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[Drama 2017] Chicago Typewriter 시카고 타자기


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rainy sunday's are always best for re-runs! :)...I made re-run for my two drama and stuck on this moment...Seol is in girl clothes so this scene happened after the moment she "so called" revealing her gender. sure guys know her real gender but guess she revealed it after another unknown moment to us...I wonder how she revealed her gender to them?...look at how OTP looking at each other..like this is happening after their secret relation started off...

from SeJoo point of view his face after Yoo is telling him and pointing Seol, his words "I'm planning to date with her"... look at SJ gesture..he is like "okk but I already dating with her"! ıts a guilty face.


and same scene this time ıts from Seol view...she is looking at SJ, especially smiling when seeing the pocket watch..so smth gonna happen about watch..maybe he will lose it and she will find and give it to him...she also hiding smth...


I feel at this moment they were already lover and hiding it from Joo.

still there is 8 more episode so we will see how ıts started, how it will end and I also hope they show us how SeJoo and Yoo became a friend.


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@evok that scene and pocket watch, total agree. Just re-sure that few back days and that Hwi-young expression just like~ hmm what should I do now. Feels something happened back then emphasized the pocket watch as their love story witness(?) so it's on JS hand in present time, not directly to it's owner reincarnation (HSJ), like they must find each other again in next time/life. They must, and the watch make one of their way. 

Poor Jin-oh...

Btw, this fan-art of Seo Hwi-young in Chicago Typewriter is awesome, can't hold to make it as profile picture :))


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@CatchMine_ID  yeah I also think that watch is the witness of their love story. It was belong to HY's father than ıt went to him but suddenly at future this time ıt goes to Seol father and end up as Seol own watch...I also think in that scene maybe he is suddenly bring it out for a reason. Look at how she stare to it curiously and give a big smile...maybe I'm wrong but I felt he is showing it to her intentionally and she be happy after he bring that out and open the cap of it..there is smth secretive in that scene...like I said smth happened about that watch, maybe he lost, she found like how it happened at future or he is just showing it to her secretly..ıts a secret love message between them...like ıf I show you this, know that I think about you, or I love you...IDK but sure we will watch the importance of that pocket watch but ıt never surprise me ıf in that moment they had already been a couple..a secret couple that have to hide their relation from Yoo. :unsure:


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1 hour ago, Chellsee said:

tvN twitter update.


:ph34r: It was shown in the special episode.

One of the thing that we highlighted before was the working room.... They confirmed that it is similar to the 1930's scene where the three of them used to work.

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3 hours ago, Yongzura said:


:ph34r: It was shown in the special episode.

One of the thing that we highlighted before was the working room.... They confirmed that it is similar to the 1930's scene where the three of them used to work.

Im proud of my findings. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. =.="

On 09/04/2017 at 5:37 PM, kentangbakar said:

I dont know if you all notice or not, but from my eyes, look like the "office"? 1930 scene setting same with SeJoo office house setting?

pardon of my craziness.... Actually I want to said that, sigh why you (tvn) give me sad preview, that bitter smile from Jin Oh tho..............:bawling:


Edited by Chellsee
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@supergal99 aiiih thank you, you are the best ahahahahahaha today.... Is.... Mooonnndddaaaaayyy

but finally can watch the special hahaha what a really fun time~ our GKP is soooo cute especially when rehearsing for sing that oldies song.

I burst my chips while watching this and clapping lol, quoting you : 'so flexible' hahahahahaha



and guys here are my fav Chicago Typewriter fan made video

- this should be the actual trailer of the show for real by Juli Moon, crap that fan-turn-to-anti-fan thing hiks 

- and this the beautifully captured half point summary of the story by SweetChan91

people are so awesome......................................................

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Hey guys, I've been reading over this thread for quite a while but it's my first time posting here. 

I just saw that TVN posted a clip for ep 9 (I think) on Twitter but because it's Naver I'm restricted. I was wondering if anyone could watch it and post a recap or something...

Thank you in advance!!

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FANVID REC: a tribute to our 1930s #OT3 & their "innocence" & happy times by TheMeaninglessArt 


& was also planning to rec this vid too, someone beat me to it lol it's that good, so be sure & don't miss it: 

FANVID REC: awesome tho more angsty trio recap to epic fitting song by Backstreet Boys, oh my heart! 


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@evok This drama has been teasing us too much! Had to wait extra week for the next episode.

But, have to say that Seol (in her previous life) looks so pretty in that dress and HAN SEJOO HAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SMILE !!!!!

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@imroma  yeah she look amazing...no doubt why both guy fell in to her, especially after spending her life with boy clothes, she reborn.

Sejoo's sneaky smile, shy smile, happy smile even arrogant smile look so beautiful..

All of them have good smile..Yoo has innocent, Seol has warm lovely smile...

I really wonder the real identity about the past characters..now I think what ıf Seol is a Japan agent or member of another group?...maybe she went to kill them bc she got that mission at the end. IDK....

feel this week gonna be so good and hope ıt continue without any postpones! I want to finish this drama before 2017 end! :wacko:


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It doesn’t matter to me who the protagonist in the drama is, because every character is a protagonist in his own right. A good script would take into consideration every character’s intention and motivation, and how those influence the plot. For this reason, I thoroughly enjoyed “The Defendant”. The writing was tight and well thought out; every single character had a history and a purpose, which affected their actions and contributed to the story’s development in various ways.

In my previous post, I wasn't trying to prove that SJ and Seol are the destined OTP - I don't think anyone would have any doubts about that. Instead, I wanted to show that YJO was sincerely in love with Seol, to the point that it's silly, adorable and heartbreaking to watch.




@evok @soryuu13 Sorry it took me so long to reply, I've been swamped with work. When SJ showed Seol the photos, YJO looked expectant - he really wanted to know what her ideal type was. Also, when SJ popped the question about TM, he didn’t look happy or proud. It was more of a mix of exasperation and disbelief. So, does YJO really plan to possess a human to confess his feelings? The plan sounds ludicrous and I'm sure he knows it himself. I don't think he was hoping for a happy-ever-after ending with Seol. All he wanted was to express the feelings he had been harbouring for her over the past 80 years, so he can move on to his next life without any regrets.



YJO may look like a cool, suave and confident guy, but he is also deeply faithful and simple-minded whenever it concerns Seol. Whether it was in 1939 or 2017, he always chose Seol over Sejoo. That’s why I don’t think he is trying to play cupid; his feelings for Seol are sincere.

The symbolism of fire, snow and rain

Fire destroys.
In the opening sequence, a gunshot is fired, causing a rose to go up in flames. Also, during the dramatic stare-off between SJ and YJO, SJ took the manuscript of CT and burned it. Both scenes allude to a tragic ending to romance in 1930.


Fire illuminates.
The Carpe Diem matchsticks triggered a flashback when SJ lit it. In his dream, YJO also lit a matchstick and used it as a guiding light to lead SJ back into the past. When HY rescued SH, he too gave her a Carpe Diem matchbox and directed her to Shin Yul. It's interesting to note that the matchbox contained matchsticks just like how jazz bar stored firearms for revolutionaries.


RSH: Ladies and gentlemen. Still engulfed in deep darkness, the skies of Joseon make us hopeless. But today, I saw a dim ray of light in the darkness that surrounds us. The light will become a torch that drives away the darkness. I’ve witnessed the birth of a phenomenal writer and I’d like to share the joy of discovering the writer with you. Here’s to the bright future of the great writer, Seo Hwi Young!

In SHY’s name, “휘/Hwi/辉” means brilliance, fire and luminosity. And the exact opposite of fire is snow, which is what Seol’s name means.

Snow spells hardship.
A season when trees wither and animals hibernate, winter marks the end of growth, and is often linked to death and hardship. Also, in South Korea, white is the colour of death and mourning. Seol believes that she killed someone in her past life. Since young, she has always been haunted by the fragmented memories of 1930, and because of that, she was unable to pursue her Olympic dream.

Snow promises a new beginning.
After every cold and harsh winter comes spring. Melting snow symbolises the end of hardship and a new beginning. Because snow covers everything and changes a familiar landscape into something new, it can also be associated with transformation.

Seol’s dad: I found this in the snow when I went hiking… Look at it. The second hand is made of gold, rather than the hour hand. The owner of this watch must know that the small thing has to be right for the big thing to move well. Here, it’s yours. From now on, don’t dwell on the past. Don’t sacrifice the present for the future. Be present in every minute and every second.

Rain cleanses.
Seol’s dad’s message echoes the meaning of Carpe Diem. Forget the past and live in the present. And a new beginning for Seol will come when snow melts and turns into rain to wash away her guilt and regrets. Coincidentally, when snow meets fire, it turns into rain. It was raining when SJ crashed his car, when Seol found him and when SJ came to fetch Seol.

Shaman: Seol’s name means ‘snow’, right?
Bangjin: Yes, it does. Why are you asking out of the blue? What is it, Wang Bang Wool fairy?
Shaman: It’s going to rain. Bring in the clean laundry.


Sunbae: Are you expecting someone’s visit?
Seol: Pardon? No. I was just wondering it it’s raining.
Sunbae: I don’t think it’ll rain.
Seol: Right? It doesn’t seem like it.
Sunbae: Do you wish it rains?

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@__jesse  welcome dear....also good details...

Sure Yoo has a feelings for Seol..ıt was always there. I also sure he was always aware of HY and SH feelings for each other. and probably he saw how ıts turned into a real relation in the past. At present life he also knows ıf this two found each other again than they will fall into love again.. at this point we can just guess about his aim..He is using SeJoo for reaching Seol and confessing his own feelings or most probably he is trying to bring them together bc past incident made them separated by dead..like I said before I think his mission is bringing them together and pass away to heaven...he is not a bad guy but I feel he was the reason of the sad ending. now he is working on happy ending for this two...but can't also hide his own feelings bc he also loved her. Also I think he knows how that story ended. Who died in there! He is acting like he forgot it...he is trying to make SJ remember it..not the ending, their past together and his past with SH. 

His one description is in my mind...Yoo to SJ: "Seol was our lover in the past!"....actually she has been their best friend until she grown-up and SJ is actually only remembering the times that they be a besties...You are saying I fell into Seol so I want to confess to her, than why you also saying she was the lover of both of us?..he would say she was my lover and I want to confess my feelings after finding her again!..that would help him more bc SJ steps back.

Yoo want SeJoo knows and remember his past with her...He knows he will never be with her so SJ and Seol has to be lover again...There is a dilemma in him... His love for her is there but he need to make a real destined ones come together. 

I also feel at next episodes he will possess SeJoo's body for able to reach Seol...but maybe more than confessing his own feelings ıt will be used for telling SeJoo's feelings for her. Because at the end whatever he says gonna be taken as SeJoo's feelings not his ones...-_- poor guy.


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