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[OFFICIAL] JongJoo|Honey Couple (Lee Jong Suk ❤ Han Hyo Joo)


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@nuna18 i have same question with you... what make his happy today? He's really in good mood since yesterday! As their rank 7th in Weibo search, it show that many people want them become next songsong couple. Its great they have a lot of support...

Finally have time to write here and say hello to everyone. Its been long time since last time in this group, now i need to read many pages to catch up! 


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3 hours ago, gogogirl26 said:

@nuna18 i have same question with you... what make his happy today? He's really in good mood since yesterday! As their rank 7th in Weibo search, it show that many people want them become next songsong couple. Its great they have a lot of support...

Finally have time to write here and say hello to everyone. Its been long time since last time in this group, now i need to read many pages to catch up! 



I think it's so cool. Like it amazes me how they actually trended and it is response from the news that another couple is dating. Has this happen before? Like some big dating announcement of one couple led to another Rumoured couple to trend too? So impress by the amount of love they get from Chinese fans. Weibo is mostly Chinese based right?? I wish js finish filming soon so they can spend some time tgt before hj starts filming. Just sayin..  I wonder if js knew that he trended on Weibo. Does Weibo have tag functions? Maybe fans tagged him in screenshots he might know about it? Guys I really want them to date so bad. I was starting to drift away from this ship cause my exams are coming once again. It never ends. But song couple news happened and I jumped back into this forum as enthusiastic and desperate as ever. If they don't announce soon imma go back to my study cave. Dispatch pls give us some leads??? 

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@Lena Paladinight I think that's why her close friend lee seungi asked her to send dozens of her photos to him in his military service. Maybe the fan boys there were asking for them . Her fan boys are everywhere. I think js should make his claim public fast :wink: 

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Thanks for sharing the compilation , @skittles87.   JS is truly smitten with HJ - if those hair stroking / touching etc is not strong enough to prove that there is something on - I really don't know how else to interpret.  As much as we know JS being the "touchy-friendly" type, he is NOT this overly so.  Plus HJ did NOT even resist at all.  If a girl does mind, she will somehow indicate to the guy she is not keen for him to CONTINUE doing anything to her; let alone doing such intimate touching of your head / hair.  And with all the little, little kissing, nudging, fingers-playing, rhythmic swaying of bodies and more - one with the latest posting which recently saw JS pulling her legs over on the bed?  Whoa!    I rest my case...  there IS something, 


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In the second clip marked carrotzblue (the one where they're on the hot hot hot rooftop for ep 8), HJ looks just like a contented cat. Like she would be perfectly happy if he kept doing that all afternoon. (Unfortunately in the rest of the clip that comes from, she noticed there was a camera pointed at them...)

Really, those of us who ship them don't do it because they might happen to own couple items, or because their characters got together in the end. The reason we ship comes directly from them, as shown above. And when they come out and say point blank that these are couple actions, or say that they are still in touch and will see each other next time, well... Like kembie said, if that doesn't mean something real, then help me, because I don't know how else to interpret it.

And I am perfectly sure they are well aware of the global interest. Comments on his IG abound...

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@kembie @frozentundra Yes, their actions are both sincere and genuine. Most importantly, it's unscripted! Everything came from their hearts which clearly reflect their true feelings. What's truly special about these two is that we saw how two strangers built their relationship together from scratch. There was clearly distance at the beginning... JS didn't even stand next to HJ during the script reading photo (he clang onto his bodyguard buddy). Then the bond developed and they became inseparable! I also wanted to point out that HJ's smile/laugh is contagious.. every time JS sees it, he laughs along too. That's why it's so visible that he's much happier with HJ around. ^^

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Thank you very much for the translation of the couple interview, @primrose210. I did a subtitle file with your translation for the interview video (although I'm sure the timing and lines of the dialogues are not exactly correct, 'cause I don't know korean) and finally I could understand it by watching and listening to them.

I am happy for Songsong Couple, and although I would like Jongjoo couple to announce their relationship (or marriage news), I would rather wait for them to be ready, I would like them to enjoy their relationship as much as they can without the paparazzi stalking them every moment (Although as HJ has shown, she is a ninja)

Thank you very much for all your post. Really made my day.

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hello all!...i was just wondering how video messages in fan meetings work? do the actors themselves ask their friends to send them a video and watch the video before the fan meeting or are the video messages even a surprise to the actor having the fan meeting?

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Hi! You may call me new but I've been actually lurking here for a few months already. Really sorry for being a shadow but due to emotions that cannot be contained anymore, I decided I should let this out already. Imagine those months of restrained squealing alone at night when everyone's asleep or laughing like a creep, screaming alone in public where everyone wouldn't understand me being a JongJoo trash. To be honest, I found this thread already at its like 530th page(?) but since I felt like I shouldn't be missing out on anything, I literally started reading from the very first page HAHA yes, totally whipped by Hyo Joo and Jong Suk. I should be regretting by now but I'm not.

First of all I just really want to appreciate all the people that have contributed to feeding my fangirl fantasies! I really love how the captain lovely_skham stirs the ship. Really love yours and the others' analyses of everything about our parents (I call HJ and JS my parents). I mean really, great job with magnifying and clarifying and providing stuff. I'm sorry if I sound too serious about this LOL because this is the first time that I've shipped a K-Drama couple so hard, ever that I even chose to turn away from being a shadow here. I do enjoy watching other on-screen couples but JongJoo got me holding on to everything I can hold onto. I just couldn't anymore.

Anyway since all I remember now is how I felt about all the posts that I've read, I cannot post every reaction already though I really want to add my every sentiment, I'm just gonna share that my JongJoo heart has been charged in full again because of the recent SongSong announcement and since I am being deprived of JongJoo bits, I've been revisiting every BTS, photoshoots, and interviews, aaaand was brought at the MBC Drama Awards moments.

I know it has been already emphasized many times how unnatural and uncomfortable they were during this night especially HJ and I'm sorry if you've already observed these things that I'm gonna say but as I was watching it again earlier, I just noticed how REALLY nervous she was! (Please tell me if I'm doing something wrong like posting this video or bringing back this topic)

First, when Hyo Joo was being interviewed, she sounded very uhm careful? Formal? Yes she sounded like the historical characters that she played in the past, really delicate. Her first response to the interviewer was a shaky yes. We all know how charming and smart the way she speaks, yes we do Jong Suk thank you for reminding us, but this is beyond the normal HJ style. Even though her HJ self has been largely influenced by her Yeon Joo character, we can still kind of tell if she's acting like HJ or YJ of course. We know that when she is being interviewed, she looks at the interviewers (I think most people do LOL) and when she was being asked if she would want to win the 2016 Daesang again, at point 1:54 you can see her trying to relax her hands and at 1:58 she sighed heavily to release the nervousness like 'WHEN WILL THIS END' she couldn't even look straight at the interviewer and Jong Suk's direction (Where's our confident HJ now HEHE) it's not like she's uncomfortable with the lady herself because this was the same lady that interviewed them for Section TV right? This girl's cool I actually think she's a lowkey JongJoo shipper. As for Jong Suk, he looked really attentive while HJ was being questioned like stay strong honey I know you're waiting for this to be done but we love this lady I know she will be careful HAHA he couldn't look to her direction too!

Edited by monjiji
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@monjiji welcome to the forum :) it's so nice to read your analysis about mbc awards night . Looking forward for the continuation. I agree with you on what you wrote completely . I would like to add that , the interviewer said in a recent interview that her celebrity friends are hj and moon chae won . And immediately asked them to not ask her anything.That's why it surprises me even more why hj was like that .Thanks :D 

@adamag even I have the same question.really curious :) 

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@monjiji Ohh we have almost the same opinion regarding the MBC Awards, I also think someone here said the same thing, she was VERY nervous, although I'm not sure about the reason, unlike JS that was so fresh during that moment lol, he just was nervous when had to say something in front of the audience lol ... I also always thought MC suspected something? she's a kind person and you can be comfortable with her. But as for JS & HJ it was notorious that they were nervous for a few moments but they had many cameras practically on their faces, plus fans and other ppl with their eyes on them, so I understand their position, but also they were in their own bubble, and we know that thanks to some shared videos.. :) 

@adamag I think the videos messages are prepared by the people who organize it, i guess it's more like a surprise for them, their staff - team already know who are the people close to them and are in charge of getting some messages from them, right? idk, if anyone has more info.. :huh:

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8 hours ago, frozentundra said:

And I am perfectly sure they are well aware of the global interest. Comments on his IG abound...

Love the terminology "global interest" @frozentundra - JS knows and he is keeping mum about it - no denial nor any confirmation :ph34r:  Smart! 

4 hours ago, skittles87 said:

@kembie @frozentundra There was clearly distance at the beginning... JS didn't even stand next to HJ during the script reading photo (he clang onto his bodyguard buddy). Then the bond developed and they became inseparable!

I have been re-playing that script reading few times - pretty obvious he was cautious and polite all time.  He was late too, coming in like a VIP - his usual charming self.  He acknowledged others as he came in and seated himself sheepishly.    His coffee and stuff were placed on the table by his ?assistant, which HJ helped to settle them in front of him.   It was HHJ who made that first move which he acknowledged. He was observing noona from that distance though close but not that "close yet".    It was during production, JS began to notice her, even to the part of pointing out her beautiful vein?  He started to see and discover more with passing days;  his interest and desire for her grew.    Can't fault him with the adrenaline or whatever you call that love hormone gushing into his brain, prompting him to do something unconsciously at times - occasionally bold too.    HJ, as I was informed, has always been the confident, calm type of person.   But in W, esp in BTS, she  was entirely a different - livelier, bubbly and a giggly and sometimes shy little princess.   That's when I remembered asking you guys - what do you mean by HJ as oppa, and my query was answered.  Cos I thought she was like what I saw as - the aegyo, sparkling and bubbly, romancing  girl.   So it was pretty clear that we saw the change in them respectively.

@monjiji Thanks for the MBC Drama Awards Clip - I replayed the seconds you mentioned.  She was really nervous, and JS was having fun!  Naughty!  Could see that he was genuinely happy.  TQ

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@apoo thanks! wow i never knew she's close to her. really? she said that? could you tell me where you watched that or something? cause if that's the case about their relationship then maybe we can say that the MC have already told her that she ships them together and have always suspected something about them but all she could do at the moment was lead HHJ into slipping during that night just like a friend LOL and HHJ just got really nervous around cheeky MC because 'this is bad i haven't told her yet how should i act in front of her and the people'.

@chelsita yeah i just really laugh everytime i watch this video because it's not like this was the first time that she was asked with something related to her co-star or even attended an awards night to be in this level of no chill, it was just unusual of her. so i toootally get her position if there really was something to be careful of during that night with her 'colleague'.

@kembie hi! haha yes and about the script reading when you mentioned that he was late that time i suddenly remembered he came earlier than HJ in the shooting of the final kiss. guess the professionalism of noona got into him too.

Edited by monjiji
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14 hours ago, apoo said:

@Lena Paladinight I think that's why her close friend lee seungi asked her to send dozens of her photos to him in his military service. Maybe the fan boys there were asking for them . Her fan boys are everywhere. I think js should make his claim public fast :wink: 

Yesss. Agreed! They should announce probably next year. I don't think they would announce now since SongSong just announced that would seem rude and they might get bash by songsong fans. They probably would enjoy their private time first. 

My friend warned me that JongJoo could break up before LJS enter the military but I'm not really scared about that. I actually think (delusion alert) they would be married before LJS enters the military. Lol. 

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@monjiji I saw it in this thread sometime back. I'm trying to go through the pages and find it .once I find it I'll post it here :) 

@Lena Paladinight I have the same feeling chingu , marriage before military :D :wub: Also I'm sure that hj js won't break up if they have started dating eachother because they have a different level of understanding  and are both ppl who can adjust :) 

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