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[Drama 2017] While You Were Sleeping, 당신이 잠든 사이에


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They are back in the courtroom; a video conference with the small boy.

Accused and YB looked very smug.


YB took the mic from JC and asked the small boy some questions.

Small boy hugged his mom while saying "I don't know."

YB placed the mic rudely in front of JC.

JC was mustering enough courage, clenching his fist and twisting his mouth.

He is pretending to be Santa Claus friend in order to get the small boy to answer some questions.

The boy is responding.

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I really hope JC wins the case.



It's YB's asking questions through live video. the boy is scared on answering while hugging his mom.

JC's turn to ask to the child. At first JC hesitated, then he ask the kid in a cheery, friendly and cute way. His colleagues are taken aback.

 The boy responded and answered his questions. JC also show to the court the boy's drawing on how prof did to the male student.


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SW stepped into a convenience store and his classmate happened to be working there.

He asked if his hyung can help with his father's case.


HJ reached home; seems there is a lil tense moment between her and mom.


Chang Ho was excited to see his mom at the hospital.


HJ stepped outta the house and called WT. 

They are not having breakfast at Eomoni's today.

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Seungwon's class mate is watching the trial and recognises yoobum...

yoo bum asked when was the time of death...they don't know why he did that...

he trying to say it's not a murder cos patient was not dead...

so it was the doctor who stopped his heart...

therefore the accused did not murder him

hj is trying to save him...

they are mirroring each other's explanation that the victim would have died even if his organs weren't transplanted...


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Female senior prosecutor is now interviewing someone in the courtroom; there was a mention of MRI.

Results showed consistent signs of strangling.


YB is rolling paper ends, as usual.


Before she sat down, she bowed to the deceased's father.

JC gave the thumbs up to his sunbae.

SW's classmate... is in the courtroom too; his father is the writer!


It was YB's turn to ask questions.


HJ just stepped into the courtroom and sat beside the deceased's father.

JC locked eyes with her for awhile when he turned around.


YB is presenting his case again; questioning the procedure in the OT when removing the organs.

Everyone seems riled up.


"It can't be!"


The deceased's father stood up and shouted.

HJ tried to call him down.

And she made some pretty loud remarks about the accused and lawyer.


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JC is now presenting his case.

And HJ is doing the same by explaining to the deceased's father outside the courtroom.


Both HJ and the deceased's father stepped quietly into the courtroom.


JC then bowed to the magistrate.

Once the session is over, the female senior prosecutor thanked him and even hugged him. Caught him by surprise.


YB is now in the washroom, washing his hands like crazy with soap.

There was no more tissue but the student offered him his handkerchief which he refused.

But the disturbing part, he took the green umbrella which YB left in the washroom.

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Oooh... Nam HongJoo. Going good!


She is so, so clear headed. She broke through the nonsense that was YooBum's rubbish defense and if it weren't for her clear-headedness, the judge and the prosecution might have failed to make a comeback because of emotions fuzzing up their logic.


YooBum proposed that though Writer might have assaulted the Assistant, he did not kill Assistant. (Ah, and because JaeChan went ahead with his charge of murder, he has to prove and argue for murder beyond any reasonable doubt and anything less will deem Writer as Not Guilty.) Because Assistant might have lived (heart beating, irregardless) after the assault but they'll never know because the doctors cut his heart out for donation. Therefore, he asserted that the cause of the death, per the criminal law, of Assistant was the doctor, and by default, the father, who gave permission to let his son donate his organs. In that case, Writer is NOT a murder and the charge of murder by the prosecutors cannot be proven guilty beyond doubt.


And then Dad gets all worked up, blaming himself for killing his own son. HongJoo calms him down by shouting all over the court room that it makes no sense because if Writer NEVER assaulted Assistant, he wouldn't be brain-dead and his life wouldn't have been taken from him anyway. In any case, he was going to die either way. So the judge shouldn't be basing the case of guilty or not for murder on the time of death but rather, he should be looking at the very start of the case - which is the assault that set off the chain that took Assistant's life and is therefore the main cause of a young man losing his life way too early. And the assault and subsequent push was done by Writer which means that HE IS A MURDERER.


That's what they were explaining with their hands earlier.


So dammit refreshing. Oof.

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Oh no..the green umbrella is now in the hands of sw's classmate who was turned down by sw

she's trying to tell her Mom now that she is not blaming herself for things that happen like she used to....

hj Mom is now reconciling with jc..

he won but he got 7 years for murder...that's it????

he borrowed car and drove the both of them to the ocean. 

He then fesses that he knew she was lying about her dreaming that he would win

oh no...the Father of sw's classmate hung himself....

think next week will be tough


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HJ reached home and spoke to Eomoni.


JC went to the laundromat and bumped into Eomoni there. He was feeling a bit awkward but addressed her.

As he was placing the laundry in the washer, he recalled the conversation.

He then went to her and asked her.

He kept on calling her Eomonim, but corrected himself by calling her Ahjumonim. 

She then apologised.

He then hugged her.


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YB has another speech, explaining  to thje judge. It made the victim's father angry, 


HJ is there at the court and  helps the father calming down and bringing out of the court.


JC's turn to speak to the court.  HJ explaining something to the father, while JC is explaining. 


His explanations makes his colleagues and other's  smile/satisfied and moved (SW's friend is also there watching and smiled). YB and the killer are disappointed.


Outside the courtroom, As JC's leaving,  Prosecutor Shin hugged him and saying thanking you.


At the restroom, YB is again is so upset and angry.  SW's friend is also there,  handed him tissue, 

YB left his umbrella. SW friend picked it.






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