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[Drama 2016-2017] First Love Again 다시, 첫사랑 Thanks for Watch.


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1 hour ago, viyra said:

didn't HJ mother confront DY for having his wife involve with HJ?  She saw MH picture from SY  cellphone as verified  by Mr. Park - she then went to DY regarding the matter and that's when DY found out MH was behind the eviction and the meat issue.


1 hour ago, Mailelei said:

You have a good memory. HJ's mother did see the picture of MH and SY told her that she was DY's wife. How can HJ's mother not remember MH's face. Something doesn't seem right here. Is HJ's mother playing dumb? 

I was confused about the fact whether HJ's mother did or did not see MH's picture. So I re-watch some of the episodes. I found it in episode 31. 

SY was the one who saw MH picture and it was confirmed by the old Landlord that the lady in the picture was the one who was trying to kick them out. HJ's mother did not see MH's picture. Later, it was the old Landlord who accidentally slipped out to HJ's mother that it was DY's wife who bribed him to kick them out. She later went back to search for more information about DY and his wife and found DY's business card from the drawer. She then went and approach DY. 


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3 minutes ago, rikimaiu said:

I was confused about the fact whether HJ's mother did or did not see MH's picture. So I re-watch some of the episodes. I found it in episode 31. 

@rikimaiu This is why I think she was also involved in that baby coming up missing from Hj she could have been the one to hand the baby over.. I think that lil scene in the hallway was her way of playing like she didn't know MH to fool HJ..

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2 hours ago, sava2sava said:

@viyra   This was my recollection also.. This is why I don;t understand her actions upon seeing MH unless she made a deal with MH regarding HJ baby.. I still think mom is involved with HJ baby being toss out.. I belive she uses HJ for her own benefit..  

I think it is a case of bad continuity work. The writers are probably writing episodes on a weekly basis. Imagine coming with so many episodes. 

Let us hope they noticed it and come up with a reasonable enough 'explanation' - as long as it is not amnesia. :).

Logically, how could they have not met? The mother, DY's parents, MH and Jang the PI were all involved in Conspiring in the HJ-DY break up, they would have bumped into each other.

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Ep 42

1. JW reminded DY he is married. As Long as he wore the ring, he has no right to HJ.

2. MH threaten HJ - she is the 3rd party now.

:huh:For every CHOICE we make Today, Tomorrow will tell the consequences of those Choices.

HJ should tell the Mother the truth on MH. Need not to worry abt whether she can take it. She as her Mother she must be awarded of her action causing so much distress to the family. She has to live in a real world thinking she is still the @tai tai in her olden days"

HJ Mom better wake up. Being so ungracious to a boy is not suitable to be a Mom. No mother's love at all. Delete her out of the nonsense ways

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36 minutes ago, dkdk1 said:

HJ Mom better wake up. Being so ungracious to a boy is not suitable to be a Mom. No mother's love at all. Delete her out of the nonsense ways

well said !! frankly i don't know if she deserve to be a mother of her two sweet girls, they must take after their father not her at all!!! she know the boy has a trauma, but she didn't care a bit huh!! she kept HJ in the dark yrs about her boy although she saw her suffer for him so desperately:o.

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I think its best to avoid speculating about HJ's mom involvement in HJ's son being taken away. The writers are leaving very little clue in that direction. So far as i mentioned in my earlier post MH knows about HJ's baby. If you watched back ep5 a scene after MH gave DY an ultimatum to either be a legal father to her unborn child and have wealth and power or be a invalid loser, MH then called Det Jang and clearly instructed him to keep watching HJ and not let HJ have the baby because only her child will be the bloodline of LK. So i can't see HJ's mom conspiring with MH. And some of us were even confuse if HJ's mom knew MH. As @rikimaiu had said HJ's mom did not see the pix of DY's wife in SY's hp, she only knew it was DY's wife who is responsible for them being evicted and had confronted DY about it. I think it is safe to assume Det Jang took the baby away after it was born and somehow replace it with a dead baby. Det Jang must have done that to protect HJ's son from MH.

6 hours ago, stroppyse said:

True. However, HJ could still tell her mother that she does not like MH, that MH is not a friend of hers at all, and doesn't wish her well. She can divulge that much without compromising any information about the kidney. Or even more simply, HJ could tell her mom that MH is DY's wife. That should stop HJ's mom in her tracks from associating with MH.

Well aren't our characters in this drama dense when dealing with simple things in life. But on the other hand HJ mom is a feisty woman and not easily intimidated. If HJ had told her to stop seeing MH she will be suspicious and start asking questions. 

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NO one wants a bed scene between DY and MH and I am glad from the preview that DY will reject MH! But we will now have an even more vicious, manipulative and highly unstable, self-centred woman who will go all out to get rid of HJ and her son (when she(MH) becomes aware of the presence of HJ's son).

I have no good words for any of the mothers in this drama. HJ's mother is selfish and insensitive, taking advantage of her daughters with her illness. To reject the non-speaking boy with such cruel words attests to her cold heart toward to the weak and poor. DY's mother is so ignorant and timid, doing more harm to her son's happiness. MH's mother is consistently cold, cruel, manipulative and has successfully raised a daughter worthy of her. 

At the point of the drama, DY is the most pitiful character. He is torn between his love for HJ and his promise to be in a real marriage with MH and love for HR. He is unable to see the real MH, believing in MH's fake sincerity. I want him to open his eyes and see what is really happening in his world.

HJ has stepped up in her dealings with MH and I am liking this stronger HJ. Please, please let her son be safe from MH!


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Just watched the raw ep 43. HJ fell for MH's manipulations again. I am wondering what is happening in the writer's head. MH comes up with scheme after scheme. Well HJ saw DY walking towards the rooms and fell apart. Crossing the road without looking, almost being hit by a car. DY and MH met but he rejected her instead of making her pregnant. So we were right from looking at the previous. Waiting for subs.

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I love DY's reasoning in rejecting MH for a hot night. He believed in MH's sincerity towards him and as a result of her sincerity, he can't do it with her because he himself is not sincere ! I didn't see this coming from DY. DY's brain may be stupid but his heart is not. He took off MH's ring. I'll give him some points for that. 

On the other hand, after witnessing DY entering the hotel, HJ cried buckets of tears and decided to let go. She tried to put up a front that DY doesn't bother her anymore but I don't think it will be for long before she gives in to her feelings again. At least for now, she should maintain her front and move on. 

I really can't believe how selfish are all the parents in this drama. DY's father sacrifice him to save his own skin and his position. DY's mother only cares for DY being the CEO and doesn't care for DY's feelings. MH's parents taught their daughter to scheme and manipulate to achieve their own goal. As for HJ's mother, I believed she loves her a lot but her method of withholding critical information from her to shield her may not be in HJ best interest. At the moment, we still do not know her involvement in HJ's son disappearance. 

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@rikimaiu, I love your take on what's happening with the characters.....that's how I see it, too. Right now I'm wondering how the writer is going to show how HJ finds out that Ga On is HER son! Is that detective guy a good guy or bad guy? Is he working for MH? MH is just too, too evil, look at how she plots and schemes about everything......it's her whole life. 

This  thing with HJ and DY is becoming tiring, all this back and forth. I want to see what happens with JW, want to see HJ moving on with her life, as it was before she got her memories back. DY chose his path, let him live like that, HJ! 

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Ok - so half of DY's brain is actually functioning now - half of it is still being fooled by MH and the other half is being honest with her and himself - can't do it because he can't feel it!!  Good point!  That sent MH to hell overtime!

Me too!  I want to see some progress on JW.  I still don't see him as a bad guy.  And yes - waiting for HJ to find out the boy is her son.  Her mother instinct should help her find out - she will feel it.  Hope that happens before the evil MH gets into the picture again.

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Actually, I respected that DY was being true to himself in turning down MH. Of course, he still thinks she's being sincere towards him. I wonder how long before he finds out that he is being played by him as well as the rest of his family. At least, he'll find out what his father is capable of tomorrow in order to keep DY from challenging his position. Can't believe the twit of a mistress actually thinks that TY could inherit and run the company. Does she even know her son at all? She also has a big mouth, for  I think the line of the episode this time goes to MH who said of DH after hearing it was his father who created the mess, "Do Yoon really has a lot of people willing to harm him around him." Of course, this doesn't stop her from trying to restore her contractual marriage and business partnership with DY, so that she can then betray him. In the preview, MH goes to DY's father and tells him that they have common cause in wanting to see DY fired as CEO from the company. I wonder if that's what the chairman really wants, however, versus just wanting to see DY put in his place and cut down to size. 

I also vote that the back and forth between DY and HJ stop for a while. It's becoming tiring watching one of them go to the other, only to hear a rejection of some sorts. It's not even a dialogue at this stage, just monologues with both of them in the same frame. I would like to see HJ figure out that GO is her son. Not sure how they're going to do it. I would think that JW may be the one to get a suspicion perhaps, then secretly do a DNA test on HJ and GO? 

I would also like JW to realize that HR is his daughter sooner rather than later. At least, HR has warm feelings toward JW, though given that they haven't met that often, it seems as if the writers want to draw on the blood recognizes blood mantra that kdramas sometimes use. 

And, I so totally agree with @rikimaiu and others that the parents in this drama are all pretty horrible. So, let HJ and JW know their respective children so that they can demonstrate some good parenting. 

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Time Changed Everything Except The Love Deeply Rooted Within Our Hearts...

It feels as if in this latest episode DY & HJ have changed places he now considers himself free by taking his ring off but I don't think he is ready to fully love HJ yet either I guess he pretty much said that to MH as well.  Like others here I didn't expect DY to give those reasons for not being with MH.  Yet when I think about him staying alone for 8 years I guess being fully full of anger helped not to mention having a little girl to spend his life with.  It's more than that though I have to give DY credit that he never really gave up on HJ even through the anger.  He wasn't like his wife sleeping around and having fun he kept himself so busy with work that any free time he did have was spent with his Mother or daughter.  It's kind of like this thought I once wrote on another thread a long time ago.   I'll never be the same because of you...  Can't give my heart away when it's there with you...

I think even after all DY & HJ have gone through the one and only thing that never really changed was the love deeply rooted in their hearts its why no matter what they say, no matter what they do, they can't hide the way they feel when inside they know whats real and whats true...

I was upset when I saw the preview and the bottle drop and DY & HJ's son fall apart at just the sound so much fear in his actions and I am afraid some scars that were placed upon his heart and mind.  Whether it was abuse or neglect it still means he will need a lot of love in order to heal those kind of scars and with him not talking and not trusting it just makes it that much harder and so very sad.  When you think about it I mean that one person MH could start all of this destruction and DY & HJ's Moms would make it even worse.  That the evil and cruelty would last years and affect everything and everyone around DY & HJ and now their very own son has paid a price as well.  It's enough to make even me sick and from what I know about Abuse & Neglect time can heal it one can forgive but hardly ever is it forgotten....  Not really...

Added...  Please forgive my mix up with HJ & MH's name earlier I must have been really tired when writing it.  Hoping after this correction it makes sense now.  Looks like I need a proof reader:sweatingbullets:

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I just can't read DY's brain. He wasn't pissed at MH for calling the directors meeting rather he thinks MH is really being sincere in helping him achieved Chairmanship. Hence DY is thinking MH doesn't deserve his insincerity and rejects the union. Ok DY thanks for not letting me see u in bed with the witch but you are a pea brain for believing MH is sincere. 

I can feel for HJ she is holding onto DY with a little hope of going back to him and it didn't hit her that DY is married. MH was crule in making sure HJ realised it when she made HJ appear at the hotel just in time to see DY arrive to celebrate their anniversary.  Ok HJ it's time for you to move on because I'm tired of you going back and forth to DY, go to JW and laugh and be happy. 

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I have to agree that DY is quite dense, but HJ is not far behind. You would think after 8 years together, he could by now figure out where MH is coming from. The obviously uneducated mistress could say MH will offer to set a blind date whenever she wants something, but a CEO cannot see her for what she is. Just to be nice, perhaps DY is book smart?  Between DY and HJ, I pity their son. Two slow on the uptake parents, two meddling grandmothers and one vulgar grandfather. Oh what a gene mix:o!  Apologies to those who like the kid. His acting is nowhere near the little girl Geum Bi, but I am willing to wait till he talks. First word I bet is mother.

epi 43 shows some progress, MH's mother is going to lose a lot of money that she borrowed from loan sharks! HJ is spending more time with son and LK is crashing. I wonder if HJ is going to ask JW to help DY.   probably , the second idiotic thing she does is to be with JW to help DY, of course without asking if he wants it.

Truly, when I saw that she fell for MH's trick knowing fully well how desperate MH is to get rid of her, I was thinking please car, knock her down. Bad bad me.

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6 minutes ago, maribella said:

I have to agree that DY is quite dense, but HJ is not far behind. You would think after 8 years together, he could by now figure out where MH is coming from. The obviously uneducated mistress could say MH will offer to set a blind date whenever she wants something, but a CEO cannot see her for what she is. Just to be nice, perhaps DY is book smart?  Between DY and HJ, I pity their son. Two slow on the uptake parents, two meddling grandmothers and one vulgar grandfather. Oh what a gene mix:o!  Apologies to those who like the kid. His acting is nowhere near the little girl Geum Bi, but I am willing to wait till he talks. First word I bet is mother.

epi 43 shows some progress, MH's mother is going to lose a lot of money that she borrowed from loan sharks! HJ is spending more time with son and LK is crashing. I wonder if HJ is going to ask JW to help DY.   probably , the second idiotic thing she does is to be with JW to help DY, of course without asking if he wants it.

Truly, when I saw that she fell for MH's trick knowing fully well how desperate MH is to get rid of her, I was thinking please car, knock her down. Bad bad me.

I am agreeing on the highlighted statement - agreeing while laughing!!!!  That was funny - and true!  Because every time she gets knocked off or hit by a vehicle, she either loses or regain her memories. 

I, too, am patiently waiting for the reunion of the kids with their respective and true parents!!!  

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