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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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ET's cry is so gut-wrenchingly haunting that it stays with you...possibly till next Friday. Unless the special episode can ease some of the pain we're feeling. I doubt so. 

GY said the child actress's cry at the end of TTB movie stays with him every time he thinks of her. And I can say ET's haunting cry stays with me when I think of episode 13. 

@janeeta At this stage, I think we all need toilet paper to help with tissues shortage...kekekeke. 

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7 hours ago, vynenitsuga said:


Me too! That cliché theory will make me eat my pillow than my expensive steak. But, KES style is that options, but we don't know if this time she will give us something new. Haha.


Secret garden

Gentleman dignity

The heirs

I watched all of them, and in my memory those dramas has separated couple and reunited again. Even she bring back yoo shi jin alive from death.

Again, we don't know this time KES will give us brand new story, with amazing ending that we'll never even imagine. 

Cliche or not, as long as we're happy with the story and not cliff hanger like KGE previous drama (actually that drama really kill me) #sigh I remember well I really didn't finish the 2 last episode until today.

Brand new love with new memory betweet JET and KS, I won't take that option if KES actually will give us another. It will be the last option. Hahaha.

How about having fine dinner with me in quebec? I'll wait you... In my dream

Hahaha good night (morning) to all happy soul here. :)

ahhh... too bad i sleep without dreaming last night so i miss have a diner with you lol...

right even ysj can comeback from hell with a style, what's so hard bring back already stylish goblin back to live, you right cliche or not as long as kes close the story with happy ending we'll be happy for that, beside all this time i watching k-drama i think there is no drama without cliche in it. and please don't bring back KGE past drama it's nightmare :tongue:

6 hours ago, carolinedl said:

@dhia205 Yes! I keep forgetting the power of humans! That poop scene at GR's "work" place!
 And how God shows a way but people can still alter that path. The power of human's will in "destin." In Sartre's philosophy, "destin" and "liberté" are put together in existentialism. Humans, through their free will, are the most powerful force.

Yes, yes, "destin" and "liberté" are often opposed. And we certainly aren't dealing with existentialism here...

Then, I say the butterfly effect comes into play. With the butterfly effect, destiny is changed. People already mentioned the butterfly effect here, @bebebisous33 and someone else whom I cannot remember right now (sorry about that!!!). I think many of ET's actions will have that effect! As well as some of her supporters (Chariman Yoo, GR too I believe!).

omg not only soccer team even et has her own supporter team too? that's relieve lol...

yes about "et future" that ks saw, i think people already discuss it back than right? ( i didn't read it all, i'm sorry) but i agree with you human still can alter their path. even tho i still believe that moment still will happen in the future, but with some kind of twist in.


speaking about cliche i suddenly imagine there will be another time leap when KS show up on a first snow and call et name, they stare at each other eyes and hugging lol... ^_^ (pardon me my imagination out of control again)

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9 minutes ago, janeeta said:

My two most fav scenes in kdrama history


I hope there is a BTS for these two scenes. Would love to see how these two did the scene in actual scenario. They are sooo cuteeee together...

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1 hour ago, inna75 said:

Anyway..I might be too late to comment this but now I understand why KS was crying in the epilogue and when he was with ET in the Canadian restaurant. Because he can finally see her future and knows that at the end, it was his decision to end his own life and leave everyone he loves behind...OMG..I just got it..just got it..:dissapointed_relieved:

Anyway, there are still a lot of loose ends:

1. The wind-bomb boy

2. ET's class president

3. Why President Yu left the message to the current CEO about KS coming back for his belongings

4. The girl ghost

5. The lady GR

I think all of them have bigger purpose in this story..



In episode 13... KS told ET that he and GR were given a riddle? WHAT was the riddle?

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7 minutes ago, seasonsoftheheart32 said:

Oh yeah, after getting a building for his 8th birthday, he received only a roll of the eyes for every single birthday after. Heh. 

And having his carefully-taken selfie savagely thrown onto the floor by his uncle.



Are we adding abusive uncle to the list then?


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7 minutes ago, inna75 said:

Anyway..I might be too late to comment this but now I understand why KS was crying in the epilogue and when he was with ET in the Canadian restaurant. Because he can finally see her future and knows that at the end, it was his decision to end his own life and leave everyone he loves behind...OMG..I just got it..just got it..:dissapointed_relieved:

Anyway, there are still a lot of loose ends:

1. The wind-bomb boy

2. ET's class president

3. Why President Yu left the message to the current CEO about KS coming back for his belongings

4. The girl ghost

5. The lady GR

I think all of them have bigger purpose in this story..



how i wish goblin get extension,but kim eun sook writernim rarely extend her eps of drama.just like dots only have 16 eps (but because its preproduced so its clearly no extension),


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12 minutes ago, sooyoungdaebak said:

ET's cry is so gut-wrenchingly haunting that it stays with you...possibly till next Friday. Unless the special episode can ease some of the pain we're feeling. I doubt so. 

I am also hoping the special episode will temporarily ease the pain away. 

I want to see a whole lot of BTS footage and director and KES in this special episode. I want to hear out KES. I want to know what goes on inside that head of hers. Why are you so good at TEARING up the world apart?

I hope this episode isn't just flashbacks and re-caps of whats been going on.. <_<

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25 minutes ago, millie10468 said:

These characters are seriously playing the "Whose Life Sucks Worse, Tell Me Yours and I'll Raise You Mine" game, aren't they? Just look at this broad description of their lives:

Kim Shin

  • Loses his sister
  • Loses his entire family
  • Loses his life.
  • Comes back as a Goblin
  • Spends 900 years suffering, witnessing the death of people he loves and NEVER forgetting.
  • Finally meets the one bright spot his life, his first love. They love each other
  • Finds out he either dies or his love dies
  • Finds out his best friend is the person who killed him
  • Finally sacrifices his life to protect the people he loves. Dies in his love's arms
  • Doesn't even get to really make up with his best friend/enemy.


Ji Eun Tak

  • Loses mom, never knew her dad
  • Abused by aunt and her family
  • Bullied in school
  • Treated badly by her teacher
  • Finally gets a break in life by meeting Kim Shin. They fall in love. She finally has a family/boyfriend/friend/protector/
  • Finds out he has to die for her to live or vise versa.
  • Finds out her man's best friend is the person who kills him.
  • Finally, her love dies in her arms.


Wang Yeo/ Grim Reaper

  • Loses dad, loses mom
  • Raised by an evil creep
  • Manipulated by said creep and ends up killing his beloved wife and loyal protector
  • Spends the rest of his life in grief and remorse while being slowly poisoned to death by creep
  • Finally, commits suicide to escape
  • Suicide is worse sin and ends up in service as a grim reaper for 300 years with no memories
  • Finally gets a break in life and meets the reincarnation of his beloved wife.
  • Ultimately finds out the truth about who he is and what he did to her and her family
  • Finds out that his best friend is the loyal vassal he killed
  • Best friend turns into ash in the arms of the woman he loves.


Kim Sun/Sunny

  • Starts out life happy, loves her big brother
  • Married off to the King. They fall in love.
  • Stuck between her husband and her husband
  • Gets killed by her husband even while knowing her brother will die as well.
  • Reborn as an orphan
  • Has always felt a bit off in life
  • Meets a man she's interested in
  • Finds out the man is a grim reaper
  • Finds out the man was her husband in a previous life
  • Finds out her brother's still alive and friends with said husband
  • Decides to punish both herself and her husband in this life by not being with him.
  • About to find out she's lost her brother.



Not to brag or anything but I think WE have KS, JET, GR, and Sunny beat...because we 

have to wait a whole week for the next episodes:bawling:


That's the most tragic of all.

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1 minute ago, bluesunny3 said:



Not it to brag or anything but I think WE have KS, JET, GR, and Sunny beat...because we 

have to wait a whole week for the next episodes:bawling:


That's the most tragic of all.


HEAR HEAR! :bawling:

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4 hours ago, Sunshine_Her said:




Top 4 most painful moments in episode 13:

1. The whole Kim Shin death scene. WY crying, ET freaken crying like theres no tomorrow, I love you, ashes. No comment needed anymore. AND HEARING THAT SAD DEATH SONG. ARE YOU KIDDING ME EDITORS?? YOU KNOW HOW TO MAKE A SCENE SADDER. i know thats not a word but who cares right now.

2. When KS was reading the promise letter/document/agreement. WOW. Gong Yoo seriously broke my heart into a million pieces. This dude can CRY. Why doesn't he showcase his crying skills more often? 

3. GR and Sunny goodbye scene! Sunny says, "Good-bye, Majesty." I BROKE DOWN. and hearing there song I Miss you. Lord, have mercy on me. 

4. ET and KS little get-away. I know this is suppose to be a happy scene but for me it was pure SAD. It was a good-bye kinda thing. For just a few hours they were able to get away from all the craziness that was yet to come. I was happy to see this scene but mostly I cried for the both of them. Happy and Sad tears. 

Doesn't this just sum up the whole episode you think? A lot of sad stuff happened i forgot about the good. Ok, so like only 1 good-ish thing happened, the Kiss. Its only "good-ish" because the dang director didn't ZOOM IN on the kiss! WTHECK man. not cool. AND it was a good-bye kiss TOO. 

post-episode-13 withdrawal is LEGIT REAL this time around. 1 whole week. 

@Sunshine_Her agree with your list.  I also would add the scene where GR as WY was painting his Queen (Sunny) and he laid down next to her image....facing her....that was sooo sad :bawling:

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17 minutes ago, seasonsoftheheart32 said:


Yoo Deok Hwa

- Gets possessed by God randomly

- Gets his credit card taken away because of God's spending habits

- Bullied by his 2 supernatural uncles on a regular basis

- Gets threatened by GR to be taken away on a regular basis

- Finally gets his card back when KS was going to die the first time, but promptly re-confiscated when KS comes back alive

- Almost gets hit by his uncle when God possessed him to speak to his uncles

- Loses his grandpa

- Forced to be the chauffeur for ET and GR

- Gets bullied by Secretary Kim everytime

- Is forced to work in a furniture store under the supervision of a scary manager

- Gets his house taken over by KS when KS left his house

- Is about to find out that his uncle, who said he would be with him after his grandpa died, died

lol... poor DH but if you put it like this why am i laughing so hard, i just know that deity spending habit is scary :tongue:^_^

if dh dare to sue the deity, wouldn't he do that? because of that butterfly he lost his card and almost got hit by a powerful goblin.

on the other note, now dh no need to worry that his uncle will be taken away by NASA. there will be no super red moon and sudden tick fog or cherry blossom bloom in the middle of winter from now on.


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Real question:

What was the real reason for the mini trip? They can easily live together, all they were shown doing was a BBQ and playing around.

That getaway house looked like it only had one bed and their trip was alone, overnight. Can we safely say that they slept together? Like consummated their relationship?

I really don't see the point of an overnight trip otherwise. They could have just done a BBQ, read a few books and gone home. Something was different about that night and despite it being their final hurrah, I think something major did happen that they implied.

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16 minutes ago, sunnygirl said:


In episode 13... KS told ET that he and GR were given a riddle? WHAT was the riddle?

I think the riddle was what was the purpose of all the people and circumstances that both KS and GR encountered of late @ throughout the 900 years. But I guess I was wondering too if PJW was the only purpose that KS and GR had to live  @ suffer for 900 years before he perish..if it is, it is too small for a purpose..

@ChunSungIm..agree chinggu..i wish too there are more extensions..probably like KS reincarnation as another Goblin..because this drama's coolness is due to KS's coolness as a Goblin..

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Seriously it's not fair how can Evil Eunuch the biggest sinner still can wandering around as ghost for hundreds of years harming human have much power that even grim reapers can't catch him moreover he still can fight back instead he disappear to easily in the end without torture but KS who become a sinner because he did it for his country not personal gain, WY who did it because get manipulated from baby, ET and Sunny who didn't do anything wrong got many hardship, heartache, torture, pain, etc. I want a justice for them after enduring so much they certainly deserve happy ending :angry:

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9 minutes ago, janeeta said:

Real question:

What was the real reason for the mini trip? They can easily live together, all they were shown doing was a BBQ and playing around.

That getaway house looked like it only had one bed and their trip was alone, overnight. Can we safely say that they slept together? Like consummated their relationship?

I really don't see the point of an overnight trip otherwise. They could have just done a BBQ, read a few books and gone home. Something was different about that night and despite it being their final hurrah, I think something major did happen that they implied.


Maybe they don't show us all scene in ep 13. We will get flashback, their romantic scene, bed scene, making baby scene hahaha. While KS disappear, ET will pregnant. Just like her mother, being a single mom. God will pity her and bring back KS :wub:

Omaaay... forgive for my wild imagination :tongue:

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13 minutes ago, janeeta said:

Real question:

What was the real reason for the mini trip? They can easily live together, all they were shown doing was a BBQ and playing around.

That getaway house looked like it only had one bed and their trip was alone, overnight. Can we safely say that they slept together? Like consummated their relationship?

I really don't see the point of an overnight trip otherwise. They could have just done a BBQ, read a few books and gone home. Something was different about that night and despite it being their final hurrah, I think something major did happen that they implied.


Andwaeeeee!!! :o I would cuss the pdnim and writernim if they don't show us any bed scene during that mini trip!! :tears: Like, how can they deprive us after giving such ending?! :crazy: Kyaaaa pdnim!! Kekeke....but you're right, I wonder why travel to such places just for playing around. And then I realised these two don't have a home...lol. Also both homes have either GR or DH...no privacy. 

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25 minutes ago, janeeta said:

Real question:

What was the real reason for the mini trip? They can easily live together, all they were shown doing was a BBQ and playing around.

That getaway house looked like it only had one bed and their trip was alone, overnight. Can we safely say that they slept together? Like consummated their relationship?

I really don't see the point of an overnight trip otherwise. They could have just done a BBQ, read a few books and gone home. Something was different about that night and despite it being their final hurrah, I think something major did happen that they implied.


Although I ship KS and ET so much and would not be opposed to them consummating their relationship, I think it highly unlikely. I think KS asked ET to go on a trip because he knew it's something she would have wanted to do with him and possibly a way for her to have happy memories with him. I think he already knew at that point that he would have to die to be able to kill Park Joong Won (he'd realized already that the sword stuck in his chest would have to be the same sword he would need to use to kill PJW). I think he just wanted to enjoy a little bit of time with her. I also think that the reason the trip was so short is because he knew it wouldn't be long before PJW came after ET (her birthmark had almost disappeared and GR already told him about her death card). He knew he need to kill PJW soon to keep ET safe. Even for little while, KS wanted to have some quality time with ET - just laughing together, doing simple things together like cooking, reading together, etc. 


I actually found their trip very touching because KS already knew he was going to die but he just wanted to be happy with her and love her even for just a little while longer.


And I mean, look at how happy and content they looked. Gah! It just breaks my heart even more when KS died!!!



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