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[Official] GOBLIN COUPLE | Kim Go Eun x Gong Yoo

Emily Bett

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Looks like GY is very busy with CF shooting indeed.  According to Chinese fans (hopefully the source is right this time, don't know how to check... may be his fan cafe?!?), he headed off to Australia for CF shooting today :bawling:.  I guess things will be quiet until he's back?  Usually there'll be lots of media interviews coming out after a drama ends but don't know why it seems like it won't happen soon.  

And I'll try my best to go over the press con interview the next few days and translate some snipplets asap.  Hopefully we get something juicy this week for the special episodes too!



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@madmonika, I tried to avoid this place as much as I could. But tvN decided to release that video about GE and nugu BF in the middle of Goblin drama airing (which was rude). And so, I sensed something was up, so I kinda crawled into Shippers Paradise, where I haven't been to for 2 yrs (my ChangMin shippers heart is contented with the news I received last week from my shipper friends). So, I'm here. So welcome. And don't fret. I think what takes a toll on shipping is how invested are you and your mind. And how long are you willing to wait. 

Btw, those kissing scenes were no joke. Probably why the said cable channel released that news report. GYs make out scenes are pretty intense. The longing was forealz. But I could be reading into things too much. Logically speaking, stalemate report was to block any brewing rumours.

Edited by pnaysurfer84
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@madmonika, you have to wait for this little blinker of a thing these days. 2 yrs ago, Soompi had to move from that server back to their original server from 2005 (hahaha!) when you tag, this one icon will appear. I don't know how to describe it. 

And yes. I would love GY to be married before 40. Haha! It sounds like he is looking for a mortal bride to end his loneliness (lol!) it sounds like the synopsis of Goblin lol! 

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The fact that he tried to remove her waterbottle before his own (in the press con) means that she is on his mind all the time.

Anyway, KGE is really lucky to have sooo many shippers all around the world shipping for her. All the positive vibes will be flowing her way around the globe. I wish I can get 'shipped out' to my Prince Charming in this way too.

I think after this drama GY will do some photoshoots and CF and really prepare to get married already.

It will be total waste if this perfect human specimen (GY) doesn't procreate or have offspring.

KGE, come on come on! We are all rooting for you, but like in the drama (church scene), you have to do something about it too! Don't let us wait too long. I think if KGE gets married soon, she can still have a long and beautiful career ahead of her after marriage. Something like Lee Young Ae. 

By the way, is it me or did most of Goblin thread users move and camp here after ep 16? hahaha! Hi everyone :) So GY is now in Australia. What about Phuket? When will that be?! 

No media interviews yet is a very suspicious situation. Apart from letting the cast rest, they probably need to let the craze die down first. If not, all interviews will be just about sizzling chemistry between GY-KGE. 

I hope YIN gets more recognition too. Her scenes are not a lot but she delivered her character very well. If DH gets a teenage romance role similar to the male lead in Kim Bok Joo, I will totally support it. He did very well in the Goblin drama.

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6 hours ago, pnaysurfer84 said:

GY and his singing. I seriously fell in love with voice when Youtube started recommending his vids to me because of Goblin. Thanks Youtube! LOL! Oh and I know that GE loves to sing as well. I heard her sing "Make You Feel My Love".

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Oh! And the title is Second First Love from Finding Mr. Destiny

This is Eric Benet's Last Time (seriously romantic this dude...)


Oh dear God!  I fell so deeply in love and I'm never going to get up.  His voice is soooo swoon-worthy.  Breakfast, lunch and dinner is served with just his voice in it. #ExtremeFanGirlMode 

My weakness in actors <3 - good looking (of course), 6 pack abs and who can act and SING.  So Gong Yoo is now in that list along with Hugh Jackman and Gerard Butler.  Once I watch La La Land, I suspect Ryan Gosling will be in that list too :-).

Thanks @pnaysurfer84 for posting these vids of Gong Yoo singing.  That "Last Time" performance is so good, I've been replaying it so many times.

Sorry for the mention of other actors' names.  Now back to regular Goblin Couple programming :-B.

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I'm not sure if anyone has already posted this video compilation of all kissing scenes of Goblin? First half is especially watchable since it has the rooftop kiss scene in slow motion.

I can't stop watching GY's hand on KGE's ear. His hand keeps moving! GY seems very experienced... I feel shy as an audience watching it.  

I think when he does romance drama, he is single. So that he can really give his best attempt at the role without caring what his partner is feeling. And that's why he is always convincing when he takes these roles. 

Hate to say this but watching Goblin really makes me wish that I can fall deeply in love again. 


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They say distance will make the heart grows fonder...I'm sure GY wish he could keep GE in his pocket and take her everywhere! Heheee...I hope during his absence, she will get to meet her friends since it seems LSK miss her a lot. Sigh...I'm sure her girlfriends want to know what it's like to kiss THE God Yoo!! 

I read some said they ship LDW with KGE but I don't see it. The way LDW treats KGE is like an older brother. He even had to tell KGE to be on his side cos he wants to tease GY. So funny how she was busy praising GY (the Bts abt whose kiss it belongs to). You can see LDW is fond of her but he gives off this "brotherly" vibe. While with YIN, he does give her a "manly" vibe. GY treats GE like a woman while with YIN, like a costar. Interesting. 

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@lorac529 OMG you're true fan of GY! You have so much evidence of this guy. Thanks for sharing it. All of it is new to me.

I start to love him so much too. I really love all the photos, collage and fan vids about him. 

He seems lonely. Even if he has a partner, he can't bring her to the wedding. Everyone will snap photos of them.

In the second IG vid, did you realise that the girl standing centre in the video is with her partner or friend standing next to GY? She also can't resist his charm and is flipping her hair so hard. I'm so amused.

Even at weddings, he doesn't dress up. He knows he is too charming, so I have noticed that at normal events, he will always dress down. It is admirable of him to do so. While everyone is trying to look good everyday, he doesn't try hard.

Collage about female opinions of GY is so amazing too. Especially the comment about how GY carries a handkerchief. In my country only old men carry handkerchiefs. If I have a son, I will prepare a handkerchief for him to keep in his pocket everyday. He should not use it and only offer it to girls when they need it.


Sorry, not sure if I can post an unrelated video, but here is a Japanese actor (Kento Yamazaki) and his amazing handkerchief situation during a press conference. Leaving the link here for anyone who wants to watch a guy offer a hanky to a girl in emergency situation. Handkerchiefs are like flowers. They have ability to melt a girl's heart.





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1 minute ago, madmonika said:

@lorac529 And someone in earlier post shared about GE trivia, and she actually wanted to get married early. Let this girl fulfil her dream!

Yeah that's right.  it's actually me who posted it (see spoiler again for those who missed it...coz i no longer know what page it is in) and i've included other trivia as well.



@122am Thanks for sharing that lovely kiss video!  And I pray that you'll meet your love one and fall deeply too.  

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29 minutes ago, 122am said:

@lorac529 OMG you're true fan of GY! You have so much evidence of this guy. Thanks for sharing it. All of it is new to me.

I start to love him so much too. I really love all the photos, collage and fan vids about him. 

In the second IG vid, did you realise that the girl standing centre in the video is with her partner or friend standing next to GY? She also can't resist his charm and is flipping her hair so hard. I'm so amused.

Even at weddings, he doesn't dress up. He knows he is too charming, so I have noticed that at normal events, he will always dress down. It is admirable of him to do so. While everyone is trying to look good everyday, he doesn't try hard.

Collage about female opinions of GY is so amazing too. Especially the comment about how GY carries a handkerchief. In my country only old men carry handkerchiefs. If I have a son, I will prepare a handkerchief for him to keep in his pocket everyday. He should not use it and only offer it to girls when they need it.


@122am I'm actually fans of both.  Since both of them are so low-lying, need to dig up all the things we see in order to figure out what's going on LOL

I should have look up the hashtags in the IG videos.  Apparently the owner hashtag the following #공유 #주지훈 #공효진 #가인 which are #gongyoo #JuJi-hoon #gonghyojin #gain, so i guess he wasn't that lonely but in a way lonely coz you don't have any gf to bring with (note: #juji-hoon brought #gain). The tux guy on the 1st video is JuJi-hoon  (let me edit the videos again)

In the second IG vid, she is #gonghyojin 공효진, one of GY's best friends as they filmed back in 2005.  They're both descendants of Confucius (see link to know this famous Chinese teacher).  You might wonder why Chinese descendants are in Korea is because one of the descendants in Yuan Dynasty was a princess and married to Korea.  GHJ is 81st generation and GY is 79th generation so GY is her hal-abeoji (grandpa) LOL.

EDIT: i find another lonely photo of him...where are the celeb friends?!?



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Ommo @lorac529, I dunno how despite being busy at work, you're able to find all these! Lol. I really like how laid back GY is at the wedding. It's nice to see Soop and KeyEast peeps mingling around. Seeing GHJ, I think GoEun will fit right in if she's there. Her energy, elegance and pretty smile might make GY jealous if any guys try to act chummy with her...lol. 


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