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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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Throwing such a childish tantrum dear YWY, do you miss her so much that you cannot slightly control your emosion and composure? Surely you've been puddling up all of that for years and then finally being able to be yourself in front of her, the only person who've been able to crack those icy face :rolleyes: :D

Thank you again @monchoo, i'm surprised that you actually released 3 chapters within such a close time, surely that is not an easy job to done, super grateful to have you here with us :wub:

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2 hours ago, monchoo said:
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Chapter 99 - in the bedroom (part1)
Another day soon passed. It was midnight again. Yuwen Yue was still sleeping when Chu Qiao attending to the wound dressing. The wound was well cleansed and uninfected. She was trained to attend to such accidents.
It was dark outside when Yuwen Yue awoke in a daze. He was hungry and his body ached tremendously. He was wearing a clean long black robe meant for indoor. The material was comfortable and on the surface, patterns of a few stalks of orchid was sewn with gold thread.
Chu Qiao took a glance at him. He was sitting there looking daze and perplexed. He didn't look her way but merely frowned. "Tea." he called out impatiently. She quickly handed him the cup.
Perhaps he was really thirsty that he took the cup and drank it all. After that, he wet his lips and all of a sudden, he threw the cup on the floor. "Ginseng tea!" he turned to her, fuming with impatience. As soon as he finished throwing tantrums, only did he realized he was in an unfavorable circumstance. Silence befell.
"You are still in daze from the sleep," she said casually bending over to pick up the cup. "There's something to eat over there. Help yourself." she pointed at the food container on the table.
Yuwen Yue realized his misdemeanor, pretending like nothing had happened. He took a deep breath. His wound was painful as he puzzled, "Why didn't you try to escape?"
"I wish I could," she muttered, turning to him,"Your people is surrounding everywhere day and night. Do you think I have a chance?"
"You are blunt enough." he stated with displeasure.
She shrugged, "With you, there's no necessity to beat about the bush." she then jumped onto the bed, sitting opposite him. She looked at him, calmly asked, "Tell me, what do you intend to do?"
Yuwen Yue take a look at her and got out of the bed. He kept quiet as he sat before the table. His hurting shoulders had prevented him from actions as minor as taking out the dishes from the container. Turning to her, he commanded,"Come over and serve me the meals."
She frowned refusing to move an inch.
He sat by the table, threatening, "When I'm hungry, I might not be in good mood to communicate with others. If you want to ask a question, you'll have to wait til I finished my meal."
Chu Qiao darted over at his threat. She opened the lid and took our a bowl of soup. Unwillingly, she put the bowl onto the table forcefully, not expecting the bowl to crack into half. The liquid spilled out, splashed onto his robe. He jumped up alarmed. His face turned gloomy when he saw the veggy in the soup sticking onto his robe. Some still hot with sizzles. He glared at her the turned away, heading to the bathroom. "Come along! Help to cleanup."
Bathroom? Bathroom again!!
He was naked atop as he reached to the center of the room. Gradually he turned to her who was still in a perplex state. "Why are you standing there? Come over!"
She was heaving as she took a deep breath. She tried to calm herself down by clenching and unclenching her fists. Repeating the actions for a few times, she went over. As she making ways to the pool, she picked up a large wooden pail on her way and filled them with the hot spring water. Then with her heads up, she walked into the bathroom. Her steps were quick, her eyes gleamed with fury while her expression icy cold. He was taken aback shuddering with slight fear. He stepped back with full preparation to retaliate. "What do want to do?" he asked carefully.
She lifted up the wooden pail full of water, explaining,"You want me to help you clean up isn't it? If I don't rinse you with water, how am I suppose to clean you up?"
"But I'm wounded!" he retorted, pointing at his wounded chest, stressing the fact of him being hurt.
"Right!" she nodded agreeing with him."I know. I'm the cause of the wound?"
"Then you intend to splashed me wet with water?"
"If you wet, how am I supposed to do the clean up?"
Thus the repetition of, "But I'm wounded!" 

"I know. I cause the wound,"

"Fine then, you may leave," he granted as his face darkened.
Chu Qiao lifted up the pail, shrugged at him, "You really do not want my help?"
His anger flared up immediately, "I asked you to leave!"
Granted, she turned around leaving the bathroom, whistling in a good mood making her way out.

Chapter 99, To be continued...

Poor fella :tongue:

@monchoo...... Thank you so much for the translation.  I had a great laugh laugh-cute-cat-emoticon.gif  Poor YWY being wounded and treated like everybody else from the woman he loves must hurt a lot. white-cloud-emoticon9.gif white-cloud-emoticon9.gif

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7 hours ago, monchoo said:
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Chapter 97 - Indebted part 2

He choked out a laugh. "How about giving me a punch right now?" his drawled in his carefree manner. At his suggestion, her head turning sideways. She was fuming and refused to look at him. She was in an unfavorable situation right now. She can't win the fight and she can't escaped. In close combat, they are consider equals. Even if she had better experience, she wasn't so sure if they prolonged the fight. She's not as so naive as to think that a woman's strength is on par with a man's. Moreover she was surrounded by troops of soldiers outside. "Just kill me then!" her slatted out angrily, her eyes turning red.
"Xing er, you aren't going to cry just because you can't win over me, are you? This couldn't be you," he was amused.
Tension eased momentarily at his words. But they are still clinging to each other in a suggestive poised. Meanwhile, the slave girl on the floor muttered a sound. Apparently she is regaining consciousness.
Chu Qiao froze. At once Yuwen Yue let go of her hands, reached out for the blanket and covered over the slave girl, blocking her vision. The moment he let go of Chu Qiao, she quickly wade her way out of the bed. 
He smiled sinisterly at her inescapable plan. Reaching for the thin blanket, he gave a whipped at her feet, winding the piece of cloth around her ankle, pulled back, dragging her back to him. At once, she fall back into his arms. Both bodies rolled back with such a force that in the next second, a loud cracking noise was heard! The bed cracked loudly. Draperies and the beaded curtains falling down, burying over them.
The loud commotion was heard clearly. Outside left only with half of the troop whereby the other half left for the lake trying to retrieve the jade. A young guard looked at the guard named Chang with anxiety. He carefully asked, "Bro Chang, what's with that noise?"
Guard Chang lifted his ears to listen attentively. He nodded to himself and lowered down his voice as he spoke, "I think, positively sure that the bed has cracked down."
"Bed cracking down?" the young guard utter in disbelief. "Omg, that extreme?!"
Yuwen Yue was amidst the draperies as he struggled out. When he lifted his head, he saw Chu Qiao standing in front of him. Her eyes cold and sharp. In her hands held a piece of wood from the cracking bed. The point of the sharp wood was now leveling at his throat.
"Don't move!" she ordered.
Yuwen Yue lifted a smile. He averted her gaze to her chest, then spoke in laze, "Next time, do put on your clothes before action. Otherwise your threat is meaningless."
"Stop speaking nonsense! Let me go this instance!"
"Xing er, you must have been mistaken. I'm the one under your captive now. How can I not let you go?" he laughed.
"Yuwen Yue, do you think that I do not have other options other than asking you? Even if I kill you now, I'll be able to get out amidst the troops. But I do not wish to opt for that. There's enmity between us but I do not wish to end your life this way."
"It's a pity then," he shrugged with a 'couldn't be bothered' attitude. "I'll never let you go as long as I live."
Chu Qiao's eyes squinted dangerously. "Don't try to challenge me!"
"It's the same here."
At this moment, troops approaching close outside the door. Both of them stunned momentarily. Their steps unorganized unmistakably doesn't belong to Yuwen Yue's troops of soldiers.
Just when Chu Qiao attention was averted, he moved sideways trying to escape from her weapon. But Chu Qiao wasn't without caution. Reflexively she lifted her weapon. Her actions swift and smooth, her skills well trained. Without second thoughts, she stabbed on him. blood splattered out immediately. Her heart sunk as her eyes looked bewildered. "My lord, are you awake?" the chatelain' s asked with humble respect.
Yuwen Yue and Chu Qiao was sitting opposite each other at the other end of the bed. His shoulder was dangling with the piece of wood piercing into his flesh. The wood was the size of a thumb but with her skills, it managed to pierce thru his shoulder. Red blood splattered out, staining the bed. 
All things were happening too fast. The moment the wood pierce thru him, Chu Qiao had expected him to shout with pain. But then, the chatelain was just waiting right outside. The chatelain was a government servant who knows martial arts. He had been assisting his father in wars before. If they had not encountered with the Yan's lion, Yan xun's father, the city of Bien Liang will be under Da Liang's occupation by now. During the war, the chatelain's father was killed. These led to rank demotion and the whole family was casted out to Bien Liang. It's without a doubt, the chatelain hated Yan Bei to his core.
If Yuwen Yue utter an unusual sound right now, the chatelain would undoubtedly  badged in. If she was captured, the consequences will be unthinkable.
Chu Qiao reflexively reached out to her calves. Usually, no matter where she was, she has a small dagger with her. And her skills could end a wounded person's live in such a distance. With the small dagger slits through his throat, she was sure, he wouldn't have the chance to utter a sound.
However she forgot that she lost her dagger during the fight at the aisle a moment ago.
Yuwen Yue noticed her actions. His eyes narrowed into a thin line as he realized she would kill him!
"My lord, are you asleep?" the chatelain asked again.
Suddenly, she heard him slowing down his breathing pace. He spoke monotonously, "Is it Lord Tian? It's late now, is there anything important?"
Chu Qiao's heart was pumping hard. She lifted her head and looked at him. He was all shedding with blood and it stunned her to see him in this way.
"My lord, I've heard that you lost something important in the lake. The guards haven't manage to find it til late. I'm wondering if I could offer any assistance by draining out the water from the lake for better results."
Yuwen Yue took a deep breath. His hand covering the wound as he said, "My utmost gratitude."
"It's my honor to be at your service my lord," the chatelain replied.
"If there's nothing else, please rest early."
"Then, allow me to excuse myself." the chatelain bid his goodnight and retreated. The night once again overwhelmed with peaceful silence.
Yuwen Yue let our a deep breath. His energy was draining out from him as he leaned backwards against the bed. Then clenching his teeth, his fingers reached out for the wood and pulled them out ruthlessly. "Hmmph," his brows knitted together, his face distorted as he let out a soft gasp of pain.
Blood was gushing out immediately.
Chu Qiao quickly moved forward, her hands covering the ugly wound.
Unbearable pain almost knocked him off from consciousness. Chu Qiao quickly held him at his shoulders. Her voice worried as she spoke, "How are you felling?"
Feebly, he took a look at her. His face pale like a ghost. After a short moment, he said weakly, "No worries, I'm still alive.
"Don't move. I'll help you to bandage the wound."
Chu Qiao stood up and quickly went into the attached bathroom. Shortly after, she returned with a wooden pail. Lithely jumping up to the bed, she hastily started to tend to his wound.
"There're thorns in the wood. You need to prick them out." his voice coarse with pain.
Chu Qiao looked at his pale face, asking,"Can you stand the pain?"
"One wouldn't know if you didn't try," he clouded as if he couldn't care more.
She managed to find a knife within the vicinity. She disinfected the knife with the wine and candle flames, then handed him a white towel. "Gag yourself with this so that in pain you won't bite the tongue."
He accepted the towel and held them in the other hand.
Chi Qiao kept quiet as she attending to his wound. The piece of wood damaged was more serious than a knifes' cut. She has to cut his flesh opened with the knife, then picked out all the thorns. As the flesh was uneven and constantly bleeding, she had to carefully cleared and cleaned them in order to make sure his wounds wouldn't be infected. Facing such wounds, it's inevitable that her hands starts to tremble. "I think it's better if we get a doctor," she said, fully understood that once the doctor arrived, she will be exposed. What's waiting ahead is only death. But, she could also tried to make an escape during the operation. Although chances to escape is micro.
Yuwen Yue leaned forward and snatched the knife, " if you can't do it, then I'll do it myself." he lifted the knife, ready to cut the flesh,
"Let me do it! Let me do it!" she panicked, snatching the knife away. Them she stared intensely at him. His eyes were half shut. His posture carefree. If his face wasn't as pale, she would have thought he was well. Then she inhaled deeply and began to tend to his wound.
3 hours later as the sun rise, she was wet with sweat. She found her own clothes and the medication for wounds. The process finally done with a clean stripe of cloth bandaged over his shoulders. During the whole procedure, Yuwen Yue remained quiet and she didn't have the courage to look at him. When she looked up now, she realized he had fall deep into slumber. His forehead was wet with sweat and his brows were knitted together. The towel clutched in his hands was drenched with sweat.
She cleared off everything, then helped him to lie down on the bed. She wet a towel with clean water and wiped off the blood stain and sweat, then dried his long hair with another clean towel.
The richard simmons crowed from afar at the dawn of the morning. Servants stopped by and knocked at the door. Chu Qiao answered that the young master wasn't awake yet. Her answer brought abrupt shouts of laughter from the young soldiers. They nodded to themselves, coming to a conclusion that their young master would need to rest for the rest of the day after a night of excessive exercise. As they need to stay around the city for 2days, the guards ordered the servant not to disturbed their young master. Yes, their master would need a good rest. The servant only need to send in the meals.
Returning to the bedside, she looked at the man who was deep in slumberland. Her tired eyes started to study his features. The arched eyebrows, the devil's eyes, his red lips which always sputtered out mean words. She frowned deeply. "We are enemies," she muttered, not sure if the words were for him for her own self.
"I'm the slaves as well as the traitor. You are the noble from the royal family. You are also the one who killed brother Lin shi, sister Zhe Xuang, Xiao Qi, Xiao ba and many other family members of the Jing family. You are the reason that Yan Xun and me suffering and living lowly as a dog for the past eight years. But I have also killed you grandpa (meaning Yuwen xi. In fiction, only one Yuwen family and no uncles), your servants and escaped from the Yuwen's household. We are forever in doubts. If you want to kill me, it's understandable. If I want to kill you, it's reasonable too. We do not have any strings attached. There's no need for you to be soft hearted towards me. If you live, I'll be dead and vice versa. This is the rule. It always will be for you and me. It's supposed be this way, it's supposed to be this way...."
As per what she'd said, all these are beyond reasonable doubts. It's the law of of living. It's a way without any compromise. Before all these, her beliefs had never faltered. Yet, without any reason, her voice getting softer as she spoke. Barely audible until her sound faded off. She frowned as she looked at him. Her hands reaching out, gently touching the wound. "No matter what, I'm owe my life to you." she muttered and continued,"Yuwen Yue, I'm so sorry."
Outside the room, the sun was shining bright. Its bright lights shined through the window screens, casting gentle shadows in the room.
Chu Qiao sat of the floor beside the bed. Her head resting at the bedside beside him. Tiredness engulfed her as she fell deep into slumber.
End of chapter 97.

I think it's better to put the excerpts as spoilers as some might not want to know the story in advance. Chapter 97 (end) Enjoy :)



3 hours ago, monchoo said:
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Chapter 99 - in the bedroom (part1)
Another day soon passed. It was midnight again. Yuwen Yue was still sleeping when Chu Qiao attending to the wound dressing. The wound was well cleansed and uninfected. She was trained to attend to such accidents.
It was dark outside when Yuwen Yue awoke in a daze. He was hungry and his body ached tremendously. He was wearing a clean long black robe meant for indoor. The material was comfortable and on the surface, patterns of a few stalks of orchid was sewn with gold thread.
Chu Qiao took a glance at him. He was sitting there looking daze and perplexed. He didn't look her way but merely frowned. "Tea." he called out impatiently. She quickly handed him the cup.
Perhaps he was really thirsty that he took the cup and drank it all. After that, he wet his lips and all of a sudden, he threw the cup on the floor. "Ginseng tea!" he turned to her, fuming with impatience. As soon as he finished throwing tantrums, only did he realized he was in an unfavorable circumstance. Silence befell.
"You are still in daze from the sleep," she said casually bending over to pick up the cup. "There's something to eat over there. Help yourself." she pointed at the food container on the table.
Yuwen Yue realized his misdemeanor, pretending like nothing had happened. He took a deep breath. His wound was painful as he puzzled, "Why didn't you try to escape?"
"I wish I could," she muttered, turning to him,"Your people is surrounding everywhere day and night. Do you think I have a chance?"
"You are blunt enough." he stated with displeasure.
She shrugged, "With you, there's no necessity to beat about the bush." she then jumped onto the bed, sitting opposite him. She looked at him, calmly asked, "Tell me, what do you intend to do?"
Yuwen Yue take a look at her and got out of the bed. He kept quiet as he sat before the table. His hurting shoulders had prevented him from actions as minor as taking out the dishes from the container. Turning to her, he commanded,"Come over and serve me the meals."
She frowned refusing to move an inch.
He sat by the table, threatening, "When I'm hungry, I might not be in good mood to communicate with others. If you want to ask a question, you'll have to wait til I finished my meal."
Chu Qiao darted over at his threat. She opened the lid and took our a bowl of soup. Unwillingly, she put the bowl onto the table forcefully, not expecting the bowl to crack into half. The liquid spilled out, splashed onto his robe. He jumped up alarmed. His face turned gloomy when he saw the veggy in the soup sticking onto his robe. Some still hot with sizzles. He glared at her the turned away, heading to the bathroom. "Come along! Help to cleanup."
Bathroom? Bathroom again!!
He was naked atop as he reached to the center of the room. Gradually he turned to her who was still in a perplex state. "Why are you standing there? Come over!"
She was heaving as she took a deep breath. She tried to calm herself down by clenching and unclenching her fists. Repeating the actions for a few times, she went over. As she making ways to the pool, she picked up a large wooden pail on her way and filled them with the hot spring water. Then with her heads up, she walked into the bathroom. Her steps were quick, her eyes gleamed with fury while her expression icy cold. He was taken aback shuddering with slight fear. He stepped back with full preparation to retaliate. "What do want to do?" he asked carefully.
She lifted up the wooden pail full of water, explaining,"You want me to help you clean up isn't it? If I don't rinse you with water, how am I suppose to clean you up?"
"But I'm wounded!" he retorted, pointing at his wounded chest, stressing the fact of him being hurt.
"Right!" she nodded agreeing with him."I know. I'm the cause of the wound?"
"Then you intend to splashed me wet with water?"
"If you wet, how am I supposed to do the clean up?"
Thus the repetition of, "But I'm wounded!" 

"I know. I cause the wound,"

"Fine then, you may leave," he granted as his face darkened.
Chu Qiao lifted up the pail, shrugged at him, "You really do not want my help?"
His anger flared up immediately, "I asked you to leave!"
Granted, she turned around leaving the bathroom, whistling in a good mood making her way out.

Chapter 99, To be continued...

Poor fella :tongue:


Thank you soo much! You are keeping my weekend excited! 

4 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:

incoming bathroom scene


will we get a kiss? :wub:

some mini spoilers in this video: http://www.bilibili.com/video/av11555362/

could this be after they get together? 


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apparently people think it is after they get married bc of her hair and outfit here







Thank you for sharing some BTS photos. So excited. They look nice in their new clothing and hopefuly it's the new wedding/married couple look. :wub:

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69dbddb1gy1fgu9xo22sbj21hc2hcu11.jpg&key=fbc05ca5d85c24154d9ae1b931979dd0326cdecaeb4bc4ebb17cc7a2746fa9efPic cr. on pic

Who the hell has this kind of expression on their face when they have a bloody knife sticking to their neck?:blush:

I'll tell you.....A man in love:wub::wub::wub:

Loving the romance.....and the translation. Thanks @monchoo....I read the book on Google translate (not from the start though, after YX began to get paranoid about XE)....but understanding it is so much better:D

I absolutely love all the comments and analyses you guys are posting....makes getting through the long weekend so much easier.

I really wish they won't completely get rid of the latter part of the book.....I was waiting to see all the scenes after YWY and XE get together...if they have only adapted half of the book.....then maybe they got rid of the draggy bit in the middle...like instead of 8-10 years they shortened the time period XE was with YX ...maybe they just omitted most of the many battles and chose to show the important ones....and also did away with the separations of YWY and XE after they meet again. I hope the kept in the part of the kid they adopt who they save after the bathroom room scene.

Bathroom scene has me so hyped up that if we only get that chaste peck from the trailer instead of at least half of the steamy ones from chapter 95...I might flip....

but i think its better for my health not to expect too much:dissapointed:

I also think LGX is doing a very fine job as YWY and he does have good chemistry with ZLY...(seriously I was surprised when I read some people saying they have no chemi).....not all couples need to burn up the screen with their sizzle....there's a lot to appreciate in the slow burn chemistry as well. This couple is restricted by their status in life and the way they were brought up with the weight of their family's expectations on their shoulders ....the chemistry the characters have is appropriately subdued. That's also why the bathroom scene is so important....that might be the first time YWY will openly show to XE that he's attracted to her....(correct me if I'm wrong about this....I skipped most of the book...i.e. when I couldn't make head or tails of what Google translate was throwing at me).

I honestly admit I skipped through YX scenes in the book and ff-ed his scenes in the drama too....but Shawn's acting in Thursday's episodes just made me bawling.png.....and theres more to come on Monday:cry:.  I really felt bad all day after watching those scenes....but one good thing, I was mighty impressed with Shawn...so I checked out trailers of his upcoming show Tears in Heaven and he looks so good in that I'm eager to watch that when it airs. Please do recommend any good dramas of Shawn that are worth checking out...I was also looking for his movie with Janine Chang...is it out yet?


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2 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:


Thank you for sharing! Our ship is slowly sailing and patiently waiting :D 

I am enjoying these FMV and @monchoo translation all weekend long, while working on essays. 

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I don't know why, I ship them so hard in the drama but in real life I found it difficult to ship them. Maybe bcoz I think LGX is not ZLY 's type even though I do think if given a chance LGX wouldn't mind to have ZLY B). I am biased, I know .,..:D

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Yesterday was Saturday, today is Sunday, Tomorrow is Monday, then Monday night is the real airing time for PA AND Thursday morning I can watch it Subbed...... it's still sooooo loooooong!!!!

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you know... i can't believe i skipped all of last week episodes. i really want to watch them and put all of the bits and pieces of content together so i could understand it more but like, ughhhh. i don't want to start using profanity against my computer screen and then cry bucket of tears either. :|||

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1 minute ago, Kim Da said:

What song gbdear??  U can find everything in spotify

@Kim Da  this song  from this link --->  http://www.bilibili.com/video/av11601992/?from=search&seid=12206985424190887211

1 minute ago, aikmm said:

you know... i can't believe i skipped all of last week episodes. i really want to watch them and put all of the bits and pieces of content together so i could understand it more but like, ughhhh. i don't want to start using profanity against my computer screen and then cry bucket of tears either. :|||

@aikmm  I to am procrastinating from watching this weeks episode.....:bawling:

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33 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

@Kim Da  this song  from this link --->  http://www.bilibili.com/video/av11601992/?from=search&seid=12206985424190887211

@aikmm  I to am procrastinating from watching this weeks episode.....:bawling:

@UnniSarah i also dont know if ever u know pla tell me pls add me in fb or IG fb name kim da da  IG marbel_perater gmail cristyperater@gmail.com

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2 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

@mrsyooknit.... http://www.bilibili.com/video/av11601992/?from=search&seid=12206985424190887211

Do you know the title of the song and the singer... Can't find it anywhere?


I don't know what the title is, but it's from this drama. I've been waiting on this drama called "Color of the Night," but so far, haven't heard any news if it has aired yet or not. 


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34 minutes ago, turtle0217 said:


I don't know what the title is, but it's from this drama. I've been waiting on this drama called "Color of the Night," but so far, haven't heard any news if it has aired yet or not. 


@turtle0217..... Chingu I found the artist Eileen Hu  Title: Shi Wo Zai Zuo Duo Zhong  I am also waiting for that drama to come out. It seems to be taking a long time. 



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21 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

@turtle0217..... Chingu I found the artist Eileen Hu  Title: Shi Wo Zai Zuo Duo Zhong  I am also waiting for that drama to come out. It seems to be taking a long time. 




Nice! You actually found the actual singer and everything. 

I don't know, but I've been searching on this drama, too and since I couldn't find it, Princess Agents came out and I forgot all about it. Lol!:lol:

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17 hours ago, cenching said:

@40somethingahjumma, please defines the confrontation scene a.k.a lovers quarrel on top of the tower  B)

Apparently I was summoned... :D

So I decided to have a bit of fun with it... I mean... why not... a pleasant way to pass the weekend... ^_^ I could do a straight analysis but it probably wouldn't be quite as fun. :D


Lover's Spat on the Mountain Pavilion (How Rapunzel Tangled with the Young Master)





What she said: Don't give me that look. Yuwen Xi killed my sister, all I did was make him made him pay. He got off lightly in fact.

Lovers Speak: I am going to make you pay big time. After that, I'm out of here, see if I care.



What he said: So this is your true face

Lover's Speak: You are not the woman I fell in love with





What she said: Being among tigers and wolves, if I don't disguise myself, I would have died countless times already.

Lover's Speak: Two can play the same game, scumbag. You lied to me so it's fair game.





What he said: Well done. You managed to pull wool over my eyes.

Lover's Speak: For a while there I thought things were going well between us... that you had put the past behind you.



What she said: You taught me well, Young Master. But you shouldn't be too reluctant to let me go, I'm just someone you trained to go on a suicide mission. It's just the two of us, why bother with the pretence? You should be glad that I killed off Yuwen Xi, the adversary of Qing Shan Yuan.

Lover's Speak: You lied to me first, scumbag. You didn't care about me at all... I was just your tool.


What he said: So you're saying that I should be beyond grateful to you.

Lover's Speak: She hates my guts.


What she said: No need... because very soon you'll be paying for Lin Xi's life.

Lover's Speak: I hate your guts and I'm going to carve them up for the vultures


Swordfight... He's trying to dodge and she's trying to skewer him


What he said: What exactly are you trying to do?

Lover's Speak: It isn't just a metaphor, she's really trying to kill me


What she said: I am doing this to avenge Lin Xi

Lover's Speak: You made me think you cared... jerk!


What she said: Explain? Explain what? That LX was a pawn or that YWZ is still alive?

Lover's Speak: I hate you for making me care about you!


What she said: I only hate the fact that I found out too late

Lover's Speak: You made me fall in love with you, you cad! You never cared about me! You used me!


What he said: Xing'er, listen to me...

Lover's Speak: Xing'er, I can't lose you now...






What she said: Don't call me Xing'er. I'm not!

Lover's Speak: I'm breaking up with you so you can have this stupid piece of jewellery back! I hope your heart breaks into a thousand pieces.


What she said: I am not Xing'er!

Lover's Speak: You had your chance and you blew it!

More swordplay... Back hug with matching swords... whatever...  






What she said: Let go of me, let go of me! Yuwen Yue, I don't want to have any connection with Qing Shan Yuan ever again.

Lover's Speak: It's over between us. I never want to see you again.

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