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w-inds. 15th Anniversary Live Tour 2016 "Forever Memories " in Hong Kong


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hello all w-inds fans,

Usagi's back with another W-inds update after 2 to 4 years of not posting anything about them.. why some of you want to know... because i forgot about it and i was a little too sick and like i said this year, picking all my jobs back up slowly and will be updating you all on the concert as well as the goods that is sold in hong kong this year so no worries there is enough time for me to fix my passing this time... <- completely hoping so.

anyway this year's concert is going to be a great show and i am sure i am going to hear a lot of my beloved old songs, only different is the style on singing it. what is going to be sold at the concert I will update you all one by one at a time as i gather some update information from the company's and the staff that is helping with this concert this year so please don't worry, unlike Moi Dix Mois I had to do my own research and ask other online media's for help.. I am sure I will have the full updates as well as the song list for you all to know soon. do enjoy the poster right now. 

Also please do post your message here as it will be shown at the live concert in Japan and overseas, show your love and support to them as I know there are many w-inds fans from all over the world. the message are shown on the site, but some of your message will be chosen and will be uploaded on a special video from my guessing, until i know the updates... we'll see.
Message to w-inds. 15th anniversary


  • 2 weeks later...

w-inds. 15th Anniversary Japan AD

right now i have no idea how to post youtube video like i did in the past, but for now deal with this facebook link and enjoy the CM it's kind of awsome and i can't wait to go and watch the concert... for now i have no clue what is sold at the concert and it might take me some time to get some information and full details so please do wait for my updates.


Oh yes, I did go to the "Move Like This" concert with my translator during 2012 and let's just say his leg got numb from the loud music and standing for almost an hour and the air con was a little to strong that he couldn't move and guess who had to help him get out me... =w= <- that's right people the picture your seeing right now was taking during 2012 and it was awesome... please note i did rush back from another job that time and this concert really made me feel better so... enjoy the pictures xD

oh please note i am not part of the Hong Kong W-inds. Crew, but since I know of the staff there we do get to meet... but do note that it's been 2 to 3 years since I gone to their concert so there is a chance the staff has changed, but no matter I will update you all on what goods will be sold in Hong Kong soon as there is a big different in Japan and Hong Kong. ^^;



The CD sold at the concert, oh yeah I was a bit lazy at that time to take all the CD at time I think... don't remember


The fan sign board... how cool is that? come on... OwOb




The concert reminder on the television screen =w=b


Now the light wand =w=; nope some one didn't buy it <- =w= yep... cause i had no clue where at that time. beside the concert hall =w=; also on duties so how am i going to wave that wand? 


Supporting Banner <- still have it OwOb


The message to the fans from the hong kong w-inds fan club


The inside hall before the concert started


The encore closing while the concert finished as the fan show their love and support =w= come on i didn't take pictures of the stage, but it was the fans love that i wanted to take and here you all go =w=b

2012 Song List

02.Let's get it on
04.Put your hands up!!!
06.Some More
07.Addicted to love
08.You & I
09.黄昏One Way
10.New World
13.I vs. I
15.Listen to the Rain
16.More than words
EN.1.Touch The Sky
EN.3.To My Fans

yes there is no change from the one in Hong Kong so please don't worry ^^l about my issue with my tanslator his leg go too numb i end up carrying him out and the time was around 10.30PM trust me 2 hours standing for him was as death wish xD so... this year you might see us two doing a small live and me falling on my face -w-




oh yes there is a Hong Kong version of the concert poster and here it is for you all to see, but also some goods that is sold in Japan I will be sharing some of the pictures here so you may know what might be sold in Hong Kong, but due to the fact I have no information yet, it might take another few weeks for me to know about the updates and also might take a while to understand what is going to be happening at the concert.

yes the tickets for the front sets are sold around 1280 dollars for the first rod, upper and higher seats cost around 880 dollars, but there is a chance you might not see the artist clearly from the back seat so bring a hawk's eye if possible.
here are some goods that is pre-sold in japan's concert only there is a chance the price will be different. so if those want to buy it do beware. 





I have no information on what is sold at the concert yet so please do keep in mind i'll continue keeping you all updated, for now here is a small clip photo of the group after their live performance in Japan, this was taken from Keita's twitter, credit goes to HK CREW W-inds.


Yes this is the Forever Memories Live Tour 2016 in Japan, please do wait as I try to wait for the email updates, let's just hope i'm not dropped because I didn't buy the Band-Maid tickets... oh yeah, you guys hear me right... I didn't because my husband is going =_= <- idiot? yes, but do understand I can't have two concert at the same time so there is a date clash =w=; boy oh boy i hope i get passed. +_+ let me in JUST LET THIS RABBIT IN.



To those who have pre-ordered the w-inds forever memories live 2016 concert in Hong Kong, please do pay attention to your phones and see if G-Music HK has contacted you on when to pick up the tickets as well as today is the first day of the concert to be sold to the public as well, anyway those who wish to see me at the concert please feel free to contact me by PM and I will be happy to meet you at the concert!!

also credits goes to HK Crew W-inds.


Credit: G Music for the video 

please note keita said his name in cantonese to hentai by mistake.. "pervert" so excuse the mistake to those who understands what i mean.

w-inds. 15th Anniversary Live Tour 2016 "Forever Memories" in HK

Do stay tune for any goodies updates that is sold at the concert this year as well as the pictures that would be taken at the concert so please do enjoy this years update also Band-Maid will be updated as well on the same day so I will be at two places at once, but due to the clash on the concert time I can only review one concert on my own point of view while the other would be handle by my loving husband, so please do wait for the two reviews and updates and yes I have not updated a single information on Band-Maid, but I promise you I will take pictures of both concerts so do stay tune.

Update from Ryohei's facebook update.

無事に22日で夏のLive tour 2016「Forever memories」国内公演がすべて終了しました。


w-inds.の生みの親でもある葉山さんと一緒にデビュー曲「Forever memories」を同じステージで出来た事が個人的にも嬉しく感動でした。



振り返るライブは3月のAnniversary Liveでもやらせて頂いたので今回は新旧それぞれの時期が詰まったライブになったと思います。




this is the 22nd day of their live tour in Japan and still on going, they will take a break on October for a while before the Hong Kong tour so please do understand, also like I said I can't watch two concerts at once so I am going to do my best.


enjoy this update from keita while he is testing his new iphone 7 at his studio and yes for those who are going to the concert please note i will be hanging around the Music Zone for a few minutes before the concert starts as well as be drinking a starbucks, if you want a starbuck tea with me =w= come and find me OwO



Oh those who are going to the following CD Shops can now see this poster, HMV, CD Warehouse, HK Record.
Thank you to Forward Music for the information here are the poster that would hang out starting from today.14485024_1109511625752479_83735110362515 

Also HK Crew W-inds. will be giving W-inds.the artist a flower set as a thank you for their hard work within these 15 years of hard work in the entertainment business, those who would like to leave their message of support feel free to leave it at the HK W-inds Crew official facebook  page, as the members there will include your message at the event.
please note the crew members will be there to give away banners and messages on how to enjoy the concert, so please don't worry if you miss it as i will also be there to take pictures for you all on your behalf.
yes those who are in Hong Kong and donated some money to the flower basket will get either their name on the basket or mini cushion, about the price i am not going to post it here because it's not part of my job.
but hope to see you all there next month.



to those who have a niconico account that is linked to Japan, please note there is a special live performance that already seen the live, please understand i am doing more than one project right now and so everything is on a speed rush as well as there is an upcoming game review so yes, there is a small rush, but i am doing my best on updating the concert information and what is happening.

please note this was a LEAD x W-inds. so these pictures are screen cap by HK Crew W-inds Team. so do thank them.




to all you wonderful fans, i know you are all waiting for the goodies information that is sold in hong kong, but due to the fact that the information isn't released yet.. you all have to wait for a bit longer please understand and at the same time i am still waiting for my accepting pass as well to go to the concert so if anything happens you will be the first to know. at the same time let's enjoy ourselves for now and until then I will update you all


because some monkey called the music company asking if there was any goods last time, let's say there is a limited 300 fans greeting for those who wants to see w-inds after the concert as well as there is a lucky draw before the concert starts, those who have pre-ordered the concert tickets will have once time only lucky draw, and please to those who wish to see me  i will be there, but i am right now still unsure if i am able to get in or not, because my job is to report everything that is happening to you all in Hong Kong, as promised I will be taking pictures at the event hall either i can enter or not is unsure, but if you wish to see me and wish to take a picture with me is a big welcome, just remember one thing =w=; i might be drinking a starbucks that day and walking around taking pictures and doing a short live so feel free to catch the white rabbit OwOb 

here are some pictures of the limited fans concert wand, please note this is the new design for this year and i will also post the original chinese post as well. 
thank G-Music for the updates from 13 hours ago.
everyone just pray for me to get in!!

有關擊掌會詳情 參加擊掌會人仕必須付合以下條件 1. 必須持有w-inds.門票人仕 2. 現場購買w-inds.15週年官方手燈即可獲擊掌會即時抽獎機會一次,有機會獲得擊掌會入場証一張,在演唱會結束後與三位成員擊掌。先到先得派完即止名額300名.(因今年週邊商品香港區配給有限,手燈也是向日本追加啊)


hey lovely's 

those who seen HK W-inds Crew post, there is a tattoo giveaway to those who are donating HKD 50 - around USD 6 dollars,you will get 1 water based tattoo. if you donate HKD 150 - USD 19 dollars you get 3 water based tattoo of your choice, please feel free to PM them, but due to the fact I don't have the pictures of full information of the tattoo I would say I am fully clueless, but due to the fact this is also part of the w-inds donate on buying a flower thank you basket so why not give them a helping hand? 

also on the day of the concert I will try and take pictures as well as the one for Band-Maid, they are both on the first and second floor so please be warn that i might be running around the place.


Hong Kong Airline ANA Japan has team up with W-inds Agency on doing a concert ticket giveaway as a thank you gift for supporting them for these long years.
But due to the fact the event has already closed within 4 hours... I have nothing else to say about it than sharing this picture with you. 
Credit: HK Crew W-inds.


Also please don't worry I'll be taking pictures of the concert, but I have no clue if I can get in or not because I am not even sure.
totally unsure... =_=;


the following message is released from the HK W-inds Street Team, please note the flags are for the fans to sign at the concert and if you couldn't make it please don't worry I'll be taking pictures for you all so you know what is going on live that day, so no worries. please note if you did donate to help, i thank you for them so much from my heart, so for now let's read the message and support them from our heart.

<28.10.2016> w-inds. Forever Memories Live tour in HK 場外應援 - 錦旗 (supporting event outside starhall - Thankful Flags)
**** English version after Chinese ******
今年是三子出道15周年,不知道各位w-inds. Crew 跟隨了三子多少年呢? 相信在這15年間三子應該都為各位crew 們帶來無數難忘的回憶吧。還有差不多一個星期便到三子來港舉行演唱會的大日子,就讓w-inds. Crew 們一起來做一份禮物送給三子,以表示感謝及祝賀他們出道15周年吧。
今年我們應援的主題為 “To my w-inds.” Featuring w-inds. Crew in HK,我們將會預備三支錦旗送給三子以作感謝他們這15年來帶給我們的一切,以及祝賀他們出道15周年。而各位w-inds. Crew 可以在錦旗的背面寫上祝賀Message 或留言。 最後這三支旗會交到三子手上。
集資滿$50 可獲得紋身貼紙一張
集資滿$100 可獲得紋身貼紙一張 或 在花籃上加上名字
集資滿$150 可獲得紋身貼紙4張(1 set,不可選) 另外在花籃上加上名字
*** 有關場內應援,將稍後公佈。*** ========= 人手招募 ========== 我們現正招募Helper在演唱會當天,在我們的Counter附近協助w-inds. Crew在錦旗上簽名。如有興趣,可inbox聯絡。謝謝。
English Version~
<<w-inds. supporting event outside Star hall - Thankful Flag>>
This year is the 15th debut anniversary of w-inds., no matter how many years did you guys follow w-inds. I believed that w-inds. had brought many unforgettable moments to you. Since w-inds. Forever memories Live tour in HK is coming, we would like to take this chance to cooperate with all w-inds. crew who will attend the party night in HK to make a gift for w-inds., to thanks them and say congratulations.
For this year, our theme of the supporting event is “To my w-inds.” Featuring w-inds. Crew in HK. In congratulation, we would like to make a flag for them. We will prepare three flags for them with their name on it, w-inds. crew can write down their message by yourself behind the flag during the show day, those flags will be pass to w-inds. after the show.
Our booth would be outside Star hall, Please come to join us. Enclosed the flags making of and we will update the photos of the flags status with you guys later on.
Besides, welcome w-inds. crew to donate money to us for supporting us to make those events, you might obtain a little gift after donation. For more details, please not hesitate to contact us by inbox.
========= Helper Hiring ==========
We are hiring the helper for assisting the event booth on the show day, kindly inbox us if you interested in the post. Thank you.

there is a big chance i might be only able to post pictures on the event outside the concert hall, because i have no what is happening with the pass, but as promised i will be sharing everything that is happening like I did for the inoran event. so stay tune and you will see my update soon. 




This is the special limited w-inds. special concert fan made tattoo that will be given to all the fans that has donated for the upcoming flower basket so please do look forward to it.


i might not be able to take pictures inside the concert, and but i might be able to take pictures outside the concert hall to show you how the setting is and at the same time i hope that everyone would enjoy the pictures that i share soon, also there is a big chance of no for me to enter the concert because i don't know what is going on.. oh well. we are just lucky that the agency has help me get concert pictures for the event.


i will be later posting the pictures of the concert hall and i hope everyone would like it, later on the agency would be sending me pictures during the performances so please understand there is a change,
also there is a chance that i might not be able to watch the concert due to the fact i might have not been accepted so the big "No" was already accepted by me.


in the end i didn't take pictures from the concert of yesterday because i was a little too busy, also i have some reviews to post for the BAND-MAID concert because it was great and wonderful, worth watching honestly, but that is another story so yeah =w=b only a little picture but come on... =w= something happen and i have the right not to explain lol... maybe next time =w=b


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