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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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1 hour ago, cenching said:


Previews for tomorrow....

Add. XE, listen to YWY you should considers the lives of people in general.....


Right? I'm actually quite taken aback that she hadn't considered the collateral damage her (and YX's) plans will result in. I'm glad YWY pointed it out to her

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9 minutes ago, frostfire said:


Right? I'm actually quite taken aback that she hadn't considered the collateral damage her (and YX's) plans will result in. I'm glad YWY pointed it out to her

But will XE listen to YWY?? as we all know that XE is not a woman who would listen to anyone i bet she will still go on with YX even i hated it....

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YX is rebelling tomorrow from the previews. 

YWY confronts CQ and tells her YX is a wolf and that she will regret it. She says she won't and leaves. 

- You will regret it girl, you should have listened to him 

Also why is YWY letting YX get away with this stuff? He knows what he is about to do. 

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1 minute ago, mrsyooknit said:

YX is rebelling tomorrow from the previews. 

YWY confronts CQ and tells her YX is a wolf and that she will regret it. She says she won't and leaves. 

- You will regret it girl, you should have listened to him 

Also why is YWY letting YX get away with this stuff? He knows what he is about 

This is sad @mrsyooknit

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Upon reading all the comments her about tomorrows episode i kinda hate XE more:grin: pls dont kill me guys but i just hate her way of dealing things i mean doesnt she has a mond of her own why would she risk her life and follow YX when she knows what would be the outcome of the rebellion  she fights slavery but as YWY said before there are so many ways to fight it not like this way but still she goes on....i even dont know what she really wants for now is it freedom?will she really be free if she will go with YX i guess not so i just hope she will regret everything and when she realize it i hope YWY will not be there anymore i want XE to suffer mlre than what pain she have to YWY im so pissed with her 

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10 minutes ago, frostfire said:


Right? I'm actually quite taken aback that she hadn't considered the collateral damage her (and YX's) plans will result in. I'm glad YWY pointed it out to her

Exactly!  She also does not know YX is doing things behind her back.  CQ/XE is very smart.  She should have stayed with YWY longer and learn from him.  It is another disappointment in CQ's lack of consideration for people's lives.

It would be nice if for a change that it is YWY's turn to misunderstand  CQ using him as a decoy.  I want to see CQ going through what YWY went through before. But she still seems clueless at this point.

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2 minutes ago, Kim Da said:

Upon reading all the comments her about tomorrows episode i kinda hate XE more:grin: pls dont kill me guys but i just hate her way of dealing things i mean doesnt she has a mond of her own why would she risk her life and follow YX when she knows what would be the outcome of the rebellion  she fights slavery but as YWY said before there are so many ways to fight it not like this way but still she goes on....i even dont know what she really wants for now is it freedom?will she really be free if she will go with YX i guess not so i just hope she will regret everything and when she realize it i hope YWY will not be there anymore i want XE to suffer mlre than what pain she have to YWY im so pissed with her 


I must confess I don't like her either. Not so much for following YX, she was forced into that side and she pledge her allegiance to him. But I agree on her not considering other people and some of her own goals when following YX. 

I was just thinking how YWY deserves someone better than her. Sadly, she is not a very likable character. 

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Correction to previous post, I meant CQ/XE is NOT very smart.  

I too find it hard to like CA now.  She is like a "bull", just charging ahead blindly without any thoughts or any moral of her own.  But I think that is supposed to change and I am waiting patiently.

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From the way it looks, we're gonna have a LONG rebellion period:huh: 

Cdramas always have long separation periods and now rebellion :( I don't think it's necessary to go into so much details then the good parts are always fast and short :( 

i haven't read the book but it seems that they are following the rebellion part quite right :) 

i have a feeling that CQ is mixed up and confused about her life. It's like she doesn't know what she wants and who she wants! She just goes on and follows YX. She doesn't consider anything and is full of revenge. That's quite right but acting like a fool while she is smart is not good.

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4 minutes ago, zlyfan said:

Correction to previous post, I meant CQ/XE is NOT very smart.  

I too find it hard to like CA now.  She is like a "bull", just charging ahead blindly without any thoughts or any moral of her own.  But I think that is supposed to change and I am waiting patiently.


pretty accurate

She is the opposite of YWY, who thinks very carefully before he acts and considers all his options. 

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8 minutes ago, mrsyooknit said:


I must confess I don't like her either. Not so much for following YX, she was forced into that side and she pledge her allegiance to him. But I agree on her not considering other people and some of her own goals when following YX. 

I was just thinking how YWY deserves someone better than her. Sadly, she is not a very likable character. 

Even if YWY will not have other woman i want to see XE fall and realize that her mistake when following YX i ised to love her on the first few episode amd im with her but being stubborn is anothwr thing i mean if you hate that person then continue to hate him but think of something also when she already know that their rebeliom will only lead to more misunderstanding... I WANT THAT ICY LAKE SCENE TO BE AIR RIGHT AWAY AND LET XE SUFFER FOR HER STUPIDITY  haha sory guys i just hate her for now

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@zlyfan @Kim Da While it may be too late to change the outcome of what's about to go down, I think YWY's reminder will serve as a wake up call to her. Somehow while she was swept up in her short term goals in the grand scheme of things, she's sort of lost her way. She started off wanting to change things, so that innocent lives won't be lost on the whims of people in power. Ironically, she's become the very sort of person (or someone instrumental to) she wanted to fight against. 

She is already starting to disagree with how YX is handling things - for one, him thinking that the deaths of those who wrong him and his family weren't drawn out and painful enough. YWY's words will drive in just how far the line (will be) crossed, and will be key to her decision to separate from YX. 

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22 minutes ago, mrsyooknit said:

I am hoping the rebellion episodes don't last that long and they get to the point. Poor Chun'Er

YWY said that YX is not the same person as he used to be, you don't know how crazy his plan is, he is a wolf, the one you brought and nurture by yourself.

So not only us who thought how YX gonna become, CQ has her share to make him like that, YWY also think the same way.

Why CQ must be that stubborn, and didn't pay attentions and think more carefully to what YWY said. She just have to go against YWY. :cry:

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8 minutes ago, frostfire said:

@zlyfan @Kim Da While it may be too late to change the outcome of what's about to go down, I think YWY's reminder will serve as a wake up call to her. Somehow while she was swept up in her short term goals in the grand scheme of things, she's sort of lost her way. She started off wanting to change things, so that innocent lives won't be lost on the whims of people in power. Ironically, she's become the very sort of person (or someone instrumental to) she wanted to fight against. 

She is already starting to disagree with how YX is handling things - for one, him thinking that the deaths of those who wrong him and his family weren't drawn out and painful enough. YWY's words will drive in just how far the line (will be) crossed, and will be key to her decision to separate from YX. 

Yeah i agree with you @frostfire  and i am hoping that it will have a big impact to her and then when she will realize it YWY is nowhere to be found and i hope she will suffer more to the extent that no one will be by her side if thats happen i will have a slice of cake with a wine and laugh at her haha 

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Zhong yu is manipulating CQ to get Xiuli Army come to their side and CQ didn't realize it. Though YX against it he finally accepting her idea..this is a beginning and CQ will be manipulated or being kept in the dark after this...and she will realize what YWY said is right only after she lost him...

YWH is blackmailing concubine Lan though i don't know what is his reason. I think she's not a bad person only trying to survive in the palace. Who is the new person appear in front of the emperor? Is it a new Prince?

Poor Chun er, though she is kind of annoying she is actually a nice person but latter on she also will change.

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Just watched ep 41 without sub and understood 0%.  Based on previews and comments, yes, they really made CQ character stubborn and somewhat starting to be unlikable.  In all fairness though, I think we treat her more harshly than other male characters because we have certain expectations of her as she is the female lead.  She has a good heart but perhaps due to lack of life experiences without hardship, she doesn't have compassion for people that she deemed as enemy.  Her training and life experiences are mostly do or die so I can understand her mentality of following through with her plans.  

Dang, this drama is really dragging its feet.  I don't think I will be rewatching it as much as I did with other dramas.

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I find a lot of what CQ did is to prove to YWY that she can be better than him. So much that she is unreceptive of his advice and obstinated in her own ways. From the way she bet with YWY about what is to come is obvious. And she does it so often.

Up till this point, it seems like all the teachings by YWY were forgotten..  

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