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[Official] GOBLIN COUPLE | Kim Go Eun x Gong Yoo

Emily Bett

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If you are new to Shippers Paradise, do take some time to read what Captain @JaneyBae wrote on the first page. 

Please follow the Dos and Don'ts. We do not tolerate illogical ramblings. 

Please take some time to backread. You'll see how respectful we are towards this couple and the ex. 

If you are one of those walkers (zombies) or Saint Nugu, please refrain from commenting and lecturing us. We are the most sane shippers out there. Respect shown, respect receive. 

We are NOT responsible for any nonsense you see on IG and we are NOT associated with them. Do your homework before accusing. 

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Let's have fun shipping. 

And now we're back to regular postings. Thank you for reading. 

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forgive me if this was posted before: but i really loved this.

Updated: 2017-02-27

Who is Gong Yoo’s girlfriend? Lovelife about Gong Yoo


(pls read the whole article.... i only highlight the part i loved so so so much. we have read many times of his ideal type, no harm read again, as mentioned by another , seems like a japanese blogger, Shuta Akahane?)


His Ideal Type of Woman

Gong Yoo has finally opened up and told the media what kind of a person would be considered his ideal type.

Gong Yoo said in the TV show that his ideal types seemed different from what he had when he was younger, responding to a question about what type of woman he likes.

He disclosed “I used to like a woman who has her own unique style but now I prefer an ordinary woman”.

And he added “I probably can’t control anymore the kind of woman I used to like”, which brought smiles to the audience’s faces.

The actor also mentioned that he would like some one who is a bit of a tomboy.

He mentioned that innocent women are to his opinion somewhat boring and that he is more attracted to a tomboys.

Gong Yoo even said that actress Yoon Eun Hye, who co-starred with him in Coffee Prince, is someone who fits the category of his ideal type.

Gong Yoo confessed in the interview that he wants to get married before at the age 40 and also have a child.

He said “I think it is important to have a life with a woman whom I love as an actor and also as a man. But I have no fantasies about marriage.”

In addition he continued “Married life is going to be hard at times but I want to feel everything no matter how hard it is. I also wonder how it is like to see my baby who resembles me stare at me”.

What do his Fans Think About his Lover

His fans, not only from Korea but from Japan, are very anxious about the romance and marriage of Gong Yoo, since he fascinates a lot of women with his masculinity, kindness and sweetness.

However he said in a interview “Dating somebody has become hard for me because I got used to being single.”

Regarding marriage, he mentioned “I won’t try randomly choose a partner and just leave things to chance “.

(the above pic is the one the Miner8 chose to post as part of the article. NICE !!!!)
(let's all continue to go basking in the sunbeam of GongGo-joy. its another Step nearer to ship-docking and settling at the land.
Happy Day3 of GE's freedom reclaimed / truth revealed / happiness realised..)


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I'M SHOCKED!!! :o:o 

How could this crazy woman go after a complete stranger??? I hope that Janeeta girl will SUE this woman for tarnishing her name and image on IG!! I'm speechless!!! 

@JaneyBae I dunno why this crazy woman is after you! You have maintained this thread SO WELL that we barely have any mods coming here. She should be ashamed of herself!!! How can she wish for injury on you or Janeeta?? THAT IS SO SICK!!! That Janeeta should press charges against this woman and report her to the authorities. Gosh, just horrible!! How can this old woman bully such an innocent girl?! 

Those minions of hers should be charged too for encouraging her!! 

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7 minutes ago, JaneyBae said:

@sooyoungdaebak Well, I AM a lawyer in real life so maybe I should help this girl out eh? Hanie (or should I say Hantarman, that's her real name) is dealing with the wrong person. 

You should!! You have enough evidence against her and that poor Janeeta shouldn't be drag into this illogical, nonsense mess! What was this woman thinking?? Such an old, vindictive, mean person!! I'm glad you have her personal information. *thumbs up* 

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woah I think this is my first time seeing this video GE wavng to GY. I remember reading that somewhere in the thread but never saw the video. Thanks for sharing it again @deara looks like they can never get enough of each other right, after filming all day together still want to talk on the phone later. hehe... 

@starryknights  i think that is new too, never saw that before... thanks for sharing it here

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1 hour ago, JaneyBae said:

@deara @bikingotter I tried to zoom it in. Looks like a call me, kiss and wave



@JaneyBae waaaa! so cutee! good eyes janeyy i thought was only waving  :wub: are they already that close? Oh on which episode is this bts? And if you look at the shadows under the car, GY still not go inside the car until she's turn around and walks :wub:


@violetpetal @grgg you are welcome chingu :D 

@starryknights i guess the other couple was eats at different place or they didnt have a scene that day. and That two man probably PDnim and cameraman or PDnim assitant


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@starryknights Maybe forget about kidnapping, let's steal all the cctvs around their shooting areas hahaha but seriously they actually put it on a frame.

Idk whether it's a norm somewhere else, but I like how GE sat closer to the wall while GY sat closer to the alley. It's like how in a family, the kids will sit at the inner side of the table so that  the parents can protect them from running off somewhere or knocked off by the waiters, etc. So they kinda look sweet and GY being protective :wub:

@JaneyBae Reported :) and now I'm blocked lol, anyone else do you want me to report ? ^^ Honestly, it gets on my nerve, I just created an ig account to report these maniacs off

And that gif GE waving to GY, aww that just so sweet

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Remember this scene....


Behind him is a quote from Jane Austen.

"The more I know of the world, the more I am convinced that I shall never see a man whom I can really love". 

So apt with ET's situation in this scene. But we know the saying doesn't work on GE...teeheee....


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@violetpetal Glad I'm not re-posting an old photo. I was kinda expecting someone to be like, "Someone already posted that photo pages ago." Anyways, of course you guys are always the first people I think about when I come across GongGo goodies, so I'm always happy to share my findings. It's just tricky when I'm MIA, don't back read everything and wonder if it's already been shared.

1 hour ago, nearsea said:

@starryknights You all should be given a soompi CIA award for all your rare finds! :D Look at these two sitting comfortably side by side and having their daily dosage of food. I think it's probably from ep 4-5, when KS brings Eun Tak to his home? I just remember that pullover he's wearing, he hid his face in the high collar., when he saw ET in front of his house :tongue:

I love it when they sit side-by-side. <3 Heck, as long as they're together, I love. Haha. But there's something about seeing them sit next to each other rather than across from each other that makes me feel how close they are to each other (literally and figuratively, haha). I hope to see them sit side-by-side later this year at the award shows and walk hand-in-hand down the red carpets.

Haha, @JaneyBae Leave it to you to find the exact ep! I think I found one of our recipients for the Soompi CIA awards, @nearsea! :wink: But yes, I knew that was the same gray outfit that he wore in that hair brushing/you are my life and my death scene, but Go-eun not wearing the coat and just the hoodie in the restaurant capture threw me off and I was stuck between that scene and the one where Shin bribed Eun-tak with beef.

@molybdenum Hahaha, ikr? It looks so silly, but I completely understand and honestly, I'd frame a CCTV capture of GongGo, too!

16 minutes ago, sooyoungdaebak said:

These two....:D

Honestly, ShinTak's reactions in this scene was me watching this scene. They're such adorable puppies!

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