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This is exciting news. Given the way South Korea responded to their recent election, maybe the turnout for Tomb Robbery will also be record breaking (and safe). Show the world again how it's done. I wonder if only every second seat will be allowed and masks will be mandatory. Cinemas in my city are themselves like tombs but they would never show Korean movies even if there was no virus.  I'll probably have to buy subbed DVD online after the cinema run finishes, unless they allow streaming somehow.  But looking forward to promotional videos and photos which will have to tide me over. With so much pent up desire in the world.right now, the one thing I want the most is to see Shin Hae Sun's acting again. Hope you and yours are all safe and sound. 

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 An interesting read of YNK CEO. Hyesun is apparently their success story. When you think of YNK you think of Hyesun.


“소속배우 단 일곱… 소수지만 철저한 관리로 정예사단 육성”

본문듣기 설정
기사입력2020.04.24. 오전 3:01
최종수정2020.04.24. 오전 6:00
[엔터View]김민수 YNK엔터테인먼트 대표
22일 소속 배우들이 출연한 드라마 포스터앞에 선 김민수 YNK엔터테인먼트 대표. 김 대표는 “소속 배우가 많으면 친해질 기회가 적어 대표에게 전화하는 걸 조심스러워 하더라. 다른 사람을 거치면 이야기가 와전되고 갈등이 생기기 마련”이라며 “고민이 있는 배우가 언제든 찾아와 편하게 이야기를 나눌 수 있는 대표였으면 좋겠다”고 했다. 안철민 기자 acm08@donga.com《“배우 7명이 적다고요? 아픈 손가락이 없도록 하려면 적은 수는 아닙니다.” 서울 중구 YNK엔터테인먼트 사무실에서 22일 만난 김민수 대표(42)는 소속 배우 한 명 한 명의 장단점과 활동 계획을 읊으며 이렇게 말했다. YNK엔터테인먼트는 배우 수는 적지만 ‘실한’ 이들로 꽉 찬 매니지먼트 회사다.

‘황금빛 내 인생’ ‘서른이지만 열일곱입니다’ 등 출연하는 드라마마다 사랑받고 있는 신혜선, ‘왓쳐’ ‘우리가 만난 기적’ 등 꾸준히 열연하는 김현주, 지상파 데뷔작 ‘스토브리그’에서 앳된 얼굴의 투수 유망주 유민호 역으로 ‘슈퍼 루키’로 떠오른 채종협…. 2016년 임수정과 신혜선 두 명으로 회사를 시작한 김 대표는 매년 1, 2명씩 신중하게 배우를 영입했다. 김인권, 임세미, 스테파니 리도 한 식구다.

임수정은 현재 다른 회사에 소속돼 있다.》

“배우들은 자신의 인생 몇 년을 우리에게 주는 겁니다. 회사에서 제대로 관리해주지 못해 망가지는 배우들을 많이 봤어요. 한 명 한 명을 제대로 챙길 수 있는 수준으로 배우 수를 유지하려고 해요.”

김 대표는 고등학교 때 가수 터보의 매니저가 쉴 틈 없이 울리는 삐삐를 확인하며 스타의 일정을 조율하는 TV 속 장면을 본 뒤부터 매니저의 꿈을 키웠다. 부산에서 상경해 스타제이엔터테인먼트에 입사한 2000년부터 지금까지, 20년간 엔터테인먼트 업계를 떠나지 않았다. 한채영 원빈 등 톱스타들의 매니저를 맡았고, 손석우 대표와 함께 BH엔터테인먼트를 창립했다. 13년간의 매니저 경험을 토대로 CJ ENM 내 ‘TAR(Talent Artist Relationship)/캐스팅팀’에서 엠넷 아시안 뮤직 어워드(MAMA)와 CJ ENM 제작 콘텐츠의 출연 배우를 발탁했다. 

신인부터 톱스타까지 두루 만난 경험이 YNK엔터테인먼트를 만드는 토대가 됐다. 신혜선도 캐스팅팀에서 처음 인연을 맺었다. 씩씩하고 밝은 태도, 오디션을 본 감독들 사이에서 이견이 없었던 연기력에서 그의 가능성을 엿본 김 대표는 “언젠가 매니저로 돌아갈 건데 꼭 같이 일하자”고 약속했다. 신혜선은 그 약속을 4년째 지키고 있다.
그는 함께 일할 배우를 선택할 때 ‘소통이 되는 상대인지’를 가장 중요하게 따진다. 배우와 관련된 긍정적 부정적 검색어 등 리서치 업체에서 받은 데이터를 기반으로 특정 작품에 출연했을 때의 득과 실을 명확히 설명해 준다. 매년 배우와 일대일로 얼굴을 맞대고 한 해 계획을 짠다. 

“대화로 시너지를 낼 수 있는 배우와 일하려고 합니다. 신인 배우에게도 눈치 보지 말고 솔직히 말하라고 해요. 이 분야에서 저보다 오래 일한 김현주 배우도 늘 매니저와 저의 생각을 묻고 경청해 주고요.”
신혜선이 지상에 내려온 천사 김단과 사랑에 빠지는 상속녀 이연서 역을 연기한 KBS2 드라마 ‘단, 하나의 사랑’(2019년). 이 드라마로 KBS 연기대상 여자 최우수상을 받았다. KBS 제공소통은 좋은 결과로 이어졌다. 신혜선은 ‘황금빛 내 인생’ 캐스팅 물망에 올랐을 당시 화려한 제작진이 참여한 드라마의 출연도 제안 받아 고민하고 있었다. 김 대표, 매니저와 논의한 끝에 ‘황금빛 내 인생’ 출연을 결정했고, 이 드라마는 최고 시청률 45.1%를 기록하며 지금의 신혜선을 만들었다. 

“시나리오가 재미있어서 배우, 직원들과의 긴 논의 끝에 ‘황금빛 내 인생’을 기다리는 게 맞겠다는 결론을 내렸어요.”

그는 이미 유명한 배우보다 무명 시절부터 차근차근 키워낸 ‘제2의 신혜선’을 만들고 싶다고 했다. 이를 위해 신인 배우들의 매력을 효과적으로 선보일 수 있는 전략을 짜느라 여념이 없다. 2018년 첫 미팅 때 깨끗하고 환한 미소가 김 대표의 눈에 들어와 단박에 영입을 결정한 채종협은 20, 30대 남자 배우 기근으로 고심하는 현 상황에 “제대로 된 주연급 남자 배우가 탄생했다”는 말이 나올 수 있도록 성장시키려 한다. 올해 1월 영입한 아이돌 그룹 나인뮤지스 출신 경리는 기존의 섹시한 이미지에 털털한 매력도 더해 배우로 활동할 예정이다.

“회사 이름인 YNK는 ‘You Never Know’의 약자예요. 미래에 어떤 좋은 일이 일어날지 모른다는 뜻이죠. 한 배우가 가진 가능성은 누구도 예측할 수 없어요. 배우들이 가진 가능성을 최대치로 끌어내는 매니지먼트사가 될 겁니다.”

::김민수 YNK엔터테인먼트 대표는…::

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Thank you so much @Ni Wen for sharing :wub:


Translation for some parts related to Hye Sun (apologize as always for any mistake).


YNK - You Never Know  (when SHS will show up)  :P




“배우들은 자신의 인생 몇 년을 우리에게 주는 겁니다. 회사에서 제대로 관리해주지 못해 망가지는 배우들을 많이 봤어요. 한 명 한 명을 제대로 챙길 수 있는 수준으로 배우 수를 유지하려고 해요.”

"Actors gave many years of their lives to us. I've seen a lot of actors who were ruined because the company didn't manage them properly. I try to keep the number of actors to a level that I can take care of each one properly."


한채영 원빈 등 톱스타들의 매니저를 맡았고, 손석우 대표와 함께 BH엔터테인먼트를 창립했다. 13년간의 매니저 경험을 토대로 CJ ENM 내 ‘TAR(Talent Artist Relationship)/캐스팅팀’에서 엠넷 아시안 뮤직 어워드(MAMA)와 CJ ENM 제작 콘텐츠의 출연 배우를 발탁했다.

He was the manager of top stars such as Han Chae Young and Won Bin, and established BH Entertainment with CEO Son Seok Woo. Based on 13 years experience, he was in CJ ENM 'TAR (Talent Artist Relationship') Casting team who selected actors to appear in Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA) and CJ ENM production contents.


신인부터 톱스타까지 두루 만난 경험이 YNK엔터테인먼트를 만드는 토대가 됐다. 신혜선도 캐스팅팀에서 처음 인연을 맺었다. 씩씩하고 밝은 태도, 오디션을 본 감독들 사이에서 이견이 없었던 연기력에서 그의 가능성을 엿본 김 대표는 “언젠가 매니저로 돌아갈 건데 꼭 같이 일하자”고 약속했다. 신혜선은 그 약속을 4년째 지키고 있다.

The extensive experience that he met actors from rookies to top stars became the foundation for YNK Entertainment. Shin Hye Sun also made her first connection with the casting team. CEO Kim who glimpsed her potential in strong and bright attitude and acting ability that unanimously seen by directors in the autidions said "Somedays I will be back working as manager, then let's work together." And Shin Hye Sun kept her promise for 4 years.


그는 함께 일할 배우를 선택할 때 ‘소통이 되는 상대인지’를 가장 중요하게 따진다. 배우와 관련된 긍정적 부정적 검색어 등 리서치 업체에서 받은 데이터를 기반으로 특정 작품에 출연했을 때의 득과 실을 명확히 설명해 준다. 매년 배우와 일대일로 얼굴을 맞대고 한 해 계획을 짠다.

When choosing an actor to work with, the most important factor is ‘whether he/she is a communication partner’. Based on data received from research firms, such as positive and negative searching words related to actors, it clearly explained the gains and losses when appearing in a particular work. Each year, he will meet face-to-face with an actor and make plans for the year.


“대화로 시너지를 낼 수 있는 배우와 일하려고 합니다. 신인 배우에게도 눈치 보지 말고 솔직히 말하라고 해요. 이 분야에서 저보다 오래 일한 김현주 배우도 늘 매니저와 저의 생각을 묻고 경청해 주고요.”

"I am trying to work with an actor who can create synergy through conversation. Even with rookie actors I also told them to speak honestly, don't mind the others. Actor Kim Hyun Joo, who has worked in this field longer than me, always asks and listens to the thoughts of managers and me."


소통은 좋은 결과로 이어졌다. 신혜선은 ‘황금빛 내 인생’ 캐스팅 물망에 올랐을 당시 화려한 제작진이 참여한 드라마의 출연도 제안 받아 고민하고 있었다. 김 대표, 매니저와 논의한 끝에 ‘황금빛 내 인생’ 출연을 결정했고, 이 드라마는 최고 시청률 45.1%를 기록하며 지금의 신혜선을 만들었다.


“시나리오가 재미있어서 배우, 직원들과의 긴 논의 끝에 ‘황금빛 내 인생’을 기다리는 게 맞겠다는 결론을 내렸어요.”

Communication led to good results. When Shin Hye-sun was a strong candidate of “My Golden Life" casting, she was pondering over accepting the offer in (another) drama with a brilliant crew. After discussing with CEO Kim and the manager, she decided to appear in 'My Golden Life', and this drama with the peak rating of 45.1%. made her become today's Shin Hye Sun.


Because the script was interesting, after the long discussion with the actors and staff , she decided that it would be right to wait for "My Golden Life".


“회사 이름인 YNK는 ‘You Never Know’의 약자예요. 미래에 어떤 좋은 일이 일어날지 모른다는 뜻이죠. 한 배우가 가진 가능성은 누구도 예측할 수 없어요. 배우들이 가진 가능성을 최대치로 끌어내는 매니지먼트사가 될 겁니다.”

The company name 'YNK' is an abbreviation of 'You Never Know'. It means you never know what good thing will happen in the future. No one can predict the potential that an actor possesses. We will be a management company that bring out the maximum potential of actors. ”




Another good news 

Source http://sports.chosun.com/news/ntype.htm?id=202004250100192930012237&servicedate=20200424


'Hymn of Death' won Platinum Remi Award for Special TV Drama Category from 2020 Houston International Film Festival (https://worldfest.org/)


Congratulations !! :relaxed::kiss_wink:





Some info about this 'Remi Award' from wikipedia. 



The award given at the Worldfest-Houston is called the Remi. The Remi Award is named after Frederic Remington


One Grand Remi is awarded to the top winner in each of the major competition categories.

  • Grand Remi

Within each competition category, there are multiple sub-categories. The following are awarded in each sub-categories:

  • Platinum Remi
  • Gold Remi
  • Silver Remi
  • Special Jury Award


** Hymn of Death's awards is in sub-category 'TV Special - Dramatic' under main category 'Television and Cable Production' . (https://worldfest.org/competition-categories/#television-cable)

There are total of 54 sub-categories under this.  So although this drama didn't win Grand Remi (which is so difficult), we can still be glad because it won the best 'Platinum Remi' under this sub-category :relaxed:  




Shin Hye Sun appeared in Congratulations Video for 25th anniversary of Cine21 magazine.  





Lots of good screen captures from 'Running Man' here :love:







I think these would be all for my weekly update (unless any big thing comes up during weekend...:) )
I just hope it's not true and just a rumor, please.


I read this twitter 
 "In drama cafe (forum) community, airing schedule came up, 'Queen Cheorin' is supposed to be in Jan next year. ㅠㅠ Because schedules that posted there are always right...it hasn't been officially announced by TVN yet but it seems likely that it was delayed."
And then I searched and found a new forum of 'Queen Cheorin' in DC Inside. (https://gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board/lists/?id=dramaqueencheorin)
There was some posts with drama airing schedule schedule and said the drama was postponed from November this year to January next year (on Sat-Sun time slot).  :bawling::bawling:  How long do we have to wait for Hye Sun's drama ? 
There are also some posts in the forum mentioned that there is another Sageuk drama on SBS name 홍천기 (Hong Chun Gi) which currently Ahn Hyo Seop is considering for the lead. This drama will made from the same name best-selling novel of writer Jung Eun Gwol who wrote 'The Moon Embracing the Sun' and 'Sungkyunkwan Scandal'.  It is expected to be aired in Jan 2021 as well (but on Fri-Sat time slot).
An interesting point that mentioned in the forum is that 'Queen Cheorin' will be directed by 'Hwarang' director and 'Hong Chun Gi's producer is the writer of 'Hwarang'. So it will be a Sageuk clash between Hwarang's old members.  :sweatingbullets:    But I still have high hope in 'Queen Cheorin' which its writer is from 'Doctor's Prisoner' and because of SHS and KJH.  
 I tried to guess for reason for postponement. Probably Summer is too hot for shooting in hanbok and if they start measure the size for making hanbok dress, then they may be able to start shooting in late spring. However, at the same time SHS also has schedule to promote her 2 movies (if it's possible to release in theatre).  So the drama production may be able to do full schedule shooting in autumn and if the script has winter scenes then it may need more time :weary:
Anyway, the good thing that our Hye Sun will have more time to prepare for her role and don't have to be rush or be too stressful with tight schedule.  But how can we fans survive the waiting, I hope during that time she will come out in some more variety shows.



Edited by immorethant
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What makes me feel a little better is that it was moved from Mon-Tue time slot to Sat-Sun, showing that TvN seeing it as an important drama. And also high rating dramas this year from many networks were broadcast on Fri, Sat, Sun (e.g.  Crash Landing on You, Itaewon Class, The World of the Married, Hyena, The King : Eternal Monarch).  And I read some Korean comments said that moving to Jan may be good time because during mid December till End of January is middle/high school winter vacation period, more audiences expected especially younger gen who is target group for this comedy drama.

I also hope this delay will give the production team more time to make this drama more perfect. :rolleyes::)

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Weekly Update.


Thank you @iffy21 for sharing Shin Hye Sun IG. 


Previously Bae Jong Ok was nominated by actress Kim Gyu Ri to join 'Thanks to' challenge (덕분에챌린지) which is the campaign to thank medical staff for hardworking on helping people from Covid-19.

And Bae Jong-Ok nominated Shin Hye Sun , Yoon Hyun Sook and Pyeon Jung Soo to join this challenge.

IG of Kim Gyu Ri --> https://www.instagram.com/p/B_WLuG-nPfM

IG of Bae Jong Ok --> https://www.instagram.com/p/B_ek7zZJKUa


(Translation of Shin Hye Sun's IG messsage.)


Thank you so much. With Corona 19, the whole world these days is exhausted and hard.

Thanks to the medical staffs, I am doing well and safely. Thank you so much for hard work of all medical staffs, I wish this difficult and hard time passes quickly. Thank you.


These persons please continue 'Thanks To' chanllenge.

Kang Ki Young oppa, Kyung Ri, Ahn Hyo Seop.

My heart feels so warm because all three of them willingly accepted this challenge.

Everyone who's seeing this post, please cheer up !!


 :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) 


'Innocence' expected to release last week of May


Source : https://n.news.naver.com/article/001/0011581388


소니픽쳐스와 씨네그루(주)키다리이엔티가 공동 배급하는 '결백'은 5월 마지막 주 개봉을 유력하게 검토하고 있다. 신혜선·배종옥이 주연한 이 작품 총제작비는 50억원 중반대. 150만명 이상 들어야 손익분기점을 넘을 수 있기에 막판까지 개봉 시기를 신중하게 조율 중이다.


'Innocence', jointly distributed by Sony Pictures and Cineguru Kidari Ent, is under consideration to release in the last week of May. The overall production cost of this work starring Shin Hye-sun and Bae Jong-ok is in the mid of 5 billion won (4.1 million dollar). Since it would need more than 1.5 million audiences to pass break-even point, the timing of the opening is being carefully adjusted until the last minute.


(My personal opinion is that after releasing in Korea, the movie may be released on Netflix for international viewer. Because its distributor is Sony Pictures and many Sony's films are now shown on Netflix.  Hopefully :innocent:)


:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) 


Shin Hye Sun clicks 'Like' to this IG post of Infinite's fan.  :relaxed:




:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) 


More detail about 'Queen Cheorin' broadcast schedule




From TVN Sat-Sun broadcast schedule (click image to see larger size).


On 24 April , When My Love Blooms (화양연화) - Yoo Ji Tae, Lee Bo Young -16 episodes

On 20 Jun, It's Okay to Not Be Okay (사이코지만 괜찮아) - Kim Soo Yeon, Seo Ye Ji - 16 episodes

On 15 Aug, Secret Forest/Stranger season 2 (비밀의 숲 시즌2) - Cho Seong Woo, Bae Doo Na - 16 episodes

On 10 Oct, Startup (스타트업) - Nam Joo Hyuk, Bae Suzy - 16 episodes

On 5 Dec, Vincent Joe (빈센트조) - No information of actors yet , but directed by Kim Hee Won (The Crowned Clown), written by Park Sae Bom (The Fiery Priest, Blood, Good Doctor)


Queen Cheorin is expected to be broadcast on 30 Jan 2021 (20 episodes) :w00t: 

The drama is produced by YG Studioplex and Crave Works (Priest, Kill It).

Director is Yoon Seong Shik (Hwarang)

Writers are Park Kye-Ok (Doctor's Prisoner) and Choi Jin Young (famous writer https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Choi_Jin-young_(writer) )




Competition from SBS channel on Fri-Sat schedule.

1 Jan - Hong Cheon Gi (홍천기) - sageuk drama, Ahn Hyo Seop is considering for male lead. Directed by Jang Tae Yoo (My Love from the Star), Written by Park Eun Young (Hwarang)

26 Jan - Joseon Exorcist (조선구마사) - another sageuk drama, Jang Dong Yoon is considering for male lead. Directed by Shin Kyung Soo (The Nokdu Flower), Written by Park Kye-Ok (Doctor's Prisoner).


Now I got confused here, it looks like we have 2 drama from TVN and SBS on the same time written by Park Kye-Ok from Doctor's Prisoner. Is it possible ?


Jan 2021 seems to have 3 sageuk dramas competing each other :sweatingbullets:


:) :) :) :):) :):) :) 


Photos Corner












:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) 


Video Corner




A Korean fan-made video adapted from 'The World of the Married' (부부의 세계)  to 'The world of sisters' (자매의세계) 


"What if Ji Sun-Woo has sibling or daughter ? "




Even she posted her IG lately but I still miss her especially on some rainy days. 

Hope to see her soon in movie 'Innocence'. 







Now we've survived March and April.

Long weekend is coming. Be cheer up everyone !!   







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Oh no... so it's really in 2021! How can!? Why? No hyesun drama this year, i can't... :bawling:


I'm also confused. How can two dramas airing around the same time near each other have the same writer? Unless one of them is pre-produced. Which makes me think Queen Cheorin will be pre-produced so that is why they are able to move the schedule from Nov to Jan to adjust to the competition on other networks? 


I'm very sad. No Hyesun drama in 2020. I need to go hide in a corner to cry. 



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I'm sad too but after looking at the schedule, at least I got explanation why we have to wait so long.

Because those dramas before Queen Cheorin already confirmed casting and start shooting earlier.   Now we haven't got any article to confirm that both SHS and KJH accpeted and no news about other cast.  So we just have to wait for this (long) queue :(  At least I'm glad seeing it was scheduled on Weekend along with other dramas with good casting and hope it will have 20 episodes to compensate for our long wait.


Another news I forgot to post is that on Apr 29th the movie 'Tomb Robbery/Collector (도굴) already submitted their poster ads for rating consideration.  So I think after this we will see more of movie promoting.    And yesterday in Korea there is no new case of Covid-19 found, so it's a good sign for movie industry to consider releasing new movies in May :lol: 






From this article https://movie.v.daum.net/v/20200501110109832





CJ ENM은 5월 11일 '도굴' 제작보고회를 열 계획을 세우고, 각 배우들에게 이미 일정을 공유했다. 코로나19 사태 이후 영화 제작보고회가 열리는 것도 '도굴'이 처음이다.


CJ ENM planned to hold the 'Tomb Robbery' press conference (literally 제작보고회 - production report) on May 11, and already shared the schedule with each actor. 'Tomb Robbery' is first film to have press conference held after the Corona 19 incident.  (The movie was planned to release in Jun)


투자배급사 키다리이엔티 측은 파트너사와 협의해 '결백'을 5월 개봉시킬지, 이미 소진한 홍보 마케팅 비용을 추가해 하반기 개봉할지 곧 최종 결정을 내릴 계획이다.


Investment distribution company Kidari ENT is planning to make a final decision in consultation with partners to decide whether to open 'Innocence' in May or to release in the second half of the year and adding promotional marketing expenses which now already exhausted.


(such a tough decision for 'Innocence' because they've already spent cost for promoting a lot in Jan and Feb. If they choose to release in May they need to get 1.5 million audiences to reach break-even point.  But if they release later in second half they may get more audiences but need to spend more promoting cost and at that time there are more competitors because many movies may be released .   :sweatingbullets: )


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GOOD LORD :wacko: no pressure at all :blink: for the cast and crew of Innocent to break even.


As for the drama...I have a feeling HS and KNH have already accepted it but won't get confirmation until later in the year. Like why would they otherwise have fittings for traditional Korean clothing if not for the drama?<_<


This year I think HS's strategy is to focus on films rather than a drama. Hope she gets nominated for the Baeksang Arts Awards that will be held in June . Fingers crossed!!

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17 hours ago, iffy21 said:

. Hope she gets nominated for the Baeksang Arts Awards that will be held in June . Fingers crossed!!

She won't be nominated because both her movies aren't even released yet!


BUT, I hope she'll be nominated in the drama category for her role in Angel's Last Mission: Love!!!

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Some great new information over the last couple of days. Thank you. The virus has screwed up everything everywhere. 2020 wasn't supposed to be like this. It started spectacularly with a Shin Hae Sun on live TV bringing in the new year and winning awards. Innocence was ready, scheduled and promoted to rollout in early spring, to be followed by Tomb Robbery in Summer. Then a new drama was to be considered for the fall/winter. If not for the virus, Shin Hae Sun would be nailing it right now.  Well she's still going to nail it, just a little rescheduling. I hope its true that Queen Cheorin will be 20 episodes, 4 more than typical - yay. Sad to have to wait but I'm not going to think of it as 2021, I'll think of it as just 8 little months from now. Hopefully the 2nd half of 2021 will bring even more SHS projects to life. 

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신혜선X배종옥X허준호 '결백', 5월 27일 개봉 확정[공식]


It's confirmed !  'Innocence' will be released on May 27th.

The news used the word '확정' (confirmed) and '공식' (official), so I hope no postpone again. 


지난 3월 코로나19 여파로 개봉을 연기했던 ‘결백’이 오는 27일로 개봉을 확정 지은 만큼 영화를 기다렸던 예비 관객들의 기대는 더욱 치솟을 것으로 예상된다.


It's anticipated that prospective audiences who have been waiting for the movie is expected to rise even more, as “Innocence”, which delayed the opening in the aftermath of Corona 19 in March, confirmed the release on May 27th.


(As I checked, the news of Shin Hye Sun confirmed casting for this movie came out on Nov 8th, 2018.  So it took 567 days until the movie is released)  

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