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Kim Yoo-Jung & Park Bo-Gum | Moonlight Couple|


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Yoojung IG update [ 6•10•2017 ]


She changed her caption from "No matter what?" to the umbrella emoji. From what I saw on comments, they said it was a song title (?) I wonder what it means. Aahhh but I love how she's been active on social media :D I wonder who the flower is from hehe delulu much :rolleyes:



Awww I remember her saying before that they regained strength (something like that) when they saw each other again after not meeting for a long time :tears:


When Bogum was asked about the ending scene, he said that it was a scene that's engraved on his memory forever. Now on Yoojung's interview, when she was asked what is the drama like for her, she said the MDBC drama is like a dream that she doesn't want to wake up to, because it's a good dream. 

This drama is really something that will forever be in their hearts :wub: First of all, this is drama is Bogum's first period drama, and it's Yoojung's first lead drama role. They both have their firsts and went through the difficulty and challenges together. They were each other's strengths and that's why they got closer. The drama will always have a special place in their hearts and same for the both of them, they each other will have special place in their hearts.

I feel like everyday, I just fall in love with these couple more and more, even though we haven't seen them together for a while. But seeing their new clips from their behind the scenes, makes me love them more. I see how their so comfortable together and they're so lovely.



Anyways, I hope everybody is having a good weekend! (Amusement parks are fun but my legs are currently in pain T.T lol)

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On 5/13/2017 at 10:29 AM, lifeisfullofraon said:

I. When A Most-Eligible Bachelor Behaved Like He Was Very Much Attached...

After watching Park Bo Gum for almost a year, I have noticed some deviations from his usaully pitch perfect behavior at BSAA. At the very highlight of his evening--to be cheered by the crowd and to accept the prestigious BSAA award--he was strangely standing at the edge of the stage, not moving toward the center of stage like he always did with every other award show that he has attended this last year.  

Instead of walking up to the presenters like he was supposed to do, he was just pausing and looking backward to someone or something off-stage and holding up the program proceeding...indeed, someone important (more important than himself or the award) was coming up behind him and he must wait for HER...

[Note: WAITING would turned out to be the scheme of the night for our BoYoo couple, Bogummy would WAIT for Youjung to join him on stage twice--once for the award and another for winners' group photo; Bogummy would also WAIT for Youjung to bring him a trophy and to fix his bow-tie...this night, Bogummy would spend a lot of time WAITING FOR YOUJUNG...and he would prove that he had the patience to do it...for however long it would take for her to be ready to be with him...perhaps this metaphor also applied to them in real life...]

From the very moment Bogummy heard the most-familiar name--Kim You-Jung--being announced--he made a reactive response and paused right there and then, and immediately looked to his left to down the stairs--knowing that every pairs of eyes in the house were on him at that very moment--he raised both of his hands to make a welcome gesture while looking backward--the wrong direction--not forward, in search of a target...totally breaking the protocol of program proceeding.  Soon he would see Youjung moving toward the stairs from down of stage, so he took a step but paced back a couple to buy her more time--Bogummy was determined to wait for HER.


Because of his action, there were a few seconds of pause in the program proceeding and anticipation was building among the audience--everyone was wondering: what was he waiting for?---and it might have felt like it took forever for HER to reach where he was standing at top of the stairs-then he flashed his brightest smile and signaled her: LET'S BOW TOGETHER TO THE AUDIENCE (to ask for their understanding?)--and it nearly brought the house down!  

It was so worth the few-second wait--as soon as BG and YJ were reunited on the stage and proceed with a big 90-degree bow--all was forgiven--then there was a collective OHHHH uttered from the entire audience.

The stunning visual of the young and beautiful BoYoo couple was so worth the wait and anticipation. What a joyous blessing to see the MDBC royal couple marching side-by-side, a match made in heaven...to accept the same award by popular choice--like it was written in the stars, predestined in previous lives and as pronounced as the moon in the sky...these two simply belonged together in every undertaking and venture of their lives!!!  How could you ever think of separating them--It just won't look right to have one without the other present on the stage at any given moment!

And it turned out to be a very smart decision made by Bogummy, totall reflectively and unintentionally, to wait for KYJ to join him to march toward the podium together...the effect was 1000 times better than him walking alone on the stage.  [Youjung, too, was surprised by his heart-warming gesture a little bit and flashed a slightly embarrassed and startled expression...maybe thinking that BG was being too obvious to do this in front of everybody...usually this was only allowed to do for celebrity couples--boyfriend waiting for girlfriend or husband waiting for wife--while the TV program was proceeding.  There was no other legitimate reason for a male star to wait for a previous female co-star! No matter how close they were as co-stars.] 


Once they settled in position on the stage, before giving their speech , PBG maintained his cool exterior and avoided looking too much at YJ's direction.  However, as soon as YJ showed some slight jittery after finishing her acceptance speech and returning to his side, he would turned on his charm to comfort her with claps and smiles to assure her that she did well on the speech and there was no cause for her to stress out. 

And from that point on, they could not stop peeking at each other, smiling warmly at each other and totally forgot about where they were--on the big stage, still in the middle of program proceeding, with thousands if not millions pairs of eyes fixated on them--they were completely wrapped inside their own bubble of warmth and sweetness and the bubble was of no use to help concealing their strong affection for each other right under the spotlight--but they were so happy inside the bubble all by themselves! 

Even when they were exiting the stage after the speech, Bogummy was talking and walking in front of Youjung, he would again turned around to look for YJ's whereabouts; and extended his hand to her to make sure that she remained close enough to still be inside the bubble with him--what a shockingly protective behavior coming from a most-eligible bachelor who was a celebrity and a superstar in K-pop--he didn't care what people would think...he only cared if she was taken care of--Bogummy never demonstrated this possessive side of his personality with any other female co-star or co-host before!



Throughout the evening, many people in the art and show industry would approach Bogummy for greetings, selfies or to catch up on current affairs. But Bogummy would keep these activities brief and tight and never allowed them to drag on too long to leave Youjung unattended.

For a most-in-demand TV star, PBG was politely accommodating to requests,  not particularly interested in mingling with industry heavyweights at BSAA,  nor care to gloat in his own winning streak, he was unusually less-sociable than he has been at any other major award, even with many friends and previous co-stars.

For a most-eligible bachelor who repeatedly said that he has been looking for a girlfriend in recent interviews, Bogummy was disciplined and reserved around the young ladies at BSAA and only looked at one target, one direction. Never once did he get caught looking at another girl or showed interest in anyone else..he was constantly checking on the whereabouts of only one person, shooting hearts and stars from his eyes at only one person--who was his female companion, sitting next to him for the entire night--and PBG was not at all hiding his strong bias for this particular female companion the entire evening--he was attached to her physically and emotionally.  

Bogummy would laugh when Youjung laughed, pouted when she responded not soon enough and totally submissive to her charm and wits--he only interested in being the best companion he could be for HER this night--and he made this his mission at BSAA--and nothing or no one else was going to distract him from accomplishing this mission.

Bogummy, the superstar, was acting like he was simply at BSAA to make sure that Youjung could enjoy herself with no worries, no stress, and no mis-step...he acted like BSAA was not about him receiving an big award, but it was for YJ to bathe in her own glory, to shine in the spotlight, and to receive her trophy in person (perhaps to make up for her missing out big time at KBSDA). 

Most of all, Bogummy didn't want to see a repeat episode of Youjung's last major event for movie BILY where she got cyber-bullied by fans afterwards, so he took it upon himself to make sure that Youjung would had a smooth ride at BSAA and felt secure emotionally and physically coming out of it.

He didn't even worry about not getting a trophy for the group photo when Youjung showed up holding just ONE trophy (and he was surprised that she simply handed it to him). That showed his mind was totally somewhere else when he saw Youjung with the trophy...he only wanted Youjung, not the trophy, to be attached to his side.  When the whole world was watching BG, he only had eyes for Youjung.


Accepting their BSAA awards side-by-side on stage was not the only time that PBG behaved out of place this night, he would get lost in his own world again when the evening was coming to an end.  After taking the group photo with all the winners of BSAA, he would walk off the stage with Youjung attached to his side.

The usually alert and aware Bogummy would not see where he was leading Youjung--right into the background of another group photo shooting!  It was noisy and crowded in every direction so it was easy to get confused; but what was really distracting him was YJ's whispering in his ear and he was completely immersed in their conversation--so much so that he didn't even look up once to check his surroundings like he always did whenever there was media and reporters around.

While most of the leaving stars were stopped by security staff (in white circle) and told to exit through the left side of the stage, BG and YJ would go against the grain and kept walking to the right, into the background of the photo shoot.


A few seconds later, only after BG and YJ passed, the photo session came to an end, then more stars started to follow their footsteps and walking off the stage to the right side.

All the while, BG and YJ was so wrapped up in their own bubble, chatting away with each other, that they didn't even realize that they might have interrupted the photo shoot for a few seconds. And once again, they were totally forgiven by everyone around them...no one dared to interrupt their motion or conversation...they just stayed out of their way...and watched the beautiful pair flowing by...and it was too precious to not to protect in every way they could--just as we all felt here in this forum.

For PBG to not behaving like PBG at big award event but turned into a man-on-mission at BSAA, there was only one plausible explanation--his emotions were totally attached to the emotions of his female companion of the night--Youjung--he was happy only when she was happy; he was sad when she was not around, and he could not feel relaxed without her safely sitting or standing right next to him!  And this kind of attachment cannot be formed in just a few hours at BSAA, it must have stemmed from their day-to-day real life--and extension of their off-screen relationship!! This kind of strong attachment--between BG and YJ--takes a lot of time and efforts from both sides for it to build up to where it is right now!  They both have to willing to invest in this relationship to see the attachment grow into something ever-lasting--and that speaks volume for their current state of mind in their relationship--they are in this for the long haul.

One of the most-telling intimate moment at BSAA was when YJ adjusted BG's bow-tie after he was feeling insecure about it's perkiness. She listened to him with intensity, then lifted her hand twice to attempt to adjust it while BG was fidgeting and looking to the other side...so she gently grabbed on his arm and patted a few times to make him turn to face her so she could finally adjust it for him...at which point you could visibly see Bogummy's expression full of joy, pride, respect, joy and trust...and he was holding all these in and trying very hard to not laughing out loud and draw too much attention to them, thus he put on a stern look.






But just look at how happy BG was when YJ grabbed his arm...he immediately flash his brightest smile and immediately turned around to show respect for YJ and let YJ had her way with his bow-tie...as well as with his emotions!  He totally submitted to her charm, when YJ teased him by making a long face (pretending that his bow-tie was all crooked to tease him) before adjusting his bow-tie, he couldn't help but cooperate with her. And watch for YJ's hand position on BG's arm... it showed both tenderness and firmness...she was telling PBG: Stop moving around and turn to me (face-to-face) to allow me to check on your bow-tie!

Looking from the point of view of Youjung, she was returning the favor in every way she could.  Even though she was usually the cooler customer of the pair, she was not shy on reciprocating Bogummy's [romantic] gestures at BSAA--she would quicken her steps to follow him on stage, cling to his side, laugh at his jokes and return his intense glance with equal intensity....she also showed a lot of confidence and security to initiate physical contacts--tapping him at least twice on his arm this night (that we know of)...all of these actions, showed me that she understood BG so very well intimately and she knew how to ease his mind and to reassure him that she appreciated all his little and big gestures--thus handing him the trophy opening and fixing BG's bowtie in front of the eagle-eyed crowd (fans).

For a young and reserved girl like Youjung, you don't initiate these [romantic] gestures unless you are certain and sure about the positive reaction coming from your [romantic] partner when you put your heart on the sleeve, especially they were both in the limelight.  So it was so fantastic to see the back-and-forth [romantic] reciprocation between BG & YJ throughout the evening. and too amazing to see Youjung being totally understanding about Bogummy's unspoken (or spoken?) intention toward her and allowing his possessive streak to run its course--thus she stayed close to his proximity, glance at him from time to time and made sure he was not left alone too long. It was just so wonderful to see Youjung strong enough emotionally (since MAMA) to reciprocate Bogummy's passionate emotions on- and off-stage at BSAA. It showed that their personal relationship and emotional attachment have reached a whole new level!

Their intimate interactions was so natural and so comfortable that it was like they have practiced doing this a thousand times! Just one glance from YJ, BG immediately knew that she meant business and behaved himself like a good boy that he was.  [It only took me 20 years to train my husband to do exactly what I told him to do when he asked for my help! And BoYoo mastered this in less than a year!] 

I was especially proud of YJ to allow herself to enjoy these sweet and tender moments with Bogummy rather than worried about others' opinion and withdrew herself. She would look around and checked the cameras from time to time, but she din't let them bother her like in previous public outing with BG.  Youjung showed a lot of control and confidence around BG and she was not shy from letting others know that she too was very attached to Bogummy [in whatever capacity they can manage right now]!

Their mutual attachment to each other was the best explanation why they were so connected to each other's emotions and commotions--they were always tuned to each other's frequency and moved at each other's pace like their well-being depended on it! YJ also acutely aware that the possessive BG would be waiting for her at every turn, so she also tried to keep up with him, and she wrapped up her chat with her co-star from BILY very quickly and grabbed a trophy for BG on her way to join him. The level of trust and understanding that has already accumulated between BG and YJ was just unbelievable within such short period of time! They just kept reminding us how true soulmates and real companions would behave around each other. And watching their sweet interactions at BSAA was better than watching a romantic drama or movie--you got so much satisfaction from knowing they were still close to each other, enjoyed each other's company and moved their relationship to a whole new level--a place that most people could not reach in their lifetime.


BoYoo couple has surely come full circle since their first public appearance on 2016.08.08 and extended their couple magic beyond our widest imagination on 2017.05.03. Their physical contacts might have been kept to a minimum level at BSAA (i.e. no hand-holding), but their eye contacts and corresponding smiles were much more intimate, connected and attached than ever--these heart-fluttering moments were not put on for any other reason--such as promoting a TV show or publicity stun--but for themselves--but for celebrating their being together at the important event of their lives, for being there for each other's high and lows and for company and support emotionally and physically . This kind of joy and contentment, although should be kept private, it was too beautiful to not be shared to the world once in a while; it should not be forced to be hidden away from everybody else just because of few bully fan-girls.

And if any one of us could have even one of these heart-felt moments in public--to behold this level of sweetness and tenderness from our romantic partners in front of other people--the memory is enough to last us a lifetime...but our BoYoo couple was doing it over and over again with no hand-holding or lips-locking required...to send our heart flying high into the sky...but thankfully they allowed us a glimpse into their state of happiness from time to time--each moment grew more precious than the last--what else could we ask of them!! But ask them to enjoy this special time of their life...and to allow us to run our imagination wide--wondering how much stronger, sweeter and more-intimate their relationship would be like behind closed door, off-camera..then we are already too blessed to have known them.

But we ARE asking--for this moonlight-spell magic that we have jointly witnessed together occurring between PBG and KYJ from 2016 to 2017--to continue and to go on and on and on...then we probably would not ask for more...for now anyway 


II. Signs of Emotional Attachment Displayed by BoGummy at BSAA toward Youjung:

1. He was happy to hang out with Youjung--was there ever any doubt? He ran back to his seat after short restroom break (so unusual to see PBG losing his calm and coolness this way)


2. He talked to Youjung for hours--they were talking from the start till the last second before heading out and then continuing in the carpark


3. He put Youjung first--making sure that she got on the stage


4. He listened to what Youjung have to say


5. He asked for and respects Youjung's opinion


6. He did little things for Youjung


7. He tried to impress Youjung


8. He was open to and initiated romantic moments or gestures



9. He sought Youjung out for company and support


10. He was patient with Youjung


11. He took care of Youjung


12. He was attentive, open, and responsive


(P.S. Finally learned to make my first GIF, and it was all for our BoYoo Royal Couple...and it only took me 5 days of trials and errors....) 


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On 5/26/2017 at 2:32 AM, lifeisfullofraon said:

Youjung is such an angel in my eyes that I fell in love with her since she was a child star and always had the strongest bias for her since METS.  I started watching MDBC because of Youjung, not Bogum because I was not that into him before then.  But looking at him looking at her at the MDBC press conference made my heart flutter and made me squeal like a teenage girl and I became totally hooked on BoYoo couple even more after watching the swimming/diving scene in MDBC...I could sense there was something brewing between them behind the scene.  

Before BSAA, I have been hesitating to dig too deep into Youjung's head at this forum, out of sincere concern and innate urge to protect her like a baby doll. But after BSAA, I was impressed so much by Bogum's GENTLEMANLY behavior, and then I found confirmation from Youjung to accept his gesture...she showed a renewed level of strength in taking on nay-sayers--so I dare now to tap on her shell and listen in a little bit to find out what she was keeping inside, away from all of us.

[On more about Bogum's possessive [boyfriend] behaviors, please refer to my post on Page 761]

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I. When A Most-Eligible Bachelor Behaved Like He Was Very Much Attached... 

After watching Park Bo Gum for almost a year, I have noticed some deviations from his usaully pitch perfect behavior at BSAA. At the very highlight of his evening--to be cheered by the crowd and to accept the prestigious BSAA award--he was strangely standing at the edge of the stage, not moving toward the center of stage like he always did with every other award show that he has attended this last year.  

II. Signs of Emotional Attachment Displayed by BoGummy at BSAA toward Youjung:

1. He was happy to hang out with Youjung--was there ever any doubt? He ran back to his seat after short restroom break (so unusual to see PBG losing his calm and coolness this way)


2. He talked to Youjung for hours--they were talking from the start till the last second before heading out and then continuing in the carpark


3. He put Youjung first--making sure that she got on the stage


4. He listened to what Youjung have to say


5. He asked for and respects Youjung's opinion


6. He did little things for Youjung


7. He tried to impress Youjung


8. He was open to and initiated romantic moments or gestures



9. He sought Youjung out for company and support


10. He was patient with Youjung


11. He took care of Youjung


12. He was attentive, open, and responsive


Kim You-Jung, A Most Beautiful, Complicated Virgo-Libra Cusper:

"....born on the Virgo-Libra cusp, from about September 19 to September 25, they're beautiful individuals, inside and out! The energies of Virgo and Libra work nicely together to create very balanced people who are both intellectual and artistic."-- https://www.tarot.com/astrology/virgo-libra-cusp


You-jung was born on September 22--last day of Vigro Sign--so she is a most unique 'Virgo-Libra Cusper--from the the Cusp of Beauty'; she is caught in-between Virgo and Libra Signs--"which lends her the rational qualities of Virgo as well as the creative and social attributes of Libra -- it's the best of both worlds!

Most Virgo-Libra cuspers are not superficial, they are DEEP THINKERS with sharp analytical skills and a strong work ethic, and that combination is a thing of beauty, indeed."


So at Singapore Press Event, Youjung gave a perfect answer as a Virgo-Libra Cusper would--on her ideal type--an intellectual book-reader--which fit Gemini Bogum to a T--but didn't name any names...of course, we don't expect her to...we all know what a little diplomat she could be when she was interviewed and always says what she believes that people want to hear from her [she aimed to please].  She also knew what an avid reader that Bogum must be as a good student at his University, so  her polite answer also applied to him.


"As lovers, they [Virgo-Libras] are romantic and loyal! ....so it can be helpful for them to partner with someone who can remind them of the FUN and LESS SERIOUS side of life. ...so their IDEAL PARTNERS are up for going out and being seen at parties and events, while also having their own projects to keep them busy while the Virgo-Libra takes their alone time."

Many times Youjung has referred to Bogum as her 'GOOD FRIENDS' at Singapore interview, which was a huge step-up on their official relationship.  Now they are EQUAL partners regardless of their age difference, who keep company and provide supports to each other in life and on career paths.  Youjung's compliments to Bogum told the truth about the nature of their relationship--Bogum is the Sun providing warmth and sunlight to her Moon that sometimes just wanted to hide behind the clouds.  And she thrive on taking in these rays of sunlight that recharges her energy and make her want to really smile.


Bogum is such a typical Gemini, that he fit all of these descriptions; overprotective, intellectual (love to read books), company-seeking, treating loved one extra special--all of which we have witnessed him doing with Youjung.


[Edit: Just found out that another very important existence/force in Bogum's life is Song Joong Ki whose birthday is 1985.09.19, a VIrgo like Youjung; who we all know get along with Bogum very well and from whom Bogum often seeks advice and support--maybe including some romance advice, on how to approach a Virgo Girl--who is mature for her age and wise beyond her years--and on how to win her heart!  Bogum even once said at Taiwan Fanmeet that he wanted to couple up with Song Joong Ki if he was a girl--that's how much he loved Virgos!]


Before I even learned about the conflicting yet balanced nature of Virgo-Libra cusper; Youjung has already given me the feeling of two souls co-existing in one body, or the embodiment of two extreme personality--she is a free spirit navigating a highly disciplined job that she loves but feels stressful sometimes; she is young but wise with words; she looks joyful this second but detached the next; she always shows strength in appearance but vulnerability shimmered on the inside; she enjoys conflicting interests yet seeks balance in spiritual, sensual, heart and mind--she is a girl full of pleasant surprises and very interesting to get psycho-analysis about, but I choose to leave her alone and not to crack open her shell like I usually do with Bogum--since he is more transparent in his expressions and emotions--it's like reading the newspapers--and he is not shy about showing his feelings.

On the opposite end is Youjung's and her herculean effort to bottle up and hides her true emotions from outsiders with a self-imposing shell--she often turns the negative emotions inward and reserves the pain and hurt feelings solely for her own consumption [like any Virgo girl would do], and sometimes it makes you want to shake it out of her, and wish only happiness remains [if only I have the power].  

Now with the new found understanding of Virgo-Libra cusper traits, I thank god that there is one person, a Gemini, one  GOOD FRIEND [that Libra seeks in her lover], who seems to be able to sweep the darkness out of her and put smiles on her face [Virgo girl must laughs before she can love]--and he has been doing this before, during and after MDBC; and I say: let him keep the job forever and ever and ever.  

I think we all know this guy who would want the job of [loving and] cheering up Youjung everyday every much--would continue to do a good job in bringing in sunlight to her life--because his own happiness depends on her happiness...and he has put in the efforts over and over again in front of our eyes at AAA, MAMA and BSAA to make her happy.  So please, Park Bo Gum don't let us down; keep up the good work.

[Youjung has the power to make me laugh with her when she is happy, but make me want to cry more whenever she is putting up a brave front; it would be easier to bear for me if she could just let it go and cry it out when she is feeling hurt--but this trait also make me want to care for her more--I imagine this is part of the reason why Bogum always want to take care of her--to make sure the smiles stayed on her face.]  


What will ‘a VIRGO woman in love‘ be like in a relationship? 

"Her discipline is to act PROPER and Appropriate. She looks for a GENTLEMAN who willingly opens the door for her, as well as PROTECTS and TAKES CARE OF HER WELL. If she finds her true mate, she won’t ever go away; otherwise, she will definitely keep a certain distance. Since most Virgos’ nature is very shy, it’s hard to determine whether they have special feelings for someone."



Signs to tell if A Virgo woman likes you:

  • She is eager to please when she likes someone (naturally she’s very helpful and efficient)


  • She often compliments you and makes you feel special


  • She always expects you to be a gentleman to do the first move as she’s too shy to express her feelings


  • She seems distant sometimes – no need to worry, she only wants to recharge her mind…alone (make sure you keep checking up on her)


  • She shares intimate details about herself with you


  • She wants to spend a lot of time talking and finding out little things about you



How A Virgo-Libra Cusp Girl Show Her Love at BSAA (Part I):

Again I revert back to BSAA which is a treasure trove that keeps providing me valuable clues on the status of our OTP.  

When Bogum was looking all over and keep checking on her whereabouts, Youjung actually wrapped up her chatting with Ms. Seo Hyun Jin very quickly and stood right behind Bogum and observed him socializing with industry seniors and heavyweights--a typical trait of Virgo to want to observe from a distance.  Youjung was just standing there playing with her hair--fluffing her hair, wiggling her fingers through it and tugging it behind her ears like nothing else was important to her. And since Bogum was not physically around her, she was not thinking about flirting with him or looking attractive to him (see spoiler); she was probably releasing some penned up energy and tension that she was feeling at the end of award show. Playing with the hair for women provides a pleasurable sensation that can help her mood and refresh her focus.


But Youjung was also keeping an intense gaze on Bogum the whole time she was playing with her hair, she was also trying to decide if she should join Bogum right away. She decided against it and looked to her right where the Award Workers/Staff were handing out trophies to the stars as props for group photo. 


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Why Do Women Play With Their Hair


Women playing with their hair could be a sign that she is interested in you or what you are saying. By playing with her hair she draws attention to it. This in turn draws attention to her.  This is very effective in drawing a man’s attention because a woman’s hair is one of the traits that men find attractive.

This can also be an attempt to make herself more attractive also known as preening. A simple brush to remove the hair out of her face to give you a better view, or exposing her neck .

These actions being a subconscious reaction to the state she is feeling makes them a strong indicator of gauging her interest.


Playing with the hair for women provides a pleasurable sensation. Slight tugging of the hair stimulates the nerves ending around the hair follicles. For a woman that is feeling stressed the pleasurable sensation can help her mood and focus. This is sensation is one of the reasons women love when their boyfriend strokes their hair.


Similar to a nervous tick like tapping your fingers, or biting your lips. She plays with her hair to release a pent up feeling, an overwhelming feeling that she has to let go. It may be a feeling of nervousness, stress, boredom, or excitement.

Though a woman playing with her hair is a powerful gesture, it is important to take note of when she plays with her hair, to determine the reason behind it.

For example, if she plays with her hair while you tell her a story of how you saved kids from a burning orphanage, this is a sign of attraction. However if she does it as she is walking into a crowded room, this is a release of energy.


In the meantime, Bogum finished his hand-shaking, bowing and smiling with the group and immediately started looking back to where Youjung was standing a few seconds ago.  He would just miss her moving behind him from left to the right and this would puzzle him a little bit so he started to scratch his head.  


Soon he figured out where Youjung could have moved to, and turned to his right to locate her. During his QUIET BUT FRANTIC search of Youjung, she was simply looking at some golden trophy--like doing some shopping! 


Youjung, joint by Ms. Seo Hyun Jin now, was being inquisitive about them--like there were a huge difference between one from the other--she was spending time selecting a perfect one for a Special SOMEONE.

She did look up twice to Bogum's direction for a millisecond to check on Bogum and his emotions...which showed me that she knew and expect Bogum to be anxiously waiting for her on the same spot and there was an pre-spoken and communicated understanding between the two...she knew that he would be waiting for her to join him any second and he would not move.  But she still dived back in to continue finding her favorite trophy, she showed control and confidence of their relationship.  This was a big improvement from how they acted with each other at AAA.


[At the end of AAA, before group photo, we all knew that Bogum was reaching out for Youjung to join him and his friends, but Youjung didn't join him walking up the stage--because she was not expecting him to want her to follow him everywhere and anywhere while he was fraternizing with boys.  It was just Bogum showing his concern for her being left unaccompanied; and there was probably no pre-spoken or communicated arrangement between them to take the group photo next to each other.  Youjung was just being prim and proper, and lady-like to not appear to be attaching to Bogum in front of outsiders.  She took the safer route and kept her distance from Bogum in front of the media and fans.  She didn't feel comfortable enough to show the true extend of their close friendship.]

In the meantime, Bogum still anxiously waited and he looked almost bored or dejected from being left alone TOO LONG; and he would resort to biting his lips and pout a little to show his annoyance at the situation.


Bogum would regroup himself a little bit and remoisten his lips slightly--with amazing patience---and stayed at his spot. Thankfully, Youjung would look up at Bogum soon and she could instinctively tell from his head tilting and body movement that he was getting restless inside and start to walk toward him.  This again showed me that they were extremely familiar with each other's mood swings and body language--the slightest tilt of his head could indicate frustration and boredom on Bogum's part--so no more dragging her feet, Youjung would put him out of his misery soon by joining him.



But why would Youjung bring only one trophy over to Bogum's side? Didn't she also need one for the photo shoot?  I believed that she was shy about bringing two at once to show too much of her affections. She didn't want to show to Ms. Seo or other stars around them that they are already an item or a pair of [love] partners like it was a forgone conclusion.  Youjung being the true Virgo reserved girl that she has always been; still feeling somewhat embarrassed to show her true color in front of third parties.  Maybe BoYoo already had an spoken/unspoken commitment of their [romantic] intentions toward each other, but it's not in Youjung's preference to share this to the outside world.  She is, after all, still under-aged and should not be involved with one of the most-eligible bachelor and raising Hallyu star of his generation.  She would bring only one trophy over and then decided if she would be brave enough to hand it to Bogum.  Even if she ended up keeping it for herself, she was sure that Bogum would not hold it against her.  

Once she got to Bogum's side, she took another look at the perfect trophy while Bogum looking on, she suddenly decided that Bogum should have it.


This nice gesture took Bogum by surprise and his lips could be seen forming into an "O" shape--maybe saying something like "Oh? You bring this over just for me?"  It showed that Youjung really went out of her way to make Bogum feeling special with this [romantic] gesture and Bogum was not prepared to see her showing this much affections in the public. Bogum would ask her where she was going after taking the trophy from her, and Youjung probably said something like: "I would be back soon [with my own trophy], I need one too."  And Bogum would turned back with a beaming smile; he would try to hide his joy and gratefulness of Youjung's gesture. 

Ms. Seo was actually following Youjung since picking up her own trophy and she was actually carrying an extra one under her jacket--thinking that Youjung or Bogum would need a second one after seeing Youjung taking only one from the Award Staff.  She could be seen standing between the two love birds with a huge smile, watching their sweet exchange...then tried to look away shortly to give them some privacy...but by doing so she would miss the chance to talk to BG/YJ before Youjung took off from Bogum again to get another trophy.  By the time she tried say something to Youjung, Youjung was turning back to explain to Bogum that she would be right back, thus Seo missed her last chance to give the second trophy to Youjung. Seo was watching BG and YJ interaction the entire evening and knew they were an item, attached to each other, when Boyoo greeted her earlier [and she probably knew there was something going on between the pair since the BILY movie promo and screening]; and Seo understood that Youjung could feel shy to take two trophies in the first place so that she brought the second trophy to save Youjung some trouble or to tease her a little bit...then she decided not to be so obvious and blew Youjung's cover.


These sequence of events tells me that Ms. Seo was somewhat in the know of BoYoo's delicate and sensitive situation and she didn't want to shine a light on it anymore than Youjung herself was ready to do...her eyes just followed Youjung and look to the right at her backside--and she didn't said anything to Bogum about the second trophy.  You could see Seo's expression turned from exciting to blank, then to question--what to do with the extra trophy now?!


Seo decided to give the extra trophy to the star closest to her--Yoona.  And Yoona who had no clue of the trophy drama playing out right next to her, would take it off her hand. Seo was not smiling like before when she was holding one for Bogum/Youjung like she planned to; she showed only professional courtesy toward Yoona--maybe because Seo was feeling a little out of place now to get in the middle of BoYoo's little [love] drama.

Standing close by, Bogum also witnessed the changing hands of 2nd trophy from Seo to Yoona, and he acted like it's none of his business; not having the slightest idea that it was all because of him [and love for him], that Youjung, Seo Hyun Jin and Yoona all tangled up in a little game called "passing the trophy to [my love] one" and how lucky that he was to have Youjung and Seo worried about him/her not getting a trophy.  And if only Youjung has not been such a true Virgo personality to try to hide her affection toward Bogum before the exchange of 1st trophy, then there wouldn't be so much commotions and drama going on on the stage--right in front of our eyes. [Thank god that it did.]


 I could totally believe there was enough materials to shoot an 16-episode mini K-series by what's going on at BSAA between Bogum and Youjung; and inside of their heads...the endless twists and turns in the plot beat any drama that I have watched this year and it's enough to hook the audience in since the very first episode.  Just look at how much I have written about an 25-second video clip on our OTP and how many GIFs I could make out of it from cutting it frame by frame.

And I also incur the witness accounts of Seo Hyun Jin and Yoona to demonstrate to the court of popular opinion, how extraordinary it was for a shy and reserve Virgo-Libra girl to show her soft under belly to her [romantic] partner at a huge public event--she made a grand gesture by getting him a trophy in front of people!! That was something Youjung would never do  and show to outsider just a few month ago--Youjung was more sure of her feelings toward Bogum now at BSAA.

So there it was--the moment I consider a big big breakthrough in their relationship--bigger than bowtie episode in my eyes--because Bogum didn't ask her to do this gesture...she was doing it all on her own to show her fondness of Bogum and to put his interest ahead of her own...a so-very-Virgo thing to do (and it made him love her more)...and there was no turning back from this, I believe.  Their relationship will just keep going stronger and stronger after BSAA. 


So Youjung was not so innocent as she believed at BSAA, she was totally capable of messing with the emotions of people around her besides that of Bogum with a lift of her fingers; but it was done unintentionally and unknowingly--for she had no idea what she was going to do with the trophy until she was standing right in front of him [her love]-- so of course she was totally forgiven by all of us; and what girls have not make mindless decisions in the name of love every second and everyday...what's the little incident of mixing up 2 trophies hurting anybody [except maybe Seo Hyun Jin's feeling was hurt a little bit].  


Her Love, Part II

Later in that evening, on the same stage, she would feel comfortable enough to fix Bogum's bowtie at his request.  (was discussed in my post on bowtie on page 761)

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One of the most-telling intimate moment at BSAA was when YJ adjusted BG's bow-tie after he was feeling insecure about it's perkiness. She listened to him with intensity, then lifted her hand twice to attempt to adjust it while BG was fidgeting and looking to the other side...so she gently grabbed on his arm and patted a few times to make him turn to face her so she could finally adjust it for him...at which point you could visibly see Bogummy's expression full of joy, pride, respect, joy and trust...and he was holding all these in and trying very hard to not laughing out loud and draw too much attention to them, thus he put on a stern look.






But just look at how happy BG was when YJ grabbed his arm...he immediately flash his brightest smile and immediately turned around to show respect for YJ and let YJ had her way with his bow-tie...as well as with his emotions!  He totally submitted to her charm, when YJ teased him by making a long face (pretending that his bow-tie was all crooked to tease him) before adjusting his bow-tie, he couldn't help but cooperate with her. And watch for YJ's hand position on BG's arm... it showed both tenderness and firmness...she was telling PBG: Stop moving around and turn to me (face-to-face) to allow me to check on your bow-tie!

Looking from the point of view of Youjung, she was returning the favor in every way she could.  Even though she was usually the cooler customer of the pair, she was not shy on reciprocating Bogummy's [romantic] gestures at BSAA--she would quicken her steps to follow him on stage, cling to his side, laugh at his jokes and return his intense glance with equal intensity....she also showed a lot of confidence and security to initiate physical contacts--tapping him at least twice on his arm this night (that we know of)...all of these actions, showed me that she understood BG so very well intimately and she knew how to ease his mind and to reassure him that she appreciated all his little and big gestures--thus handing him the trophy opening and fixing BG's bowtie in front of the eagle-eyed crowd (fans).

For a young and reserved girl like Youjung, you don't initiate these [romantic] gestures unless you are certain and sure about the positive reaction coming from your [romantic] partner when you put your heart on the sleeve, especially they were both in the limelight.  So it was so fantastic to see the back-and-forth [romantic] reciprocation between BG & YJ throughout the evening. and too amazing to see Youjung being totally understanding about Bogummy's unspoken (or spoken?) intention toward her and allowing his possessive streak to run its course--thus she stayed close to his proximity, glance at him from time to time and made sure he was not left alone too long. It was just so wonderful to see Youjung strong enough emotionally (since MAMA) to reciprocate Bogummy's passionate emotions on- and off-stage at BSAA. It showed that their personal relationship and emotional attachment have reached a whole new level!

Their intimate interactions was so natural and so comfortable that it was like they have practiced doing this a thousand times! Just one glance from YJ, BG immediately knew that she meant business and behaved himself like a good boy that he was.  [It only took me 20 years to train my husband to do exactly what I told him to do when he asked for my help! And BoYoo mastered this in less than a year!]

I was especially proud of YJ to allow herself to enjoy these sweet and tender moments with Bogummy rather than worried about others' opinion and withdrew herself. She would look around and checked the cameras from time to time, but she din't let them bother her like in previous public outing with BG.  Youjung showed a lot of control and confidence around BG and she was not shy from letting others know that she too was very attached to Bogummy [in whatever capacity they can manage right now]!

Their mutual attachment to each other was the best explanation why they were so connected to each other's emotions and commotions--they were always tuned to each other's frequency and moved at each other's pace like their well-being depended on it! YJ also acutely aware that the possessive BG would be waiting for her at every turn, so she also tried to keep up with him, and she wrapped up her chat with her co-star from BILY very quickly and grabbed a trophy for BG on her way to join him. The level of trust and understanding that has already accumulated between BG and YJ was just unbelievable within such short period of time! They just kept reminding us how true soulmates and real companions would behave around each other. And watching their sweet interactions at BSAA was better than watching a romantic drama or movie--you got so much satisfaction from knowing they were still close to each other, enjoyed each other's company and moved their relationship to a whole new level--a place that most people could not reach in their lifetime.

Youjung maybe cautious and clumsy [in showing her love for Bogum] but it only made us love her more for her sincere efforts of trying to take care of her guy.  And how much sweeter and more tender this love must be that it was happening between two most beautiful souls--what Youjung did for Bogum and what Bogum would do for Youjung was done with the most sincere and best intentions-and THAT is how love supposed to be like.

In conclusion, I don't believe for a second when Youjung told SG media that she didn't know Bogum well enough to shed some lights on his personality traits--he is a total Gemini that reads like a newspaper since the first time they get together to do horse-riding training!  So Youjung was being total Virgo  and talking from behind her shell when giving out that answer--she was talking like a proper little lady who wouldn't make the first moves unless she was certain, very certain of the outcome of her moves; and even then she still preferred to have waited for him to initiate.



[P.S. I tend to do a lot editing after 1st post done in a hurry to save my writing down before I sign off. So if you like it, please come back to check on it couple of days later when I usually insert more photos or details, thank you for reading my long post, sorry]


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23 hours ago, bhijara1992 said:

But why would Youjung bring only one trophy over to Bogum's side? Didn't she also need one for the photo shoot?  I believed that she was shy about bringing two at once to show too much of her affections. She didn't want to show to Ms. Seo or other stars around them that they are already an item or a pair of [love] partners like it was a forgone conclusion.  Youjung being the true Virgo reserved girl that she has always been; still feeling somewhat embarrassed to show her true color in front of third parties.  Maybe BoYoo already had an spoken/unspoken commitment of their [romantic] intentions toward each other, but it's not in Youjung's preference to share this to the outside world.  She is, after all, still under-aged and should not be involved with one of the most-eligible bachelor and raising Hallyu star of his generation.  She would bring only one trophy over and then decided if she would be brave enough to hand it to Bogum.  Even if she ended up keeping it for herself, she was sure that Bogum would not hold it against her.  

Ms. Seo was actually following Youjung since picking up her own trophy and she was actually carrying an extra one under her jacket--thinking that Youjung or Bogum would need a second one after seeing Youjung taking only one from the Award Staff.  She could be seen standing between the two love birds with a huge smile, watching their sweet exchange...then tried to look away shortly to give them some privacy...but by doing so she would miss the chance to talk to BG/YJ before Youjung took off from Bogum again to get another trophy.  By the time she tried say something to Youjung, Youjung was turning back to explain to Bogum that she would be right back, thus Seo missed her last chance to give the second trophy to Youjung. Seo was watching BG and YJ interaction the entire evening and knew they were an item, attached to each other, when Boyoo greeted her earlier [and she probably knew there was something going on between the pair since the BILY movie promo and screening]; and Seo understood that Youjung could feel shy to take two trophies in the first place so that she brought the second trophy to save Youjung some trouble or to tease her a little bit...then she decided not to be so obvious and blew Youjung's cover.

Yoojung bring only one trophy because the person hands it to her allow only one person, one trophy. She asks them and you can see on the clip, they have a little conversation. Meanwhile, Ms.Seo (The actress who wore the black vest_I don't know her) She hide the other trophy cause she heard Yoojung conversation and I think she wanna take one for Bo Gum as Yoo Jung asked (not asked her, but the person handed Yoo Jung the trophy). But then, at the end you see Yoojung turn back to take another, and so Ms.Seo, silently, gave the extra trophy to Yoona.

P/S: I read all the post but I think the person wrote this is a little overstatement and some parts are hard to understand. But overall, I enjoy to read it and very appreciate :wub:

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Bogum's Twitter Update [ 06•12•2017 ]

So cute! :wub:



More of Yoojung's KStyle interview translation :)



More shooting :lol: Eeep, i hope she updates us again on social media. Ugh I really can't wait for the final products of her TVC and other photoshoots/filming that she did this week!


I hope everyone had a lovely Sunday, and for some of you, I hope you'll have an awesome Monday! :D

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I don't know about you, but I wondered why she changed the caption of her last IG... A praticable and tasty key to the reading is the one discovered by my_boyoo, and it so happens coming out a other singular connection :tongue:,,

This song released last year 16 june 2016!!! :o The her messages are always a rebus, because  she uses the pictures to represent words. And I think that the words are always these: " I love him, I love a deer of june...no matter what...":wub:
Why an Hydrangea? That is simply the flower who she having as a gift  from special someone... No doubt about, she is certainly a girl in love! And honestly, who wouldn't be of a boy so adorable?

On 12/6/2017 at 5:09 AM, triplemt08 said:

Bogum's Twitter Update [ 06•12•2017 ]

So cute! :wub:


D-4 to his birthday!


(06.12.2017 Park Bo Gum for J.Estina )




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3 hours ago, boju said:

This song released last year 16 june 2016!!! :o The messages of her are always a rebus, which is, she use the pictures to represent words. And I think that the words are always these: " I love him, I love a deer of june...no matter what...":wub:
About the Hydrangea? it's simply the flower having as a gift  from special someone... No doubt about, she is certainly a girl in love! And honestly, who wouldn't be of a boy so adorable?


There were like 3 choices of the song. First, it was 'No Matter What' by Boyzone. Second, 'No Matter What' by Seo In Guk. And third, 'No Matter What' by Boa. I feel like the first and the third one fits more :wub: I just realized too, that, their recent posts had something to do with flowers. I mean, Yoojung's post with an actual flower, then now, Bogum's mentioning about blooming? Hmmm :rolleyes: Their brains are so connected lol.



Yoojung updated her IG [ 06•12•2017 ]

I guess she's shooting a magazine shoot for FILA again? :D

Our babies updated their SNS the same day :lol:

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3 hours ago, mariamocha21 said:

Yoojung bring only one trophy because the person hands it to her allow only one person, one trophy. She asks them and you can see on the clip, they have a little conversation. Meanwhile, Ms.Seo (The actress who wore the black vest_I don't know her) She hide the other trophy cause she heard Yoojung conversation and I think she wanna take one for Bo Gum as Yoo Jung asked (not asked her, but the person handed Yoo Jung the trophy). But then, at the end you see Yoojung turn back to take another, and so Ms.Seo, silently, gave the extra trophy to Yoona.

P/S: I read all the post but I think the person wrote this is a little overstatement and some parts are hard to understand. But overall, I enjoy to read it and very appreciate :wub:

If you wanted to quote me, at least do it correctly and give me the proper credit instead of calling me "THE PERSON WHO WROTE THIS"...

So in your theory, Ms. Seo could easily taken two trophies from the award staff, but YJ could not? Why? I don't believe they were keeping close tap on each and every trophy; they just wanted to make sure that every star/winner got one for the purpose of group photo. The award staff wouldn't be worrying about YJ or Ms. Seo taking two or three trophies to give to their friends/associates since everyone would be holding up just ONE for the photo. So if YJ wanted to take two at once, the staff would not have stopped her from doing so.  I was using Ms. Seo's openness (2 trophies) to contrast with YJ's shyness (1 trophy); and to explain how easy it was for YJ to simply taking two trophies in the first place to save herself the second trip walking back to the staff.

And if you really exam all the clips (frame by frame, which I did), Youjung was looking up and down at the trophy at first and then given the first trophy back to the staff for some reason (maybe it's for different category of winner...but the conversation was definitely not about whether she could have two, or she would not have read the writings on the trophy before handing it back to them). And while they were handing her a different trophy, she briefly looked to the direction of Bogum before taking it with her and walk to him--so she was contemplating on what to do with it until the very last second--to keep or to give?  And the reason for the contemplation was that she didn't want to be so obvious with her intent or to go overboard with this gesture--in taking care the need of her male companion of the night!

I was trying to illustrate the coy and shy state of mind of a 17,18 years-old teenage girl who took a big step in showing her companion her true emotions with a small but romantic gesture; YJ could have told BG to get his own trophy after showing it to him or to signal the staff to bring over one more trophy to BG (as they were already starting to do with the back row of the stars/winners).  But by walking back to the staff again for the second trophy, YJ's action further demonstrated to BG how much she put his need before her own and she was happy to going through the trouble--all for the benefits of Bogum. And by being so coy and shy, YJ doubled up the impact of her sweet gesture in the eyes of Bogum.

I went to great length in my post to point out YJ's tendency of being timid and reserved with her loving affections, so it was a big step for her to finally showing them to Bogum in front of the crowd--and Bogum was pleasantly surprised and surely appreciative, hence the "O" expression followed by a big smile visible on his face.  BG was surprised by YJ for sure. 

And if all-of-the-above was an OVERSTATEMENT, then I apologize for my wishful thinking and sometimes-hard-to-understand writing. (P.S. I have already said that I am just an avid BoYoo trooper who is NOT a professional writer!)

Then what are we all doing here in this forum, if we don't have wishful thinking!

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2 hours ago, lifeisfullofraon said:

If you wanted to quote me, at least do it correctly and give me the proper credit instead of calling me "THE PERSON WHO WROTE THIS"...

So in your theory, Ms. Seo could easily taken two trophies from the award staff, but YJ could not? Why? I don't believe they were keeping close tap on each and every trophy; they just wanted to make sure that every star/winner got one for the purpose of group photo. The award staff wouldn't be worrying about YJ or Ms. Seo taking two or three trophies to give to their friends/associates since everyone would be holding up just ONE for the photo. So if YJ wanted to take two at once, the staff would not have stopped her from doing so.  I was using Ms. Seo's openness (2 trophies) to contrast with YJ's shyness (1 trophy); and to explain how easy it was for YJ to simply taking two trophies in the first place to save herself the second trip walking back to the staff.

And if you really exam all the clips (frame by frame, which I did), Youjung was looking up and down at the trophy at first and then given the first trophy back to the staff for some reason (maybe it's for different category of winner...but the conversation was definitely not about whether she could have two, or she would not have read the writings on the trophy before handing it back to them). And while they were handing her a different trophy, she briefly looked to the direction of Bogum before taking it with her and walk to him--so she was contemplating on what to do with it until the very last second--to keep or to give?  And the reason for the contemplation was that she didn't want to be so obvious with her intent or to go overboard with this gesture--in taking care the need of her male companion of the night!

I was trying to illustrate the coy and shy state of mind of a 17,18 years-old teenage girl who took a big step in showing her companion her true emotions with a small but romantic gesture; YJ could have told BG to get his own trophy after showing it to him or to signal the staff to bring over one more trophy to BG (as they were already starting to do with the back row of the stars/winners).  But by walking back to the staff again for the second trophy, YJ's action further demonstrated to BG how much she put his need before her own and she was happy to going through the trouble--all for the benefits of Bogum. And by being so coy and shy, YJ doubled up the impact of her sweet gesture in the eyes of Bogum.

I went to great length in my post to point out YJ's tendency of being timid and reserved with her loving affections, so it was a big step for her to finally showing them to Bogum in front of the crowd--and Bogum was pleasantly surprised and surely appreciative, hence the "O" expression followed by a big smile visible on his face.  BG was surprised by YJ for sure. 

And if all-of-the-above was an OVERSTATEMENT, then I apologize for my wishful thinking and sometimes-hard-to-understand writing. (P.S. I have already said that I am just an avid BoYoo trooper who is NOT a professional writer!)

Then what are we all doing here in this forum, if we don't have wishful thinking!

Here is the thing! I quote it on my phone and it came out like that.. Selected and quoted. That is what I got. And I was talking to her/ him ( do I need to sign her or his name here? When I am talking to you?). As I read your words, there is nothing I wanna discuss because I know no matter what my point of view is, you have yours. And sorry for not quote your name in the correct way. Also, I say Some parts I don't get it, I think it is not a thing. There are a lot of writing out there, major one, still some don't understand too. Why I cannot say I don't understand when I do? And writing a whole long paragraph just for one action I still think it is too much imagination. Again, I said I enjoy to read, and appreciate your time for it.

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3 hours ago, lifeisfullofraon said:

I went to great length in my post to point out YJ's tendency of being timid and reserved with her loving affections, so it was a big step for her to finally showing them to Bogum in front of the crowd--and Bogum was pleasantly surprised and surely appreciative, hence the "O" expression followed by a big smile visible on his face.  BG was surprised by YJ for sure. 

so agree with you @lifeisfullofraon ...


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8 hours ago, kiwimari20 said:

@lifeisfullofraon Always remember that we love everything about your post. Infact i'm anticipating to read a new one  already:lol:Any analysis about their current posts on SNS lately? Come on! Dear!  feel free to flood this thread now please hahahahaha! Keep the boyoo ship sailing everyone! 


@lifeisfullofraon i"m finally overcoming my inertia n logging in to say a very long overdue "Thank You" for all your insightful and thoughtful sharing....truely love reading your analysis and like another chingu has said,your posts are ones that we wish will not come to an end. Very much anticipating future posts.

Excited about the new bts and sns ... so much sweetness . 

Am impressed by how consistent BG has been from beginning to today...when he said he believed in love at first sight and that he will only look at one woman ...Bogumny long time fan chingus :from your knowledge of BG,  is there any one else he has behaved as he does with YJ ? He is just so happy and efferversent and unguarded when he is with her be it in the bts or at the recent Baeksang .Love seeing how happy n namja he is around her.

And YJ the careful and cautious one seems to be opening her heart little by little like a flower shyly blooming.. She is wise beyond her years n her IG posts are fascinating and I believe, not simply random but well thought thru. Hence,even the realist in me wonders about the "Deer in June" with identical raindeer hairbands ,the red umbrella and flowers and BG's surprising "have a bloomy week" tweet. Too many coincidences?...Love is in the air....

Songs and sns seem to be a special form of communication between them. Throwback to July/August 2016 ,possibly a time BG was struggling to get into LeeYoung's character n  when both were filming in extreme conditions:YJ n BG posted 2 songs on their SNS...


Possibly coincidence...but maybe messages of encouragement meant for someone they are shyly showing concern for. YJ has mentioned how after being seperated for a long period, they regained strength when they finally met up again.Such an honest statement to make and how revealing of how much they have come to mean to each other. Will these memories n experiences be easily forgotten once they move on from the drama?  They have a friendship forged thru shared hardships n experiences and that is a wonderful foundation for any form of relationship they choose to persue now or in the future.

Just ending with an IG that stuck me of how BG has consistently looked at YJ with the same look from the start till today....



Boyoo makes me believe in magic too.... Happy shipping chingus


credit to owners of IG


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