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[Drama 2016/2017] The Legend of The Blue Sea 푸른 바다의 전설


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@minekas - I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your meme gifs, Chingu!! DAEBAK job!! 

May I share it on FB?? Will credit you of course!!

I just rewatched Episodes 1 & 2:

Things I noticed again:

1) SC's love of pasta - Her first full meal was pasta!

2) When HJJ explained the concept of LOVE to her - Love is surrendering and losing ... she came up to land not understanding the concept of love, and as a mermaid she has no parents - for her to come into HJJ's world and all the complicated family mess ... so much to learn within such a short time ... for those viewers who are criticising that JJH is holding back and not putting her whole heart into the role - they are SO wrong ... of course she's holding back because she's literally a fish out of water! 

All the pain and guilt SC is feeling when she realised their sad past ... yet, she still can't help but LOVE HJJ, and she loves him SO VERY MUCH that she is willing to protect him and give up her life for him ... 

I think she's still not very clear about Dirty Love (the fish species do not ... er... 'mate' the same way like humans obviously!!) BUT she knows very well what it means to LOVE HJJ ... to her, it means SURRENDERING and LOSING her life, to protect HJJ ... 

3) HJJ's fear of water - because he almost drowned in his previous incarnation as KDR ... yet, he's so drawn to the sea because of his love for uri mermaid ... 

4) HJJ's Mum's comments about coming from a deep blue sea ... I think there's some meaning in that and I wonder whether Writer Nim will address that ...

5) HJJ, as a child, was separated from his Mum at the Tower of Hercules, there's no specific mention where this Tower is this - except this is where the world ends and the sea begins ... I think there's something more to this comment ... I think HJJ and SC will meet here and finally live here ... 

Also, HJJ's Mum said she was overseas for awhile after the divorce, can we assume that she was at the Tower of Hercules, in Spain?? What was she doing there, I wonder? 

6) There was also mention that (I think ND said it) that HJJ's Mum was from a very rich family but she had to run away because she acted as a guarantor for some people who ran away with the loans ... I wonder whether this could be a reason for the divorce?

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Did Chungie really erase his memories! OMG! My heart! What's happening? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Hmm... HJJ looks different in the scene? Did he cut his hair or sth? 

:bawling: Has the filming really completed alr!? Feel so sad that it's the end but happy that JJH and HJJ will get to rest. I'm hoping there's more good news for us.. 

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@bebe1989 thank you so much for bringing the long awaited previews. 

I must express that I am a little disappointed she ended up erasing his memories. Why, for whatever reason! I'm going to die from frustration. Writer park, you're feeding me 10000000000+++ potatoes! Just when they love each other so much, she erases his memories. We are back to ground 1. :( 

I need translations. I need to know why she erased his memories. 

Does that mean we can forget about "dirty love"? 

@babyval22 you have sharp eyes. I believe he had a haircut like you said. 

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Done rewatching Episode 3 and I am tearing ... the end of Episode 3 - poor, poor Cheongie ...

Ok, I know we wouldn't have a story if she didn't erase his memories the first time of course - but the EXACT reason for SC to erase HJJ's memories the first time was not really stated, right? 

I think we just find out later that she was really afraid of being found out as a mermaid because she's under the impression (even BEFORE she met the merman) that HJJ would never accept her as a mermaid? 

Yes, of course Writer Nim is using a common story technique - Dramatic Irony - little did SC (and even HJJ at first), know that HJJ is FATED to love HIS mermaid! And his love transcends lifetimes ...

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19 minutes ago, mythicalove said:

@bebe1989 thank you so much for bringing the long awaited previews. 

I must express that I am a little disappointed she ended up erasing his memories. Why, for whatever reason! I'm going to die from frustration. Writer park, you're feeding me 10000000000+++ potatoes! Just when they love each other so much, she erases his memories. We are back to ground 1. :( 

I need translations. I need to know why she erased his memories. 

Does that mean we can forget about "dirty love"? 

@babyval22 you have sharp eyes. I believe he had a haircut like you said. 


I hope writer park has a very good reason why the memory was erased.  Damn.. Or is she gonna pull another ND on us? OMG. Doesn't really make sense why she would do that. Shucks! 

Writer paaaaaaarrrrrkkkk, pls pls pls be nice to us. Every episode, I haven't been disappointed by you so pls dun let the last episode be the one. 

Feeling so angsty Now! 

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@mythicalove - I don't understand Korean of course - need someone to translate the snippets of conversations in the Preview but I don't think SC erased HJJ's memories - why was HJJ crying?? 

It looks like ND lost his memories!?? AISH!! Are we going to waste time in the Final Episode to see HOW SC will erase EVERYONE'S memories???!!!


Looks like we are NOT going to have any time for Dirty Love - Sigh ... never mind that, I JUST WANT A HAPPY ENDING, PLEASE!!! 

And PLEASE, someone translate Preview??? 

Oh dear, please do not disappoint us Writer Nim ... Sigh ... hope it's not going to be anti-climactic...

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21 minutes ago, Alice Mendoza said:

@mythicalove - I don't understand Korean of course - need someone to translate the snippets of conversations in the Preview but I don't think SC erased HJJ's memories - why was HJJ crying?? 

It looks like ND lost his memories!?? AISH!! Are we going to waste time in the Final Episode to see HOW SC will erase EVERYONE'S memories???!!!


Looks like we are NOT going to have any time for Dirty Love - Sigh ... never mind that, I JUST WANT A HAPPY ENDING, PLEASE!!! 

And PLEASE, someone translate Preview??? 

Oh dear, please do not disappoint us Writer Nim ... Sigh ... hope it's not going to be anti-climactic...


I'm a bit confused with the previews without subtitles. I'm under the impression that she erased his memories because when he meets her again at the end, he is holding an umbrella over her, and I'm 90% sure he says some along the lines of, "Do I know you?" Or "Do you know me?" 

However, like you've pointed out, I don't understand why he is crying and saying he misses someone. He is also seen walking at the beach, but why if he forgot her?

I am guessing he doesn't quite remember but his heart loves her and he can feel her absense without knowing. Therefore, inevitably, he misses her and is drawn to the sea. 

I need to know what they're saying. If she did not erase his memories, I will be thankful. If she erased it, she better have a good reason to do so. 

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Guest Moonrain

I wonder why Chung erased Joon's memories? And everybody else's too??? I dont get it. Did Chung go back to the sea? So no house by the sea then...

Ok, For now im just happy that Chung came back and they meet again... but i hope not too much angst please. This is the last episode for goodness' sake!

i cant wait for tomorrow i want to sleep for 26 hours straight lol

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This drama has really gotten to me since I'm writing this at 3am, so hopefully it makes sense. Saw the preview and it's often out of context as we saw with our buddy Nam Do.

my guess for erasing HJJ 's memory is that she may not return in his current lifetime, right?  He's 27; what if he lives to 80,.  If he remembers sc, he will never be able to marry and have a family.  Yes, it would be complicated is he does return and he's married with a family, but she rather see him happy.  

HJJ crying is confusing although it could be that he feels something is missing.  Man, I hate to see LMH crying cuz I know it mean I need the box of Kleenex again. 

Now my brain is turned on, I doubt I'll be able to sleep thinking of all the possibilities- lol

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2 minutes ago, CarolynH said:

This drama has really gotten to me since I'm writing this at 3am, so hopefully it makes sense. Saw the preview and it's often out of context as we saw with our buddy Nam Do.

my guess for erasing HJJ 's memory is that she may not return in his current lifetime, right?  He's 27; what if he lives to 80,.  If he remembers sc, he will never be able to marry and have a family.  Yes, it would be complicated is he does return and he's married with a family, but she rather see him happy.  

HJJ crying is confusing although it could be that he feels something is missing.  Man, I hate to see LMH crying cuz I know it mean I need the box of Kleenex again. 

Now my brain is turned on, I doubt I'll be able to sleep thinking of all the possibilities- lol


Hahahaha, same here. It is 3am and I have class at 9am tomorrow. What has this drama done to me? 

I'd say the reason why she would erase his memories is if she truly feels she will not be able to make it out alive. Yes, in that case, she wouldn't want him to live on forever longing for her. It makes sense, since she is leaving and may never return, she does not want to ask him to wait because he may wait forever under the impression that she will return. This reminds me of a werewolf boy. In there, she tells him to wait for her and when she returned 40 years later, there he was, waiting for her. That's not what SC wants. If she were to die, he would never know. He will spend the rest of his life searching for her. I can justify SC erasing his memories this much. I do hope, however, that the writer will at least make her have a voice over explaining her decision. 

After putting some thought to it, I actually understand HJJ's decision to not just go buy a house by the beach this time around. Her health is what's important and he probably doesn't want to pressure her to go back to sea and return home to him after a day, as this may not suffice. This shows that he is willing to suffer being separated from her to save her. In the meantime, he will wait for her to fully recover and return. 

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@mythicalove No worries dear, I actually has predicted SimChung erased JoonJae's memories. Why?
Because in KDRAMA land separation is a must item. Why?
Because after separation of our OTP, there will be reunion. So?
THERE we will hopefully can get our dirty love.
They need to bogosipho each other soooooo bad that when they meet again, nothing can teared them apart anymore. Nothing can hold them from expressing their love to each other.

In the other hand, even it's only a flash, I'm waiting for that dirty love action. LOL

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Noooo...I don't want SC to erase his memories unless he asked for it ( which he didn't) It's like taking away his right to choose how to live his life, even if he would suffer...so what. No one should decide what's best for him. 

The ending would give lasting impression about the drama. I am feeling nervous :cry: I hope it ends with strong emotional impact, at the same time with logical explanation. You can't have JJH and LMH in a dramas, just to ruin it with incompetent writing! I promises I would be gooooood if you give me a perfect ending. <chanting>

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I don't think there's time for any Dirty love - too much angst ... I'm sorry, but I have to prepare my heart for an unhappy ending tomorrow ... 

I don't know, as I have said earlier, I think Writer Nim has to pander to the Korean audience, who may prefer a melancholic ending that is full of angst ... and to allow for more opportunities for LMH to cry to drive up ratings ... Maybe crying drives up ratings more than Dirty Love ... sigh ... oh well, this is KDramaland and when in KDramaland, one has to follow the rules ...

Sigh ... is there any English subtitles / translation of the Preview yet? Thanks very much in advance ... feeling really melancholic right now - hoping this drama will end on a right note with things tied up as neatly as possible or just give us a HAPPY ENDING please ... I think the overall mood is too sad and melancholic for any Dirty Love or even wedding ... although I would REALLY like to be proven wrong this time!!!!

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