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[Drama 2017] The Best Hit / 최고의 한방 Thank You for watching !


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Finally I watched, I'm still trying to catch up on everything from yesterday-today, it was a bad day to be busy :)

Anyway, I'll probably rewatch later and think more about it, but I'm just too impressed with the two Hyun Jaes' scenes, I know him, I know he's YSY, I know he's Hyun Jae, but they are two different peopl tthere, how? YSY's magic? How can he have chemistry with himself?? haha

I wish they gave us more about Hyun Jae 94, even if it's not our HJ, I would like to know more about him, I'm sad about his death, ahhh at least he knew about his son, and everyone else is living well in the future. What happened with his body? we will never know!

I wanted to see more grandpa and his interactions with Mal Sook! What about Cathy? and Woo Seung's family? 

But after all, I got the closure I needed! And happy ending too! Yay!!


I saw this, what's that controversy between Yoo Pd and writer? Because writer went pro-JH to pro-HJ according feedback? or what are they talking about? The plot wasn't perfect, but it was good imo.


The Best Hit did not meet expectations (low ratings, controversies) but Cha Tae Hyun still shone as a co- PD


[+2258, -126] It was really the most fun in its timeslot;;
[+1633, -84] I enjoyed it though.... I always waited for the episodes at 11... I'm sad today's the last
[+1556, -71] Cha Tae Hyun is to be applauded, a very responsible person
[+1013, -60] It was still beautiful to give it a try! Fighting!
[+717, -135] It was just a scenario problem... 
[+208, -16] The audience rating is low but that crying scene is the best I've seen all year
[+214, -21] The actors were really good and the drama is sad...  The director was getting better but I felt sorry for the limitations of the sitcom writer. I cried at the performance of Lee Deok Hwa. I am sorry for the controversy between the writer and Yoo PD.





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I usually cried when the OTP is separating. I never thought I will cry so hard when the two HJ is separating :bawling: I even embarassed to say this :lol: two men separating and I cry a river, I never get so touched like this. His acting is so good OMG. 

HJ '94 is so cool, he deserve more screen time :grimace: 

3 HJ is very cool, I fall in love with all of them, what's wrong with me :crazy: HJ '93 at 2017 in the beginning, HJ'93 matured at 2017, and HJ'94 :tongue:

I really want YSY plays doubled again or twins in the next project, he nailed it. Ddaboooooooooong.... :lol:

For me it is a bittersweet ending, I'm satisfied HJ'93 with WS in the end.... but... but.... why I feel heartbroken with HJ'94??? Why I pitied him, he is sick, he cares about BH and JH, and again he push HJ'93 to 2017. He is not selfish at all, I feel sad....  But that makes this drama is so so beautiful with this bittersweet ending....

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16 minutes ago, rachelyun said:

Finally I watched, I'm still trying to catch up on everything from yesterday-today, it was a bad day to be busy :)

Anyway, I'll probably rewatch later and think more about it, but I'm just too impressed with the two Hyun Jaes' scenes, I know him, I know he's YSY, I know he's Hyun Jae, but they are two different peopl tthere, how? YSY's magic? How can he have chemistry with himself?? haha

I wish they gave us more about Hyun Jae 94, even if it's not our HJ, I would like to know more about him, I'm sad about his death, ahhh at least he knew about his son, and everyone else is living well in the future. What happened with his body? we will never know!

I wanted to see more grandpa and his interactions with Mal Sook! What about Cathy? and Woo Seung's family? 

But after all, I got the closure I needed! And happy ending too! Yay!!


I saw this, what's that controversy between Yoo Pd and writer? Because writer went pro-JH to pro-HJ according feedback? or what are they talking about? The plot wasn't perfect, but it was good imo.


The Best Hit did not meet expectations (low ratings, controversies) but Cha Tae Hyun still shone as a co- PD


[+2258, -126] It was really the most fun in its timeslot;;
[+1633, -84] I enjoyed it though.... I always waited for the episodes at 11... I'm sad today's the last
[+1556, -71] Cha Tae Hyun is to be applauded, a very responsible person
[+1013, -60] It was still beautiful to give it a try! Fighting!
[+717, -135] It was just a scenario problem... 
[+208, -16] The audience rating is low but that crying scene is the best I've seen all year
[+214, -21] The actors were really good and the drama is sad...  The director was getting better but I felt sorry for the limitations of the sitcom writer. I cried at the performance of Lee Deok Hwa. I am sorry for the controversy between the writer and Yoo PD.





I think don't really sure about this news. Thats just personal thoughts of the writer in that website not people's minds. I think The Best Hit quite popular even though the rating not really high.  There are so many good drama with low rating, in this 21st century , i think we can't measuring popular drama from rating again. I think the rating doesnt mean anything because so many fans are watching the drama from other website since the air time is late at night so so many people who want to watching this choose watching online instead watching on tv. 

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3 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Finally saw the final episodes. I really liked it. I even liked their treatment of the supernatural elements of the story, e.g. the time travel and the doubled HJ, where they basically say that they don't know either, though HJ mentions as one point that he feels he belongs in 2017 after all since it's where he prefers to be, plus he also says that perhaps the sticker photo that WS put on his arm worked as a talisman to bring him back to 2017. 

I didn’t expect the finale to be so emotional. As the penultimate episodes were emotional with ST’s arc, this episode was really about HJ. I was especially moved by the scenes between 1994 HJ and 2017 HJ. As 2017 HJ tells the 1994 HJ about his future that he saw, and his son, 1994 HJ is rather emotional. It’s clear that the 1994 HJ regretted his actions of that night when the 1993 HJ splintered off him. As he put it, the night that everyone he was close to become distant. And, now someone is telling him the long term consequences of his actions on that night that he regretted so much. 

The 1994 HJ had matured as well, just in a different way than the 2017 HJ. I think it shows when 1994 HJ refused to take the chance to go to the future to become cured. 1004 HJ realizes that there are still things that he needs to do so that 2017 can happen, and he chooses to stay in his own time to do them and face his death on his own terms. Still, it probably gave him some comfort that a part of him is potentially alive in the future, looking over his son. While the 1994 HJ was still self-centered, in the time we hadn’t seen him, he had the love affair with BH, though he still may not have loved BH after all. And facing his mortality, he was already taking steps to try to rectify what he had seen as some of his mistakes. The meeting with 2017 HJ just confirmed and probably solidified the steps he had to take before he disappeared for good. 

I do wonder if 1994 HJ had gone into the future, whether 2017 HJ would have had to stay tin 1994 o finish doing all the things that he knew had to happen so that they could be found eventually. And, who knows if the storm would have allowed more than one HJ to pass through the wormhole of time. Not to mention the 1994 HJ would have been BH’s actual lover and JH’s father. The 1993/2017 HJ probably would have also died back in the 90’s from the disease if he couldn’t return. Anyway, it didn’t happen, so no point speculating about that, I guess. 

I appreciate that by bifurcating the HJ’s, it allowed BH to have her great love affair rather than having it proven a lie and father a child by HJ, without sacrificing 2017 HJ to have to live that timeline given that 2017 HJ is so in love with WS. 

The conversation between HJ and JH was also moving as HJ was finally able to tell JH about the man who had fathered him, as well as let him know that his father had wanted to know him and was proud of him. It gives JH a closure to the open wound of his father’s disappearance before he was born, and the question that every child who loses a parent probably has, of whether the missing parent would have loved him and been proud of him. The bracelet that HJ gives JH from 1994 HJ is a tangible token of a father’s affection even if he could never be there for him. 

Also, the conversation between HJ and GJ after HJ returns to 2017. HJ finally asking GJ why GJ was so nice to him, and GJ responding that he thought that HJ had mostly been acting out from loneliness, and so GJ could make allowances for HJ. It showed how much GJ really loved HJ, and HJ for whom GJ was possibly his only friend back in the 90’s really, truly understood how much love GJ had shown him. 

The final episodes also had some outright humorous exchanges. Plus, I’m now convinced that I’m a total pervert after having been on these forums for awhile. Watching the scene where HJ is suffering while listening to WS shower, it occurred to me that he was probably sporting a major erection which accounted for his various contortions of discomfort as well as the way he walked outside of the apartment facing away from WS. ROFLOL. A bawdy, visual gag was just one of the many humor elements that was in the finale to break up the deep emotions running through it. 

The x-ray proposal that GJ finally made to BH was also fantastic. Given their story arc, that was a cute and different way to do it with GJ realizing that he might as well do it now since the ring was clearly in view on the x-ray. After all of those years together, it’s sweet that GJ is still as solicitous and caring of BH, and that BH understands him well, able to calm his enthusiasms with some thoughtfully chosen teasings and sentiments. It’s right that GJ and BH be the parents of the large brood of children and the members of World Entertainment. 

Lots of additional humorous scenes, but this post is long enough as it is since it’s not meant to be a recap per se. :) 

Finally, I thought it was lovely that the final scene was of HJ and WS. WS is the main reason that HJ prefers to be in 2017, I think, even though not the only reason since HJ has discovered a family in 2017, not to mention being able to get treatments in 2017. 

I also about died laughing during the BTS of that final kiss when CYH comes in and tells HJ and WS they can stop kissing now. ROFLOL. And, this is how RL shipping is fueled. :)  Seriously though, I am so happy that a reasonable actress who could act played WS, and that she was old enough that she and YSY could have kissing and skinship scenes. 

I'm going to miss watching this drama. I think I'll go through YSY's back catalogue of dramas now, and start hoping that he comes back with his next drama soon. 


1 hour ago, rittoo said:

Finished watching the last episode! Yeah! This show might be my favourite show of 2017 :D

Come to think of it though, didn't they play with us a bit? I shipped JH and WS so much in the beginning, especially where she was drunk and everybody was shocked by her drunken behaviour and JH just stared at her with hearts in his eyes. 

But they did it so well that I started shipping HJ and WS even harder before I even noticed. Man they are good!

TBH at one point I was sure that 1994 HJ must have caught HIV = = because I could not think of another sickness that sets in when you are in your early twenties and makes you pale and coughing all the time and leads to death in a short time. HIV is not curable but with the right medication and some luck you might live almost as long as if you didn't have it. But I guess it's not since this HJ is going to get it too, meh. On the plus side of course, it's now curable, hooray!

How can they make every song in the ost so perfect and beautiful???

I laughed my richard simmons off when I watched the BTS where Chae Tae Hyun proudly cut his own scene lol and sneaked up to the mains kissing and whispered in their ears that they could stop now lolololol

And I forgot one thing: I stand by what I said before: this show is surprisingly realistic for all the jokes and puns and it being very comedic. The hardships in life, things you can't change, some things that have burdened you for life cannot be resolved and will not even be talked about often. Like how WS's mom pretty much abandoned her, like how she lost her only female friend it seemed, like how BH never even realized that it was HJ living near her and finally decided to let go of the man who left without a word, like dementia, like JH who didn't even really ever get jealous except for the one time he told HJ to stay away from WS but after that he just accepted everything, like how Drill was actually already quite old for debuting and the years before must have been more torturous than he let on, and so on. The sad and realistic parts of this story make it as great as the silly and over the top parts, as the romantic parts, as the family and friends caring for each other parts. It's just DABONG XD


1 hour ago, siobhanne said:

Oh no. I finished watching it. I guess that's why they say a group of people is the best at guessing a cow's weight, if you combine and average our hypotheses we got quite close. Poor 1994 HJ though. YSY was amazing, two characters, totally different in feel but with the same coolness about them. For me the final explanation is a tiny bit lacking in neatness and symmetry, but I'm so glad they explained what happened and for the happy ending (except 1994 HJ, I cry), and at times I feared for much worse, in the end it basically explains everything even if I don't consider it particularly elegant (but I'm weird like that, and I think most people find this solution much more palatable than possible alternatives, I so want everyone to appreciate this show). And we got an open mouthed kiss in the end, am I weird for celebrating that? 

That proposal scene was the best proposal scene I've seen, ever. 


1 hour ago, cherrycokez said:

@blackberrypie thank you very much for your detailed explanation! I already watched the sub version, and I'm laughing so hard for the flower boy next door parody :lol:

I laughed at the very last scene, CTH is teasing them. And I'm very surprised, they seems like enjoy the kissing, so natural. LSY is so embarassed, LOL :lol:

I can't believe this drama has already ended, and this last episode very Ddabong :)

Ddabong is one of the best character in kdramaland, his character is memorable, his personality is well written, and never dissapoint me with his action, he always stay true to his character. Sometimes I watched another kdrama and the character is make me questioning because his action sometimes A sometimes B :crazy:

YSY is so charismatic, every scene, he outshine others (I guess it is my opinion and it is biased) :tongue:

I love every scene, the angle is the best, make YSY so handsome thanks for PD Cha, OMG I'm being biased again :tongue:



You guys took the words right out of my mouth:D I'm loving 1994's dying Hyunjae because in that short span of time we can see he's actually a thoughtful guy although he has his minus at times, he's still the prideful YHJ even when he's dying but they pulled it off really well. And this time he had the photo as the compass (or navigation lol) for him to be back to 2017

And Gwangjae X Bohee is one of the cutest couple ever haha, the proposal scene was so cute, so funny, simple but still beautiful:wub:

The scene when Wooseung showering (calm yourself YHJ!), FBND's parody (can't get enough of Kkaegeum!) and I'm happy that I got to see open mouthed kisses between leads lol pervy me:tongue:

Oh and I LOOOOOOOOVE the quotes at the end of the episode, it's so relate-able imo and can be applied to us as well:)

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I love the ending well written and everything managed beautifully . 

(But one thing that I want to know as 93 hyun jae not returned to past doesn't it change future as now in history he is missing from 1993 and no ji hoon.)

Well we can leave this part just thinking about happy ending to all❤

I appreciate writer for this best hit drama and I still need  season 2 even if hyun jae time travel b or ji hoon time travel from future to past to meet his dad in 1992 now only 1992 hyun jae available . 

Most hurting scene 94 hyun jae really dabong he make me cry that moment and I m happy ji hoon as son of hyun jae thank you so much writer.

Every character or cast members I love them gonna miss them so much. Every one deserve award for this drama superb cast ost storyline mystery suspense and comedy❤❤❤

Kim min jae ❤ yoon shi yoon ❤cha eun woo 

And  hye ri - MC drill - bohee- gwang jae for his loyalty towards hyun jae I have no words and young jae have no connection with hyun jae missing case he is also not bad person well writer make all positive character in this drama really THE  BEST HIT or HIT TO TOP.....They proved the title name.

How I m gonna survive now. 

Strongest delivery man I m looking forward for Ko gyung pyo ❤


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10 minutes ago, saanjh sena said:

I love the ending well written and everything managed beautifully . 

(But one thing that I want to know as 93 hyun jae not returned to past doesn't it change future as now in history he is missing from 1993 and no ji hoon.)

Well we can leave this part just thinking about happy ending to all❤

It's just my thought, but I think of it like this.

It was like their storyline/world/life/fate have been written like that. 1993's HJ (and some of his stuffs) after the gayo was doubled because of the typhoon, one of them went to the future which became 2017's HJ and the other one continues living his life in loneliness becoming 1994's sick HJ, both of them didn't know what happen in their other selves' timeline. And then, it was like it had been written / fate that there'll be 2 HJs, then the 2017's HJ went to 1994's timeline and had an encounter (as we had seen in the drama) and things happened. It's not that he's missing from 1993, he's doubled / twinned. One living his life in 2017, the other did things like dated Bohee, sick, etc, etc, and eventually died in 1994.

It's like Hyunjae had been fated to be doubled/twinned after the typhoon living their life independently, and it's been fated that they would meet in 1994 Lake Suryeong to solve things and send 1993/2017's Hyunjae back to 2017:D I hope this wouldn't confuse you

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@stroppyse that 'perverted' scene, i ROFLOL too. Haha. But laughs aside, i still find YSY's acting there perfect. Its a perfect mixture of a 'serious trouble' plus pure comedy. Its not a funny thing to the character... but his actions made it funny. He wasnt laughing, but we cant help laughing. Hahaha. How is YSY so perfect? 

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I didn't think the finale would be so emotional and where we would see the two versions of HJ.  Seeing the finale and looking back at the past episodes, it does make sense to have two HJ.  The writer has in multiple occasions mentioned about the "twin" typhoon which sent 1993 HJ to 2017.   It just didn't occur to me that this twin typhoon would result in two versions of HJ and have them be in separate timelines.  I should have known though because there were constantly two versions of things HJ treasured - notebook and his watch.  One version continued on in 1993, dated BH and eventually died in 1994.  The other HJ travelled to 2017 and learned from his past.   The 1994 HJ made me so sad though.  I wish we got to see more of this version of HJ and see the life he lived which ultimately resulted to his young death.  

It's pretty clear that he did like BH but I don't remember if BH ever had the chance to tell him that she was pregnant with his child or if 2017 HJ was the one who told him first.  They never stated what disease he got and where he died.  I did like how HJ seemed to have found some kind of peace in knowing about JH and that he was living a good life.  

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Actually the 2 Hyun Jae is kind of a reflection of our choices and experiences in life. The decisions we made, the people we meet, the things we do. There is no one certain path. But both HJs shows us that they give their 100% in wherever they are, be it in 1994, or in 2017. They both walked a different path, leading to a different ending. Its as if the show is showing us how every decision you make may lead to a different ending, but its ok, just simplify your thougts like Ddabong! 

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I've been rewatching the whole series since the first episode...

They have the song LSY sang (the one WS recorded in the studio with DB) in the background during the scene where she is staying at JH's rooftop apartment for the first time - beginning of EP02/16 (= 03/32)


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i just happy HJ/WS got back together in the end. i guess the reason the writer send him back is to try to help the 90s HJ.

at lease the writer give WJ/BH a happy ending. sad the writer didnt make JH end up with the trainee woman. they both did kind look cute together.

i very happy the writer give HJ/WS two hot kiss scene.

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Rewatching episode 1 now and the 90s prologue was dated 1993. HJ 1993 disappeared. It was HJ 1993's car which was left by the lake.  But it was 1994 HJ who left the letters and money for 2017. And when both HJs met in 1994, the car was as far as we know, left in the same location but HJ 94 has yet to leave money and letters so it's possible he went back to gather his belongings like the red piggy bank . So both 1993 and 1994 universes affected the same 2017 universe?

I'm more confused now. 

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4 minutes ago, blackberrypie said:

I miss Ddabong already. :( What to do? :crazy::blink::unsure::bawling:

Start watching from the beginning hehehe

Another interesting bit @ EP02/16 (= 03/32)

WS' mom called WS out of the blue to tell her about a dream she had the night before, and stressed how her dreams were often premonition of what happens in the future - "You came out in my dream and there was a huge fly or a bee... that kept trying to kiss you. Not once, but three times!"


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18 minutes ago, 1gabi2araw said:

Rewatching episode 1 now and the 90s prologue was dated 1993. HJ 1993 disappeared. It was HJ 1993's car which was left by the lake.  But it was 1994 HJ who left the letters and money for 2017. And when both HJs met in 1994, the car was as far as we know, left in the same location but HJ 94 has yet to leave money and letters so it's possible he went back to gather his belongings like the red piggy bank . So both 1993 and 1994 universes affected the same 2017 universe?

I'm more confused now. 

No no... it only indicated in the beginning of the prologue that it's 1993 to show that we are starting with a series of events that started in 1993... the prologue showed different clips to quickly illustrate the progression of the timeline... it's all in chronological order... from J2 debuting, to their songs topping the charts... to them winning Music Top 10 against Seo Taiji and the Boys... to his 4th scandal of the year... to their disbandment... and ended with the car being found and news reporting that it had been a month since his disappearance. This was shown without specifying which year the car was found. 

I'm sure you have finished all the episodes since you're now rewatching - so you must know that soon (I can't remember specifically but in the next episode or 2), 1993-HJ-who-is-now-in-2017 would have read that HJ "disappeared" on June 17, 1994 with his car being found by the lake.

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1 minute ago, 1gabi2araw said:

Rewatching episode 1 now and the 90s prologue was dated 1993. HJ 1993 disappeared. It was HJ 1993's car which was left by the lake.  But it was 1994 HJ who left the letters and money for 2017. And when both HJs met in 1994, the car was as far as we know, left in the same location but HJ 94 has yet to leave money and letters so it's possible he went back to gather his belongings like the red piggy bank . So both 1993 and 1994 universes affected the same 2017 universe?

I'm more confused now. 

Haha. They tend to understate things from beginning. The whole fiasco started in 1993, the night J2 won the golden cup. HJ went to collect the reward money after that because he thinks it belongs to him, since he did all the work. He also wanted to leave World Ent Agency and breakup J2 after that night. 

That night, after he collected the money and brought it to the studio, stashed the money, there was a storm, and he fell down the stairs. Thats when the miracle of 2 HJs were created, but we were not shown both. Only one of the HJs, the one who travelled to 2017. 

The rest of the article news was talking about the 2nd HJ, the one who stayed behind from 1993-1994. He broke off from World Ent, SoonTae and GJ. He worked alone for some time. Supposedly no news for some months, probably he was covering his tracks then because he discovered he was sick then and was taking some treatment or diagnosis in the hospital. But one month after no news of him, his car was found by the lake. By then, its 1994 already. 

Instead of looking at it as separate universe, think simply as just a 'miracle' that enabled 2 HJs to live in 2 different time. The HJ that continued his life in his original time dissapeared and died. The miracle HJ time travelled to 2017 and started a new life, cured from his sickness that killed the other HJ. 

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joyue_1 and blackberrypie


Thanks for the replies. Makes more sense to me now. I guess my only nitpick is that HJ 94 has yet to give GJ the money and stuff. But I like your explanations because I would like to think that HJ 94 didn't die but ceased to exist when HJ 93 went back to 2017. Like when HJ 93's face was fading from the picture sticker. That's why he disappeared and no body was found. 


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There is no more interesting friday and saturday again. I was addicted in 2017 to time travel drama like tomorrow with you and then the best hit and then what else?

I hope YSY and LSY will get over CF together, they suit each other. 

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