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Kim Min Jong 김민종


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wow.....so many BiMil nuts here..... :lol::lol::lol: ... all this talking makes me want to see it lah...hee hee, l am listening to the ost now ......love the song sung by SSH ^ ^ BTW, mine is not dvd but vcd. l had it ages ago, it was sold here in Singapore, but it does not have English subtilted, only Chinese. But it is fine for me as l can read and understand Chinese. l only got a copy with English subtitled from a fan in Hawaii and it is taped over the TV.

Hi Cyn and Ay_link,

Agree, l love his voice and like Ay_link, after listening to his albums for so many years....hahaha....l still listen to them....his latest song "Please love someone nice" mmmmmmm......is a song l love and current favor at the moment.

Hi Sylver,

Got my "seperation" in HK....quality is great...Chinese sub (also okay lah but l think probably better than Eng sub) and it does have English sub too...Eng sub is okay lah....nothing to shout about, at least you know what is being said. You know something.....seeing GY, JM and SJ on tv screen is really very very different from seeing on our computer screen. GY looks very attractive, JM is so cute (he is really good) and SJ is wow !!! Let me know if you need me to get a copy for you ^ ^

Mr Q? l enjoy this drama very much....it is my first KMJ's drama. It is all about the "bra industry", you will see MJ handling lots of bras.....hahahaha....it is simple good workers vs bad boss kind of story. Bad boss gives them impossible task and just when everything seems to be at a loss, Mr Q always saves the day one way or other and of course in the end he wins the heart of his lady love too .....bear in mind this drama is done in 1997 so fashion/ make up is a bit off key but it is a very enjoyable drama.....l love it very much. Dialogue is cute too ^ ^ Why are you thinking of getting it?

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Btw, those who bought the BiMil DVD from YesAsia. Are both pic quality and subs good?

Hi sylver,

The Bimil DVD set which I bought from YesAsia has very good picture quality and English subs. I think the subs were taken from the Hawaiian KBFD TV coz I noticed that the subs were the same as the subs of the Bimil VCD (recorded from KBFD TV) which a dear friend gave to me. Since the picture of the VCD was not clear, I decided to buy the DVD set from YesAsia immediately after I know that they were selling it. It makes such a great difference to see Min Jong's handsome face so clearly.

Hi Queenie,

Thanks for posting Cho Young Min's pixs. You know, I was going to post CYM's pixs but did not do so as I was still trying to sort them out first. I was so excited with the clarity of the pictures of my DVD set that I straight away took many many snapshots of CYM. Maybe, one day after many pages in this thread has gone by, I will post those CYM pixs of mine.

Ok, here's another batch of Min Jong pixs taken from Music Wave.





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wow.... never seen khs with kmj before, so this screencap really tease me to see the drama now :(

Jojo, this is your first drama of MJ oppa? mine was Guardian Angel... :D

well actually my dear friend gave me both GA and Bimil, but I watched GA first.... ^^

I'm glad I watched GA first though... so that, the 'blue' hair of MJ oppa didn't stuck in my head... haha..

btw, Bra Industry? :lol: this really sounds interesting! MJ oppa with lots of bra... :lol: :lol:

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Hi Ay_link

...those pixs of MJ and Kim Hee Seon are from another drama....Nara (KBS autumn drama, late 1996 to early 1997, a total of 48 episodes). It is a drama with dark and sad elements, so it may not appeals to all.

l love this drama but it is heart breaking watching it (my heart bleeds especially for Kim Han Su (KMJ) and the sadness linger on for days after l finish the whole drama. One fan says that she would see BiMil right after this just so as to take that sadness away...... l saw it quite a long while ago on the internet (without sub) and finally l manage to get a vcd set (unfortunately dubbed) but l couldn't bring myself to see it even though l know l should. l am so afraid that l would cry for my poor Han Su and l know l will. MJ has bring to live the character of Han Su and Kim Han Su is an unforgettable character.....now we know why MJ is so unforgettable !

Nara is about the lives of 4 (2 girls and 2 guys) young people and their dreams. 3 of them grow up in the slumps and their dream is to get out of the place...4th girl (KHS) is from a rich family but ends up in the slumps when the family loss everything due to the sudden death of her father...she grow up overnight when she has to take on the burden of looking after her mother. Nara is about love, love with no condition....Han Su's unselfish love for UhmAh (KHS), always there for her, protecting her and many a time risking his life for her even though he knows she loves someone else. l never forget the scene where he was beaten up by the baddies just to save her and to watch her from distant embracing the man she loves ......my poor, poor Han Su, how my heart bleeds for you !

Ay_link, go to www.minjong.net and go to the data section....there are comments on Nara there but other fans and they are really good write up. l can't write well and therefore cannot express to well.

MR Q is the second collabration between MJ and KHS, it is produce in 1998 by SBS, has a total of 18 episodes and by the same scriptwriter of Guardian Angel. This is a light hearted comedy, about the on goings in a undergarments company. it is about a group of misfits (in the eyes of their big boss) and their "bad" boss who give them impossible tasks just so that he has the excuse to "fire" them but of course this group of misfits manage to overcome all these and triumph in the end...^ ^

Kim Hee Soen also appears in Wedding dress (KBS, 97 -98/ 22 episode) but she does not pair up with MJ.

l will try to put up some pixs of Mr Q for you later on ^ ^

Here 's a small gif of the last scene in Mr Q.....hee hee...ya lor.....kissing scene lah ^ ^

If l remember the dialogue correctly, this is how it goes...

Lee (KMJ) "l don't care if you going to sue me...." and he went and kiss her and after the kiss..."now, you can sue me."

Han (KHS), keeps silent for awhile and then not looking at him, says quietly, "....and now you can sue me back.." and she went on to kiss him......See MJ's big eyes !!!

lthese are not the exact words....but something like that lah ^ ^


hee hee....this is really a very small gif wor.....hahaha....l will put up some pixs later on...really have to be later on lah ^ ^

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^ Hi Jojo :)

thanks for the corrections :D hehe....

no wonder it says 'Nara' in there, and when I saw some caps that has MJ with blood everywhere, I was like,.. "wow.. he's really suffering in this drama.."

Now by reading your comments about Nara,... I don't think I can bear to watch the drama myself... not that I have the drama, since it's too old to even search for it.

And btw, come to think about it again, KMJ did work a few times with Kim Hee Sun. OK.. I shall wait to see those pics from Mr. Q ^^

thanks again...

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some pixs from Mr Q....


see his big surprise eyes when Miss Han kisses him back ^ ^


hee hee....no, no this is not from the kissing scene...there is a funny story that comes with this "kissing scene"....l will tell you all later when l ul the other pixs ^ ^


l remember this scene...they give each other present to celebrate their 100 days with the compnay...hahaha...excuses that's all lah ! He gives her a diamonate hair clip and she gives him a lighter which she regrets later because she wants him to stop smoking ^ ^


this is another funny scene....she complains about him being lazy and not alert just a bear, really sluggish, and he complains that she is like a woodpecker .....pecking and pecking at other people's weakness. He went on to say that at least bears are lovable...whoever wants a woodpecker as his/her favourite toy?



really got to go now .....will put in the other photos later ^ ^

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Guest cynkawahara

Thanks jojo for the pics of Mr. Q. I have not watched this drama as yet but sounds interesting. My problem is that I am not that great of a fan of KHS. I don't really know why but...

For now, I will stick with listening to his songs! Just really enjoying it right now.

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this is another funny scene....she complains about him being lazy and not alert just a bear, really sluggish, and he complains that she is like a woodpecker .....pecking and pecking at other people's weakness. He went on to say that at least bears are lovable...whoever wants a woodpecker as his/her favourite toy?

:lol: thanks for the pics, Jojo :)

this one is really funny haha.... whoever wants a woodpecker as his fave toy... :D :D

MJ oppa looks kinda funny with that hairstyle.... it's kinda 'cuckoo' on him :P hihihi...

but, boy... how I'm glad that he's actually getting more and more handsome as he's aging :D

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Guest cynkawahara

MJ oppa looks kinda funny with that hairstyle.... it's kinda 'cuckoo' on him :P hihihi...

but, boy... how I'm glad that he's actually getting more and more handsome as he's aging :D

ditto that...I think he is aging beautifully. Sometimes, I think men look better as they age. Unfortunately, the same does not always hold true for women. Sigh...

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Guest Queenie Leo

Hello to all

Here is a briefing of MR Q...


1998 SBS Drama - MR Q

Casts by Kim Min Jong, Kim Hee Sun, Song Yun Ah...

The drama MR Q is extracted from a comic.

Is a 1998 SBS production. When MR Q is air in Korea at that time, it achieve viewership of more than 40%. It certainly is a hit back.

This drama mark the 3rd time that Min Jong collaborate with Kim Hee Sun... their earlier works are 'Nara/Faraway Nation' and 'Wedding Dress' (both are KBS drama).

MR Q is a office comedy, tells of a group of 'misfits' (at least they are 'misfits' in the eyes of GM Wong because one way or other they have 'cross' his path and he tries his best to rid these 'misfits' from the company, LaLa is a leading manufacturer of undergarments for ladies). He puts them all in this particular department....call Development Dept., gives them impossible tasks and datelines, hoping that they will fail so that he can sack all of them.... but of course....the good guys prevail.

Lee Kang Tu (by KMJ) and Han Wei Yuan (by KHS) are new staff to LaLa undergarmets company, but somehow they seems to start at the wrong footing and found themselves in this 'condemn' department.

Han is a designer, suppose to work under Wong Julie (by SYA) who is daughter of GM Wong and also the heading the department that designs all the undergarments.

Well, Han being a pretty, sweet and smart girl certainly does not goes down well with Julie, who is constantly finding fault with her and doing her very best to get rid of Han.

Lee gets into the bad book of GM Wong when Julie ask Lee to pretend to be her boyfriend when her father tires to arrange a meeting with a potential suitor...

so off this department Lee goes... but because Julie is attracted to him, he is 'protected' in a way from GM Wong but the same cannot be said to Han....

Unfortunately for Han....her protector comes in the form of Lee, who is always around to help her out.

(remind you of 'Guardian Angel' don't it?? Yes the similarities are there because it is by the same scriptwriter) Of course when we put two young people together...sparks files... as the drama unfolds we see the many obstacles place by GM Wong to 'make lives' difficult for the staff of this department, the many misunderstanding cause by Julie.

This is lighthearted comedy, lots of tender moments between Lee and Han and very well written dialogues that make this drama extremely enjoyable.

*credit to jojo

Copy the below link to see some highlight of 'MR Q'



:lol: Min Jong shii with lot of UNDERGARMENT !! :lol:

Btw when 'MR Q' aired in Korea...

the viewer rating is quite high...obtain nearly 45%.

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^ thanks Queenie dear... :wub:

haha.. that pic of MJ oppa with lots of undergarments is quite funny :D

wow.. the ratings were pretty high!

Now should we wish for yesasia to produce this drama?? ^__^

perhaps start with 'begging' letter? hihi....

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Queenie dear, did l really write that article :o ? l am surprise myself.....hahahaha.... are sure you credit the right person??? :lol:

l am sorry :huh: but l can't post any pixs of Mr Q today....quite busy, l will do what l can later cheers everyone, have a good weekend......l hope l have time to see more epi of Seperation...manage to sneak another epi last night....hee hee....this is the one where MJ did a "rap"....l love that, he is so so funny ^ ^ but nothing beat the scene where he pretends to "sing" to GY..........that is my absolute favourite....l find it so heartwarming :wub:

Agree .....Is looking better as he aged.....someone describe him like wine....the more mature the wine the better it taste....hahaha...in this case as he matured, he looks even better ^ ^

As for women mah....this is because we always mature faster (in terms of looks) than the guys....remember what l said about LSY....it will come a time where the guy's look will catch up with the woman's look and then of course.... :( sadly, the woman looks will continue to look ore "mature" and the guy will still look good and then there's where all these sad tales about younger woman coming in between begin to surface...... :(

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Guest Queenie Leo

Hello to all

jojo ah...too many writing for Min Jong...that forget what you have write before...:lol:

didn't credit to the wrong person...that piece of briefing is from you...remember I had asked

you to write when want to post some pix of MR Q in KMJ's thread last year.

Here is the latest photo of Min Jong shii at a Radio programme (KBS Volume Up) on 20/10/05.

The girl next to MJ is Choi Kang Hee (the female lead of 'Separation').

she is the DJ of the programme.


*source from KBS

At the same day...MJ went to another Radio programme (SBS Ten Ten)...host by Park Yong Ha.

Here is some write up of the radio programme by Splash...

Managed to watch only 5-10 minutes of "Volume UP", but managed to listen to "Ten Ten" I never laughed so much in my life when listening to a radio show. PYH and KMJ were teasing MJ's manager the whole time because the manager was so nervous during the show that he kept his mouth shut and couldn't talk much, unlike his usual personality. MJ's voice and laughter was sexy and cheerful as always *^^*

MJ answered that he writes his lyrics from his feelings after watching a movie, sometimes the words just come up in his mind, from his own experiences, or when he sits down to write, it is a combination of many circumstances.

The name of that movie was "Shawshank Redemption" starring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. The first line of the lyrics that he came up with after watching that movie was "하늘 위로 날아 ..."

He always puts tapes with only the music in them in his car, so he felt that the lyrics fit the melody perfectly. Moreover, he saw birds in the sky then. The first line of that song is

"하늘 위로 날아 가는 새들은 "

The birds that fly up to the sky ...

Manager Woo says that the food MJ cooks best is ddokbokki and that MJ has a very special way of making chabagetti. MJ explains that his style is to boil the noodles and then add the soup powder. Then he puts in extra vegetables, stir fries them... He thinks his food is very delicious but nobody wants to eat. He says people have a hard time eating his chabagetti. His manager mentioned that once when MJ asked him to eat that chabagetti, he gave the excuse and said that he would come later to eat it. Actually he was hoping that the chabagetti would be finished by the time he went, but unfortunately for him, MJ made it especially for him when he got there!!

Poor MJ!!! He's so cute!!

This is so funny!!!

Many thanks to Splash...now we know MJ's special way of cooking chabagetti... no one dare to eat...

wonder is that so horrible to eat...for me don't mind to eat even is taste horrible as is cook by MJ shii :lol:

Now we get to know how MJ pen his lyrics...seeing movie...travelling...driving his car.

Wish everyone have a Wonderful Weekend !

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....cont....Mr Q's pxis


see Miss Han's expression ? Wonder what's happening?

It all happen in the elvator. Mr Lee is standing behind her and suddenly Miss Han feels someone pinches her "bum", see her shock look. She turns around and slap Mr Lee right across the face....hahaha...l can still remember this scene vividly....it is so funny because poor Mr Lee, he is down right embarrass....later it is discover that the misdeed is done by a small boy standing next to her.....now it is Miss Han turns to feel embarrass...... :lol:


....embarrassing her in front of everyone Mr Lee insist that she has to compensate him and allows him to slap her back....so she shuts her eyes waiting for that slap..... :lol::lol::lol: How could Mr Lee slaps her, instead, he trys to "peck" her on her cheek .....


arh......Mr Lee is really taking advantage of her wor........naughty Mr L:ee !!!

did he gets what he wants ?.....guess lor ! :P

l have the vods for this drama but without subtitle, anyone interested please let me know. yes, l know MJ's hairstyle looks "cuckoo" but remember this is a 1998 production and it is fashional then to have such hairstyle.....Miss Han wears platform shoes :rolleyes:



Can anyone recognises who the lady in red is ?? shhhhhhh....Queenie, cannot tell hor !

Julie Wong, she is the daughter of GM Wong, real nasty one....as you can see from the second pix....she is the one that comes between them.

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Thanks jojo for the pics of Mr. Q. I have not watched this drama as yet but sounds interesting. My problem is that I am not that great of a fan of KHS. I don't really know why but...

For now, I will stick with listening to his songs! Just really enjoying it right now.

Hi Cyn, l am not a fan of KHS too, she is too beautiful for my liking....hahaha not lah, don't like that kind of beautiful face at all....l am more into Kim Ha Neul type...simple natural beauty....like the girl next door....arh the other Miss kim is way too perfect wor....that aside, l don't really fancy her acting at all, if she can acts, l would probably be a fan of hers....unfortunately, l don't think she can (by the way, that's my opinion only hor, so any KHS fans out there, please don't 'bash" me okay?), having said that though, she pairs pretty well with MJ, and don't miss Mr Q because of her because both Mr Q and Nara, the focus are really on MJ....see them for Mj and because both these dramas are worth seeing ^ ^

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....cont....Mr Q's pxis


Can anyone recognises who the lady in red is ?? shhhhhhh....Queenie, cannot tell hor !

Julie Wong, she is the daughter of GM Wong, real nasty one....as you can see from the second pix....she is the one that comes between them.


Oh, only Queenie cannot guess ah, then I guess ok? It's Song Yun Ah, she acted in many k-dramas such as Hotelier, Into the Storm, Hong Kong Express, etc.. Any prize for me for guessing right?


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Guest Queenie Leo

Hello to all

:lol: jojo...I didn't said who is the lady in red...as someone had already

said on my behalf... :lol:...thanks to ai* and kesf.

Hello to ai* and welcome to KMJ's thread.

OK...here is some fresh looking pix of Min Jong shii...

during his promotion of 'Nabi/Mr Butterfly'.




A fresh look of Min Jong...to see him wearing a Polo T...

(seldom get to see MJ wear like that...)

Min Jong was asked how he write lyrics and what is the most memorable lyrics.

He answered <for a friend/친구를 위해>is the most memorable one.

When he was watching a movie, the begining fraise had flashed in his mind.

*credit to clover

This is the song of MJ's most memorable lyrics wrote by him.

Song Title - For Friend (KMJ's Best album track 1)

CLICK HERE - For Friend by KMJ

Specially Dedicate this song to all fans of Min Jong !

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Guest cynkawahara

Oh Queenie...what great pics of KMJ! Just enjoy looking at him. He looks so casual and relaxed. How I would love to be sitting there next to him, while eating his chabaghetti. (I don't know what that is but it really doesn't matter. ) He seems the type of person that is very personable and approachable. Also, enjoying the song as I am typing.

jojo....if i get an opportunity, I will take your recommendation and watch Mr. Q and Nara. Thanks.

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