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[Drama 2017] My Father is Strange 아버지가 이상해

Go Seung Ji

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- Jung-hwan's dad: How long are you going to stay away from home?

- Jung-hwan: I requested an overseas assignment.

- Jung-hwan's dad: Jung-hwan is going to Vietnam:

- Jung-hwan's mom: It's a fixed go-stop game. He's just putting on a show.

- Hye-yeong: Stop crying already.

- Mi-yeong: Why do you avoid Dad? Do you hate him?

- Joong-hee: You're overstepping.

- Mi-yeong: You can take your anger out on me.

- Joong-hee (to Dad, I think): You looked good at the wedding. Why did you embrace me?

- Dad: *cries by Joong-hee's bed*

- Jung-hwan's mom: I think Jung-hwan is determined to break off all relations with us.

- Jung-hwan's dad: Do you have a patient who was in an auto accident?

- Jung-hwan's mom: Please save our Jung-hwan!



아버지와 중희 사이의 어색함을 느낀 미영은 중희에게 원망하는 마음까지 아버지에게 터놓으라고 조언한다. 집에 들어오지 않는 정환을 찾아간 규택은 단호한 아들의 태도에 놀라고 정환은 해외 파견근무를 신청한 채 연락이 두절된다.

Mi-yeong advises Joong-hee to tell their father about the awkwardness he's feeling.

Jung-hwan's father goes to look for Jung-hwan and is shocked by his resolute attitude.

Jung-hwan, after requesting an overseas assignment suddenly cannot be contacted.


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I cannot root for a romance between two people while those people believe they are siblings.

I believe that romance work best when the couple work to overcome obstacles together. But not if the obstacle is incest.

It does not matter if we the audience know they are not related, the point is that they think they are related.

I can support the pairing once they know they are not related especially if they use this time to get to know and care for each other on a platonic way. But to my mind cheering on "siblings" to become lovers is just ikky and transgressive.

If they had romantic feelings before they thought they were siblings I could better support the pairing.

Having roantic feeling for your newly found "sister" is an awful way to join a family.

I hope the writer has the good sense to delay the romance between that pair before it come off as incest.

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1 hour ago, hushhh said:


Having roantic feeling for your newly found "sister" is an awful way to join a family.

I hope the writer has the good sense to delay the romance between that pair before it come off as incest.


I had mixed feelings about that makeover-awkward stare scene.  Apart from the 'This seems inappropriate'  I had hoped they could have picked something else as a trigger for AJH. Couldn't she be noticed in any other way?

The only drama reference for adopted siblings turned lovers for me is One fine day. I am so curious to see how they handle this. Only option would be for AJH to find out he is not the son but then the whole story falls apart.

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1 hour ago, hushhh said:

I cannot root for a romance between two people while those people believe they are siblings.

I believe that romance work best when the couple work to overcome obstacles together. But not if the obstacle is incest.

It does not matter if we the audience know they are not related, the point is that they think they are related.

I can support the pairing once they know they are not related especially if they use this time to get to know and care for each other on a platonic way. But to my mind cheering on "siblings" to become lovers is just ikky and transgressive.

If they had romantic feelings before they thought they were siblings I could better support the pairing.

Having roantic feeling for your newly found "sister" is an awful way to join a family.

I hope the writer has the good sense to delay the romance between that pair before it come off as incest.


Agree with you,  but it would be sad for MY and JH, but I think JH had feelings for her before knows they were siblings and maybe that the reason he is hating dad. I dont want two siblings falling in love. 

Well I think we won’t have JH and MY romance until the writer decides to revel the true about father and I hope it would be soon. 

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Can someone share at which episode that we got to know how father name change to Byun?. I know he was involved in an earthquake in US n swap the passport with the real Byun. Why he left korea in first place. Which ep shows the recalls moment?. 

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Cant wait for tonight's ep..

Anyway, I agree with some of you about JH and MY's relationship can be a tad bit icky due to the "siblings" situation (though I would not call it incest yet..too strong a word since there was just feelings and nothing else). But I guess that is one of the reasons why the writer had the secret of the family to be revealed even earlier in the eps, to reduce the cringes that every one might have once the two chars developed into something romantic. I also believe that the secret will be out soon just like HY and JW's secret love affair, CS's background secret and HY's and JW's mom feud in the past. This drama seems to move that way..All the secrets out in the very beginning and then the focus would be on how to iron the mess and chaos these secrets have caused the family. So, to me, this is quite refreshing since most K-family (makjang) dramas seemed to prefer to drag the secrets for like 3/4 of the series before everything were revealed, and then we see time leaps somehow (3-4 years) before every one decided to be at peace again. I would like to see how that 3 to 4 years would have been developed for all..I hope so..

Back to JH and MY..here is what I think might happen (just a theory..hehehe):

Situation 1: Only JH developed that feeling and he will feel confused if that feeling is brotherly love or something else..since he never had siblings before, such confusion could occur. This confusion will be overwhelmed later when he found out the truth about his dad. He would become so upset and betrayed that he pushed away that feelings he had for MY. He would then, execute some sort of avenge for all the confusions the family (esp Papa Byun and Mama Byun) have done but then later he would somehow soften up after he realised his feelings towards MY is more than just brotherly love (there will be a lots of moments. This is also the point where MY actually realised her feelings for JH but restrained herself due to all the chaos and so forth). At that point after, he would redeem the whole situation by convincing and proving to MY about his feelings. In the meantime, he will redeem his relationships with the Byuns. And then they end up as a family again.. happy ever after (*wishful thinking)

Situation 2: Both of them (JH and MY) would developed some feelings at the beginning and felt confused (this will be very, very icky though). And then after JH confessed his feelings towards MY (after struggling so much) and decided to leave because he thinks it is really impossible, Papa Byun decided to tell the truth (after he realised MY also reciprocate JH's feelings). But instead of making it better, the situation turn worst as JH felt so betrayed. He then, became mean again to MY (probably to avenge all the feelings of betrayed). But when he saw MY's sincerity (there will be  lot of moments here), in addition to the Byun's effort in redeeming the whole situation (not just Papa Byun and Mama Byun but the whole family including Grandma Byun), he will soften out and finally be together with MY and they end up as a family again..happy ever after

Hehe..these are just my 2 theories after watching too many makjang dramas..Probably you guys wonderful chinggus have better versions of this..hehe



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So far (with my very, very, very limited Korean):

1. HY and JW - not happening. As per preview. HY was crying her eyes out the whole night. The preview about JW applying to overseas was at the beginning. His dad came to talk to him but fail somehow

2. Something about JY and the office. It seems the Director said something that make her stunned? (happy or sad, I'm not sure)

3. CS probably confessed to his twin about his feeling for RY (drunk, I think..or was I mistaken, my stream was lagging at that time)

4. There were few JH and MY moments (the judo training - twice I may add, the games, the talk about Papa Byun - I think JH sort of make clear of his feelings for Papa Byun and MY still understand). As I mentioned in my post before, it is still JH having the feelings but MY seemed to have only sympathy for him..hmmm)

And not the so-called accident

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JH is drunk now,, after drinking session with Papa Byun (the day before Papa Byun asked him if they could have a drink together, I think)

And now JH is confessing all his frustrations to Papa Byun (please, please let this be the moment when Papa Byun felt even guilty and thought about confessing up the truth to him later..so that we can focus on JH and MY next..)

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I think JW did not get into any accident. The final scene is JW's mom come to see HY and she seems okay

Ok.. I missed the first few minutes..there were some hanbok ceremony as well

Preview for tomorrow:

1. Papa Byun holds a passport..and old passport

2. HY is looking for JW and found him in a fishing area

3. JH probably, successfully deliver his character. Everyone seems happy including MY. 

4. JH seems jealous when he saw MY was giggling with that lead actor of Oh My Boss (I forgot his name)

5. RY went on a date with CS

That's all I remember. Now wait for the subbed..


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On 2017-5-18 at 9:26 PM, zoks said:

Thanks for the translation @chickfactor  I'm hoping we'll get an idea of AJH's childhood considering BHS was crying in the preview.

I'd like to know also.  If he was raised in Korea, it couldn't have been good.  Not as bad as in Japan, but not that great.  You're raised by a single parent?!  From, what I can see it would appear to be frowned upon. This is all unless he had some grandparents; and it would seem he had none of those either.  You know those father/son events at school.  The well mannered son/daughter thing comes from the parents idea (stems from a two-parent household). 

On 2017-5-18 at 10:09 PM, hushhh said:

I cannot root for a romance between two people while those people believe they are siblings.

It does not matter if we the audience know they are not related, the point is that they think they are related.

Having roantic feeling for your newly found "sister" is an awful way to join a family.

I hope the writer has the good sense to delay the romance between that pair before it come off as incest.

I'm in and out on this. The incest angle is ummm...irritates like a slight tingle, but still needs to end with a quickness.  However, it doesn't bug me as much is because so many Jdoramas I've watch and I do watch have the angle of incest. Actually, some of their greatest and most popular Jdoramas are built on the stories of incest "unknown" gone wrong. So I'm always like...ugh and then alright; I'll run with it. 

On 2017-5-18 at 11:28 PM, camichi said:


Agree with you,  but it would be sad for MY and JH, but I think JH had feelings for her before knows they were siblings and maybe that the reason he is hating dad. I dont want two siblings falling in love. 

Well I think we won’t have JH and MY romance until the writer decides to revel the true about father and I hope it would be soon. 

I don't hink JH had any feelings for MY besides employee/employer before and after siblings situation. I really don't. I think he has weird feelings now---that he doesn't get where they are coming from.  But I don't think he has stronger feelings back then. 

I agree a full fledge JH/MY romance won't happen until after the whole father/son debacle is taken care of. I also hope it's soon.  Only because I want the Byun father to be given a bit of his life back.  At this point, I'm sorry, but he's been stripped of his identity. 

There is a violation there. No one has actually spoken about it. I think that FatherByun understands it and MotherByun denies it in her being all the damn time. But there it lies.  They are violating the dead.  FatherByun stole his best friends identity for self-gain and self-preservation. There is something abhorrent that lies in that act that  raises visceral disgust within me. Not only has the person died, now you're stealing what is left of the dead to be remembered by (outside of yourself).

I hope FatherByun's tears are his first step in realizing that his first steps in atonement are not in turning himself into a father figure for JH was by adopting him and carrying on the title as FatherByun.  No, but was by telling JH what happened to his father and who his father was.

Telling JH the truth about his father would be giving JH's dad back his damn identity. Atoning for the grave robbing of JH's dad is imperative. It's after doing that can FatherByun then adopt JH with a guilt free conscience and move through the steps. Right now, there will always be an awkwardness because JH will always feel this sense of being rejected.  You show that he was NEVER rejected voluntarily by telling the truth; then this would never be an issue.  

1 hour ago, inna75 said:

I think JW did not get into any accident. The final scene is JW's mom come to see HY and she seems okay

Ok.. I missed the first few minutes..there were some hanbok ceremony as well

Preview for tomorrow:

1. Papa Byun holds a passport..and old passport

2. HY is looking for JW and found him in a fishing area

3. JH probably, successfully deliver his character. Everyone seems happy including MY. 

4. JH seems jealous when he saw MY was giggling with that lead actor of Oh My Boss (I forgot his name)

5. RY went on a date with CS

That's all I remember. Now wait for the subbed..


What happened between RY and CS in this episode?! 

Obviously, I'm like the only RY/CS fangirl in this group!  I think I'm also the only one who's still waiting for CS to move into the house with them as well. I think it's going to happen and it's going to happen soon. 


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23 hours ago, zoks said:

@singaporegirl We get that flashback at the end of ep 14, with the reasoning going into 15. Ep 19 I believe talks about why he did it.

Though he did mentioned why he agreed to be byun han su, but the episode did not mention why hansu's girlfriend asked him to pretend he is hansu.  Did i miss anything? was the reason revealed?  

Regarding MY & JH, yes, JH started having feeling for MY already.  Saw today's episode during the judo training.  his heart was beating faster than before when MY was very close to him when trying to tie his belt for him.  it is indeed not right for them to have feelings since they are considered 'siblings', but i can't blame JH for that.  When they knew each other (though it is at the workplace), they were just star & intern(manager) relationship, no sibling relationship.  Before they knew they were siblings, both have voiced out their problems to each other thru drinking time.   It is definitely not right for them to even think of dating, but just can't help it as their relationship developed from colleagues first and not siblings. 

Like @inna75 has mentioned, i hope Father byun revealed it.  Even if he said it in JH's room when he is drunk, i hope JY overheard it(since i saw him looking at his father when he brought JH back to his room).  I hope he followed them up to the room.  And he will be the one who will reveal to either JH or MY that they are not related if it is not father byun who will be telling them.  But this has to be done ASAP, otherwise we will not be able to see the progression of their loveline.     

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10 minutes ago, vaberella said:

I'd like to know also.  If he was raised in Korea, it couldn't have been good.  Not as bad as in Japan, but not that great.  You're raised by a single parent?!  From, what I can see it would appear to be frowned upon. This is all unless he had some grandparents; and it would seem he had none of those either.  You know those father/son events at school.  The well mannered son/daughter thing comes from the parents idea (stems from a two-parent household). 

I'm in and out on this. The incest angle is ummm...irritates like a slight tingle, but still needs to end with a quickness.  However, it doesn't bug me as much is because so many Jdoramas I've watch and I do watch have the angle of incest. Actually, some of their greatest and most popular Jdoramas are built on the stories of incest "unknown" gone wrong. So I'm always like...ugh and then alright; I'll run with it. 

I don't hink JH had any feelings for MY besides employee/employer before and after siblings situation. I really don't. I think he has weird feelings now---that he doesn't get where they are coming from.  But I don't think he has stronger feelings back then. 

I agree a full fledge JH/MY romance won't happen until after the whole father/son debacle is taken care of. I also hope it's soon.  Only because I want the Byun father to be given a bit of his life back.  At this point, I'm sorry, but he's been stripped of his identity. 

There is a violation there. No one has actually spoken about it. I think that FatherByun understands it and MotherByun denies it in her being all the damn time. But there it lies.  They are violating the dead.  FatherByun stole his best friends identity for self-gain and self-preservation. There is something abhorrent that lies in that act that  raises visceral disgust within me. Not only has the person died, now you're stealing what is left of the dead to be remembered by (outside of yourself).

I hope FatherByun's tears are his first step in realizing that his first steps in atonement are not in turning himself into a father figure for JH was by adopting him and carrying on the title as FatherByun.  No, but was by telling JH what happened to his father and who his father was.

Telling JH the truth about his father would be giving JH's dad back his damn identity. Atoning for the grave robbing of JH's dad is imperative. It's after doing that can FatherByun then adopt JH with a guilt free conscience and move through the steps. Right now, there will always be an awkwardness because JH will always feel this sense of being rejected.  You show that he was NEVER rejected voluntarily by telling the truth; then this would never be an issue.  

What happened between RY and CS in this episode?! 

Obviously, I'm like the only RY/CS fangirl in this group!  I think I'm also the only one who's still waiting for CS to move into the house with them as well. I think it's going to happen and it's going to happen soon. 


Sorry @vaberella chinggu..at the point when the scene where CS and his twin was having a drink, my stream lags for a while. And then when it was up again, the scene was RY sitting on the bed after talking over the phone (I think). But there were very, very minimal scenes about this two..

No..chinggu..I am also RY-CS fans..hehehe..I have two OTPs I shipped in this drama but the second one is still a taboo..hehehe

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14 minutes ago, chocolatepie said:


Though he did mentioned why he agreed to be byun han su, but the episode did not mention why hansu's girlfriend asked him to pretend he is hansu.  Did i miss anything? was the reason revealed?  

Regarding MY & JH, yes, JH started having feeling for MY already.  Saw today's episode during the judo training.  his heart was beating faster than before when MY was very close to him when trying to tie his belt for him.  it is indeed not right for them to have feelings since they are considered 'siblings', but i can't blame JH for that.  When they knew each other (though it is at the workplace), they were just star & intern(manager) relationship, no sibling relationship.  Before they knew they were siblings, both have voiced out their problems to each other thru drinking time.   It is definitely not right for them to even think of dating, but just can't help it as their relationship developed from colleagues first and not siblings. 

Like @inna75 has mentioned, i hope Father byun revealed it.  Even if he said it in JH's room when he is drunk, i hope JY overheard it(since i saw him looking at his father when he brought JH back to his room).  I hope he followed them up to the room.  And he will be the one who will reveal to either JH or MY that they are not related if it is not father byun who will be telling them.  But this has to be done ASAP, otherwise we will not be able to see the progression of their loveline.     

Wow...if this is the case...and this is going for the second paragraph.  knowing JY's little b*tchy a** he will says something to get JH out of the house and cause a massive rift and feel all proud of himself and get all hell brought down on himself.  I say go for it.  Makes for good drama and I like it when everyone dislikes that dumba**. 

@inna75 Girl we shame the same groups...They are carrying us by the nose. Why?! Why?! Tomorrow might be a better day for us. I can't wait for the CS-RY date. CS has never even been out on a date. :ph34r: My poor little virgin bunny.:blush:

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10 minutes ago, chocolatepie said:


Though he did mentioned why he agreed to be byun han su, but the episode did not mention why hansu's girlfriend asked him to pretend he is hansu.  Did i miss anything? was the reason revealed?  

Regarding MY & JH, yes, JH started having feeling for MY already.  Saw today's episode during the judo training.  his heart was beating faster than before when MY was very close to him when trying to tie his belt for him.  it is indeed not right for them to have feelings since they are considered 'siblings', but i can't blame JH for that.  When they knew each other (though it is at the workplace), they were just star & intern(manager) relationship, no sibling relationship.  Before they knew they were siblings, both have voiced out their problems to each other thru drinking time.   It is definitely not right for them to even think of dating, but just can't help it as their relationship developed from colleagues first and not siblings. 

Like @inna75 has mentioned, i hope Father byun revealed it.  Even if he said it in JH's room when he is drunk, i hope JY overheard it(since i saw him looking at his father when he brought JH back to his room).  I hope he followed them up to the room.  And he will be the one who will reveal to either JH or MY that they are not related if it is not father byun who will be telling them.  But this has to be done ASAP, otherwise we will not be able to see the progression of their loveline.     

I dont think there was any mentions about Hansu's girlfriend asking Papa Byun to pretend he was Hansu. Though I was wondering the same thing too. I know Mama Byun was the one who persuade Papa Byun to continue with the name but when she first came, she thought Papa Byun was dead and Hansu was alive. At that time, Hansu's girlfriend did not show up at all, which makes me wonder why since the news about the blast did reach Korea. I presumed she would also fly to America to see Hansu (thinking he is still alive). But there was none. All we know about JH's mom is that she migrated to US later after having JH and raised him there. I guess this part of the puzzle is still not resolved. Or do I too miss out anything? Hehehe

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16 minutes ago, inna75 said:

I dont think there was any mentions about Hansu's girlfriend asking Papa Byun to pretend he was Hansu. Though I was wondering the same thing too. I know Mama Byun was the one who persuade Papa Byun to continue with the name but when she first came, she thought Papa Byun was dead and Hansu was alive. At that time, Hansu's girlfriend did not show up at all, which makes me wonder why since the news about the blast did reach Korea. I presumed she would also fly to America to see Hansu (thinking he is still alive). But there was none. All we know about JH's mom is that she migrated to US later after having JH and raised him there. I guess this part of the puzzle is still not resolved. Or do I too miss out anything? Hehehe

Oops, i went to rewatch that episode again and i have read the subtitles wrongly last week when i was watching this drama.   Oh yes, they mentioned that it was YS's girlfriend who is flying over to US to 'take' him home. i think it's because of the name that i get mixed up with the girlfriend who went to USA (because it was mentioned that Hansu's girlfriend is from a rich family so i thought she was the only 1 who can afford to fly over during those times).  

Another thing that i'm puzzled about is JH.  he is not well-known but the entertainment company seems to be accommodating to him and he could rent such an apartment.  Could the company be part of his mother's family business?  

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29 minutes ago, inna75 said:

I dont think there was any mentions about Hansu's girlfriend asking Papa Byun to pretend he was Hansu. Though I was wondering the same thing too. I know Mama Byun was the one who persuade Papa Byun to continue with the name but when she first came, she thought Papa Byun was dead and Hansu was alive. At that time, Hansu's girlfriend did not show up at all, which makes me wonder why since the news about the blast did reach Korea. I presumed she would also fly to America to see Hansu (thinking he is still alive). But there was none. All we know about JH's mom is that she migrated to US later after having JH and raised him there. I guess this part of the puzzle is still not resolved. Or do I too miss out anything? Hehehe

The original Hansu was already divorced with his wife after her family rejected him because he was too poor.  Neither the original or Papa Byun knew about AJH being born.  Original Hansu went to the US in an attempt to reconcile with his ex-wife who was getting remarried but she refused to answer his phone. So it's likely AJH's mom has no idea the switch happened.

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