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[Drama 2017] My Father is Strange 아버지가 이상해

Go Seung Ji

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a round trip seoul to jeju ticket is less than US$200 per person and if you don't stay in a 5 star hotel, your honeymoon can be under a $1000.  vacation days are few so it's probably only 2-3 days.  it's also a 1 hour plane ride. Most young couples go there for a honeymoon.  I didn't think it was pricey in comparison to an apartment security deposit ($5-20K), and that's before monthly rent.. 

JH hasn't quite accepted that the father has been trying hard to 'father' him.  dropping off food, inviting him into the home, feeding him kimbap ends, and waiting for him to return after a working day. asian fathers who aren't super expressive normally show their love thru food and that's how i see MY's father slowly creeping into JH's life.  However, JH is still skeptical and was only prepared just to drop off the girls at the wedding hall.  so i don't have expectations of him to have voluntarily stepped up to the stage for the picture. the father only accepted him 'like' a son only recently too, so i don't see the shy passive father stopping everything to bring JH to the stage.   but it was sad to see nonetheless.  As JH opens his heart to the family, I think he'll start accepting the father's subtle actions of love. JH will then be accepted into the adoptive family.

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Just thinking on it, I feel sorry for Yoo Joo and Joon Young, they made their own mess of course, but if JY doesn't pass that exam they are in for one tough time of it. Granny's little congratulation speech filled with embarrassing truths about their rushed wedding, said it all. Wouldn't be so bad, if they just suffered alone because of their recklessness, but baby will suffer too, and JY's parents. 

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16 minutes ago, maddymappo said:

Just thinking on it, I feel sorry for Yoo Joo and Joon Young, they made their own mess of course, but if JY doesn't pass that exam they are in for one tough time of it. Granny's little congratulation speech filled with embarrassing truths about their rushed wedding, said it all. Wouldn't be so bad, if they just suffered alone because of their recklessness, but baby will suffer too, and JY's parents. 


AJH is lucky Granny hates him because she might have blabbed about him too. 

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Awww, it was so cute when Joong Hee was hanging out with the girls. They're becoming friends. I wanted to hang out with them, too, and enjoy chi-maek.

I honestly loved it when they strutted into the wedding looking HAWT and the bride's eyes were bugging out. HAHAHAHA.

It was so sad when Joong Hee wasn't in the family picture. Yes, it would be weird, because all the guests would wonder why he's there. But still... *cry* (use that hurt for your acting, Joong Hee!)

I enjoyed the fallout from Jung Hwan finally finding out that his mom broke them up 8 years ago. It was a long time coming, and she needed to be told off, and the only person who matters to her is her son. No one is in her corner on this issue, so she's going to have to do some reflecting if she wants to not end up alone.

Which reminds me, why did she marry Jung Hwan's father in the first place? His family is not rich, and she's such a snob about that. It's not as if she appreciates his intellect - they've taken pains to show that she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. They must have loved each other once upon a time.

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Hey, guys!
I have one question. Where's the scene where JH is washing the sisters hair? Did I miss it or did they actually dare to delete it?

(sorry if someone has already answered it but I couldn't read all the posts and I didn't find anything about it in the ones I've read) 


I love this scene: :wub:


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2 minutes ago, aletum said:

Hey, guys!
I have one question. Where's the scene where JH is washing the sisters hair? Did I miss it or did they actually dare to delete it?

(sorry if someone has already answered it but I couldn't read all the posts and I didn't find anything about it in the ones I've read)

I think it'll show up this week. He didn't bond enough with his sisters to wash their hair before, but after taking them to get makeovers and with their other brother not available due to his honeymoon he can start worming his way into their hearts.

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These last two episodes...

I love the development between AJH and the sisters. It makes all of the sense in the world too, because one thing I have noticed about AJH, he has the perfect personality of an oppa. He is protective, he listens, and he is non-judgmental. He's also willing to see another side of a scenario. I will get back to this point when I discuss the wedding.

HY and Sunbae broke my heart these two episodes. It wasn't enough that her parents still treated her like vermin about them sharing an apartment. It wasn't enough that Sunbae found out how his mom broke them up 8 years ago. No, they had to break up with one another under the guise that they want different things. I can really relate to HY. As someone around her age, and fully in a career, I don't want to give that up either. Marriage is often the end for a lot of women across the world. The end of your identity as the woman you've become, the end of your career, the end of being able to do anything that you've dreamed of for yourself. This is why them dating and the living arrangement worked for her. Not only is he proposing marriage, but considering the history with his mom and the attitude of her parents, this a very STEEP uphill battle for them. If only her sister hadn't interfered, they may have naturally ended up marrying after awhile, but that was taken from them.

That is why when they were at the reception hall after the wedding and HY's emotions got the best of her, I was glad that it happened in front of her family. Maybe they will lay off of her, and try not to be so small minded and see this thing from her point of view. Maybe now her sister will also realize what she did because it hasn't quite sunk in yet. Even my mother, who is a bit conservative felt her parents were completely over-reacting. Now, I feel like I need the backstory on Sunbae's parents. How did they end up together and how did his mother become so incredibly insufferable???

I really don't have much to say about RY and CS, mainly because I am still not quite right with her because of how she did HY. She embarrassed herself because once again, she is all in someone's business and judging them. I get the feeling that CS and his brother come from a well-off family, and I hope that she sees what it is like to be judged the way that she judges people. Now she wants to play games with him now that she knows that he likes her. Next.

I know a big part of episode 22 was the wedding, but since I like JY and YJ the least, I feel their whole wedding got upstaged by better story lines and development. JY really proved just how much of a loser he is when he and YJ were discussing her job and she was worried she may be let go once they learn she is getting married and pregnant. He looked white in the face. If he fails that civil service exam again (which we all know he probably will), they are going to be an even bigger burden on his family. Speaking of family, I KNEW THAT BULLY WAS LYING!!! Telling your fiance' AND his family that your parents died is a big damm lie. YJ was like oh, I didn't want to tell you the truth because both of my parents remarried. *sigh* I really don't like her.

Which leads me back to AJH and the sisters. He was drinking with them, listening to them vent, and then treated them to a makeover before the wedding. A wedding that he hadn't planned on attending, until MY asked him to stay and attend. This right here is what JY should be doing for his sisters. Everyone in that family is sacrificing for him and it is just incredibly bitter to swallow the fact that he is such a loser in every way, and walks around frowning at AJH. AJH is being the big brother that those sisters have never had. JY knows it too. I looked at how eager he was to pay his part of the expenses since he is living there. He also thinks about the parents and bought the food for them since they hadn't eaten. He moved up to the rooftop room, even though it is much smaller, and did so without complaining about it. Meanwhile, JY is there everyday and I rarely see him just doing things for the family without being asked first.

I have a bad feeling about YJ and the lie about her parents. What if they know the Byeong's and know what happened to the father? We all know the truth is going to come out and when it does...oh boy! Also, I bet people at work will notice how close MY and AJH have gotten. Of course later when AJH being a part of that family comes out, that will be a bit awkward! :) 

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23 hours ago, maddymappo said:

Just thinking on it, I feel sorry for Yoo Joo and Joon Young, they made their own mess of course, but if JY doesn't pass that exam they are in for one tough time of it. Granny's little congratulation speech filled with embarrassing truths about their rushed wedding, said it all. Wouldn't be so bad, if they just suffered alone because of their recklessness, but baby will suffer too, and JY's parents. 

@maddymappo  JY knew what she was doing when she ask to move in with them she don't plan to quit work and will leave the baby raising business to his family.. I wouldn't be surprised if she just walk off and leave the marriage baby and all.. Yes she's in for some tough times she's thinking that she'll be pampered being married into that family I don't think so.. I see her hearing some very cruel words from Halmoni thats going to hit reality for her and think about her action sleeping with a man unprotected.. I could just imagine the words coming from her mouth that it was her that choose to have that baby and her that choose to come tell his parents and her decision to marry so it's also her responsibility to the rasing of the child and she should quit her job and raise it especially if he do get hired as a govnt worker she's still not going to want to quit her job to sit home and raise it..

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43 minutes ago, sava2sava said:

@maddymappo  JY knew what she was doing when she ask to move in with them she don't plan to quit work and will leave the baby raising business to his family.. I wouldn't be surprised if she just walk off and leave the marriage baby and all.. Yes she's in for some tough times she's thinking that she'll be pampered being married into that family I don't think so.. I see her hearing some very cruel words from Halmoni thats going to hit reality for her and think about her action sleeping with a man unprotected.. I could just imagine the words coming from her mouth that it was her that choose to have that baby and her that choose to come tell his parents and her decision to marry so it's also her responsibility to the rasing of the child and she should quit her job and raise it especially if he do get hired as a govnt worker she's still not going to want to quit her job to sit home and raise it..


Yeah, I agree. Yoo Joo is good at looking out for herself, and not very thoughtful towards others. It's not even just the bullying thing.

As the sisters and the parents have all pointed out before, she's not very thoughtful if she's dating Joon-Young and asking him to cook for her when she knows he has an important exam in just a couple of months.

I mean, it's HIS fault for not concentrating on studying, and it's not like she made him do anything. But he will probably not pass this exam, and it will not be a surprise or a mystery as to how it happened.

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I wonder if the new instagram pictures are from HY's wedding..

that is what the background looks like..

I really hope JH and MY both find out soon they are not siblings...  hopefully they "overhear" the truth at the same time...

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Another thought on HY and Sunbae. I know a lot of people got upset with her when she revealed to him that she had no thoughts of getting married, but that expectation goes both ways. If Sunbae's end game was marriage, then he too should've expressed this to her. He just assumed that she would want to get married because she is a woman. But HY has overcome a lot. She is in a family where out of all of her siblings she seems to be the only one who has seen her dreams through til the end. She is settled into a career that she loves and that she is very good at. She makes her own money. She is able to help her parents. She is able to afford to buy herself nice things and go out when she wants. I don't blame her for not running to give all of that up. 

However, what I didn't care for, was how casually Sunbae swept the incident between her and his mother under the rug. He assumed they could just convince their parents to take their side, and if not, then they would leave their perspective homes. As unreasonable as her parents were towards her, she had no thoughts of leaving them or cutting them out of her life, nor did she expect him to do that with his parents. But, it needs to be said. Not only did his mother not accept her 8 years ago as his girlfriend, she looked down on her and accused her of using him because he paid for her classes that semester. Something he did behind her back and something that she eventually paid him back for. Then you add to the current situation when his mother then accused her mother of stealing after her mother helped her out in her cafe. That is not small. Someone like HY who has worked hard her entire life to establish herself, this is a huge insult and it may have even given her a complex of some sort.

Also, I think it was in like episode two or three and she was out with one of her friends and they were discussing another friend who is married and miserable. It appears a lot of her colleagues and friends who took the plunge are all unhappy, and she just doesn't want that. She wants what her parents have, which is why she was so hurt when they found out about AJH. I love this story line. I hope it works out in a way that will get people to thinking that some things do need to change in order for today's generation to be happy.

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Thanks for the preview link.  Looks like we're in for some heartbreaks.  My phone translated the blurb for the video on the KBS site, and it looks like AJH and BHS have a talk.  Also, CJH is applying for an overseas position.

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It looks like we will have another  HY and JW episode, nothing about RY.  I would like to see a progress about JH and MY from now on. I think if the writer concentrate every episode in an only couple storyline this could get bored. 

We have had HY and JY Romance from ep 1 to ep 22 so when the others love storyline will be develop? I want father to tell the true to JH soon. 

desperate1 onion head
Let’s wait and see.


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saw the preview. From my limited korean:

1) JW is applying for an overseas position, is it in Vietnam? Coz his dad said that to his mom. He gets in an accident. I guess if the theory that the IG pics posted of the cast IS really a wedding shoot, then it makes sense. Perhaps JW getting injures would get his crazy mom to consent to his marriage and HY would accept the proposal, too.

2) MY asking JH why he hates Dad. Hmm.. And both JH and Dad crying in separate scenes? will the truth be out? )please let it be out. We're getting more scenes of JH and MY and JH's developing an interest on MY. 

3) YJ-JY back from honeymoon...

4) no CS-RY preview

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On 5/16/2017 at 3:40 PM, chickfactor said:

I mean, it's HIS fault for not concentrating on studying, and it's not like she made him do anything. But he will probably not pass this exam, and it will not be a surprise or a mystery as to how it happened.

@chickfactor  She knew what she was doing she seduce him, She thought he was the only son of that 5 star resturant that all the buzz is about.. So her plan was to hurry and sleep with him before he was snatch up by some rich girl..  You see she broke up with him when she found out he was the only son of a neighborhood mom and pop shop.. So I hope she gets the hell she so deserves you see karma is coming for her in more ways then one because I don't think mom and pops is going to take kindly to her lying about her parents just because they are diorvce..

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Annyeong chingu's!:D I saw the preview of ep 23 & I'm really sad for hye-young & jung-hwan. I hope the mom will realize that she needs to change her attitude of looking down on other people. She need to apologize to hye-young for all the bad things she did. On the other note, I'm really excited for  jong-hee's feelings for mi-young. After he saw mi-young's transformation that is the start of his change of feelings to mi-young. I love the hug scene & I can't wait for more body contacts with this two. I'm hoping that there would be a scene that jong-hee will accidentaly kiss mi-young.:lol::wub:

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