theirs were also explained neatly. I saw many comments about, for example wanting an explanation of Drill's lie, or about his marine service, which is... not really needed (sorry for the lack of better words).

At first, I thought that we really needed an explanation regarding JH's parentage from BH's side, but none came even at the last episode. We even suspected BH of lying, or was drunk and mistaking someone for HJ, or even raped. But then it was solved by 1994's HJ admitted he dated BH and even acknowledged JH as his son, and also proud of him (from his encounter with 1993/2017's HJ). Therefore we don't really need an explanation from her side, it might be too simple but 1994's HJ admitted all those, that was what we needed from the start, right?

I was just saying that sometimes, those things that we feel the need / want to be explained turn out to be... don't need a detailed explanation.

I don't know if I make sense, and I'm sorry if there's mistake in what I write, please correct me:)

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1994's Hyunjae in the last episode looks soooooooo goooooood:wub:, I love his looks with that hair in the lake scene when he was pouring his parents' ashes, and in the rooftop scene with modern HJ, yes even with his very pale face and chappy lips, although I want to cry everytime I see his pale face (and I do cry everytime I rewatch those scenes:bawling:). His tone and expressions are on point, I can feel his sadness, frustration, and his still prideful self. YSY did a really, really good job.

GwangjaeXBohee scenes are super cute, if only it was longer, I want more their scenes together, and maybe add Youngjae to be the victim of Gwangjae's snarky lines hahaB) those 'the most expensive cake' and 'service' lines plus CTH's expressions lol. I've never really followed his works, but I've always enjoyed his appearances in dramas I've watched like MDbC.

Love YSYxLSY on screen chemistry, though I found LSY unnatural at times, but it wasn't to the point of ruining the scene, not at all. Can I hope for a drama with them as leads again? hehe.. I think out of all YSY's dramas I watched, YSY has the most chemistry with LSY.

KMJ, I've only watched him in Goblin and I think he did good, he was also good in TBH:D Eunwoo is unexpectedly good (imo), not spectacular or amazing, but he nailed his role as MJ. Other casts did a good job too:heart:

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Yeah.. agree on how good YSY looks. When he swipe up his fringe, he looks more mature. When he puts his fringe down to eye level, he looks boyish. Its weird how he looks different depending on his hairstyle. Haha.

i think LSY is pretty. But i also think she has plenty of room for improvement in her acting. She is not too bad, but she isnt the best also, just average? Looking at her performance, i can understand why she has been in the industry for so long but never achieve the star status like YSY. Because of that, i'll credit much of the on-screen chemistry to YSY and the dialogues written by the writer. They did have awesome dialogues, which was delivered perfectly by YSY. I am satisfied with the onscreen chemistry in TBH, but i wouldnt say its the best for YSY yet. Haha. Maybe cause i wish for more for him? Nevertheless, YSY-LSY do look good together. :)

i actually prefer CEW to KMJ. Haha. I think CEW has that 'aura' and visual that works for the character. Sorry. But KMJ's aura felt kinda bland to me.. he wasnt spectacular in Goblin, he wasnt spectacular in Romantic Doctor Kim. Nothing that shouts out for and grab attention. I dont know if its because those are minor roles.. but we see CEW playing a minor role here as well, and also his first minor role.. but CEW is able to grab ppl's interest and attention. Its just the 'star aura' i supposed. Haha. Or maybe just doesnt appeal to me.

Similarly, YSY has that 'star aura' and was able to grab ppl's interest and attention from his first performance in High Kick. I think its the 'star aura' that makes or breaks the actor's career. LSY also doesnt have that 'star aura' feel for me. 

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