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[Drama 2017] Strong Woman Do Bong Soon 힘쎈여자 도봉순

Go Seung Ji

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3 hours ago, emiry32 said:

I really love how cute PBY is in this drama. She looks so young to be 27! I want to know more about Min-Hyuk's mother. Also, I wonder who those flowers were for in the beginning of episode 1... 

Does anyone else have the feeling that Goo Duk's girlfriend will be a future victim to that psychopath? 

No! :ph34r: But now that you mention it, it could be very possible and I'm not looking forward to this!

3 hours ago, evie7 said:

Omo just look at the way they are gazing into each other's eyes dead-onion-head-emoticon.gif We need more of these type of scenes. Theres no need to muck up the story w/too many lovelines.

If you have a girl like her in front of you treating your wounds, believe me, there is no other way to look at this beauty of a girl. :D

1 hour ago, cmkc109 said:


Unfortunately its gonna be a typical love triangle :(

I'm afraid that you're probably right. <_<

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Hello @tianaa dear! We're on the same thread again. Wah are you threading on dangerous ground here ? Wink ! I like. I hv to say our 1st lead is extremely drool worthy too & seems like a good match for our strong gal. But I understand your feelings. Ji Soo is giving me all the feels as well. 

And hi @zagigirl happy to see you here. I was just wondering if you were planning to watch this. 


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16 hours ago, furu.vu217 said:

Park Hyung Sik trend no.3 on Naver's Real-time search ranking at 12:08 AM KST (17.02.26)

Go go boy !!! :D:D:D

Oh my gosh, it's nice to see Park hyung Sik trending on Naver :D He is getting more recognition now!

10 hours ago, angelangie said:

last times it was Monday come faster lols....now i cant sit still cause i want 'FRIDAY' to come faster :D 

Haha yes same with me! First it was with Hwarang on Mondays and Tuesdays now it's Strong Woman Do Bong Doon on Friday and Saturdays! :wub:

4 hours ago, emiry32 said:

I really love how cute PBY is in this drama. She looks so young to be 27! I want to know more about Min-Hyuk's mother. Also, I wonder who those flowers were for in the beginning of episode 1... 

Does anyone else have the feeling that Goo Duk's girlfriend will be a future victim to that psychopath? 

I really want to know more about Min Hyuk's past as I mentioned before. Maybe he was visiting his mother in the beginning of episode 1?

Also I honestly won't be surprised if she becomes a future victim :o

2 hours ago, briseis said:

The fact that Min Hyuk managed to notice in just few days what Gook Doo haven’t in 10 years speaks volumes about who of the two men actually really looks at Bong Soon. Particularly when he tells her she treats her friend like a boss and vice versa, he really hits the nail on the head because normally it’s the boss to whom she should be showing that demure and polite facade she reserves for GD. It’s her friend who should have realized all these things about her, not her boss.

Do Bong Soon is such an incredible girl and by some strange luck she’s inherited the best of her parents - her mother’s frankness and her father’s kindness which makes such a winning combination because she is adorably sassy, outspoken, quick-tempered, spontaneous and stubborn as hell. What makes her such an awesome heroine is that she is comfortable in her own skin; she accepts and likes her super strength even though she must hide it from people and it often brings her problems - it’s an inherent part of her and BS doesn’t want to lose it. 

She might be hiding her power but never her real self, except when she is around GD because she wants to be the kind of woman she thinks he wants instead of the woman she really is. GD clearly cares for BS deeply and thinks of her as a friend, but there is a certain superficiality in the cavalier way he always treats her. In his mind her role is reduced to being his weak friend that needs his protection. The thing is that ironically, it was BS who made him see her that way because she’s been putting on an act for the past 10 years. It’s a little unfair because he didn’t get the chance to fall in love with the real her because she has never showed it to him.

Meanwhile, Min Hyuk has been falling in love with her attitude, charm and sassiness and while he admires her strength for what it is, it’s actually Bong Soon herself and her character that make him fall for her.

Ah yes I agree! One thing I love about Do Bong Soon and Ahn Min Hyuk relationship is that DBS is open with him and has nothing to hide from him. She acts like her true self and show her strength towards him while with In Gook Doo, she acts a kind, sweet and innocent girl and doesn't reveal her true strength to him. And the best part about this is that AMH falls in love with DBS's true personality and with her attitude, sassiness, and charisma. AMH is aware of DBS superpower strength and immediately knew that she likes In Gook Doo. On the other hand, Gook Doo is unaware of DBS's feelings but still treats her well. (Of course he is going to fall for her in the later episode) And he sees the polite and cutesy side of her.

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3 minutes ago, triplem said:

Hello @tianaa dear! We're on the same thread again. Wah are you threading on dangerous ground here ? Wink ! I like. I hv to say our 1st lead is extremely drool worthy too & seems like a good match for our strong gal. But I understand your feelings. Ji Soo is giving me all the feels as well. 

And hi @zagigirl happy to see you hear. I was just wondering if you were planning to watch this. 

Hi 2 you 2 chingu! I like both PHS and JS...great young actors...not to say to good looking :blush:

I understand both of you girls...but as much as i like JS too..here seems will be on president side coz our cop doesn't pay attention to BS ...whats with that 'just childhood friends' atitude?!?...no way he can't see she likes him as a guy <sulk>

When he realizes what he missed and become sad...i'll take him :tongue:

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4 hours ago, cmkc109 said:


Wouldn't the police send someone to protect the witness then? 


True enough. They never mentioned anything about him getting one (like they did for BS). I think the witness also said something like it was hard to see details since it was so dark? But of all the things why mention the killer had big feet, something they kinda highlight during the initial crime scene scene. For many crime shows it's usually the most obviously least obvious person. I just hope it's not BS's brother since that would be way too weird lol

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26 minutes ago, zagigirl said:

Hi 2 you 2 chingu! I like both PHS and JS...great young actors...not to say to good looking :blush:

I understand both of you girls...but as much as i like JS too..here seems will be on president side coz our cop doesn't pay attention to BS ...whats with that 'just childhood friends' atitude?!?...no way he can't see she likes him as a guy <sulk>

When he realizes what he missed and become sad...i'll take him :tongue:

Oh I agree that OTP is meant for each other. And PHS is hot - one of the reasons I started watching. I didn't like The friendzoning that JS did as well. Plus I hope they will develop a bit more of that pretty cellist gf he's with. But watching JS in this role is like a revelation, lol! ( like how NJH struck me in Fairy) :lol: I'll keep him for myself. 


the OTP

Me  & my new found crush.. how many more oppas should I add to my list ..



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8 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

I have been thinking about the creepy caller. Maybe he just wants the game to be removed from the market because of DBS and he is using different tactics in order to put AMH under pressure.. We know that AMH created the computer game CoA inspired by DBS' intervention. Notice that the caller called during the night and hacked the computer system during the night as well. Why? Maybe due to his schedule... Hence I have been wondering if BG, DBS's sibling, is the one involved with the threads (calls and hacking) because he is an internist or medical student as such his schedule is different from the normal working people. But okay, that's just a supposition. His motive would be to protect his sister as he is afraid that once her special powers are revealed, she might become a target. This would explain the kidnapping. On the other hand, the thread coming from the family might use the caller's threads as a way to cover their own crime. Once AMH is killed, the police would investigate the origin of the thread calls and the creepy caller would be used as scapegoat. If there is no other thread, his family would become the prime suspect because of his position as heir and his wealth.


Anyone here reads Proust's "À la recherche du temps perdu" (Remembrance of Things Past)? In it, there is a character 'Albertine'... and that brings me to this...

I have a theory why the caller wants Chronicles of Albertine (CoA) out of the market:  CoA may contain truths about a crime in (Min-Hyeok's) past that may have gone cold/unsolved or mishandled by the police. Whatever deduction or conclusion Min-Hyeok had about the crime went unheeded so he'd put it out there through his game. And now, the perpetrator is catching on.

Just a theory...

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9 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

@penelop3 Even if he was just a teenager and high school student, he was already a thread to his other half-siblings because his father already intented that later he starts working for his company. The other half-siblings had no idea that AMH would create his own game and own company.

I have been thinking about the creepy caller. Maybe he just wants the game to be removed from the market because of DBS and he is using different tactics in order to put AMH under pressure.. We know that AMH created the computer game CoA inspired by DBS' intervention. Notice that the caller called during the night and hacked the computer system during the night as well. Why? Maybe due to his schedule... Hence I have been wondering if BG, DBS's sibling, is the one involved with the threads (calls and hacking) because he is an internist or medical student as such his schedule is different from the normal working people. But okay, that's just a supposition. His motive would be to protect his sister as he is afraid that once her special powers are revealed, she might become a target. This would explain the kidnapping. On the other hand, the thread coming from the family might use the caller's threads as a way to cover their own crime. Once AMH is killed, the police would investigate the origin of the thread calls and the creepy caller would be used as scapegoat. If there is no other thread, his family would become the prime suspect because of his position as heir and his wealth.

@bebebisous33 I really really hope not. I hope it's not DBG! He seems like a very kind and loving bro. :o

43 minutes ago, allegramente said:


Anyone here reads Proust's "À la recherche du temps perdu" (Remembrance of Things Past)? In it, there is a character 'Albertine'... and that brings me to this...

I have a theory why the caller wants Chronicles of Albertine (CoA) out of the market:  CoA may contain truths about a crime in (Min-Hyeok's) past that may have gone cold/unsolved or mishandled by the police. Whatever deduction or conclusion Min-Hyeok had about the crime went unheeded so he'd put it out there through his game. And now, the perpetrator is catching on.

Just a theory...

@allegramente Oh this is interesting theory. I've been wondering why would anyone want to get a game off the market, aside from the competitors - no one would have the motive. But cannot tell what it is from what I've seen at the glimpses of the game so far.

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7 hours ago, Yongzura said:


BTW, have you seen Episode 0 with subbed?  

So far I found only the raw and can only guess what it is about.

yeah i saw it in subs actually i downloaded it and then got subtitles in subscene.

You know in this scene i was wondering what femme homtale was and the MH said i was like :blink:




I loved PBY's expression here getting a bit embarrassed.:D

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after being away all day friday inclusing all weekend with a poor connection... i just been able to watch the first episode now...

and Wow!!! so far it has been living up to my expectations. PHS-PBY chemistry...PHS-JS chemistry is off-the-chart..

thanks @Ainee Etp @triplem @lingx2 @briseis for all the wonderful live recaps and screen shots... i am still catching up on all the post...

now.. will be watching episode 2... (saw in an article that the ratings reach 3%,) good for us ...:D

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SWDBS might at first appear as mere slapstick, however, it’s so much more, and the comedic aspect is the perfect means to mock the way society judges and labels people whenever a person’s behaviour or appearance doesn’t match the stereotypical requirements of what is considered “normal”. It’s something the show promised in its posters in which Bong Soon is asking what is womanly while Min Hyuk is wondering what is manly. It’s prejudice in its most simple and frequent form - if a man isn’t seen dating women everyone is always so ready to jump on the gay bandwagon while when a woman isn’t dating men she must be either frigid or a lesbian. And people often do it without even realizing it because labelling is something that society and the media do subliminally.


Nowadays, people live under the delusion that after searching someone on the internet people think they know the person and then they label them. So when Min Hyuk tells BS that GD is his type, it’s obvious he is aware of the fact that she must have looked him up on the internet because that’s what people do about their employers and MH is actually a  famous chaebol in his own right; he uses that rumour to tease her.

Throughout the episode, BS keeps hinting that she “knows” that MH is a gay, he doesn’t refute it but neither does he confirm it because he is smart enough and experienced enough to know that no matter what he would have said to BS both answers would be a confirmation for her that he is homosexual because she already believes the rumours. 


There is another reason why BS would jump to the conclusion that MH is a gay and that’s because she has basically spend 10 years fantasizing about IG, the “perfect/ideal” man in her eyes, who with his no-nonsense attitude is the complete opposite of the quirky and unconvetional Min Hyuk.


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On 2/25/2017 at 10:45 AM, briseis said:

 I'm not saying it will turn out to be true but HOW AWESOME WOULD IT BE IF it were BS who inspired MH to create the game and she had left such an impression on him that he would base one of the game's main characters ON HER?



it would be so wonderful if your theory turns out to be true!!! you have a very good eye on details... WoW!!! :D

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4 hours ago, zagigirl said:

Hi :)

Interesting start...love our strong girl and both buys...very very handsome pair of guys...she's lucky one :)

Seems our police guy will realize some things to late...he seemed not interested  but at the end i'm not so sure

That guy abuser/killer is a bit creepy...hope he's not the one whos stalking president

Ajummas were a bit boring...except when they saw BS's boss :D the way they drooled over him was hilarious...don't blame them...he is an eye catcher right? :blush:

jcdragon_hi.gif Hello, I loved the ajumma's going crazy over MH. If she were my daughter I would been telling her to marry him too. 


4 hours ago, briseis said:

She might be hiding her power but never her real self, except when she is around GD because she wants to be the kind of woman she thinks he wants instead of the woman she really is. GD clearly cares for BS deeply and thinks of her as a friend, but there is a certain superficiality in the cavalier way he always treats her. In his mind her role is reduced to being his weak friend that needs his protection. The thing is that ironically, it was BS who made him see her that way because she’s been putting on an act for the past 10 years. It’s a little unfair because he didn’t get the chance to fall in love with the real her because she has never showed it to him.

What I love about her relationship w/MH is she already feels comfortable w/him to be herself. I love that mad chemistry that PBY and PHS have together. It's like they have known each other for years. I believe you brought up how natural they are together, they do remind me of that alien and that actress in this respect. I just hope Bong Ki isn't seen w/a nail ring. I would lose it:D

 @bebebisous33 Thanks for tagging me for your post chingu:wub: I have a feeling I'm going to need them since this thread is picking up some speed.

1 hour ago, allegramente said:

Anyone here reads Proust's "À la recherche du temps perdu" (Remembrance of Things Past)? In it, there is a character 'Albertine'... and that brings me to this...

I have a theory why the caller wants Chronicles of Albertine (CoA) out of the market:  CoA may contain truths about a crime in (Min-Hyeok's) past that may have gone cold/unsolved or mishandled by the police. Whatever deduction or conclusion Min-Hyeok had about the crime went unheeded so he'd put it out there through his game. And now, the perpetrator is catching on.

Just a theory...

That's a great theory! It could be his mother's death, he must have seen the killer, the police didn't believe him and that's why the bus was sabotaged. 

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Im back on soompi. I had lost my password. That was the period i was finishin Moon Lovers.

Awesomely strong Do Bong Soon motivated me to reset my password and delurk. Thanks for all those who posted live recaps gifs pictures analysis and speculation. Enjoyed reading them

So i was looking thru dramawiki on this drama and saw the relationship chart


Do Bong soon's twin younger brother has a love line with Jisoo/GD's girlfriend... Im like what wow ... 

So its gonna get complicated in Jisoo's relationship. Granted ep2 shows us he is too busy and absorbed wit his work and responsibilities as an upright police officer... He doesnt rem their 100day nor has the time to really date date.. So maybe her eyes will wander away too.. And bong soo's brother may sway her?

Im really wondering what route the writer will take ...does jisoo has unidentified unconscious love for his fren Bong Soon or its pure friendship manly concern for his 'weak' and small fren?


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finally done watching episode 2.

both episodes are funny... the charismatic PHS... the ever adorable PBY.. and the tough JS...

all three of them have their own charms and brought in on the screen... i am happy that this anticipated show is very interesting that made the ratings go up...hope the story would be interesting all through out (for us viewers) and the ratings continue to rise (for PBY, PHS and JS)

now... the long wait for episode 3

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@Kasmic annyeong onnie!!!!!!! nice to meet you here!!!!!!!!! been a long time right unnie....

13 minutes ago, sharreb said:

So i was looking thru dramawiki on this drama and saw the relationship chart

  Reveal hidden contents

Do Bong soon's twin younger brother has a love line with JD's girlfriend... Im like what wow ... 


wah....i just found out about the relationship chart..is that for real???????okay at least that yeppeun cellist not only become the next target of the creepy psycho, because like many of you already said when this girl appear i have bad feeling she will be the target of the serial killer, just for the plot twist and for GD development character later..

59 minutes ago, evie7 said:

jcdragon_hi.gif Hello, I loved the ajumma's going crazy over MH. If she were my daughter I would been telling her to marry him too. 


What I love about her relationship w/MH is she already feels comfortable w/him to be herself. I love that mad chemistry that PBY and PHS have together. It's like they have known each other for years. I believe you brought up how natural they are together, they do remind me of that alien and that actress in this respect. I just hope Bong Ki isn't seen w/a nail ring. I would lose it:D

i loved that ahjummas too going crazy over MH,,, yes if you cant take him as your man let it him be your son in law right????hahahahaha especially if you have a daughter....i would been telling her to marry him too...even though he is gay..yes im just so crazy over MH..hahahahahahaha

agree with your opinion about MH-BS relationship. They really comfortable to each other to the point can nagging to each other like old married couple, that being petty over everything. thats why their scene together always spark with chemistry, like i want more more and more!!!! 

i love the approach of triangle love in this drama, despite being old path this drama makes a twist with gay, how competitive BS later to won over GD heart, She has many competitor in her eyes, AMH and cellist gf..hahahahahahaha... GD johketdaaaaa.....3 girls have their eyes on you GD,,, ups i mean 2 girl and 1 man...im wondering what BS will be if she already fallen to AMH, will she be like what she did to GD or even cuter??more adorable???more obvious???ah cant wait to that moment. and i love i already see jealous MH at the beginning...yeah you cant hide your jealousy right???the best way to know if someone like you or you like someone is by jealousy right???(learning from hwashin)

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Last week i'm looking forward to Monday and now i just want Friday come quicky lol :rolleyes: (PHS really makes me no time to rest lmao :D)

Read everyone's theory make me so excited ^_^ I'm really want to see the emotion side, the past of AMH & the romantic between my OTP. And the kisses, of course lol B) Recent Kdramas trendy often have kisses very early. Should we guess when my OTP will have 1st kiss :wub: ? With the fast pace like ep 1 + ep 2, I hope we'll see kiss in the end of ep 4 hahaa :lol:


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