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[Drama 2016-2017] First Love Again 다시, 첫사랑 Thanks for Watch.


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1 hour ago, viyra said:

BTW - not meaning to offend but we seemed quite confused on the initials of the characters we are referring to.  To clarify, HJ refers to Hajin; HY refers to the young girl Hyeri; and DY (not DJ) refers to Do Yoon.

Also, I would like to reiterate the question asked by a member earlier (please raise your hand - thank you) does DY brother know SY is the sister of HJ?  I asked the question after re watching a previous episode where DY brother was rude on HJ at the office.

about the initials of characters, i know sometimes our fingers are faster than our thoughts or is it the other way round. I too type the wrong initials like HK for Hye rin , but sometimes when we read the sentence we kind of know what was meant. 

I do not think Tae yoon knows that SY is HJ's sister and conveniently HJ wasn't at the restaurant when he appeared.  Writer nim seems to want this 'friendship' to continue for now. 

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Well the fight will be on I think Hj should have played her memory lose on MH longer but she tells her she's going to pay her back for everything.. So now she's putting herself and child in even more danger as she remembers she has a child just was it HJ that got rid of her own son at moms request or what.. I see after she moved away MH sent the man to make her miscarry she got into whatever accident it was that was staged for her to miscarry.. This could be how she lost her memory.. And I was right the man has kidnap the child.. Things are getting pretty interesting now MH wants her mom to frame JW so DY and family can't find out the connection between her and him..   

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I don't think HJ did a smart move. She shouldn't let MH knows that she got back her memory. She knew how evil can be and didn't she think that MH will harm her again ? She should just feign ignorant and let MH think otherwise and slowly do the investigation and plan her plot. It will be a different story if she has all power and money but she has nothing. 

Now JW is going to get a taste of MH's evilness ? I hope he fell into her trap to learn his lesson. It looks like he still has a soft spot for MH and he needs a hard lesson to wake him up. 

The only good thing is DY giving up on HJ because HJ can't be entangled with him in any relationship else it will make the matter worse. HJ too should give up DY for the time being. I am glad she saw MH and DY together also presumed that DY and MH has a daughter together. It must hurt her a lot but the right thing to do is to leave both of them alone and let go of her feelings. 

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@sava2sava  After watching today's episode I agree with you I wish HJ would have held back telling MH about her memories in my mind that was a bad move.  It would have been better for her to let MH think she has nothing to worry about giving HJ more time to work under cover.  I didn't mind her telling her family but she needs to think about the safety of her son as well.  I sometimes think HJ is still unaware of how low MH can go or what she capable of.  The power that money can & will buy at any time.  Laying all her cards out this soon in front of the very person that's a professional at crushing her life not to mention has no remorse about anything.  MH isn't going down without a fight and HJ has got to think & be smarter this time around...

I really don't think HJ would have given up her child as I have said before not willingly someone had to have taken him.  I guess we will see very soon what kind of heart the detective has hoping he felt bad after all the things he did to  HJ and wants to somehow make it right.  Or he is creepy and wants to use the boy for his own gain or to threaten MH.  One thing for sure he didn't go there with orders from MH because she would have left him in the USA...

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I was also surprised that HJ revealed her regained memories to everyone including HJ. I can only assume that since it was a partial memory recovery that she still doesn't have a full understanding of exactly how evil MH is and the lengths that she'll go to get what she wants. I'm also in agreement that HJ has to let DY go for now, though part of me still wishes that she would at least share what she remembers about MH with DY anyway, even if a relationship is not possible. I'm tired of DY being the clueless one through all this. He really is the only character who doesn't have any recall of the true events eight years ago, and I do think he needs to know. At the very least, so that he can protect himself and HR. 

Now that JW and HR have met, I'm wondering when JW will finally clue in that HR is his daughter. As much as HR longs for a father, and though she has impressed herself upon DY, it would still be good for HR to establish a bond with JW as well. Since Koreans believe that blood calls to blood, perhaps HR and JW will find themselves strangely drawn to each other anyway even if they don't recognize their relationship with each other for many more episodes yet. Urgh, it's a daily drama, so many, many more episodes to go before resolutions start.  Anyway, I don't want JW to end up with MH, however, because MH deserves to be alone and in jail for her crimes. Along with her mother for fraud. Not to mention DY's father for shady business practices. I don't think DY's mother has done anything illegal, she's just a nasty piece of goods, and I hope her realization that she subjected her grandchild to 8 years of purgatory and suffering in her greed will at least cause her remorse, though that may be expecting too much from a woman who only seems to have clinging to her husband's money and position as her only goal in life. 

I think what I want to see most right now, though, is a reunion of HJ with her son. I hope that they don't drag that out too long.


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Like many of you, I feel that HJ should've kept regaining her memory a secret. Especially MH. Yes, she underestimates MH and MH's ability to destroy her. Like @stroppyse you said, HJ hasn't regained all her memory so HJ should have had a plan before approaching MH. Looks like we will have a battle between HJ and MH. Just hope HR and DY/HJ's son are not hurt during this battle.

I  to, would like to see a "special" bond between JW and HR. I already see chemistry when they meet. JW needs to keep in mind what MH is capable of and not let his guard down, especially now that Madam Kim knows that he's at the LK group. Madam Kim and MH now plotting to frame him for embezzlement and tax invasion. Mother and daughter two of a kind. May they both go to prison for their evil deeds!

Would like to know what the Detective is planning to do with DY/HJ's son. Is he planning to let HJ know that her son's alive because of his guilt? MH definitely doesn't know that he has found The boy. JW suspects the Detective's involvement with MH and the disappearance of HJ. Can't wait for JH to execute her revenge plan!

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4 hours ago, USAFarmgirl said:

I really don't think HJ would have given up her child as I have said before not willingly someone had to have taken him.  I guess we will see very soon what kind of heart the detective has hoping he felt bad after all the things he did to  HJ and wants to somehow make it right.  Or he is creepy and wants to use the boy for his own gain or to threaten MH.  One thing for sure he didn't go there with orders from MH because she would have left him in the USA...

It is a surprise to me why the boy (HJ/DY's son) was on his own when the detective found him. If HJ's mother had given him away to be adopted he would have been with his adopted parents. So 8 years ago MH had instructed the detective to kidnap HJ and force her into an abortion. I assume the detective lost HJ and couldn't find her back then. He must have lied to MH that HJ had the abortion. But now looks like  the detective was protecting the boy from MH's minion and the question now is why. 

Well seems that all of you here were not too keen on HJ revealing to everyone including MH that she regained part of her memories. Maybe it is just as well. That will make MH more nervous people tend to do stupid things when they are nervous. I wouldn't be surprise if HJ remembers seeing MH at the OBGYN clinic 8 years ago and then tells JW or that will be a card she holds against MH.

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HJ is not like MH hide and scheme to do evil deeds. In later episode, it seem DY may be touched by MH confrontation with her Mom in front of him. 

DY was tricked by MH once, it seem that he will be continued to fall into her "so kind" action. As Long as DY has Hyetin as an "idol" in his life he will be stayed married to MH. He make the choice not on love but on Hyerin who is everything to him.

HJ continue with DY, Hyerin will also be the GAP created between them. HJ should concentrate on her skill and hope JW will help to find her son  which will be an encouragement to her.

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HJ is not like MH hide and scheme to do evil deeds. In later episode, it seem DY may be touched by MH confrontation with her Mom in front of him. 

DY was tricked by MH once, it seem that he will be continued to fall into her "so kind" action. As Long as DY has Hyetin as an "idol" in his life he will be stayed married to MH. He make the choice not on love but on Hyerin who is everything to him.

HJ continue with DY, Hyerin will also be the GAP created between them. HJ should concentrate on her skill and hope JW will help to find her son  which will be an encouragement to her.

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Would like to pose a question for the men.

if you are a Father in the same position as DY love Hyerin the child with no blood relation for more than 8 years. Now you found your Son.

Who will you choose if you need to choose 1 - Hyerin whom you are attached emotionally OR your own flesh and blood son?

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I think HJ will be the one to help Jw from being framed this is how these two will become close..But Jw is ging to need to be more honest with her and so is she they must be honest and trust each other.. I think DY dad is getting what he deserves for selling out his son like that now he can do nothing about it..

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26 minutes ago, spring123 said:

HJ should tell DY about baby !

She did but he did not believe her. He returned her the sonogram and ended all relationship. He then went back home and told MH he will have a real marriage with her. 

As @dkdk1 mentioned above, DY is going to fall for MH kindness again when she sides him instead of her mother. In no time, DY will end up in bed with her to repay her 'love' for him. 

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@rikimaiu It's hard for me to even think about DY in bed with MH really hard:tears:  I think when I saw DY being picked up by MH from work and HJ standing there watching my heart really broke for her. Not just for that moment but like a flashback in a drama so did my mind work the same thinking about what she has been through from the beginning until now.  About how getting her memories back should be full of happiness and thankfulness.  Yet, I wonder for her it must have been a mixture and happiness and brokenness.  Moving from one place to the next following her memories reliving and seeing them together in love in her mind...

She can't go back, she can't reclaim the beauty that once was no matter what happens.  She won't ever be able to get those years back.  Not with DY but even sadder not with her Son who most likely wouldn't recognize her if he saw her.  I also thought about how fast everything is happening  to her.  From finding out you have a son somewhere to DY blaming her for their past and telling her he was moving on.  To about being killed and then regaining her memories now knowing MH a person she once thought of as helpful, trusting, a friend.   Was in fact the evil force, the very person who took everything she had from her including her memories.  For no other reason than she wanted her man...

It's hard to believe that a person with money & power can so quickly put out a persons life like they mean nothing. Whats even worse MH has no remorse even after all this time, none.   Reminds me of a candles flame blown out almost effortless all that's left of that once burning flame is a soft smoke that quickly disappears.  So when I saw HJ standing back seeing the only man she had ever loved.  Loving someone else.  I wondered just how much more must she endure and what's even sadder is that she blames herself for not telling & taking DY with her.  For not having the courage to hold onto him, her son and her life.   As tears run down her face and so many thoughts on her mind.  Him being escorted into the car her with no choice but to watch.  Maybe one thought being there goes my heart and the love of my life...:sweatingbullets:


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Boy Mh life is real colorful, Now she knows she's fighting fire with fire, Now she's trying to befriend HJ mother who is still lying to her about the baby.. It seems MH did get a hold to Hj baby something is off about the missing boy.. So far it seems like HJ mom had something to do with it and on the other hand it looks like MH also played apart in him leaving..

I like the fact that JW put a tail on MH henchmen and hopefully he can put two and two together and realize that the boy is HJ and DY's.. Hj finding out the real reason Mh did what she did.. Finding out the girl was born around the sametime her son was tells her the girl isn't DY daughter so she thought.. I hope she would share this information with JW because as of now they both need to work together..I'm looking forward to how Mh will live in fear trying to find this child.. I think Jw will hide the fact that the boy is in his hands until he knows he can be safe with his mom.. Jw isn't going to leave any room for MH to try and take the boy because she's married to DY,  

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Today's episode gave me hope that just maybe the detective isn't as creepy as I thought just the fact that he didn't kill the boy years ago makes me believe there is hope.  I also wonder what happened to him living with his adopted family?  What were they like and why isn't he talking? 

I am sick over HJ's Mom and why now that her daughter is fighting so hard to put her life and memories in order she continues to hold back the truth.  I don't believe she had anything to do with the child being taken but I do think she is  still in the wrong for allowing HJ to believe a lie when the truth is what she needs.  Not to mention is she so selfish that she has no concern about her grandsons life or well being.  Even if he was taken and she didn't know where wouldn't her first thought be to find him now that HJ knows most of her memories and as a family work towards bringing him home.  That's what a real Mom would do...

I also am thankful to JW for having a man tail the detective as it makes me feel as if the boy is a bit safer.  I did wonder if somehow the paid husband would go to MH and tell her where he was and let it slip that his son is  with him.  She is going to find out about that boy and want to get rid of him most likely not trusting anyone else to do the job since it didn't work the first time but deciding to do it herself...

I was most proud of HJ today and thought it was a smart move while on TV cooking sharing a part of her heart knowing that most likely he was watching and going a bit farther and telling the world she loved someone and that her recipe was founded because of that love she wanted to give her family something they all could eat and enjoy together.  WAKE UP DY do those memories and flashback sound like a woman who would kill your child? Even now look at her does that face and heart felt warmth look like someone who could ever even think of something like that?  

Looks as if DY's mother-in-law wants more grandchildren and so does MH just one more way of controlling him chaining him to her makes me ill and:angry:  I don't know what tomorrow will bring but I hope DY finds his brain cells and doesn't move to quickly to the dark side for his sake....  And mine...



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