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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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Yesss thats right. just breakup with her. I am more than happy to see DY shed some few tears in exchange for a happy future. She will happily after the break-up and will be loved by DT. :angry:Lets see how well YJ and his Mother will live after YJ marry Hye Ri. I think YJ's mother will definitely get irritated by Hye Ri sooner or later. and Hye Ri's mother is going to break Hye Ri's heart again when she will realise that YJ doesnt love Hye Ri. Maybe in the near future, he will start loving but not now definitely. I think YJ will definitely miss Dan Yi.

And Mrs. Seol is going to lose all the trust and the little bit of whatever there was left between Mr. Seol and Mrs. Seol. Good for you. When Mr. Seol will start seeing someone else, then she will know what it feels to be betrayed by the person you r in love with.:angry:

And though I don't hate Sam Wol that much, but still her behavior is bugging me off. She is treating Choong Jae very badly. She is going to hit on Dong Tak after she realise that he is the President's son. But Dong Tak will grow feelings for Danyi, so SW will hate DY even more. I really wish that SW will develop true feelings for Choong Jae in the near future. I really hope that.

And though I didn't understand a single word they were saying, since subs are not out yet for epi 43, the scene between Soon Ae and Dan Yi's mother was touching. It seems like Jeon Mi seon has finally completed her shootings for the JTBC drama. She is doing lengthier scenes from past 2-3 episodes. Both the mother's characters of DY's house are developing slowly and they dont seem irritating anymore. Though I still dont like that Village representative's that much.

And in the episode 42, when Soon Ae visited YJ's family, the taunting session between both the ladies was funny.:P YJ's mother surely doesn't know how to treat guests properly. I hate her.

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I also hope that the stylist for the main lead DY will improve how she dresses and make her look younger. She is supposed to be much  younger than the men however she looks older than them. Her character is supposed to be from the countryside which is maybe why she dresses that way however, she is now in the city and is working in a big company, she needs to dress better, The other women in the company are dressed accordingly I hope the stylist changes her dressing style soon. She needs a makeover after the breakup.

And I hope the loveline between DY and DT begins soon. The breakup was prolonged too much. It feels good that he finally  broke up with her.  I am just wondering what excuse  (for the benefit of her co workers) DY will have to come up with  for the canceled wedding. i.e. (1) her fiance  suddenly died from an accident abroad?, (2) her fiance went abroad to work and they had to break up since he will be there a long time, (3) her fiance migrated with his family abroad and she can t leave her family  (4) her fiance cheated on her with another woman and left her (5) or say nothing about it at all...

I am wondering why is it that the women in kdramas have no qualms about stealing another woman's boyfriend or husband? "Thou shalt not steal" Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife/husband". I fo believe that all religions mandate these too.

I hope Dy moves on and never looks back . Goodd riddance to YJ. DT has a better personality and character and a better man for DY. 




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today episode was sad for DY. to be call out all the way to the park just to hear YJ.
telling her he want to end their relationship. i guess she was happy that he going to propose to her like DT say.
only to hear the opposite.

i hope DY will make it big. so YJ will regret dumping her for a rich woman.

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i feel sorry for DY and CJ.They both have been ditched coz they r not rich :- (

YJ character is freaking selfish. Suddenly writers have changed his character and made him so insensetive. All love and dating for five years with DYwent down the drain ,just coz now he has a rich woman HR to love him and is his opertunity to make it big .

Simple DY deserves a better man then YJ.She has caliber but is not ambitious . Now this heart break will make her stong and ambitious enough.  I feel DT will be good for her . He is immature but sensitive with lot of respect and love for family . I feel DY and DT suit each other better as DY is mature and sensible and has good business sense too while DT though immature is quit  lovable,  caring  and sensative. Him combined with DY they will make a a best couple and successful people in society.

I want YJ and SW to repent for being mean and heartless and wish they end up working for DY whom they have ditched and  looked down. That will be their real punishment

DY Aja fighting , my girl .:-)






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Rules of kdrama state that dy/yjwas never meant to be....first loves are not to be. It will be interesting to see yo try to talk day out of being with dt. yj attitude towards dy will get him especially when dt/dy start their thing which is upon us as we'vre nearing the 50 ep mark.

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wow did YJ realy have to treat DY like that? he really is a selfish man. i think he doing this so he dont get caught by HR or her ma.

i love that last scene the look on YJ face. when he see DT being the president son. i think now he will try to stop DY for falling for DT. the last thing he want is to see DY date a guy that treat her right. while he stuck with a spilor brat.

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I can't wait for DT to find out that DY ex fiance is YJ. DT will punch his stupid face. :w00t::w00t: DT is actually not interested in family biz but the way YJ treated him and worm his way into his family to take the family biz will spur DT interest in safeguarding his family biz and takes over the rein with help of DY. He will make YJ jealous and treat DY very well. He will be very upset on DY behalf at YJ.

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On July 1, 2016 at 11:13 PM, cheekychipmunk_stv said:

I can't wait for DT to find out that DY ex fiance is YJ. DT will punch his stupid face. :w00t::w00t: DT is actually not interested in family biz but the way YJ treated him and worm his way into his family to take the family biz will spur DT interest in safeguarding his family biz and takes over the rein with help of DY. He will make YJ jealous and treat DY very well. He will be very upset on DY behalf at YJ.


That typically how these type dramas go. I'm looking forward to the spoiled brat not being blood related. Yj will definitely try to make a name for himself via slush fund.

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EP 47:   So MrAmbition wants FarmGurl to quit her job?  

RichGurl wants to get married so she can wake up w/MrAmbition and then wait until dinner to see him again?  Must have been bad translations or that character is really dumb and getting the cheesiest lines ever.  

Can't wait until wedding planning and RichGurl's UppityMom is condescending to MrAmbition's mother.  UppityMom will never let her precious daughter love in MrAmbition's house.  

Now RichSon will date FarmGurl, MrAmbition and RichGurl marry,  and in 120 episodes we will have that KDrama unusual family of Xs, double in-laws, abandoned babies, half-siblings, and a ghost!

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5 hours ago, watchumlots said:

EP 47:   So MrAmbition wants FarmGurl to quit her job?  

RichGurl wants to get married so she can wake up w/MrAmbition and then wait until dinner to see him again?  Must have been bad translations or that character is really dumb and getting the cheesiest lines ever.  

Can't wait until wedding planning and RichGurl's UppityMom is condescending to MrAmbition's mother.  UppityMom will never let her precious daughter love in MrAmbition's house.  

Now RichSon will date FarmGurl, MrAmbition and RichGurl marry,  and in 120 episodes we will have that KDrama unusual family of Xs, double in-laws, abandoned babies, half-siblings, and a ghost!


I'm still waiting to find out if RichGirl is actually related to the RichFamily....because MrAmbition has jumped the gun like they always do thinking they are going to get the keys to hte kingdom, but in the end they lose more than they bargained for. I do agree that UppityMom is going to be so condenscing it will be hysterical,and so worth while! BTW love the new names....makes so much sense when referring to these characters!

As today's episode shows....MrAmbition is a chicken rear because yes he dumped FarmGurl to climb social latter, but it's not his place to tell her to leave, but again this is typical second lead villain who tries to get the ex out of the way because he will eventually blame FarmGurl when his plans fall into flame.

I wish they would speed up the RichSon/FarmGurl relationship already...I'm tired of MrAmbition and RichGurl...heck I was tired of MrAmbition in his previous drama....LOL

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whats wrong with DY why is she being, i am hating her blind attitude,she is really behaving like crazy,desperate,clingy ex girlfriend.

I am by no means justyfyting what YJ did to her but woman  come on Dan Yi dont u have self respect ,u r going behind a baffalo who has long gone for greener pastures or if u think u can really bring that baffalo back, then the ways u r using  will never work,instead prove your worth and make that fool repent.


SW another cliingy item of this show,is now clinging around DT why ? Does she know he is richy rich boy ???

just waiting to have some sense in DY and she paires up with DT to prove her worth as well as that of DT,so that YJ gets his lesson and realises that he really got a bad deal.

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even after the way YJ treat DY. DY still holding on to him. i really wish DY would let YJ go. he not worth for her to keep holding on. DT is a far better guy for her. if she would just look at him.

that money grabber SW is now trying to cling to DT after she hear DT defend his sister. by saying the rumor about her was wrong.

i really hope DT dont fall for this money grabber SW.

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