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[Drama 2017] My Father is Strange 아버지가 이상해

Go Seung Ji

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On 4/29/2017 at 9:09 PM, maddymappo said:

Instead of shacking up, I think  HY and JH should get married already They are not kids, and she is a burden living home with her parents who adore her, but need the room.  And they sure have the money unlike her stupid lazy older brother, although g lad to hear he doesn't want his parents to take out  a loan for him and his selfish girlfriend, who we know is going to turn into monster wife if and when  he fails (as seems predictable)  the civil service exam and has no future.

I think it makes perfect sense of HY not wanting to get married. In most cultures, especially ones we might think of as traditional, the maintenance of family falls on the woman. [I remember a woman in Korea telling me that eldest sons often had problems marrying because educated women with career prospects did not want the responsibilities that came with being first daughter-in-law.]  It would be worse for HY if she married JHw.  She would not be first d-i-l but only d-i-l.  Every encounter she has had with Oh Bok-Nyeo indicated that OBN would be a monster-in-law.  JHw knows him mom is a problem but because of her relationship with his father he is unlikely to go against her because she would have no one in her corner. 

Additionally I do not think that HY is a drain on her family in any way. 1) She is the general/guardian of that family. She will destroy anyone who hurt any member of her family.  She has the skill and the will and she is not afraid to use them.  

Also I am sure that she contributes substantially to the family finances.  Except for the bathroom situation, the family was well situated well before the changes of a "lost and found" son and a son's pregnant girlfriend moving in. When the need arose HY moved out.  

Actually if HY is no longer contributing to the family financially they are probably worse off.  Joon-Young is saving to be married and most likely when Kim Yoo-Joo join the household they'll be saving to move out.  Although Joong-Hee has the money, I'm sure he will not consider contributing because he is thoughtless.  He will bring gifts that are expected from someone of his status but won't consider how the milk is paid for.  

I don't think Ahn Joong-Hee is being treated badly by the four siblings. Grandma is just there to make his life miserable. Ahn Joong-Hee is self-centered and puts too much value in his celebrity. He is also a lonely person who seems to have had very little experience with loving human connectiona.

1- It makes sense for the siblings to be suspicious of a stranger who has the ability to upset their family dynamics and cause their parents stress.

2- Ahn Joong-Hee is not looking to join the family. His is conducting a research project to improve his acting. He entered believing that his presence would be welcomed because he is a celebrity.  He did not consider how he would destabilize the family but the glory his status would bestow on them.  Mi-Young is aware of his lack of goodwill.  He is lucky she hasn't ratted him out to Hye-Young. 

I think this will be a family drama in the truest sense of the word.  The Byun family is one of the healthiest, least dysfunctional family I've met in k-drama.  I think when all is said and done the drama will be about kindness and teaching those with little experience of living in a healthy family how to do so, Joong-Hee and Yoo-Joo.

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Hmm, thinking the screen writers also feel it is time for HY and CJH to get married.  

I guess the little dog had the weekend off.

MY and HY really put YooJoo in her place. I thought it was very kind of both of them not to want to tell their brother about her because it would put him in a bad place, having to deal with his lover causing so much pain to his younger sister, and also if he married her knowing about what happened having to deal with the pain that would cause his sister again.  




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Hello chingus :blush:.. Newbie on the thread here. I've been watching this drama for a few weeks now and finally decided to come out of silent lurker zone. I see some familiar names here.. I used to be active during Wolgyesu run (that was a good drama) and i actually told myself to take a break from weekend dramas. Seriously, i failed after just a month :lol:. And i have to thank all those cure Rayoung Cheolsu scenes. Just a back story, i subscribed to kbsdrama YT channel so i got hooked on the drama watching a clip of CS posing as RY's bf at her ex's wedding. I blame no one but myself! I told myself i wouldnt get into another weekend drama until the drama has aired at least half of its episodes. I ended up watching since ep 9-ish, and this is basically wolgyesu all over again as i began watching that around ep 9 too... B)

Anyway, i've only started to watch this drama properly since this week. I would just skip scenes before. So here's what i can say:

1) my main pair remains RY and CS. I saw that some didnt like their storyline, that's ok. But what got me was seeing some online comments about hating this storyline because of the actress. I didnt even know the whole scandal, i mean, i did, but never knew the face or whatever. And i couldnt care less, tbh :blink:. However, the Miyoung-Junghui storyline is fast becoming my fave too. There's nothing romantic about them now, but we all know where this is heading.

2) i feel really bad for JH. Yes, he didnt have the purest motive to move in with the Byuns but i felt bad seeing them be so cold to him. If both sides are miserable, why cant he just move out, i wonder. I get that this is the premise of this drama, though, so let's see what happens.

3) i like all the byun siblings individually. They are all nice people. Hyeyoung is so awesome with her assertiveness and girlpower attitude. However, what got me uninterested is her love story with junghwan. I dunno, it's just not my cup of tea. Living together in secret? Hmm, part of being an adult is to be responsible for your actions. Right now, i just skip over all their scenes as well as his parents. I guess right now that storyline will be kept in the background.

4) yoojoo and MY's issue seemed finally at an end. I think moving forward, it'll be more on MY and having to deal with JH and YJ on her upcoming wedding to jononyoung. Glad they're not dragging this out for too long, and for making MY a strong character with a spine who wont be bullied longer. Although, i dont really like how she treated JH. I get it, she's shocked but i feel bad for him. And like he said, she needed to separare personal issues from work.

5) a kind of backstory was given for CS. It seemed like he is from a rich family, seeing how nice his twin dressed and the expensive proposal ring. I guess he was the rebellious one, choosing sport over his family's company. His father probably threatened to cut off his money if he decided to pursue sport and he did anyway, so that would explain why he is struggling financially he couldnt even afford to pay rent. And it was sweet to know that he's so indidferent to girls because his coach said that would distract him from being a good player. Kudos to his twin for pointing out that he isnt a player anymore. Again, im just assuming things here.

Okay, i think that's it for now. I've typed more than enough for one post lol:D




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2 hours ago, hushhh said:

I think it makes perfect sense of HY not wanting to get married. In most cultures, especially ones we might think of as traditional, the maintenance of family falls on the woman. [I remember a woman in Korea telling me that eldest sons often had problems marrying because educated women with career prospects did not want the responsibilities that came with being first daughter-in-law.]  It would be worse for HY if she married JHw.  She would not be first d-i-l but only d-i-l.  Every encounter she has had with Oh Bok-Nyeo indicated that OBN would be a monster-in-law.  JHw knows him mom is a problem but because of her relationship with his father he is unlikely to go against her because she would have no one in her corner. 

Additionally I do not think that HY is a drain on her family in any way. 1) She is the general/guardian of that family. She will destroy anyone who hurt any member of her family.  She has the skill and the will and she is not afraid to use them.  

Also I am sure that she contributes substantially to the family finances.  Except for the bathroom situation, the family was well situated well before the changes of a "lost and found" son and a son's pregnant girlfriend moving in. When the need arose HY moved out.  

Actually if HY is no longer contributing to the family financially they are probably worse off.  Joon-Young is saving to be married and most likely when Kim Yoo-Joo join the household they'll be saving to move out.  Although Joong-Hee has the money, I'm sure he will not consider contributing because he is thoughtless.  He will bring gifts that are expected from someone of his status but won't consider how the milk is paid for.  

I don't think Ahn Joong-Hee is being treated badly by the four siblings. Grandma is just there to make his life miserable. Ahn Joong-Hee is self-centered and puts too much value in his celebrity. He is also a lonely person who seems to have had very little experience with loving human connectiona.

1- It makes sense for the siblings to be suspicious of a stranger who has the ability to upset their family dynamics and cause their parents stress.

2- Ahn Joong-Hee is not looking to join the family. His is conducting a research project to improve his acting. He entered believing that his presence would be welcomed because he is a celebrity.  He did not consider how he would destabilize the family but the glory his status would bestow on them.  Mi-Young is aware of his lack of goodwill.  He is lucky she hasn't ratted him out to Hye-Young. 

I think this will be a family drama in the truest sense of the word.  The Byun family is one of the healthiest, least dysfunctional family I've met in k-drama.  I think when all is said and done the drama will be about kindness and teaching those with little experience of living in a healthy family how to do so, Joong-Hee and Yoo-Joo.


Almost all of my own thoughts eloquently put.

As a character I love Hye Yeong because she is like a she lion who defends her family.She is independent,hard working, strong and smart. I am so tired of silly, kind vapid females so she is a welcome change. She is the type of child any parent should be proud to have and she is better than her older brother but he is male so he gets a pass even though she is probably the one the family goes to for financial help.

Daughters like her often get put in terrible situations having to support their deadbeat older brothers and I have seen this personally in my own Indian family. My grandmother clearly favouring her sons over the daughters who were earning money and forcing them to take loans to pay for the mistakes her useless sons had done. This is so ridiculous and even at a young age I hated my uncles for doing that. Gambling being the vice that often destroys.

Good thing Hye Young's family seems to treasure her and recognises her capabilities which is rare in some dramas. I don't recall which drama it was that I had watched where the mother kept forcing the daughter to give money to her son who even stole money from the sister and the mother was so angry with the daughter when she finally refused to help the brother any more. It was a Chinese drama may be anyway this is how families are usually in Asia favouring the son over the daughter.

 Her relationship with JH is her way of loving him without marrying him because she cannot marry him. I think she has accepted that his mother will never accept her from what the mother told her when they were in school together. She is trying to enjoy her love for him and probably does not expect anything more. I think she is brave to do what she doing in spite of the ramifications of being caught. He has no backbone to be honest he cannot stand up to his mother, he is weak as evidenced by his half hearted attempts to get his mother to apologise or even to praise or defend HY. Good thing HY has more backbone than she needs so she will be able to spare him some but this couple will break up for sure. He is very sweet to her though.

MY has been cruelly beaten down in school and it affected her throughout her adult life and that type of scar is lifelong and I cannot excuse that lame reason given by that woman.

We can feel sorry for Joong Hee but he had his own agenda and I think he needs to brought down from his high horse and this is just the family to do it. I am surprised he isn't more aggressive but at least he is respectful which I did not expect given his behaviour in the beginning and anger he had shown towards Papa Byun. I guess when he does find out about who his real father is it will be a day of reckoning for the father's friend and how they are going to explain the identity switch is going to be interesting.

The youngest daughter's story is a nice distraction that is more fluff and enjoyable. 

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9 hours ago, jina_bing_bang said:

Hi @keyzee61, I too do not watch many dramas that are 50 episodes but I too really like Jung So Min ^^ Woo hoo! Glad you like it so far and yes, I have to agree that the drama is fast paced but it all is at a pace where new things are being revealed and there is a warm feeling of family coming together- which is really what the drama is all about too. I hope that MiYoung and JoongHee become closer too and I still wonder if there is going to a romantic connection but even if not, I hope JoongHee see's how hardworking Miyoung is as a part of his team

Hi :) yeah, as much as I want to see their love story but yeah they're still have a long way to go, but I can willingly wait for that :) I just want them to become comfortable around each other. And these two are so much alike, they are innocent and a bit introvert,  especially Miyoung. I wish that she will open up a bit about what she feels, so they can rely on each other. 


Gosh. I never imagine it that I will like a weekend drama this much. Seriously, this drama is so well-made. I'm thankful that they always solve the problems so quickly, and never drag it for too long, also I like how they always give us a 'good lesson' through each character's problem. 

Brotherly love. Sisterly love: I really love the relationship between the siblings. So heartwarming. I love how Hyeyoung stand up for Miyoung as soon as she knows about the one who bullied her lil sister and I love how she agree to let Miyoung handle the problem by herself but still looking after her. 

A scene with Miyoung holding herself back for telling her brother about Yoojoo was so touching. When her brother told her that he really loves Yoojoo, she is just there, smiling so beautifully to her brother and decide to not telling him about the bullying thing And I'm thankful that she makes clear to Yoojo that she never forget everything that she did to her and told YJ to apologize to her sincerely and to treat her family best. I hope that YJ sincere about her apology and never repeat what she did before. 

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I want to talk about Joong Hee character here; even his reason to join the family was to get close to his dad to improves his acting (which is not that 'big' secret, even MY who knows about it didn't mention it), I don't see him as a bad person, he is just being naive and lacks human relationships. And that is only what he thinks he want from moving there because he actually needs and looks for dad affection that he never experienced without him realizing, I can see that when he gets upset when dad doesn't call, send messages or when he stopped bringing him food... Now that he is in the family he does seem to forget his first motive.

Both papa and mama Byung understand him well. It doesn't take her long to know he is a naive and sweet person and also sensitive, she said that he is not an arrogant celebrity as she though, so why Joong Hee doesn't understand the reason they don't like him? it is because of the same reason, being naive, he is confused because of dad fooled him when he told him that the family is welcoming him, that is why he didn't expect the bad treatement, I remember when he first asked the father to move with him he expected rejection from him and his family, so the only explanation he came with is that they are happy to have a celebrity in their house so when he find out that he is not welcomed he didn't understand it.

He is self centred person who used to live by himself and only having managers and staff around but he is also sensitive, naive and nice, he get all the bad treatement from the siblings, being hurt and doesn't even get angry. I felt sorry for him when he said that papa Byung is not only their dad but it is his dad too. He is trying to adjust with their mood, back MY up when he noticed she is on trouble, being happy for the slight good thing parents do to him (like when they brought him water at his room)... If I imagine a 'real' arrogant, selfish and mean person on his place I don't think he/she ll behave same way in front the sibling mean treatement.

With that personality of him and without him doing it in purpose he ll make them like him and he also will get closer and like them.

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@RayaAplus I agree with you 100%.

"Joong Hee doesn't really look for family"
He started to look for contact with his father because of drama and he sure repeats it to himself many times. Mostly when he feels upset, scared or rejected. But that is exactly when it shows that it is not true anymore.
Joong Hee seems to be rich kid that grown up with everything he needed materially but with no attention or affection from parents. His only companion was a turtle and his love and care towards it show, that he has no problem feeling those emotions. But with people he keeps distance and treats them like a staff.
His immaturity shows that he had no good role models in his childhood and most probably felt rejected by those who were supposed to love him, so he built a wall around him. I think Mi Young with her ability to survive his tantrums while still showing happiness for his achievements was able to crack it a little.
The worst thing Joong Hee did was to send Mi Young early in the morning to a distant place for a breakfast he didn't want. On the other hand Byun kids treat him now like he is invisible, which is basically form of bullying (it's very effective way to make someone feel worthless). So they are cruel, while he never was. He just quietly endures and tries to understand. I can understand their behavior in this situation, but they should be those emotionally mature, so they are consciously mean.
In the scene with mother was clear, how grateful he is for any kind of kindness, because Byun household is basically a minefield under enemy fire for him. And naturally most hurt he is by Mi Young, because she was originally the one cracking his wall and he tries to show her his friendship and support (even if in his not really mature way).




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1 hour ago, agnescz said:

I think Mi Young with her ability to survive his tantrums while still showing happiness for his achievements was able to crack it a little.

She was able to crack his walls as you said and made us see sides we didn't see on JH before. Him backing her up when she didn't want her sis in law to move to their house and when he asked the CEO to keep her as his manager saying that she is doing fine when she actually started to mess things up and mix personal feelings with work, I don't blame her though, she has too much to endure. He also talk to her sweetly, giving her which I think is a pet name 'Judo' and mostly getting hurt by her new behaviour. Just a little attention from MY and she ll bring out the best things from JH.

And since you mentionned AL, I don't think Joong Hee being silly or crazy as Grand mother said, but he sure has his reasons, ones you ardy explained and I also think it has to do with turtle have long life. He may have AL since he was kid, that is when he thought of having a pet that doesn't die in few years and leave him, I may be over thinking but why turtle from all animals for someone like Joong Hee?

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This episode also showed a softer and stronger side to Aunt Lee Bo-Mi who was just shown to us before as a petty parasite and gossip. Uncle Na Young Sik's hard work is appreciated too. Still don't understand how they can have such a smart son.

Also always find it "strange" that foul tempered hag granny managed to bring up lovely daughter mom, Na Young-sil.  I say bad things about granny because she has yet to show compassion although her strong point was telling off  Oh Bok-Nyeo, her insults to her son-in-law's son (who's existence is not his fault) is annoying.


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Yoo Joo is full of crap. First of all, I need someone to explain to me how Mi Young telling the teacher that she lived with her stepmother, was the equivalent of telling EVERYBODY??? Mi Young clearly did that to help Yoo Joo, because the alternative would've been Yoo Joo being questioned in front of everybody and being forced to lie. SIDEBAR: If Mi Young knew about Yoo Joo's family situation, and she was an outcast, then surely their other classmates knew as well. I am willing to bet that several classmates were already whispering about Yoo Joo's family life, which is probably how Mi Young found out. Yoo Joo tried to justify the constant bullying and humiliation she pulled on that one incident, and NOW, she gets to benefit from the very family she was jealous of. 

My favorite couple is definitely Hye Young and Jung Hwan (sunbae). I almost spit out my water when he accidentally called her the assistant's name and did a poor job of making amends for it. Oh, when she head butted him...:D On a serious note, I like how this couple communicates, they talk things out and tend to be more honest than the typical k-drama couple. Although, the one thing they aren't being honest about, which is getting married is the only hiccup that they have. Sooner than later, he will find out how his mother pulled his happiness eight years ago.

Speaking of which, the "Petty Parents". Mr. and Mrs. Cha are on Petty Level 9. First, Mr. Cha gets on my last nerve. He is so wrapped up in his own mid-life crisis that simply picking up after himself is too much of a chore, that he ordered a whole new wardrobe to keep from having to wash his own clothes. The whole sleeping in his car move because she cut all of the credit cards made him look cheap and silly. Then Mrs. Cha, typical rich but ignorant middle-aged miserable lady, who is so self-absorbed that she doesn't realize just how awful she really is to people. I want these two to get stuck in an elevator for a few days, bring them down several notches.

Jun Young and Yoo Joo's marriage is a MESS, and they haven't walked down the aisle yet. I agree with Ahn Joon-Hee, Jun Young is 35 years-old. Why is he still trying to live at home? Why is he not established in any way? Why is he STILL a burden on his parents? Now, in an already crowded home, he's bringing in a woman AND a baby! Like, I don't even know what to say about this. And if he ends up NOT passing the civil service exam, it will be the perfect berry on top of this SHYT cake. He has no sense of urgency to contribute at all to his family and it is infuriating. Meanwhile, ALL of the women in his household are working.

Ra Young is slowly growing on me, kind of like how she is doing with Cheol Soo. I love this story line of her believing that he is gay, because now she has put down the mask and the aegyo and is just being herself. I can't wait until she finds out the truth about him.

Finally, Ahn Joon-Hee and Mi Young. I love this friendship/relationship. I felt bad for Mi Young because she got slammed from both ends, but I love how persistent Ahn Joon Hee was with her and it forced her to deal with how she was feeling about the whole new brother situation. One thing I like about these two, they tend to be honest and protective of each other.  I love how when the parents announced that Yoo Joo would be moving in, he took Mi Young's side in opposition. I realized these past two episodes that Mi Young is very independent. She believes in working things out on her own, but I believe that her and Joon Hee will end up working very well together. Both, on the drama he is on and in the family, I just see these two being a great team. 

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I almost forgot...

Can we talk about Ra Young and her nosiness and busybodyness? When you go to the lengths of sneaking through someone else's phone, following them and taking pictures for evidence, you have way too much time on your hands. She needs a life - quick. I so want Hey Young to give her a taste of her own medicine. It won't be long before she has to explain to her family why she has been trying to seduce a gay man, and I can't wait to see how she is going to handle that.

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9 minutes ago, nubianlegalmind said:

I almost forgot...

Can we talk about Ra Young and her nosiness and busybodyness? When you go to the lengths of sneaking through someone else's phone, following them and taking pictures for evidence, you have way too much time on your hands. She needs a life - quick. I so want Hey Young to give her a taste of her own medicine. It won't be long before she has to explain to her family why she has been trying to seduce a gay man, and I can't wait to see how she is going to handle that.

@nubianlegalmind   I agree about Ra Young, but what was she doing in that part of town in the grocery store:wub:  ??  

I don't think she is trying to seduce a gay guy, I think she has accepted it, relaxed and sublimated her desire for him into just being a girl/guy to  pal around with and he is completely confused by it. She wouldn't have a guy she likes wash the grease out of her hair!  I think she will continue to show her personal embarrassing side until she finds out he is not gay and then be really humiliated. .  And in the meantime he thinks she's gone nuts.


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On 5/1/2017 at 0:06 AM, nikkibell84 said:

After the big "reveal" of why Yoo Joo was so cruel to Mi Young. . .I just can't. Yoo Joo's reason is that Mi Young told "the whole school" (in reality one teacher) that Yoo Joo lived with her stepmother. Big whoop! I understand that stepparents and blended families are a bit taboo in South Korea (and were more so 15 years ago), but come on - that is one lame excuse. From what we've been shown and told, Yoo Joo made Mi Young's live a living nightmare throughout high school. Yoo Joo's bullying left lasting emotional and psychological scars. And, it isn't even like Yoo Joo bullied Mi Young in high school and than tried to be professional or polite - she bullied her at work, too! (Until she found out about Joon-Young) What thirty-one year old woman bullies her co-worker for an eventthat happened years before?! I don't like Yoo Joo and I don't trust her. Besides, if the fact that Yoo Joo lived with her stepmother got out - it wasn't Mi Young who spread it - it was clearly the teacher. Also, Yoo Joo even confused to Hye Young that she was jealous of Mi Young's happy home life. (Which isn't an excuse, either. I'm sure a lot of girls in their class had great home lives.) I really hope the writer doesn't try and make us root for or like Yoo Joo, because I personally cannot get behind her.  



YJ private live was also a living hell ... imagine going tru high school without EVER having a meal during your entire school day. And going home to face snow white's stepmother ...  MY was her vent to escape reality.

^^ Not in any way this can be seen as ME aproving of her bullying ... but is a good justification for a bully's madness and gross  behaviour. 



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Got to see episode 18 and I absolutely love this drama.

While I agree it is not Joong Hee's fault that he was born I think the family resents him not so much for his presence, I think they resent him for coming to live with them. How Papa Byun is going out of his way to make him comfortable including installing the bidet and honestly he could have helped instead of standing there like some lord looking at his servants work. He has a bad attitude even though I feel how the brother and sisters treated him was cold but you have to see things from their point of view too. They were pretty mean to him though and I really felt bad for him. Mama Byun made up for it when  they ate together and he seemed so pleased with her kindness. I think Mama Byun may begin to feel protective towards him the more she gets to know him. All the more reason when all the secrets come out that all these relationships will be torn apart by the deception.

I must say the actor playing Joong Hee is a very good actor. He can act like he is acting badly and when he nails the scene the one time he did in an earlier episode he made it so real. I like him a lot and I am happy he is no longer bratty and he refused to let Mi Yeong go which is very sweet of him and he is definitely feeling a bit attached to her although she is very prickly right now.

This drama does not play up anyone as being stupid and kind even Mi Yeong who is a bit more timid stands up for herself and I was really cheering when she stuck to her guns and got the stupid Yoo Joo to apologize. I like it that no one is a doormat here and they have such good communication skills and so much love between the siblings. I loved how Hye Yeong looked out for her little sister and how angry and mad she got and how she dealt with Yoo Joo and put fear into her. Classy lady I adore her so much. 

I also loved the talk big brother Joon Young had with his sister and how he gently tried to coax her into telling him what she wanted to say. I noticed the way he was looking at her was like a brother who is very fond of his sister as a big brother he wants to listen to anything she might have to say seriously. Wonderful family and such love it makes me fell so warm inside.

Yoo Joo was jealous of her that made her want to take revenge but listening to Mi Yeong explain the consequences made me feel terrible that so much damage was done to Mi Yeong and after listening to all that she had done and brought about, Yoo Joo did not apologize it took Hye Yeong threatening her for her to finally cave in and apologize sincerely. She is definitely not a good person. I do hope she does not do other things further on but who am I kidding we are after all watching a drama.

Casting is perfect in this drama . Kudos to the whoever casts the roles in this drama. Ryu Soo Young is an actor I have watched in many dramas I think the first was Bad Couple that started out great and went down badly but he is a great in his role. He plays this overly eager boyfriend who is kind of being bullied at times by Hye Yeong but he absolutely dotes on her and watching them I envy her .

Rye Yeong is slowly growing on me. I love how she has become so comfortable with Cheol Soo and in the process he has become more attracted to her.

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As in this Drama the issues are solved quickly I think Joong Hee’s father’s secret won’t last too much. If JH circumstances in the family is not reveled soon or at least in 6 episodes, the Joong Hee and Mi Young’s love storyline wouldn’t be possible because I can’t imagine siblings falling in love for each other. 
I think after JH realizes the fact that this Hon Soo is not his real father he will continues living with them because he will be already used to the family and sure at that moment he will consider them as his own family. 
For this to happen that mysterious man we saw in epi 1, the man that gave to Joong Hee the picture must appear in the scene again. 

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6 hours ago, nubianlegalmind said:


Yoo Joo is full of crap. 



Jun Young and Yoo Joo's marriage is a MESS, and they haven't walked down the aisle yet.


I SO agree.

- But I kind of love the solution Mi Yeong eventually came up with. She's going to hold this over Yoo Joo's head indefinitely. That's pretty good. Mi Yeong is too nice to hurt her brother right before his wedding, but she still has a card up her sleeve. And she has Hye Yeong in her corner now. And Yoo Joo now knows enough to not to mess with Hye Yeong.

I was seriously pumping my fists when Hye Yeong told her off. Awesome. Not quite the explosion I was hoping for in which everyone finds out, but ... pretty good. I'm satisfied for now.

- I really don't know what to think about Joon Yeong.

He seems like a nice guy but that's about all he has going for himself. He seems like someone who is content to just slack his way through life.

I don't think he will pass his exam, because it's clear that he was not serious about it. Most likely, he will become a chef and work at the family restaurant.

Anyway, I just can't root for him. It's not because he's a loser, or his girlfriend is a witch, or anything like that. It's like... I don't know, out of all the characters on this show, he feels the most blah, for some reason.

- I know K-drama rules say that Joong Hee and Mi Yeong end up together, but I do not feel those vibes yet. However, I think they will first become good friends. They clearly need each other, and it's sweet.

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I'm in love with this show!!! This is my first 50 ep family weekend drama and i cant believe i'm loving it this much. This is the only show i'm eagerly looking forward to every week although i'm watching a couple of other shows which are supposed to be thrillers and they even end with bad cliffhangers every week. LOL. But what can i do, this show's got even more interesting cliffhangers that i cant help but watch it as soon as it is uploaded. :tongue:

Needless to say, Joong hee is my absolute fav. Especially after this week's eps, i have fallen even more deep. He is sooo precious. Haha. Is it wrong that i'm mad at the poor old grandma now for putting down my baby. I swear i can understand why everyone is being indifferent to him, but the puppy dog face he makes everytime someone is being mean to him gets me hard. Hahaha 

He maybe self centered but i guess thats how he was brought up. He was lonely and all by himself until now. But he is trying to change himself and adjust to this new life. He might have moved in with ulterior motives but the excitement in his face when he moved in says it all. And i love how for a actor, he is sooo down to earth. He doesnt complain much. Sometimes i feel like he just wants to be approved by all the members of the family. Hahaha. 

This is my first post in this thread, although i've been lurking here for quite a while. I have so many things to say about other characters too but i'll keep those for my future posts. Have a nice day everyone!:)


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4 hours ago, kokodus said:

Needless to say, Joong hee is my absolute fav. Especially after this week's eps, i have fallen even more deep. He is sooo precious. Haha. Is it wrong that i'm mad at the poor old grandma now for putting down my baby. I swear i can understand why everyone is being indifferent to him, but the puppy dog face he makes everytime someone is being mean to him gets me hard. Hahaha 

He maybe self centered but i guess thats how he was brought up. He was lonely and all by himself until now. But he is trying to change himself and adjust to this new life. He might have moved in with ulterior motives but the excitement in his face when he moved in says it all. And i love how for a actor, he is sooo down to earth. He doesnt complain much. Sometimes i feel like he just wants to be approved by all the members of the family. Hahaha. 


finally someone said everything that I have been thiinking about Joonghee, yeah he got his own ulterior motive before moving into that households, but we all know he's actually so happy to get to live with his father and also the family, seeing how he bought them presents by himself. IMO joonghee has always been a sweet person inside seeing how he always want to buy present for someone he will meet, just like when he brought the wine when he wanted to see his dad for the first time. I hope the family realized just how kind and sweet he is, especially miyoung, because miyoung is the only person whom he told his 'evil plan' to. 

I also hope the writer tells us more about joonghee's childhood life, whom did he live with when he's still a child, and how his relationship with his stepfather going and especially his mother? How did he adopt Al? I'm sure he's adopted Al since he was small as turtle has longer life span compared to puppy or cat. If only Al can speak,he would scold the grandma for wanting to cook him and also being mean towards his beloved owner lol :D

the mother is the only person in the house who treats joonghee nicely aside from the dad, but she still won't talk casually to joonghee, I wonder how she will finally get closer to joonghee, maybe because the mom is the only one who knows the secrets, that's why she finds it's hard to think of joonghee as her own son. 



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