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[Official] GOBLIN COUPLE | Kim Go Eun x Gong Yoo

Emily Bett

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Tvn cut so many bts scene.  Did you guys remember  bts from which ep when 29yr old euntak revisit quebec and kimshin open the red door.  The bts show euntak approaches gy and kind of want to reach his jacket's collar,  may be she wants to fix it.  And suddenly cut. I couldn't post the gif here, need short course from @JaneyBaeor our master of gifs @sooyoungdaebak hehe. Also we all know more obviously at movie date scene.


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@masunnidetective and stalker too hahaha.  Actually i am stalking someone's inner circle right now and find something suspicious but it's not the right time, I need more evidence before i share it with you guys. Shipper is really hard by the way hahaha but it make us delulu and happy at the same time. Shipping is new form of drugs maybe. :blink:

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@ghosthunt Thanks for the info! I hope Goblin and AOS, TTB will get chosen. *fingers crossed* Especially Goblin cos I wanna see our couple at the red carpet and sitting next to each other at the event. 

@firstsnow29 I know which Bts you mentioned but I wish I remember where I can find it. TVN is totally hiding something...teehee. 

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On 2017-03-27 at 3:27 PM, madmonika said:

There're Ahn Jae Hyun and Go Hye Sun (Blood Couple). They attended the KBS awards together in January, Dispatch released their photo in March, and they confirmed it, then suddenly they got married in April. Wooooo.... so fastㅋㅋㅋ So, if GE and GY attend the awards together maybe they would have the same pathㅋㅋㅋ:tongue: #FingersCrossed

Sorry, off topic...


On 2017-03-27 at 6:27 PM, deadorblack said:

Sorry, noob asking. Why would this mean there's nothing between them? 


On 2017-03-28 at 9:31 AM, seasons32 said:

@lovetifflove I think you've got it mixed up. If the two of them go for Baeksang's together, you can be sure there's definitely SOMETHING going on between them. 

No sane drama couple would attend any award show together (like same car and walking together like SongSong last year) unless there's something going on. 

Where did you get that 'public event means no relationship' notion from though?

@deadorblack I saw your question up there. Hope this helps!


I just think awards are like magazine covers/campaigns where even if the drama is so popular, but we don't see them attending awards or making magazine photo shoots together to continue the popularity of the actors and actresses, then there must be something going on between them? If they get along so well on set (as we see in bts), even as friends, they can publicly support each other and the drama through awards.. but the more the stay quiet, the more it seems fishy? Sorry, maybe I'm just thinking the opposite behaviours. But of course, if they attend together, and are still dating at the same time, I truly admire their courage (but seems like GY has many hardcore fans out there to be so open to attend an award with our lovely GE because those fans want GY to themselves)<_<  maybe as gentleman as GY is, the best way is to keep GE in hiding (for himself) until the hype of goblin is a bit more calm

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11 hours ago, JaneyBae said:

@masunni You're correct. Everytime he moved towards her, they cut it. Not two times, but four. Like, once or twice, okay fine it's a coincidence, four times? Give me a break, whatcha tryin' to hide tvN?

He moved towards her, cut that scene!

This one was interesting cause he's flapping his wings (:lol:) from far and the next shot he's moving away from KGE. Why'd ya have to cut that part out tvN? 

Oh look, GY walking towards KGE? CUT! He's also standing close to her in the next shot which once again seems fishy.

He does seem like he's reaching for her hair. As he moves out of the shot, he's clearly right behind her chair. Classic moment to cut tvN! Good job! <_<

Actually for the third gif, the bts was cut right after GE said 'we want to see you!' and they had an eye contact lol why tvn?? Is it due to the overflowing honey from their eyes??

And the last gif, GE couldn't stop touching her hair, and yeah it really seems he was going to stroke her hair :)

I'm still salty with the kiss scenes bts lol tvn only shows us their rehearsals (without their lips touching), followed by the actual aired scenes.. why?! They actually show the proper intimate scenes bts for cheese in the trap, tmr with you, and even the good wife. 

My delulu mind tells me that for other actress/actors, they will laugh in embarrassment after the scenes; but maybe for our leads, they just continue doing it for another 15 minutes or so:lol:. I couldn't find/post the gif here, but there's actually a kiss scene bts for the Quebec kiss at the end credit of  the special ep. I remember after the shot, they were looking at the recorded footage, and GY said "you can't really see it from this angle" haha and they probably do a couple more takes:wub: lol what a sneaky man

Since kidnapping is a more serious crime than stealing, we should steal all the unaired bts, footage, cctv, and all the crumbles we could get ^^ or as @madmonika said let's do a protest  in front of their building (as a way to divert attention while the rest were stealing the footages:ph34r:)


Lastly, one short fmv,

The bgm and editing are gold

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Hi there . I'm new here. Though i must admit i have been stalking this shipping business here for sometime now. This will be the first and the last time ( haha...) i am shipping a couple. Because my weak heart cannot take it anymore.

So why am i putting my life at stake shipping for this two lovely people? Because i know this ship will reach its destination. 100%. As someone in this forum has already mentioned, it's just a matter of 'when' not 'if'.

There are so many evidence why this ship will sail but i am putting my reputation on the line here predicting that they will tie the knot based on two observations :

1) JEALOUSY.       GY and LDY were comrade in arms when they both served in the military together. They trusted each other with their lives. But GY easily gets jealous when GE give more attention to LDY. There is a basic human( and animal)  instinct that the male species will mark his 'territory' to prevent another male from terrorizing his property. Included in this territory is don't mess with my woman. GY was clearly upset during the 'make a wish' Baskin Robbins cake scene. It was only a slight tease from GE....it could easily pass off as just a slip of the tongue. But GY was certainly not amused. It touched a raw nerve. He has already marked GE as 'his'.

During the hotpack scene, GY was grinning through gritted teeth when GE gave his hotpack to LDW. There was a little skinship when GE put the hotpack on LDY's hand and then on his cheek. GY was certainly fuming. Fuhhhh.....LDW went pale....despite the hotpack on his cheek. GE sshi .....you are so naive.  This man has been swooning over you since Day One and you flirt with his best friend? That is the ultimate betrayal ! And she said ....you are a Big man ( famous, rich, top in the industry) , why must you be so upset? Precisely! What is lowly LDW compared to the Mighty GY? Lo and Behold! A man can kill another over a woman. Big or not. Mighty or not. The scene of GY snatching his hotpack back from GE was edited......it must have been quite vicious. But i actually felt his pain. He is such a gentle soul . Maybe he cried in bed that night. 

2) He is TRULY IN LOVE with this lovely lady. It is so obvious. And a  man in love will surely pursue his love until she become his. 

It's a tale as old as time.....when the Gods are smiling on you......when the stars are aligned in the skies.....when Cupid, if he is not drunk, his aim is laser sharp.....that even a hermit would be dragged out from his cave.....he has nowhere else to run....but fall truly, madly, deeply in love...


~ I rest my case ~



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@firstsnow29 This one right? They cut it VERY suddenly. That's the thing, it's not just once or twice, it's a reoccurring theme in EVERY GY-KGE interaction in EVERY bts. I don't know if they think fans are stupid or just really bad at editing subtly. 


BTW if you wanna make GIFS and are on a Mac, use the GIPHY app :) 

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@seasons32 I think you handled it really well, chingu. Kudos ! If love and affection can only be expressed exclusively through Soompi forum page, then wow all of these actors and actresses must not have a lot of true fans then seeing that only a small population  being active in forums and such. 



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@seasons32 I do follow this thread but rarely post anything 'cause I prefer spending my time reading stuff about GY and GE than paying attention to personal's debates/attacks or whatever you want to call it. But it seems like things like this keep happening, and it discourages me from visiting this thread again and again. There is no right or wrong way to idolize GY or GE, it's all about perspective. So here's my 2 cents. It is a personal's matter/belief b/t you and "the visitor" so I don't see why we should be involved. You should do what you feel like, and the same apply for "the visitor" as well.  

I know some of you might feel my message as a personal attack, but it isn't. I just merely want to say something about the hostile environment we're creating for the quieter fans who came to this thread to read about their idol couple. 

In general, I just like to have our friendly thread back, so we could all be respectful of each other and get along to cheer for our fav couple. Cheer !!! 

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I became GE's fan after watching her in Coinlocker Girl. And I watched her other films after that. And this is WAY before Goblin. Was I active on KGE's thread? No. I don't see why I should cos it doesn't matter. I enjoyed her work and that's about it. The same with GY. I enjoyed his work and that's it. 

This is GY and KGE's thread. A place where I can spazz about BOTH of them as much as I want. I don't see the point for anyone to feel offended just because I don't visit GY's page. Who are you to judge how much of a fan I am? 

At least I respect him as a person. And I don't feel the need to hug him, grope him or grab him when I meet him. Ha.

@seasons32 You handled it well. The whole thing is so irrelevant. 

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@Icy00Swirl First, if you could edit your post to either remove the quote (just directly tag users, please don't quote long posts) or just put it in the spoiler, I'd appreciate it. We're trying to avoid rule breaks here.

Second, regarding @seasons32's post, I feel that she was justified in posting it here. You see, the user in question came on here, asking us a question in the guise of being friendly. To then go behind all of our backs and PM another user, richard simmons-talk about us and accuse us of not caring about GY was wholly unjustified. She checked our responses but didn't have the guts to respond back IN PUBLIC, on this forum, but rather behind our backs. That's what's bothering me. If it was a simple exchange of ideologies between @seasons32 and the user, I would have taken your side here and agreed that it was inappropriate to post. BUT, that's not the case. In fact, I applaud @seasons32 for exposing this person and showing us that while she remained "courteous" on the forum, behind our backs is where she showed a dislike for us. We don't need to be interacting with users like that on this forum. While you are correct that a guest coming here will see this and thinking negatively of us, it's also to show that we are not these GY hating, KGE loving delululs here. We love them both equally (I speak for myself here, everyone is entitled to their fav) and I ship them together more than anything else.

I for one hope that this user in question won't come back if she feels we are SO biased. Yes, let's create a positive environment here because that's what we always aim for but we do have to defend ourselves too. I apologize to you if you feel like I'm wrong but I hope you can see where I'm coming from. 

I'll leave this GIF here for any MyOppa fans that feel the need to come here in the future. 





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I think I just melted faster than an ice cream cone in the summer. Doesn't he have a cat in real life? KGE loves cats too :wub:


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@seasons32 I CAN'T STAHP! It's SO adorable. He's probably even moving his other hand under the pillow so the cat tries to pounce. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Cat Lover Gong Yoo is just too cute. I was actually trying to search for pics of GY's own cat yesterday. This is the next best thing.

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@Lids There's only one rule for the butthurt- BYE FELICIA :lol:

Will someone please take my phone away from me. I can't stop watching the GIF. BTW, wheres the full version of this CF? I've only seen this part.

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